Take What You Want

Story by Hagan on SoFurry

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Disclaimer : This story contains sexual acts between consenting, furry males. You should know that considering where it's posted. If you read this story not knowing what it's about and find yourself disgusted, please throw your mind boggling stupid ass off a roof. Negative and positive comments are welcome in the comments area. The more I get, the more likely I am to improve and write more. Characters and other neat stuff trademarked to the author, don't steal without asking at least. Repost all you want as long as you leave my name ( Hagan ) on it and don't take credit.

"Why didn't we go to one of the *real* gyms again?" Andrew asked with a sigh, glancing sidelong at a wolf that looked far more optimistic about the whole affair than he did. Cody rolled his eyes as though the answer was already obvious but smiled anyways, grabbing Andrew by his backpack strap to pull him closer. "Remember last year? Remember being jumped? Thrown into lockers? Put into lockers? Sucking at sports?" More than a few memories of things he'd rather have forgotten crossed Andrew's mind. The young cougar grimaced and he stared down at the dull grey concrete underfoot. "The whole point of this is to get in shape before the next year comes around. I don't want my second year of highschool to suck like the first. You too. We can both get into shape before next year, so we aren't all scrawny and push over looking." Andrew looked up at Cody then down at himself briefly. Cody was a wolf that could be mistaken as a border collie if not for the lack of markings. His body was thin and wiry without much muscle tone and his height was something to be described as diminutive at best. Being five foot, four inches tall was not something to be proud of at fifteen, but Cody never seemed to let it get to him. The all black wolf was always nice to those that treated him likewise, and seemed to be set to always happy, never shameful or sad. It wasn't often that Andrew saw him anything but bright eyed and bushy tailed, his attitude a near constant. It was something that was reflected in his bright green eyes, and in the orange-red dyed hair hanging in front of his face.

Andrew was a contrast to Cody, both in body and in attitude. He was more cautious and thought more about what others thought of him. He was almost always the last to strip down in gym class, especially for the showers. He was smart but could be shy to raise his hand in class, opinionated but quiet about them in public. But Cody had made him more daring, more forward and eager to try new things. If he hadn't met Cody he surely wouldn't be standing outside a gym, just as surely as he wouldn't have gotten his hair changed to a deep purple. Unlike Cody's straight and wispy strands, Andrew's was a fairly short and wild, bristling affair that refused to be combed into any real shape or form. After many frustrating styling attempts, Cody had dubbed it the Cthut-doo and given up all together. His body wasn't much better off than Cody's, a few inches taller and a tad more muscle but still nothing special aside from a longer and more flexible tail. Both were wearing the standard school attire, jeans and a t-shirt with backpacks slung on their shoulders. A change of clothes was in there along with their text books, and a pair of swim trunks. Both had been planning on the trek to the YMCA today, and their parents had been told of their plans. They had plenty of time before they had to go home, long enough to explore the gym and try out a variety of exercises.

Andrew simply nodded and reached up between them to grab Cody by a small triangular pride necklace be wore and tucked it inside the wolf's shirt. "I don't think a lot of the gym guys would like that a lot, you know?" Andrew explained. Cody made a face but made no effort to remove it, and the duo made their way past the plain glass doors of the building. At the desk was a rather bored looking brown hare that seemed like he was about ready to drift off with his arms behind his head. His body told of the fact he wasn't one to regularly exercise himself, even if his shirt proudly proclaimed "YMCA Fit!" with the image of a flexing figure on the front. If Cody's dad didn't know the manager of the place, the two of them would never be allowed free run without adult supervision. Without so much as a greeting, the hare whom squinted at them for barely a second waved them on into the gym down a set of stairs to their right. The building was just as plain and drab as Andrew had expected, blocky, beige walls with a brown trim that was a hue more suited for a sewer than a gym in his mind. The floors were paved with a cheap, almost pink tile that seemed like it was dirty despite the obvious shine on it's surface. The dull light of the fluorescent bulbs together with the sterile interior reminded him of the school they were so grateful to be away from. It was something that was slowly instilling him with more and more doubt about the whole endeavor but he soldiered on, vaguely encouraged by the fact that the areas they passed were mostly deserted this early in the day.

"What do you want to do first?" Cody's voice drew the feline's attention back to his friend, the cougar idly tapping his chin in thought. "I guess I didn't give it much thought. Maybe... I dunno, swimming? Weights? Machines? Punching bag?" "That ain't exactly narrowing it down, y'know." Andrew stuck his tongue out as they pushed forward into the locker room, side by side. "I'll just think about it as we change, ok?" The interior of the locker room was a shock, but only in terms of temperature. The same trademark white-grey tile and view guards around the door adorned the inside, the same as many others across the world. Gun metal grey lockers that were probably older than they were lined up row after row in blocks running out from the walls with one wide aisle going down the center. But in sharp contrast to the outside, the interior wasn't as brightly lit and not nearly as coolly comfortable. It wasn't as hot nor as humid as it would be if the showers had been run recently, but it was warm and traces of humidity seemed to perpetually hang in the air as with the one at school. There was one more thing he tried to keep his mind off of as he headed towards an open locker, one more thing that made his jeans bulge slightly as it nagged at his senses. The scent of many males, of many species long since gone from the locker room... But there was more than just that. It was a scent that made him shiver from head to toe and his mind stray briefly to thoughts more suited to the privacy of a bedroom than his current surroundings.

Andrew shook his head in an attempt to derail his current train of thought and dropped his back pack, pulling off his shirt with a haste he rarely showed for stripping in a public area. He didn't even sit down to take off his sneakers and socks, nor did shyly glance around like normal before dropping his pants. "You're in a hurry." Cody chided quietly from behind him, the two standing with their backs facing each other, a thin wooden bench between them. "I'm just eager to exercise." Andrew countered with a quiet swallow as his white briefs came off. He gathered all his clothes into a messy ball and shoved them onto the locker's top shelf, unaware of his friend sneaking a peek at his tawny backside. Andrew almost thought he heard a door open when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind, and teeth nibbling on his rounded but triangular ear. He blushed like a school girl when he felt Cody's chest press to his back and his claws barely dig at his stomach, a surprised but quickly suppressed moan coming from his mouth. "I was kind of hoping you'd be trying to jump me or somethin' in here... " His friend's paw drifted down and had enough time to rake his claws across his thigh before Andrew's mind finally kick started back into working order. "C-Cody, you know this isn't the right time, the scents will get me all-" Behind him Cody had stood on his knees atop the bench and the shorter, weaker, but more aggressive wolf pawed at his hips to draw him back.

His mind was telling him to resist and to tell the wolf to keep his paws off of him, but not because he didn't like it. It hadn't been the first time Cody had touched him like that, not the first time that the wolf's paws had been on his thighs or anywhere else. The cat was just as gay as the wolf was even though he was closeted and cautious. Cody was even the only one he'd ever kissed or touched intimately, something that went both ways between the two of them. But the fear of being caught was riding as high in Andrew's mind as the want, the need to feel Cody's teeth pulling at his neck, or his paw pulling at his dick. Cody let his hands do the talking as they pulled him back, the wolf gradually settling down to sit on his knees as Andrew reluctantly eased back into a seat on his lap. The touch of a firm, filled out sheath pressing under his tail and a set of balls under his thighs shocked Andrew out of his lusty trance and to his feet. He spun in place and looked down at Cody's naked body : A part of him wanted to jump right back into his lap. Another part of him wanted to yank the wolf to his feet and shove him into the lockers while he plowed his lupine ass. But the side that won out was the one that told him it was far too risky, even though a dribble of pre was already leaking from his pale cream colored sheath. "Not here, Cody." He said in a stern but shaky voice. Cody flashed him a grin that pretty much read 'can't blame me for trying' before he shoved his clothes and bag into his own locker.

"After that I need a cold swim." Andrew half muttered, pulling a pair of too big, gaudy yellow colored trunks from his bag. Cody yanked a pair of black ones from his own and the two were soon dressed for a refreshing dip in the pool. The trunks were both big enough to thankfully hide the pair's still prominently swollen sheaths, but nothing would hide the scents of their arousal save for that of the locker room ( at a distance, at least ) or the overpowering one of chlorine. Thoughts of his friend still ran through his mind as he pushed open the door to the pool, the loose, pleasant fabric of his trunks brushing back and forth across his sheath.. It was only when they were outside that Cody's eyes finally came off the cougar's ass and went back to his surroundings. Andrew's tail tip flickered back and forth right up to the point he jumped right off the edge into the pool without checking for depth or anything else and disappeared beneath the cool water. The interior of the pool area was wide open, quiet, and cool, lacking the heat or the scents of the room left behind... Though the rough, grey concrete and plain metal bleachers told of similar blandness. The only scent he could even pick up was that of the chemically treated water and himself. It was a welcome change and one he needed more than anything else to keep his mind off of his friend, and just how easy it would be to yank off his shorts every time the wolf passed near him in the water.


Clayton walked towards the locker room with no particular hurry, the ringtail having just finished a ten minute run on a treadmill on the other side of the gym. He swilled water from his bottle, then drizzled some of the refreshingly cool water across his white chest fur. The semi-fluffy fur of his upper chest matted in places, the wispy fur around his collar bone unable to bare the brunt of even the mild assault. His fur was a bit of an odd mix, fluffy white clashing with his outer coat of tougher, but hardly bristling tan which covered most of his body. It'd be tougher if it weren't well cared for, but if it weren't well cared for the ringtail's long and nigh comically fluffy tail would be an utter disaster of knots and matting from day to day tasks. Even a few days of slippage on his grooming routine would result in hours of swearing and going through his fur with a fine toothed comb. The very thought of it caused his black over sized ears to turn downwards, his distinctively marked muzzle wrinkling in distaste. He pushed the locker room door open with ease, and got all of two steps into the room before he paused dead in his tracks. He could just about hear something, or thought he did. Clayton was about to start walking again when his ears caught something more tangible. "Was hoping you'd try-" Only a fragment of a sentence, but the tone had the somewhat curious male intrigued. 'Maybe... Nah, couldn't be.' He thought to himself.

He casually rounded the corner into the dingy, drab interior of the changing area and his ears again went rigid right along with his body posture. His thoughts of being caught spying or how he'd explain himself were cast aside by ones of him catching a pair of males with their hands all over each other. "C-Cody, you know this isn't the right time, the scents will get me all-" His ears and posture weren't the only things going stiff as he heard the shy but needy voice of a whispering male. His muzzle split with an ear to ear grin and he made his way forward as quickly but as silently as possible, aiming to both hear more and to sneak a peek. He stalked up to an aisle of lockers he was sure they were in and pressed his large body against the side of one. He could almost smell them from where he was but couldn't tell if it was them, or one of the countless others that went through at one time or another. Using his huge tail as a counter weight he leant cautiously forward to peek around the corner, his blue eyes veiled by thin strands of his medium length blonde hair. He got an eye full of one young wolf male pulling a feline down into his lap, the wolf with a huge grin on his face and the cat with a look of inner turmoil and want. His own sheath swelled near instantly at the thought of them fucking in front of him on the bench, of the cat mewling like a kitten as the wolf pounded his knot into his cute little ass. Clayton's little fantasy was derailed by the abrupt rise of the feline, causing him to quickly dart behind the opposite side of the lockers. "Not here, Cody." Clayton watched the two of them from around the corner when he heard them walking away, seeing them both in swim wear. If they were going to swim, they'd probably be coming back... Clayton's mind was already formulating a plan before they'd even left the room.


Though Andrew's mind had had time to cool off, he was more than a little horny by the time he was ready to get out of the pool. All the while he'd been swimming he'd been trying to think of a way to excuse himself for a quick jerk in the bathroom... But he knew two things. One was that he was unable to have a quick jerk when he was like this, and he'd end up cumming all over the toilet stall's walls with repeated orgasms until he wore himself out or ran dry. Two was that Cody would follow him, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to resist another one of his friend's advances. He could feel Cody's eyes on him even as he pushed into the locker room, and it honestly made him hot to have someone's eyes checking him out. But he tried not to focus on it as he entered the locker room only to be hit by a wall of steam and moisture : Someone had been making use of the showers, or... Someone's. The scent of the musk in the air made him pause dead in his tracks and shiver all over. It wasn't just the musk, but that same scent he had caught earlier that made him so aroused. "Something wrong?" Cody asked from over Andrew's shoulders, startling Andrew out of his near trance with a nervous laugh. "N-No, nothing." He replied, smiling as he quickly tried to get a little distance between himself and the wolf before he could scent the cat's arousal. "Why don't you head on to the showers? I'm going to go check on our stuff and grab some towels and soap and stuff." Andrew only nodded, thankful for more distance between them and a chance to get a face full of cold water in the showers. His friend peeled off towards the lockers and Andrew hung a quick right, passing through a wide open doorway into a semi enclosed shower room. It wasn't particularly wide or as open as the ones as school, but had showers on all sides of the room in fairly wide stalls. A thin swinging door of opaque white plastic offered privacy to those that wanted it, only one stall had a door closed.

Normally Andrew would have been grateful for such a thing. Normally, he would have noticed. But that odor that had been teasing him grew tenfold as soon as he set foot into the room, and it was this time that Andrew knew what it was. It was something he smelled every time he and Cody spent time in his room together... It was the scent of two heavily aroused furs that had been petting at the very least. But what got his attention even more was the handsome ring tail drenched in water standing in one of the stalls, a thick black cock hanging between his masculine thighs. He leered at Andrew like a starving dog looked at a steak, his blonde hair matted to his face and his fur to his body, revealing a rather toned but hardly over the top frame of an active male. With every breath Andrew took in more of the potent air around him, and with every step he took towards the male across the room he felt his sheath grow thicker. He had no idea what he was doing. No idea what he was doing walking towards the stranger, no idea that his paws were already undoing the tied up strings of his trunks. He swallowed nothing down his dry throat as the stood in front of him with his heart pounding in his chest. When he entered the surprisingly spacious stall the door clicked shut almost immediately. Without saying a word or even greeting the boy in any way the stranger abruptly pushed him down to his knees and grabbed a handful of Andrew's hair, pushing his nose right against his limp dick and balls. Andrew's mind lit up like a Christmas tree hit with napalm as the virile male's scent filled his lungs unlike anything he'd ever smelled before. His sheath swelled like it never had and the male holding his face there showed no signs in pulling it away any time soon.

"You like the way my cock smells?" He asked in a confident voice, his eyes locked on Andrew's as he spoke. The cat felt captivated by his dominant gaze but his eyes eventually strayed to the dick in front of him then back up to it's owner. "Y-Yes." He meekly murmured. He took Andrew's chin into his paw and pressed at the corners of his muzzle with two strong fingers, coaxing his supple lips to part. "Then you'll love the way it tastes." Before he could even protest the fat tip of the male's half rigid dick pressed into the first inch of his muzzle, filling Andrew's mouth with the salty but diluted taste of cum mixed with shower water, and that of the black flesh wedged in his lips. Andrew hadn't even sucked on Cody's dick ( despite the wolf sometime pressuring him to do so ), but here he was in a shower at a gym with his lips on the dick of someone that had said less than twenty words to him. His conscious tried to tell him how dirty it was, how dirty he was for even being there, how he should go, how he was being a whore. But as the dick went hard in his mouth, pulsing with the handsome male's heart beat and the musk filled his lungs, Andrew told his conscience to go fuck itself and closed his lips around the dick between them. "Andrew?" Called a familiar voice. His round ears pricked up but he didn't move to take the dick out of his mouth to reply. The door behind him rattled but even that didn't draw a response from him as more and more of his muzzle was stuffed with the ringtail's dick. The large cock in his maw drizzled out a stream of rich, salted precum across the back of his tongue. Without even thinking he swallowed it, softly purring in thanks and asking for more like a cat hungry for more milk from it's master. "Andrew?" Cody called just behind the plastic, his words again heard but not answered.

There was a 'hmph!' on the other side of the glass, beside him Andrew could hear another shower starting up as Cody began to clean his fur of the harsh smelling pool water. Then almost as suddenly and mysterious as his blow job had come the full, swollen prick was pulled back from his muzzle and the paw released his deep purple mop of headfur. Andrew's mouth hung open a moment or two with a strand of precum and saliva hanging from his bottom lip before the stranger leant over to grab one of his paws and pulled him up to his feet. There was a second of being close to him that Andrew thought he might be kissed, a thought that was erased as the stranger's hands grabbed his hips, spun him around and shoved him up against the right side shower wall. A foot paw kicked one of his feet on the inside outwards a bit and did the same to the opposite just before the strong paws on his hips yanked down his already sagging trunks. In his lust hazed mind Andrew had no idea what the stranger was doing, but he didn't struggle at all. He merely panted and tried to look over his shoulder at the male with his head and chest pressed against the wall, his smaller pink dick having been freed from his sheath somewhere along the way. The short, angular muzzle of the ringtail poked down near his ear as one paw wrapped around his tail and yanked it upwards. "Are you a virgin?" He huffed into one of Andrew's ears causing them to flutter from the sensation, his cheeks and ears filling with blood as the question processed. "I.. I-Iam." Andrew replied in a stuttering whisper as a broad dick smeared with his saliva and precum poked between his rump cheeks and eventually pressed against his tight little pucker.

"You wanna be fucked like the dirty little cock sucking cat bitch you are?" He whispered, his hot breath cast across the inside of his ear feeling just as hot to Andrew as the steaming water pelting his naked body. The words were true enough. Even with the hot cleansing water pouring over him he felt dirtier than a pig in a slop bath. Even then the good little voice in his head was screaming how wrong and filthy it was... But his dick was throbbing, his heart was pounding and he wanted more. "Fuck me... " Andrew practically begged in a needy, hissing whisper. The stranger smiled devilishly at him yanking on his tail and squeezing it near the base, wriggling his dick across Andrew's ass hole in the process. "If you want to be fucked like a slut, then you will be." The paw not on his tail knocked once on the wall behind him, then unlocked the shower door. Andrew heard one open and close a moment before another fur stepped in. The wiry brown hare from the reception desk stepped into the shower wearing nothing but a smile and locked the door behind him. He barely had time to consider his deep brown colored body or the chocolate prick he held in one paw, as the male behind him lifted a free paw to grab his muzzle to hold it closed. Andrew's face looked at Clayton questioningly then screwed up in pain, his eyes squeezing shut as the ringtail drove his dick halfway up the young cat's ass without a hint of warning. Tears ran down the side of his face but were lost in the droplets cast from the shower, his body wracked with pleasure both and pain as he was stretched and filled for the first time. His yell of pain was muffled by the hand clasping his muzzle shut and the loudness of all three shower stalls in use. As his friend showered ignorantly beside him, Andrew's virginity was taken by one stranger whilst a second watched and stroked his dick. His claws dug uselessly at the tile in front of him and on the floor at his feet, his body tensed and his jaw clenched.

He didn't even notice the fact that his dick painted the shower's wall with the cum of an orgasm, or that he'd even had one for that matter. All he could concentrate on was the dick stretching his ass out to accommodate itself, and every new inch it filled, every little vein and bump on the intruder. That and the quiet pant of the male in his ear, how his body grew closer and closer until his chest and stomach was cupping the feline's backside and his balls rested against his perky rump. Looking down at his erection, he reached down to grab the prick and what cum hadn't been blasted off by the shower. Andrew's body instantly clenched up around his prick and he mewled in his throat, earning both a restrained moan in his ear and a quiet chuckle. Then the cum stained paw lifted up and smeared the semen across his face, bathing him in his own cum. "Tight, aren't you?" He murmured into the boy's ear without expecting a response. His hips drew a short distance and drove home again with one short buck, eliciting another mewl from the feline in his arms. There wasn't any foreplay or any measure other than that to see if Andrew was ready for the dick in his ass to start pounding away in short, vicious strikes that made his 'lover' grunt and growl quietly in his ear. His lungs burned from a lack of oxygen, but he didn't care as he drew it in as fast as he could through his nose at a rapid pace. His ass ached as the dick that took his virginity rode him like bitch he'd begged to be fucked as. But even though most of his body was protesting in pain his nerves were alive with pleasure and every time the dick stabbed into his body he felt more alive than he'd been seconds ago. He wanted to be used up and thrown away, he wanted to be fucked in every dirty way, he wanted the cum to fall like the shower water around him until he was soaked in it for all to see and for all to know what a whore he was.

His wanton moans against the paw holding his mouth shut became howls as the stranger seized his neck scruff in his teeth and pulled back dominantly, not near enough to make him bleed but a good imitation of a feline mating bite. The message was clear : The male on his back was his alpha and he was the beta, his bitch to be enjoyed in any way he saw fit. He heard the male behind him growl in a way he didn't know ringtails were capable of and his dick slapped forward into his ass again, the force of the thrust lewdly pelting his rump with the stranger's nuts and shoving him against the wall. Even as exhausted and over sensitized as he was he could feel the male pumping his balls into his virgin backside, the inside of his ass painted in thick ropes of cum that almost seemed hot enough to burn. His ass was filled as he was pinned to the wall with most of the pressure on his chest, his dick forced down at a semi awkward angle. Even the mild friction caused by the tile and his thigh trapping his penis was enough to cause his second orgasm, though he had little left from the first. Instead of the explosion exhibited earlier his dick merely oozed onto his thigh and ran off with the water, too mentally and physically spent to even enjoy it. The dick in his ass was unceremoniously yanked out and a flood of seed ran down his ass cheeks and between his thighs. He was only vaguely aware of the sensation as he sank to his knees in an exhausted heap, trying his best to regain the breath he so desperately felt he needed.

He got a mere three speedy pants before the rabbit that had been jacking off the entire time crammed his dick into his muzzle. Too tired to suck or protest, his head was held up by the ringtail's paw while the rabbit fucked his muzzle. He was only aware of the salty taste on his tongue and little else until the desk clerk seized his muzzle and held it shut with both paws, biting his lip with an expression of pure bliss. Andrew nearly choked and somewhere in the back of his head, thanked God that unlike the ringtail the rabbit was averagely sized. Once again for the second time in under five minutes a male was filling him with his cum, only this time there was only one direction for it to go. Andrew let his mouth fill with semen before he started to swallow and managed to get most of it down without a struggle, though when the rabbit drew back out of his mouth he had the added surprise of catching the last few strands across his face. The ringtail laid him down on the ground and turned to shut the water off, looking down at him with a smirk mirrored by his friend the rabbit. They both looked at each other then stepped out of the stall, closing the door on the worn out feline. The ringtail's smiling face was the last thing he saw before the door closed, and he drifted off into a brief slumber on the stall floor, covered at both ends in the cum of three males including himself. Even as his mind shut down to recover some much needed energy and his body ached all over, he absentmindedly licked at his cum stained lips.