legend of spyro, love and lies chapters one and two

Story by foxvolt on SoFurry

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#1 of spyro story

ill say this once. if you are not 18 leave the story. not that you will, seeing im not even so... yeah... ch 4+ may contain yiff. i could get away with not adult rating for now but... yeah.... o well ^.^ * * *


= change in point of view * * *

= end of chapter * * *

( ~~~~~~~ )

= change in time/place Chapter one- an old ending, for a new beginning... Some sort of epilogue. Cynder lay still beside a small bush, just big enough to cover her frame. The cool ground was scattered with leaves, and she breathed in rhythm, soundlessly. Make no mistake, she was not sleeping, by no means, she was hiding. *snap!* Right behind her! She instantly leapt up and spreading her wings, with a few powerful thrusts, went airborne. She sped along the skies, daring the winds to beat her. She looked back for the briefest second, and saw a dragon her size pursuing. He was no ordinary dragon by any means, no, he was the dragon. The purple dragon. The dragon of legend. He was spyro. But this didn't mean he was any faster a flyer than his friend. Or more agile, no, quite the opposite. Cynder could by no means, out fly him, but she could out distance, as well as out-maneuver him. However, this time, he was gaining on her. Quickly. 'Catch this' she thought, as spyro lunged for her, closing the final yards between the two. She spread her wings wide, catching every lash of air that beat against her wings, screaming in protest. Then, just as quickly with all momentum gone, tucked them in, dropping into a gravity-pulled plunge. He nearly brushed cinders head with his stomach, but hadn't. By centimeters. She spread her wings again, rising to a hover. Spyro did a twirl in mid air, facing her. They both hovered there, about 500 feet was all that separated the two. All was silent except the beating of their wings. Cynder pondered a moment on something so say, words didn't come. Nor did them for spyro. So they sat there, taking in that golden moment, saying nothing, but knowing what the other was thinking of. The person they were staring at. "I give up." spyro said, hurling cynder back into reality. "What?" cynder asked, still somewhat dazed. From the maneuver, or the moment they had shared, she did not know. "I give up, let's get somewhere to sleep, it's getting dark." he said, motioning to the setting sun. She nodded in agreement, following him as he took a dive to the ground below... Authors note. Please note that this story was very hard to piece together. I have investigated firsthand and interviewed dozens of people to be able to bring you this report. As you read you will see how progressively difficult and extremely dangerous this became. I advise you that if you cannot take things that really happened to heart, to see a psychiatrist. I applaud you if you can ignore this detailed report. Go to sleep tonight and remember this 'entertaining' story. For those of you who know the truth behind these facts, and possibly have encountered these marvelous creatures, I wish you the best of luck in reading this document, in the hopes that you will retain your sanity by the bringing forth of these memories... Chapter two: the first chapter. Cynder lay on the ground once more, as the lights of day continued to recede across the tops of trees and mountains. Spyro lay next to her, sleeping soundly. Taking in a deep breath, she thought or him and their last and final adventure together. It had passed too quickly. In those last critical moments before the cataclysmic event nearly destroyed the dragon realms, she had finally let her soft spoken, affectionate side, show through. She had admitted her true feelings for him. Her lust for him, the bond of love, the affection, the feeling she got when she was around him. But spyro... he never even said anything about it. She looked up at the setting sun, and let loose a sigh that was almost audible enough to stir the dragon beside her. Almost. Silently she stood, still staring at the sunset, its beauty seemed to radiate. There was so much elegance in it... it was just.."..Beautiful.." she finished aloud. Spyro shook slightly with a grunt, shattering the moment. She dropped to the ground and immediately pretended to be asleep. Spyro muttered something inaudible to her, elevating his front. She opened her eye just enough to see that his were still closed! He was sleep.. Sleep... walking? Sitting? She didn't know what to call it, but she knew he wasn't awake. After mumbling something about sheep and chicken, he lay down, but his head resting on her neck! Cynders eyes bolted open, and felt blood rushing to her cheeks. After a moment, she sighed for the second time in so many minutes, and leaned her body against his. The cuddle was warm, and though cynder hated it, she enjoyed it. Being beside spyro seemed to be the biggest comfort to her she could possibly think of. "Spyro... if only you knew..." she whispered to herself. She gave in to her fagitude, and drifted into a dark sleep. A single tear held firm at her eyelashes. * * *


  • * * Spyro woke strangely comfortable. He opened his eyes a crack, and saw the first rays of sunlight about to rise above the mountains. He tried to rise, but a heavy weight kept him down. He cranked his head a 360 to see what deadweight was keeping him down. He couldn't suppress a gasp. Cynder! She lay with her body half crossing his, half parallel to it, so that her head was mere inches from his. She breathed soundlessly, her body pushing down on his when her chest rose, and relief when it sank. "Oh crap... this is going to be difficult..." he said to himself. Somewhat too audible. Cynder stirred slightly, and cracked open her eyes, staring into his. After registering the situation, her eyes shot open, and her tail stood erect. Spyros tail followed suit. "I-I-mer-umm-" "you- I - we- how-" they stammered together. Then, there was silence. They stared in each others' eyes. Spyro stared into those beautiful emerald eyes...they stared right back. Something clicked. Suddenly he realized that maybe cynder was more to him than a friend...he wondered if cynder had realized the same... * * *


(Cynders dream)

  • * * Cynder and spyro were soaring the skies! The rush of the wind was pulsing through their wings, it was great! She turned toward spyro, who smiled at her, and swooped over her, now soaring to her right. But he kept going... going... "spyro... wait!" she called after him, desperately attempting to follow him. He kept going, he was getting farther and farther away. Suddenly cynders wings would not obey her, they stopped her abruptly and stuck her into a hover. Spyro stopped and spun hovering, facing her. He started to laugh. "ha! Cynder! You are hopeless! We will never accept you..." other dragons had risen to the air, and started to circle her. But these weren't normal dragons. What was it?? Then she saw it, and her heart froze. They were transparent! She looked one of the circling dragons in the eye, and she was warped into an oblivion. Her mind melted, her body disobeyed her, she couldn't control herself. Then she was standing in a village. A dragon village. * * *

(several years ago)

  • * * She knew it too well. The dragon refuge... she had been here before.. and she knew why. She almost puked from the memory of the actions taking place here. She was circling the air. 'no, no!' she thought desperately. 'dont' t!' she pleaded silently. She knew the acts to come in mere moments... she was unable to move. She was not in control here. Suddenly a larger dragon screamed, and rushed her way, urging her into a low building, hiding in the corner, she covered cynder with her wing. Everybody was screaming now. The evil cynder she had been years before had landed in the midst of the chaos. There was an assembly of brave dragons desperately attempting to keep the evil cynder at bay. She merely laughed. "you fool wish to fight? SO BE IT!" her voice boomed. She took them all out in seconds... there were screams of agony, and then nothing. Everybody was cowering in fear, seeing what had just happened to their best soldiers in front of their eyes... then she took a step toward cynder and the cowering dragons building, and the chaos started again. The evil cynder killed everybody still outside, mercilessly. Once she was pleased with herself, she entered the only standing building left, the one cynder and the huge dragoness were hiding in. " please, stop!" the dragoness begged pointlessly. " Please, have mercy! PLEASE! NO! NOOO!!! MY CHILD!!!" then the evil cynder laughed. A cold, bone shivering, disturbed laugh. "You shall perish a coward." She spoke, as she did so, a swift swipe from her large claws, followed to a seductive fatal bite to the neck, dropped her dead in seconds. Cynder and cynder faced each other. Evil cynder smiled at her. "Good night." She said raising a huge paw, and as it touched her, she blacked out.