All the other drones in the room turned to him, their helmets disguising their surprised faces. "sorry. you know what it's like to have humans 'inspect' before they do anything.
Saffron stood alone in a beam of cold blue light, the only figure in an otherwise dark room. No breeze tickled her feathers, but a chill radiating up form the metal floor made her shiver. Her green tank top and khaki cut offs had been taken while she...
As the company manger finished uttering the words "another worthless drone" the male "drone" assigned ironically enough the name #0001 began to gag on what could only be called a feeding tube .
Drone to Drone (3/3)
When they had accepted newlyn had been transformed into the hunter while chaos had not only become a drone, but his drone as well... and he was more than proud to call the assimilator as his master as much as he did the overlord himself.
Drone to Drone (2/3)
Imagining finding survivors, then being rewarded for being such a good drone by his pack.
Drone to Drone (1/3)
Chaos nodded and the two carefully peaked into the gas station in order to make sure there wasn't another drone lurking about.
Droned and Stored
The drone's hands were clasped behind it, as it was proper.
Family Drone
"never forget the life of a drone: service to others first, service to self last. but a drone is still a woof, a real person with feelings he can't express. this pack will never abuse its drones. eat your supper now, drone."
Drone Costume
"never forget the life of a drone: service to others first, service to self last. but a drone is still a woof, a real person with feelings he can't express. this pack will never abuse its drones. eat your supper now, drone."
Seeding by Drone
Soon a second, much smaller lump joined the first one, vira orgasming as he fulfilled his duty as a seed drone.
Drone Stone
drone/rubber tg tf word-doodle for an anonymous watcher! written 2~ years ago. part of a backlog not uploaded to sf yet. drone stone by lurker16 the sphere holds your attention. it shines under the warehouse lights, as black as the cubicle around you.
Droning Occasion
"but remember, sir needs fox drone. so fox drone must alert sir if drone feels in danger. fox drone knows the ways to tell sir to stop. nod if drone remembers." the information came to fox drone's mind, even as sir spoke.