Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Section

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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Wow. Safe to say it has been a bit, hasn't it? I had to get this one outta my system to shake off the rust but, think I might be back at it.

"We're burning day light, babe."Called the werewolf, his phone looking especially small in his hands. He continued to flick through his timeline as he was answered.

"Gimme two minutes!" Shouted Riley from the only other actual room in their studio. Curt snorted and tucked his phone away before walking to the bathroom. Riley didn't look away from the mirror as he fussed over his outfit, turning this way then that before starting all over again.

"This shirt has a weird cut to it. Makes me look puffy." Muttered the satyr.

Curt tilted his head and pushed the brim of his ball cap up. It was just a gray polo to him, it fit just as well as all of Riley's other ones.

"Ya don't need dress up to look for clothes." The werewolf scoffed gently, a small knowing smile crossing his muzzle. "Ya look fine anyway."

"Really? I mean I have a back u-" Before Riley could find another excuse to make them late, Curt ducked his head down and lightly nipped one of his boyfriend's ears.

"You look good." Curt said firmly, still smiling. "You also smell good. You been using my beard balm?"

Riley nodded but Curt didn't need the conformation, his nose knew the spicy, woodsy scent anywhere. He purposely picked it for its smell because he knew Riley would like it. His tail swayed from side to side as he raised his head again.

"Well, one thing." Curt added as he reached up and lightly tugged the top two buttons open on Riley's shirt, showing off his minimal chest hair. "Better."

Riley just gave Curt a withering look before pushing past him to gather up his wallet and keys. A short chuckle rumbled from Curt's chest. Not only because he enjoyed Riley's annoyed faces, which he did profusely but, more so that the satyr made no effort to refasten the buttons.

"I got good taste ya know. I'll help ya pick out something decent." Rumbled the wolf as he stuffed a hand into his back pocket to make sure he was prepared.


Riley's knees started to buckle as he felt Curt's long tongue grace the underside of his short tail, a deep shudder running up his spine. He couldn't dare moan like he wanted to and instead bit his lip as the dexterous lupine tongue worked its magic. Riley felt trapped but, in an oddly safe way, stuck in a changing room with his boyfriend who claimed to be helping him pick out a good pair of pants.

Except the pants were long forgotten at this point along with his shirt. Instead the werewolf plunged his tongue deep into the satyr's ring, growling at the warm, coppery taste as he carelessly left slick drool in his wake. Curt's ears flicked forward as he reached around the satyr and grasped his leaking shaft firmly, giving a few strokes until Riley's hand shot down and held his wrist firm. Already too close. This drew a grin from the werewolf who only withdrew his tongue and stood behind his panting boyfriend.

"Now just stay right there." The rumbled into Riley's ear. The soft clink of a belt and the dull hiss of a zipper reached the satyr's next before he felt a hot mass rest under his slickened tail. Curt knew Riley's body as well as his own, before he could bury himself to the knot there was always a bit of gentle coaxing. With a powerful hand, Curt angled Riley to brace against the wall of the tiny room. This was just to make sure he had a perfect view of themselves in the mirror.

Ever prepared, Curt had a rather large foil packet of lube which he poured messily onto his turgid shaft. He made sure to 'accidently' drizzle some against the satyr's wriggling tail which only drew frustrated whine from Riley. He took his time to spread the thick clear gel across his cock with one hand while the other stroked across the shuddering satyr's side. Using the slick remnants still on his fingers, the werewolf nudged his middle finger across the exposed pucker.

Curt grinned as he felt the ring relent after a little work, only to have Riley flex and clam down like a vice around the thick digit after the first knuckle.

"Claws." Grunted the satyr as he tried to force Curt out.

"Don't worry, filed them down this mornin'." Curt whispered, exposing that he surely planned ahead. Gradually Curt let the ring relax for him again before he attempted to prod any deeper and savored the muffled sounds as he did. After years of being together Curt knew exactly how to make Riley get to where he needed to go. Slow stokes of his paw pad against the satyr's prostate followed by a gentle twist of his finger to make sure the walls were evenly slickened.

Keeping a steady grip with his free hand Curt eased finger in and out, his white fur slicked down with lube as he felt his boyfriend loosen up around his intrusion. Then he added a second finger, followed by a third. The wolf was impressed as he watched his fingers slowly vanish under the fluttering tail.

"Ready?" Rumbled Curt as he withdrew his fingers from the panting satyr. His fingers met a weak grip before the finally slipped free. "Yeah, yer ready."

Riley said nothing, only panted softly into his cupped hand as he felt the dull thump of his boyfriend's cock against his rear. Curt snorted as pressed his slick cock into the cashmere fur on the satyr's rump before adjusting himself so the broad tip of his shaft pressed against the already worked-over ring. A slight push was all he got before he met that heated resistance again which only made Curt smirk and lean across Riley's back. His muzzle tucking in close to Riley's neck so he could feel the words as easily as he heard them.

"Lemme in babe." Rumbled the werewolf into his boyfriend's ear. He could feel the satyr shudder right to the core before he nudged his cock deeper. This time, he was able to slip the thick head of his cock past the tight ring. The werewolf felt the hole flutter then spread around him, listening for the deep breaths Riley took. Normally the satyr would be panting and groaning by now but the changing room was only so sound proof.

Riley's nails scratched lightly against the wall before Curt manhandled him again, pulling him a step back which also caused the werewolf to settle even deep within the cloying walls of his partner. The difference in height always made standing and fucking its own clumsy struggle but Curt was a problem solver. In one rough motion, Curt grasped the backs of Riley's wooly thighs with wide, powerful paws and hauled him off his hooves to rest back to chest with the werewolf. Riley only barely managed to suppress his bleat of gut wrenching pleasure by biting his knuckle as he was suddenly sat knot deep on his boyfriend's dick.

Curt grunted and shushed Riley softly before he rolled his hips backward with a soft squelch. Riley's glassy eyes looked up at the bearded muzzle before reaching back and wrapping one of his arms around Curt's neck for support, just in time for Curt to slide back into him.

The werewolf turned toward the mirror and grinned at the reflection of his boyfriend, watching the smaller myth squirm almost gently in his grip as he adjusted to the thick black cock pressing into his shuddering tunnel. Gravity did most of the work leaving Curt to alternate between rocking a few inches in and out of Riley and using the panting satyr like a toy by lifting him up and letting him sink back down. Riley's cock was ignored but made itself known by slapping lightly against the satyr's stomach and leaving thick strands of precum in the fuzzy happy trail

The rhythm was slow, passionate but barely controlled. The longer they went at it, the higher the risk. The rude squelching sound grew louder thanks to the prolific werewolf who seemed to spurt more precum with every other buck of his hips. Riley was no better, having his partner's brawny cock barreling square into his prostate did little to help him keep his composure. Through narrowed blue eyes watched himself fuck his partner in the mirror. It was an angle he rarely saw but the sight of himself now thrusting into Riley did something to him. How Riley's muscles tensed and relaxed. The way his fat cock stretched out that suckling ring with each thrust. How his heavy balls slapped against the fuzzy taint. The sight of his knot just daring the tie them together. It was too much, no wonder Riley liked to record them.

"Grab m' knot." Ordered the werewolf, He couldn't risk a tie but he would be damned if he wasn't going to cum like he was. Riley's reached down with the hand that was covering his mouth and squeezed as best he could around the massive knot, wordlessly obeying if only for the reason that he needed the same. Curt snarled into his boyfriend's ear, the feeling of those familiar fingers around his pulsing and sensitive knot brought him to exactly where he wanted to be.

The werewolf wanted howl so badly, but stifled the need as best he could by biting into Riley's shoulder. Curt stumbled backwards and thankfully his shoulders fell against the opposite wall as the werewolf flooded the satyr. Riley could feel the hard pulses rise from the base of the knot right into his guts. He would have counted if not for the amount for sheer concentration it took for him not to cum himself. A werewolf's load was going to be hard enough to hide but a satyr's would leave far too much evidence.

Curt knew this as well even in his orgasm drunk mind, the fur on his neck bristling as he rutted through his load until it began to drool free from within the furnace that was Riley's rump. A few long seconds past before the pulsed stopped and Curt let out a deep and sated snort, pulling his jaw from around Riley's tender shoulder then licking across the small dents his teeth made in the dark sink while he savored the afterglow. Riley on the other hand was a shuddering mess, his trembling fingers letting go of the thick knot before somehow managing to suck the digits clean from the musky escaped cum. The two slowly caught their breath, Curt taking a seat on the small bench inside of the changing stall with Riley still plugged his lap.

"I don't suppose you have something to clean up with." Riley panted softly as he watched his own long shaft drizzle precum onto the floor.

'Nawh, I only got as far as bringin' the lube and filing my claws really." Rumbled Curt as he tossed a glance over at the clothes that were still on their hangers. "Use the pants that ya picked out, they may give you a discount since they are covered in werewolf cum. "