Tya's Family Fun - A Flashback Of A Different Kind (Geoff's PoV) Part 1

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#10 of Tya's Family Fun Folder

I had just started college. It was supposed to be an exciting time, but all I could think about was how I was going to miss my family. Teaching my younger brother Ryan about the ladies, warning my little sister Tya about the boys. Mom's cooking, and Dad. Oh I would miss Dad the most.

Being the first born had it's perks. Mom treated me like I could do no wrong, Ryan and Tya both looked up to me like an idol, but my favourite was all the bonding time Dad and I spent together. It was all innocent enough at first. Fishing trips, camping trips, learning to start fires, tie knots. My first track meet and all the ones that followed. Dad was always there. Until I hit puberty. Once my muscles started to really develop and my chest hair started to grow in, Dad and I stopped taking trips. He avoided me like the plague most of the time. I couldn't understand it. I tried to talk to mom about it but she could only guess, he hadn't explained it to her either.

One hot summer afternoon between junior and senior year of high school I finally had a chance to talk to dad about it. Mom had taken Tya and Ryan on a trip to visit Grandpa so Dad and I were alone. Mom's dad never approved of her marrying Dad since Dad was a Red Fox and Mom was a Panther. According to Grandpa it was "below a Panther to marry, let alone mate, with a lowly Fox." So it goes without saying that Grandpa and I never got along, since I take after Dad and not Mom.

So there we were, Dad and I, alone in the house for about a week. I let the first day and a half go by normally, but then just before dinner I cornered him in the kitchen while he was cooking. And I confronted him about it.

"Why'd you just drop me, Dad?" It was the first serious thing I'd said to him in years. I had taken his abandonment in silence for most of my life. "What happened? Why did you stop taking me on trips with you?"

All he did was sigh. I wasn't going to let him get away with it, he was going to give me an answer. I now towered over him by a mere 3 inches, but my muscle mass was at least twice his own. I was a runner yes, but to avoid looking misshapen and weird I spent almost as much time working my upper body. He was not going to get past me. But he surprised me by not even trying. He shrugged and held up his hands in defeat.

"I'm sorry, son. I can never truly explain it to you." He seemed to shrink even smaller as he turned back to cooking dinner. I sighed feeling defeated, turned and walked out of the house. I was only a few feet away when my cell phone rang. It was the house, therefore it was dad.

"Yeah, what?" I answered, like I usually did.

"Please, come back. We'll talk about it over dinner. I promise." His voice seemed almost depressed over the phone.

"Alright fine. I'm just going to go for a run first." I hung up the phone without saying goodbye and started out on my run.

The years of living with a ghost of a father had given me some issues. I badly craved his attention, but worst, I badly craved the attention of any older man. As my bare paws pounded on the pavement in a steady warm-up jog, the memories flooded through my head.

The first older man who gave me the time of day was my English teacher in grade 9. I was already fairly well developed and muscular as I had been running track since elementary. It was my love and I did nothing but run, study and work out my upper body. Any outside viewer would probably think Mr.Hay had taken advantage of me, but I would never think that. We had something special.

It started when track season started and I had to miss first period every day for early morning practice. It meant that every morning I missed English class and I ended up having to make up the time after school. I was lucky that Mr.Hay liked to stick around for about an hour after school to start on grading his papers. So he was always around to show me what I had missed in class that day. I don't remember exactly how it started, a dropped pencil here, an accidental brush against there and before you know it we were flirting. Openly flirting. Sure I was only 14 and he was probably about 35, but that didn't seem to bother either of us. There was a connection between us.

Once the flirting started it quickly escalated to touching, and caressing. And then even further to kissing and making out. Eventually he invited me over to his place after school for dinner. My parents happily let me go over to Mr.Hay's house. After all, we had long since convinced them he was tutoring me. So after school one day, after reviewing what I had missed in class, Mr.Hay and I got in his car and drove to his house. I remember that he blushed slightly when he opened the front door for me.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Mr. Hay's voice was deep and scratchy, like most Grizzly Bears. It was probably the thing that first attracted me to him. I stepped inside and looked around. It wasn't anything spectacular, teachers don't make much money, but it wasn't terrible. He had followed me as I wandered into his living room, his big strong paw landing gently on my hip. I turned to look at him and he brought his other paw up to my cheek. We kissed then. Passionately and deeply. He took control over the kiss, and I was happy to submit to him. I was always happy to submit to him.

"The door," I whispered breathlessly after pulling back from the kiss. I hadn't noticed if he had closed the door or not. He just smiled at me and reassured me he had closed it and locked it. We were alone, for the first time ever and we would not be walked in on by anyone. I purred softly at the thought. Mr. Hay had become used to my purring, but the first time he heard it it threw him off. Foxes didn't usually purr, but then again I grew up in a house with Panthers for a mother and both siblings. "Mr. Hay," I murmured happily as I brought my lips to his again, but he withdrew.

"Please, Geoff, call me Thomas." I nodded, grinning like an idiot as this change in title denoted a very serious change in the manner of our relationship.

"Alright, Thomas," purring, I grinned even wider. Saying his first name was even better. "I want to take advantage of our alone time." A blush brightened my cheeks as the thought of what I was about to ask him to do to me both excited and embarrassed me. "Please, Thomas, I want you to take my virginity. I want you to make me a man." At my words Mr.Hay's pants tightened noticeably. I could feel his hard bear cock trying to break free of his slacks and pressing against me.

"Are you sure?" He seemed to be worried about hurting me, or that I hadn't thought it through.

"Yes," I pressed my young body against his and growled lustfully up at him. "I want you Thomas. I've wanted you since we first kissed. Please." I kissed him then and for once took control of the kiss. My tongue darted into his muzzle and I deepened the kiss even further. My paws grasped at the side of his wide grizzly face, his wrapped themselves around my muscular body. That's when he picked me up, and as we started to kiss even more wildly with more desire, Mr. Hay carried me up to his bedroom. He broke the kiss as he set me down on his bed.

"I want you to understand what you're asking me to do, Geoff." The large brown mass of fur before me half growled. He started to undress slowly, removing his shirt as he continued. "What you want is asking a lot. You're young, and tight, and I'm," he trailed off as he starred down at me. His eyes upon me made me blush, like he knew how I looked without my clothes on. I smiled at him and joined him in stripping, but much less slowly. I quickly whipped off my printed tee, and wiggled out of my jeans, dropping them both to the floor beside his bed. I left my boxers on for now. Waiting to see what he held in store for me before showing off my own.

"And you're?" I prompted as I scooted up to the head of his bed and leaned back against his pillows in nothing but socks and my boxers. He seemed to be drooling over the sight of my thin, but athletic body. My bright red-y brown and white fur and my long bushy Fox tail. Mr. Hay's gaze lingered on the hard bulge in my boxers, he growled lustfully. His big bear paws fumbled with his pants button and zipper.

"And I'm," this time he didn't stop talking, I just couldn't hear him anymore as all my focus was on the huge thick bear cock that he had finally exposed to me. I was in shock. I hadn't realized dick's could be that big. That thick. "Geoff? Geoff?" He chuckled as he noticed me staring, jaw agape and clearly drooling down my chest, at his thick throbbing member. It was already dripping pre as he had clearly been rock hard since I asked him to take my virginity away from me. Before I knew it, I had cleared the distance between us, the entire length of his bed, in a pounce. I was now on all fours before him licking up and down his length. "Oh Geoff!" Thomas Hay moaned as my fox tongue worked its way back and forth along his thick bear shaft. I flicked my tongue across his tip and then, finally, for the first time ever, took a cock into my muzzle.