Marla Chapter 8 - Seduction Of A Wolf

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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#11 of Marla


Chapter 8

Seduction Of A Wolf

S.M. Wolf

Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her permission. Zassa is copyrighted her owner. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, Mike, Sensei Tenchi. Zubin, other miscellaneous characters and this story are copyright 2007, 2010 by S.M. Wolf. This story may not be reproduced by any means in part or completely without prior written permission of the author. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Marla continued to train. Zubin helped on occasion, but she saw less of the wolverine as she returned to concentrating on paw-to-paw fighting. He still gave her late night driving lessons and would pop in to check her weapons skills unannounced. He seemed to be grudgingly admiring of her proficiency.

Sensei Tenchi drove Marla hard over the next few weeks. He concentrated on close in fighting and other techniques she would need if Kayla was every attacked. He also emphasized enhancing her observational skills so that she would be aware of an attack even before it began. Being a wolf and a top predator helped, and she acquitted herself well for a novice.

Marla's training in small groups continued as well. She was never quite certain who was there on any given night because of the strange suits they wore, but she suspected that Master David, Kayla, Sensei Tenchi, Zubin and even Mike were present. She never asked, and, other than the first night, she never saw the faces of any of the other furs. She "died" almost as frequently as she lived, but she was definitely improving and learning from her mistakes.

Marla still felt woefully inadequate as a bodyguard at times, especially compared to the likes of Sensei Tenchi and even Zubin. She hoped that she would have time to develop her skills, but events seemed to be running forward far too fast to allow that. The heat of summer seemed to be driving furs to acts bordering on insanity. There were protests by the Blues, Greens and Reds that sometimes erupted into violence. The Government was conducting more sweeps to pick up the protestors. Unspoken but widely known was the fact that they were being sent to the Academy and elsewhere to be made into sex slaves and sold to pay for the Government's war against the pirates.

The pirates were yet another cause for concern. They were becoming increasingly bold and dangerous. Many ships either were attacked and boarded or disappeared completely. Wealthy furs were no longer guaranteed to be ransomed. Even stations in orbit around Elysium were not immune to the attacks of the most brazen pirates.

Throughout it all there was a growing fear in the capital that could almost be smelled and tasted.

Master David took a keen interest in the demonstrations. He would watch the replays of them on the news and from other sources to see what the police and the protestors did. Surprisingly he virtually ignored the attacks on his shipping even as they increased in frequency. The Brethren in particular were taking a heavy toll on his spacecraft. The only question he ever seemed to ask though was whether the crews returned safely. He never asked about the cargos or ships.

Marla had her own suspicions about what was happening. She knew her Master was far from an innocent bystander, but she did not know which side if any he supported. It was not her place to question him either as nominal slave or omega pack member. Despite the short time that she had been with him, she trusted him too much to seriously be concerned about his motives anyway. She would follow his and Kayla's lead and do her best to protect them both when the violence that everyone expected erupted.

Still, there were times when Marla really wished she knew what the heck her alpha male was doing.

For now all the wolfess could do was train and prepare for what was to come.

One morning Master David called Marla over the comlink and asked her to join him and Kayla for lunch at his headquarters. Kayla was out running errands and would join them at noon. It had been some time since she had been to Master David's headquarters, so she agreed readily. Master David told her that he would send the limo back to the penthouse to pick her up shortly after 11:30.

At 11:30 Marla dressed in one of Valentia's demure yet surprisingly provocative dresses. Several small weapons disappeared under its cloth. Marla patted them and checked in a mirror to make sure that they were unobtrusive before heading downstairs to the lobby in the private elevator.

When the elevator doors opened Mike was waiting for Marla. He grinned and opened the lobby door as he greeted her warmly.

"Good morning, Miss Marla!"

Marla grinned at the young male wolf.

"Still so formal, Mike, even after all that we have been through?" she playfully pouted.

"Master David would have my balls if I was less than respectful, and I would hand them to him on a silver platter!"

Mike's quip sent a strange image of a naked Mike standing before her with a small silver platter held beneath his testicles. She laughed with the wolf, but there was a bit of speculative lust behind her laugh and look. She liked this young wolf, and she suspected he was well endowed. She enjoyed her Master immensely, and he kept her well satisfied, but sometimes like now her thoughts still strayed.

"Your limo is here."

Mike's words brought Marla back to reality though she carefully stored away her little fantasy image for future consideration. She walked to the limousine. Mike opened the door for her. He held out his right paw and assisted her into the limousine.

As Marla was ready to slide across the seat she noticed a single small, bright red dot on the left side of Mike's head. Without even thinking she shifted her paws to grip Mike's right paw and the front of his uniform. She wedged her left foot against the edge of the door frame and pulled as hard as she could.

Mike flew into the limousine and landed on top of Marla. They slid off the seat and landed on the floor with Mike on top. Even as they were falling Marla was shouting instructions to the limousine's voice activated controller.

"Emergency code Omega One! Activate defenses! Evasive retreat to Safe One!"

The open door of the limousine slammed shut. Armor slid over the glass. Both wolves were pressed backwards against the front of the seat as the limousine accelerated forward hard.

"What the-?" Mike managed to get out.

"Someone using a sniper scope with a laser designator was targeting your head.

"Since I rather like it the way it is - whole! - I decided we needed to get out quickly.

"We are heading to Master David's Headquarters. They have already been informed that something is wrong and are no doubt tracking us. We should be safe in a few minutes."

Marla's attention drifted down to her belly. She felt a large bulge in Mike's pants pressing against her. With the immediate threat gone her earlier thoughts returned.

Playfully she continued, "In the meantime, we could have some fun with that hard-on you have for me."

Mike's jaw dropped and his eyes bulged both in embarrassment for his reaction to being pressed against this lovely wolfess and shock at the prospect she was offering. Whatever he was about to say was lost as Marla cursed.

The limousine was slowing down, and it was far too soon to either be where they were going or to have help arrive. Someone had managed to remotely hack their vehicle's computer and taken control of it.

Marla reached over her head and pressed a hidden latch. A door opened and out slipped two large caliber military laser pistols. Marla took them and handed one to Mike.

"Ever use one of these?" she asked as she quickly dug out extra energy cells and split them between Mike and herself.

"Yes," Mike said a bit glumly as he rolled off the beautiful wolfess and checked his pistol. There was a definite tone of regret in his voice. Even in this apparently bad situation he was still noticeably disappointed with the sudden turn of events that denied him the opportunity to explore certain possibilities.

"Don't worry, Lover Boy," Marla said as she flipped the safety off.

"You don't get away from me that easily."

Marla grabbed Mike behind the head and gave him a quick but intense kiss before pointing her pistol at the door.

The limousine stopped. The armor plates slowly dropped down to their normal stowed position. The wolves appeared to be in a deserted alley. Marla and Mike looked around desperately trying to find their potential kidnappers.

No fur appeared in the alleyway, but the back door opened. Marla kept a nervous eye on both the open door and the windows. At least the armored body of the limousine and the bulletproof windows still largely protected them.

Marla's ears perked up.

She heard laughing.

What was more, she recognized the furs laughing. She could also faintly hear Zubin amiably cursing over an open comlink.

"Marla and Mike, are you okay?" Master David called out to the occupants of the limousine.

"Name a mythical country!" Marla shouted back.

"Zarathustra," Master David replied to her challenge.

Marla looked at Mike. He shrugged. He was not quite sure what was going on, but apparently it was safe to show themselves. Still he was the one to first put his head up as he pressed Marla down to the floor of the limousine. She wriggled out from beneath his protective paw and sat up with her pistol at the ready.

Master David, Sensei Tenchi and Kayla stood in front of the limousine. All were showing open, empty paws. Marla thought it likely that any one of them could still probably kill the two less experienced wolves in the limousine, but she accepted for the moment that they were likely safe.

Marla and Mike got out of the limousine. Mike seemed reluctant to say anything, but Marla stalked right up to the three waiting furs and demanded in a loud, indignant voice, "What the hell is going on?!"

Zubin laughed loudly from the open comlink on Master David's left wrist. From what she could see Marla surmised that he was somewhere on top of one of the nearby buildings with a sniper rifle. He seemed to be enjoying the entire proceedings.

"It was a test, Marla," Sensei Tenchi replied calmly.

"And you passed."

Marla looked her teacher up and down. She was still upset, but his words did calm her down some.

"What sort of test?" Marla half growled.

Master David interjected, "A simple one in this case. Zubin targeted Mike so we could see if you would see the threat and react. It was a situation where neither of you had any expectations of there being a threat, and Mike was not a fur you were suppose to be protecting. Since neither of you knew what was to happen, it was a valid test of all you have learned until now.

"Neither of you were in real danger, but we tried to make it look like there was an imminent threat."

Zubin chirped in, "I barely had the laser switched on before you were pulling his head out of my sights. I never had a clean shot."

"And that," Sensei Tenchi concluded, " is why you succeeded."

Marla was much calmer, but she still glowered a bit at the three furs. Behind her she could hear Mike shuffling his feet nervously.

"So, will there be other tests like this?" she asked.

"Yes," Sensei Tenchi replied calmly.

"You need the experience, Marla. There is precious little time and much for you and Mike to learn."

Whatever remaining annoyance with her teacher and alphas Marla had disappeared as she heard the heartfelt concern in her Sensei's voice. She glanced at her pack mates. Behind their smiles was a lingering concern for her and Mike as well.

Marla sighed.

"Well, at least next time give us some time alone.

"I almost got Mike's pants off!"

All the furs except Mike laughed heartily. His entire body turned crimson, but he did not deny Marla's claim.

Marla's thoughts that night drifted to the young wolf as she lay in bed savoring the afterglow of her lovemaking with her Master and Kayla. Images of a naked and fully erect Mike surfaced repeatedly in her dreams.

The next morning Marla awoke with a big smile.

Her morning was spent in training with Sensei Tenchi. He ran her through several techniques for safely getting a fur out of the line of fire while drawing a weapon at the some time. After lunch she practiced what she had learned with a dummy until she felt confident she could do what was needed. When she was done the wolfess took a shower in the dojo's locker room.

Marla got out of the shower and walked over to the fur drier. She smiled as the unit sensed her presence and activated. She enjoyed the warm air currents especially after a hard day of training.

Marla was alone in the penthouse for one of the few times since her arrival in her new home. Master David was at work, and Kayla was at a pup shower for one of Master David's personal assistants. Marla had been invited, but she had declined since she knew none of the others at the party.

As she ran her paws through her hair to help dry it, a stray memory popped into her mind unbidden. Earlier that day Marla had escorted Kayla to the limousine. Mike and Marla had spent a few minutes talking. Neither had mentioned yesterday, but both were still aware of what happened inside the limousine. Mike's ears and muzzle were blushing as he talked with her.

Marla had asked him about his schedule for the day since Kayla would not be back until 7 P.M.

"Well, I have training with Security Chief Tenchi at five, but I get off at four, so I actually have a whole hour free this afternoon!" Mike had replied with a grin. "Joshua or Zubin will be around to make sure everything is okay when you pick up Miss Kayla."

"You work far too hard to support your pack, Mike!"

Mike's face had fallen a bit. He replied a bit sadly. "I have to. Most of them are too old or sick to support themselves. Without Mister Wolf's help even all the time I put in working would not be enough to keep the pack going."

Marla had been genuinely sorry to have hurt him with her intemperate remark. Impulsively she gave him a hug and a quick kiss. She felt his body go rigid as she held him. She also felt a large, unmistakable bump on the front of his pants.

Mike quickly retreated while saying, "I'm sorry, Miss Marla, but I have to get upstairs to let the next resident into the building." He had practically fled up the access stairs to the lobby.

The memory of his reaction brought another memory to the surface of her mind. It had been about a week after she had been bought by Master David. Kayla and Marla were riding up the elevator. She had been circumspectly pumping Kayla for information about Master David by asking about the other furs she had met so far.

"So what about Mike?" Marla had asked.

"Well, he is a hard working young male about your age. He is really a good fur, and a hard worker. He always seems to be doing something to earn money for his pack.

"Unfortunately that does not leave much time for a social life for Mike."

Kayla leaned in and whispered to Marla in a conspiratorial voice, "I think he is still a virgin!"

The two female furs had giggled at the time, but now Marla thought Kayla was likely right. She honestly doubted that Mike had ever mated.

The fur drier stopped, but Marla continued to stand in front of it staring off into space thinking about Mike and her recent experiences with him. She knew that the feel of his hard cock through his pants was exciting her sexually, but she wondered about the intensity of her reaction. After all, she had her Master and Kayla. She could even raid the dildos in the dungeon for some simple physical sexual release. However, her mind and her fantasies kept returning to this young male wolf.

Marla definitely liked Mike for more than purely physical reasons though he was by no means hard on the eyes as it were. He genuinely cared for her, he seemed to be a great fur, and he loved his pack mates at least much as she cared for hers. Master David and Kayla both thought very highly of the young wolf. She doubted any other fur with the possible exception of Sensei Tenchi was liked more by them. She trusted their judgment.

It genuinely bothered Marla that Mike did not have more for himself.

Something clicked in the back of Marla's mind as she made a sudden decision. It could get her in deep trouble if Master David ever found out about what she planned, but she liked Mike too much not to do it.

Marla looked at the clock. It was three thirty. She needed to make a few quick preparations for the rest of the afternoon.

Marla ran across the hallway to her room. She never slept there anymore, but the bed was still made daily by the cleaning service. She turned back the covers and arranged the pillows. She considered doing more in the way of preparations, but she doubted that there would be an opportunity for much foreplay today. With any luck there would be other times when they could enjoy a more leisurely assignation.

Marla put on a blue silk kimono. She slid a pair of loafer-style shoes over her feet. She brushed out her hair. When she was done, she looked at the clock again. It was ten minutes until four. It was time to go downstairs.

The entire ride down Marla was shifting back and forth on her feet and pacing. Her Academy training was beating against the inside of skull telling her not to do this, but her natural compassion and caring reawakened by her loving pack mates were overriding their old implanted imperatives.

The private elevator reached the basement, and the door opened. As she expected, Mike was walking towards the elevator door. She glanced around quickly. The only two furs in the basement garage were Mike and her.

"Good afternoon, Miss Marla," Mike warmly greeted her. "I was not expecting to see you again today. What can I do for you?"

"Actually, Mike," Marla replied in a sultry voice, "the question is what can I do for you?"

Marla's paws undid the belt of her kimono and opened the front wide. Underneath she had only her collar on. Marla let the kimono slip down over her shoulders a bit to display even more fur. She adopted a sexy pose and showed off her willing body to the young male.

Mike's jaw dropped. He had seen enough of Marla to know she was beautiful. He knew she had received sex training at the Academy like Lady Kayla. She had even starred in many of his wet dreams since she had come to the penthouse,

His wildest imagination was nowhere near the reality of the naked female wolf standing in the elevator and displaying her body to him.

"Mike, when you get off in a few minutes, come up to the penthouse if you want to have this," Marla told the shocked wolf.

The elevator doors closed.

Marla punched the up button and returned to the penthouse. She raced upstairs and got rid of her meager clothing. She ran back downstairs and waited in the foyer beside the Botticelli.

At first Marla was afraid she had scared off Mike, but after only a few minutes of nervous waiting she heard the public elevator start to climb to the penthouse. She checked the security code on the recently installed display.

It was Mike's code.

The door opened. Mike found himself greeted by Marla. She was wearing nothing but a broad smile.

Marla grabbed Mike's right paw and practically pulled him from the elevator. He reluctantly entered the penthouse. Nervously he looked around. He was terrified that Mister Wolf or Lady Kayla would walk around the corner without warning at any second.

"I- I- I shouldn't be here," Mike stammered and half turned to leave.

Marla did not let go of his paw. In an even, sultry voice she told him, "Kayla is gone until at least seven. Master David does not get home until at least five thirty. We have all the time we need."

"I still don't know about-"

Whatever else Mike was about to say was lost behind the soft but passionate kiss Marla planted on his lips. Her lips barely grazed his, but Marla might as well have used a welding torch for all the fire she set off in his muzzle.

Marla batted her eyes at him and asked him in her best come hither voice, "Are you sure you want to leave so soon?"

Mike swallowed loudly several times. He opened and closed his muzzle a number of times before he was able to find his voice again.

"If we get caught...," he said.

Marla leaned in close and whispered into his right ear, "No one will catch us, and no one will know. Now come upstairs to bed with me."

Mike contemplated his likely fate if Mister Wolf found him in bed coupling with Marla. Flaying alive would likely be the best for which he could hope. His raging hormones were driving him away from any sane or rational response, though. His primal self took over, and Mike shakily nodded his head yes.

Marla led Mike upstairs. She kept her paw in his for the entire walk. She also used the little tricks taught to her at the Academy. She would seemingly randomly brush up against his body or have her tail wrap around his as they walked. She somehow managed to display her breasts and other erotic portions to the young male beside her as they mounted the stairs and walked down the upstairs hallway.

Mike was afraid that Marla would lead him into Mister Wolf's bed chamber, but she took him into her bedroom instead. He swallowed and started panting when he saw the bed arranged for an afternoon of sexual exercise by a pair of young randy wolves.

Marla turned and put her paws on Mike's shoulders. She snuggled up against him and rested her muzzle in the hollow of his neck.

"Marla, I- I never have... You know.." he stammered.

"I know." She planted another kiss on his muzzle to silence him. "Don't worry about it. We all have our first time - even Master David. We'll go as fast or slow as you want, and if you want to stop we will.

"But I want to show my appreciation for all you have done for us, and I want to give you a reward for all your hard work supporting your pack."

"You know about them?" Mike asked in surprise. He had never contemplated that Marla might be interested in him and his pack.

"Yes, Kayla and Master David have told me a fair amount about you." She lifted her muzzle to look him in the eyes. "And all of it was very, very good!"

Mike gathered his courage and asked, "And what do you think about me?"

Marla smile grew.

"I like you a lot. You help my pack mates in hundreds of little ways that you do not have to do. You are honest and kind to us. You could hold Kayla and I in disdain because we are Academy trained sex slaves, but you do not. You smile and greet us warmly every time, even when Master David is not around."

Marla pressed her body against his. She continued in a low, intense voice, "I want this very, very much, Mike. This is not charity. This is something I want to do!"

Mike felt his insides starting to relax. He was still nervous, but Marla was rapidly putting him at ease. He had never thought he would have an opportunity to mate with a beautiful female let alone one trained in the myriad ways of sex at the infamous Academy. He had resigned himself to supporting his pack for the next decade or more and then trying to find someone when they were gone.

Now he had an opportunity to live out one of his wildest sexual fantasies.

"What do you want me to do?" Mike asked Marla. There was still a lot of doubt and uncertainty in his voice, but there was also an underlying calmness brought about by his decision to continue.

Marla smiled up at Mike. She kissed the very tip of his nose.

"Let me get those clothes off of you first," she told him.

Marla unbuttoned Mike's shirt. She worked her paws inside his shirt and stroked his chest fur. She ran her tongue over Mike's Adam's apple. Her muzzle slid lower.

"Uh, Marla?" Mike asked in an embarrassed voice.

"Yes, Mike?" Marla replied.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Mike said sheepishly.

Marla could not help herself. She lay her face against Mike's chest and laughed.

"Sorry," Mike said contritely.

Marla looked up at Mike and said, "Don't worry about it."

Marla pointed towards the back of her suite.

"The bathroom is back there. Why don't you take your clothes off while you take care of things? Don't be long. I'll be waiting...," she told him as she trailed her left forefinger over his chest.

Mike disappeared into the bathroom. She had to smile as she lay down on the bed. Mike was so sweet, young, naïve and innocent - the antithesis of almost every fur who had forced themselves upon her over the years. She enjoyed him. Now, if she could just bring out his desire without having him lose the countless things that made him so desirable, it would be a perfect afternoon.

The water stopped running. It was several seconds later that Mike reappeared. He stood nervously in the doorway with his paws over his crotch. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he saw what awaited him.

Marla lay on her right side facing the bathroom door. She had stretched her right arm out across the top of the bed. Her left paw was on her hip, and her left arm was shifted backwards a bit to fully reveal her breasts. She had bent her right knee to bring her leg up under her left leg which was stretched out with her toes pointed at the far wall. Her tail trailed provocatively over her legs.

"Come join me, Mike," Marla called to the nervous young wolf in a steamy bedroom voice.

Mike walked over and sat on the edge of the bed with his back to Marla. He looked down at the floor between his feet.

"I am way out of my league here," the young wolf said despondently.

Marla immediately crawled across the bed and wrapped her body around Mike's. He tried to pull away at first, but he relaxed and leaned into her after a moment.

Marla stroked Mike's hair and neck.

"No, you are not 'out of your league'. You are sharing some very personal time with someone who cares for you. I want to express my affection in a very physical manner. It is how I am. If you truly do not want it, then we can end it now. I will still love you, Mike, but in a different, less physical way."

Mike continued to stare at the floor. After some time he quietly said, "I am just afraid I will not be able to please you. After all, you are a trained sex slave, and I am just a... virgin."

Marla started to gently nibble on Mike's right ear.

In a mischievous voice she told him, "Don't worry, I'll get my thrills."

Mike's head snapped up as various images passed through his mind.

"Mostly, though," Marla continued, "I will enjoy giving you pleasure. Not because that is what I was trained to do at the Academy, but because it is something I truly want to do for you."

In a whisper Mike replied, "Thank you. No one... No one has ever wanted to do something like this for me before."

Marla slid her left arm around Mike's waist.

"Their loss.

"My gain."

Marla pulled Mike further onto the bed. He came willingly now that he knew that Marla truly wanted him. He turned to face her. He was not quite sure how, but he found himself lying on top of her. Her breasts pressed into his chest. He could feel her rock hard nipples through his fur.

Marla stroked Mike's pelt. She ran her paws over his shoulders and back. Tentatively he responded by stoking her face. She grinned up at him. He smiled back a bit foolishly.

Marla could feel Mike's penis jabbing into her stomach. He was just a shade smaller than Master David but had a larger knot. As much as Marla loved her time with Master David, she really liked large knots. She was looking forward to getting him inside of her. From the steady stream of precum juices flowing from his slit it was obvious that she needed to do so quickly.

"Mike?" Marla said.


"I think we had better jump past the foreplay part and get right to the mating. I don't think you will last much longer without erupting."

Mike looked crestfallen. He dropped his head and softly said, "I'm sorry, but just looking at you, smelling you, touching you - I can't control my body!"

Marla grabbed his head and forced him to look at her smiling face. Wordlessly she lifted her muzzle and kissed him. It was a slow, passionate kiss that set afire every nerve in Mike's body.

"It is okay, Mike. I know what you are going through. Next time we can go slower, and we can have more fun before you screw me.

"But for now," Marla said, "mount me!"

Mike gulped. He was still nervous, but right now he was ready to do anything this horny female wolf wanted.

Marla opened her legs. She bent her knees and placed the soles of her feet on the bed. She arched her back and raised her hips a bit to allow Mike the easiest possible entry. She guided Mike downward along her body and into position.

Marla reached under Mike and wrapped her left paw around his shaft. Her right paw slid behind him until it was covering the base of his tail. She guided the tip of his cock to her slit. When he was in position, she lifted her hips a bit higher and pressed against his lower back.

Mike found an inch of his shaft sliding into Marla's sopping wet cunt. He was afraid he would hurt her, but the moan she let out was unmistakably one of pleasure, not pain. He felt her pushing against his tail. He tentatively thrust his pelvis forward. Another inch of his shaft disappeared into the hot femfur underneath him.

Marla slowly coaxed all nine inches of Mike's male member into her pussy. The last three and a half inches with his large knot were difficult, but her Academy training and vaginal muscle control allowed her to get all of his erection into her cunny.

As soon as Marla's labia wrapped around the base of his cock, Mike exploded with an eruption of cum deep into Marla. Mike howled as waves of pleasure ran through his body. Marla hugged him tight to her as she also orgasmed.

Briefly they lay together panting after their first orgasms. After a minute Mike raised himself up onto his paws and knees and tried to withdraw. A look of consternation crossed his face.

"I'm stuck!"

Marla managed not to laugh. Instead she calmly replied, "That is what your knot is for, to tie you to me while we mate."

"Uh, if I cannot move, how can we have fun?" Mike asked quizzically.

Marla reached up and stroked the left side of his face.

"That's where my training comes in," Marla replied.

Marla slid her paws behind Mike's head and intertwined her fingers. She pulled his head down until the tips of their muzzles just touched. Their lips barely brushed. She kissed him. He returned her kiss with a hesitant one of his own.

Marla's paws slid down Mike's back. She cupped his ass in her paws and suddenly squeezed. As she had desired Mike's mouth opened in surprise at the sudden assault on his flanks. Marla pressed her muzzle against his hard and slid her tongue past his canines. She wrapped it about his tongue.

Mike's eyes grew wide as he felt the intruder in his mouth. They got even wider as Marla worked the tip of her long, sinuous tongue over his tongue.

Marla slowly made love to Mike. She ran her paws over his back and sides. He responded as best he could. He stroked her hair and ears. After several minutes she slid her paws over his and guided them down across her body to her breasts. Wordlessly she showed him how to cup her breasts and play with her erect nipples. All the time she kept drilling her tongue deep into Mike's mouth.

Together they moved in a slow rhythm of lovemaking. Marla kept Mike above her in a dominant position but helped steer his actions. He responded well and caught on quickly. Throughout it all he would erupt every few minutes with yet another stream of jism.

Marla raised her legs and wrapped them around Mike's flanks. She crossed her ankles to capture her lover in her embrace. She started to rock her hips back and forth. Mike responded with short thrusts of his hips against her crotch. He could not thrust much, but he could apply some pleasant pressure to her crotch and create a bit of movement within her vagina.

The time passed unnoticed as the two wolves coupled. Neither fur cared about the outside world. Both were too enraptured with each other to worry about anything else.

Both heard the unmistakable sound of Mike's comlink announcing an incoming call. Startled, both looked in the general direction of the bathroom. Suddenly a look of total panic appeared on Mike's face.

"What time is it?!" he almost screamed as his head whipped back and forth looking for a clock.

Marla looked at the clock, and her heart sank.

It was 5:25. Mike was already late for his training with Sensei Tenchi and Master David was due back any minute.

"What are we going to do?" Mike asked nervously as he began to panic a little.

Fortunately Marla had always had a calm head and was quick on her toes when things went wrong.

"We are going to get you out of here as fast as we can, and no one will be the wiser of what we did this afternoon," she told him calmly.

Her calm certitude reassured Mike. His panic subsided as quickly as it had appeared.

"How do I get out of here? I am still tied to you!" Mike asked.

Marla grinned up at him.

"That's where some of my training comes in. Kayla can do this a lot better, but I am not too bad myself..."

Marla pushed outward with her vaginal muscles. Mike felt his knot released with a sudden pop. He withdrew quickly.

"Oh, boy, I am a mess! Everyone is going to know what I was doing," Mike said fretfully as he ran into the bathroom to retrieve his clothes.

'Don't take the time to dress. You can do that on the elevator ride down," Marla called out.

Mike reappeared holding his clothes and replied, "Right!"

Marla grabbed Mike's left paw and raced downstairs with him. Marla could feel a small trail of semen seeping out of her cunt and running down her inner legs, but she would have to wait to take care of that problem. She punched in her code and called up the private elevator.

Marla turned to Mike and said, "Dress in the elevator. Get to training as fast as you can. When Sensei Tenchi asks where you were tell him you were doing a job for me. If he presses you to know what we were doing, just tell him it was something private. That should stop him from asking too many questions in class. I'll cover for us if he asks me for details."

The doors of the elevator opened.

"Now go before Master David gets home!" she told him as she shoved him through the opening elevator doors.

And right into Master David.

Master David caught Mike and steadied the younger male fur. His right eyebrow rose steadily as he took in their unclothed bodies, the smell of their sexual escapades, the long trails of semen down Marla's inner thighs, and the looks of horror on their faces. The two younger furs were frozen at the thought of what would happen to them now that they had been caught.

"Good evening, Mike. Aren't you suppose to be in training with Security Chief Tenchi now?" Master David inquired lightly almost as if having a naked male thrust into his arms happened every day.

"Yes, Sir," Mike managed to reply. He was so afraid that his voice cracked and the last half came out two octaves higher than the first half.

"I thought so," Master David calmly replied. He seemed totally unperturbed at finding two naked furs in his foyer.

Master David lifted his eyes to look at Marla. She expected him to start yelling and berating her. She had given herself to another without his permission. Worse, that fur was just the hired help. She had also mated outside her pack.

Both were terrible crimes that carried stiff, painful penalties.

Master David quietly told Marla, "Take Mike upstairs and see that he gets a quick bath. You had better jump in with him and clean up yourself."

Master David returned his attention to Mike.

"Go with Marla. When you are clean go to class. I will take care of Tenchi for you."

Master David left the two furs and went into his office. The two youngsters stood staring at each other for several seconds. Both were wide-eyed and slack jawed. Neither could form the words to ask the other the questions racing through their heads.

Finally Marla came to her senses enough to start back upstairs. Mike fell in behind her. This time they did not hold paws as they went upstairs.

Marla drew a bath in her bathroom. Neither fur spoke as they slipped into the whirlpool together. Marla quickly and efficiently lathered up Mike's fur and rinsed him off. He was so scared that her touch did not even elicit a hint of an erection. She rinsed off her own fur as well. Both were in too much shock to converse.

Marla had to show Mike how the fur drier worked. The few words she spoke were lifeless. Master David had not seemed angry, but she knew she was in for a stiff punishment. That thought weighed her down.

Mike put his clothes back on. He expected Marla to do the same, but she remained naked.

The two wolves paused at the door to the elevator. Mike finally broke his silence. He took Marla's paws in his own and simply said, "I'm sorry."

Marla came back to her senses with a start. Mike's voice betrayed that he was on the verge of tears.

"Hey! I'm the one who seduced you!" Marla told her lover of the afternoon. Her voice had a forced cheerfulness to it that fooled neither of them.

"But you are the one that is going to be punished by Mister Wolf the most," Mike managed to choke out.

Marla pulled Mike close and hugged him. The affection she had for him came back full blown as she felt him sob in her arms. His concern for her, a mere slave, was obvious.

"It's okay," she told him. "I've been punished many times. Master David will not be sadistic like the instructors at the Academy or my former owners."

Marla pushed Mike out to arms length and looked him in the eye.

"And even if he was, it would be worth it. Thank you for a wonderful afternoon, Mike. Now go to training and don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

Mike gave her a quick kiss and disappeared into the elevator. The doors closed, and Marla was alone in the penthouse with her Master.

Despite her bravado, Marla was worried. Master David had never purposefully hurt her in the past, but she had never done anything even close to this egregious since he had bought her. The dungeon held many means to turn her into a screaming mass of pain if Master David so desired. He could easily use his considerable imagination and skill to cause her grief for many, many hours if not days or even weeks.

Marla took a deep breath and let it out. She had not lied to Mike that she thought their afternoon together was worth the punishment, but the thoughts of her potential punishments were not pleasant. She walked across the foyer like a condemned prisoner ascending the gallows and entered Master David's office.

Master David was leaning back in his chair and conversing casually with a badger over the penthouse comlink.

Marla knelt beside the door and assumed the position of a submissive slave - on her knees with her legs spread as far as physically possible, paws palm up on her thighs, head down, eyes closed - and waited for her Master's wrath to descend upon her.

Master David saw Marla enter. He frowned briefly at her as she knelt but continued an unhurried conversation with the badger. Marla gathered that they were discussing a sale of one of Master David's companies.

"Do you think you can put together the financing any time soon, Steven?"

"The bankers and venture capitalists think it is a great idea. They like having a large, known conglomerate as a guaranteed customer for stability. Even if everyone else bailed tomorrow your interstellar ship servicing docks alone would keep us afloat indefinitely until we got more customers."

"They are willing to take the risk even though I and my companies are not in the best of favor with the government?" Master David asked.

Steven ran a paw over the back of his neck.

"Well, that is an issue, but I used a few contacts to find financiers that were of a similar mind to you." Steven added wryly, "They think I will not share your problems if things go south. I hope they are right, but I am not betting in it."

"Don't make the offer if you think it is going to cause you too much trouble, Steven," Master Wolf advised quietly.

Steven grinned.

"For some odd reason I find that I want to take the risk! Things are not what they should be, and we need to change them. This is my little contribution. Rest assured, David, I will do my best to protect your people if things go bad."

"I know, Steven. I know. And right now you can probably do it better than I can. That is why I am so willing to let you buy my subsidiaries."

Master David suddenly shifted forward and put his elbows on his desk. He seemed to reach a decision.

"Put the offer in writing and send it to my legal staff so they can look over the fine print. Assuming there are no surprises you can have my electronics plants for the agreed upon price."

Master David and Steven talked a bit more, but soon the conversation was over.

Master David turned off the video unit and turned to Marla.


"I'm sorry! It was all my fault!" Marla wailed even before her Master could say her name. Ever since she and Mike had been caught she had been thinking of a way to apologize to Master David for abusing his trust and love. She had no idea how she could ever hope to earn his trust ever again.

"Marla, what...?"

Master David's voice trailed off as Marla went down onto her belly and crawled over to him. She placed her forehead on his toes and waited for her punishment. She was crying almost uncontrollably.

"Please," Marla begged, "Do not punish Mike. It was my fault entirely. I seduced him and got him to come here. I made him do everything that happened."

Marla felt strong but gentle paws lift her up off the floor. Master David guided her onto his lap. She curled up into a tight ball and shook. He started to gently stroke her back.

Master David reached a paw under Marla's muzzle and tenderly pushed it up so that she had to look him in the eyes. Marla had expected to see anger or hatred, but he was smiling at her and the love she had always seen in his eyes was in no way abated.

"Marla, do you think I am angry about what happened?" he asked her in an almost cheerful voice.

Marla confusedly shook her head yes.

"I am not. In fact, I am very glad you did what you did. And I suspect or at least hope that Mike was a very willing partner. That cub needs to develop some interests outside of work or he will never live a full life."

Marla stopped shaking as Master David's words slowly sunk in. She looked up at him in wonder. Any of her other Masters would have beaten her into a bloody pulp for what she had done that afternoon. Master David not only was not punishing her, but he was approving of her actions.

Master David continued, "I love Mike like a son. I know he has to work hard to support his pack, so I give him and them all the help I can. He needs more in his life, though. I am glad to see you providing him with an opportunity he has not had yet."

Master David's next question truly shocked Marla.

"Did you both enjoy it?"

Marla swallowed. She had to give a truthful answer.

"Yes, I did, and I think Mike did as well. He said it was his first time..."

"Likely it was."

"He was a gentle, caring lover."

Marla grinned broadly.

"He reminded me a lot of you in that respect."

Her grin became a bit of a leer as she saw the look of amusement and happiness in her Master's eyes.

"His shaft was not quite as long or large as yours, but he had a really nice knot."

Master David laughed hard. The last of Marla's apprehension dissolved. She leaned her head against Master David's chest.

Master David stroked Marla's hair. He seemed to have no desire to be anywhere else in the universe than sitting there with her.

Marla sighed.

"Such a big sigh, Marla," Master David commented.

"I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you for a Master. You already had Kayla. You had no need for me. Kayla could even see me as competition for your... affection. Yet both of you treat me better than I have been treated since my parents died. You give me everything and ask so little in return."

"You know we both love you, Marla, do you not?" Master David asked.

Marla shifted a bit. The idea of her two pack mates loving her was still something that made her a bit uncomfortable. She could understand and accept their physical attraction to her, but their emotional bond was something with which she was still coming to grips. Kayla had shared experiences with her that formed the strong bond they shared. Master David had no such common bond.

"Kind of. I am still trying to figure it out, especially your... love."

Master David nuzzled Marla's throat.

"Take your time. But do know this. It could just as easily have been you as Kayla that won my heart first. Now you both share it."

Whatever Marla might have said was lost in the long kiss that Master David gave her. It was platonic yet shook her to the base of her tail.

When their lips parted Master David smiled at Marla and told her, "Now go get dressed. We have to go pick up Kayla shortly."

Later that night as the three furs made love in Master David's bed Marla tried her best to show her love of her two pack mates.

The next day all three furs were off to a distant meeting early in the morning. Mike was not yet on duty when they left. During the long drive Master David sat between his two beautiful partners and alternated kissing each. They had to keep their lust carefully in careful check because of the meeting, but Master David's kisses promised much for that evening.

Mike was back in his familiar position when the limousine returned in the early evening. He helped out Kayla and stood aside to allow Master David to exit. When Marla's turn to get out of the limousine came he just stood staring at the wolfess as she sat on the edge of the seat waiting for him to assist her from the car.

"Aren't you going to help the young femfur, Mike?" Master David gently chided him. Kayla gave all three a perplexed look as she observed their strange behavior.

Woodenly Mike extended a paw to Marla. She exited the car but refused to let go of his paw. Instead she stood there smiling at him.

"Kayla, I think it is time for us to go upstairs," Master David declared.

Kayla arched her left eyebrow and said, "Oh?"

"Yes, I think Marla wants to be alone with her lover."

"Lover?!" Kayla asked in a shocked voice.

"She finally managed to get Mike into her bed yesterday afternoon."

Kayla gave her pack mate a quick hug. She grinned up at Mike and winked.

"Next time you will have to stick around until I get home."

The heat from Mike's muzzle and face was almost tangible to the other three furs, but Marla just smiled and said, "Thank you, Master David. Mike and I do need to talk."

Master David and Kayla disappeared into the private elevator. Mike stood in front of Marla. His ears were drooping, his tail was tucked between his legs, and he could not look Marla in the eyes.


"I am sorry!" Mike blurted out before Marla could continue.

"I am not," Marla calmly replied.

Mike's head shot up, and he stared at her in amazement.

"You're not?" he asked incredulously.

Marla smiled and cheerfully said, "No, I am not."

Mike's eyes shifted away from Marla. Throughout the night his imagination had been working overtime on what would happen to Marla and him. He had to ask the question.

In a very subdued tone he asked, "Did Mister Wolf beat you?"

"MIKE!" Marla yelped in surprise.

Mike cringed.

"Well, it is what Masters do when their slaves do things they should not do. Screwing the hired help for fun surely qualifies as something you should not have been doing."

Marla sighed. She could not fault Mike. She had much the same expectations yesterday.

"No, he told me that he was very happy we had some fun, and that he loves you like a son."

Mike's head came up and his jaw dropped.

"He was not angry?!" Mike asked.

"Not in the least."

"He was not angry?!" Mike asked again.

"That's right!"

"He was not angry?!" Mike asked yet again as he tried to convince himself that he was hearing Marla correctly.

"Mike, I am going to be very cross with you if you keep asking me the same question again and again."

Marla grinned again.

"He was not angry, and he did not punish me. He did not say so, but I am sure that he will not punish you either.

"In fact, I think he wants us to do it again."

A great weight lifted from Mike's heart. Marla was unhurt, and he was not going to lose his job. He reached out and grabbed Marla in a bear hug. He spun her around and jumped up and down while hugging her.

"Everything is alright!" he yelled as relief swept through him. Without thinking he planted a kiss on Marla's muzzle.

Mike was unprepared for the lusty response he got back from Marla. His eyes popped open wide.

"Uh..." he uttered incoherently.

Marla grinned at him.

"Well, Master David has given his seal of approval to us, and I have a bit of time right now..." she slyly said.

Mike felt a sudden tightness in his crotch.

"In the garage? Out in the open? Where anyone might see us?" he squeaked.

Marla laughed.

"Well, for someone trained at the Academy, sex in the middle of a crowd is not a problem, but I do think it would be a good idea not to embarrass Master David. Besides, the inside of the limo is a lot more comfortable."

Mike looked inside the open car door. The interior was spacious and luxuriant. The smoked glass windows would give them privacy.

Marla pulled Mike into the limo and closed the door behind them. She started to kiss him.

Mike broke their embrace for a moment and asked, "Marla?"

"Hm?" Marla replied as she started to work on Mike's shirt buttons.

"Maybe I should move the limo back to its parking spot so no one will see anything suspicious and call Security."

Marla tilted her head up and gave him a quick peck on the muzzle. Mischievously she asked him, "What?! You don't want some large policefur shining a light through the window and asking, 'Whatcha up to, Boy?'"

Mike had to laugh at the mental image her question brought to his mind's eye.

"No, I do not want to be interrupted while I am making love to you," Mike replied in a very serious tone. It was obvious how important Marla was to him.

Marla wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a serious kiss.

"Thank you," she said.

Mike turned away from Marla and hit a couple of buttons on the armrest. The limousine's engine sprang to life. In a few seconds the limousine was resting in its normal parking spot. Outside the garage lights dimmed as the motion sensors detected no further movement.

Mike turned back to Marla and smiled.

"Now, what do you want to do to me?" he asked.

"Do to you?"

Mike shook his head yes.

"Do to me," he repeated. "You know a heck of a lot more about sex than I do. I figure the best thing for me to do is lay back and let you have your way with me until I figure out how to give you some pleasure as an active partner."

Marla gave Mike a wicked smile. He gulped at the sudden eruption of naked lust in her eyes.

"Mike," Marla said, "you do not know how much pleasure you have already given me just be telling me you are concerned about me and my feelings."

Marla slid down to the floor of the car.

"As for what I want to do to you..."

Without another word Marla unbuckled Mike's belt. Next she undid the buttons holding the waist of his pants together.

The sound Mike's zipper made as Marla slowly pulled it down filled the inside of the vehicle.

"Lift your rear off the seat," Marla commanded Mike.

Mike put his paws on the seat and pushed up until his bottom was a couple of inches clear of the seat cushion. Marla reached underneath him. Taking advantage of his defenseless position, she groped his butt. Mike yipped in surprise but just grinned down at Marla as she pawed his ass.

Marla grabbed the waist band of Mike's pants and underpants and pulled them down over his hips and tail. She did not stop until they were in a mound around his ankles. His cock was already unsheathed and half erect. It rose like a small pink tower above his hips. Marla licked her lips in anticipation.

"Marla?" Mike asked.

"Yes, Mike?" Marla asked as she continued to eye the object of her lust.

"Marla, could I- Could I see you? You know? Your... body?" he asked nervously.

Marla looked up at Mike. His face was a nervous mask. She grinned broadly.

Marla leaned back and thrust her large breasts towards Mike.

"You mean," she asked, "you want to see these little things?"

Without taking her eyes off of Mike she reached down and undid her blouse one button at a time. With her back arched the fabric pressed hard against her breasts. As each button was released the blouse opened wider and wider to reveal that she was wearing nothing underneath.

As each button popped open Mike's eyes got larger and larger while his jaw dropped lower. By the time Marla pulled off her blouse and tossed it aside his chin was brushing the fur of his chest.

Marla grinned up at Mike and asked, "Or did you mean this?"

Marla turned around and presented her tail to Mike. She slid her thumbs under the elastic band of her dress and pulled it down over her hips. She was wearing no panties today. As soon as her tail was clear she flipped it up onto her back so Mike could see her tail hole and puffy pink slit. She worked the dress down over her legs by swaying her hips back and forth and tossed it aside as well.

Marla turned around and slid back between Mike's wide open legs. Watching her exhibitionist display had brought his cock to full hardness and started a small stream of precum. She licked her lips in anticipation as she slid her paws under his balls.

Mike stared as Marla's head descended. He remained motionless and silent as he watched his shaft disappear into Marla's muzzle. He groaned as he felt the wet warmth of her mouth envelope his cock. He arched his back and bit his lip to stop from howling as she started to suck and lick the tip of his prick.

Marla could feel Mike tense as she began to work her Academy taught skills on his hard pink shaft. She smiled. She was enjoying the reaction of this young male. There was nothing fake or forced about what he was doing as there had been with so many of her former partners. He was there because he wanted to be and was truly enjoying mating with her. It was strange to be in control, but the Academy had taught her how to lead and yet be submissive when a Master demanded that she pleasure him. Mike was making no such demands, but her training gave her guidance and helped her pleasure him.

Marla worked Mike's cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. She could taste his salty precum. It was filling her mouth. She knew he would not be able to last much longer. She worked quickly and efficiently to slide his shaft deep into her throat.

As soon as she slid the tip of his shaft down her throat Marla felt Mike explode in a terrific orgasm. She contracted her throat muscles around his shaft and fellated him. Mike groaned loudly as waves of pleasure washed over him. He yelled loudly in pure pleasure as Marla resumed running her tongue over his shaft.

Marla deep throated Mike for as long as possible before the need for air forced her to slide several inches of his wolfhood out of her mouth. She was breathing hard through her nose, but she kept licking and sucking on his shaft. Another burst of jism filled her mouth as Mike came a second time.

Marla lifted her head and let go of Mike's cock. He started to protest, but he quieted immediately when Marla started to run her tongue over his shaft. She took long, slow laps along the entire length of his dick several times.

Marla slid her paws under Mike's thighs. She lifted his legs up and spread them even wider. Mike was forced to tilt his body backwards and arch his back. That exposed his testicles to Marla. She immediately took advantage of the situation to slide her muzzle underneath his ball sack. Her tongue shot out and licked the back of his scrotum. He yipped as he felt the tip of her tongue separate his balls. She flicked the tip of her tongue back and forth over his testicles and was rewarded with a stream of cum shooting from Mike's cock. It arched across the interior of the car and landed on the leather seat behind Marla.

"Uh, oh!" Mike managed to get out between his gritted teeth.

In a muffled voice Marla told Mike, "Don't worry. Part of the 'home economics' classes we got at the Academy included how to remove bodily fluid stains."

Marla briefly stopped and looked up at Mike. She grinned broadly and said, "I did very well, both at getting them out and causing them."

Marla dived back down onto Mike's balls. She licked them furiously until he came for a fourth time.

Marla continued to work on Mike for over half an hour. The young wolf male had excellent stamina. He seemed to have no problems producing copious amounts of semen on demand. Briefly Marla wondered what it would have been like to have him as an ongoing partner at the Academy back when she was being trained. Marla smiled. Having their genitals tied together for hours on end might have been a lot of fun.

It was definitely something she was looking forward to having happen in the future.

The outside world eventually intruded upon their interlude. Mike's comlink went off. One of the residents was coming home and would be there in less than five minutes. Hurriedly Mike cleaned up and pulled on his clothing. Together they did their best to arrange his clothes properly. There was nothing they could do about the smell of his sexual arousal, but hopefully no one would ask questions or make any comments.

Mike ran out of the car and got to the elevator bank just as the next car pulled into the parking garage. Marla watched through the windows of the limousine as he helped the old female orangutan from her car and into the elevator. He looked back in Marla's direction briefly as the doors closed, and he went upstairs with the elderly resident.

Marla sighed. Her fun with Mike was done for today, and, while she was happy to have been able to pleasure him, she was now horny as hell and really wanted to pin Mike to the sheets for an extended period of time. At least her pack mates might give her some relief later that night. First she had to clean up the mess Mike and she had made.

Twenty minutes later Marla stepped out of the door of the private elevator. She was dressed again, but she had purposefully left the top three buttons of her blouse undone. She was showing a lot of cleavage. Between that and the smell of her arousal she was strongly advertising her availability.

Kayla was lounging on a couch in the living room. When Marla came into the penthouse she got up and came to meet her friend. Several feet away her concerned look disappeared, and a broad grin split her muzzle.

"I gather you had some more fun," Kayla teased Marla.

Marla refused to take Kayla's bait. She casually replied, "A bit."

Marla's muzzle dropped and a purely evil look appeared upon her face.

"About nine inches!"

"OH?! Do tell!"

The two femfurs spent the rest of the time before dinner sitting in the living room. Marla related her encounters with Mike to the astonished and delighted otteress. When Marla was done Kayla grabbed her in a bear hug.

"You did great!" she told the wolfess. "Mike really needed something like this to get his personal life started."

"Do you have any problems with me mating outside of the pack?" Marla asked her alpha female in a very worried tone.

Kayla made a rude noise.

"Mike might as well be part of our pack. I once asked Master David why he had not adopted Mike into our pack. He said that the rest of Mike's pack wanted him to come, but they were too proud to join our pack as well. In the end Mike was left as just a very loyal employee that got lots of perks and bonuses from Master David. Hopefully one day Master David can convince the rest of Mike's pack that an alliance is in both our interests and not just a case of charity."

Master David stuck his head out of the kitchen where he had been making dinner.

"Come and get it!" he called to his two females.

The three furs sat down to dinner. Halfway through the meal, Kayla stopped eating, placed her elbows on the table and intertwined her fingers. She placed her head upon her paws and looked at Marla severely.

"You," Kayla declared, "have been a very bad slave! Humping the hired help without permission!


Marla was shocked at her friend's words until she saw a sly smile spread across Kayla's muzzle. Sensing where this was heading, Marla dropped her head and stared at her plate, but a wide grin graced her muzzle.

Kayla gave Marla a wink and added, "I think you need to be severely punished. What do you think, Master David?"

Master David set down his silverware and looked Marla up and down. He was frowning at her, but underneath the table she felt his toe find her inner calf and run up and down it.

"I think an omega who mates outside her pack without the permission of either of her alphas - not once, but twice! - deserves some serious punishment. I think a trip to the dungeon after dinner is in order. Do you agree, Marla?"

Marla felt her crotch instantly turn wet at the thought of her pack mates taking their pleasure from her willing body using the devices in the dungeon. She might be concerned about a real punishment there, but the sex play these two were offering was a totally different matter. She had no doubt that her pack mates' supposed anger was merely a front to allow them to have an enjoyable evening together. It underscored the changes in Kayla that she was the one to initiate the play, not Marla or Master David.

Meekly Marla replied in a voice barely above a whisper, "Yes, Master. I deserve to be punished severely, long and hard."

The tender caresses of her pack mates' feet underneath the table assured her that whatever happened later it would be for fun, not a real punishment. Kayla's big toe tracing circles on Marla's sensitive right inner thigh went much further and promised a very sexually pleasurable night.

The rest of the meal passed in a bit of a daze for Marla. She wanted to get to the dungeon and start their fun, but her alphas seemed to purposefully drag out the balance of the dinner to her intense frustration.

Eventually the food was eaten, and the dishes placed in the ultrasonic dishwasher. All three furs stopped by their respective bathrooms to prepare for the evening. Marla quickly took care of her needs and practically ran into the library. She stood just inside the door bouncing from foot to foot in anticipation. Strange how things had changed from her days at the Academy, bordello and coffle! Not that there had not been any fun times there, but she and the others had never looked forward to a punishment session like she was right now, not even Zassa.

Master David and Kayla entered together. Master David had changed into a casual pair of blue jeans and a pull over black shirt. His feet were unshod. Kayla still wore her jeans and blouse. Marla had changed to jeans and a tee shirt.

Master David frowned at Marla as she shifted back and forth from foot to foot. Marla took a deep breath and calmed herself. Her body went still, and she adopted a submissive attitude with her legs spread wide and her arms behind her back, crossed at the wrists just above her tail. Master David harrumphed and walked over to the secret door to the dungeon. Kayla walked beside him on his left, and Marla docilely fell in behind her alphas. She still grinned in pure glee for a moment at the sound of the click of the latch that signaled the opening of the dungeon door and the beginning of their fun for tonight.

The trio entered. Marla immediately went to her knees. Kayla stood beside her as if guarding her, but both were actually waiting for their Master to decide what would happen tonight.

Master David went to a nearby hook and picked up a three foot long cane. It was a supple piece of ash that could whip around a poor female fur's ass or breast and cause considerable pain. A brown leather grip at one end gave the user both comfort and a good grip for extended use.

Master David said to Kayla, "Get a five foot long metal chain lead, a pair of leg shackles with about a foot and a half of chain between them, and a pair of pawcuffs."

While Kayla was gathering up the items, Master David led Marla over to a standing post with four rings set in a circle neck high. Marla started to kneel again, but Master David slipped the end of the cane between her legs.

"Stand!' he ordered her.

The touch of the cane against her crotch nearly set Marla off. She would need to control herself carefully, or she would reach orgasm before her pack mates. She tried to figure out if she was happy about that or not. She dearly loved the physical pleasure of these sessions, but she also loved her pack mates and wanted them to enjoy their time together as well.

Kayla returned with the bondage gear. She grinned at Marla. Marla grinned back for a moment before schooling her looks into those of a properly anxious and scared slave. This was a pretty standard scenario that both enjoyed playing with their Master. The only trouble was staying in character when all knew that it was only play.

Master David said, "You have too many clothes on, Slave." He tapped her right breast. "Remove this!"

Marla spread her legs wide. She grabbed the bottom hem of her tee shirt and lifted it up over her head. She paused for a moment with her arms raised high over her head. She was wearing no bra, so her large breasts were on excellent display to her Master and friend. Both grinned appreciatively as Marla's exhibitionist nature showed itself. She even went so far as to fake a bit of trouble getting the tee shirt off her arms so she could jiggle her tits at her pack mates. While she appeared to be properly contrite, the twin pink towers rising from her light gray breast fur showed her true emotional and sexual state.

Master David walked around to Marla's left side. Kayla remained standing in front of Marla. She had her arms crossed and was acting like the displeased Mistress, but the twinkle in her eyes showed she was looking forward to some fun tonight.

Master David tapped Marla's behind just above her thighs with the cane.

"You still have too much clothing. Lose these!" Master David commanded as he returned to Kayla's side.

Marla unhurriedly undid the buttons of her fly one by one. The top of her pubic triangle was just visible through the partially open fly. She slid her fingers under the top of her jeans and made a great show of slowly sliding them down over her hips. She released her tail by unbuttoning the back of her jeans and pulled them down over her legs. As the top of the jeans passed the curve of her buttocks she turned around to present her backside to her pack mates. She had to bend forward to push them down to her ankles, a pose that conveniently exposed her ass and cunt to full view.

As her paws reached her ankles, she felt the cane pressed against her shoulders. She froze.

"I don't think you are taking this punishment seriously, Slave," Master David said to her very sternly.

Marla bit her lower lip. In truth she had dropped out of character badly several times now. It was hard, though, to stay in character when she knew how much the other two furs had come to love her over the past few weeks and how little she had to fear tonight or any other night with them. She wanted nothing more than to return their love in the best way she knew how, with her body and her sex.

"I am sorry, Master!" she said in a voice bordering on tears. She did not want to have this night end on a sour note because she could not act the simple part of a slave being punished.

"Not half as sorry as you are about to be!" Master David retorted.

Marla felt the cane slide under her tail. It raised her tail up and pressed it against her back. The pressure disappeared, but she held her position.

"I think ten will do," Master David said to Marla. "Do you agree?"

Marla had no doubt what he meant. She was so happy that her Master wanted to continue that she readily replied, "Yes, Master!"

Marla heard the distinctive whistle of a thin cane cutting through the air followed by the crack of it striking soft flesh. She yipped at the sting from the upper curve of her buttocks. The pain quickly rose and fell leaving behind only a pleasant glow.

Kayla sat down Indian-style in front of Marla. She took Marla's face in her hands and asked, "Still want to play this game tonight?"

"Yes!" Marla replied enthusiastically.

"Then try to be a little bit more in character. We know you want us, and we will get to that soon. First, though, we intend to drive you nuts!"

Before Marla could reply Kayla leaned forward and French kissed Marla. Their tongues entwined.

Master David laid down nine more strokes across Marla's ass cheeks as Kayla and the wolfess continued to kiss. He went from high on the curve of her ass down to the sweet spot just above her thighs. Each brought a muffled yip from Marla that disappeared into Kayla's muzzle. Once again the line between pleasure and pain blurred for Marla, and she entered one of her favorite states of sexual arousal.

When her Master was done disciplining her Marla was moaning softly and wriggling her ass provocatively.

"Prepare her!" Master David ordered Kayla.

Kayla grabbed Marla's pants, pulled them off the slave's ankles and tossed them off to one side. She forced Marla to stand and pushed her over to beside the post. She used her right foot to force open Marla's legs.

Master David stood before Marla with the cane held in his right paw. Every so often he would tap the palm of his left paw with the cane and scowl at Marla. She dropped her eyes and worked hard at playing the role of a nervous slave undergoing punishment. Her lowered eyes zoomed in on the prominent bulge in her Master's pants. She had to stop herself from smiling and licking her lips at the sight. She knew she would be enjoying the pleasure of his cock that night and likely quite soon.

Kayla used the metal chain lead to secure Marla to one of the rings of the post. She now could not go far from her punishment spot. The pawcuffs went on next. Kayla grabbed Marla's wrists and brought her arms behind her. Marla could hear the distinctive sound of the pawcuffs closing and feel the metal bands encircling her wrists. Her arms were secured behind her, and she could no longer defend her front side from any assault by Master David or Kayla. It gave her a delicious feeling of helplessness.

Kayla knelt and shackled Marla's ankles last. The cold steel was a nice compliment to the gray of her fur.

Master David smiled at Kayla and said, "Time for us to get ready."

They left Marla standing alone to await her punishment. She kept her legs spread as wide as the leg shackles would allow so she was on display for her alphas. Out of the corner of her eyes she watched as they undressed and placed their clothes over the backs of nearby chairs. A small thrill ran through her as she saw neither was wearing underclothes.

Marla watched her pack mates return. She had her head turned away from them in a sign of submission, but there was a small smile on her face as she observed them coyly out of the corners of her eyes. Master David walked around behind Marla while Kayla remained in front of her. Marla felt the tap of the cane on her buttocks again.

"Tail up!" her Master ordered Marla.

Instantly Marla obeyed. She expected a further caning, but instead she saw and heard the cane fall to the floor off to her right. A pair of strong male paws cupped her ass. She moaned and leaned back into her Master's welcome embrace. His paws slid up to grab her by the waist and pull her back against his hot body. She could feel just the tip of his penis slipping free of his sheath.

Kayla advanced and started playing with Marla's breasts. Involuntarily she tried to shift away from her friend's fingers as she tweaked Marla's rock hard nipples, but Master David held her fast. She had to accept her fate at the paws of her alpha female.

Master David began nuzzling and nipping Marla's neck and shoulders in just the manner she loved so much. She practically cooed.

"Are you sure you want this, Marla?" Master David quietly asked her.

"Yes, Master!"

"Even the caning?" he asked just before his tongue drove deep into her right ear.

"OOHHH!!! Yes, Master! I deserved the love taps."

Kayla grinned and cheerfully said, "I told you she would like it!"

Marla heard Master David laugh from the back of her neck where he was giving her gentle love bites. In truth Marla did love things like this. Her enjoyment of pain as part of her pleasure was less than Zassa perhaps, but she still enjoyed a bit of it especially when delivered by a loving paw.

"Now, Marla," Kayla asked, "are you ready for the rest of your punishment?"

Before Marla could respond, Kayla slid a paw down Marla's stomach and onto her crotch. With surety born of much practice she immediately found Marla's engorged clit and gently rubbed it between her forefinger and thumb.

"AAAHHHH!" Marla cried as her first orgasm took her unexpectedly. Kayla pressed her body against Marla's front side to form a wolf sandwich. Her fingers dove into Marla's dripping cunt, and she kept Marla cumming for over a minute. Marla would have collapsed from the intensity of her unexpected climax if Master David had not been holding her upright.

After Marla finally came down from her orgasm, she replied, "Yes, Master and Mistress."

Master David and Kayla conferred in whispers as they continued to press Marla between them. Marla probably could have made out most of what was said, but she was too distracted by the four paws and two muzzles roaming over her willing body. She was quickly rising back to another orgasm when her pack mates suddenly let her go. She stood swaying a bit unsteadily on her feet and looking somewhat bewildered.

Kayla went to the rope collection and brought back two ten foot lengths of cotton rope. While she was gathering the ropes, Master David removed Marla's restraints and placed her with her back against the post.

"Down!" he ordered her with a quick downward jab of his right forefinger.

Marla knelt with her back pressed hard against the wood of the post and her calves on either side of the post. Kayla dropped the ropes beside Marla and picked up the leg shackles. She went behind the post. Marla felt the unbreakable metal bonds close around her ankles again. She was now trapped.

Kayla walked around in front of Marla and grabbed her arms. She lifted them high above Marla's head and ordered her, "Stay still!"

Kayla picked up one rope and doubled it up. She slid the looped end through the ring and then ran the ends of the rope through the loop to form a Lark's Head knot. She let go of one end of the rope. It fell past Marla's face and lay across her left breast. Kayla took the other end of the rope and began wrapping it about Marla's right wrist and lower forearm. She used timber hitch knots at both ends of the wrap to keep Marla from slipping free of the rope. She repeated the process with the other end of the rope. When she was done Marla's arms were firmly secured stretched high above her head.

Kayla grabbed the second rope and made another Lark's Head knot with it on the ring at the back of the post. She knelt and pulled up on the leg shackles. Marla's shins and feet came up off the floor and all of her weight went onto her knees. Kayla continued to pull upwards until Marla had to scoot back and press her rear hard against the hard wood of the post.

The soft matting around the post base minimized Marla's discomfort, but Marla would have preferred to have her toes, shins and feet planted on the floor taking some of her weight. Still, it was a minor punishment for her, and she could stay in this position for hours if needed.

Kayla slid one end of the rope through the ring on Marla's left ankle cuff. She used two half hitches to fasten the rope. She repeated the process with Marla's right ankle cuff.

As a final touch, Kayla walked around in front of Marla. She reached between her friend's legs and grabbed her tail. She pulled it out and lay it topside down on the floor sticking out between Marla's legs in a submissive position for a canine.

"She's all yours, Master David!" Kayla told her Master cheerfully.

Master David stood in front of Marla with his arms crossed and looked down at her. He was scowling, but his prick was slowly stiffening. Marla wet her lips in anticipation of sampling her Master's wolfhood.

"Open your mouth, Slave!" he ordered her.

Marla halfway opened her mouth. She was panting slightly in anticipation.


Marla opened her mouth as wide as she could. The sight of the pink interior and her obvious ardor were enough to bring Master David's cock to full attention. He uncrossed his arms and grabbed the base of his shaft with his right paw. He took a half step forward. Marla leaned out and tried to capture his cock in her mouth, but he stepped back and lightly rapped the top of her muzzle with his left paw.

"Down, Slave!"

His words were gruff, but Marla saw his wink that told her he was not really angry with her but just had other plans. Still, she did not want to step out of character again tonight. She leaned back and placed the back of her head against the pole. She remained perfectly motionless with her eyes downcast as Master David advanced again.

Master David slid the tip of his prick into Marla's mouth. She had opened her mouth so far that he could hold his shaft dead center and just barely miss touching any of the interior of her mouth. He smiled and began to play with her by rubbing the top of the knob his shaft against the ribbed roof of her mouth.

Marla was panting hard from her arousal, and she was filled with sexual desire, but she remained stationary. Her Master was gently massaging the hard roof of her mouth. A thin drizzle of his precum was just starting to flow from the slit at the end of his shaft. She could taste the salty fluid on her tongue. She wanted so bad to envelop the hot pink flesh within her mouth, but she had to be a good slave and wait.

Master David continued to play with Marla some more. He ran just the tip of his cock over the inside of her mouth. When he brushed up against her tongue it briefly stirred to lap at his cock. His small growl of warning sent her tongue back down to lay flat on the bottom of her mouth.

After several minutes of teasing, Master David was ready.

"Suck me off, Slave!"

His words were barely out of his mouth when ten inches of his shaft disappeared into Marla's hot muzzle as her head leapt forward to service her Master. She wrapped her lips around his hard shaft and sucked hard. Her tongue flew over every reachable inch of his cock. She continued to draw him deeper down into her throat until her nose was buried in his soft belly fur and her tongue was lapping his balls. She could not hold the position long, but for now she deep throated her Master's entire shaft including his knot.

Master David could not contain himself long with the warm, wet sleeve of Marla's throat wrapped around several inches of his prick. As she swallowed repeatedly to fellate him, he let loose with a tremendous flood of hot wolf cum down her throat. She was getting close to her limit, but as Marla fought off breathing she worked hard to sustain keeping her Master's cock as deep in her as possible.

Marla could no longer hold her breath. She pulled her head back until just the knob of Master David's cock was still in her mouth. She breathed furiously through her nose to get air to her starving lungs while still licking her Master's knob to make him cum even more. Her mouth was soon filled with hot jism, and a white froth started to form on her lips and muzzle.

Kayla giggled and said, "Mad Wolf!"

Marla spared her alpha femfur a quick glance. Kayla was standing watching her two pack mates go at it. She was obviously enjoying the sight. Three fingers of her right paw were buried deep into her sex.

Master David continued to cum for several minutes, but eventually his shaft wilted. He turned to Kayla and said, "Next."

Kayla walked over to her friend tied to the pole. Without preamble she raised her left leg high in the air and placed her foot on the pole high above Marla's head. Her already dripping cunt was even with Marla's muzzle. Kayla grabbed Marla's head by the ears and drew her head forward until her nose was buried in Kayla's cunt. Marla was treated to the beautiful smell of her aroused friend.

"You know what to do, Slave!" the otteress said.

Marla did know what to do from many training sessions with the otteress at the Academy. She slid her tongue up into her friend's snatch and licked all of the interior recesses she could reach. She used the tip of her tongue to tickle the interior of her friend's cunny. She was rewarded with a steadily increasing flow of juices and guttural vocalizations from the otteress.

Marla worked her way back out of Kayla's interior. By now Kayla was moaning loudly. Marla's tongue tip slid between Kayla's inner and outer labia, and she licked the tender flesh in the folds of skin furiously. She started at the back and worked her way forward. Soon she arrived at her final objective, Kayla's clitoris.

Dimly Marla was aware that Master David had lain down beside her left leg. He stroked his cock back into an erect state while watching Marla pleasure Kayla.

As Marla had known it would be, Kayla's clit was standing tall and proud in a fully engorged state. She withdrew her muzzle far enough that the only part of her body touching Kayla was the very tip of her tongue. She flicked the tip of her tongue over the soft sensitive flesh on either side of Kayla's clit. Kayla gave several happy otter chirps in response. Marla continued working the area around her friend's clit being careful to never quite touch the sensitive organ or its hood. She played the game several minutes while holding her friend just below the threshold of an orgasm.

Suddenly Marla shifted her muzzle forward and wrapped her lips around Kayla's clitoris. She sucked hard while running her tongue over the tip of the otteress' clit. Kayla screamed in pleasure as an intense orgasm took her. Her juices ran down Marla's jaw in a torrent and soaked her breasts. Marla did not even slow down, though. She kept going and brought off Kayla multiple times.

Master David reached over and slid two fingers of his left paw up between Marla's open cunt lips. He drove them deep into her with little resistance. His thumb made a small circular motion over her clit. Suddenly Marla found herself cumming as well.

Kayla finished and lowered her leg back to the floor. She stood on wobbly legs and watched Marla as wave after wave of pleasure washed over the wolfess' face. Master David continued to play with her cunt, languidly bringing Marla off several times. Marla's yips of pleasure echoed from the dungeon walls. She made no effort to hide her pleasure.

Master David stood and walked behind Marla. He released the rope holding up her ankles. Marla's feet fell back to the floor. She arched her back to undo a few of the kinks that had built up. She was in a much more comfortable position now. It appeared that she was far from done for the night, though. Master David reappeared in front of her. He placed his paws behind her head and intertwined his fingers. He pushed open her lips with the tip of his cock and began to slowly thrust into her mouth. Marla responded by licking and sucking him again.

Kayla lay beside Marla on Marla's right side. She reached out and started to stroke her pack mate's inner thighs. The fur there was already soaked from Marla's juices. Kayla grinned and worked her paw up further until it found Marla's outer labia. Rather than dive into her friend's cunny, she spent several minutes just gently stroking the thin fur covering of her labia.

Marla could not see what her friend was doing, but she could certainly feel it. Her cunt grew steadily hotter as the shaft in her mouth grew harder. Marla tried to distract herself by concentrating on her Master's cock, but the fire that was building in her crotch could not be ignored. Soon she was whimpering and pleading with her eyes for Kayla to give her sexual release.

Kayla watched both Master David and Marla closely. They were both very close to cumming. She decided it was time to send them over the edge. She shifted around to a kneeling position so she could nuzzle Master David's balls. At the same time she started rapidly frigging Marla. Kayla's assault resulted in twin orgasms as her pack mates came hard simultaneously.

Marla remained tied to the post for the rest of the evening. She alternated between servicing Master David and Kayla. Each would present a muzzle, a cock, a cunt or a breast to Marla. She would kiss, lick and suck the proffered body part long and hard. Meanwhile the other alpha fur would slide fingers in and out of Marla's sex and tail hole or paw other parts of her body.

Marla enjoyed every second of her "punishment" and was sorry when Master David finally called a halt to the evening's fun. Kayla and Master David released Marla and took her back to the master bedroom bath. The three cuddled in the whirlpool bath and cleansed each others' pelts.

Later Marla fell asleep nestled between the bodies of her Master and friend. She could not help but think how wonderful it was to have such loving pack mates after so long alone. The prospect of adding young, willing male to her bed only made the future better.