Escape Pt. 1

Story by PinkPunkTrash on SoFurry

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Less of a sex thing and more of a kink thing. I got a few perverts on twitter to tell me what turns them on and used it to create this little story.

As your eyes fluttered open from your sound sleep you are quick to realize that things have gone horribly wrong while you were asleep in the lab. Though the alarm wasn't blaring the flashing red lights were warning enough to let you know that one of the specimens had escaped their containment. You got to your feet and grabbed your security clearance badge off your desk on your way out, stopping in your tracks as you find yourself alone in the hallway. There were nearly a thousand people working in this complex, the hallways were never anywhere near empty, even during emergencies such as this security would be sweeping the halls to work on getting order restored.

You couldn't just stand in the hall, you had to get a grasp on exactly what was going on, which specimen escaped and where everyone went. At the end of the hall was the monitoring room where you often spent your days keeping an eye on each creature, that was probably your best bet and where you decided to head to first, running down to the end of the hall. Lifting your badge to the security scanner was all it took to let yourself in, the door sliding shut on its own as you step up to the several monitors before you. Eyes quickly searching over them one by one until you saw it, or rather, didn't see it.

Right there in the center of monitor number thirteen was a broken containment unit, this one was a cylinder made of glass or it had been before the glass was shattered. You turned to the wall of clipboards just to the right, quickly scanning over them but number thirteen was missing. This was both good and bad. It was good because you could accurately guess that number thirteen escaped during inspection and that probably meant you'd find people down below in the specimen area and bad because you didn't have the info you needed to help protect yourself should the worse happen and you run into number thirteen.

Protocol was for you to head down to specimen containment and assist the security unit sent out, you've done it a few times, it's usually a pretty easy job where you just watch the halls for others and make sure they know what's going on. This seemed a bit off from the norm but protocol was there and you weren't going to break it, heading out of the monitoring room to get to the elevator on the other side of the room. With the button pressed all you could do was wait for the elevator and try to recall what sort of creature number thirteen was, you know you've helped some of the lead scientist with it but oddly can't recall a single thing about it.

This was quite odd as you usually have quite the sharp memory for these things but the harder you try to recall the more you seem to forget, distracting yourself enough that you don't feel the cold pooling around your feet till it's already surrounded you. Seeing the liquid puts you in a bit of a panic and you try to step back but the liquid is thicker than it looked at first and somewhat sticky so instead you end up falling on your back as it surrounds you. You struggle against it to try to get to your feet but it's holding you against the floor like some sort of super adhesive, eyes moving to the elevator as it leaks this odd liquid before the doors open. The fur on the back of your neck slowly begins to stand as you get the feeling that something really bad is headed your way.

Unfortunately, you are proven right as the elevator reaches your floor and the doors slide open, the thick liquid flooding out from the inside. Struggling as hard as you can rewards you the ability to lift your head off the floor but that is far too little too late as the liquid splashes over you on its way down the hall. You manage to close your eyes and mouth just in time to keep it out, forced to lay there and wait, hoping it stops soon enough for you not to drown in it. Just as you begin to feel your lungs begin to burn from lack of air you also feel the torrent of the liquid stop and settle in the room, slowly opening your eyes with an ease you weren't expecting after being stuck to the floor by the same liquid.

Regret hits you the moment you find yourself looking at a large black glob of eyes and maws. Its form was constantly shifting, wreaking havoc on your mind as it tries to make sense of what it's looking at, even trying to figure out exactly how it's standing seems to be driving you mad. It's this slow growing madness that triggers the block in your mind to break, you hadn't forgotten a thing about this creature, you had intense therapy for months and slowly blocked it out of your head after your last encounter with it. Your heart felt as if it were trying to escape your chest as it moved towards you, mind breaking just trying to comprehend how it moved, all its mouths drooling and all its eyes fixed on you.

Screaming was the first instinct your body reacted with but your mouth wouldn't budge, the liquid had thickened around your muzzle and became slick, smooth. The tight squeeze around your body hadn't properly registered till now, the slick sheen look of it made it easy to identify as latex but your mind was in no shape to think about it for very long. It was too busy trying, and completely failing, to comprehend exactly what was coming towards. The word tendril was the best it could do but even that failed to properly describe it, your eyes meeting with a few of its own, heart beginning to slow as you stared into them.


It spoke and at first it felt like your head was about to split, but the longer you stared into its eyes the more you heard the word until it was all you could think about. Slowly your body began relaxing in the tight squeeze of the latex as the appendage slipped into your ear, thirteen seeming to grin with a few of its maws at you, putting you at a weird ease even as you felt the slime of the appendage reaching further into your head than anything should. Intense pleasure made you quiver as it felt as though it was petting over your brain directly, eyes rolling back.

With your vision temporarily impaired your ears picked up on a sound that had been missed, a light but steady thumping against the floor, it was odd at reaching your ears as you came to realize you were wagging your tail, you felt happy, you felt relaxed, you felt right as it stroked over your thoughts.

The tentacle pulled from your ear but you could feel that something had been left behind, skittering around along inside your head for a while before seeming to settle. There was a light ping of pain as it seemed to burrow but you were so happy to be looking at thirteen that it hardly registered, your eyes glued to it as its hand ran over your cheek while passing by you. You turned on your hands and knees, finding yourself moving easily again, following after it as the two words echoed through your head.

"Good boy~ good boy~ good boy~"

Those endearing words echoed in your mind each time you moved towards thirteen, each time you helped him, every time you opened a door for him, every time you lured in another co-worker. You didn't mind, you felt proud, you were important, the screams hardly registered, you were making your new master happy and that's what mattered to you.

You are his "Good boy~"