Demonic Whispers, Sinful Breedings [Commission]

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_An anonymous commission.

Warning: Contains sex with an underage participant._

"Oh, hi daddy! Do you need to use the bathroom? I'm almost..." Vera began talking, mindless of the minty foam running from her muzzle as she did.

"That's okay honey. You just take your time and I'll use the one downstairs." Her father replied, leaving the kit to her morning routine.

"Did you see that?" a husky voice spoke softly from behind the girl, making her stop brushing her teeth for a second. Anyone standing at the doorway would have seen no one but the kit standing over a sink, and might have wondered why the girl's ears suddenly dropped.

See what? Vera thought, knowing Maura would hear her. She'd learned early on never to respond to her out loud. People had tended to look at her a bit funny the few times she did.

"Weren't you looking up at the mirror? Well if you had, you would have seen that look! Just before he left his eyes were trailing down, probably imagining what that cute little tush of your looked like under your pajamas..." the voice almost purred out and Vera almost squeaked out as a phantom touch brushed across her cheeks. She looked up at the mirror standing over the sink and saw nothing but herself - a nine-year old maned wolf, still a little bleary-eyed from a restless night. But the mirror was lying. She knew what she'd see if she turned around, which is why she kept her eyes ahead of her.

"You really are such a cruel little girl, you know that?" the voice came again, this to her left.

"What do you mean?" the young canine squeaked out before covering up her muzzle, hoping daddy didn't hear her. She put her mouth under a running tap, rinsing it and making sure she didn't get goaded into talking out loud again. If daddy heard her he might decide they needed to go see the therapist again. The old badger she'd gone to had been kind, but Vera knew she couldn't help her. She couldn't help her with Maura because she didn't think the demon really existed. And she couldn't bring back Vera's mother...

"Look at how attentive your daddy has been since mommy went away. It was hard on him too, you know, but every day he does his best to make sure you get all the love and attention you would have gotten from two parents..." Maura said, caring thoughts delivered in a voice made for cruel delight.

She'd walked in front of Vera now, and to the girl she seemed as real as anything else in the room, despite the fact that she was the only one that could see her. Her ears flicked down at the sight of her own personal devil, her heart sinking at the sight of both her reflection and the demon leaning over the sink. It was the similarity between the two of them, at least where appearance was concerned, that always darkened the girl's mood. Her own coat was a dark, earthy brown brightened by a splash of purple down her front, along her calves and the top part of her head, which brought out the kit's bright blue eyes.

Maura seemed like a dark version of herself. Where she was purple the demoness had fur the shade of ash and smoke. The whites in Maura's eyes were basalt-grey, the irises blood red and the fur around them so black that it seemed to trail wisps of inky smoke when the sinister apparition stood still. She also appeared several years older than the girl whose mind she lived in, a fact made more prominent by the fact that she wore no clothing. After all, people wore those out of modesty, and the leering demon had none.

I'm... I'm a good daughter. Vera thought, knowing that the cruel creature would pluck the thought from her mind, like she has every other.

"Oh you are! Bright, obedient, adorable... what father could ask for more? But have you thought about what daddy lost? He didn't lose a daughter did he?"

_N-no..._Vera admitted. She'd learned early on she had no secrets from Maura.

"That's right! Daddy lost a woman. And a big, strong wolf like that has urges. Haven't you noticed the way daddy sometimes looks at you, and the way it makes his pants bulge?" the demoness crooned with her muzzle almost touching the girl's big pointy ear. Vera did notice, and she felt uneasy and a bit scared whenever she caught her daddy looking at her with that strange glint in his eyes...

But I'm not... I'm still just a...

"Now, now, don't give me any of that! You remember what happened last month?" Maura said, and the girl closed her eyes shut as she did.

A little more than a month ago there had been a week or so when she'd felt... funny. Maura had been teasing her mercilessly every night, urging her to touch herself between her legs, an idea that had seemed more attractive than ever before. Then one morning she'd woken up and screamed out loud when she realized she was bleeding down there. Her father had rushed in and comforted her, saying there was nothing wrong, that it was just something that happened to girls when they started growing up. He'd taken her to the store to buy her pads so that she wouldn't make a mess of her undies, and a few days later the girls in her school had a special class.

They were taught about the changes their bodies were going through as they went into their first heats, the lessons punctuated by giggling as well as an occasional 'Eww!'. The teacher had pointed Vera out to the class, noting how mature and attentive she was being, with her back straight and eyes forward. The truth was the girl was struggling to maintain a composed façade, since she was watching two lecturers instead of one. She could see Maura in front of the class as the grinning demoness gave her own lewd twist on the lesson at hand.

"You know your daddy needs a woman. You know that you are a woman now. And yet night after night you let him go to bed alone. That's why you're a cruel daughter." The malevolent spirit continued to tease as Vera was trying to get dressed for school. The jab struck home and the kit almost ripped her pajama top in frustration but stopped herself in time.

She knew it had been specially altered for her and didn't have the heart to ruin it. Though her father was an ordinary brown wolf, Vera had the same lush mane her mother had, as well as a more delicate build and facial features that were almost fox-like. Unlike lions or horses, her mane was just a big, fluffy ruffle spreading out from the bottom of her neck, so the tops of her jammies and much of her clothing had to be altered so that it hung off her shoulders and let the fluffy collar breathe. The long, soft hairs of her mane fell just short of covering her budding breasts, and just the thought of them made Vera's spirits sink.

"Aww, is someone feeling self-conscious about her perky little teats?" Maura teased, reminding the kit just how little privacy she had from the malevolent spirit living in her head. "Don't worry, they'll be nice and round before you know it. Although you know what would make them grow faster..." she husked, pulling on the girl's tiny pink nipples. Vera could feel it, but not as an actual touch. Whenever the demoness groped or pinched her it seemed like a tingle coming from within her young body itself. A few second of Maura's teasing had her feeling flushed and her breathing labored, before the kit shook herself out of her daze and proceeded to get dressed.

It would be easier in school, she knew. There were other people there, and other things to pay attention to, which usually served to take her mind off Maura. Teachers praised her grades and her attentiveness in class, but didn't know the reason behind it. Idle hands were the devils playthings, and the kit knew that for a literal truth. If she didn't pay attention to the lessons, Maura would appear and force her to doodle lewd and graphic things in her notebook before the girl realized what she was doing. Or worse yet, force her hand down her skirt in the middle of class.

"Well, you don't respond quite the way I'd like when I touch you, so I have to give you a sort of helping hand. But don't worry your pretty little head about that. A day or two from now it will be that special time of the month, and I have something much more exciting in store for you!" Maura purred out, savoring the look of sheer terror on the girl's face.


The demoness had been right of course and Friday morning the little maned wolf pup woke to find she was a slightly wet between her skinny thighs and that she felt a little warm despite the fact that she'd apparently kicked her blanket off at some point during the night. Her eyes darted around the room until she spied her father watching her from the slightly opened door.

"Mornin' baby-girl! I'm about to get started on breakfast, so come down once you're ready..." the wolf said before leaving, and Vera was sure she'd seen his nose-pad twitch before he left. The pup realized she was wearing nothing but her little pink nightgown, something her daddy had bought her a few months ago, insisting it was what big girls wore to bed. Vera wasn't thrilled about the fact that it left her exposed down there, but wore it because she'd been feeling strangely warm before going to sleep, figuring it would be comfier than pajamas. She never wore panties to sleep, and the way her legs had been spread her privates would have been on full display. How long had her father been watching until she caught him?

"Well, I could tell you that..." Maura crooned, appearing between her legs and making a point of staring at the smooth pink mound between them. "But I don't think I will. You've been very mean to me, you know, doing everything in your power to ignore me. Helpful little Maura who'd been so kind to you, making sure that you never felt lonely after mommy passed away..."

The kit blinked away tears at the cruel taunt disguised as self-pity. Maura had been a part of every nightmare she'd ever had, but when her mommy was still around she could always pad over to her room, and the maned wolfess would kiss her cheek and let her snuggle up with her. After that Vera would always go back to a peaceful sleep, as if her mother's love was keeping the demon away. But when the illness took her mom, the demon stepped out of her dreams and did her best to make her life a nightmare.

"You know what will help you sleep? Going over to daddy's bedroom tonight and letting him give you a good rutting. You'll be out like a light after that, snuggling up next to that big hard wolfy body, snoring adorably with daddy's thick, fat knot lodged in your tight little pussy. Just imagine gently drifting off to sweet dreams with daddy's warm body beside you, and his gooey warmth filling you up..."

"I won't!" she said, clamping her hands to her muzzle when she realized Maura had goaded her into talking out loud. She also tried to ignore a twitch in her girl-parts the demoness' sultry voice had triggered.

"Well, you remember what you learned in that special class? You're in heat now. That means you're a big girl, ready and aching for someone to plant a puppy inside you..." Maura said, patiently wearing away at the girl's defenses and looking for a chink in her armor. And the way her eyes fluttered at the last statement looked promising. "That's right, a pretty little puppy! Just imagine a beautiful little girl with a gorgeous mane just like yours..." she cooed, flicking the puffy fringe of fur brushing the top of the girl's barely budding breasts. "...or a handsome little wolf pup, brown and grey just like daddy. Imagine holding your very own baby in your arms, brining that cute little muzzle to your breast, the tiny lips latching on as your pup began to suckle..." she spoke softly, finishing her little performance by bringing her own lips to a stiff little nipple poking through the thin pink fabric and blowing gently.

Vera threw her arms across her two girlish bumps, desperate to hide them from the leering spirit. Her chest was heaving and she felt almost feverish, the demoness' words stirring something and giving her fluttery feelings just under her belly. She almost bounced out of bed and rushed through her morning routine, hoping it would serve to clear her mind. When she reached the stairs her nose was already sniffing at the smell of breakfast, and she was glad the homey aroma was waking up a more conventional appetite. She sat down, but as her daddy set her plate in front of her she couldn't help but noticing a bulge in his pants, and the almost buried feelings rushed back.

"Oh, that's right, you haven't even thought about what you were doing to daddy did you?" Maura said, grinning as she spotted a promising weak-point in the girl's heart.

W-what am I doing to him? Vera thought, unwittingly swallowing the demoness' bait.

"You remember that smell they told you about in class? And the way your snug little slit was wet when you woke up? That's your own personal honey, dripping from your virgin sex and getting any male who smells it achingly hard." She crooned, grinning even wider when the girl once again glanced at her father's bulging crotch. "And you know daddy hasn't been on any dates since mommy left, don't you? He's too worried it would upset you to see him with another woman. Imagine how hard it's been for poor ol' dad these years, and imagine how worse you'll make it for him by spreading your girl-musk with every swish of your tail." She spoke, the crestfallen expression on the girl's face telling her that she'd found her weakness.

"I've taken a look at him while he was sleeping, you know. That thick sheath with the tip of his cock poking out, and the big fat nuts resting under it. So full, so swollen... almost painfully..." she whispered, and smiled triumphantly when her words caused Vera's knife to screech across her plate. She knew she had her now. With her heat messing with her mind and some more prodding during the day, she'd make sure the pup had an interesting night ahead of her.

She'd been bending the truth a little. Vera's daddy was draining those balls whenever he got the chance, beating that thick, steely wolf-cock and trying not to think about the gorgeous girl down the hallway, one that was looking more and more like his lost love with every day. The idea was her doing, even though he didn't realize it. Living in Vera's mind meant she had little to no influence over others, but through herculean effort she did manage to push the image of daddy's little girl into a few of the steamier dreams the old wolf had been having. It would have been a cruel thing to do, if she didn't have every intention of making his dreams come true...

******* look, and then back to sleep... Vera thought, although she wasn't sure if it was for her benefit, or the apparition dragging her along the dark hallway.

"That's right. You don't trust me, so you need to see four yourself if daddy's okay." Maura whispered, playing on the fears and guilt she'd planted in the confused girl's mind.

The kit quietly opened the door and snuck into the bedroom where her dad was sprawled on his back, the blanked a tangle around the large wolf's knees. The light in the hallway was on and she could see him quite well with it shining behind her, her skinny legs clenching at the sight of a large fit male lying in front of her.

She felt the demoness pushing her forward, her breathing becoming labored as every breath she took carried with it the scent of the pent-up canine. The smell of her father's fur had always made her feel safe, something she associated with the big strong wolf who was always there to protect her. But now the same scent made her feel anxious, almost afraid as her eyes focused on the prominent bulge in the slumbering wolf's boxers.

She watched as Maura grabbed her by the wrists and guided her hands to the waistband of the underwear, knowing that to anyone watching it would look like she was pulling down her dad's pants herself. And once they were out of the way the kit found herself stunned by the sight of a thick sheath with an inch or two of read sticking out of it.

"See, I told you poor daddy was pent up..." Maura crooned n her ear, guiding one of the girl's paws to the plump lupine package while she pushed the other one against that heavy sack and the two swollen orbs nestled within it. "Now why don't you have a little taste?"

Maura had been wearing away at the kit's will, giving her little rest during her nights and even less during waking hours. She knew Vera wouldn't have the strength to resist and that she'd finally manage to push her into taking what her newly flowered body was craving. The flaring of her little nose as she flicked her tongue against the wolf's emerging shaft was a very promising sign, as well as the way her other paw was now cupping (or at least trying to) the sleeping canine's pouch.

"Hmm, maybe that wasn't a good idea. You seem to only be making it worse for daddy..." she said, smiling at the hurt expression on the kit's face even as her tongue cradled the wolf's tapered tip.

"W-worse?" the kit murmured, sounding close to tears from the demoness teasing and the emergence of powerful instincts her mind couldn't process.

"Don't worry, just listen to me and we'll make daddy all better. Now for starters, take of your nighty..." she husked, smiling as the kit obeyed without hesitation, standing naked at her father's bedside.

She didn't protest as the sinister presence in her mind guided her movements until she was straddling the older wolf's hips, lowering herself until her little pink slit was resting on top of the red shaft sliding out of her daddy's sheath. Her movements woke the wolf up but he remained silent, his eyes focusing on the sight of his little girl sitting on his crotch. The look he gave her made Vera shudder and filled her with an urge to cover up her budding breasts and hide as much of herself from the suddenly hungry eyes, but Maura had a firm grip on her wrists and was keeping the kit's hands at her sides. She'd caught her father looking at her like that before and although she'd never said anything she wished he wouldn't. She didn't understand what it was, but she knew that wasn't the way he'd always looked at his little girl.

"Vera?" the large male asked, his voice still a little drowsy. The kit shuddered at the way he'd called her by name, and not 'baby-girl' or 'honey'.

"That's because you're not going to be daddy's baby girl anymore. Just relax and say what I tell you to say and you won't get into trouble." Maura told the frightened girl, bringing her muzzle to one of the girl's ear before starting to whisper softly.

"Daddy, please... please fuck me..." Vera spoke in a squeaky voice, the words slipping from her lips the moment they entered her ears, leaving her aghast at what the demoness was forcing her to say to her own father. "I... I need you to fill my little pussy up... make me a mommy..."

Vera grinned at the sight of the wolf's eyes glinting with lust. The big lupine talked in his sleep, and Maura had spent several nights at his bedside, listening closely. The words that had just slipped from his little daughter's muzzle were the sort the girl had spoken in his dreams, a kinky fantasy come to life. To his credit, her father had the sense not to make a move on his little angel no matter how much he wanted to. But Maura knew that with her naked and grinding her immature sex against his crotch, begging him to make a woman out of her... well, a man can only be pushed so far.

Vera's cheeks were burning, her eyes glued to her daddy' big strong hands as they reached up, landing on her slim shoulders and sliding lower. She felt her daddy's caws dragging through her thick mane, his fingers resting at either side of her chest as he rubbed his thumbs over her nipples, making the nubs stiffen and stick out.

She felt muscles twitch under her daddy' touch as the paws roamed lower, sliding along her tiny waist until they came to rest on her still slender hips. She shuddered at the ease with which those strong arms lifted her up, hoping that her daddy would lift her off him and maybe just let her snuggle up to him. But he stopped and held her a few inches up, a cue for Maura to grab hold of her paws. The demoness moved one of the girl's hands to her slit, forcing her to part her tender young petals and give daddy a flash of the pink treasure hidden behind them, while the other paw wrapped around the now fully erect lupine shaft and angled it up. Even though it was Maura doing it, she knew that to her dad it would look like she was exposing herself and guiding his shaft towards her...

The kit's breath caught in her throat when she felt the sensation of something hard ant hot wedge itself between the plump folds of her young sex, squirting inside her as her daddy began to gently but firmly push her hips down. When she looked between her legs her eyes went as wide as her slit when it became apparent just how big her father's shaft was compared to her young body. She felt a sting as the steely length slid slowly but surely into her, her lips splayed lewdly around the twitching red cock until she felt it hit something inside her. She wondered if this was it - as far as her daddy could go within her. After all she was just a girl, and if this was as much as would be going in, she felt like she could at least take it.

"Oh no, little lady! That's just your cherry. Any moment now daddy's going to push and..."

"AaaaAaaaahhhh!" Vera cried out, cutting off the leering demoness as her daddy pulled her hips down even as he bucked up, tearing through her maidenhead and pushing half his cock into the girl's freshly deflowered pussy.

The sting gave way to a burning sensation and the kit felt tears form at the corners of her eyes. Why was daddy hurting her? At school they said that sex felt nice, and Maura had phrased it a lot more graphically than that. But as she was lowered further and further down on her father's throbbing spire, all she felt was her body being stretched painfully, her immature cunny forced to accept a grown wolf's cock.

"Don't worry baby... Just relax and it'll start feeling good..." her father grunted, his voice taking on a growling tone that usually meant he was angry, but his face looked anything but.

Vera wanted to believe him, wanted to think she'd at least find some joy in what seemed like just a painful and scary experience. After pushing her further down she felt the canine cock hit another barrier within her, and considering there was about an inch of lupine meat left outside (not counting the knot) she braced herself for another sharp thrust and the pain that was sure to follow. She was surprised when her daddy stopped, moving one hand until the pad of his thumb was brushing against the top of her splayed lips.

He began by just brushing it against the little nub the kit didn't even know she had, causing her to make strange little gasps as her walls seemed to clench from her father's touch. She still had the feeling that there was just too much inside her, but now that her daddy was no longer pushing in and just playing with her pussy she started to notice strange tingly sensations surfacing past the pain and discomfort.

"Aww, there's daddy's little slut! Now how about you do a little dance for ol' dad? Just move your little hips a bit, back and forth, back and forth..." Maura husked into the girl's ear, grabbing ahold of her hips and moving them herself.

The movements also caused the cock trapped snugly in her girlish pussy to shift and Vera found her vision blurring from the sensation. Her nipples stiffened as daddy's cock began to rub places in her little body she never knew existed. She looked down when she felt the muscles in her lower belly twitch from the stimulation, and gasped when she saw her usually trim tummy bulging just a little, a reminder of just how big the cock buried up her snug slit was.

She was still swiveling her hips in the wolf's lap when she felt him lift her slowly up, her eyes rolling back at the sensation of the lupine rod sliding out of her. She could feel her lips cling to the red length and wondered if daddy had done what he needed to do and the whole thing was over. She knew she was wrong when he pulled her down sharply, the few inches that had left her sex burying themselves once again in a single second.

She yipped, although it was more in surprise than pain. It still felt like daddy was stretching her too much but her cunny seemed to have adjusted. She could also tell she was wetter down there, every thrust of her father's hips into her sex forcing out more and more of the stuff she felt the member leak inside her.

"Good girl! Just relax so that daddy can tie with you..." the wolf grunted, bucking his hips even as he moved his daughter up and down on his throbbing erection.

"Aah! Daddy... p-please..." Vera tried to speak, but it was hard enough to catch her breath with the big wolf pistoning in and out of her sex. She remembered what they taught them about canines at school, and just the sight of the growing knot now bumping against her sore lips was enough to make her heart skip a beat.

"What baby?" the wolf asked, his voice and his whole body tense as he worked himself towards his climax, pushed close to the brink by the tightness of the slit he was rutting.

"I want puppies daddy..." Maura cooed, and no sooner had the words slipped into the girl's ear than they left her muzzle.

That seemed to be all the wolf could take and his grunts turned to growls as he began pushed his girl's rear down with more force, trying to push that hard, fat lump of lupine flesh past her already straining lips before he came. Vera cried out each time the knot threatened to pop in, feeling daddy's cock pushing even deeper into her body as her petals refused to part around the scary red ball. Just when she was sure it was impossible for her to take it she heard her father growl and push her down once again just as he bucked hip hips with a thrust savage enough to force the knot into the squealing kit's sex.

As the bulge began to swell Vera was whimpering, both from the pain of the violent penetration, but also something she couldn't name. Daddy's cock had been rubbing against a spot inside her that the growing ball of masculine flesh was now pressing and throbbing against and soon the strange new feeling was overshadowing even the pain of their tie. Her Daddy wasn't even moving now, his eyes eating her up as he held her hips and ground her bugling slit against his crotch.

She heard him grunt and felt the steely length inside her twitch a few times before something warm suddenly gushed into her. Strange whimpering noises left her muzzle as the first wet pulse was followed by a second, and then a third, spurt after spurt of potent lupine spunk being pumped directly into her fertile young womb. Something about the sensation made her sex clench up around the cock stuck inside it, which caused that spot in her to press hard against daddy's throbbing knot. That in turn caused her pussy to clench again, and again and soon the room was filled with a mix between a whine and a howl that Vera was startled to find out was coming from her throat.

She could no longer feel the pain of daddy's knot inside her, just the heat of his seed still rushing to fill an already overflowing womb, her young sex milking the lupine shaft of every drop despite the fact that there was nowhere for it to go. Her head lolled and she was surprised that the outline of daddy's cock was no longer visible. Instead her flat tummy was looking gently rounded with all the warm wolf-cum her daddy was still squirting into her.

Her whole body was still twitching when she felt daddy grab hold of her legs and push them together on his chest. Before she could ask what he was doing, the wolf easily pushed them aside and twisted her around, the kit squeaking at the feeling of her sex twisting around the cock still throbbing within her. She found herself seated on her daddy's lap facing away from him just as he wrapped his arms around her chest and pulled her on top of him before rolling them both over.

"Aww, how cute - little spoon and big spoon..." Maura teased, leering at the sight of the panting pup lying on her side with her father snuggled up to her and his shaft still firmly stuck in her sex as his balls pumped out the last spurts into her already overflowing womb.

Vera was still too dazed to think, her paw sliding across the swell of her belly. She felt exhausted, but found herself afraid to go to sleep like this. She wanted to go to her room and curl up on her bed even though the burning pain of her first knotting was now settling into a pleasant, throbbing heat. She found herself strangely afraid of her daddy even though he was being gentle with her now, nuzzling the top of her head and holding hugging her close.

Even though it was a struggle, she forced herself to stay awake until the knot in her sex finally shrunk enough to slip out. She folded her ears against her head at the wet sound of her father's seed gushing around his length now that the red bulge wasn't keeping her plugged. She felt the goo soak into her fur, her nose catching an unfamiliar, sharp scent of a male's seed. She was sure daddy would let her go, maybe help her clean up, but when the larger wolf remained unmoving with his shaft still embedded between her freshly bred lips she wondered if he'd dozed off.

She realized her father was awake when he began to slide himself in and out of her tender sex, his breath coming in warm huffs into her hair as he slowly worked himself up into a steady rhythm. After having taken his knot Vera felt like she was a little looser down there, and she didn't feel the same burning sensation as when her daddy first stretched her little cunny out. But the feeling of the hard lupine shaft rubbing against her over-sensitive walls felt uncomfortable and as her dad's pace quickened Vera found herself biting her lower lip to stifle the yips she was making.

Every thrust of daddy's hips against her little rump was met with a lewd wet squelch as the spunk he'd left in her was pumped out. The pup didn't realize it at that point, but the deluge of still warm wolf-seed was merely the excess, and her womb was still full to the brim of lupine swimmers seeking out her eggs.

After her first rutting, part of Vera wanted nothing more than for her father to stop and let her get some rest, if need be with his cock still in her little slit. But as the wolf kept pumping her young pussy and the strange tingling returned, part of her was eager to feel it again. That amazing moment when daddy had started filing her had been better than anything she'd dreamed about, but it was over so fast she felt like she'd missed it. She wanted to feel it again, to sort of catch that special feeling and savor it to its fullest.

"There's daddy's good girl..." the wolf behind her growled, pistoning his cock in and out of her sore sex and a steady pace as he worked himself up towards another climax.

Arousal fought with exhaustion in the kit's mind, the only thing keeping her eyelids open at this point being the tingling coming from her sex every time daddy's cock bottomed out inside her messy slit. She could feel him bumping the knot against the pink folds now glistening under a layer of lupine cum, and squealed out when her father grabbed one of her legs under her knee and pulled it up. With her legs now stretched she could feel her sex open up a little more, the knot battering against it spreading her lips wider and wider until one forceful thrust pushed it past her. Once he was inside daddy dropped her leg and slid his hand to her mound, vigorously rubbing that sensitive spot at the top of her now bulging cunny. It seemed like a switch for something inside her, and the combination of a canine knot stretching her and her daddy rubbing her clit against it had the girl on the edge. When daddy's other hand found one of her stiff little nipples and gave the nub a tweak it pushed Vera over and she heard herself cry out as her sung little passage tightened around daddy.

Her orgasm had drained what little energy the kit had left and as her father's cock began to erupt inside her and flood her womb for the second time that night, the pup felt herself sliding from her climax straight into sleep, the last sensation being the hot spurts of the big wolf's seed and Maura's leering face as the demoness laid down in front of her.


"Fuck! Still tight..."

The words came from just above her and in combination with the feeling of something hard and hot forcing itself past her lips it had pulled the kit from her slumber. As her eyes fluttered open she squinted in the bright morning sunlight. Vera tried to get up but found that she couldn't - she was lying on her belly with her daddy on top of her, the wolf resting his weight on his elbows as the few blind pokes found their dripping target and his cock slid a few inches into his girls' no longer virginal sex.


"Shh, it's okay honey. You don't have school today so there's no rush. We can spend the whole day together..." the big wolf whispered, pushing a little further into the young pussy and feeling his shaft push out the cum he'd left inside his girl the night before.

"That's right Vera, a whole weekend to spend riding daddy's cock..." a familiar voice teased, even though Maura remained out of sight. "Ooh, you should see the mess daddy made inside you! And it looks like he's about to make it even bigger..."

The pup folded her ears at the demoness' taunts. She knew she was right and she could feel the goo trickling out of her speared slit with every buck of the big wolf's hips. She wished daddy would just let her get cleaned up, but part of her wouldn't let her speak. Instead she yipped and squeaked through her morning rutting, wincing when Maura teased her about all the other ways there were for her to have fun with daddy, and the different places that thick red cock would wind up spurting into.

She was sore form last night, and only realized how much when her daddy's knot began to pry her bruised lips apart on every stroke. As much as it hurt, there was still part of her that wanted that feeling of her daddy tying with her despite the pain, so she just buried her face in the pillow and did her best to relax. After a few more bruising thrusts she felt her lips being splayed around the wolf's knot before it slipped in and they closed tight around it, ensuring she'd take every drop of the lupine load once the big male's balls started churning it out. Her whimpers took on a different tone as her daddy's orgasm triggered her own, her young pussy greedily draining her dad's shaft as the intimate warmth once again blossomed inside her.

"Aww, you feel that tingling sensation deep inside?" Maura crooned, pulling the girl's head up from the pillow and turning it so that her glazed eyes were pointed at her. "That's daddy's seed taking hold. Congratulations Vera, you're a mommy!"