Equine Woes

Story by Arktisk on SoFurry

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What the hell?! TWO uploads in as many weeks?! THE MADNESS!

It's rare to get hit with enough inspiration to actually sit down and get a fantasy onto the screen once, let alone twice in such a short span, but when it happens, you just can't pass it up. So here I sit, in a boiling hot bath, nursing my sore legs, with a glass of wine and chugging down a few corn dogs, posting this smut.

Hope you all enjoy!

(PS: Forgive the title. I may actually be running out of nouns to use like SOMEONE threatened me would happen.)

Anders sighed as he peered out of his living room window with one hand supporting his chin while the other squeezed the contents of his briefs.

Out across the bright green grass of the cookie-cutter houses of the suburb, working under the blisteringly bright light of the sun as it made its way across the clear blue sky, stood a stallion.

The equine was working a large sponge over the shining body of a beautiful dark blue car. Anders had no idea what make or model it was, and he didn't care. It looked nice, sure, but the horse that was sponging over every inch of the vehicle looked infinitely better and had the deer's undivided attention.

He was in his mid forties, but had the body of a college football player with a bit more bulk to it. Clad in cargo shorts that stopped just above his knees and hugged his pert backside, and a tank top that looked fit to burst if he so much as flexed accidentally, it was certainly an enjoyable sight for the young buck every time the equine moved and bent over.

Sunlight glistened off of his short black fur, gleaming more in areas where the horse had managed to splash himself with the sudsy water he was using to clean his car. It almost made the cervine laugh as he watched the scene across the yard. It smacked of every slow-mo car wash scene from every movie that ever featured one just for an excuse to show off women. All he needed was the corny porn-adjacent music, a dream filter, and some overly sexual poses on behalf of the stallion himself.

Each time the equine bent over or shifted to reach a new area of the car, a fresh fantasy flared to life in Anders' mind, driving him to squeeze his package and groan pathetically to himself. Slammed against a wall, bent over a table, mounted in the back seat of a truck... there wasn't much that Anders hadn't entertained the thought of.

Mister Wallace had long since been an object of desire to the deer, from the moment he discovered what his penis was for right through his first forays into the seedy underbelly of the internet. Now that Anders was in college, he had gotten himself into enough trouble and gained enough experience that his longing for the older horse next door had only grown stronger.

He knew that if he was given the chance, he'd put all of his finely honed skills to the ultimate test.

While Anders idly fantasized, another car pulled into the driveway behind the vehicle Mister Wallace was cleaning, and the wet spot forming in the front of Anders' underwear got a bit wetter.

Jace Wallace had been two years ahead of him by the time Anders had entered high school, and as a result of the ever present rift between seniors and juniors, the two had never formally met. The deer had been forced to lust for the second horse from afar, relegating the equine to his fantasies alongside his father in ways he would never admit to.

With the house to himself and university finished for the semester, Anders had all the time and freedom to let those fantasies run wild.

Looking over the slightly smaller horse, it struck Anders that he wasn't sure where Jace had gone on to after high school.

He could have gone in for sports for all he knew, though the junior horse seemed too lithe to be a football player, so perhaps soccer or track or some such thing. All of what Anders could remember of him was the lewd scenarios he had perused in his mind before drifting off to sleep most nights during high school. The two had met, but only during short interactions between their parents, and beyond that, the occasional nod or 'hello' when they crossed paths outside.

As the two stallions greeted and embraced in their driveway, Anders groaned.

Just watching them talk and start the process of catching up after a semester away from each other was getting him worked up more than he already was.

His cervine tail flicked as he pictured himself being on his knees before his neighbours, flashbacks to a particularly raunchy night of fun with two of his fraternity brothers temporarily wresting his attention away from the males outside his window.

" __Oh thank you u_ niversity__..."_He thought to himself as he continued to grope his cock through his underwear.

The night before he had come home he had spent an entire night with one of his friends, driving the bed springs. Anders had given his feline friend a good seeing to that night, but now he found himself craving to be put in his place. Life was all about balance, after all.

With his relatively recent experiences and freshly dug up fantasties plaguing his mind, the deer pulled himself away from the window and sat, nearly nude, on the living room couch. The hand within his briefs withdrew and yanked the fabric down enough to let his impressive package free, bouncing onto his abs and leaving a thin trail of precum through his short dark brown fur. His apple-sized balls ached for release, but Anders had refused himself that luxury.

For the past four days he had taunted and teased himself to the edge before backing off and carrying on with his day. The cervine was almost constantly hard as a result, and whenever he left the house to get food or go for a run, he had been given more than his fair share of hungry glances owing to how well he filled out his pants and shorts. The sight had even prompted several people to pass him their numbers, both male and female, which suited him perfectly.

There was no shortage of locals drooling over his package, but he had yet to find one that he wanted to lift his tail for. _That_was his primary goal for his vacation, and one of the two stallions living next door were the only ones he truly wanted to have fulfil that wish.

Anders stroked his throbbing shaft, leaning back on the couch and closing his eyes as he worked through various situations he wanted to find himself in.

Thanks to his days of self denial, his climax built up much quicker than usual, and he gasped as he felt the dam about to break. He released his glistening cock, his balls visibly shifting up and down in his furry sack as the stimulation disappeared and every muscle and instinct Anders possessed was directed at staving off his orgasm.

Another glob of clear precum rolled out from the foreskin covering his fat cock head, landing between his abdominals and rolling down to pool in his belly button.

He panted, feeling himself sweating at the sheer exertion it took him to stave off yet another climax. It took several long minutes for him to feel like he had completely come down from his high, and only when he opened his eyes some minutes later did his sense return enough to register the phone ringing on the wall of the kitchen.

With a grunt, Anders pushed himself off of the couch, completely unbothered at the rivulets of his own precum running down his stomach towards his inner thighs. He picked the phone off of its receiver and snapped himself out of the light fog that still hung over his mind once he heard his mother's voice.

"Andy?" Her cheerful voice filled his ear.

"Yeah mom," He responded, chuckling inwardly at just how quickly the sound of his parents voices made his erection fade. "What's up? Coming home from your trip already?"

"No no," She replied. "We've got far too much planned for our time here. I had just remembered something that I need you to do for me, if you're not too busy unwinding?"

"Sure thing, mom!" Anders was always happy for more excuses to get out of the house.

"I borrowed a slow cooker from Mister Wallace next door," She said, and Anders felt a chill run down his spine at the mention of the name. "Could you return it to him if he's home? It completely slipped my mind when we were leaving."

"Uh, yeah, sure!" The buck took a moment to gather his thoughts, wresting them from the whirlpool of porno intro's he was in danger of falling into. "Not a problem."

"Thanks sweetie!" His mother continued, oblivious to the thoughts of her son. "We'll be back next week sometime, so we'll go out to dinner before you head back off to school."

"Sure thing," Anders said, looking around the corner of the wall into the kitchen to spot the large silver and black slow cooker on the counter. "Alright mom, I'll talk to you later. Love you too."

The line cut, and Anders put the phone back on its wall mount, coughing as he collected himself enough to make his way up to the second floor and into his old bedroom. He moved straight over to his dresser, pulling out a pair of shorts he hadn't worn in quite some time that, thanks to a newly formed routine at the gym with a few frat brothers, was now too small to be worn comfortably.

As he made his way back downstairs, Anders stretched his legs with each step, getting used to the tight clothes that he hoped would show off enough to get a rise out of one, or perhaps both, of the equines next door. His waist, while still narrow, was wide enough that he wasn't able to fully button up his shorts, letting a small flash of red from his briefs show through.

Of course Anders was fully aware of the exposure, but his lithe sculpted body and the confidence that it had given him, let alone the trials of joining his fraternity, left him completely unperturbed. Unbuttoned shorts were far below his threshold of notice.

The idea that either of his neighbours could possibly not be interested in males at all had never once entered the buck's mind. Much of the thrill now came from simply playing the game; showing off, teasing, taunting...

He knew better than to get his hopes up, but that wasn't going to stop him from playing. The best case scenario he could envision involved taking out all of his pent up frustrations on one of the numbers that had been handed to him along with coy winks over the previous days.

'Shame'? Not a word in his dictionary anymore.

The deer clopped into the kitchen and retrieved the large slow cooker before he made his way out the front door. A wave of heat greeted him as he stepped outside, and he revelled in it.

Hot weather meant better views when it came to people-watching, not to mention what a great excuse it was to be wearing as little as possible. It was the perfect excuse to be out and about without a shirt, showing off to others and opening the doors to new experiences and new people.

As he basked in the sunlight, standing on the porch of his parent's house, he took a moment to look over to the Wallace's, only to find the two gone, along with Jace's car.

Mister Wallace's car was suds-free, its cleaning apparently completed, and the horses were nowhere in sight. Anders's ears drooped slightly, but perked up once again when he saw that the garage door was wide open; not a sight one normally saw in the suburbs if everyone in the house had left. Surely someone was still around inside.

With that hope in the back of his mind, and the added thrill of getting to interact one-on-one rather than having to divide his attention and his tricks between father and son, Anders made his way across the lawn.

His tail was standing proudly up, a shock of light beige against the dark brown fur of his back and the black of his shorts, as he made his way up the steps of the Wallace household. In high school, the deer may have frozen right there as the realization hit him that he was half naked, with partly open shorts tightly fit around his hips, with every intention of showing off in order to goad another male into getting aroused or, for a gold star, getting into his bed.

University had changed everything, however.

His application to his fraternity had been a personal challenge, and he had been plagued with stress headaches before the trials had even begun. Once it was all said and done however, he had proven to himself that he was worth his own self-confidence, and his attitude had only escalated from there to the point where he had no issues laughing at himself or approaching others.

His finger found the doorbell and pressed without a moment's hesitation.

The deer took a step back, idly wondering if perhaps the horses had just forgotten to close the garage door before heading off to lunch or something. His large ears twitched at the sound of hooves clopping down stairs coming from within, and he prepared a friendly smile.

Seeing Jace behind the door when it opened was a surprise.

"Oh! Sorry Jace," Anders said, finding himself slightly wrong-footed, but recovered quickly. "I was expecting your dad."

"Anders?" The horse narrowed his eyes as someone would when they were putting an unfamiliar face to an unfamiliar name. "Holy shit, man! You changed a lot over the years!"

"Heh, yeah, university did a number on me," The deer felt a blush warm his ears, which hadn't happened since his trials. "You look great, yourself!"

"Thanks man!" Jace replied, his smile seemingly genuine. "It's been ages since I've been back here, it's really weird seeing everything stay the same but change so much."

"I've only been gone for half a year," Anders said, taking a moment to enjoy the sight of the smiling horse before him. "So it's not _too_bad for me at least."

"Shit man, come on inside!" Jace stepped aside, pulling the door open and inviting the deer inside. "I know we didn't really know each other, but hey, we're adults now and it's been ages!"

"Sure thing!" And he was in!

Step one had been a success.

He took his first steps inside his neighbour's house, his spine already tingling as his fantasies started knocking on the door of his conscious mind.

"This is your dad's by the way," Anders said as he followed the horse towards the half-wall counter top that separated the kitchen from the dining room. His hooves followed Jace's, but his eyes were glued to the toned equine ass flexing and shifting under his shorts. "My mom forgot to return it before they left on vacation a couple of days ago."

"Oh thanks," Jace said, motioning for Anders to leave the device on the counter as he opened the fridge. "Drink? Dad's got beer, juice, I'm sure there's some wine somewhere in a cupboard."

"Ah, I'll just get a beer if you don't mind," The deer set the slow cooker down and leaned on the counter facing the horse rummaging in the fridge. "Sorry, I didn't really mean to impose on you when I came over."

"Nah don't worry about it, man," Jace stood back up with two large dark brown bottles and handed one to Anders after closing the fridge. "Dad borrowed my car to go do some shopping for a nice big dinner tomorrow so I was going to be stuck here for quite a while on my own. S'good to have company."

"Well thanks then," The two popped off the lids of their drinks, and Anders lifted his towards the horse. "Here's to having good company!"

Conversation came surprisingly easy to the two youths, and Anders was sure it wasn't even a result of the beers.

In spite of them never truly interacting before during high school, it had the same feeling as running into an old friend and being able to just carry on straight from where they had left off all those years ago. It was nice, and Anders, in no time at all, had completely forgotten the ulterior motives he had had when he first made his way over. His arousal and lust gave way fluidly to finally learning who this young horse was, what he was doing with his time, with his life.

It felt spectacular.

What made Anders momentarily freeze up was the hand that crept its way onto his thigh as they neared the end of their second beers.

"Cheap drunk?" Anders joked, looking over at the horse.

"Nah," Came the reply. "Sort of just really horny."

"And here I was thinking that _I_was the forward one." The deer laughed.

"Oh come on," Jace chuckled, sitting up and moving his hand toward the cervine's inner thigh. "You came to the door half naked with shorts that weren't even done up properly, and you kinda smell like... well, like ball sweat and precum."

Something clicked in the equine's brain. He set his beer down on the coffee table.

"Were you trying to seduce my dad?"

Finally, Anders discovered his long lost sense of shame and embarrassment.

"You_were!_" Jace exclaimed, but his hand only squeezed his inner thigh tighter. "You came over here, shirtless, with half open shorts, hoping to get a rise out of my dad!"

"S-sort of..." Anders admitted, realizing there was no sense in denying it. "I never really expected anything to happen, to be honest. Sort of just for the rush, you know?"

The cervine instinctively lifted his butt off of the couch as Jace tugged his shorts down, leaving the deer in only his tented briefs.

"Don't worry about it man," The horse chuckled, now working both hands up and down the deer's thighs, looking over the package resting between them. "I get it. Can't blame you, if I'm honest."

"Didn't see our little chat ending up like this, either," Anders said, grinning like an idiot as the other male dropped down to his knees before him. "Had the dream, though."

"I haven't gotten off in over a week," Jace admitted, leaning forward and pressing his broad muzzle into Anders's crotch, inhaling deeply. "Your open shorts kinda tipped me over."

"Well have at it then," Anders said, leaning his head back on the couch and spreading his legs a bit wider. "Sort of imagined our roles being reversed, if I'm honest."

Fingers hooked into the waistband of his briefs and they were pulled down enough to let his hardening cock flop free.

"I'm here for a week, man, plenty of time to switch it up." The horse said, his muzzle pressing into and sniffing along the cervine's thickening shaft before leaning back to look up at Anders. "I need to get fucked right now, though. That okay?"

Anders lifted his head, looking down at Jace as the horse gently stroked his cock and tugged at his balls.

"Less talking," The deer flipped his top switch when he saw the hunger in the horse's eyes. "Get that muzzle on my dick."

He reached forward, grabbing Jace's head by his hair and forcing him back into his crotch. Jace managed to open his mouth just in time to swallow the first half of the deer's dick, his tongue immediately going to work to lather the length with his saliva. Anders's arm was insistent, however, and with how much he had edged himself over the past days, his lust was putting his dom side into overdrive.

Anders didn't know if Jace was into it, but he was already so far beyond caring. As he helped the horse bob up and down on his cock, he was finally satisfying both his physical urges that he had been teasing for the past four days, but he was also suddenly living out a high school fantasy.

"Mmmmight not last long," He grunted, holding the horse's muzzle down flush with his groin, mashing Jace's nose into his pubic fur. "You're good, but I've been edging for days. Make up your mind where you want it, or I'm going to decide for you."

Jace coughed and gagged, seeming to struggle around the deer's girth, but maintained the dexterous manipulations of his tongue. Anders felt saliva dribble out from around the horse's lips and start to coat his balls and inner thighs, and it made him flex his cock within its warm, wet confines.

"Hoo, fuck," He growled, bucking his hips upwards several times to ensure the horse knew his place while also teasing himself with release. "Haven't made up your mind, so, my choice then..."

In his mind it sounded like the right thing to say, but in reality, his orgasm was approaching far too quickly for him to have any real say in the matter. His balls had had enough of the constant torment, and the moment they began tightening and drawing up, there was no stopping the flood of cum that shot from his cock.

Jace choked. The horse's entire body tensed as Anders pulled his head roughly into his groin, keeping his muzzle fully impaled on his shaft as he unloaded days worth of pent up seed. The deer could feel each desperate gulp and shift of the horse's throat as it convulsed around his cock, swallowing his cum as fast as he could. The fluid dribbling down over the deer's balls turned into heavy spurts of cum as Jace failed to keep pace with the amount flooding his muzzle, every muffled cough accentuated by another thick rope shooting past his lips to coat the deer's crotch and thighs.

Long minutes passed before Anders let go of the horse's head, honestly surprised to find that Jace remained where he was, gulping and licking over his shaft, cleaning him.

"Don't swallow it all, Jace," The cervine tapped the other male on the side of his muzzle to get his attention. "I've got one more hole to drill and I don't want you wasting all this lube."

"N-never would have taken you," Jace pulled back, finally getting proper breaths into his burning lungs. "For such, such a dom."

"Was an acquired taste," Anders chuckled, reaching down to stroke his still hard cock. "I go full slut sometimes, though not nearly as often anymore."

"Best to play both sides, eh?"

"Hey, the best tops know how to bottom, right?"

The two shared a laugh before Anders stood up, gripping his dick once again and slapping it across Jace's muzzle.

"Alright, I need to dump another load," The deer said, smearing his wet shaft over the horse's face and revelling in how the equine nuzzled into it. "And your ass is the next target. Up over the couch."

Jace complied happily, getting up and kneeling on the couch with his upper half braced over the back. His tail lifted and flicked, his shorts loose on his hips and exposing part of his backside. Anders had to do a double take when he saw the bright red fabric of a lace thong peeking over the waist of the shorts, his cock throbbing all the harder as he smeared his pre along his already sopping length.

"Fuck," The deer said, reaching out to yank down the back of Jace's shorts to expose his taut bubble butt and the thin fabric that ran over his hips to disappear between his cheeks. "Never took you for a lace guy."

"Might not be the most comfortable," The horse groaned as Anders knelt and buried his muzzle into his ass, two fingers reaching in to pull the thong out of the way of his wet probing tongue. "BUT, oh shit yeah... But when a guy sees lace peeking out of your pants, he at least has a better idea of what you're looking to get out of a night."

Anders pushed his tongue past Jace's tight ring, using both hands to spread his cheeks further apart to allow him the best access. He knelt there for minutes making the horse squirm and groan, soaking his taint with saliva as it dribbled out from his hole every time Anders pulled back to take a breath.

Jace, for his part, could only sit there and take it for so long before he pulled down the front of his underwear and released his own cock to the open air. He placed his discarded shirt underneath him to catch the precum dripping from the flaring tip of his cock before he began to stroke himself, eagerly anticipating what was to come next.

More minutes passed before Anders felt content with his work, pulling away to savour the sight of the tight hole winking back at him, glistening with his saliva amidst two mounds of short, matted fur. He stood once more and lined his cock up, pressing the mushroomed head to Jace's pucker and giving a firm push. It made Jace gasp, an edge of pain in the sound, even as the equine's body pushed back, popping the head of the deer's cock inside. Neither male was up for wasting time.

Anders hunched over Jace's slender back, his hands taking a firm grip on the male's hips as he ground his cock in further, both of them panting and grunting at the speed they were moving.

"Oh f-fuck yes!" Jace gasped with each new inch that breached his tail hole, pushing back each time he felt Anders grind forward. He had needed this, badly. They both did, and they both knew it. "God fucking damn it, I'm already close..."

"Hands off, then," Anders growled into the horse's ear, reaching around to yank the other male's hand away from his throbbing dick and pinning it to the back of the couch. "You cum when I do."

"Fucking make it quick then," The equine urged, giving a high pitched yip when the deer bottomed out in him. "We both need this to be quick. Don't need dad seeing this."

"I bet you'd fucking love that," Anders spoke directly into Jace's ear, pumping his hips slowly. "You'd love for him to walk in right now and see what a little slut his son is."

"F-fuck..." The horse was torn between wanting to refuse the accusation and wanting the deer to keep talking.

It was hitting all of the buttons he had been craving to be hit for weeks.

"Your dad would probably love it too," The deer decided to push on with the taboo. "He'd be proud his boy was so good at riding dick like the good little bitch he is."

"Y-you wanted him to f-fuck you!" Jace was loving the powerful grinds into his backside, but he wanted to goad Anders into working faster, more aggressively. He wanted to cum.

"You're fuckin' right I did," The deer chuckled. "Maybe a good way of getting him to pin me down is to leave his son a dripping ruined mess in the middle of his living room."


The voice came from behind Anders, and both his tail and ears shot straight up in surprise as one massive arm wrapped around his lower chest, pinning his arms to his sides and squeezing most of the breath from his lungs. He was balls deep in his next door neighbour's son, and now, he was caught between the two horses.

"M-mister Wall-" A hand clamped around the deer's muzzle before he could give voice to his surprise and horror.

"Shut it buck." The older horse said threateningly. A massive weight pressed against Anders' back, distinctly long, hard, and throbbing. "You wanted to leave my boy a dripping mess to get me to fuck you as a means of what, getting even?"

The feeling of that huge cock against his back left the deer torn. His own cock was still rock hard, still pumping precum into Jace's ass as the equine clenched and shifted around on it, but now he was entirely at the mercy of a much bigger, much more dangerous horse behind him. The elder equine's voice had no hint of playfulness to it, but the fact that his cock was out and smearing pre through the deer's fur indicated that he at least wasn't about to be beaten for what he had been doing.

"You're going to be a fun ride, buck," Mister Wallace chuckled, releasing Anders's muzzle and using the hand to guide his huge, and already lubed, cock down between the cervine's toned ass cheeks.

"M-mister Wallace," Anders couldn't keep a quiver from framing his every word. "I... I'm s-SORRY!"

The slick blunt head of the larger horse's cock breached his ring and popped inside, sending a wave of anguished arousal through every inch of the deer's body.

His backside throbbed in pain, but he was given no time to register it properly as the horse continued pushing forward, treating Anders's ass almost as roughly as the deer had been treating the younger horse he had pinned down himself.

If Jace was at all put off by the presence or the actions of his father, he gave no sign. He simply nickered and gasped as each of his father's rough thrusts worked the deer's cock within him. Anders's balls were big, slapping wetly against his taint and upper inner thighs, but his dad's were even bigger. They hung even lower, and swung with even more force as he worked the rest of his cock into the male between them. Jace now had two sets of balls connecting with his legs, and that alone was enough to drive him near enough to the edge of orgasm that he was gasping in a high pitched whine, a sound he hadn't made outside of the roughest of sex.

Anders himself was gasping much in the same way, overstimulated as he was both from being forced to fuck the horse under him and from the mammoth cock plunging in and out of his aching ass. He no longer cared about the familial ties between his bottom and his surprise top. All there was to him were two heaving male bodies, driving him over the edge from the front and the back, satisfying his basest urge to both breed, and be bred. The overpowering arm of Mister Wallace released its death grip, but the hand moved quickly to the back of the buck's neck while the other squeezed down almost painfully on his hip.

The older horse's thrusts were getting quicker and always seemed to drive a little deeper each time his crotch connected with Anders's ass. Sloppy wet smacks filled the room even more than the gasps and grunts of the males involved in the lewdest of debased acts. They weren't friends, they weren't family anymore. This wasn't sex.

This was fucking in its purest form.

When Anders climaxed, it set off a chain reaction.

Jace exploded over his shirt and the back of the couch. His cock, unguided by a stroking hand, flexed and slapped up against his tensing stomach, the mushroom head flaring and unloading rope after thick rope of his seed. It would fall slack, only to flare up again and slap upwards, sending strands of his cum flying over the furniture and against his chest as he felt the pressure in his backside increase with each throb of the deer's cock under his tail.

The senior Wallace, naturally, was last.

Both of his strong hands moved to Anders's shoulders, gripping him so tightly he was sure to leave bruises, and thrust so hard into the younger deer that the youth was unable to even scream out the rest of his orgasm. He was fucked senseless in every respect. Mister Wallace's balls pulled up tight between his legs, and his arms pulled even tighter to ensure his cock was as deep in the deer as he could possibly get it before releasing a torrent of cum that put both the younger males before him to shame.

Wet drips accentuated the gasping of all three males as the load flowed and flowed, filling Anders beyond his capacity to handle before the pressure forced ropes of cum out from around the large equine's fat cock to splatter to the floor below.

It seemed to be an eternity as the three rested, panting heavily in the musk saturated room.

Anders was nearly unconscious, having fallen forward to lay upon Jace's back, the deer's arms no longer able to keep him upright. The only reason his backside was still upright was because he was impaled on the pillar of flesh between Jace's father's legs. The cock was still flexing and throbbing under his tail, still hard as iron, still leaking cum.

Of course, it was Mister Wallace that recovered first, more than ten minutes after his climax.

He swatted Anders's ass before backing up a step, letting his softening cock slip free from the deer's now gaping hole and dragging even more cum with it. It hit the ground noisily, but the elder horse seemed unconcerned.

"You two take your time," He said, pulling out his phone and snapping a picture of the two cum-soaked backsides resting before him. "I'm going to shower, then get dinner started."

The horse walked around to the back of the couch so he faced the boys. His massive package dangled lewdly between his legs, bumping and smearing against Jace's muzzle either by neglect, or on purpose. Whether his son realized it or not, he lazily nuzzled against the cum-stained package, inhaling deeply and soaking the fur all over his face. Mister Wallace reached out with one strong hand and gripped Anders by the throat, lifting his head to look the deer straight in the eyes.

"I'd tell you just to call me 'Dan'," He said, gradually squeezing tighter to cut off the deer's air. "But I think you can just call me 'sir' from now on."