"Alpha" Wolf - Chapter 6

Story by IgnaviaVulpes on SoFurry

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#6 of "Alpha" Wolf

***This is the final chapter and takes a bit of a slower turn. Less sex and more character focus. Also, watersports is included.***

Marlvur woke up to the sound of the door opening. He wasn't sure how long he had managed to sleep this time around but he didn't feel nearly as exhausted as he had when he passed out. His face was still stuck flush to the mechanism of the toilet, all the struggling he had done over the course of the night having had little effect on how tightly he was tied. The brown wolf had done a good job of binding him. His wrists were raw and bleeding from the cuffs and his ankles were much the same, the fur having been torn off from the friction of him struggling against the rope.

His body ached all over, his back stiff and aching from supporting so more weight than usual for such an extended time and his feet were sore from being forced to stand the entire night. Not to mention the ache in his tail hole from being fucked so many times. His eyes flicked down to the floor to watch the feet approaching from under the stall and then his eyes flicked up when the male entered the stall, letting out a muffled sigh of relief through the underwear that Travis had stuffed into his maw. Travis felt like such a long time ago to Marlvur and so many men had fucked him since that he couldn't even count, but the humiliation of remembering that was nothing compared to his surprising relief at seeing the brown wolf enter the stall.

"My, my, my." the brown wolf said with a bit of a smirk on his face, "Look at how well used you are.." he said as he caressed the smaller wolf's rump teasingly, stepping back for a moment to take a few more pictures of him. He certainly looked a mess. The broken condom the brown wolf had put across his snout at the start of the night had been joined by so many condoms that the overflow and moved to the top of his head, draped across his ears and the back of his neck. "Did you learn your lesson?" the brown wolf asked him.

Marlvur started to speak, his voice muffled by the underwear and the brown wolf chuckled slightly as he reached in to pull the underwear out, dropping it to the floor and smirking a bit as he looked at it. "Guess someone got tired of listening to you talk finally," he said with a teasing wink as he patted Marlvur's butt again. "Now, did you learn your lesson, puppy? And think real hard before answering, and about how you answer me." he said.

Nervously Marlvur shifted his legs slightly, whimpering as the rope dug into his burned skin and said, "Y-yes I learned my lesson, sir." he whimpered out, trying to be as respectful as possible to the older wolf, letting his eyes fall to the floor meekly as he waited for the response, hoping his answer was good enough.

"Kind of a plain response, but I'll know if you learned your lesson or not in a moment here." the brown wolf said, taking a backpack from his back that Marlvur had been unable to see and opening it up. From within, he pulled a glass tankard which he set on the toilet paper receptacle, in Marlvur's view. Then, he reached over and started to take the condoms off of Marlvur, starting first at his neck. He untied the opening to each one, slowly working the cum from each one and pouring it into the tankard. Marlvur watched, starting to feel sicker to his stomach by the moment as he watched the tankard slowly being filled. By the time he made it to the condoms on his muzzle, the tankard was already half full. "This is a 34 ounce tankard pup," the brown wolf said with a grin as he kept going, "This is just how much cum men put in you safely last night! I can't imagine how many just dumped a load right inside you."

Marlvur let out a whimper and didn't respond. He had no response, he also couldn't tell the brown wolf how many men had fucked him. Dozens for sure, there had been few times during the night that he didn't have a cock inside of him. When all of the condoms were off of his snout and emptied into the tankard, the thing was brimming with cum and almost overflowing each time it shook even a little bit, "That's a lot of cum pup." the brown wolf said, winking as he pulled out his phone and started to record. "And you're going to drink it all." he said.

That made Marlvur's eyes clench shut since that was almost exactly what he had been expecting to hear when the cum got poured into the tankard. He didn't bother begging, he just nodded his head as much as he could and whimpered softly, "Ok." he said. That made the brown wolf grin and then he reached out, starting to untie the knot on the leash, "I'm going to let you stand up so you can drink it easier," he said simply, "But if you do anything funny..." he warned, stopping for a moment, "Are you going to be a good boy?"

When that paw had started to untie the knot on the leash Marlvur had whimpered in relief and delight, and when the brown wolf asked him that question he nodded his head anxiously, his body trembling, "Y-yes sir I'll be a good boy. Please let me stand, I'll be a good boy." he said, reassuring the brown wolf eagerly. The brown wolf just chuckled and finished untying the knot, then put his paws under Marlvur's shoulders and helped him stand, making sure he was steady. As Marlvur stood up, he whimpered and gasped, his cramped muscles that had been locked firmly in position for so long getting to stretch and move, the pain from it hurt but also felt so good that Marlvur couldn't describe it.

As he stood, he felt the brown wolf's paws moving to the chastity cage Travis and Julia had put on his cock and he laughed out loud. "Someone really was an asshole to you pup, they riveted this cage to your dick." he said, smirking as Marlvur stared at him, "That ain't coming off without using a power saw near your dick." the brown wolf said, his eyes twinkling, "And I don't think you want that. Of course, I don't intend on letting you fuck anything any time soon anyways." he added, reaching over for the tankard and holding it up so Marlvur could see. "I'm gonna hold it so you can drink.. if you need a break just jingle your cuffs." he said playfully.

Marlvur listened to the wolf's speech about his riveted cock cage and felt his ears go flat to his head, then stared at the tankard of cum with nervous anticipation. The brown wolf brought it to his lips and he whimpered softly, closing his eyes as he opened his maw slightly so the lip could enter his maw and then the brown wolf tilted it, cum starting to pour into Marlvur's mouth. He wanted to gag right away. Most of the cum that had been poured in was cold from being in a condom all night and drinking it was awkward since it didn't exactly flow like a normal liquid. And the taste... there were so many different species of cum in that glass and they were all intermingling and some of it was far saltier than the rest. Needless to say, he struggled to drink it, the slimy liquid coating his maw and lips as he sucked it down, having to actively try to drink from the mug to make it go faster.

He thought that having had Jeremy cum in his mouth earlier would have gotten him used to the feeling of swallowing it, or at least giving him something to expect, but this was nothing like the fresh cum that Jeremy had shot into his mouth. The cold cum moved even slower and clumped up in his maw and throat, making it so that sometimes he had to swallow twice just to get one gulp of it down. His tail was firmly tucked between his legs all the while, and at one point he did have to jingle the cuffs so that the brown wolf would pull the mug away. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the mug was only a fourth of the way gone and he let out a soft whine, shifting nervously. He wanted to ask if he really had to drink it all, but thought that he might be punished for it. Instead, he simply whimpered and then opened his maw again. But the brown wolf laughed a bit, "How does it taste pup? And you can be honest."

Nervously Marlvur opened his eyes and closed his maw, looking at the brown wolf. "It tastes disgusting.. its cold and its too thick." he said, his voice practically a whimper. That made the brown wolf smirk and then he held the tankard back up for Marlvur.

"I expected it to, keep drinking." he said simply, making Marlvur whimper but he did as he was told, opening his maw again and taking the disgusting liquid into his maw once more, gulping heavily to get the cum down his throat. He was trying to just focus on swallowing, but it was hard because of how strong the taste was, not to mention the scent coming from the glass itself assaulted his senses, making him squirm where he stood. He lost track of himself as he swallowed until the brown wolf pulled the mug away. He was confused as he finished gulping and opened his eyes, looking at the tankard and blinking when he saw that it was only half empty.

"Why'd you stop?" he asked, not exactly complaining but grateful for it.

"I'm going to give you a choice," he said with a grin as he held the tankard in his paw, looking at it slowly and flicking his tail idly. "You can keep chugging this cum down like a good little cum slut," he said casually, smirking when Marlvur let out a whine at the teasing words, "Or I can dump this on you and we can walk to my car with you naked, covered in cum, and reeking like a whore." he said. "Your choice."

That comment about reeking like a whore made Marlvur whimper but he had to seriously consider... did he want to leave here, covered in cum or did he want to finish drinking it? After all, he already reeked and the fur on his face and ass were matted down from cum already... Nervously he nodded his head, his tail flicking idly behind him as he lowered himself down a bit, propping himself up against the toilet but lower than he had been before. "P-please dump it over me sir." he said softly, closing his eyes and giving his tail a flick as he waited. The only warning he had was the brown wolf's chuckle before he felt the cold, slimy cum being dumped over his head, the first of it landing right between his hears, his ears going flat in an attempt to keep the liquid out of them though some still found its way into them, messing with his hearing as the rest began to drip down his face, covering his eyes and moving down his snout, his nostrils flaring as he blew out to keep any from actually entering his nose.

It was a disgusting feeling and the scent was so strong that he almost wanted to vomit from it. Yet for some reason he didn't hate the sensation, in fact, as it all dripped down his body he found that his cock was straining heavily against the chastity cage that Travis had riveted onto his cock, and the realization that some part of him was excited by this action made his tail tuck more firmly between his legs. Pouring the cum over him didn't take nearly as long as him drinking it had, and soon the sensation of cum hitting the top of his head stopped. He waited a moment then wiped his eyes with his paws, smiling weakly at the brown wolf as he shifted. "All done," the brown wolf said with a smirk as he used a rag to wipe out the tankard, dropping it on the floor once he was done then putting the tankard into his backpack. Afterwards, he knelt, fidgeting with the rope around Marlvur's ankles for a moment until it went limp and fell from Marlvur's legs. Marlvur let out a sigh of relief and whimpered as he shifted.

"T-thank you.." he whined out softly, his ears going flat to his head, looking down at the ground as he stood up, groaning softly as he took a step, his thighs protesting the movement after being trapped in the same position for so long.

The brown wolf chuckled and grabbed ahold of the chain between the cuffs that held Marlvur's paws behind his back, "You're welcome pup." he said simply as he undid the cuffs easily, a soft click to be heard as they were taken off, Marlvur rubbing his wrists in relief, the skin sore and the fur almost gone from where the cuffs had been chafing. "Now come on," the brown wolf said, "Follow me." he rumbled.

"F-follow you?" Marlvur asked in confusion, shifting where he stood in whimpering. "W-where are we going? I want to go home.." he said nervously.

"You can go home when I'm done with you." he said, holding the stall door open for Marlvur, "Unless you want to walk home naked and reeking of cum? It's a good thirty minute walk to your place if you want to get going. Or you can come back to my place and have a shower and sit down to have a nice long talk with me." After giving this short speech the brown wolf shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's up to you."

Nervously Marlvur looked at the ground and then nodded his head, "O-ok." he said hesitantly, "Y-you aren't going to hurt me anymore?" he asked with a soft whimper, feeling weak and vulnerable, a feeling that he thought he would hate but was surprised to find out it wasn't too bad.

The brown wolf chuckled and patted his shoulder gently, "No, I'm not going to hurt you anymore." he said simply. He led Marlvur outside and, much to Marlvur's relief, opened the back door of the SUV parked right outside it. The backseats had been taken out and across the floor were a couple of towels which the brown wolf directed Marlvur to sit on. "Don't want to get the back of my car filthy." he said, eyes twinkling as he chuckled from the whine that those words got out of Marlvur. Still, Marlvur crawled into the back seat of the car and then laid down on the towels, resting his head on his arms as he closed his eyes, relieved to finally be able to lay down. "Get comfortable kid, I'll try to drive easy. It's about a forty five minute drive so sleep if you can." the brown wolf said simply. Marlvur just nodded his head in response and closed his eyes, not needing much encouragement to sleep. Before the car had even started, he found himself drifting, and as the brown wolf started to drive, he was already asleep.



He woke up to the sensation of being picked up, paws working under his knees and one under his neck and lifting him bridal style against the brown wolf's chest. He looked up sleepily, confused as the brown wolf looked down at him, "Oh now you decide to wake up?" the brown wolf asked, though it was in more of a teasing way than an actually angry way, "I tried to get you up for a good minute or two and you were just out!"

"I'm sorry, I'm just sleepy." Marlvur mumbled. His tongue felt heavy in his maw and despite the amount of time it'd been since drinking it, the taste of cum was still heavy in his mouth. "Can I have some water?" he asked as he noticed they were walking through the kitchen, his eyes locking onto the brown wolf's face.

The brown wolf smiled a bit and said, "What do we say when we're asking for things?" he asked.

Marlvur flicked his tail and rested his head against the older wolf's chest and said, "May I please have some water?"

The brown wolf chuckled and patted his bottom, "When we get to the bathroom I'll get you some water." he said, patting Marlvur on the rump. Marlvur blushed a bit at the pat but didn't protest or complain. They walked down a carpeted hallway and then into a decently sized bathroom, a big tub against one wall with a window looking out into the fenced in back yard and then the sink and the toilet against the other wall, a closet holding all the towels and extra toiletries the brown wolfed own. "My name is Cody, by the way." the brown wolf said with a grin, "Since you seem to have forgotten it since my sister told you."

Marlvur blushed and looked at the ground as he was set down, his tail tucking between his legs slowly, "I um, I don't think she ever told me." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head, "Or if she did I wasn't listening."

That made the brown wolf chuckle, "You seem like the type." he said simply as patted Marlvur on the shoulder, "I'll be right back with your water, get the water running to the temperature you like."

Marlvur watched him leave then looked at the tub. He walked over to it stiffly, his body still aching all over. His paw reached out to turn on the water and turned the knob slowly until it was pleasantly warm, then he shifted and sat on the toilet, waiting. As he waited, he started to really notice all the sore spots on his body, including his tail hole. He almost wanted to cry from all the pain that he really felt, though the feeling that he felt over all was relief to finally be out of that bathroom. Cody came back, a glass of water in his paw and naked. He handed Marlvur the cup and Marlvur gratefully drank, the cool water feeling good on his throat as he gulped it down though the taste of cum didn't really go anywhere. "That's a good boy, gotta stay hydrated." Cody said teasingly as he reached into his medicine cabinet, pulling out a bottle of mouth wash and pouring some into a small paper cup, "Here, swish this around nice and good." he said, "Should get rid of the taste of all that cum." he said with a smirk.

Marlvur blushed but set his glass down and took the paper cup gratefully, pouring the mouthwash into his maw and swishing it good. The alcoholic burn was surprisingly nice compared to the taste of old cum. When he was done swishing, he stood up and walked to the sink, leaning over to spit out the mouth wash and then took another drink of water, his mouth feeling better now that it was clean. "Thank you," he rumbled as he smiled at Cody, his tail still tucked shyly between his legs. The brown wolf just smirked at him and shook his head a bit, patting his rump.

"In the shower," Cody said, taking his own words upon himself as he stepped into the tub, waiting for Marlvur to join. Marlvur didn't hesitate, though he was a little bit anxious about showering with the older male. It really did surprise him how much bigger Cody was than himself, after all for a long time he was the biggest wolf he'd ever seen. But Cody was tall enough that Marlvur could tuck his head under the male's chin while standing and his cock was... much bigger, to say the least. Not that he was hard right now, but Marlvur could more than remember from memory. Marlvur stepped into the tub and Cody closed the curtain, humming softly as he turned on the shower and Marlvur let out a soft but pleased gasp as the warm water started to gush over them. "Like that huh? Bet it feels nice after last night." he murmured with a smile on his face.

Marlvur nodded his head and closed his eyes, turning his face up towards the water, reaching up to start to scrub a bit as he attempted to clean the matted cum from his fur. As soon as he started trying to clean though, his paws were moved away and he was turned around. His face turned red beneath his fur as Cody started to scrub his face with a wash cloth, whimpering and whining from how rough the bigger male was being but holding still for him. He wasn't sure why it felt so natural for him to allow the wolf to do whatever he wanted, but some part of him felt that it was right and he was finding himself enjoying the feeling. After a few moments of Cody cleaning his face with the soapy rag, the brown wolf turned him towards the water to rinse his face off, still humming to himself as he moved to the rest of Marlvur's body.

Cody was meticulous, starting at his neck and scrubbing all around him, not hesitating at all to push himself up against Marlvur's back to scrub his body down from behind. And Marlvur found that he was quite enjoying the attention, relaxing as he got used to it and closing his eyes, the big brown wolf scrubbing shampoo into his fur and massaging his cramped muscles at the same time. "Does that feel good puppy?" Cody asked softly, whispering into his ear.

"Yes," Marlvur said, moaning softly as he leaned forwards a bit, resting his arm against the shower wall and gave his tail a slow flick. That made Cody chuckle, the brown wolf's paws moving down to scrub at Marlvur's lower back, an area where there had been copious amounts of cum that he had to scrub.

"They really did a number on you last night," he rumbled out as he squeezed Marlvur's rump, reaching to grip his tail and tugging it up playfully, starting to clean around his tail hole. He was far more gentle in this area than he had been on his back, belly, and face. "So puffy and red," he said playfully as he also cleaned Marlvur's caged balls.

When Marlvur felt the paws move to his caged cock he remembered it, letting out a soft whimper as he looked down. "Do you think there's any way we could get this cage off?" he asked nervously.

Cody chuckled at that and turned Marlvur around before kneeling in front of him. Now that Marlvur got a good look at it, he saw that the cage was a very sturdy metal cage, the cage rather thick and shiny. The cage part of the device connected to the ring directly and would normally be kept on whatever cock it was on by a lock... except instead of a lock, Travis had used a sturdy rivet. "Mm, sorry pup. Even if I wanted to take that off, I'd have to use a power saw." he said with a bit of a grin, "And even if I wanted to risk putting power tools near your junk, the sparks would hurt like hell."

"S-so I'm just stuck like this?" he asked with a soft whine, his ears going flat to his head as he looked down, shifting where he stood as he felt tears well up in his eyes again. He had been starting to think that things would go back to normal now that he had been let out of that bathroom, but it seemed that there would be at least one constant reminder to his humiliation. Before he knew it, his shoulders started to shake and he was sobbing softly.

Cody noticed immediately and stood up, reaching out to wrap his arms around the crying wolf, hugging him close and stroking his back as he cooed into his ear. "There there," he said as he nuzzled into the smaller wolf's neck, "You may not be able to top anymore but it's not like you can't have sex. Hell, I wasn't going to let you top anymore anyways." he rumbled out.

Marlvur leaned into the hug that Cody offered and felt himself relaxing as his back was stroked by the larger wolf, his sobs slowing down and then stopping completely as he heard Cody starting to speak. "Y-you weren't gonna let me t-top?" he asked, wiping his nose on the back of his paw and sniffling again, looking up at Cody and placing his paws on the brown wolf's chest. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Cody just smiled at the wolf and reached up to caress his cheek gently. "Well you're my pup now." he said simply, "I own you." he rumbled as he tilted Marlvur's chin up and gave the collar that he still wore a firm tug.

"O-own me?" he squeaked out anxiously, his face as red as could be as he looked up at Cody, "I-i.." he said, not sure what to say.

Cody patted Marlvur on the shoulder then put his paws on his sides, placing his forehead against the other wolf's letting the water wash over them. "Yes, I own you." he said simply, "First and foremost because I was the first man to breed your ass, which if we're going by more traditional standards, is enough for me to claim ownership." he said with twinkling eyes, "But then, I also have plenty of blackmail if it gets to that stage." Marlvur whimpered at the mention of blackmail and opened his maw to protest but Cody stopped him, "I'm hoping that we don't have to go that far," he said simple, "I want you to be a good boy for me. You'll be fucked again, you'll suck my cock, and you'll sleep with me. Hell, I might even share you with some of my friends." he said simply."

He stopped speaking after that, moving his paw away from Marlvur's lips and raising an eyebrow as if he expected a response. "I-i..." Marlvur said, looking at his feet, "I mean, I'm not really gay." he whined out softly, "I don't have any interest in being a pup o-or.." His words stuttered to a halt, not sure what else to say.

Cody chuckled in response, his paw reaching up to stroke Marlvur's cheek, the smaller wolf leaning his face into the stroking paw without noticing. "You're perfectly suited to being a pup," he said simply, "And not gay? After last night, I don't care what you say, I think we can qualify you as gay." he said with a teasing wink

Nervously Marlvur shifted and looked down. It was true. Even though he had been raped by the end of it he had found himself starting to like the fuckings themselves. Jeremy had probably had a lot to do with that, the colt had been surprisingly gentle despite everything and he had done the least to humiliate Marlvur... other than making him ask for things he claimed not to want. "W-what does that mean for me then?" he whimpered out, looking up at Cody.

"What does it mean for you?" Cody asked with a smile, reaching past Marlvur to turn off the water, leaving them soaking wet and standing in the tub. "Hmm.. it means that you'll be a good boy." he said, "It means that you'll have a loving alpha who's fair but firm. You'll get all the sex I want," he added, smirking at the way he phrased it, "and more."

"So.. I'm not gonna be just a booty call?" he asked hesitantly, "Someone to pump cum into and then run?"

"Of course not," Cody said as he groped Marlvur's rump playfully, getting out of the tub and pulling Marlvur after, shifting him over to the full body fur dryer that had been built into the floor. As the warm air blew up through their fur, Cody rubbed Marlvur's side. "I very much intend to treat you like any boyfriend would... and considerably better than you treated my sister. After all, I'm not an ass hole like you."

Marlvur opened his maw to respond but couldn't find any words to say, so instead he just stood there, letting himself be dried off by the air. Once they were both dry, Cody smiled and casually hooked a paw into his collar, pulling him across the hall and into Cody's bedroom. It was a rather simple room, a queen sized bed in the middle with windows on either side of it. Across the room from the bed was a dresser with a TV sitting on it, and that was it for the furniture in the room.

Cody took Marlvur to the bed, smiling as he pulled the blankets back and laid down, patting the bed next to him and waiting for Marlvur to join him. When the smaller wolf did, he found himself shifting until he was pressed up against Cody, looking at him questioningly. Cody just smiled and covered them both with the blankets, "For now," he said simply, "I'm sure you're exhausted. Get some sleep pup."

Marlvur hesitated for a moment then nodded his head, he started to lay his head down on a pillow then looked up at Cody and bit his lip, moving to rest his head on Cody's neck instead, draping an arm over his chest. "That's a good boy," Cody said with a grin, "Suck up to your new alpha..." he rumbled softly.

That made Marlvur blush but he just closed his eyes, relaxing as he best he could against the older male. It was surprising to him how nice it was to be pushed up against the other's warm body. He'd slept with his girlfriend a few times but never had sleeping with his arms around her felt as good as him laying draped across the older wolf. The second his eyes closed and he got relaxed, he found himself drifting off to sleep.



Marlvur woke up first. He could tell it was late because there was no sunlight coming in through the windows and the only real light was a small light plugged directly into an outlet near the door. He was still curled up against Cody, though at some point one of them had kicked the blankets off so they were both uncovered.

Marlvur felt... good. He didn't know of any other way to phrase how he felt. His body ached a bit but he had slept very well and was still enjoying the feeling of being pressed against the older wolf. Cody snored suddenly, making Marlvur jump a bit and then he couldn't help but giggle softly at his own reaction. It was such a huge turn around for him. Yesterday he had fucked his girlfriend and brought another girl home to fuck her too... and today.. today his cock was locked up behind a chastity cage that he had no idea how he was going to get out of it and he had been fucked so many times... Not to mention, he had enjoyed much of it. Did that make him gay? Did it make him a slut? He let out a soft sigh since he couldn't come up with an answer.

And Cody... Cody had leverage over him and clearly wanted him as a bitch. He hadn't really threatened to use the leverage yet and it seemed that as long as Marlvur continued to be good for him he wouldn't have to worry about it. And was it really that bad? He didn't like thinking it, after all, just a day ago he had considered himself an alpha. But here he was, curled up against another male... and it felt amazing.

His paw started to rub up and down Cody's chest, trying to figure out his own feelings. As his paw rubbed, it bumped into something warm and he blushed heavily, realizing he had just touched Cody's very hard cock. He looked down at it, the red flesh glinting in the small amount of light available to his eyes and he froze, licking his lips nervously.

He remembered the way that Jeremy's cock had tasted when the stallion had used his maw and he was curious. Sucking the horse's cock hadn't been that bad... and Cody was going to get into his maw one way or another eventually. He flicked his ears, letting out a soft sigh as some part of him thought about how much easier it would be just to submit and be a good pup. He slid down Cody's body, his own body trembling as he lowered his maw towards that cock head, breathing heavily. He was nervous and a little bit embarrassed at his own thought process... but he didn't think on it to long, opening his maw and wrapping his lips around the head of the throbbing wolf cock in front of him before he changed his mind.

The taste of the wolf's cock assaulted his tongue almost immediately. They had both showered and been cleaned before they got into bed, but over the course of sleeping they had both sweated a little bit. Because of that, the bigger wolf's cock was delightfully musky, his flesh salty. Marlvur was surprised at how much he liked the taste, his eyes closing as he slowly started to take more in, his tongue working at the flesh nervously.

He was rewarded for his efforts by a soft groan that escaped the maw of the still sleeping brown wolf, Marlvur freezing for a moment when he heard it before he was satisfied that he was still asleep, eyes closing as he continued to take the fat wolf cock into his maw. It didn't take long for him to make it deep enough for that cock to be tickling the back of his throat and he froze for a moment, hesitating. Then he remembered Jeremy saying, "All good boys deep throat cock." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose, starting to push his head down farther. He gagged as it teased the back of his throat but he pushed past it, his throat spreading around the throbbing cock.

"Good boy," Cody's voice rumbled sleepily, the brown wolf grinning as his paw moved to rest on Marlvur's head. "And I thought I was actually going to have to use some of those videos I was sent." he said playfully as Marlvur quickly pulled off of that cock, coughing a bit and blushing as he looked shyly up at Cody. "Aww, why'd you stop. That was starting to feel really good." he rumbled.

Marlvur blushed and shifted, "You liked it?" he asked nervously, crawling up to lay next to Cody again, tilting his head as he tried to tuck himself into the older wolf.

"Did I like it? Hell yea I liked it." he said with a smirk, "You've got a great mouth," he said, reaching up to tease the pup's cheek with his paw, "Needs a little bit of training but it'll get plenty of practice so we don't have to worry about that."

Marlvur just blushed and then hesitantly placed his paws on Cody's chest. Cody raised an eyebrow curiously and Marlvur just shifted so that he could raise his face to Cody's. Before he even knew what he was doing he was kissing Cody, his eyes closing as he just pressed his lips against the brown wolf's. Really it was just a quick peck, not a full on kiss, but Cody still grinned when Marlvur pulled back. "Guess this means I'm not going to be fighting with you to get you to submit, huh?" he asked playfully.

Marlvur shifted and smiled weakly as his tail started to wag slowly. "I figured... there's no real point to fighting it." he said, looking up at Cody through his eye lashes, "And if I'm being honest with myself, cuddling with you while I slept... showering with you... none of it was nearly as bad as I expected."

Cody smiled at him and reached out to caress his cheek, "Well I'm glad to hear that pup." he murmured. That paw moved from his cheek slowly onto Marlvur's head and then he was being pushed down towards Cody's cock again, "But you started something and left it unfinished... that's not something that good pups do, now is it?" he asked with a smirk.

Marlvur froze then blushed as his nose came into contact with the throbbing length of the bigger wolf. He let out a soft sigh but didn't hesitate to open his maw, taking the cock into his maw once more, his tongue swirling around the tapered tip as he closed his eyes as tightly as he could, sliding himself down farther onto it and grunting through his nostrils as he began to bob his head.

Cody relaxed, one paw resting on the back of Marlvur's head and scratching behind his ears as he smirked down at him. One part of him was amazed that the wolf had caved so quickly, though he expected how easily he was submitting was due in large part to the cage that prevented the wolf from getting hard. The other part of him was too busy enjoying the sloppy blowjob of the inexperienced male to care if he was submitting or not.

"Mm fuck pup," Cody said, arching his back and then pumping his hips up a bit, listening to the gagging sound Marlvur made as his tip touched the back of Marlvur's throat. "You keep up with that and you're gonna have blowing my load in no time." he said with a soft sigh of pleasure, then reluctantly tangled his paw in Marlvur's fur and pulled his head off slowly, listening to the pup's heavy breathing. "But as much as I can't wait to see how you like your first taste of wolf cum," the brown wolf said, reaching out to pat Marlvur's bottom. "I want you to ride me."

Marlvur whimpered as he was pulled off of that cock and looked up at Cody, his tail flicking nervously. "P-please not right now." he said with a soft whine, his ears going flat to his head. "My tail still hurts from.. from.. ya know." he said sheepishly, looking at the ground. "C-can't I just blow you for now and I can ride you when my tail hurts less?"

Cody looked him in the face, reaching out and then tugging on the collar that was around Marlvur's neck, using it to forcefully pull Marlvur's face up to his. Marlvur shifted nervously as he was pulled forcefully, feeling the tightness of the collar being pulled on as he let out a nervous whine. "Tell you what pup," Cody said, his cock throbbing as a smirk appeared on his face. "Since you're going to do it anyways... I'll make you a deal. Want to hear it?" he asked.

Marlvur whimpered softly, figuring that he wasn't going to like this deal no matter what it was and then nodded his head, "Y-yes alpha." he said nervously.

Cody smirked and then stood up, stretching his arms over his head as he looked at Marlvur. He grabbed the collar he wore roughly and pulled him along, Marlvur scrambling and struggling to keep his feet while he was pulled across the hall into the bathroom. Then, he was pushed into the bath tub and down onto his knees. Cody stood in front of him, cock throbbing in his face. "You don't want me to breed you right now... that's fine. You have a good reason. But you have a choice," he said, slapping Marlvur's face with his cock slowly. "Drink my piss or get fucked. Take your pick."

Marlvur gulped as he was offered up the ultimatum. He looked at the cock in front of his face and whined softly. He didn't want to get fucked again, not so soon with his tail hole still aching with every slight move he made, but he also didn't want to drink piss. Of course, the bigger wolf had said he'd be doing it eventually anyways. He grimaced, realizing once more that he was going to have a lot of adjusting to do as he accepted his new position.

He let out a soft whine and then leaned forward. "I-i'll drink your piss alpha." he stuttered out, opening his maw and wrapping his cock around the head of Cody's cock.

That made Cody grin. "What a good boy I have," he said with a smile. The wolf shifted and got more comfortable, his legs spread slightly and both paws resting on the side of Marlvur's head. It took a moment, but then Cody grunted and Marlvur had to try not to gag as piss flooded his maw. "There we go..." Cody sighed happily, his eyes opening to look down at Marlvur.

Marlvur's eyes watered from the intensity of the taste, the liquid hot in his maw as it sprayed so forcefully at the back of his throat. It tasted acrid and the feeling of it going down his throat felt so wrong... but he gulped as much as he could, a constant flow of liquid pouring down his throat as the bigger wolf unleashed into his mouth.

He wasn't sure how long he knelt there, gulping down mouthful after mouthful of musky wolf urine, but when the flow ended, he found himself still gulping, suckling at the tip of the bigger wolf's cock like he was trying to finish emptying his bladder through a straw. "Good puppy," Cody said with a sigh, starting to buck his hips into Marlvur's maw. "Now I really own you," he said, petting his head with a smirk. "Now, give me a nice blowjob and get your first taste of your alpha's cum, you don't have long to go." the big wolf said.

Marlvur whimpered a bit, not even given a chance to take a break after that humiliating act. He trembled for a moment, his eyes closing before he started to bob his head, matching Cody's bucking hips as his paws reached up to stroke what wasn't in his maw. He was afraid to deep throat, the feeling of the piss in his stomach still making him want to vomit and he was worried that deep throating that cock would trigger his gag reflex.

Cody seemed to pick up on this and didn't force him to go any deeper, simply moving one of Marlvur's paws to his knot. Marlvur felt it, the huge knob of flesh filling out his paw nicely as he groped and squeezed at it, tugging behind it as he milked the bigger wolf for his cum. Shortly after, Cody let out a loud groan of pleasure and hot wolf cum flooded his maw.

Marlvur had been nervous about it, but was much relieved to find that it wasn't nearly as bad as he thought it would be. Cody's cum was thick and slimy and had a very salty taste to it, much like Jerome's, but Cody's flavor was distinctly different... he just couldn't think of how to describe it.

Cody grunted each time his cock throbbed to spray seed into Marlvur's maw, and Marlvur gulped each load down obediently, the cum sliding down his throat to join his alpha's piss in his stomach. Before long, Cody was pulling Marlvur off his cock and stroking his face. Marlvur panted heavily, resting his head on Cody's thigh to catch his breath. He heard the sound of the shower turning on and gasped as cold water hit them, but it didn't take long to warm up.

He looked up at Cody who just smiled down at him. "Good boy." Cody said, using his collar to pull him to a standing position. He tilted Marlvur's maw up and kissed him firmly on the lips, Marlvur's face turning bright red beneath his fur as they shared their first kiss, Cody's tongue invading his maw as the hot water poured over their fur.

After a moment, Cody pulled back, smirking again as he looked into Marlvur's face. "Ah, piss and cum. That's a good taste for your mouth pup."

Marlvur opened his maw to say something but he couldn't find any words. Instead, he hugged Cody around the chest and rested his head on his neck, eyes closing as he tried to relax. He remembered that drinking his piss had been a condition for not being fucked just yet and found himself feeling rather grateful. Nervously he stepped back and looked up at Cody. "Thank you alpha." he rumbled shyly.

It wasn't the first time he said it, nor would it be the last. As Marlvur showered with the bigger wolf, he realized he had never felt more right. Maybe he'd never really been an alpha wolf.

***End. I have plans for side stories where you'll see Marlvur and some of the characters involved in the series again and even some who you don't see. I hope you enjoyed reading, and I'm sorry the ended was so abrupt. Endings have always been a bad point for me***