College Gains

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Just some life changing experiences at college.

Written for a Patreon.

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College was an exciting time of year, especially the first year of college for many, both humans and anthros alike.

Melody had been accepted into one college recently, and she was more than eager to unpack her belongings. Melody was a very chubby gray horse who was into punk rock, but she was a bit of a nerd regardless. She even had her hair dyed a light blue color. She wheeled a red metal suitcase behind her as she made her way into the dorms. She carried a letter and key too.

The equine anthro made her way up the stairs and to her dorm room. She passed by a few collegegoers, none of whom seemed interested in her. Melody was somewhat sociable, but she was often mocked for her weight in school. She did her best not to let that get to her and lived a happy life. Some days though, she wished she could be even bigger, not to be mocked more, but so she could use her newfound weight to crush those that teased her for being fat. It didn't help she was more into computers too, a very stereotypical overweight nerd, something she loathed, but it was what she was. It was one reason she got into the punk rock music in the first place, although she never played it excessively loud.

She opened the door to her dorm and revealed there were not one, but two beds. It looked mostly like a typical dorm room with access to one bathroom and shower, one kitchen, but the main room was divided into two, as if it were yin and yang, and her roommate was already there.

In the room, there was a muscular punk hyena girl. The hyena had normal dark gray fur with black spots, but her hair was a spiky pink up in a Mohawk fashion. Upon hearing the door open, the buff girl turned her attention to the door. "Ugh. They said I was getting a roommate, they didn't say I was getting a beanbag chair."

Melody rolled her eyes as she heard the hyena talk. She didn't want to respond rudely though. "I'm Melody. If you don't like what I'm into, then just leave me alone." Although she knew it was never that easy. There were those people liked to interfere with another's lives to make it worse, and Melody could tell that this hyena was one of those kinds of girls. Her muscles were by no means massive, but she could tell there was a six-pack, muscular powerful shoulders, and a wicked grin with mostly fangs, one of them was gold.

"Oh, you really think it'll be that easy huh?" The hyena chuckled. She didn't even want to tell Melody her name, though the back of her laptop read 'Ptolema' on the back in what looked like spray paint letters, but with stickers.

Melody knew where this was going. With a sigh as she set her suitcase on the bed that Ptolema didn't appear to claim, she looked at the strong girl. "If you're going to bully me, can you at least not do anything to my stuff while you do so?"

"There's a difference between a bully and a jerk." Ptolema shrugged. "I ain't touching your shit unless you touch mine, buuut that doesn't mean I might not do some things to you."

Melody nodded. "That's all I ask." She had learned not to fear bullies. She didn't get mad at them, she got passive aggressive towards them. Ptolema seemed to be tough, but something told Melody that there was more to the girl. She could tell the hyena was into punk rock, and the girl likely worked out quite a bit, far more than Melody had bothered to do so, but that was all she could get from looking at her physically. The hyena girl looked like the kind of girl that would tease and bug Melody for her nerdiness or her weight, and she already knew she was probably going to have to find a few alternative places to study.

The rest of Melody's day was uneventful. Ptolema was as good as her word was at least. Melody went out to explore the rest of the campus to get her surroundings, her classes, she found a few other places she could bring her own laptop to for her to study in, and then she returned to her dorm room. The punk girl was gone, gone to Melody didn't know where, but she could unpack in peace at least.

Melody had almost finished unpacking by the time Ptolema returned. The hyena girl returned just in time to see Melody pull out her signed poster of a band called 'The Heavies', an obese band that advertised itself on punk rock.

"So, you like 'The Heavies' too, huh?" Ptolema asked with her hands on her hips.

Melody turned to her with a nod. "I'm not all fangirl over them, but they make some really good music." She put up her poster right above her bed, and smiled faintly at Ptolema. "What's your favorite song?"

Ptolema was quick to dismiss that question with a "Pah." Moreover, she waved her hand dismissively in front of her. "It doesn't matter. Did you find the cafeteria? I'm sure that's your happy place after all."

'I'm sure yours is the gym.' Melody thought to herself in a quick retort, but she didn't say anything. She wasn't confrontational when it came to being teased. She instead just laid on her bed, opened up her laptop, and started to browse the internet. Classes didn't start until tomorrow anyways, so she had time to relax.

The day went by uneventfully for Melody after the beginning. Ptolema left her alone for the most part, which she was very thankful for. Deep down, she wished the muscular hyena girl would be friendlier. She thought the hyena was almost attractive in a way, but she didn't say such things aloud. Melody just went through her day, and soon it was time for her to sleep, wake up, and then go to her actual first day of college at ten in the morning.

Melody's first day of college was uneventful. She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but it was a boring day for her. She had almost wished she could talk with the muscular hyena girl again, even if the girl was more teasing her than not.

Melody came back to her dorm room after her first day and saw the hyena girl there with a muscle shirt on and shorts, an odd choice considering the weather.

Ptolema was currently on her laptop when Melody came home. Her legs were crossed and showed off her clawed pawed feet. "And how's lard ass doing today?" she said without so much as looking up from her screen.

Melody rolled her eyes. Name-calling was something she was used to, and at least that's the most that Ptolema was doing to her. "It was alright. A little boring and uneventful, but alright."

Ptolema chuckled. "You know, this is my second semester here, but my first year sharing it with someone. I figured since it was your first day here that we could celebrate this monument occasion with a cake." Sure enough, in the kitchen on a small countertop there was a cake. There was some writing on it, but the handwriting was so sloppy that it was hard to make out what exactly it said.

Melody looked over at the cake. She could tell that the writing was probably something sarcastic, something in regards to her weight. Melody half wished that she wasn't teased so much, but she had studied bullies since she had been teased for so long. Many bullies teased her for many different reasons; usually it involved some sort of self-esteem issue. In this case, Melody looked over the cake carefully, and any ingredients that might have been used. Poisoning was something tremendously unlikely for a bully, although stomachaches were a possibility. Seeing as Melody found no 'special' ingredients the muscular hyena punk girl could have used, she helped herself to a bite from the side with a fork, and smiled widely. "Woah! Did you make this? Are you studying like culinary or something? Because this is a really good cake!"

Ptolema blushed underneath her gray fur. She pulled up the laptop to block Melody's view to see her face. "Y-yeah well it's a special occasion so you deserve it you damn fatso!" she spoke with a hint of nervousness in her tone.

"Is that so?" Melody took another bite of the cake. There was no odd taste that would make her second guess Ptolema. The cake was a delicious white cake topped with a buttercream frosting. "Hey, you ever remember that one kid show that had this one girl that really liked the guy, but the girl was always mean to the guy? It turned out she had this huge shrine dedicated to him though and just really, really liked him?"

Ptolema raised a brow at that. "Yeah, what does that..." she was quick to catch on to what Melody suggested. "Dammit, I barely know you. All I know is that you like the same band I do, and that doesn't mean much of anything! There could be a lot more about me that you don't know that you could really hate."

Melody took a slice of the cake onto one of the plastic plates in the kitchen, grabbed a fork, and then she took a seat on her own bed. She crossed her chubby horse legs, and smiled at the buff hyena. "Try me. Let's learn more about each other than our favorite bands. Obviously you're a good cook too, so I'll tell you more about me. I'm a fan of tattoos. You got any?" She smiled at Ptolema. The hyena girl clearly had a tough exterior, but a soft inside.

The hyena girl was hesitant to speak up about it at first. She closed her laptop, and then turned to face Melody. "Tattoos?" She looked as if she were ready to call the horse girl crazy for talking about such things, but with a roll of her eyes, she raised up her sleeve and showed a tattoo of a simple red heart with a golden outline through it. The outline surrounded bits and pieces of the heart, as if there were four different parts that belonged to the heart itself. "I might have a few others, but hell if I'm showing you."

Melody kept smiling at Ptolema. "That looks so unlike you. I mean, it almost looks like one of those hearts from that one video game, I totally didn't take you for someone who played those sorts of things. Do you like the old versions, or are the newer ones more to your taste? Did you play that really famous one on the old system?" Melody wasn't a 'huge' gamer herself. It wasn't that she didn't play games, it was that she had a lot of other things she liked to do on top of games.

"What the fuck is with these twenty questions?" Ptolema spat before she crossed her arms. "You really want to get all buddy-buddy with me or something, don't you? Hell, I bet you want me to stuff your face until you're so fat you can't even fit through the door frame!"

Melody blinked a few times as she heard that. It made her wonder if Ptolema had some sort of weight fetish, or a weight gain fetish. Melody had seen such things online, she had seen a LOT of things online, she was a nerd after all, but it wasn't something she had ever really gotten into. "No, I think I'll pass on that."

Ptolema scoffed, and looked away. "At least you're not that huge of a damn pervert..." she mumbled under her breath. "And no, I'm not into that shit either, but I'm not going to tell you the kind of stuff I'm into."

"I wouldn't expect you to." Melody responded with a sigh. She couldn't quite read Ptolema that well, though something told her that Ptolema wasn't being that honest about not having such an odd fetish. Not that Melody judged Ptolema for having such a thing, to each their own after all. Either way, she dropped the subject and went about her own business.

The next few days for Melody were largely uneventful. She learned she had to take on some more classes than the ones she had signed up for, including gym. She felt almost as if she were in high school all over again, except she was always able to return to her dorm where there were baked sweets, and sometimes even dinner waiting for her. Ptolema would never admit it out loud that she made such things solely for Melody, but either way Melody was happy. She was very, very well fed thanks to the hyena girl, and by the end of the first week Melody had actually gained a few pounds to add to her large frame, not that she had paid much attention to it.

One night while both Melody and Ptolema were lying in bed, Ptolema casually glanced over to Melody. She had taunted and teased Melody regularly, though she had been doing so less as time went on. "So...I learned this new recipe for a pie if you wanted me to bake that this weekend." She said in a casual tone.

Melody's ears flickered when Ptolema spoke to her so casually. The relationship between the two was complex to say the least. Often Melody was teased, but she was very well fed thanks to the hyena girl. "What kind of pie is it? The apple one you made a few days ago was divine, especially with the ice cream you made too." Melody hadn't expected a muscular hyena punk girl to be so good at cooking so many things. Granted she mostly made sugary junk food, but that was the best kind of food that Melody absolutely loved to eat!

"It's ah uh...never mind." Ptolema turned her attention back to her laptop with a redness in her face. "You'll get it, and you'll fucking like it."

Melody giggled, and nodded to her. "Yes ma'am." She had almost taken Ptolema's teasing as if she really was flirting with her, even if it was mostly stuffing Melody's face. The way to her heart was through her gut after all! With that, she went back to doing her own things.

Days continued to come and go, and the routines were the same. Melody and Ptolema woke up, ate breakfast that Ptolema made, and went to their various classes. Ptolema always returned back to the dorm first, and Melody was greeted with a large meal made by her. Ptolema even had the dishes taken care of by the time she got back. Of course, Ptolema would continue to tease Melody about her weight, but over time, the teasing seemed to be more playful than not.

Melody found herself becoming a bit lazier too as Ptolema took care of her every need. Melody would often just toss her clothes down on the ground in front of the bathroom to take her shower, and she would leave to find that her clothes were not only getting washed, but washed and dried perfectly. Any time she made a mess with plates, Ptolema cleaned it up. Melody may be getting teased for her weight, but there was no doubt the hyena was absolutely spoiling her with food. By the end of the second week, she had put on nearly ten more pounds, and every day she felt like another few pounds were being added.

By the end of the month, Melody's clothes struggled to fit her. Her gut jutted out in front of her with her belly button constantly exposed to the world, as well as the top of her ass crack and tits. She waddled along happily to her dorm, and noticed there was even more food waiting for her, and Ptolema on her bed as if it were no big deal. Melody also noticed there was something else next to the food. There were two tickets to the latest Space Fight movie, something Melody found odd. She had gotten used to Ptolema leaving food out for her, but tickets? "Hey Ptolema, are these your movie tickets?"

The muscular hyena girl wore similar style clothing as she normally did. She looked over at Melody with a grimace on her face. "So what if they are? It's a fucking long story how I got them, but I don't want them. Feel free to take them, one seat for you and one seat for your massive stomach."

Melody was surprised at the offer, not one, but two movie tickets? Part of her had a feeling what Ptolema actually wanted, but she didn't say it out loud. Ptolema wants to go see the movie with me, I just know it. I don't get why though... Since the two had been living together, Ptolema had been giving mixed messages about what she wanted to do with Melody. "You know I'm not that fat...did you want to come with me to the movies?"

Ptolema's jaw dropped. "Why in the unholy mother of ass would I go with a fat butt like you? I only say butt because I already said ass earlier in that sentence." Ptolema crossed her arms, but she was blushing underneath her fur.

"I mean, I assumed you would kind of like those movies, most people do. You gave me two tickets anyways, and I'm not going to take up multiple seats." Melody held up the two tickets. "They're also for those middle seats before the handicap ones, and since nobody really uses the handicap seats most of the time, well if you want to mock my fat, my belly will just drag down in front of that." she rolled her eyes.

"Y-yeah, I already just said I got you two seats so you could use one to put your fat in." Ptolema stammered. She crossed her arms, and looked away in a huff. "I wouldn't be caught dead being seen with you anyways! Or however the fuck that phrase goes."

Melody wasn't going to argue with Ptolema. She knew the hyena was stubborn, amongst other things. "Okay. I'm leaving the ticket though, just in case you want to go." With that, Melody left the dorm room. She'd eat the food Ptolema left later. She had her own car, so transportation wasn't a problem at all for her.

Melody checked into the movie theater with little issue. The theater was fairly standard with a large parking lot and plenty of theaters, including the very one that Melody went into to see the movie. As Melody purchased herself a giant tub of popcorn, the biggest one the movie theater could sell her, along with the standard candy and drink, she walked into the theater and noticed that Ptolema was already there, right next to the spot where Melody was going to sit. With a huge smile on the pony's face, she made her way to the seat next to Ptolema, and helped herself. "So, what changed your mind?"

"Shut up." Ptolema was quick to defend herself. She brought her own huge tub of popcorn, but she hadn't apparently had a single bite. "I just wanted to see the movie, that's it." She didn't look at Melody at all when she talked, just at the giant screen in front of her that was currently showing movie trivia. "The sheer fact I have to sit next to you is just the small price to pay for the free ticket."

Melody held back her giggle. It was clear that Ptolema had feelings for the horse. Melody wasn't that dumb, she could see it, and the muscular hyena girl was just in denial over it. "Okay, if you say so." She leaned back on the leather theater chair with a smile on her face, part of her wondered why Ptolema got such a huge box of popcorn for herself. She didn't seem like the type that was a huge eater.

Ptolema was silent at first. She kept her attention on the screen more than Melody, but after some time, she turned her head to the horse. "Are you going to eat your popcorn or am I going to have to feed it to you?" she suddenly said in an annoyed tone.

Melody was taken aback by Ptolema's question. "Uh...what do you mean by that? I'm going to eat it, I just don't like eating it all right away because then you get to the halfway point of the movie and you run out of popcorn and then you have nothing left unless you leave the theater to grab some more! Theater popcorn is good hot or cold anyways, it's no big deal."

"Look, if you starve to death, I'll have to pay more for my college dorm, and I'm not having that. You're going to eat, and if I have to hand feed you in order to prove my point, then so be it." Ptolema scowled at Melody as if a mother would glare at their child for not eating their vegetables.

Melody wasn't even sure how to properly respond to Ptolema. Is she really going to bully me into eating food? She thought to herself. She didn't want to get into an argument with her though, not during a movie. "Fine, look, see?" She took some of her popcorn, and stuffed it into her mouth. She swallowed the salty buttery unhealthy snack, and opened her mouth to show that her mouth was empty. "Better, mom?"

"No, because you still have two massive popcorn containers to go through before the movie ends, and if you don't finish them, I swear you're going to regret it." Ptolema pushed her large box of popcorn right over to Melody.

'Why am I not surprised that you bought the second box for me?' Melody thought to herself. "Fine, if you insist." With a sigh, Melody began to eat the popcorn. She glanced over at Ptolema every now and then, and each time she saw the hyena was looking at her, making sure that she was still eating away at her popcorn. By the time the movie ended, she had nearly finished both containers. Ptolema had left, and with a small shrug, Melody left too. She noticed her body smelled heavily like popcorn, including her breath. She may have been a nerd, but she wasn't a slob. She figured she'd just take a shower once she got home.

Once back at the dorm, she helped herself to a shower. She had arrived before Ptolema, and she heard the hyena girl come back home, just as she closed the door to the bathroom door and undressed. Melody started up the shower, and let the water run over her naked body. One problem that Melody had noticed with their bathroom was that the lock was broken. It was a very minor issue, as the door could still shut and they normally gave each other privacy, but there were times when she feared Ptolema might enter on her, not that she'd know what the hyena would do once she was inside.

Melody continued to shower with a sigh. She let the hot water brush over her gray hide as she soaped and lathered herself. She had Ptolema on her mind, and how much she just kept giving her food. The movie theater was the first time that Ptolema had actually sort of threatened her that she had to eat 'or else', and it made her wonder just what exactly Ptolema's motives were. 'She's not into force-feeding. She already said she wasn't, so what is she doing?' She thought to herself.

Suddenly, the door to the bathroom opened to reveal Ptolema on the other side. "Hope you don't mind, I got to go and they close off the public bathroom at night." She spoke casually, as if she talked to a friend.

The sudden entrance surprised even Melody. Her thoughts were cut off when the door opened. The shower curtain was enough to hide her nudity, but not her shadow from Ptolema. "I erm...uh...I guess that's alright." The two of them were both full-fledged females, the college made sure not to have coed dorm rooms, even herms had their own rooms. Why do I have a feeling she doesn't have to use the bathroom at all? She thought to herself.

Just then, Ptolema opened up the shower curtains with a cell phone camera in hand. "Say hi to your fans!" Ptolema said with a huge wicked grin as she revealed the naked wet Melody to her camera recording her in her full nudity.

Melody was taken aback by Ptolema's behavior. She had known Ptolema to show herself as a bully of sorts, but to record her nudity was completely unexpected. She covered up her bare exposed gray nipples and her shaved crotch as she stared at Ptolema in shock. "What the heck has gotten into you?" she didn't even sound as mad as she could have been about it, she knew Ptolema was a little mean, but never so much as to humiliate her, at least she hoped not.

"What? Seeing you naked a little too early?" Ptolema teased. She stopped the cell phone, and smiled at her. "Don't worry though, I won't show any of that footage online. I know better than that! It'll make great material for a certain someone though."

Melody covered herself back up with the shower curtain, and rolled her eyes. Ptolema went from making food, to giving her movie tickets and popcorn, to just exposing her and recording her nude. Deep down, she thought maybe Ptolema figured she was getting soft and had to do something to make up for it. "What are you going to do with it?" Melody's heart sank at the hyena's behavior.

"I'll tell you what..." Ptolema set the phone down. "I know it was rude of me. I'll delete the video, and let you watch as I do it, but only if you let me take a photo of the two of us kissing."

'So she recorded that for blackmail for...a kiss?' Melody now at least partially understood Ptolema's actions, though she wondered why Ptolema had to resort to such things. Melody had grown to like her a bit, but Ptolema often seemed to be in denial. "And what are you going to do with the photo of the two of us?"

"What the fuck do you think I would do with it?" Ptolema glared at Melody as if she had just been asked a highly offensive question. "I'm not going to show it to anyone. Why does anyone need to know that I kissed a nerd like you? By the way, this is ONLY me taking a picture. YOU are not allowed to take it!"

Melody was as confused as ever. Ptolema taped her naked and she wanted a kiss to delete the video. It was such a bizarre situation. "I mean...I guess." God, you know if you had just asked for a kiss I would have probably said yes, or at least a strong maybe. She thought to herself. Ptolema, while she came off as brutish and a bully, definitely seemed to have a soft side to her, it just seemed as if she didn't want to show it off. While she thought recording her nudity was a bit on the extreme side, she doubted Ptolema would truly have ill intent with it.

Ptolema nodded and held her phone out after activating the photo app on the phone. "Now, just one kiss and it has to be on the lips too! No damn cheek kissing!" She moved her head so that the phone caught her head at a side angle.

Melody nodded to Ptolema. She wasn't sure what to say to her about using the video to try to get a kiss out of her, but if it's what Ptolema wanted. With a deep breath, she leaned forward, closed her eyes, and gave Ptolema a kiss right on her hyena lips.

Ptolema wasn't going to stand for just a quick peck and a shot. She grabbed the back of Melody's head with one hand as she held her camera with the other and kissed her deep. Only then did she take a picture of the two of them, and then she pulled back with a snarl on her face. "Fine, I guess I'll delete the video. Here." She showed the screen to Melody of the two of them kissing before she got to the video of Melody nude, and just deleted it like that, true to her word.

Melody wasn't surprised that Ptolema was quick to get more into the kiss. She didn't argue, she just got more into it herself. She pulled back only when Ptolema pulled away, and watched her delete the video. "Now that that's all over with, do you mind if I ask you something?" Melody still wasn't able to sound angry with the hyena.

"Yeah, what is it?" Ptolema didn't as much as glance at Melody. She just kept her eyes on the photo she took of the pair.

"Why didn't you just ask me if you wanted a kiss? I mean, I probably would have given you one anyways." She had already thought about it, but curiosity had gotten to her enough to want to ask.

"Yeah fucking right, like you would willingly kiss someone who recorded you naked." Ptolema scoffed. "You're just some kind of nerd or...or something." Ptolema wasn't entirely sure what to come up with. She turned around, and began to walk out of the bathroom.

Melody scratched her head confused. She wasn't sure what to tell Ptolema herself. Ptolema had given her so many mixed messages about what she wanted. She seemed to want to come off as a bully, yet Ptolema kept her well fed and taken care of, and aside from this one particular moment, she had almost never done anything that one would consider her being a 'bully', unless one counted name calling. Ptolema had rarely came off as a bad girl, just a girl that wanted to appear bad to keep up appearances. Even Melody could tell that.

Melody finished her shower with a sigh, and once done, she dried herself off and put on a regular gray shirt and sweatpants. She walked out of the bathroom, and stared at Ptolema.

Ptolema was back on her laptop. Her phone was connected to it, and it looked as if she was doing something to the picture she had just taken of her and Melody. She turned to Melody with a scowl on her face. "What? You like what you see?"

Melody sighed at Ptolema. She figured the best way to go about it was to be blunt. "Look, you like me. I can tell you do. Anyone with half a brain can figure that out, so why are you trying to keep up with a tough girl and bully appearance? If you were a bit nicer, then maybe we could become a couple or something, or at least friends."

Ptolema scowled at Melody. "What makes you think I'm being nice to you? I recorded you naked, I'm making you kiss me, what do you think makes that nice, unless you're into that sort of forced shit."

"Yeah but you're feeding me on a regular basis. If you truly hated me, if you really didn't care about me, you wouldn't feed me so much, and so much good food. Heck, you'd be giving me stuff that would give me diarrhea or something. I can see it in your eyes, your body motions, you want to do more things with me, and you're thinking of the best way to do it, aren't you?"

Ptolema squeezed her lips together as she kept her head faced away from Melody. She didn't look ready to admit to anything. "You really think I fucking like you? You're a nerd. You may be into the same music I am, purely by coincidence, but that's all you and I have in common. Maybe you just don't know how much we don't have in common and I have to show you with a...personal touch just how little we have in common together."

Melody wasn't sure if she should be aroused, or frightened by such a statement. She decided to ignore it for the time being and let it go. She went about her night as per normal, as if it were any other night, and then she went to bed. She stayed up a bit later as tomorrow was Saturday and she didn't have to get up for classes the next morning.

Melody awoke the next day with a yawn. She tried to move her arms and legs, only to find that she had been tied down on her bed. "W-what...?" She looked up and noticed she had been tied down with thick white rope. "Hey, what's going on?" Melody wasn't sure if she should be frightened, or angry. She was definitely confused. She could pick up the smell of breakfast, and that just confused her even more.

Ptolema arrived with a plate of pancakes and round sausage, bacon, eggs, as well as maple syrup. "You think I'm soft, aren't you? You think I'm just the muscular hyena that pretends to be all-mean? Guess what? I AM mean, and I'm going to prove it. You want me to free you? You've got to empty this entire plate, plus everything else I've got cooking in the kitchen."

Melody blinked rapidly in surprise. "You''re going to force feed me?" she asked. She had been into eating the food Ptolema made, after all the hyena made very, very good food, but she had never been forced into it before. "I mean, I'd probably eat it all without you needing to-" she was cut off as Ptolema suddenly stuffed a pancake into her maw.

Ptolema stuffed the entire large flapjack right in her mouth with a glare on her face. "Enough with the bleating, start with the eating." She wasn't even waiting for Melody to finish with the pancake before she grabbed bacon, and started to push that in Melody's maw too.

Melody wasn't sure how she should react. Part of her felt as if she should be yelling and screaming for help, but deep down she knew she wasn't in any real danger, except maybe of choking. She knew Ptolema, while she had an angry glare, didn't mean any actual harm to Melody. Besides, the food was still absolutely delicious. She tried to take her time, but the hyena fed her very quickly. "Mph, slow down." Melody said, her voice heavily muffled behind the food.

"I'll slow down when the plate's empty." Ptolema pressed a button, and suddenly something between Melody's legs started to vibrate. "I also set up a special vibrator next to your cunt. I know you wouldn't mind. Hell, I've already seen you naked so there's nothing down there I haven't seen."

Melody's eyes widened as she felt the vibrations. How did I not feel that when I woke up?! She thought to herself. The sensation was pleasurable. It didn't penetrate her cunt, but it was definitely arousing it as she ate. Ugh...what is she trying to do? This isn't any normal kind of bullying. She couldn't stop eating though. It didn't help the food was delicious, but also she was afraid about what Ptolema might do if she stopped eating too. Melody soon finished the plate clean. Her heart pounded, and she felt herself wet with arousal, not thanks to the forced feeding, but the vibrator that teased her cunt. "H-how much more am I going to have to eat?" she asked with a hint of hesitation in her voice.

"Until you finish off your breakfast! You're a fat pig, you can stomach it." Ptolema walked over to the kitchen, filled up her plate, and brought it back to Melody.

Melody ate and ate. She ate more than even she thought she could possibly stomach. She ate until she was filled, and then she ate some more, up until the fourth time the plate was emptied. Only once that was finished, Ptolema untied Melody and released her.

"Fine, you're free to go, but we're going to be doing this again, and you're going to fucking like it." Ptolema walked away and began to clean up the dishes. She didn't even bother turning off the vibrator between Melody's legs.

Melody stopped the vibrator on her own the moment she was freed. Her face was filthy with various breakfast items that Ptolema fed her, and she had to take a moment to clean herself off in the bathroom. She wasn't sure if she should call the police or report Ptolema or what she should do about her. The hyena was very, very confusing. It's something I can easily record her in the act doing in secrecy and then report it, I want to? She thought to herself. The hyena still cooked some very good food, and while being force fed was not something Melody enjoyed, at the same time...she didn't hate it.

Melody tried to let the force feeding morning go and went about her day. The rest of the day went about like any other, although the next morning she was force fed again with a vibrator at her cunt, and again the next morning, and the one after that. Every morning she was force fed more food by Ptolema, and packing on the pounds. After the first month, Melody had gained so much weight that even at her size she was struggling to fit into her clothes. She would have reported Ptolema to the authorities, but the more Melody was force fed in the morning, the more she actually began to sort of enjoy it. It was something that took time, but every morning she awoke to the same ritual of being fed until she was ready to explode. The food was delicious, and Ptolema always let her go after anyways. There came a point when Ptolema wasn't even using the vibrator, but Melody could feel her cunt grow damp anyways.

It didn't help as Melody could feel herself grow heavier and lazier. As Ptolema took care of everything, Melody was able to laze around. She decided to try to go to the gym at one point to try to help her weight problem as she had been growing out of her clothes, but even when she tried lifting weights at the gym, she was breaking a heavy sweat. Her gut had grown out a good five inches, and so quickly she had visible stretch marks forming, and her ass was riddled with cellulite. She could barely get a single rep in at the gym before she was too tired. She knew she was a fat nerd, but she also knew she should have been capable of at least SOME sort of exercise. She could only assume that the food she was being fed was doing more to her than she could possibly imagine.

After the event at the gym, Melody returned back to her dorm. She hadn't changed into special clothing and just wore her normal clothes. Her gut was constantly exposed, as was the top of her own cellulite ridden ass. She couldn't even wear a bra at this point, but at least her shirt hadn't torn yet and it covered her chest. "I can't believe this!" She shouted from frustration.

Ptolema smiled at her as she sat on her bed. "What is it fatty? You look like you just tried to run a marathon."

Melody glared at Ptolema. She had been force fed every morning for what felt like the past month, but she still hadn't spoken up about it because of how good it felt, even without the vibrator that Ptolema first used. "You're putting something in the food aren't you?" She found even breathing was a bit of an effort to do. She could feel the sweat still pour down her back from the attempted workout she had tried. "I couldn't even like...I could barely lift anything!"

"Well, you haven't been lifting anything except your laptop in the past few days. Maybe lunch and dinner sometimes, but I'm taking care of your breakfast." Ptolema chuckled. "And I'm not putting anything weird in your food. You're just a lazy fat slob nerd so big her clothes can't even fit."

Melody blushed as she stared angrily at Ptolema. "Y-you're not helping me with it!" she wasn't even sure how she could get properly angry at the muscular hyena. The girl had been spoiling her rotten, she was surprised that she wasn't being force fed lunch and dinner, something she felt turned on at the thought of, but she blamed the hyena. Ptolema, while muscular and a bully, had conditioned Melody to actually like being force fed by her and she knew it, but she didn't know what to do about it.

"Well, what do you WANT me to do?" Ptolema sat up with a casual look towards Melody. "You want me to stop feeding you? I mean, I thought you were getting into that shit, but if you REALLY want, I can let you cook and feed yourself."

"N-no..." Melody mumbled. "I don't...I don't want you to stop feeding me." She was very quiet as she responded, not wanting to admit it aloud.

Ptolema's ears flickered as she heard Melody, even if just barely. "I didn't think so. You love it, don't you? You love me, don't you? You're a fat slobby nerd who doesn't do anything and you love your feeder, isn't that right?"

'I had a feeling she wanted to go there eventually...' Melody thought to herself. Melody had a feeling that Ptolema may have loved Melody, but just didn't want to ever show it, and she just wanted to get Melody to love her right back, and just show it in bizarre ways. "Only if you tell me that you love me too."

Ptolema grimaced at Melody. "Why the hell would I say that?" she kept it short, sweet, and simple.

"You put two and two together. You're feeding me and you're trying to get me into the same force feeding stuff you enjoy. I'm as big as a blimp, yet you're still feeding me, and treating me so well, even if you're name calling, you're still helping me out at the end of the day. The way you look at me, the way you treat me gently, it's easy to derive a conclusion. Just admit it, you love me and you want to just fatten me into a big giant fucking blimp and make me like that."

"So what if I am? You haven't complained about it at all. You've been force fed every morning, fed lunch, dinner; I've taken care of all of your damn needs." Ptolema turned away from Melody. "Fuck, I can tell you're happy about it too."

"And a bully wouldn't keep doing that if they knew I was happy." Melody smiled faintly at Ptolema. "Why don't you just admit it? I'll admit my feelings for you, if you admit your feelings for me, and we'll both be much happier together."

Ptolema fumed and clenched her fists. Her sharp teeth grit as she glared at the much fatter equine. "I..." she mumbled.

"What was that?" Melody's equine ears flickered towards Ptolema. She could feel her stomach lean forward as Melody herself leaned. She reached down, stroked the sides of her stomach, and felt the stretch marks. She had grown quite a bit under Ptolema's force-feeding, and she knew she was likely to grow more. She hated to admit it, but over time, she had grown to like such thoughts.

"" Ptolema looked away. She mumbled something about Melody's massive fat ass, and how much more she wanted to pay attention to it and fondle and squeeze it, but such words were even quieter than the third word in her sentence.

"Dammit, just say it already." Melody sat down on her bed, and she heard a very loud creak as she did so. Even her old bed couldn't stand her new weight. "I'm getting hungry!" she added with a stomach rumble.

Ptolema looked at Melody with a single teardrop. It was very, very hard for her to say what she wanted to say. "I'm not going to fucking SAY it!" She suddenly pounced on Melody's massive fat, and gave her a sloppy kiss on the lips, this time without blackmail. This kiss was pure lust, pure love. She heard, and felt the bed break underneath her, but she didn't care.

Melody was caught off guard as the muscular hyena girl pounced on the bed and broke it, but she kissed her right back. She had thought that Ptolema had a very strange way of showing love, but even so, she was spoiled, and she knew the hyena was going to continue spoiling her, fattening her, and force feeding her. Even though Melody had hated such things at first... She had a feeling she was going to grow to absolutely love it more than anything else in the world.