A Familiar Fox

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a small story I wrote after coming across a rather wonderful prompt in a Discord server! A familiar in the shape of a vixen is put through a small ordeal after breaking some valuable items in her master's shop...

Stories are available two weeks earlier on my Patreon, and rough drafts even earlier!

Go there to see stories sooner, as well as some other perks!

Find me on my Discord server

Lira held the little jar lightly in her muzzle, keeping a good hold while not biting so hard as to break it. The little vixen was perched on the very top row of a very cluttered shelf, navigating her way between more jars, vials, and containers to put the one in her mouth in its proper place. Once that was done, she cautiously stepped over everything to jump nimbly to the floor, landing lightly even though it was far below her.

There was a small basket on the floor with a bundle of dried plants in it, the fox picking it up and trotting over to another set of shelves, easily leaping from the floor right to the top. As a familiar, she had some advantages over a natural fox, though she was smaller. The taste of the plants was rather bitter so Lira spit them out hurriedly, looking around as she took a little break.

Her domain was a small shop that her mage and master ran, a sort of combined apothecary and magical ingredients store. Oh, and a sex shop for the mages in town, specialising in the more magical side of things. A large window opened up to the bustling street, displaying a collection of herbs, phoenix feathers, and delicate glass instruments...along with bondage sized for a familiar, vials of imported dragon-cum aphrodisiac, and a few toys of various shapes and sizes.

"Lira!" her master called, and the familiar jumped.

"Coming!" she called back, leaping from self to shelf slowly, so she didn't trip, before landing lightly on the counter for the store, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her feet. A moment later, her mage emerged from the back room, carrying a stand of vials, all filled with softly glowing liquids of various gem-like colours. "Ooh, you finished?" she said brightly.

"Yup," her master said tiredly, yawning. "Thirty-six hours of alchemy. Should be able to sell these for quite a lot of gold. Make sure they go on that display table near the door, won't you?"

Lira nodded, leaning in a little as her mage gave her a quick pet and scratched her ears. "Good girl," the mage yawned. "I'll go lie down...take care of the shop while I'm resting."

"Will do," Lira confirmed, bobbing her head. There was a little bed in the back for just this occasion, and she was perfectly capable of running things on her own for a little while. She knew where everything was better than anyone, and even if she didn't have quite as firm a grasp on arcane principles as her master, she'd picked up a few things here and there.

The door to the back room closed, just as there was a tinkle as the bell for the front door rang. "Be right with you!" the feral familiar called, leaving the new vials of bright potion where they were and leaping to the floor to great the newcomer, tripping over her own paws in her haste. Pausing to blush and rub her nose with a paw, she went to the customer.

They were a local potioneer, and while not a regular, they sometimes came in now and again for the rare ingredients that they stocked, but more so for the more sexual products that they sold. It was clear to see why, the potioneer's familiar trotting in by their side. A black cat, the familiar was wearing a face harness, complete with ball-gag and blinders so she could only see straight ahead. She gave a muffled purr, giving Lira a rub with her head, then walking past to explore into the store, the fox blushing hard as she saw a jewelled plug beneath the feline's tail.

Shaking her head, she listened quickly to all of the potioneer's needs, pondering for a moment before nodding. "We...um...have all that," she said with a blush. Crouching down, she leapt to the top of a shelf, overestimating the distance a little and skidding into a collection of dried flowers. "Oops. Okay...you'll need this..."

It took almost a quarter of an hour of jumping and leaping for Lira to fill the order, and she was panting at the end of it, sitting on the counter as she tallied up a pile of coins, a bulging bag next to her. The vixen counted slowly, going over it twice until she was sure of the total. "You're all good!" she said brightly.

The potioneer thanked her, the cat familiar giving her another gagged nuzzle before jumping off of the counter and walking out with her master, tail high so that the jewelled base of the plug glinted. Lira squirmed for a moment as the door tinkled shut, blushing hard beneath her orange fur. This was a kinky part of town, but most still weren't so lewd as to walk around with their familiar quite like that. She certainly didn't even if her master did try out some of their products on her from time to time...

Blushing harder still, she squirmed in place for a few moments, remembering just a few nights ago. She hadn't gotten a lot of sleep then...come to think of it, she was feeling rather tired now. There'd been a lot of jumping today and there was very soft pillow for her to curl up on the counter. The bell would wake her if someone came in...

Lira's eyes fell on the new potions though and she sighed. She had to do those first. It was a little hard to find a place to pick it up with her jaws, but she managed, awkwardly holding the stand and carefully leaping to the floor. The table she'd been told to put it on was right near the front, visible in the window and the first thing that customers would see when they entered: the perfect place for a new product.

The cloth covered table had a lot of fine glass and crystal instruments on it, a display that her master had carefully made, but there was a space right in the front that would be perfect for these potions. Wiggling her butt a little, Lira made the jump.

She knew at once that she'd misjudged it again, opening her muzzle in a yelp as she hit the side of the table, instinctively grabbing onto the cloth that covered it so she didn't fall. That made it even worse. She wasn't heavy enough to pull it off completely, only enough to make many of the glass pieces tumble and fall, several smashing in a loud, tinkling cacophony. At the same time, the corked vials tumbled from the stand, shattering one by one on the floor.

Dazed, the fox fell back to the floor, surrounded by glass but unhurt. There was a moment of seemingly absolute silence. "Uh oh," she murmured, ears flat against her head as she looked around, groaning at the mess of spilled potion. "Fuck..." That was all she got out before the door to the back room slammed open, her master hurrying out. Lira hunched herself down, ears still flat.

The first thing her mage did was pick her up, cradling her in his arms and taking her to the counter, where the familiar was set down. He looked over her carefully. "Are you hurt?"

She gave a soft whine. "N-no...I just slipped." She looked down at the counter. "Sorry about your potions..."

"Look at me," he said sternly, the familiar looking up at once. Part of the magic of being a familiar was that she had to obey her mage, no matter what, no matter the order. It required a lot of trust to form that bond, but once it was in place, she couldn't resist a direct command. "You just destroyed a lot of work, plus some very expensive glass." He thought for a moment. "You're going to have to earn that back. I can brew the potions again but I have just the thing to keep you busy while I do."

From behind the counter, he pulled out a small jar, the sight making Lira whine loudly and squirm. "Not that, please," she begged. "I'm sor--"

"Go find a gag, a secure one," he interrupted. The fox whined but turned at once, running to the shelves that housed the bondage gear for familiars. She knew exactly which one, her secret favourite: a harness and muzzle combined with an inflatable bulb that made all speech useless. She picked it up carefully and ran back to her mage, whining at the sight of the jar uncapped, the pungent scent of the ointment inside making her shiver.

"Good choice," he said, taking the gag from her and pressing it to her lips. Lira whined and didn't open her muzzle, making him say, "Open, Lira." As soon as he did, her jaw dropped and the bulb was sliding across her tongue. She blushed hard, then harder still when the straps were buckled tight. The inflation bulb hung down from her lips, and when the mage began to pump it, the bulb in her mouth responded at once, growing quickly.

It only took a few before her cheeks were bulging against the straps, the only sound Lira able to make a very muffled whine and yip. "Now present so I can apply this," he said, dipping a finger into the ointment. Lira whimpered but had to do as she was told, moving and crouching so that her sex was pointed at her master, the spade-shaped lips bare. Even expecting it, she gasped as the finger moved over her folds, spreading the ointment around in a thin layer; it was very potent stuff, and not a lot was needed.

Lira had only experienced this once before, when her mage had formulated it. It was a magical heat inducer, the most powerful one they sold, making an estrus state that was way, way stronger than natural. The last time she'd tried it, it'd only been a dab and had resulted in her humping a toy for more than three days. This time though, he was adding far more. A finger, coated in the stuff, slipped into her tunnel, making the vixen squeal muffledly. Given their size difference, even a finger made her feel quite full.

He pulled his digit back, but Lira was already squirming. Her folds were beginning to swell and tingle, powerful warmth spreading through her with every beat of her heart, most of it focused on her sex. Arousal was already making her lips glisten and the vixen was panting heavily through her nose, eyes closed. As such, it was a surprise when she was picked up, her mage carrying her over to the window.

Lira blushed hard, staring out into the street in her gag, trying not to squirm as people looked in with interest. She was vaguely aware of her master doing something behind her, setting something up, but she was too busy squirming in place to look, pressing her spade into the table and leaving a damp spot on the cloth. Closing her eyes, she gave a muffled moan, thoughts drifting to her own collection of toys in her room. Or, thinking about it, another familiar she'd seen around, larger than her and with a very lovely sheath...

"Lira!" her owner said sharply, as though he'd been repeating it several times. She jerked around, looking up at his face, and then down at what he'd been doing. There was a line of toys across the table, ten in total. Some were knotted, some ridged, some thick in the middle. The only constant was that, from left to right, they increased in size. The one on the very left would have been comfortable and easy for Lira, but the one on the right...it seemed to her a monstrous size, with an even larger knot at the base.

"As a punishment," he said, smiling widely, "you are going to be an advertisement for our store." He held out a piece of black leather, something Lira recognised. Even with the heat hormones coursing through her brain, she knew what the monoglove was, slipping her front legs in without any prompting. When it was laced up, her forelegs were pressed tightly together, a pouch at the bottom holding her paws. A collar went around her throat a moment later, making her whine.

"Now, here's what you're going to do. You're going to stay here, on this table, until you fit this." He pointed at the huge toy on the end, Lira giving a disbelieving yip into her gag. "Knot included," he added sternly. Lira looked at it with wide eyes; that thing seemed bigger than her head. "First though, you need to fit each and every one of these." Her mage tapped each of the toys in turn.

"Heat should make you extra squirmy, and you won't need to worry about lube... Hopefully, you'll entice some new customers in." He paused. "Oh, and you can cum once you've knotted the last one. Not a moment before." As soon as the words hit her ears, Lira whimpered, knowing that the order was going to be followed. She would be in heat and physically unable to cum until she reached that very last one...

There was a tinkle as he attached a fine chain to her collar, locking the other end around a rail that ran the length of the window, ensuring she'd have to stay in the public view. Her master gave a kiss to her forehead then reminded, "Every toy."

With that, he left Lira by the window. Already people were looking in, a few familiars rearing up and placing their paws against the glass to catch a look of the vixen. She shivered, not wanting to move but her heat was too insistent. She needed something inside her and she needed it now. Trying to ignore the people beyond the glass, Lira moved to the first toy, lifting her tail and backing up until the tip pressed against her wet spade.

As soon as she felt the touch, she gasped and pushed her body down, taking the entire thing in one movement. Luckily, this one was an easy fit. The vixen moaned thickly, panting hard through her nose as her body squeezed and milked at the toy, spurred on by the heat. For a few minutes, she simply stayed still there, eyes closed, until the need got too much and she began to rock and thrust herself.

The pleasure grew slowly as the familiar bucked and let out yip and squeals that were almost entirely swallowed by the gag. It was only when she was nearing a climax did her mage's words come back to her, a loud moan sounding from her throat as she shuddered to a halt, trying to calm down. That lasted all of two seconds before she began moving again, only for the peak to arrive and...nothing.

She was physically blocked from achieving an orgasm, the magic locking it way since she was ordered not to. The only way to cum was to get to the last toy. With what seemed like a tremendous amount of effort, she yanked herself off of the first one, tottering over to the second as the chain clinked and jangled merrily.

The size difference was very obvious to Lira, the thicker toy, this one patterned after a delightful canine with a half-inflated knot at the bottom. It spread her a little wider, making her squeeze down happily, easily fitting this one into the knot, popping the slightly-wider part into herself. She moaned, only to freeze as the bell to the front of store tinkled, blushing hard. There was a sizable audience at the window that she hadn't noticed.

"Keep going, cutie," a voice said, chuckling. "I'm just going to have a little browse." Lira didn't have to be told twice, going back to humping the toy as the customer laughed and moved away. The feeling of the knot just made the vixen whine louder, shuddering as she practically edged herself on the second of the line of toys. It was going to be a long, long day like this.

Even in heat and desperate, Lira managed to think through the problem. Instead of trusting herself and playing for a long while on each one, she tried to make it go quicker. She'd been ordered to use each and every one, but nothing more specific than that. So, the fox ground deep onto each of the toys, panting for a minute or two, then moving on.

This system worked out well at the beginning, when she could simply slide her sex right down to the base, but it became decidedly slower in the second half. She had to go slower, pace herself, the tip going in and then slowly working her way down with little grinds and thrusts to touch the base, each one going deeper.

People kept coming in and out of the store, or tapping at the window, making her blush. It seemed to the horny vixen that the whole town had walked past and stopped to see at least twice. It was impossible to tune them out, Lira unable to stop blushing but also unable to stop what she was doing, heart hammering at being seen like this.

It took a long time to take the ninth toy, more than half an hour of panting and squirming. The crowd only grew, a few people walking into the store to watch more closely. Everyone wanted to see if she'd finished, having guessed the task she'd been set by the line of used dildos behind her. Luckily for her, the toy was rather simple and smooth, with no difficult knots or ridges. Normally, her sex would have been very sore by now but the heat was either suppressing that or making her more resilient. Either way, she was thankful for the copious amounts of arousal she was producing.

The urge to cum didn't fade or lessen, spurring her on so that she could get what she wanted. When she finally finished with the penultimate toy, there was a cheer from a few of the watching spectators, even her master coming over to watch and giving her head a stroke. She nuzzled tiredly into his hand, bumping his nose into his hand before the little fox got to the last one.

Luckily, all the others had warmed her up very well, and it wasn't as difficult as she'd thought when she'd started. Her owner kept petting her softly, careful not to force her down as she enacted the orders that he'd given, riding the toy until her spade kissed the swell of the knot, a hint of a bulge in her belly in the vague outline of the toy.

There she stopped, panting hard through her nose, squeezing down irregularly as her taut walls stretched around the shape. The vixen was trembling from her built up lust, wanting to cum so badly that she didn't wait long, grinding down hard and slowly working the knot into herself. It was a lot harder with the bulb fully inflated from the start but she kept at it, reaching the middle and the widest point.

The vixen's spade was stretched tight in a taut circle, trembling lightly before she dropped a little more, arching into the monoglove as all of the frustration and heat seemed to explode out of Lira at once, racing through her body in every direction. Her eyes were half closed, the climax keeping like it was never-ending as the knot locked the toy inside her, making all the wonderful feeling reverberate inside her again and again.

Exhausted, both from her task and the orgasm, Lira would have sagged but her mage caught her, lifting her up with the toy still knotted deep. She moaned and shuddered softly, squeezing down as the chain to her collar was removed. Cradled in his arms, laying on her back, it was very hard for the tired familiar not to drift off, but she didn't have to wait long to reach her bed, away in the back room.

She murred and nestled into the soft pillow, almost forgetting about the large, hard shape inside of her, the heat still running through her sated for the moment. A finger tapped the base of the toy, making her jerk weakly and whine past the gag. "You can keep this in until you wake up," the mage mused, petting her again. "I'll have to think of a new punishment for you tomorrow," he teased. "But for now, sleep."

Lira's eyes were closed before the word was done.