A Gay Lion King Parody 3: Scheming and Spying

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#3 of Gay Lion King Parody

Yep, another chapter for the Gay Lion King Parody, heh. Hope that you've been looking forward to some Scar sex, because that's what you're getting this time around. And this is why Sakabi and the others have been concerned about him. Unfortunately, it seems they might have overestimated what Sarakiba could take...

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A Gay Lion King Parody Chapter 3: Scheming and Spying Sponsored by Johnzaloog By Draconicon

Sarakiba walked the length of Pride Rock, feeling the warmth of the day fading from the stones under his bare feet. The soft sway of his weighted dick was more pronounced than the other lions, shaft swinging from thigh to thigh with the aid of the rocks tied to the end of it. Nothing more than large pebbles, but it was still enough to keep him from getting hard easily, or from his cock pointing forward when it shouldn't.

Not that it stopped him from having his pleasures. He adjusted the bone plug in his rump, pushing it in all the way as it threatened to come loose once more. The sensation was pleasurable, of course, but considering the promise that he'd made to Sakabi...

Sarakiba looked back down the den of the pride, but he couldn't make out his fellow shaven one. The other lion had gone to see to other tasks, it seemed, trusting that he would fulfill the task he'd been given. Sarakiba sighed, shaking his head as he turned back to the path.

"Oh, what will he want tonight, I wonder?" the lion wondered, cocking his head to the side as the chill air of evening started to settle along his chest. His pierced nipples rose further, becoming even more prominent through his fur. "Well, probably a blowjob first...some worship to stroke his ego..."

Some called Sarakiba a wanton one, and he would be the last person to disagree. They meant it as an insult, but to him, it was merely another truth, and one that he embraced wholeheartedly. The fact that he had been underneath dozens of prey animals meant nothing to him. Shame? Hardly. It was another way of serving the kingdom, and it allowed him to feed his own hungers that the other lions couldn't.

Well, except for Mufasa, but that was a different story.

He swayed more, allowing himself to settle into the soft weight on his hips, the momentum that the teasing slide, slide, slide of his rump cheeks against each other provided. It was a way of feeling confident, of feeling on the hunt, and a way of offering himself that few other lions could match.

Scar lived on the back of Pride Rock, out of sight of the majority of the Shaven Ones. To find him, it meant that one had to go out of sight of everyone else, into the rocky cliffs that adorned the back of the rocky mountain. It was dangerous back there even without the potential of someone throwing you off. If there was someone plotting things...

Sarakiba put that out of his mind. Sakabi was always worried about the state of the kingdom, and often with no real proof that it was needed. They were probably fine, and Scar was probably working out more stress than he needed to on one of the prey species. As long as they apologized later, he couldn't imagine it going that badly.

He stepped into the darkest shadows, and there he waited. There was a soft growl in the pseudo-caves of the back of the Rock, followed by that deep, charming voice.

"Mmmm...a visitor, hmmm? And one so fine as you..."

There was a deep, soft chuckle that sent shivers running up and down Sarakiba's spine. For all that Scar was one of the weakest of the hunters, there was something to his voice, something in the way he spoke that made him feel...needy. Weak. Like he was the one that should be afraid, that he was being hunted.

Glowing eyes preceded the lion who owned them, a black mane bouncing as he stepped out from behind one of the many rocky outcrops. He moved slowly, but smoothly, not hesitantly or with the measured precision that the others did. Scar chuckled, his soft goatee bouncing at the end of his chin as he approached.

"My...and here I thought I would have no visitors tonight. What, has my brother offended you again?"

"I'm here because I thought it might be more interesting to take it rough."

"Heh...that thought is spreading, it seems..."

Before Sarakiba could speak again, Scar's fingers were wrapped around his throat. The older lion chuckled, pushing a finger to his lips.

"Ah ah. No speaking..."

Squeeze, followed by a slight release. Not enough to be free, but enough to breathe again. Sarakiba gasped for it, his eyes going wide, his legs spreading as Scar's other hand reached down and groped him. Clawed fingers teased, stroked, pulled at his sack, dragging it down past the head of his cock.

"Mmm, it seems you've been visiting the monkeys again. Do I feel another brand down here, hmm?"

"Maybe...Maybe not..."

"Oh, don't play coy...we both know what you are..."


"No, no...Don't pretend that you're one of the Pride, Sarakiba. We both know you're not. Not truly."

Those fingers rubbing his balls only seemed to enhance that claim, sending more shivers down his spine, reminding him of just how delicate he was down there, how easily his sac could be taken from him. He went up on tiptoes, only to be pulled right back down, Scar's fingers finding the exact place to push to take his breath away and leave him helpless. The other male kept pulling him closer, sharp teeth and shining eyes glinting in the nearly lightless cavern.

"Ahhhh, you start to understand, don't you, my little slut? You're not a predator. You're nothing but a lure...bait...to draw out better men...."

Sarakiba gasped as those teeth danced across his neck, his air getting closed off again. Those fingers were so tight, so hard, so firm against his neck. Even as he tried to think of wiggling free, of shoving Scar away, all he could do was arch his back and offer himself more.


"Yes...That's what you are...something low...something weak...something..."

"Ah...something what...something what?"


Scar threw him down, and Sarakiba scrabbled backwards to avoid falling over the edge of the cliff. The other lion chuckled, laying one foot against the back of the shaven one's neck. Sarakiba felt it pushing him down, and he let it, not daring to fight it as it felt like it was crushing all the fight out of him.

What....what is this...

He'd never given in this easily to one of his partners before. He'd never just allowed them to take charge, to have the honor of fucking a lion without getting some admission, some pleasure out of them first. How was Scar bending his rules that easily?

The claws of the other lion's toes pricked against the back of his neck, reminding him not to squirm, sending a shiver down his spine as they threatened to break the skin. He whimpered, his head low and pressed hard to the cooling rock.

"That's it. You know where you belong now, don't you, Sarakiba? Where are you?"

"Under...under your heel, Scar."

"And how does that feel?"

Terrifying, was the honest answer. And yet...

He shivered, particularly when Scar grabbed his tail, yanking it up high, forcing him to push his ass out and expose himself. His hole clenched around the bone plug, pushing it out a little bit before sucking it back in.

"How does it feel, prey?"

"Mmmmph! It feels good. It feels good!"

There was no more mockery. Instead, there was only laughter as Scar grabbed the plug, pulling on it. Sarakiba gasped as he felt it pulling on his hole, dragging it back, gradually forcing him to stretch once more. It wasn't anything new, nothing that he hadn't felt before, but the fear, the force has made him tighten up again. And he couldn't...he couldn't loosen up.

He whimpered, hissing, gasping as the mix of pain and pleasure struck him, forcing him to drip between his legs, his weighted cock unable to lift but still able to drool. The tugging on the bone sent shivers down him, his hole burning as it was forced to stretch even as it tried to hold tight, to squeeze the plug further in. His body refused to listen, to relax, to do what a slut was used to, so -


The plug came free, and Sarakiba could barely gasp in response as his hole throbbed and clenched and begged for it to be back where it was. The edges of his ass felt like they'd been pulled out, like his hole was now angled and pushed out rather than puckered and pulled in. The sensation was strange, painful and pleasurable all at once, and it was everything that he could do not to scream.

Scar took that away from him, shoving three fingers up his tortured backside right then and there. Pain, burning friction, followed by the tempting bliss of those fingers rubbing right over his little pleasure button.


"Ah ah ah."

Scar chuckled, pushing down again, and Sarakiba's chest ached as his air was lessened again, barely enough for him to keep conscious. The other lions would have already tapped out from this, already begged or fought back, but not him. Not one of the wanton ones. No, he was good enough.

He could take it...and...

And he could enjoy it.

The shivers of pleasure were already running through him, not helped by the deep voice of the king's brother.

"You know where you belong. You know you were cheating keeping that inside of you. There's no reason for anyone not to have access to a prey's hole...and you are prey..."


The word echoed through Sarakiba's mind, a humiliation keener than he had felt in a long time. It was one thing to submit to prey animals, and another thing to be hunted by lions, but it was something entirely different to be called 'prey.' He had hunted his food, he had hunted his partners, but this...

This was something different. He had been hunted. He had been pinned, and now...

This is his game. Hold on. Hold on...

Sarakiba arched his back, much as he had done countless times before, pushing back to allow his ass to be taken and filled by the lion behind him. Scar took the offer, shoving those fingers in and out, rough and hard, not caring if it stung or if his ass was ready for it. It didn't matter to the big lion.

And after a minute or so, it barely mattered to him, either.

Sarakiba's cock oozed pre-cum all over the stone floor of the cavern, dripping and spreading all over the place. He squirmed, his toes curling, his soles wrinkling behind him as his ass was pummeled by three, then four fingers, opening him wide. Scar would reach down, spit in him, pull the lips of his ass apart so that he was gaping and then spit in him again.

"That's it. That's what you are. Prey. Helpless, eager prey. The only way that you can save yourself...is to please your hunter..."

"Yes, Scar...please...how can I...please you..."


The fingers left his ass, though slowly and with more pressure than he expected. A shiver ran down his spine, one that went right down to his shaft and then right back up to his head. The roughness, the pain, the lack of care...it all hit the right buttons that pushed the wanton one lower and lower. Too often, his partners were nice, too nice, too kind, not rough and not dark enough for him.

This was something different. This was something far more intense, far more powerful, and he didn't know how to handle it. He just hoped that he'd be able to hold together long enough to...to...

Find his plan...find his...plan...for Sakabi...

With the foot off his neck, he was able to lift his head, turning around. He didn't get off his hands and knees; to do that would be to show some sort of reluctance, or to pretend that he belonged somewhere else. No, prey belonged on their knees. And that was what Scar would expect, too, he reminded himself.

The other lion had seated himself on a raised rock, one leg stretched out and resting on a different, lower rock, while the other just extended across the floor. His cock had already risen, stiff and throbbing, and there was more than a little bit of size to it.

I'd almost forgotten...

It wasn't as thick as the king's shaft, but Scar's cock was nothing to sneeze at. It was long and barbed at the tip, as every lion's cock was, but the sight of it, the smell of it, added something that the king didn't have. It was...menacing, in its own way, throbbing, and twitching, and just slender enough to make you think that you could handle it...

He took it in hand, gripping it at the base, squeezing around it like the wooden rings that some of the elephants bore around their cocks. Scar's cock bounced and twitched for him, throbbing up and down, spitting pre across his face.

"That's a better look for you. You should be marked as the prey you are."

Another repetition, another shiver. His cock had never been so eager to drip, his ass never so eager to be filled. He took a deep breath, summoning a smile, hoping that he could hold together long enough.

"How may I serve, Scar, my hunter?"

"Mmm, is that how prey begs?"

Scar's hand fell on his head, and he felt the claws again, the pricks, the soft warnings that were getting firmer. He hissed, remembering how close he had come to being thrown over the edge of the mountain.

Is he insane? Sarakiba wondered. If he killed me, Mufasa would toss him out of the pride...

Then again...they were alone. They were the only two at the back of the Rock, the only two that would know what had happened and what was going on. There would be no proof that Sarakiba hadn't just fallen to the ground on his own.

Fear, half-feigned and half all too real, rushed through him as he shivered, lowering his head and panting.

"Please, please, I'll do anything. Just...just give me mercy..."

"Mmmm, that's better," that deep voice growled. "But prey don't get mercy. They are either food..."

The claws pulled him down. Not the hand pushing him down, but the claws pulling him down. He stared at the approaching cock, his cheeks burning as he realized that there was no getting away from it, no way for him to take it slow without scratching his face up. He opened his mouth, and -


"Or pleasure..."

Far more cock than he'd expected was lodged in his throat. One thrust, one filling, and Sarakiba forced himself to breathe, to just breathe to keep from vomiting. The barbs raked the back of his throat as Scar clenched around his head, pulling him back, feeling every inch of that thick shaft rubbing along the inside of his neck before -


Another thrust, another moment of being used before the cock pulled back again. He could feel it shaping his throat into what the king's brother wanted it to be, turning him into little more than a cock toy.

And worse, he had to focus entirely on swallowing, on breathing. Trying to hold back, trying to focus was impossible. Trying to take charge was worse, because any attempt to move his head would just result in torn flesh and fur, and he didn't dare give into that temptation.

"Is this 'mercy' enough for you, prey? Heh. Prey don't eat meat, but you'll feast on mine tonight..."

Sarakiba huffed around the shaft between his lips. He had to hold out. He had to take it for a little bit longer. Scar would tire out, eventually, and then...then...

Just last...

The wanton one started to moan as that brutal dick smashed past his muzzle, filling his throat, marking it with the raking, stroking, rough barbs on the tip of that shaft. Every time he felt it, it was a reminder of what he couldn't do, what he wouldn't do. There was no control, no showing off. This was pure use.

And worst of all, he was starting to like it.

Trying to hold onto his reputation, his wantonness, was only making it worse. He had always been the one to hunt prey, always been the one to enjoy having them use him, but he had still been the one to set the pace, to push them, to control them. They'd come to him, from time to time, but they were too timid.

Scar...was not.

Both of Scar's hands gripped him, pulling him down, roughing him up with bruising force as he was face-fucked. A clawed foot pressed against his weighted cock, slapping it left, right, left again, and he couldn't decide whether he should gasp, moan, grunt, or whimper.

Some combination of all four left his lips, and he drooled around the cock as he was left little more than a rutting toy.

"This is your purpose, prey. Whatever else you used to do, you serve your hunter, now. Isn't that right, my little cock-guzzler?"

POP! Sarakiba was pulled off the shaft, gasping for breath, his eyes hazy as he stared up at Scar. Everything burned, everything shimmered, nothing coming together easily. His head wobbled left, right, left again, staring past the drooling cock right in front of his face at the man that owned it.

Scar...No...not Scar...

Hunter. His hunter.

He was...prey? He was caught...and the hunter had caught him...

Before he could think about it, he was yanked down again, his face fucked, his breath stolen away. He couldn't think. He wasn't allowed to think. All he could do was take cock and hope that he was able to outlast the man it was attached to.

The night passed by the hour, and the hours passed slow. More than once, Sarakiba had moments of lucidity where he understood how close to the edge he was, and he would try and wriggle away, or find some way to take control again. Every time, Scar was ready for him, and had a trick to push him back down.

When he tried to squeeze, to take control of the ass-pounding pace that was slowly edging him towards the cliff, Scar choked him out by the neck and pulled his tail until he was loose and limp again, treating him like a kitten to the games of lust.

When he tried to turn another skull-fuck into a blowjob, one where he could tease the king's brother with his skills, the claws grabbed him and tugged him down.

When he was pinned on his back, his legs in the air as Scar teased his ass with his tongue, he might have been able to flip it over, to straddle the dark lion's face...but he couldn't. It felt too good, like his hole was being fucked by something soft and gentle.

And yet, painful, with the raspy touch, the flicks that went around his rim and ground on inflamed flesh. He never knew if he was screaming from pain or pleasure, but he always knew that it was intense.

When midnight came, he finally gave in.

"Hunter...Scar...my hunter..."

"And what do you do...for your hunter?" the king's brother asked.

Sarakiba didn't know. He didn't know up from down, or day from night. All that he knew was that Scar had conquered him, had chased him, pinned him, fucked him, used him.

Even now, pinned under one of the king's feet, the soft musk of flesh and sweat in his nose, he could hardly stand to breathe. Two clawed toes pinched his dick, threatening it and teasing it, making him scream as the pads along Scar's sole dragged across a cock that had been forced to cum a half-dozen times over the course of the night.


"Ah ah..."

Scar stifled a scream with a toe on his tongue, the claw's point right on the slippery thing. He knew it could punch through in a second, and he froze.

"What does prey do for their hunter?"

The toe slid out again, wet compared to the other digits, and Sarakiba answered quickly.

"Anything. Anything the hunter asks."


The king's brother hunched his shoulders as he chuckled, shaking his head. There was a slight release down below, the claws no longer threatening to cut his cock if he so much as twitched, but still closer than any sane male would like. Sarakiba was finally able to start catching his breath.

"What did you come for, hmm?" Scar asked.



"Simba told her...what he saw..."

"Hmmmm, and would that happen to be me?"

Sarakiba nodded.

"Unfortunate. I had hoped the boy would find my little display a bit more...enticing than disturbing. But maybe I simply overestimated him. Perhaps our prince is more prey than hunter, like you."

Not a thing that any lion would have wished to hear, but Sarakiba was so far gone beneath his hunter's treatment that anything he said sounded true. Whatever recovery might be happening in the back of his mind, it wasn't enough for him to just snap back here and now. He nodded at Scar's pronouncement.

The king's brother leaned back, flexing his toes idly. He shook his head as he looked out into the night air.

"I suppose I can start shifting things...I was going to lure them to the elephant graveyard. Simba would have had quite the...education, hehehehe. And Naka would have been an eager subject by the end of it...

"But if Sakabi is watching, then I'll have to try something different. Something less...obvious." He chuckled. "And you will keep me informed, won't you, my prey? Keep me informed on everything that the rest of the pride is planning?"

Nodding without thought, Sarakiba agreed. Anything for the hunter. Anything to avoid the alternative.


Then the foot came back down again, an implication of how the rest of the night would go.

Simba woke in the middle of the night to the feeling of something being off. There was no clear idea of what it was, but...he felt wrong. Ill-at-ease.

The young prince sat up, looking around the den of naked lions. Naka slept at his side, and he could tell that the other lion had already woken up even though his eyes were closed. It was hard to say why; it was more a feeling, something that told him that they were the only ones awake.

A tenuous feeling pulled his gaze towards the very back of the den. He looked over naked lion after naked lion, past bare rumps and slick tails, sleep erections and curled toes, all the way to a stone wall in the distance.

There, for a moment, he thought he could see something, or perhaps the afterimage of something. Two shapes, black inside of red, moans, groans, screams.

And then it was gone.

Shaking his head, the prince felt the temptation to lie down and go back to sleep, but he resisted it. Instead, he pulled his legs to his chest, leaning his head against his knees and staring ahead. His shaft, half-hard from something in his dreams, rested against his thighs and pulsed idly as he stared straight ahead.

The feeling of...he didn't know what to call it. Darkness, he supposed. Darkness, and power. It still echoed through his skull, even though he didn't see it or feel it around him anymore. He wanted to dismiss it as part of the dream, but...

But he remembered how his father described their link to the Pride Lands. The king of the pride was given a link to it, a knowledge of the people that lived within it. Where there was weakness, where there was strength, where there was pain, where there was pleasure. If the king knew where to look, then he could feel it and find it.

This felt like that, except that it had felt wrong. A shiver ran down his spine as the silhouettes filled his mind again. Two males, each in the middle of rutting. One arching their back, the other pulling them by their tail. It should have been hot. Sexy. Enticing to watch...

And it was enticing, for all the wrong reasons.

There was pain, and Simba shivered as he realized that his cock wasn't going soft. Instead, it was getting harder, stiffer, pushing up against his hand and his belly. There was no avoiding it, no pretending that it wasn't reacting to...that.

He shivered as he looked down, seeing his dick twitching as hard as it had when Scar had touched him, squeezed him. It was wrong, but...

Those like the zebra will find pleasure in submission. Those like you and me...will find pleasure in domination.

Scar's words still lingered in the back of his mind, and he didn't know what to do with them. They were tingling, taunting, tempting, and he wanted nothing more than to get rid of them. They gave him the wrong sort of thoughts, made him think about exerting himself to just...demand pleasure. That was the right of the king, after all. One could demand whatever they wanted, considering the alliance that the different clans and tribes had under the lions.

But there...there, with that pain...The pleasure that had been there...

He remembered the zebra, too, and he remembered the hard-on that the equine hadn't had to force. Despite the blood running down the striped one's neck, despite the grass-eater being abused and hurt, there'd been pleasure there, pleasure that came from giving in.


His cock throbbed as hard putting himself in that situation as it did thinking of himself as king, as having the different species come to his throne and bow before blowing him. The very idea should have been disgusting, but he couldn't get it out of his head.

He knocked his forehead against his knees with a grumble, and that finally seemed to stir Naka. The other lion rolled over, resting his head on his hand, looking up at him with a bemused smirk.

"Heh, can't sleep?"


"Dreaming of someone hot?"

"...Yes, and no."

"Come here."

His bodyguard pulled him in, and Simba let himself be dragged close. The two lions rested against each other, chest to chest and dick to dick. There was the occasional frotting grind between them, but no more than a slight nudge, a gentle push. Everything else was secondary to the pair of them.

Simba let out a long, slow breath, shaking his head.

"I just had a bad dream. That's all."

"Come on. Was it really that bad?"

"Well...I guess not...bad. Just confusing."

"Heh. Well, that's because you skip the lessons."

"Come on. As if Rafiki teaches anything good."

"Maybe enough to keep you from being confused all the time, doofus."

"Hey, watch who you're calling doofus. I'll pin you this time."

"Hehehehe, bet you can't."

He would have tried, were it not the middle of the night, and were it not for the fact that Naka was still grinning at him. There was no malice there, no meanness, just friendly teasing. Simba smiled back, leaning forward and bumping his forehead against the other lion's.

Despite the fact that they were just resting, he couldn't quite shake the idea of having power over others the way those silhouettes did in his dream. If it was a dream.

It had to be. Nobody hurts other people like that...

Except for Scar, but nobody was stupid enough to taunt him, to go near him and give him that opportunity...right? His uncle was strange, and there was something not quite right about him, but he wasn't that bad. Not...evil...


His cock throbbed again, and this time, Naka reached down, squeezing them together. Simba groaned.


"Heh, you know, we could try some of those...new moves..."

"Heh...but what if 'mom' finds out?" Simba asked, tossing his head towards the part of the cave where Mufasa and Sakabi slept.

"Well, if you're quiet, there's no way they'll find out."

"Well, you're the one with your hand on my dick..."

"Well...you wanna?"

There was a slight blush on Naka's face, something that was completely out of character for the other lion. Simba grinned, milking it for all it was worth, grinding forward until their balls touched.

"Heh, you gotta ask me?"

"Come on. You know Sakabi would kick my ass if I did anything without your permission."

"Doesn't stop you from pinning me every other day."

"You earn that."


"By being a dick."

"You -"

"Will you go back to sleep?!"

Simba and Naka almost jumped out of their skins as the entire cavern erupted with the sound of annoyed lions. They blushed as they looked at each other again, then quickly rolled over, back to back, trying not to look obvious about what they had been doing.

Still, Simba was a while falling back asleep, and his dreams, when they came, were not kind.

The End