new job, new experience

Story by Aqualover on SoFurry

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#3 of Sakuna Sisters

Maunri woke up grudgingly she had a strange dream but couldn't remember it, she smelled breakfast and wondered why her sister was up so early she put on a small morning robe as she liked to sleep in the nude, when she got into the kitchen she saw a large spread of pancakes and milk and the like on the table.

"What's with the big breakfast" Maunri asked yawning and waking up a little more

Inashi turned around to see her sister "what do you mean what? Don't you remember?" Inashi asked Maunri shook her head in confusion "Your modeling job its today!" said Inashi this woke Maunri up completely and made her start shaking and yelling at the top of her lungs "WHAT!? Oh no oh no I forgot! I have get ready wait first I have to get my dress then I have to do my hair then I have to get there early to make a good impression wait I cant get my dress its been pouring for weeks if I go out there my hair will frizz then I wont be able to get it done in time oh No what do I do wha-" Inashi cut her off by giving her a gentle slap that shook Maunri's head a little she looked at her sister with a vague expression " I'm sorry about that" Inashi said in a forceful tone "If you'll look your dress is hanging by the door and if you'll just look in the mirror you can see that we did your hair last night so please calm down and eat your breakfast" Maunri looked shocked she stared at the door and hanging next to it was her coat and beautiful dress, then she looked in the mirror her hair was nicely done and curled wonderfully. She looked to her sister she always was ready always had everything just everything done before she even got a chance she loved her for that but Maunri thought she could never do anything for her in return "I'm sorry I yelled and got all messed up sis" she said meaning it

"Its ok now come on you cant get a job on an empty stomach" Inashi said the sisters started eating a healthy and warm meal afterward they got on they're dress and coats and headed downstairs.

On the ground floor was the sisters close friend Naksun talking to a lioness near the entrance he noticed them and waved at them.

"Good morning Inashi so going to get that modeling job Maunri?"

"Ah so this is the Sakuna sisters hum, Maunri I'm sure you'll get that modeling job" said the lioness with a slightly British accent

"Yes thanks I'm sure I will" said Maunri

"So" asked Inashi "who's your friend?"

"Oh right this is Blair" said Naksun introducing his friend

"A pleasure to meet you both" said the lioness giving a cute bow she was wearing a tight red leather dress with red boots and red earrings and had a red spotted umbrella under her arm they seemed to go perfectly with her lithe figure and slim physic. Maunri gave them all a good bye hug then hurried on to the modeling building leaving her sister and friends back at the complex since Inashi didn't need to go she was going to wait for her back home although she had nothing to do

"Well I need to be going I'll see you soon" said Blair giving another bow and opening the umbrella with the red spots and running off into the market

"So do you have anything to do? "Asked Naksun as he walked with Inashi back up the stairs to their apartments

"Nothing really at least not till Maunri gets back do you want to watch some old movies while we wait?" Inashi asked in a bored voice

"Sure I'll be right there I need to turn off some lights in my room first" Naksun replied being conscious of the environment as always, Inashi nodded then went to get some movies out of her room next to a box marked yiffy she put them out but stopped short of going back to the living room she opened the box and saw what she had put in a night or two ago, a dildo, a movie with really naughty things on it, a assortment of pictures of her and her sister in a very dirty pose and a bracelet with a chain for kinks though Inashi never used it, she had a thought it was faint at the back of her mind but she felt a sudden urge to grab the porno movie and stash it in with the rest of the tapes she didn't know why she did but it felt naughty and right she shook her head and stopped dreaming she didn't put the tape back however she forgot about it for a second while Naksun walked through the door she grabbed the six or seven tapes one being a dirty one though she didn't know which and took them to the living room with a big grin.

Maunri walked down the plaza with the markets and stores looking for the building she was supposed to go to she hadn't been there as it was her sister that got her the interview with the critics but she stopped in front of a nice looking building with manikins in the windows and decorative walls she thought 'this must be it' and headed inside. It was cold, freezing in the agency building she walked up to a reception desk where a red fox was working Maunri noticed she was a very attractive fox and was wearing a blue suit with red lace trimming it and she had light blue head fur which was beautiful she also wore a sparkling necklace Maunri thought 'if the receptionist is this beautiful then this MUST be a great agency'. The receptionist looked up from her work and grinned

"Hello you must be Maunri right? I'm Roxie." Said the fox startling Maunri

"Hi I'm here for a job" Maunri said

"Well heh we cant give you the job yet first we need to critic you" Roxie said with a big grin on her face "But I wouldn't worry you look great I'm sure you'll get the job"

Maunri was stunned at the compliment "do you really think I can make it?" she asked

"Of course!" said the fox with even more of a grin and a look in her eye "In fact and I don't tell this to everyone but your what I call a piece of prime meat and with that vulpine figure well-" Roxie was cut off when a pair of girls came through the elevator giggling and shrilling a raptor and a vixen, Maunri was glad they interrupted Roxie she was already flushed and stunned by what the receptionist had said.

"I can't believe it!" said the young vixen jumping and skipping around "this is going to be great" she said the raptor looked a little less enthusiastic but still glad for her friend as they passed Maunri they both gave her a strange seductive look Maunri blushed even harder "SO" said Roxie drawing Maunri's attention back to her "I found your file go to the second floor you'll meet up with your stylist or manager, all Heart Star employees get one to help manage their schedule" Roxie gave Maunri a file to give to her manager "Lets see... first we have a wolf named Leron he will be your manager and your stylist should be with him but I don't know who it is. Okay that's everything" Maunri headed for the elevator and looked back to see Roxie give her a wink which made her blush even more she headed for the second floor as she was told.

Inashi and Naksun were sitting on the couch watching a romance movie personally Inashi hates these kinds of movies because its always a guy getting killed in a tragedy or a girl flaking on her man to go with another person or a true love flick where in the end as always the two become a happy couple...'GIVE ME SOMETHING ORIGINAL!' Inashi thought to herself however Naksun was more interested in the detail as Inashi had known him he loved to pay attention to the detail of something rather to the thing itself whether it was a movie or a painting he just looked at the creases and fine lines of it "The background was made beautifully wasn't it? Wonder how they got the camera to angle like that?" he said to himself Inashi didn't know or care as the movie was ending Naksun reached to get some more snacks from the table but accidental grabbed Inashi's hip, He quickly moved his hand back 'hum so hesitant and shy...I wonder why?' Inashi thought she didn't know why exactly but she started to get a little image in her head of last night when Naksun a kiss from her sister she didn't know why it came to her like that but she felt like asking Naksun "Hey Naksun"


"So you like my sister?" Inashi asked coolly

"Huh well yeah I mean kind of...I don't know" he answered truthfully he never thought about it

"Hmm well let's see if we can change that" Inashi slid her tongue around Naksun's face he shuddered

"Inashi is something wrong" he asked while Inashi gave his face a good licking Naksun was enjoying it too but he didn't understand how come she was doing this

"Hrhrh well you can't decide so I thought id help you out" Inashi got up, Naksun was still stunned but he could see what his friend was doing Inashi moved in front of him giving the ferret a good view she let one should strap fall from her evening gown with lace on the ends then the other she stood with nothing but her panty's on because she opted to not wear a bra as she had enough chest fur to cover her up, Naksun was mesmerized as Inashi slipped her hand down her panty and moaned slowly with her other hand she reached for a tape but it wasn't an ordinary tape it was the porn video that she had taken from her room she popped it in and it blinked on behind her it opened with a lewd sound Naksun heard it and shivered as he saw the video play a female Dalmatian getting slammed hard by a big lion and a tiger in her front and back Naksun was wrenched from the screen as Inashi sat next to him and began to slurp his chest and biting his neck. She worked her way down to his pants she unzipped them to find his cock poke out erect and standing throbbing Naksun gasped as his cock was allowed to breath, Inashi licked his cock head the sensitive head wobbled as her tongue worked around and on top of it her slurping erotic noises joined with the video's as it now played a cheetah fucked and fucked harder by a rhino Inashi moaned and Naksun gasped eh as close but then Inashi decided to let him stay hard a while longer and she was horny to she needed him in her now. She slipped her panties down and revealed her pussy as moist and red as ever Naksun stared unable to twist away and not wanting to she climbed on him and slowly sat down impaling herself with his hard shaft thick and wet with pre and saliva from her tongue she moaned loudly she could barely take him but she managed to get him in her to the hilt moaning like crazy they both began to rock back and forth Inashi raising her rump to slam down his cock in her tight cunny while Naksun thrust up barely awake he snapped back to reality he started thinking trying hard to concentrate 'why were they doing this?' he thought Inashi wasn't like this. Inashi was thinking the same thing then she remembered the wine she drank ever since the party she was acting strange but should she stop? She thought to herself Naksun was so good thick and soaking her insides with pre and he was so big and since he wasn't saying to stop or look like he was getting any less horny she decided to keep going, also she was close to climaxing and hard her puss moist her breasts hard and jumping up and down as she rode Naksun she convulsed Naksun became rigid he grabbed Inashi and held her down hilting her hard as they both exploded shooting cum deep into her and Inashi's own fluids flowing, gushing out she collapsed in afterglow Naksun was dazed with lust and couldn't see straight feeling better then he ever had Inashi felt filled in more way then one. After they got they're strength back half an hour later she climbed off him and put her panties back on but left the gown on the floor Naksun just put his pants back up and leaned on Inashi's shoulder nuzzling her softly while Inashi purred back to him while they waited for Maunri to get back from her interview at least now they would have something to talk about.

Maunri got to the second floor and looked around he saw a tall wolf along with a few other furs but none would stop to help her 'all busy' she thought she padded up to the wolf he was tall a stud really she wondered if this was her manager.

"Hello are you Leron?" she asked

The stud turned he was handsome but not in a burly or erotic way in a aristocratic way "Yes I am a pleasure to meet you Miss Sakuna" said the wolf with a slightly French accent

'Does everyone here have an accent' she thought she pushed the thought out of her mind to introduce herself " Yes a pleasure its nice to meet you but you can just call me Maunri" she said

"Very well then you can call me Leron" the wolf said with a grin it was a gentleman's grin "Come on we should get you ready" he said and started to walk down the corridor

"Ready?" asked Maunri

"Yes we need to get you into something for the critics" the wolf didn't stop walking but turned a corner, Maunri hurried after him "you see we have some outfits and I think you will like your stylist I do" Leron said with a wide grin that gave Maunri a shiver in a good way.

As they went into a door a studio was propped up a stage and several dressing rooms behind it Leron walked on to the dressing rooms Maunri took in the studio there were several other furs there with different clothing on she saw that some males had on a jeans and jackets some with out jackets but with ripped shirts that showed their muscles rippling the females had on dresses of exotic color and style and make up all over them however Maunri saw a smaller group of furs lined up on the other side of the studio some of the males had nothing on but a pair of underwear and one or two of them had it down to their knees as if it were not even there their packages hard in the cold of the studio the females glowed in blush but it wasn't make up it was their own faces blushing as they had on ripped bras ripped so that the critics could see their tits or parts of their breasts some not even wearing bras just panties with lace on them Maunri stopped gawking at the cute and beautiful, lovely bodies and followed Leron back to the dressing room most were shut as she could tell but there was one or two that were open Leron went into one next to him was a bushy tailed kangaroo with a very fashionable T-shirt on her and a pair of leggings made for her big body. Leron bowed to her and said "It's great to see you again mon Sherri" Leron said with more of his French accent

"Likewise however I keep thinking that you only like me for my legs" said the kanga with a half Russian half Australian accent 'yep that confirms it' Maunri thought 'everyone has a accent around here' the kangaroo turned to look behind Leron to see the fox behind him "So this is the renamon?" said the kangaroo hoping in front of her and summing her up as if she were taking imaginary measurements "hum you look good and the fur hem I can find something for you in a flick of a tail" she said

"Thank you but would you mind if I asked what your name was?" Maunri said as she had yet to hear it

"Oh um sorry Maunri this is Cervil our best stylist" Leron said introducing his friend and apparently best stylist

"well I wouldn't say best but thank you for the compliment" Cervil said "so lets get started" she began to take Maunri to the back of it while measuring her every step she then turned and rushed in to find a dress it was golden like Maunri's fur "hmm yes your fur's color and your size yes YES here try this on for size it may be too big for your figure" Maunri smirked then tried on the dress as she put it on Leron had a good view of her tail and he enjoyed its breezy little movement but he tried to look away lest Cervil catch him staring, once the dress was on Cervil saw that it was as she pictured in her head perfect however one thing was missing she saw what Maiunri's tail was caught under the dress it didn't balance well without her tail propped on her rear with a small snip she let it fall and she looked truly perfect. Maunri gave Cervil a hug but saw that Leron was gone she wondered where to however she didn't have time to look her name was called to the stage and she sauntered out Cervil watching her to make sure her dress would keep she nodded and went to the chairs aligned in front of the stage Maunri walked on the stage and as she passed a fur or two they gave her a wink and wave of reassurance she smiled at their support and daydreamed how it would be to work there but she couldn't right then she walked on stage and began to strut her stuff to best effect with the other critics was Leron giving her the same nod and wink he gave her when they saw each other.

Still waiting for her sister and his friend Inashi and Naksun lied together on the couch they were talking about how they had gotten into the little yiff a while back and how Inashi on her part had a little too much wine as they snuggled together they heard the door open they gathered themselves so not to look to happy sitting together and greeted Maunri as she walked through the door she saw her sister and friend she breathed a deep breath let it out then said that she had got the job, as soon as she did Inashi leapt on her and hugged her while Naksun also gave a less chocking hug the three celebrated and cheered for Maunri's new modeling job they drank fine red wine and even kissed a little too often as they recounted how Maunri got her job. Naksun eventually got to tired to keep up with the partying fox's he gave a little good bye and went to his apartment while the sisters hurried to bed where they had a little yiff to themselves and purred in each others ear as they went to sleep. Inashi had a strange dream, first she and her sister were in a never ending embrace but then she was on a pedestal along with several other furs she was in a coliseum as far as she could tell Naksun and her sister by her side she was wearing a gold medal she seemed to be in the Olympics, Naksun was kissing her and murring into her chest pressing into the gold medals she liked it but she wondered if she could possibly get this feeling in real life she would think about it but for now enjoyed the cheers of the crowd and Naksun's purr's.