Code Drop: Gaining Access - An Official Heat Anthology Teaser

Story by Tempo on SoFurry

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#5 of Code Drop

Code Drop Promo 4 - Gaining Access

by Tempe O'Kun

Tess teases her boyfriend at little too much, but makes it up to him in the end. Have fun!

"Take that, alien simulacrums!" Erik's fusion pistol crackled in his cybernetic hands, unleashing a torrent of energy pulses. The alien replicants were blasted backward, causing them to chain-react and detonate in a hail of yellow gore. From inside his armored spacesuit, he laughed in victory as the translucent goop splattered his visor. "You won't be exploding me today!"

His girlfriend looked up from her laptop, sitting beside him on the sofa. "What's the point of beating the game on easy?"

Sighing, the golden retriever hit the controller's pause button. "It's about the story, Tessie. The gameplay is secondary."

She crossed her arms. "So why isn't it a movie instead?"

"Because, sometimes, a person just needs to defeat the alien hordes." Erik leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Which, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get back to right now."

Tess rolled her eyes, but smiled once he looked back to the television. He could be so cute when he thought himself victorious. I think it's time I revealed a secret weapon of my own...

A few moments later, cheesy music rattled from the tinny speakers of her laptop, set to the rolling crash of waves and cannon fire.

Erik quirked a floppy ear, but didn't look up from his heroic defense of the space colony from easy-to-kill aliens.

Miffed, she skipped ahead to a scene with heaving bosoms and flying bodices. An Irish Setter lass was having her way with a white German Shepherd sea captain. Tess turned up the volume until the sounds of their passion echoed out of the flimsy film set and rang through the small apartment.

Finally, the golden paused the game again and turned to look. "What on Earth are you watching?"

Right into my trap. She grinned. "Oh, I thought I'd take a look at this interesting movie I found on the server called Sailing with the Tied."

Erik squeaked in panic.

"No? Well, perhaps we should switch to Ruff Riders?"

"Tess!" He snatched at the computer.

Anticipating this response, she yanked it out of his reach. "And what's in this folder marked 'Collie - Gay'? Ooh. Highland Humpings. Herd Me Harder. Coy Collie Boys. And Kilts, the Musical? How does that one qualify as gay porn?"

The retriever's ears folded back so far they almost disappeared, blushing deeply. "If you watched it, you'd understand."

"So many collie boys! My gosh, Erik." She pressed an accusing finger to his chest. "Why no jackal girls?"

"Can we please not talk about this?"

"Why, Erik?" Her eyes narrowed at him as her grin widened. "Tired of my species? And my gender too?"

"What?! No! I got those vids before I even met you!"

"Hmmm. There is one called Juicy Jackals. One. Everything else is Oversexed Otters and Labradoodle Liaisons. And there's a lot of gay stuff for my supposedly straight boyfriend."

"Come on. Tessie, please..."

"Ooooooooh! Lusty Labs III. Let's take a look at this one..."

Two clicks rang out like thunderbolts in the small living room. The smirking jackal turned the computer to face her boyfriend, who seemed to be shrinking into the sofa. He cringed with embarrassment.

On the screen, a muscular black Labrador burst into an office, his white laboratory coat a few sizes too small. His paw flew to his cheek in a rush of melodrama. "Professor Tiewell! The yiff serum has spilled into the drinking water!"

The scene cut to another Labrador scientist, a yellow one, dropping his mug of tea... and then his pants.

"Turnitoff-turnitoff-turnitoffffff!" The mortified retriever leapt forward, tripping over his own paws in an attempt to block the screen. After a brief battle with a giggling jackal, he managed to snap the laptop shut on his own pawpads. "Ow!"

Concern flashed over Tess's face, replacing the mischief for a moment. "Be careful, honeyfur."

"I'm fine!" The golden sucked on his pinched finger for a moment before replying, unable to meet her eyes. "But how did you get my password?!"

"You mean 'K-94Marius'? Oh, please, Erik. It's your only password."

"I-I never told you that!"

"No, but it had the right number of keystrokes, and you sometimes mumble the 'K-9' part as you type it. Wikipedia and a few good guesses got me the rest, once I figured out it wasn't 'K-94Doctor.'"

The dog blushed through his golden fur, clutching the laptop to his chest. "Curse your jackal ears."

"Let this be a lesson to you about proper data security." She feigned offense, pouting just a little. "And here I thought you liked my ears."

"Not if you use them for evil." He stuck out his wide pink tongue, though the tilt of his ears said he was more than a little dejected.

"Oh, man up, Erik. I knew you had porn. Granted, I didn't know you had gay porn..." She laughed.

The golden didn't.

"Rikki..." She touched his tail. "I'm only teasing. Everybody has porn."

His fluffy tail slid from her paw to press tight against his leg. "Oh, so we'll look at yours next?"

Her bravado caught in her throat. "I... Umm..."

"Yeah." He looked away, a bit sour. "That's what I thought."

"Come on. Let me make it up to you." She gave his ear a sensual lick, her tongue slipping over the hot, bare skin along the inside.

He shivered once at the unexpected gesture, then regarded her, a touch of hurt flickering in his eyes. "I... I'm not really in the mood."

She rubbed a paw along his back, trying to coax him out of his defenses. "I'm sorry, Erik. I didn't mean to be an ass. I won't tease you next time."

"It's not..." He took a deep breath and looked up at her. "I don't care if you tease me, or even that you found my porn. But I am attracted to guys too, and I just want to know that you're okay with that part of me."

"Oh, believe me, I'm fine with the part--" The response froze on her tongue as the golden gave her the don't-even-say-it look. She closed her eyes. "I keep picking the wrong things to say, huh?"

He nodded, soft ears waggling. "With fantastic accuracy."

For a moment, they sat in silence. Feelings were not Tess's strong suit. Action had always been her preferred method of dealing with things. She rose and put a paw on his shoulder. "Wait here."

Still seated, he cocked an ear, tail frozen in suspicion.

Her own ears dropped. "Please?"

His eyes carried a glimmer of trust. "Okay."

Exiting the living room, she found what she was looking for in moments-- the one advantage of their tiny apartment. Tucking other item into her pocket, she set her sleek black laptop down on the coffee table.

Erik crossed his arms. "What's this?"

"You'll see." She navigated through her files. Then, locked behind a proper password of random letters, numbers, and symbols, she found it. Some mustelid hentai flick from some manga company called Knotty Dog Ink. She'd torrented it thinking it was something else, but skimmed rather than deleting it outright. Turns out the porn gods had smiled upon her. Otters weren't usually her thing, especially colorful gay ones in a cyberpunk setting, but some deep part of her had been sappy even before she'd found Erik.

One slender jackal finger hit play. She wrapped her arms around him, resting her chin on his shoulder and skipping to the good part.

On the screen, the anime scene unfolded between two characters repairing some sort of hover bike. The first otter, his fur neon green, was bent over the hood of the vehicle as the scrawnier orange otter whispered in his ear and rubbed eager paws over the yellow fur of his chest. The larger green otter leaned back against him, reluctant, but slowly surrendering to his mate's advances.

Tess's paws rose, caressing Erik's chest through the thin t-shirt. He moaned-- a soft, genuine noise overlaying the exaggerated grunts and barks of the actors. Encouraged, she tilted her muzzle up, kissing under his chin. Interleaving every other kiss with a small lick, her tongue stirred the white fur that grew so silky, even without conditioner. Her nose pressed to his neck, feeling the gentle rhythm of his heart.

The sound of a wrench clattering to concrete drew their attention back to the screen. Gloved, orange paws groped at the front of the green otter's pants, feeling along the bulge there. Those same paws undid his belt with practiced dexterity, releasing the growing erection from the loose fabric. The green otter moaned as his mate began to jerk him off, sliding his paws in tender strokes up and down the red member, dallying now and then on his sheath and balls.

The jackal's own hands traveled lower, one curling under her boyfriend's shirt to mingle with the thick fur of his stomach, the other dropping to his lap to trace patient claw tips around the outline of his growing erection. She felt the hot tip of his cock through the fabric of his shorts, pressed toward his left hip by the denim confines. Tracing her paw pads back down his shaft, she felt the slight rise of his sheath halfway down. Pressing harder, wiggling her fingers back and forth, she felt it slide over the surface of his swelling member.

He gasped.

Tess smiled at this admission of arousal. One paw curled around his shaft, delivering sporadic squeezes to the fabric-covered flesh while the other traveled with delicate slowness to the top of his shorts, fumbling at the button and zipper a moment before getting both out of the way. All the while, she never relented on his cock, switching from gripping to rubbing, his heat soaking into her fingertips and up through the rest of her body.

She rubbed her thighs together, then bit her lip. No. Him first.

Slender paws and rough paw pads danced over his silk boxers, the fabric rippling like water under her clawed fingertips. She meant to ask him why he insisted on such luxurious underwear, but by the time she paid them much attention, neither of them were in much of a mood for such frivolities.

The anime played on, the orange otter working the other's pants fully down. The taller green male bent low against the hover bike, allowing the orange on to deliver sweet, soft nuzzles to his ears and cheek fur, adjusting his goggles before they could fall over his eyes. Giggling with excitement, the orange male dropped his own pants next, the blue denim crumpling to the oil-stained floor in sharp contrast to his wiry, fiery-furred legs. He kicked them aside and began humping upward, rubbing his stiff, leaking erection under the thick, green-furred tail. The tall, tough-looking otter cooed with pleasure, his nostrils flaring and his small round ear flicking in anticipation. With a single slow thrust, the smaller otter began to penetrate.

Tess reached through her golden's fly, stroking his just-forming knot. Damp. Hard. Very, very hot. Good thing we jackals live for heat. The usual maneuvers failed, however: he was too erect be pulled through the fly. Instead, she slipped her paw further down, cupping his sac just long enough to elicit a gasp, then diving deeper into the furry warmth between his legs until she reached the tender skin of his anus. Her blunt claw circled the ring of flesh. Erik leaned back against her, trusting her. She pushed inward, feeling the give, the naked warmth.

Her muzzle against his ear, her breath shiver the fur against her lips. "Take off your shorts."

Unfocused eyes still clinging to the screen, he obliged, lifting his butt off the sofa and helping her strip first his shorts, then his boxers. Both garments fell to the floor, discarded as she caressed his bare legs. His hips twitched upward at her passing paws.

She smiled. "You like that?"

"Yeah..." He laid back, his head cradled in the crook of her neck. His muzzle lay under hers, his panted breaths washing across the tops of her breasts.

Reaching into her pocket, she retrieved a slim green vibrator, complete with battery pack. Dildo-shaped and sporting a rabbit-ear clit massager, she'd ordered it on a few months before meeting him. It had gotten top reviews online and had a price tag to match, but she'd found something better just months after purchase. Somehow, she suspected "got a romantic boyfriend" wasn't covered in the satisfaction guarantee. Angling her muzzle so he could see, she licked the end, getting it slick with her saliva, knowing she kept it nice and clean.

Switching it on, she began easing the toy between his cheeks, running it from tail to sac, sac to tail. Every time it buzzed over Erik's tailhole, he whimpered and pushed himself just a little harder against it. That's the trick with dogs-- you've got to rile them up, make them want it.

On screen, the characters moaned in unison. The orange male had climbed onto his taller mate's back, humping away all the while with a big grin. She swore the orange otter had some weasel in his ancestry-- no reasonable species could bend like that. His tail even wiggled up between the green otter's legs, playing with his balls and rubbing along his tender, bobbing shaft, slicking precum onto on from the other.

Tess moved to spread her legs around Erik's rear, shivering a little as his tail pressed her slit with firm wags. Their fingers intertwined and they moaned together as she pressed the vibrating dildo against his tight, tensing sphincter. She felt his whole body tense against her. Little by little, he relaxed, allowing her to edge the tip of the vibrator into his anus. Proceeding with care, the jackal slid the toy deeper and deeper into her boyfriend, savoring the feel of him shivering with each ridge that entered him. She started to feel a little resistance, to hear a little whimpering in the moans, and realized she'd only slathered the tip of the device with her saliva. Her jackal resourcefulness came to the rescue-- one paw slipped down her pants, her fingers easing in and out of her vagina, her fur soaking up all the ample wetness she found there. Juicy Jackals indeed...

Once she determined she had enough, she withdrew her paw and began to wipe the slippery vaginal secretions along the ridged shaft of the vibrator. After another trip to her pants, the dildo was close to dripping with her fluids. She pressed it further up into him, feeling it slide with lubricated ease. Her lips pressed to his ear, an action somewhere between a kiss and a whisper. "Feel that? Feel my juices sliding into you? You can smell it too, can't you?"

"Uhh-huhh..." His voice sounded distant, having to travel through a haze of pleasure. His wide paw trailed up and down his knotted cock with absent leisure. He must be liking this. Pride welled up inside her chest at the thought of the pleasure she was giving him. His every murmur, his every gasp: it was all because of her.

The hentai forgotten, she spun the vibrator slowly, allowing the clit massager to drum around the entire periphery of his stretched tailhole, causing the pooch to wriggle at the unfamiliar sensation.

Leaving one paw to work the vibrator, she lifted the other to his straining shaft. His own paws dropped back, allowing her access as they slid down to cup her ass. Her paw pads traced over the hot surface, feeling but not seeing the familiar surfaces of his erect penis. His tip, softer than the rest and dripping the soft pulses of precum against her fingers. His shaft, long and smooth, though she remembered well the complex patterns of veins adorning it like an abstract painting. The knot, so hard and swollen he must be teetering on the edge of orgasm. His sheath, bunched up under the knot in tender ruffles. His balls, swaying in their furry sac between his splayed legs.

She kissed him, her tongue savoring the smoothness inside his lips, and began to stroke. Her paw curled around his shaft, just tight enough for friction, her thumb fiddling with the tip like the button of a joystick. Her pinky finger lingered lower, brushing against his knot to tickle his pushed-back sheath. All the while, she worked the vibrator in and out of his tender tailhole and could have sworn she felt its shaking all the way up through his penis.

The retriever writhed in her lap, panting in frantic arousal. "Yeah, Tessie! Oh!"

"Does that feel good, pup?"

"Yes!" He yipped, then whimpered: "Please, please, could you..."

"Could I what, Erik?" Wiggling the vibrator deep inside him, she traced a single fingertip all the way up the underside his shaft, from sheath to tip and back again. "Hmmmm?"

"Be-- HuH! Behind the knot-- oooOOOHhh!"

Just one squeeze against the back of his knot. Just one.

The first blast of cum arced almost straight up. It shot to almost eye level, then fell to splatter against her wrist. Jerking shaft and vibrator in time, she envisioned herself pumping the semen right out of her canine boyfriend with every upward motion.

The second blast came with a yelp. His hind paws kicked against the carpet as he spasmed, jostling the computer on the coffee table. On screen, the mismatched otters engaged in a lazy, post-coital make out, their ease a contrast to Erik's wild orgasm. Semen splashing against her chin recaptured her attention.

The third shot had less pressure, but still managed to spray an arc of translucent white goo across his chest fur. The cum glistened in the evening light, sharp points of reflection against the defuse gleam of his golden coat.

The final few shots pulsed out over her hand, soaking into the fur with wet heat. She lost count after the first few, the ebbing pulses blending one into another until, becoming a mere trickle of canine ejaculate before ceasing.

Erik flopped back against her, sated. The musky scent of arousal and release hung thick in the air. On her laptop, the credits rolled, punctuated only his panting and the soft buzz of a half-buried vibrator.

She reached to the battery pack and switched it off. The vibrations died off.

"My goodness..." Her boyfriend's voice came breathy and hot against her neck. "I had no idea a toy could feel like that."

"You should consider yourself lucky. I never thought I'd share that thing with anybody."

"Lucky me." He kissed her on the neck, the only place he could reach.

She giggled, just a little. She seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

He lay back against her, his wet, knotted cock softening in the cool air. They lay like that until long after the credits had rolled past. Then Erik's ear twitched, the way it did when he thought of something he found clever. After a few clumsy attempts, he managed to pick up the battery pack, his eyes following the cord all the way down to where they business end of the device was buried inside him. "You know, with just a few simple modifications, I could get this to charge from a USB port. The case would snap apart right here and--"

"Don't you dare."

"Just teasing." He took her paws in his, ignoring the cooling cum that squished through her fur. "Tessie?"


"Thank you."

"For getting you off? Well, I do expect you to return the favor once you recover."

"No." He chuckled, nuzzling up at her chin. "For the rest."

"Yeah well..." Her ears tucked back, and she became very glad he wasn't at an angle to see her blushing. "The kind of guy I used to go for would have died before admitting he was anything but ruler-straight." She hugged him close. "I'm glad that's changed."

"Me too." He lay against her in quiet affection, their breathing soft against each other, their heartbeats slowing. After a moment, he raised his ears in thought. "You know, I wasn't kidding about that USB thing..."

Well, there you go. It all worked out in the end.

