Yep, Over His Head

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Remember how cocky Fyacin was? This is why he really, really shouldn't have been. Drakina is a powerhouse, and she does what she wants...though often in a way that gives the person in question what they want, too, if they were only honest with themselves...

Commissioned by Fyacintia

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Part 1:

Part 2: (You are Here)

Yep, Over His Head

For Fyacintia

By Draconicon

To his surprise, the lion was given a breather after he blew his first load. Not that he was let go, or allowed to stand or sit; the energy snakes still held him suspended off the floor, and he was still left painted with his own 'product,' as it were. However, he was not immediately tortured while he was still in the sensitivity of immediate post-orgasm afterglow, and for that, Fyacin was thankful.

As the naked purple dragoness conjured up a throne for herself that was entirely too reminiscent of his own master's throne, the lion cleared his throat. Time to pour on the charm before he lost any chance to make a good impression on this woman.

"Ah, if I may be so bold -"


The dragoness tapped him on the nose. Not with a finger, not with her tail, but with a painted toe, and the gesture alone sealed his mouth shut. A leather band popped into existence around his mouth, sealing his muzzle shut around a metal ring that held his mouth open. The lion's eyes went wide at the sudden spell, and only went wider as that soft, purple sole rested against his nose.

One breath, and he knew that this dragoness shared her brother's pheromone powers, her sole oozing with the same scent of domination to force his submission.

Fyacin whimpered as his cock immediately started to throb against his belly, starting to grow up along his middle and stopping just short of his torso. His shaft had grown huge after what the dragoness had done, and his balls, heavy and enhanced as they were, felt as if they had barely been touched. The sensation of weight down there was not going down, and his cheeks burned as he realized just how fucked he actually was.

As he wobbled back and forth on his back, suspended by the writhing, slithering, coiling serpents, his captor looked him up and down. She was still this source of tension in the room, still bubbling with sexual energy and dominance, but she was no longer looming over him to the same extent.

If anything, she looked...amused. Patiently amused, as she looked him up and down, her eyes flicking from one sexual part to another, and there were times when he felt like she was measuring parts of his body to see what she could make sexual with her magic.

Knowing her, that would be all of it.

"So, you believe that you're worth my time," she said, crossing one leg over the other, her fat shaft flopping over one thigh. "Well, you certainly have a body that could be perfected into something that I like."


"Yes, could be. It would take a lot of work, of course, and I can't promise that your mind would still be of the same...bent, shall we say?" Drakina chuckled. "I prefer a certain amount of worship, after all, more than my brother does by a long way, and my magics tend to encourage that in my slaves."

Oh boy...

The lion tried not to blush as he imagined what she would do. He had heard rumors about this dragoness, how she warped the bodies of her slaves into dramatic extremes to get what she wanted. Whether she turned them into big-bottomed whores, huge-dicked studs, or some combination of the two, she always left them with a different body than they had come to her with.

He had thought that it was just rumors, but looking down at his cock...


As she flicked a finger at him, his head was forced down again, and his cock was gripped in a magical hand. He couldn't stop it as the tip of his shaft was forced past his lips again, his body curled up until he couldn't let the head of his shaft out of his mouth. Even if he pushed it as hard as he could with his tongue, it refused to move.

"I think you've rested long enough. Start sucking yourself again. I would like to see just how long you can keep that up."

Fyacin shivered as he felt the tingle of pain-pleasure that always came with playing with his cock too soon after the last orgasm. Even as a lion, he still needed a few minutes to come down from it completely, and he had only had a minute, maybe a minute and a half to settle into his own afterglow.

And now, he had to suck his own barbed shaft again.

"Mmmph! MMMPH!"

The lion yelped around his cock as it was forced through the ring gag in his mouth, pressed down against his tongue as magical forces forced him to fuck his own face. He grunted every time that his spine was forced to bend, gasping for breath around his own engorged rod. It was throbbing harder and harder as it went down his muzzle, soon poking into his throat.

Much as he had engaged in the self-pleasure that only felines and a few other species were able to do, he had never gone this far with it. He gasped as he was suddenly deepthroating himself, the feeling of insane pleasure through the roof and his eyes already rolling back.

The dragoness was talking, but he couldn't hear what she was saying. All he was aware of was the rough feeling of his own tongue against his cock, the way that he was rasping it along the upper side of it, how his own throat felt clenching and gagging around his cock.

Not that bad, actually, compared to other sluts. I guess I'm a good cock sucker after all, heh - mmmph!

He barely had a chance to be smug before other magical hands started pulling at his balls, dragging them down before letting them spring back up, almost denying him an orgasm before they were pushed back into place. The sudden release actually did push him over the edge, to his own shock.

Splut, splut, splut.

He had just cum in his own throat, and as the pressure relaxed around him, he could feel the raspy sensation of his tongue running along his cock right up to the -


Fyacin yelped as his cock entered his mouth again rather than being just down his throat, the sensitive head running against his tongue and getting teased more than he was ready for. His eyes just about bugged out of his head as he tried to pull his hips back, but...sadly, the dragoness stopped him.

He was forced to keep tasting his own drippings along his tongue, unable to pull away as it just kept running out. His cheeks burned as he was made to taste his own musky, salty juices, and he wondered just how long this was going to go on for.

As he was finally dragged back from his cock, half-whimpering, half-gasping from the sheer overwhelming stimulation that had hit him, the dragoness stood up again. She walked around him, trailing a purple claw along his body, shifting his fur out of the way as she worked around him.

Eventually, she stood behind his head, stroking her finger around his neck in the pattern of a collar. The idea of her grabbing him, of holding him and keeping him away from his real master, sent a shiver down his spine.


"You know, if you were not already claimed..."

The dragoness sighed, shaking her head. She leaned down, her breasts almost a pillow against the top of his head as she trailed her tongue over his forehead. A few soft, grooming licks before she pulled back.

"But you are someone else's property. No matter how much you attempt to tease, I couldn't possibly steal you from my brother. Steal my brother away, a different story. Perhaps I could convince him to give you away under my...persuasions."

The way she chuckled, Fyacin wondered if even his master would be able to hold out against this creature. Creature was the right word, too, because the dragoness seemed half-mad, almost out of control compared to the other dragons that he had seen. A monster that was waiting to come free.

She grabbed him by the neck again, not quite strangling him, but giving enough pressure on his neck to make breathing slightly difficult. He gasped once, twice, sucking down air as she lowered him down. The energy snakes dropped, leaving him down at her waist level.

No, at her crotch level, as her cock flopped against his face.

It was a massive monster of a shaft, something that equaled her brother, or if it didn't equal it, then it came damn close. The tip was wet, damp with pre and dripping with it, and her balls...

Oh god, her balls were so big that he knew that there was no way that she could expect him to worship those. They wouldn't fit in his mouth. One wouldn't fit in his mouth, for that matter.

She bumped them against his face as she rocked back and forth, her shaft grinding along either cheek as her balls bumped his nose, always leaving behind a bit of that signature dragon musk that he was starting to get used to.

He blushed as he felt the heat of her need running along his face, dripping down along his neck as her shaft slid along his chin. The sheer power of that potent cock was making him a bit musk-drunk.

"You're going to learn to serve, little kitten. Perhaps my brother thinks that you're good enough as you are, but for my standards? Not half so good as you need to be."

She pulled back, slapping her cock against his face, and the scent had driven him so far down that Fyacin immediately groaned, trying to open his mouth further. The leather strap kept it shut around the ring gag, though, and all he could do was whimper as he tried to offer his mouth to the greater dragoness.

"That's a good kitten. What are you, hmm? Think it for me."

A...a cock slut...

"That's better. And whose cocks are the best? Whose cocks are the ones that you want more than anybody else's?"


"Hmmm, you haven't learned that yet?"

She dabbed her cock against his face, and he shivered, the taste of her musk and pre that much stronger than his own, already sending shivers down his spine and making his bigger cock throb against his belly. Why wouldn't it go down, he wondered, and then the question faded as she slapped his lips with her cock again.

"Whose cocks do you want most?"

The answer seemed a bit more obvious, but the heated haze of her scent was making it hard to think of anything besides serving her. He wanted to...he wanted to answer, but what was the...what was the answer...

"Whose cocks do you want most?"


"Better. Not quite the right answer, but better. I hate doing this the slow way..."

But she seemed to love his answer enough to give him her cock. He felt it press against the ring gag in his mouth, and then it went right back to the back of his throat.


He groaned again, his mouth flooded with the familiar taste of dragon musk, yet with a different tang behind it. Something a bit sharper, a bit more biting than the usual hot, spicy taste that came with sucking off his master. The shaft pressed right into his throat, following the curve of his throat, and he groaned as he felt his neck getting filled out even more than it had when he had been sucking his own cock.


He didn't gag as she thrust forward, but he did find himself slipping further and further down in that mental way that always came with the hot, heavy scent of dragon pheromones. His head rolled slightly to one side, then the other, almost like he was trying to nurse on that shaft, to pull it further down his throat and get more of it.

Perhaps that was what he was doing. He wasn't thinking very clearly anymore.

As she worked him, using his mouth and bouncing her balls off of his mouth and nose, flooding him with her scent, her clawed fingers worked along the sides of his face. It was almost like a massage, leaving him sighing as he was filled to the brim.

"Dragons are your superiors, little lioness," she whispered, chuckling as her hands pressed down to his neck. "And you serve all superiors on sight."

Serve all superiors...on sight...

"Dragons make you weak. Dragons make you desperate. Dragons make you horny."

Dragons make me...horny...

"Dragons are the natural rulers of all other species. Let yourself drift. Let yourself fall. Let yourself serve."


He was falling into that lusty, horny, wonderful place in the back of his head that he always went to when he was getting fucked. The master had already nudged him back there, but this dragoness was taking him even further, pushing him into a mindset that meant that it was impossible to look at her with anything less than adoration.

He stared down at her balls, grinning softly to himself as he imagined them slapping against his face permanently, being nothing but an oral toy for the dragoness. The fantasies like that were starting to slip into his head, following her words, words that he could no longer hear properly.

_Slotted into a chair, my face pointing up as a slippery dragoness sits on my face, her pussy dripping down over my muzzle, making me eat her out as she conducts her business, my face nothing but a throne.

Sitting by a dragon, his cock in my throat, fulfilling my natural role as a cock polisher. Serving him, draining his balls as he gives me the cream that all cats should crave.

Laying on the floor, serving their feet, their needs, their soles, giving them the worship that dragons deserve for being so powerful, so strong, so perfect. I need to be there. I need to be under them, giving them the love and worship and affection that they have earned._

All of these images and more poured through the lion's head, coloring what he had thought before. His fantasies were corrupted, filled with dragons, dragons, and more dragons, the scent of that musk pushing down his own needs, suppressing the stuff that he had wanted to do before. All that mattered was giving the dragons the worship that they needed, the worship that they deserved.

In and out, in and out of his mouth that cock went, always pushing the buttons that he had never known were there, always giving him more thoughts to think about.

Slowly, dragons were edging out all the other species that he liked, all the other species that he fantasized about. Horses were the first to go. No need to think about their flared cocks when he could have a superior dragon dick up his ass. Orcas? Why think about their smooth bodies when the powerful, muscular forms of the dragon could take care of him in the same way, and the scales had that soft, gentle musk that would lure him back down to this state without any difficulty?

Slowly but surely, the dragoness's words sunk into his brain, and as they did, he became more and more devoted to a different species.

By the time that she pulled out, he was gasping for breath, his eyes wide, his cock spurting over his chest for the fourth time in who knew how long. He felt completely drained, yet his balls continued to hang heavy between his legs, dripping and bouncing as he was turned around in the chains of the snakes.

As he was flipped over, one of the snakes pushed down against his cock, its energy face opening up until -


The gagged lion gasped as he was suddenly sucked, and hard, another mouth on his shaft giving him the milking that he could no longer give himself. It bobbed back and forth, sucking harder than any machine, pulling on his cock like it was a straw and his balls were the drink that the snake needed.

And as he hung on his belly, he felt his tail getting lifted, a clawed finger rubbing up and down along his pucker.

"Yes, and this?"

That is the hole that belongs to dragons. I lift my tail for all dragons. Females deserve a strap-on to fuck me, and males deserve the chance to fuck my hole however they want.

"This is your needy place."

This is my needy place.

"This is where you must be fucked."

This is where I must be fucked.

"This is what pleases your master."

This is what pleases my master.

"That's a good little lioness. Maybe if you get me off quickly enough, I might turn you into a real one."

Fyacin wanted to say that he was disturbed by the offer, but in reality, all that mattered was the feeling of the hot dick that was slowly rubbing against his backside. He shivered, feeling the heated pre running down from the head of that cock, feeling it nudging and teasing his asshole.

Oh fuck, please, fuck me hard...let me feel the stretch of a proper dragon cock again...let me enjoy this...

"Wish granted, slut."

The dragoness thrust forward, and suddenly he was gasping for breath, his eyes wide as he felt the heat that came from such a huge insertion. He slumped forward almost instantly afterwards, his eyes still wide as he felt that slippery shaft, lubed only by his throat and his spit, slowly going further and further down his hole.

Oh god, oh god...

Despite his training, it was still huge, his body clenching down almost instantly to try and slow it down, to give him a moment or two to get used to it. It was impossible, of course, impossible to slow something that big down, particularly with no leverage for it.

His eyes were about to bug out of their sockets as he felt it working into his depths, forcing his inner walls apart, giving him a sense of being filled that he hadn't had since the last time that the master had forced his cock inside. His twitching pucker clenched down hard out of instinct, but all it did was tire the muscles out.


And there was something else happening, too, something that he hadn't expected. A tingle of magic, something that was running down the dragoness's cock, hitting him right in the ass and the prostate. His eyes bulged as his pleasure button seemed to grow bigger, spreading out further inside of his body, but somehow growing all the more sensitive in the process.

What...what's me...

"A good little lioness should have a way to cum quickly from her ass being fucked, shouldn't she?" the dragoness whispered, giving his ass a smack, her other hand running down his spine and making him purr. "Look at you. Already so eager...I imagine you'll cum soon, won't you?"

Probably. And probably more than once.

She pulled back, and he whimpered, feeling his ass following her cock backwards, feeling his insides stretching out and squeezing down, his rim pulling back with her shaft. It was an impossible feeling of suction, but it was so good, so very, very good.

And below him, the energy snake kept sucking, sucking, sucking, the forked tongues of the serpent working over his cockhead. He whimpered, gasped...

And came.

A sudden surge blew through him, his eyes rolling back in his head as he came down the snake's throat. The feeling of pleasure that came with it overwhelmed him, leaving him shaking and rattling in the chains of magic. He came, and came, and came -

And then it became painfully pleasurable.

The snake didn't stop sucking, and the fucking didn't stop either. He felt the dragoness slam in again, making his eyes bulge out. His prostate was now more than twice its original size, covering far more of the inside of his ass, and the sensitivity was worse.

He came again, and again, two, three, four, five times as she fucked him, the gaps between orgasms becoming less and less as she worked him over. She whispered things to him, things that he was too high on pleasure to be able to understand, too high on his own need and pain and bliss to be able to make out.

Eventually, he had no choice. He passed out.

Fyacin woke up who knew how much later, no longer hanging from the ceiling, but not free. His legs were bound to the ground, shackled to the earth by knee and ankle, and his arms were tied behind him. His head felt funny, fuzzy, dizzy, and he struggled to hold his head up properly as he looked around.

He was in a different room, and...

And he was still naked, but he felt...strange. Heavy.

Looking down, he saw why. His chest had expanded, his nipples pointing out through his fur in obvious little pink bumps that hadn't been nearly so easy to see before. It looked like his chest had been hit with pumps of some sort while he had been out, and his...his breasts...

Yes, there were breasts. Small ones, little more than a-cups, but enough to see if one looked closely. The curves enhanced his already slender form, making him look more androgynous than he already did.

Oh god, oh god...

His cheeks burned at the humiliation, and he leaned forward as much as he could, hoping that nothing had happened further down.

A slow, soft breath of relief passed through his lips as he saw that his cock was still intact. Not even caged, and even shrunk back down to its normal size. At least there was that.

As the lion slowly calmed down, he heard the click, click, click of clawed footsteps approaching, and instantly, he was back to blushing, back to shivering. He looked up at the far wall, at the door that was slowly creaking open.

And there, the dragoness stood, her lips turned up in a smile as she looked down at him. Her breasts jiggled slightly as she leaned on the doorframe.

"You're finally awake, my little lioness."

"Mmmph...this...this wasn't...necessary."

"Oh, but it was, if we want the training to stick."


"Look at me again, kitten. What do you see?"

He looked at her, half-expecting to see some sort of illusion...but instead, he saw bliss.

He saw someone that he wanted to serve. He saw someone that made the need to bend over irresistible. He saw a dragon, someone intrinsically deserving of worship.

He saw feet, feet that needed to be licked and nuzzled, cleaned and pampered by his tongue.

He saw a cock that needed to be buried in his mouth, sucked until it was feeding him the only cream that would satisfy.

He saw breasts that needed to be nuzzled, caressed, worshiped, to bury himself beneath them.

And as she shifted her position, lifting one leg in a stretch, he saw something that he had not seen up until that point, but something that nonetheless set of another switch in the lion's brain.

Fyacin saw the dragoness's pussy, a slit that dripped behind her balls and begged for a tongue to be pressed between them. Seeing it, knowing that she was turned on, had the feline instinctively sticking out his tongue and leaning his face back, just like a good little throne would do for a superior species.

The dragoness smiled at him, walking up to stand at his side. She stroked a hand down his face, shaking her head.

"Again, a pity you're already owned. You're getting closer to my standards, these days."

"Mmmph...May I...serve you, Mistress?"

"You will. And when your master comes to collect you in a few hours, you can tell him that I'm always willing to negotiate ownership."

"Mmmph...I will..."

"Brace yourself, kitten."

She turned around, her curvaceous rump jiggling as she presented it to him. She spread her cheeks, showing off holes that looked surprisingly well-used for her dominant status. Perhaps she controlled other sluts of her own to use her that way, to fulfill other needs that her cock couldn't satisfy.

In any case, she pressed back, drowning him in darkness, in the cheeks of her rump and the softness of her thighs. She clenched tight around his face, her tail pressing down along the back of his head to keep him from pulling back, and he was soon drowning in her juices.

There was only one way to keep it clear enough for him to survive.

With his arms tied behind his back, Fyacin started licking, lapping, and licking again, moaning as he licked up her juices from her pussy. Every lap and every drag of his tongue pulled more of her arousal into his mouth, cleared her for a second or two before she started drooling yet more cum onto his face.

He couldn't stop, not even when he felt her twitching, not even when she squeezed down on his face harder than before. All the lion could do was keep lapping, licking, and dragging his tongue over her pussy lips as he had been ordered.

The smell of pussy, the slightly bitter-musk of ass, the raspy, softer scent of her scales, all of it combined together to keep him in a high that would not go away. His cock throbbed against his belly, dripping hands-free from the scent and worship that he gave her alone. It was


She'd said that his master would be by to collect him in a few hours. While he would be grateful to be rescued, Fyacin was almost sad that he'd only have a few hours to play with the dragoness's rump and pussy, only a few hours in which to give her the worship that she so obviously deserved.

His Mistress muttered something about wishing that there was time to make the mind-warping permanent, but he barely paid attention to that, either. She was shifting position, after all, and that opened her pussy up for more attention.

As she spread her legs around him a little further, the lion leaned in, burying his tongue inside of her, dragging it along her inner walls as she moaned overhead. Her thighs clenched on his head, keeping him in place, and he happily submitted to the way that she wanted to use him. After all, she was the Mistress.

Mistress of all...

And so, the lion slowly dropped down again, falling into submission with each and every lick....

The end