One hundred

Story by Xyln on SoFurry

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#7 of Hypnosis stories

A little something I wanted to do as a 'thank you' to my readers!

I know 100 watches isn't a particularly high number, but it can be really difficult to count up to it when you're staring at a beautiful spiral. Which is exactly the situation Byron finds himself in!

But honestly, thanks for reading. When I started this account, I wasn't sure if I would get much attention, and every single person that reads my story means a lot to me. Really!

So, I hope you'll enjoy this one! And hope to see you around for a long, long time.

PS. I threw in a reference to one of my oldest stories, just for fun. If someone can tell me what the reference is and what's the story, they'll get a free pat!

Byron woke up in a cold sweat. There was only a fuzzy whirlwind of thoughts and memories in his mind, and he wasn't even sure what had been going on before he closed his eyes. With his heart pounding fast on his chest and even though everything was pitch-black, the lion tried to take a look around in order to see where he was, only to find he couldn't move his head.

It took him a short while to understand, still under the influence of the shallow sleep he'd just woken up from, that someone had immobilized his neck. No matter how hard he tried to turn his head, it was simply stuck. But that wasn't the only thing he couldn't move: the lion noticed that his wrists and ankles were also tied to some sort of chair which, even though not terribly uncomfortable, was making his body feel a bit sore. For how long had he been tied in that position? Was he already like that when he had closed his eyes, last time? He couldn't tell. It was difficult to even remember how he'd gotten into that situation, or whether that was the first time he was asking himself these questions.

It was then when he noticed he was naked. He couldn't turn his head to see it, but he clearly felt the chair against his bare body. Trying to focus on those feelings in order to understand what was going on, Byron realized with embarrassment there was another unusual thing: something seemed to be wrapped around his cock and gently pressed against his groin, making it difficult to move. He let out a groan, trying to clear his mind again as he struggled against the binds, in vain. Then, he decided it was time to speak.

"Hello?" he asked, his deep voice sounding way weaker than he would have liked. "Hey!! Is anybody there? This... this isn't funny..."

Something clicked, somewhere in a room. A screen turned on in front of Byron's eyes - but he wasn't completely sure if it was fixed over his eyes, like a visor, or just in front of him. The darkness and the fact that he couldn't turn his head made those questions difficult to answer.

A bunch of flashy, intricate lights and colors appeared on the screen and wiggled, spiraled and circled until they formed a picture. It took Byron a few seconds to recognize the face of a wolf, somewhat pixelated and way too colorful, almost as if he was a character in a very old videogame. The curvy patterns and abstract coloring gave him a surrealistic, almost oneiric appearance. The lion was practically sure there wasn't any way the wolf could be a real being - however, he thought he looked kind of handsome. That stupid opinion, however, didn't help him feel calmer.

"H-hey!" he exclaimed, trying to struggle once again.

The wolf began speaking.

"Greetings, subject B-1705." His voice echoed in Byron's ears with a mighty resonance, and also rolled with a slight growl that would have made it sound rather attractive, had it not been an AI. "You are once again ready to take up your test. Remember, you agreed to this on your own will."

"M-my test? What!?" the lion asked, panicking a bit, but the virtual wolf hadn't stopped talking.

"You will now be given your test instructions. Were you to pass the test, you would be freed from our custody, as agreed. Were you to fail, you would be asked to wait until your next chance."

"Instructions!? What the hell? Let me out now!" the lion yelled, trying to break free from his binds. "You can't do this to me!"

"Test instructions: available," the voice continued, ignoring Byron's complaints. "Just count up to one hundred."

The lion stopped at that point, partly because whatever contraption they had placed around his semi-hard member made it painful to move too much and partly because he hadn't been expecting such easy instructions. Count up to one hundred? That was really easy. Even a child could do something like that.

If that was all he needed to do in order to free himself from that nightmare, he would certainly try it. Besides, it seemed the binds weren't going to magically snap. Whoever had tied him like that, had made a pretty good job. This is the work of some kinky bastard, that for sure, he thought. After a while, the lion gulped and decided that, at least for now, it was better to try and do what the virtual wolf wanted him to do. He needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

"One... two..." he began, his voice trembling a bit, and then he quickly found his pace. "Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten..."

Byron tried to count as fast as possible, but vocalizing carefully so that the AI would understand every single number. The lion was terrified at the possibility of failing the test only because of a mispronounced consonant, so he made his best to count loud and clear.

"Eighteen, nineteen, twenty..."

It was at that point when the picture of the wolf flickered on the screen and seemed to melt, the colors and lights changing and circling until they became a spiral, swirling at a slow pace. Byron's eyes were naturally drawn to its center, although he wouldn't have been able to say why. It just happened that way.

"W-what..." the lion muttered, puzzled.

"Incorrect. Please, try again from the beginning."

"Hmph." Byron couldn't believe he had fallen in such a silly trick. After the initial wave of frustration, he decided getting angry wouldn't help him get out of there. Instead, the lion tried to calm himself down and began anew. "One, two, three, four..."

Counting was still easy, no matter what silly pictures they put on that visor, screen, or whatever it was. The spiral was distracting, that for sure, and Byron found himself staring at its center for a while, but that was it. As long as he kept counting loud and clear, he didn't need to worry about solving that silly test, whatever that might be.

"Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two..."

The goal of the test, however, was intriguing. Now that he was calming down as he kept counting, Byron couldn't help but think about it. Could it be true? Had he agreed to that? And if that was the case, why had he? There had to be a reason or he wouldn't have simply given himself up that easily.

"Thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-NNGAAH!!"

He stopped at that point, letting out a surprised groan. Something had started vibrating, in a very specific point of his body. Something he hadn't noticed until that very moment - it seemed they had put something in his ass and its intense vibrations completely threw Byron off. It almost took him a short while to realize whatever was buried between his cheeks wasn't the only thing vibrating. He could feel wave after wave of pleasure coming from his erect, hard cock. Only then he realized the true nature of the weird contraption wrapped around his cock.

His cheeks felt really hot suddenly and it embarrassed him to think that, in case someone was watching, they were probably noticing how much that was flustering him. The thought that whoever had done that had to be an extremely fetishist person came back to his mind.

"Incorrect. Please, try again from the beginning."

"You... you gotta be kidding me!" the lion groaned, trying to break free from his bindings. "There's no way I'm doing this!"

"Incorrect. Please, try again from the beginning."

"I'm not going to star all over again! Let me out!" Byron roared, furious.

"Incorrect. Please, try again from the beginning."


The lion stopped struggling. It was clear that there was nothing he could do to free himself from that situation, other than playing along. He tried to think about it rationally - whoever had done that had already seen him naked when they were preparing him for that "test". He had no reason to feel embarrassed anymore.

Instead, he had to think about passing the test and proving to that kinky bastard of a wolf that he could do it.

It was just as easy as counting up to one hundred.

"One," he began, with a husky voice. He cleared his throat before going on. "Two. Three. Four. Five."

The vibrations felt really good, and they seemed to be getting more and more intense the further he managed to count. Of course, whoever had built that contraption - that was, the whole thing: chair, binds and visor included - had thought thoroughly about it.

"Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen..."

Byron's eyes were again focused on the center of the spiral, so at first he thought it was some kind of optical illusion. However, when got to twenty, he began seeing it more clearly. There was something that appeared on the screen for a few milliseconds, then disappeared and seemed to show up again a few seconds afterwards. It looked almost like some kind of flash and Byron would have sworn there were letters and words, but his mind wasn't quick enough to read whatever was written there.

He felt the sudden temptation to ask "what" again, but he managed to restrain himself.

"Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two..."

And he just kept counting.

It soon became apparent that it wouldn't be as easy as he had thought. His eyes kept going back to the center of the spiral, the vibrations made him feel the constant urge to groan and purr in pleasure, and a weird, fuzzy feeling was starting to build up in the back of his head.

"Fifty-six... fifty-seven... fifty-eight..."

It was a feeling that felt familiar, yet at the same time a bit strange. The best way Byron would have been able to define it was with the word "auto-pilot", because it was as if all of his mind was suddenly focusing on the task before him, while at the same time he wasn't fully aware of counting up. He was too busy focusing on not groaning, or just enjoying the pleasure that his whole body was feeling, to focus on that. And, at the same time, that was the only thing his whole attention was doing.

"Sixty... three... sixty... four..."

The words had to be something. Byron knew. But it didn't matter now. The spiral was beautiful and easy to stare at. The constant vibration made him feel good. He had to focus completely on the spiral. He had to focus completely on the pleasure. He had to focus completely on keeping track of the count. He had to focus completely on not moaning.

So many things now. And the fuzzy feeling kept on building up, and he felt as if his head was under warm water for some reason. The spiral kept swirling and pulling him deeper, and all he could do was keep counting and obey.

Obey? Obey.

Byron would have never been able to tell when it happened, but at some point he lost track of the numbers. It was as if they had simply evaporated and although his consciousness tried weakly to bring back the count he'd been keeping, it failed to do much more than wandering aimlessly.

It was like trying to swim in a pool with clothes on, weighing him down, only that his clothes seemed to be made of lead and he sinking right to the bottom. It was confusing. It was heavy. But at the same time, it felt incredibly good to just let himself drown in that warm pool and forget about keeping count.

"W-what..." Byron muttered. "Where... hmmff..."

"Incorrect. Please, try again from the beginning."

What was the beginning again? It took Byron a short while to remember it. He had a brief memory that he had complained before, but now he didn't want to. It felt good to as he was told.

"One..." he muttered, with a sleepy voice. When he had started drooling, he didn't know, but he could feel the slow trickle travelling down his chin and to his chest. The spiral felt so good to stare at...

Had he started counting already? He didn't know.

"One..." he said again, trying to make sure. And then, he forgot. "One..."

"Good," the voice congratulated him, and a shiver of pleasant joy went down the lion's spine. "Continue."

Yes. He was doing it correctly now. And it felt so good to be counting up like that.

"One... one... one... one..."

Every number felt better than the previous one. Every number made him feel as if he was fulfilling his goal.

And he was. He was going to obey. And the spiral told him to keep counting. And the vibrations made him feel good.

"One... one... one... one... one... one... one... one... one... one..."

His tongue lolled out of his mouth at some point, but B-1705 couldn't care less. He was counting. He was obeying. That was all that mattered.

And, with that mind of his slowly turning into mush as the spiral and the words and the pleasure kept going, he would continue to do so.

For a long, long time.