Hare Raiser Meets Darkhorn

Story by Soupshark on SoFurry

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#1 of Encounters

I've been wanting to dip my toes back into writing for a little while now, but haven't really had an excuse.

Boy does having a superhero character give me one! This is her first encounter with someone who also has powers... albeit far more mysterious ones than herself.

Darkhorse is another character of mine. A supervillain, obviously. I'm currently working on fleshing him out a little more, but I just wanted to do some writing featuring them so I decided to roll with it!

I'm always very open to constructive criticism when it comes to my writing (especially since I haven't done anything like this in awhile), so if you've got some tips or suggestions on changes I'd love to hear 'em! Of course, if you liked the story you're also welcome to let me know as well!

Story by me

Hare Raiser and Darkhorse belong to me as well!

*Th-thump* *Th-thump* *Th-thump*

Hare Raiser could hear her heart pounding nervously in her own ears as she slowly approached the bank in front of her. It was a moonless night--exactly the same conditions as the three other nights where banks in Callswaith had been robbed this month. Far above, wind pulled the clouds along at a quick pace, an ever changing shroud of shadows hanging over the city. This was her first time doing anything that could actually be considered 'hero-stuff'. Sure, she'd stopped a few small time criminals here and there since gaining her powers, but never before had she actually been in a position to potentially interact with someone like herself.

Another super.

It didn't help that the rabbit had no real idea what she could potentially be walking into, either. When the other banks had been hit, all of their security cameras had displayed nothing but swirling, endless shadow for the duration... which wasn't much help. At the last bank, however, there had been a security guard on staff. Unfortunately, he had much the same experience as the bank's cameras, reporting that he felt as if he was lost in an endless, roiling sea of darkness. Just as quickly as the darkness had enveloped him it receded, pulling back and giving him a view of the thoroughly-plundered bank. At each building, two letters had been spray painted onto the walls: DH. Each letter heavily stylized and painted in an inky black coat that slowly dribbled down the wall as it dried.

She adjusted her suit a bit, tugging it closer as a cool breeze sent a shiver down her spine. This seemed like as good a chance as any to make a bit more of a name for herself, but that wasn't her primary motive here. Before she'd 'volunteered' at Thistle for whatever procedure they'd put her through, there had been no supers in her city. Yet only a few weeks after she discovered her powers there seemed to be someone else. In her mind, this had to be the work of Thistle again, and the chance to meet someone else who had gone through possibly the same procedure she had was too enticing to pass up. She had to figure out what they'd done to her and what their goals were--and this was her first opportunity to make much headway with that.

It felt like she was the only one around as she approached the bank from the side, slowly picking her way through a cluster of trees that surrounded the building's parking lot. The big glass windows set into the walls showed off the empty innards of the structure--just teller stations and an empty reception area from her point of view. For all she knew, nothing would happen tonight. Maybe whoever this 'DH' was had satisfied their urge for extra cash and wouldn't strike again. Or, maybe she'd get lucky. Glancing up, the rabbit spent a few minutes studying the night sky above, watching the cloud cover skitter overhead. Was Thistle producing superheroes and villains like a factory would mass-produce toys? Maybe it was just the hobby of some incredibly bored and incredibly rich individual. Give people powers and pit them against one another for entertainment.

As these scenarios played out in her head she looked back down at the bank--which now had a yawning hole in the side of it where one of the glass panes had been. The rabbit blinked, shaking her head to try and figure out what she was seeing. The hole was still there, outlined by swirling wisps of black fog that seemed to cling to the edges of where the glass had been. Through this hole she could see a figure moving about inside. A bull, maybe? Whatever species it was, they were certainly bigger than her!

"Buuuuut they don't have lightning." she murmured to herself, an overconfident smile making its way across her face for a moment as she began to draw on the electricity of the city block around her. Not enough to cause a blackout, but enough to send a thrill of static through her body and make the streetlights flicker weakly. Still gathering electricity to herself, she began to slowly approach the hole in the bank wall, doing her best to be as quiet as she could be. If they were capable of suddenly turning a pane of glass into a gaping hole without so much as a noise, Hare Raiser really didn't want to find out what more they were capable of. Drawing closer confirmed that the figure was indeed a bull--or at least, the shadow of a bull. It hardly seemed solid, little wisps of itself constantly trailing off into the air. Despite this, it was apparently more than capable of scooping cash from the safe it was currently standing in front of.

"Hey... You need to stop. Now." Her words felt so... awkward! Did other heroes feel this way when starting out? Was she even actually a hero, or just someone unlucky enough to be experimented on by a corporation? The rabbit shook her head again, trying to clear out those nagging thoughts as she continued to approach the shadowy figure. It hadn't so much as acknowledged her, even after she called out to it.

"Last warning. I mean it! You're not gonna like this..." she continued, pulling harder on the electricity of the energy grid around her. Outside, the stoplights simply turned off--no longer receiving the power they needed. When the shadow creature didn't respond, she simply shrugged, extended an arm, and pointed a finger at it.


The smell of ozone hung in the air seconds after a bolt of bright white lightning arced from her fingertip and... passed directly through the shadow, striking the far wall of the safe.

"Why hello there, lightnin' bun. Was wonderin' when you'd finally come out to say hi." Eyes going wide she turned to face the source of the voice behind her, but only saw one of the bank's speakers hanging in its mount from the ceiling instead. "I gotta say, that WAS pretty impressive. Anyone ever said that ya make the cutest face when ya zap stuff?" The voice had a low, buttery drawl to it, extending some words and shortening others.

"Where are you?" she called out, turning back to face the safe and the shadow bull, still grabbing piles of cash from within and stuffing them into a duffel bag.

"Right here, darlin'." came the voice, from all around her this time. Somehow every speaker in the building was broadcasting the voice of what she could only assume was Darkhorn. "Kinda rude of ya to come in here and interrupt me while I'm makin' a little extra cash though. Even if yer cute, that's a point against ya in my book."

"A point against me? You're the one robbing banks." she snapped back, glaring at the shadowy figure in front of her. Now draining even more electricity from her surroundings she marched up to it and attempted to grab the creature by the shoulder. Her hand met some resistance, but still pushed through the shadowy body of the bull all too easily.

"Hey, a guy's gotta make some money somehow. This line 'a work needs a bit more than you can make flippin' burgers or makin' coffee." As he spoke, his voice shifted between the various speakers around her. Quickly glancing between the bank's offices, she couldn't see him standing in any of them. Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't elsewhere in the building. Peeking around behind the teller stations, she noticed another one of the shadow bulls crouched down and scooping bills from a safe behind the counter as well.

"Money... for what? Thistle? Are they the ones that did this to you, too?" she asked, heart racing as she tried to find just where Darkhorn was.

"Fer them? Nah. Didn't do anythin' to me either. Nothin' I didn't want 'em to at least. Helped me find my true callin' though!" the villain drawled through through crackly speakers.

"Your true calling?" she wondered aloud, leaning further over the tellers' counter to try and get a view into the main vault at the rear of the room. Unsurprisingly, the door was wide open. What WAS surprising, however, was that it seemed to be choked with a thick black fog, making it impossible to see inside.

"Yep! Bringin' glory to the Old King." From this vantage point she could clearly hear the voice coming from within the vault now, not just through the speakers. Grinning, Hare Raiser pulled on the full capacity of the city's electricity grid, all of the lights inside the bank going out, the epicenter of a quickly spreading blackout. Twin balls of lightning erupted from her hands and sped into the vault, each one arcing bolts of energy off it and striking everything around them. There was no way of knowing whether or not she'd actually hit anything--but at this point the rabbit was beginning to feel a surge of confidence. Even if he could somehow control shadows, her lightning seemed like it could pierce through fairly easily.

"Not anymore you won't be. Whatever the hell that is." she snarked back, still half bent over the tellers' counter.

"Really darlin'? Ya need ta use that bunny brain fer more than just thinkin' about fuckin'. What'd ya think would happen if ya turned off the lights?"


The voice behind her hadn't even finished speaking when she felt two objects wrap around her legs from behind and pull, yanking her off her feet and leaving her dangling in the air upside down. Just as she went to unleash a wave of lightning big enough to engulf the entire building, however, both of her arms were enveloped by... something. She could feel the lightning leaving her fingertips, arcing out in a way that probably should have set the building on fire. Instead, there was nothing. Moments later she felt her legs pulled apart and third appendage similar to the ones around her legs pressed up between them, sliding over the crotch of her suit.

"Nhh! Seriously?" she yelped, squirming and trying to pull her arms and legs free from their respective bindings. Hare Raiser could tell that her electricity stores were going to be running low if she kept firing off bolts into whatever things were holding her arms, so she attempted to pull on the city's electrical grid again. She reached out to draw as much power as she could, only to draw nothing. It was as if there were no sources of electricity around them whatsoever. As if they were no longer in the bank.

"Like that, lightnin' bun? A little trick I picked up from the Old King." chuckled the voice, now echoing around as if they were in some sort of empty, expansive space. The thing between her legs continued to rub, pressing down harder against her nethers through the cloth of her suit.

"Where... are w-hah-we?" No longer firing bolts of electricity to attempt to conserve what she had left in her system, she continued to squirm and tug back against the restraints that were still holding her upside down.

"Pocket dimension, darlin'. Not mine, 'course. Not yet anyway." he drawled, her ears picking up a heavy dose of smugness in his voice. "Like it? Nice 'n cozy, perfect for a little alone time with my new cow."

"Cow? I'm a rabbit, ya big jerk. Maybe if it wasn't so dark in here you'd be able to tell." she snapped back, rolling her eyes and trying to keep from panting as the appendage between her legs continued grind against her.

"Mmh, I suppose ya got a point. Guess I should let ya lay eyes on yer new stud." As he spoke, the shadows immediately around her withdrew. They formed a long room, each wall a billowing mass of shifting shadows. The floor and ceiling appeared to be made up of the same material as well--as did the absurdly large shadowy arms and hands that were currently gripping her ankles. Her arms were enveloped in dark sheaths of energy that attached to the floor below, and she could see the tip of a tendril of some sort appear between her legs for a moment every time that thing grinding between them thrust forward.

At the far end of the room, seated on an oversized throne of billowing purple and black energy was a bull. He was very obviously NOT a shadow himself--his dark brown fur and rich amber eyes setting him apart from the rest of their surroundings. He was completely nude, and making no attempt whatsoever to hide the half-erection between his spread legs. What stood out the most about him, however, were the lines of darkness that appeared to be... within him? They looked almost like tattoos, but they writhed and moved, shifting about like living things. He smiled and rose to his feet, stretching for a moment before starting to approach the bound up bun.

"N-not gonna lie, if I saw you on the street I'd think you were kinda cute." she stammered, a shiver running down her spine as that tendril mashed down harder between her legs.

"Aw, well thanks darlin'. I'd think you'd make a pretty good cock cleaner if I saw ya out 'n about. I mean I think that now, too. That's aside the point, though." he smirked, winking at her as he stopped about half a foot from where she was suspended. "Here, why don't I give ya a break. Yer startin' to look a little flushed there." Without warning the restraints holding her arms and legs rotated, spinning her with them so she was right side up now and no longer had all of her blood rushing to her head.

"What are you doing with the money from the banks if not funneling it to Thistle? Someone else?" she asked, once again attempting to test her restraints with a little bit of lightning--to no avail.

"Nah. I'm buildin' myself a bit of a lair. A SHRINE, if you will, to the Old King himself." At the same moment he spoke that name the entire room shifted, a shudder running through it as if something outside had moved.

"Then what? World domination? Enslaving the masses? Your usual evil villain stuff from the movies?" Hare Raiser rolled her eyes--was he really going to be that much of a cliche?

"Heh. Yer cute when ya roll yer eyes like that." Before she had a chance to react he leaned in and kissed the side of her neck, teeth grazing her fur and earning a gasp from her as he nibbled up to her jawline before giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek and stepping away. "Not quite right though, my cow. The Old King gave me very... specific guidance. I'm ta help bring him back. In exchange, he gives me a fraction of his power. Gotta get a suit myself, though. Probably a bit too obvious when I'm usin' it." The markings and lines on his body pulsed as he spoke, some branching out and forming new tattoos entirely.

"So y-you're just a, h-hah, a fancy delivery boy then or something?" she snarked, trying her best to retain her composure at least a little bit.

"More like a messenger, lightnin' bun." he rumbled, grinning as he stepped in again and pressed his lips to her neck. Hare Raiser knew she should probably resist. Push him back, or at the very least not let him suck on her neck like this. He was... charming, though. Very charming. As his teeth trailed along her fur and gently nipped at the skin underneath it took all her willpower to keep from moaning, and even then a few small groans slipped out. That tendril between her legs continued to work, grinding back and forth--occasionally stopping to massage any particular spot that made her twitch.

"Not gonna kill me for trying to stop you?" she asked, her eyes going wide as his hands began to explore her sides, fingers lightly brushing along her suit.

"Kill you? Nah, why waste a good cow?" he scoffed, before returning to sucking her neck. His hand drifted up to her opposite cheek and pulled her in, her shadowy bindings shifting to bring her right up against him. She could feel his cock pressing up against her, sandwiched between their bodies and now very much at full mast. "Nah, lightnin' bun. I'm gonna have sooooo much fun with you. Not just today, either. Gonna take more than one session ta break ya in." She could feel several more of those shadowy tendrils crawling up her body, working together to strip her suit as Darkhorn continued to work her over. His kisses and attention moved from her neck to her lips, the bigger male greedily making out with her as she was stripped of her suit.

By the time she was naked, Hare Raiser could hardly think straight. Whether he had some sort of mental manipulation powers or was just incredibly skilled at pushing her buttons remained to be seen, but either way any sort of resistance she might have put up had been completely eroded. She continued to make out with the bull as his fingers trailed down from her neck, tracing her right breast and fondling her nipple for a moment before descending lower. She was honestly surprised at just how gentle he was being--maybe she'd been paying too much attention to movies? Those thoughts were pushed aside as the bull's fingers reached their target--he ran them directly between her spread legs, brushing over her sodden folds before a single finger dipped inside her.

"S-shit this is rude... Just fuck me already!" she panted, breaking the kiss for a moment and attempting to press herself down onto him further. Darkhorn simply smirked, pulled his finger out, and smeared her own juices across her face.

"Not today, bun. I've wasted a bit too much 'a my time toyin' with ya tonight. Much as I'm enjoyin' this, I do have work I have ta do. Buuuuut..." As he spoke, her restraints shifted again, forcing her down onto her hands and knees before him. The moment she was down in that new position she felt one of those shadow tendrils come down on her exposed ass with a rough smack, followed by another one an instant later. "The pocket dimension should stay up for most 'a the night, even without me in it. No promises that the Old King won't send one of his pets to keep ya occupied, but if he doesn't then my shadows should do the trick just fine." Before she had a chance to reply he shifted his hips and smacked the head of his cock against the side of her face, smearing her with a bit of his precum.

"You can't just leave me here! How am I supposed to get out?!" she protested, straining again in her restraints and trying to shock her way out once more. That attempt was brought to an abrupt end as another rough smack on her ass earned a yelp from the trapped hero.

"Don't you worry darlin'. Come mornin' it will shrink and drop ya back out. Course' you'll be naked in the middle of a bank, but I'll let you figure out how to handle that. Seeya around, lightnin' bun!" Brooke squirmed, trying to pull herself free from the shadowy hands holding her in place. Just as she thought she was making headway Darkhorn turned and walked toward one of the shadowy walls. It parted as he approached, letting her see out into the darkened insides of the bank for a moment before the wall closed behind him, leaving her alone in that strange, shadowy room.


"Ow! Take it easy back there!" she yelped, arching her back as one of the tendrils landed a particularly hard slap right across both her exposed cheeks. Seconds later another sharp slap landed--maybe a little bit softer than the first. This continued, a pattern of repeated slaps and smacks until her eyes were watering and it was all she could do to keep from crying out in pain. Then, it stopped. One final smack earned a gasp from her throat, and just as she tensed up in anticipation of another, it never came. Instead, there was a rumble. A low, guttural growl.

A tongue.

It licked from her clit all the way up to the small of her back. Then repeated. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. Each one a little bit faster than the last as an incredibly large, wet tongue worked her over from behind. Hare Raiser froze, eyes wide and heart pounding. What the hell was this thing? The pet he'd mentioned? Something else? Her answer came moments later as she turned her neck to try and get a view and was met by the sight of a hulking shadowy canine behind her, shifting forward and placing one massive paw to either side of her. The thing growled, drool dripping from its mouth and down onto her upper back as it leaned forward and lapped at her ears.

"E-easy there boy. Easy. N-nice puppy. Niiiiiiiice puppy." she stammered, squirming a little bit again but still not making much progress. Her electricity reserves were all but spent at this point, and she found herself regretting using so much of it earlier. Before she could say anything else, shadow swirled in front of her face and she found herself muzzled--mouth held shut and a shadowy version of a leather canine muzzle that might be used in bondage extending into her vision.

"We have a long night ahead of us, rabbit. I'd advise not to interfere in my messenger's plans more than you have."

Morning came to the bank the next day just like it always did--light cresting in through the heavy panes of glass that made up the building's walls. Inside, however, was a sight that the managers hadn't quite been expecting. Sound asleep in the center of the lobby was Hare Raiser, the naked heroine's suit tossed carelessly nearby. Her body was utterly coated in a thick, blackish goo, strands of it leaking from her mouth and from between her legs. Naturally, they'd called the police and had them take her into custody after verifying that she wasn't hurt. She may have been a hero, but she WAS alone at the scene of a bank robbery. Security camera footage had, of course, proved her innocence. Either Darkhorn had slipped up, or he'd purposefully allowed the cameras to catch him walking out with duffel bags full of cash and six shadowy clones of himself, each with a bag of their own. The cameras had even caught him spraying his signature onto the bank's walls. DH.

For her part, Brooke was exhausted. After dealing with the police and just saying that she didn't remember anything from the night before, she'd headed back to her apartment to get cleaned up. She did remember, of course. Every last detail all the way from the licking, to the knot... dear gods that knot. As she showered and did her best to get the sloppy mess of cum out of her fur, she tried to relax and take her mind off things. Maybe it was best to just let Darkhorn have his way. Maybe. Was it though? Who was this 'Old King', and just what was their connection to Thistle? Eventually, she decided that she'd keep poking about--given that she wanted to figure out what Thistle's deal was, she'd probably end up crossing paths with the bull regardless.

Maybe he'd even be willing to help her...