Commission: Going after her.

Story by Ophinia on SoFurry

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#16 of Commission

It started out very calm; a playful nibble and a few sweet words. Naturally, to Susan and Kelly, this had no other ending than the bed, where they'd give into primal needs that, despite having a primitive nature, meant a lot more than just sex. Not just the moment, but also the wave of fatigue after mattered. After all, in that time, they truly talk about circumstances. Kelly, however, had a question she wanted to ask for a long time, and tonight, she'd ask.

Oh no, I'm not talking about THE question, that one happened a long time ago, four years actually. This question had more to do with Kelly's work. She works in a day-care, and every day, she's reminded she cannot gain children by accident by the nature of their gender, which makes asking for children a question harder than straight couples can imagine. How much she loved babies was evident by her cooing and mother like attention to the infants she watched. Seeing them leave with their mother was heartbreaking, and being a fertile, fresh woman, she was harassed by her innards, which begged to care for something. Obviously, this gave her quite the fetish for breast-sucking and cooing.

This night, she'd pop her question. She held the fox's head against her breast, who slowly suckled the void organ while a set of fingers had firmly rooted themselves inside her posterior. As they slid in and out like a piston, the fox released moans from time to time that forced her to let go of the nipple in a blissful mix of pain and joy. The tabbercat held her close, rubbing the fox' back from time to time, cooing and saying all kinds of words. She, the cat, was at the same time being fingered and penetrated by the fox, who was equipped with a strap-on and using it too.

"Hush..." The cat whispered. "Mommy knows what she's doing." She said, slipping a third finger in the bunch. "Just keep drinking." She kissed the fox, leaking mucus from her Skene's glands. Whenever she didn't talk, she purred. A soft, gentle purr to tickle the fox. The fox slowly cradled, mostly to pump the strap-on into the cat, but also slightly to rub herself against the cat. The cat kissed the fox again, before letting her head go. "Come on; prove you love your mother." She whispered, giving the fox room to begin a strong, vigorous pump.

"Yes, mom." The fox replied, stabbing at the cat's insides. Every time she pulled out, she felt the fingers in her ass, touching her delicately with the hidden claws, stroking her damp insides. They used enemas, as to prevent both some getting any awkward, disgusting situations.

The fox pumped with strength and passion, somewhat more aimed than wild fire, poking to a spot their four years of marriage had shown; the g-spot. Suddenly, the cat burst into a loud moan.

"Yes, rub mommy just the right way!" She uttered, before bursting into a loud, monotone shout. The fox followed, as such a long relation has led to the synchronising of many things, amongst which was their orgasm. Falling somewhat limp from tired, the fox lowered herself on the cat and smiled.

"That was fun." She said, before kissing the cat. "How was your day, sweetie?"

"I want to talk about something else." The cat said, pulling the fox a little higher. She placed her hand in the fox' hair and caressed it. "We've been together so long... and... I... kinda feel like... having a little one." She stuttered, before closing her eyes.

"Really? ... I don't think we have the time to raise a baby." The fox answered.

"But I really want one. A little kit to call my own, smother and feed..."

"No, we don't have the time for a baby. We barely have time for each other." The fox kissed the cat and smiled. "I know you work at a day-care, but right now, we can't use another mouth to look after." The fox licked and purred. "Maybe later..."

It bothered her to know Susan wouldn't agree. The state doesn't allow couples to adopt without both consenting on it. She didn't want to wait for consent, wait for Susan to turn around and agree. She wanted a little baby now, and she knew how. As much as she loved and respected Susan, she wanted a baby, and figured the best one would be Susan herself. She called a friend, a shady chemist, who had the solution. And so, a month later, after having made preparations, she popped the pills into a drink.

It was a quiet, normal night. Kelly drank her tea, thinking about what she was about to do. She already placed the pills in Susan's cup, and waited for her to come out of the bedroom. Susan wasn't dressed, since she preferred nudity after a day of working in a suit, running around with paperwork. It bothered Kelly quite a lot at first, but after a while, she followed the example, which improved the rhythm they had for each day. The fox plunged onto the couch and took a sip from the tea.

"I hate Tuesdays. It's always the same." The fox commented, drinking the cooling tea.

"I know, hun." The cat kissed her. "Just relax." She said, petting the fox.

"I know, I know." The fox replied annoyed, gulping down the remainder of tea. "I'm just a bit pissed, that's all." She placed the cup on the small table and turned to the cat. The cat understood her idea and turned, giving the fox a nice open stomach to lie on. "Thanks..." The fox said, lowering herself on the stomach, before slowly sucking one of the nipples.

"It's okay. Just relax." The cat looked at the suckling fox, who hummed soft as she sucked the nipple with full strength, until it became a bit odd. "Hey, hey! If you want to have sex, just ask!" The cat said, feeling a fang sink in her nipple. However, the fox continued, only crying slightly. "Susan?" The cat looked at the fox, who appeared quite focussed on suckling. Slowly, she noticed a very young, juvenile glitter in the tears, meaning she was crying over the attitude. The cat pulled the fox a little higher, who cried a little. "Who's a little baby?" She asked, cooing her. "My little Suzy's a baby, that's right!" She hugged the fox and nuzzles her. "I love my little foxy. You stay... right here and I'll get you a nice diapie and a pacifier." The cat giggle, placing the confused and drooling fox on the couch and heading to the closet. She had prepared for the fox and smiled as she placed a fresh diaper on her. The fox began to gentle suck her thumb, looking with very blank eyes at the cat, drooling on herself. The cat looked at the fox, before a stench reached her nose. It was a sharp, foul stench, and quickly, she realised the fox had soiled herself. The cat smiled and handed the dumbstruck fox the pacifier. "Looks like you need a changy."

As gleeful as the start was, seeing the adult-baby suckle and coo made her a little down. The creature grabbed at the cat, and it made her happy, and as she changed the diaper with a smiled, her mood fell.

"Little Suzy's all dirty..." The cat smiled as she tossed the dirty diaper in a bin and cleaned the dirty butt. "You're such a dirty baby." When she put the diaper on, she looked at the face of the fox, seeing the hollow eyes again.

"Bubububi.." The creature spoke. She saw the hollow eyes of her lover, before realising that, what she married loved and wanted to parent with, had vanished into mindlessness. The fox stared, no longer gazed, into her eyes. There was no cute face, just random babbling and shifting expressions. The cat suddenly realised what she did was not just rash, but also reckless. She figured Susan would make a nice baby, a fact, but never considered what life is like without Susan. She wanted to raise a child with Susan, not raise Susan. The cat leaned forward and kissed the fox, getting no reply other than a cute slap on her nose.

"I... I'm sorry..." She uttered, tears sprouting in her eyes. Her arms grabbed the fox and picked her up, before rocking the infantile adult. She cried, leaking snot, as she realised how much she blew for nothing. The baby continue to babble and drool, sometimes staying silent as it sucked it's thumb.

"Bambambam!" It said, slowly closing it's eyes to fall asleep.

"D-don't worry... I... I'll do what I can." The cat cooed the fox, showing a wobbly smile as she hoped to calm her. "Please... fall asleep... it'll be alright." She said, as if she talked to an adult. As the fox fell into an innocent sleep, the cat walked to the bed, before lowering the fox in it. "Sleep tight... once you wake up... it'll be alright."

It took her some courage, but a while later, she had prepared herself. The cat put a diaper on herself, crying and whimpering as she felt the materials hug her. "If... she's a baby... I hope... I can grow up with her... and she'll forgive me..." She cried, before putting the pills in a glass of water. Then, she reached for a phone, dialling 911 before talking with a shivering voice. "H-hello? T-t-there's been an... a-accident..." Was all she could say, before dropping the phone and grabbing the glass. "I hope we'll still love each other..." She spoke, before gulping down the mind retarding brew. With her mind regressing to infantilism, she limped to the bedroom, losing her ability to walk as she slid next to the cat. She shivered as her body slowly lost control of it's bowels. "I'm sowwies, Suzy... I wuv yews..." Was the last thing she said, before she lost her ability to speak. Suddenly, her diaper filled with poop, a result of her regressing skill. She purred, loving the feel of a gooey, warm diaper on her butt, stinking up the room and relieving her from her pressure. She loved it as it pressed against her, making the diaper bigger and browner as warm, lovely goo dribbled through. Her last sound, before falling asleep as baby was a long, blissful moan.

The police found her, far gone in her regression. Both of them were regressed, dumbfounding the cops as they checked on them. After assessing they weren't playing, a mental institute came to pick them up, and take them away. After all, they weren't paid to bring adults in soiled diapers to hospitals.

They were put together, as they apparently had issues whenever split apart. They were being treated, although nobody knew IF they would ever grow up again. Right now, they were playing with blocks, sitting in smelly, soiled diapers, chewing on soft toy blocks, smiling and giggling, blissfully unaware of the world around them. As Kelly built a small tower of blocks, Susan continued her chewing. And one could know they still loved each other, though they were too young to express or realise it.