Epic Tail Short #1

Story by Taurni on SoFurry

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This is a clippingfrom the book I have been working on. I dont plan to post it, but in the end I am a slave to the fans. With enough pressure I might post a few chapters.

This bit is how my main charictors meet. You will be expecting yiff. I am sorry but it is implied. I have a sex scene between these two, so before you hunt me down, drop a coment, and I'll post it.


September 30, 6078 A.H.

The Fox jogged through the rocky mountain pass. He was nothing special to look at, average hight, slim athletic build, plane black fur, jade eyes, bushy tail. A normal Fox, could be any Fox. Except for his clothing. He wore a battered army uniform, jacket, trousers and knee boots black as his fur, and a tattered blood colored cape, which was so ragged it barely flapped in the breeze. He was dressed as a fighter, one who had survived a lot in his time.

His weapons clinked and shifted as he went down the pseudo trail to the forest skirting the mountain. He had not had time to secure them, anyone watching him may have noted. Though no one else was anywhere near this desolate reason of the Kingdom. No one who would think before shooting a lone warrior at least.

He jogged for hours, as if he wanted to put a great amount of distance between himself and something terrible, but did not have the energy to run. His pace never changed, not even when he crossed the vivid line of rock and plants and entered the large birch forest. Any observer would note that he did not seam to have any particular direction in mind, as long as he was headed away from the north coast.

Around the towering trees the Fox jogged, zig zagging his way through the forest. Then suddenly as a clearing loomed just ahead of him, the Fox stopped. The large patch of tall grass in front of him was occupied. He crept closer to the end of the trees, straining to get a closer look at whom ever lay within so he could decide to go through or around the clearing.

Bandits formed a ring in the center, he saw. They were well armed, but carried their weapons as if they just bought them and had no clue how to properly use them to kill. No armor could be seen, though their clothing could be made of Fabristeal and therefore invulnerable to bullets, Like mine. He thought.

The motley crew in the clearing posed no threat to him the Fox decided. They were a sloppy, under trained, undisciplined force which had somehow got a hold of Ex class laser weapons. Were I still a Commander, I would tell my men to take a good look at these fools. They are nothing less than the bottom of the barrel of warriors. The Fox would walk right through the clearing.

Just as he was about to take the step on to the grass, the quiet murmurs the bandits were conversing in came clear, "I say we kill her now! I don't care how much we cold get for her at Port Nor, she almost bit my trigger finger off! We could sell her gear for plenty anyways. The damn bitch!" The sound of foot meeting flesh shattered the after morning air, and the last shred of sanity the Fox had left.

They had a prisoner. One whom was brave enough to fight his captors, just as he had been. They were beating the prisoner, just as he had been. They would die, just as his captors would. The world seamed to blur and spin out of existence, only to snap into an ultra sharp focus on the vile rabble ahead, with every other thing a shade of gray. He had no recollection of drawing his weapons, but his saber and pistole were in his hands. The picture suddenly changed, and half the bandits lay on blood soaked grass with another in death troughs on the end of his blade and another falling atop a corps with a finger sized hole in its head.

Then suddenly the world was back as it normally was, and two bandits were running screaming into the forest. Bastards! He cursed in his mind, firing at the fleeing Wolven and Chipmunk until the pistole clicked as if to say, "I am empty now. You can stop." The Fox growled in anger, holstering the pistole with a violent jerk before wiping the blood from his saber and sheathing it once more on his back.

He turned to see if he had accidentally killed their prisoner, and was shocked to see that she had untied her self and was walking over to him, smiling. She was an Orkrillian, comely called the Squirrel Folk by others. He had fought her kin on the seas between Fruga and her homeland. The prisioner was female, her shape and bare breasts proved that, that knew that much which was surprising, considering his upbringing in an all male army. She didn't even pause to put on the clothing and equipment they took from her... Why?

The Fox was confused, this female did not act like anyone he had ever seen. She said something to him, though he was not paying attention, and it didn't sound like English anyway. The former prisoner paused as if expecting a reply, frowned then repeated her self in broken English, "Thank. Why you leave no me for?"

The Fox blinked as he tried to understand, then answered his voice was raspy as if he didn't use it much. "I like you. I am sorry for killing them all, if you wanted some for your self. What is your name?" The kindness he showed did not fit his form, he carried himself as one who received and gave only cruelty, but she did not seem to notice, or to care if she did.

"No understand you I." She said, miss matched blue and jade eyes squinting in confusion.

The Fox laughed. At last, a challenge that doesn't involve pain. "I," he began speaking slowly and gestured with each word, "am sorry for not leaving some for you. What is your name."

She flicked some of the mud and filth from her fur, revealing it to be a light tan and replied, "Need... sorry... you no. I joking am. Understand you no."

The Fox placed his hand on his chest, "Taurn," he said then pointed at her, "your name?"

She frowned again and looked around for a few seconds, before sprinting over to a rose bush and with out moving a single petal plucked a leaf from a branch then held it up, "Name is I." She exclaimed pointing to the leaf.

"Your name is Rose Leaf? Why didn't you say so?"

"English name for no I." she said shrugging.

Taurn laughed again, harder than before. "You don't translate a name! And you should have said 'no English for my name' we can work on words later, lets go for the order now." He was beginning to have fun for the first time in his life, "In your words, what is your name?"

It took a moment for Roseleaf to understand but she answered, "I name, Shesara'gentu'tal'na."

"I think I will just call you Roseleaf. Or how about Rose? Is that ok?"

She thought for a moment and spoke again, her English a little better this time, "You name I Rose ok. Take stuff you?" she said pointing at the fallen bandits.

She offered me a share of loot which is right fully mine? He thought with a little anger, Oh, it was a joke, he finally realized, she made a joke to a guy who doesn't even speak her language. She was wonderful, he decided, she needed to be protected, especially in this area, which not even the Guard patrolled. "Yes I will take some of their stuff. But not much." He answered with a chuckle.

"I carry for you?" she asked.

"No I can manage. I will take you to a village safely you funny little flower of a female."

She understood that it seamed, Rose shook her head, "You I go with must. You save I. You I Hieargh."

"You owe me a life debt?" He could understand that, his men had done that once or twice.

"Yes. Me mean I?"

Taurn nodded.

"Me like me!" Rose exclaimed.

"You like the sound of that word huh? Well pack up and follow me, I want to go far away from here." Taurn spun to walk away.

"No go you me! You me... Desra'ell Hieargh." Rose's face grew angry, "No you understand me. You English speak me."

Taurn did not want to keep speaking, this was the longest conversation he had ever had and his thought was getting swore, but something about Rose made him continue, and for a half hour he did nothing but teach Rose words. She was the one who stopped him teaching, with, "You stop. Me can speak me want speak then. You me no can go now, you me must do Hieargh now to next sun up."

"A ritual?" Taurn asked, he had no pleasant memories involving rituals.

Rose nodded, she was a fast learner, and got the meaning of the word instantly, "You me Heiargh ritual fun be. You me... me no speak it."

"Say 'I don't know the word' next time. Can you gesture it?" he asked.

Roseleaf curled two fingers of one hand into an 'O', then slid her other index finger repeatedly in and out of it.

"I am sorry, but I don't understand you. It's not your fault I only know how to fight and get others to fight. Nothing else." Taurn shrugged.

It took Rose a minute to understand but when she did her eyes lit up, "You see no same male female?"

"Sure," he answered confused, "females have breasts. I know just enough about the body to kill it, and to know to keep whats in me, in me."

Rose was positively glowing with joy, much to Taurn's confusion. "Ritual you me go now. Me show you mean," she made the gesture again, before continuing, "cloths you off now."

"Ok." Taurn said slightly interested.


The sun arose the next morning as Taurn and Rose sat watching it, their naked bodies leaning agents each other. "Wow," Taurn whispered, "will we ever do that ritual again?"

"Yes. You own me till save you me. You me Hieargh. Ok it, me like you." Rose answered.

"We have a lot to tech each other. Well we need to go now, its not safe here."

They left the clearing side by side, hands intertwined, walking south together.

Epic Tail short #2 Taurn and Rose's game

This is an excerpt from a much larger novel length story. So you can ignore most of the beginign dialog. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* "Match could explain it better," Taurn...

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