Holiday Horror Chapter 3

Story by fredwirtz on SoFurry

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Henry returns to the party, only to lure more people into the trap.

This is part of a longer commission written last year by Joshiah Or check out the author's patreon at

Apologies to the people who have been kept waiting.

There wasn't much panic to be had in a power outage, when the drinks were flowing and the entire city was starting to move around in a drunken stupor.

Even a place like Whittier, which could plummet to sub-arctic temperatures within just hours of losing power, was subject to the same alcoholic rules: people were thicker-skinned when they had a few drinks in them, and when the power flickered back on, things only got worse, as people could see their drinks again.

"Told you guys it was nothing to worry about," Henry was back from the utility closet, having completed what everyone thought was little more than a routine inspection of the fuse boxes. He'd been away for quite a time, but with a proper blend of the holiday spirit and the kind that came in a bottle, the other members of the community lost track of time, and frankly, concern. "Hopefully there's still something left for me to drink?"

A few more families were gathered at the community hall by then as the night grew older, with younger children being locked up in their bedrooms for the night. Those lucky teenagers who were still able to be up and running around would go back to their rooms with stories to tell the next day, but in the meantime, they mingled around the party as it became dominated by drunken adults.

"There's still plenty to drink...we'd be dead if there wasn't!" Phillip Boehler and Hilda Jonas were having a drink together, catching up about the days of Christmas gone by and how different things used to be when they were just kids. The trio were all siblings from the same family tree, but within the self-contained world of Whittier, it didn't take long for them to mature into adults with families of their own to tend to.

"You're getting soft, then," Henry argued. "When we were younger, we'd of had twice as much as this, and twice as fast, too!"

"There's a shock," Hilda rolled her eyes. "You're not even out of your 30's and you're already bragging up what a badass you used to be when you were younger. I see where your kids get it from, now!"

"Like you didn't grew up with my awesome attitude!"

"And I couldn't get out of the city in time to keep it from infecting my kids."

Even as grown adults, the three siblings kept a level of warmth and comfort between them that so many other family units lacked. It was the nature of most groups in Whittier, but Henry and company exemplified what made the family life seem so appealing.

They also shared a level of trust that was difficult to abuse.

"Speaking of infecting your kids," Henry murmured, "You guys should come with me for a minute. I've got some great plans for what to give them for the big day, this year."

Phillip cocked a brow. "I thought we already did all the holiday shopping?"

"I managed to put together a little extra money to work with," Henry replied. "But I can only afford one or two extra things for them to share, as a group. You've _gotta_check this out."

"Right now?" Hilda thinned her lips. "I'm just starting to get a buzz, Henry. Can't it wait?"

"Some of the stuff has limited quantities,"

Phillip and Hilda made quick work of their drinks and shared a roll of the eyes at their older brother. "Fine, but this better not take long," Phillip groaned as he stood from a table, and Hilda followed.

It was all convenient to the plan that Henry's living unit was close to a collective area that was generally used for public gatherings, computer activity and video games; they both followed without thought, figuring that he had something pulled up on one of the public computers.

Like almost every room in Whittier, there were no interior windows to ensure the privacy of those who waited inside.

They would have been much happier with privacy, but they were quick to discover that such wasn't an option.

"Wait...why are there so many people gathered in the rec room? Is there some kind of other party going on?"

Phillip's question was laced with more jealousy than concern, but Hilda's voice only contained the latter as she gazed through the windows at shadowed, writhing figures, only able to make out so much in the darkness of the power outage. Nothing that she was able to glean looked natural, and already, her stomach was twisting up in knots at the thought of what she might be seeing.

Normally, the mind was its own worst enemy, but things were happening on the other side of the glass that were so much worse than anything she could have fathomed.

"You could say that," Henry suggested. "it's definitely something that we'll want to check out, anyway."

Frustrated at the idea of such division in Whittier, Phillip was quick to swing open the door to the rec room, stepping inside with the intent to demand answers.

Hilda would have stayed back, if Henry wasn't already urging her inside with a firm palm against her back.

"Dunno why you felt the need to trick us into coming down here with talk about gifts. I was starting to worry that we'd forgotten something really important," Phillip admitted. His statement felt odd as it rolled off of his tongue, as if there were an extra texture on his spittle, but he found it to be his ears that were playing the trick on him.

Wet, sloppy sounds of growing, shifting flesh and bodies struggling to move around on the floor were throwing him off, hitting his eardrums with such thickness that it made him feel like he might have been tripping over his words. Once he was quiet, he was immediately overcome with nausea, but a quick palm over the mouth was enough to prevent anything from coming up.

He didn't know how long he'd be able to manage that feat, as low lights flickered to life overhead, revealing the sinister truth of Henry's intentions.

"You'd be surprised at what kind of trickery is required to get people to agree to something like this," Henry claimed. In front of them, nearly a dozen of the lost partygoers were crawling around on the floor, their bodies deforming and their flesh stretching in ways that it was never meant to. "Truth be told, I didn't think the two of you would be willing to do this without a little extra help, so I arranged an alibi to get you down here, and it worked wonders...real shame that I had to take advantage of your good nature like that, but I promise that you'll forget all about it any second now."

Phillip and Hilda weren't at all familiar with the concept of mind flayers, but as they looked across the room for a familiar face, there wasn't one to be had. Only the illithid remained, each of the captured guests having transformed almost entirely into the invasive species.

Upon completion, they were eagerly seeking new mates in each other, with all loyalty of their previous relationships forgotten, the notions of love and loyalty burned out of their mind by an inferno of inhuman lust.

"W...We're getting the f-fuck out of here," Phillip said behind his palm, turning and immediately running into Henry. His friend was blocking the only door out of the rec room, and when Hilda managed to sneak past him, she felt something long and slimy wrap around her wrist, keeping her fingers just a breath from the door handle.

Marcus was once the man at the root of the problem, but to call him human anymore would have been far from the truth. His body couldn't decide which set of sexual organs it preferred, and like a glutton, it went with every option that it could handle in the name of satisfying more partners and drawing in more sexual energy for the reincarnation of his mistress. In their current states, Phillip and Hilda weren't drawn to the sight of the original illithid, but just from the touch of a single tendril on the latter's flesh, she could feel an incredible, _insufferable_boost to her libido.

"How did I know you two were going to do this the hard way?" Henry asked. He calmly turned the lock on the inside of the door, adding just a hint of extra security as the lights flickered off once more, leaving only the natural steam of heated, amethyst energy to illuminate the room. "How did I know you two would put up such a pathetic struggle in the face of my master?"

There was no time to question what had become of Henry; Phillip knew that they needed to break down the door and run for the commons at any cost, but the one price that he wouldn't pay was the sacrifice of Hilda...he'd never leave without her.

The betrayal of seeing her kneel before the strange, tentacle-addled beast and lean into its stomach was more than he could bear to watch, but as she tilted her head up into the dripping, leaking teat of the creature, he felt as though he was gazing upon the greatest of tragedies; he couldn't tear his eyes away, no matter how hard he struggled.

The distraction was all that Marcus needed to wrap a tendril around Phillip's wrist, sealing him to the same fate as Hilda, who quickly moved from a delicate, curious taste to a forceful, eager suckle. Her lips suctioned onto a wrinkled, oozing nipple tighter than a starving child to their mother, but no matter how much she drank, there was more milk to be had, as if the lactating breasts were enchanted to meet her demands.

Deep corruption had already filled the room, and though they remained steadfast against the aura, Phillip and Hilda were no match for the touch that came along with it.

"Go on, Phillip. Don't you see how much Hilda is enjoying herself?" Henry stood by and watched, knowing that his place was only to serve Marcus as the demonic creature saw fit. "Show your lover how much you sucking on those tits the same way you would suckle on hers if you had the chance."

It was less Henry's suggestive words, and more the toxins that were already spreading over Phillip's wrist that finally compelled him to kneel down before the beast, his eyes gazing up into a mouth that was little more than a nest of tentacles. He tried to read the dark, empty orbs of the illithid, but there was no way for him to see past the utter blackness of them; even if he could have, his conscious desire to know more was fading fast.

His only thoughts turned to the sweet, plentiful milk that poured over his lips before they even had a chance to seal around a free, leaking breast. The skin there was soft despite the wrinkles of a body ravaged by dark magic, and the feeling of warm, soothing milk in his throat was one that he quickly became addicted to.

He was less worried about pleasing his wife, and more about fighting her for every drop of the precious liquid as he suckled with intensity that he'd never shown to her body before.

"Something told me that you two would be the easiest to corrupt," Henry admitted. "That you'd put up the smallest fight...that maybe this was what the two of you really wanted all along. I promise you, my master is happy to satisfy all of your urges...he can meet your every desire."

The same dark energy that so rapidly influenced their minds wasn't quite as destructive to their bodies, but nerve endings neither one knew they had were quickly lighting up and flooding their brains with a singular purpose.

They needed to mate with Marcus, and they were already past the point of questioning that thought.

Like tiny, warm flames, the amethystine energy burned up along the sleeves of festive clothing, ridding Phillip of his corny sweater and turning Hilda's holiday best into a small pile of ashes on the floor, allowing the threads to dance in darkened flames as they coated her skin in soot. Where she would have been furious at the thought before, she was delighted to be free of the shackles of her clothing, and she made her appreciation known as she pulled back, allowing a final burst of milk to coat her face and drizzle down her cheeks.

That display would have been enough to leave Phillip stiff in his normal state of mind: under the crushing influence of the mind flayer, his cock sprung to life and immediately started leaking precum into the ashes of his ruined outfit, but his flesh wasn't destined to meet with hers.

Marcus truly was able to accommodate all of their needs, and already, tendrils that were invisible to the naked eye were seeping into every corner of Hilda's corrupted mind. Milk dripped from her face as she turned and bent over before her new master, allowing his strange, bulbous cock to settle against the folds of her womanhood, already dampened by the overwhelming corruption she faced.

Not to be outdone, Phillip allowed his mind to be taken just as far, standing up without a conscious thought and embracing the creature from behind. "Make sure to show your new master just how much you appreciate what he's done for you," Henry instructed them, knowing that Marcus couldn't speak to them in the same way that he would have before. "Don't keep a single drop from spilling inside of him..."

The sounds of other transformations were lost on the corrupted couple. As Phillip held Marcus' breasts and squeezed them so tight that a fresh hail of milk poured over his digits, Hilda reached back and grabbed the unusual dick by the base, making sure the tip wouldn't leave her body again until it spilled whatever corrupting fluid it could offer.

Without the restraints of their own self-judgment and societal pressure, Phillip and Hilda were able to push themselves to the limit from the outset. Hilda's rump pushed into the illithid with such force that it might have knocked him over, if not for Phillip fucking it from behind, his plentiful cock spreading apart the inhuman labia of an odd, almost alien womanhood.

No coupling they'd ever shared before would match up to the one that they were sharing right now, even if there was a third vessel standing between them.

"Feed him everything ," Henry continued to order. As he stood by the side, he unzipped his pants and began working the already transforming flesh of his own member, stroking it eagerly to the sight of Hilda thrashing against Marcus, her hips moving at a blistering pace. "Hide nothing from your new master, and he will hide nothing from you! He will show you the true light!"

The words of a raving madman were an unexpected aphrodisiac for the other creatures in the room, as they all coupled off in the background. The centerpiece was none other than Phillip's sack slapping against wrinkled, sagging thighs and his cock penetrating a vaginal passage that was able to squeeze him in ways that no human could ever replicate, while the odd kinks and bulbs in Marcus' length gave Hilda an experience that her sex would never be able to forget.

Knowing that this was the only way that they could ever experience such bliss only further cemented their corruption, to the point that it wouldn't have mattered if Marcus was still controlling them or not.

They were already dedicated to the point of no return, thrusting their bodies into their new master with such reckless abandon that their coupling couldn't possibly last much longer.

"Are you there already?" Henry asked, wishing that he could stuff Hilda's throat full the moment that she opened her mouth. He could already see the same energy of sickly purple flowing from her eyes like tears of tainted spirit, but when it overflowed from her mouth, as well, he hesitated at the point and realized just how far gone they already were.

Phillip's eyes were completely rolled back, but his irises lost their natural shade of hazel, fading to a rich, darkened purple that spoke of Marcus' control over them. At that point, the mind flayer was simply being selfish and forcing their bodies to wait a few moments longer for that blissful climax, but his only mistake was underestimating the vigor of their flesh.

Even under hypnosis, Hilda was more than able to squeeze her inner muscles around the misshapen cock that spread her body apart, and Phillip could still drive his hips forth with enough force to nearly topple the transformed beast, forcing him to relinquish that part of his control.

His revenge was swift, as a pair of tentacles shot out from the middle of his nest-mouth, each one tipped with a sharp, claw-like protrusion.

"And with that, Phillip and Hilda will be nothing more than memories..." Henry commented, watching eagerly as the tentacles bulged near the middle, each fleshy appendage forcing the bulkhead of fluids into their target with a painful, heavy injection.

Only the ecstasy of release was enough to keep them from crying out in pain, but there was no chorus of elation, no declaration of earthly delights to be had from the newly corrupted pair.

There was a _terrible_mess, as Phillip pumped a load of cum into the body of the illithid, giving it renewed vigor and filling its body with an offering that was sure to revitalize it.

That same mess was imitated as oozing, thick seed poured deep into Hilda, overflowing her womb in mere seconds and leaving a gooey, messy treat to pour out from her stretched, abused cunt. Her belly started to bulge from the sheer volume of it, but she held still for her new master, allowing her body to be engorged by his hedonistic, gluttonous yield.

The mental aspects of the transformation were already starting to show, but as the last of the tainted chemicals were fed into their bloodstreams, the physical aspect was just beginning...

Holiday Horror Chapter 4

This is part of a longer commission written last year by Joshiah []( Or check out the author's patreon at []( Apologies to the...

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Holiday Horror Chapters 1 - 2

Chapter 1 "To think that I would hold her image in the palm of my think that I would ever be so lucky to experience such a blessing!" Darkness has a way of creeping back into the world, no matter how clean and pure it may seem to be....

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The Horrors of Stonebury: Epilogue

This is part of a longer commission written by Joshiah []( Or check out the author's patreon at []( Part 1 Stonebury wasn't a...

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