
Story by Lapsa on SoFurry

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A fun little story I came up with that etched away at me until I did it (I even got some awesome art to go with it!). Hopefully people enjoy, though I know its a bit silly and a bit less dark than my normal stuff!

Also you might notice it cuts off before the 'real fun' starts - it was getting a bit long and I toyed with the idea of making it a YCH, I might still (would not be pre-written so would be 15 to 20USD.) - let me know if you are interested!

Story and characters to me! Also, if you like this story, be sure to check out my others. And don't be afraid to donate if you want! You can donate via paypal (ask) or on my Patreon > Here!< or my ko-fi > Here <


By: Lapsa

"'Burger'n'Bang', huh? So...you said you work here?" Kristen asked curiously as she looked around, yellow eyes scanning through the window around inferior the sleazy establishment; moving from the greasy seats to the unappetizing posters obscuring most of the front desk.

"Yup, that's right~ Been working here for almost a year now and I'm absolutely in love~" The young dog almost pranced over to the door as she swung it open, a small bell ringing as she held it for her vulpine friend. "It was a lot to get used to at first, but they did a good job of training me~"

"Well...if you say it's good, I believe you."

"Of course, now come on~ It's like, totally awesome!"

The two made their way inside as the smell of fast-food and sex reached the vixen's nose - her eyes immediately moving to the employees at the counter; two female wolves who were struggling to take orders as they squirmed about, their uniforms revealing almost every bit of their skin to the grinning customers waiting. It would come as a shock to the vixen even as Marie rushed past her, merely waving to the girls as she strolled up to the counter.

"You can go ahead and sit - I'll order for us~"

"A-aright, I'll be over here then."


"And who is this cute little doggy you've brought with you?" The pair's conversation would be interrupted as a tall portly pig strolled up behind Marie, his suit barely covering his belly as he puffed away at a thick cigar - his eyes locked on Kristen as he looked the fox up and down.

"Oh! Hey boss~ This is my friend, Kristen~! She's like, totally cool~!" Marie twirled her head around as her tail began to wag, not seeming to mind at all as the thick meaty fingers rolled their way down her shoulder and onto her back.

"Kristen, huh? Cute name, little long - think I'll just call ya' Krissy."

"I'm not a dog, and I'd prefer just Kristen, please." Kristen let out a small huff as a bit of annoyance gripped at her words, her own gaze watching the pig's hand on her friends back before it pulled away. Her narrowing eyes would follow as he moved over to her, strolling with an odd gait to the other end of the table before a sudden puff of smoke in her face stung at her eyes and forced her to pull away with a cough.

"Hmph, you look dog enough to me." The pig sucked another puff from his cigar as his eyes scanned the vixen from head to tail, ignoring the increasingly irate expression. "You looking for work, honey? We're hirin' and we could use some fresh tail like your's in here~"

"I'll have to pass, sorry." Kristen nearly spit out the words as she pulled back even further from the pig, brushing aside a hand as he tried to move it onto her shoulder. "I appreciate the offer though."

"Oh come on, don't be that way~! Job's pretty good from what the gals say~ Ain't that right Marie?"

"Yeah, of course boss~" Marie, silent until now, spoke up with a distant uninterested tone - her full attention reabsorbed into her phone as the small device's faint flow reflected from her glassy eyes, the dimming light from the setting sun mixing with the moody lighting of the interior to magnify the colors coming from beneath the table.

"See? Your friend seems to think so? Come on~"

"I said no, we're trying to eat here." Kristen turned to Marie again, trying to get the attention of her yellow-furred friend. "I'd appreciate to be able to eat in peace."

"I'm giving you quite the offer here, a little thing like you'd make me a killin' here!"


"Oh poo!" Marie suddenly spoke up - drawing the attention of both the portly pig and Kristen as the dog's expression shifted, lips perking up as a frown drooped its way across her face. "I'm gunna miss my concert! I totally forgot that it was today, I have work later!"

"Hmm, is that so, girly?" The pig snorted as he took a drag from his cigar, face curling into a curious grin as thoughts formed behind his brown eyes. "Maybe I'd be willing to let you take the night off if you could find a replacement. Maybe your friend here wo--"

"Absolutely not, I'll have to draw the line there - I'm not working here, not even for a night." Kristen snapped up right away as she crossed her arms, barely even a bite missing from the burger in front of her still as her stern glance moved from the pig to Marie - the dog's doey pleading eyes looking back.

"Come on Kris~ Please! I like, really wanna go to this concert! I've like, been planning it for weeks!"

"Then you should've remembered the date! I don't want to work here." Kristen's tone remained firm, her mind trying to fight against the tugging strings plucked by each pleading word as her friend spoke again.

"Krissss~ Pretty please~! I promise you'll like, totally enjoy it! It's only for the night~! I really wanna go to this concert!"

"Come on now, you ain't gunna disappoint your friend are ya? I promise ta go easy on ya." The pig chuckled, grinning widely now as the vixen let out a loud sigh.

"Fine...but just this once...and you owe me..." Kristen nearly jumped as Marie let out a loud high-pitched scream, the entire restaurant looking over for a brief moment. "...big time."

"Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you~ Like, you totally won't regret it! And I'll bring you like, some nice things from the concert!" Marie excitedly shot up from her seat as she gathered up her things, tail wagging behind her as she nearly sprinted from the restaurant, leaving Kristen trailing behind as she slowly rose from her seat.

"Right, well I hope you end up enjo--"

"Not so fast girly, you agreed to work here - remember?" The pig pushed Kristen back down into her seat, the vixen growling under her breath as she pulled away.

"Yes? And? Is that starting right now?"

"Yup, we'll need some time to getcha a uniform and name-tag'n'stuff. Friend's shift starts in less than an hour and a half."


"So what did I need to do again?"

"Just need ya' to sign this really quick-like."

"What is this?" Kristen asked as she took the paper, trying to scan it over before the pig snatched it away again, slapping it onto the table in front of her.

"Just the contract'n'stuff - same stuff Marie signed, just a bit more...comprehensive - standard stuff like pay, hours - ya know, just the legal bits."

"Uh-huh...I think I'd like to read it over first even still..." Kristen reached for the paper again, the pig's hand not moving from the stack as he twirled them to the final page with only a single line for her name.

"Come'on now, don't be like that - it's purely for legal reasons, yer only workin' for a night. You don't want to disappoint your little friend, do'ya?"

"Fine..." The vixen growled, still just barely restraining her anger as her tail flicked back and force behind her - name soon filling the line before the entire stack of papers were pulled away.

"Good! See, easy! Now, come on with me to the back and let's get you a uniform!" The pig messily shoved the papers into his desk before standing up to lead the vixen towards a door on the side of his office - pulling her through as rows and boxes came into view in the cluttered closet; uniforms and supplies littered about as the pig rummaged through them. "We're gunna find you a good uniform. What size are ya'?"

"I was actually hoping I could wear a uniform that covers a bit...more than what I saw out there, perhaps just my normal clothes?"

"No can do, this is all we have, Krissy~" The pig looked behind him for a second as he pulled a uniform from one of the racks. "This one looks like it'll fit good~ Even got a name-tag with 'ur name already on it~!"

"Fine..." The vixen spoke after a brief pause, her eyes scanning the bundle of clothes as the name-tag shimmered atop with the word 'Krissy' emblazoned in the dog-collar like tag. "Just...where are the changing rooms?"

The pig grinned silently as he pointed off to a flimsy half-door on the far end of the storage room, the vixen having to push past more boxes and racks to get to it before quickly disappearing within. She'd barely pay much mind to the wide gaps or the fact she could almost see out of the top - eyes only briefly glanced towards the cameras fixed onto the room itself. She'd be too caught up in how pathetically small the uniform was to care, the images of the other girls with their exposed fur pushing into her mind as she slowly shed her fairly comfortable casual clothes in exchange for the tight-fitting rough uniform.

She'd find herself regretting agreeing to take her friend's place at that moment, even more with each new piece of clothing she managed to fit in. Within minutes she was left staring at herself with a furious blush on her face in the mirror - eyes scanning over her exposed body and the degrading suit; collar with a dog-tag securely around her neck that pinched in with each breath, shirt refusing to go down below her nipples as they popped from beneath its edge, skirt too short to hide the nearly transparent white panties beneath - tail brushing them up even further no matter how she tried to walk or twirl, gaudy sneakers dyed with the company's colors already making her feet ache.

The uniform would leave nothing to the imagination of anyone that might spot her and each second within it would remind her of just how much she was regretting each second. Even still she'd only spend a few more minutes mulling over the uniform before another sigh would leave her - soon pushing past the flimsy door once again as her gaze met the pig's own expression as it lit up at the sight of the now much more skimpily dressed vixen.

"You are looking mighty fine~ Should show off 'ur body a bit more often Krissy~"

"Hmph...I don't intend to wear this beyond tonight." The vixen let out a loud huff as her eyes narrowed, arms crossing to try to shield her nipples as she let out a bit of a growl at the gawking gaze falling from her face.

"Also I noticed this little...band - where was that supposed to go exactly?" The vixen asked impatiently after a few seconds as she shook her hand, a tight band of fabric wrapped around elastic within her grip.

"Oh~? No need to worry about that right now - I'll show ya later. It's a...vital piece of the uniform though!" The pig once again snatched from the vixen's hand, shoving the tiny piece of fabric into a suit pocket before pulling the vixen behind him.

"Now - come along, we're short on time as is." The pig led the vixen back into his office, pulling out an ancient looking player that he set down on the desk. "We've still got to get through the training, though that bit won't take too long at all."

"'Training? I'm only going to be working for a single night?"

"Now now, this is the last step - then I'll be outta 'ur hair for a bit."

"Fine, so what, just sit down? Is it an audio track?"

"Mhm~ Just put these in here." The vixen let out a huff before shoving the headphones into her ear, staring forward with an stern expression as she watched the pig move over to a cabinet, pulling something out before moving up behind her.

"H-hey what do you th--" Kristen felt fat meaty fingers shove a small sweet pill into her maw before clamping it shut - another hand immediately moving to her throat to massage it as she struggled against the surprisingly strong chubby limbs.

"No thoughts~"

"Just obedience~"

"No worries~"

"Just bliss~"

The words came just as Kristen felt the pill slide down her throat - a sinking feeling barely having time to well up inside of her before it was replaced with a strange sickeningly pleasant bubbly sensation rising up.

"No thoughts~"

"Focusing on these words~"

"Letting everything slip away~"

"N-n-nnmmm....w-what....i-is...c-can't....th--ink?" Within a few seconds the sensation would bubble up into her head, seeming to fizz across her thoughts as the words pushed into her mind with even more clarity than before. She'd almost immediately find herself unable to fight them, unable to struggle as her body went completely limp - eyes glassing over as she stared ahead at the pig still puffing away at his cigar.

"Disobedience is bad~"

"Want to obey~"

"Need to obey~"

"You must obey the company~"

"You must obey Burger'n'Bang~"

"Happy, horny, obedient~"

"D-dis-nnnmmm...disobedience...bad....wa-want to obey....h-horny..." The vixen could barely muster up enough fight to keep the words from leaving her lips - the mantra bouncing around in her mind through the bubbly fog before rolling out of her mouth just seconds later.

"Horny, happy, obedient~"

"You are property of Burger'n'Bang."

"H-horny...happy...obedient..." The vixen gritted her teeth as she repeated the words, barely feeling the searing pain on her breast as the logo of the company was branded onto her - the words above reading 'Property of Burger'n'Bang'. "I-I am property..."

"Live to serve the customers. Live to obey the company."

"Dumb, mindless, obedient."

"O-obey...customers...obey...company..." The vixen mouthed the words as she let out a moan, a heat slowly starting to rise in her mind before sinking like hot coals between her legs "H-happy...horny...dumb...obedient..."

"Horny, happy, and obedient."

"Eager to be a slut."

"Eager to please."

"Dumb, mindless, obedient."

"E-eager to be a slut...eager to please~ Need to please the customers..." The bubbling fizzy sensation continued to expand out with each second, only the words bouncing around as thoughts were pushed away.

"Serve the Customers."

"Tease and show off."

"Eager to be a slut."

"Nothing but property, nothing but a slut."

"All that intelligence fading away. The company thinks for you."

"Serve the customers...t-tease and show off...e-eager slut~ I-I a-am nothing bu-but a slut." The vixen felt her body twitch as she felt hands around her legs, a tight elastic band fitted around her thigh before a cold plastic box found its way against her fur. Toes would curl after as the meaty fingers made their way further up - pushing into her panties and brushing against her already wet slit as an already buzzing vibe was securely pushed into her depths.

"Makes you horny to obey~"

"Makes you happy to obey~"

"Just a toy for the customers~"

"You are property of Burger'n'Bang~"

"J-Just a toy...j-just property~ I-I am property of Burger'n'Bang...c-can't disobey...di-disobedience is bad..."


The mantra looped over and over from start to finish as the pig eagerly watched on - the vixen's eyes growing more and more dull each time; pills shoved down her throat slowing her mind more and more to let the words burrow into the soft loamy thoughts, injections barely tugging her from trance as she felt her breasts and ass grow, even a few idle gropes from the pig making her moan a little more as the constant pleasure of between her legs masked every sensation in a thick mist of bliss. It wouldn't be until every phrase stuck and every change complete that he'd finally end the session.

"So, how was it? You still there?" The pig's words barely reached the vixen's ears as the mantra slowly faded, her eyes blankly staring forward and her tongue lolled out.

"S-serve...obey....s-so horny..."

"See, isn't this much better~? How do you feel~?"

"Happy, horny, and obedient. I-I am property of Burger'n'Bang~!" The vixen seemed to snap out of her trance as her eyes lit up again, a dull smile coming across her face.

"Good, we can work on more training later - but for right now we need to get you out there, it's already well past your shift's start!"

"Yes sir, right away sir!"

"Good, I expect to see you actually working! Make me some money!" The pig smacked Kristen on her ass as she passed - the vixen tensing up as a blush came across her face.

"Eeep~! Y-yes sir!"


"H-hello w-welcome to-to Burger'n'B-Bang, ho-how may I help you tonight?"

"I'll take one of everything on the menu!" The Doberman chuckled to himself as he looked with a devious gaze towards the vixen's blushing face - eyes moving down over her body to her exposed breasts and barely visible panties. "Never seen you here before. You're new, right? I'd like one of those vibe remotes as well please, the more expensive kind."

"H-here you are, s-sir! P-Please e-e-enjoeeyy!!" The vixen handed over the small remote - almost instantly feeling the tingle that ran up her spine after as her tail straightened out with the sudden sensation. Her entire body would tremble from the buzz between her legs, humming in her ears as it shook her thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sure I will~" The dobe chuckled as he turned the remote back down again to its lowest setting - giving the vixen just a few seconds of respite before returning it to its default setting. "Remember, if I make you climax from this - its free~"

"Y-yeeey! Y-yes sir, I-I kno-ooh!"

"Sounds like you are already getting close~ Such a horny piece of tail, aren't you?" The vixen's legs trembled as she struggled to keep herself up, thoughts jumbled by the powerful surges of pleasure jolting through her spine. "What kind of dog are you, anyhow?"

"I-I'm n-nawwwhhhh!" The vixen let out a loud moan as the Doberman flicked the switch - turning the vibrator up another setting as he grinned even wider than before.

"You look like some sort of mutt~ Always so horny and easy." The Doberman flicked another switch as the vibrator reached its highest setting - the vixen nearly collapsing as she gripped the counter. "Bark for me, bitch~"

"Y-yes sir, I'm a mutt! Arf Arf!" Kristen responded almost instantly between moans and pants, struggling to keep herself on the edge as her toes curled and legs weakened even more. The teasing from the Doberman became little more than a dull noise in her ears as the seconds passed - closer and closer to climax until she finally let out a final loud moan before collapsing onto the floor. "Ar-Aaah--C-cumming! I-I'm cumming~!"

"New ones always break~ So easy~" The Doberman laughed as he leaned over the counter, watching the vixen convulse and squirm on the floor as her vibrator went off with an even louder noise than before - buzzing through the store to signal her climax to everyone within. "Guess that's another free set of meals for the week...and drive thru duty for you~!"


"Yes, I'd like a number 6 with a side of fries, and hm..." The gruff voice came through as Kristen struggled to focus on the words, legs trembling as she pushed herself against the counter. "Hmm...I feel like splurging. Looks like you are fresh tail. Hows about I break you in hot-stuff~?"

"Y-yes sir! I-I'm a h-hot piece of fresh tail eager to be broken In and bred~" Kristen felt herself fight back some faint bit of resistance as she responded, faint clicks reaching her ear as the vibrator slowly got more and more powerful.

"What a slut~ Then I'll have that, that'll be my order."

"Th-thank you sir, p-please p-pull up to the next win-window!" Kristen let out a soft moan, her soaked panties now leaking onto her legs, making even the short journey to the next window that much harder as she slid open the door to look down at the rat within - sleazy greasy body and yellow teeth meeting her gaze almost immediately.

"You look like even more of an eager little slut in person, can't wait to fuck that tail of yours~"

"Y-yes sir, I-o-oohh~! I-I need to be fucked, I've been on e-edge all n-nihhhh~! Night!"

"I'm sure you have, a slutty little bitch like you needs it constantly~ Here~" The rat handed over a card, trembling hands taking it and scanning it before handing it back - a brief pause following as the rat continued to tease and flirt; all the while playing with the settings on the vibrator to watch Kristen squirm and struggle as she was brought to the brink only to be forcibly pulled back once again.

"P-Please enjoy y-your meal s-sir! I-I'll be out in a f-few mi-minutes to g-give you the rest of your order." Kristen struggled to form the words as she reached out of the window to hand over the bag - the chuckling rat inside barely able to contain himself as he played around with his remote; surges of pleasure making the vixen's body tremble even still.

"Can't wait for it toots, stay wet for me, okay?"

"Y-yes sir!" The vixen felt a knot form in her throat as the words left her lips and she watched the car pull into the parking lot - the reality of her situation slowly starting to sink in as she was teetered on the edge of climax, thoughts trembling as they struggled to fight against the pleasure eating away at them.

She could barely believe what she had just said, what she was about to do - what she had been doing the whole night so far. The blush on her face would deepen as the humiliation started to sink even further, the brand on her breast still burning even so many hours after - eyes gazing at the words now permanently inscribed on her body.

"W-what a-am I doing...n-n-I-I can't....b-but...f-feels....o-oh~" Kristen felt the pangs of doubt grow stronger, some part of her mind trying to fight back even as the constant buzz between her legs worked to shatter it entirely. "N-no..."

"I-I am--I am property of Burger'n'Bang....n-no thoughts..." She repeated the words as she fought with herself in her mind, the mantra still echoing amid her thoughts to push back against what little will was left within her. "I am happy as property."

"Hmph~" She would barely notice the pig come up behind her until she felt the hand on her rump - letting out a small yip as she turned to face him, another hand at the ready to shove another small pink pill into her maw before rubbing along her throat. "And how is my newest employee doing?"

"H--" The vixen barely had a chance to respond before she felt the small pill slip down her throat, the bubbling sensation filling her entire body once more, making its way to her mind as her thoughts clouded again. "H-Happy, Horny, Obedient."

"And who are you? What is your job?"

"I'm Krissy. I belong to Burger'n'Bang. I'm a slutty waitress who obeys without question."

"That's what I like to hear, Krissy~ Now be a good little dog and go out and deliver that customer the rest of his order!" The pig let out a chuckle and a snort as the vixen happily nodded - hips swaying as she walked out of the store and into the cool night air, mindless, happy, and ready to obey.


"Hello sir, I h-hope you enjoyed your meal~ Are you ready for dessert~?"

If you enjoyed yourself, and the story, considering donating to my patreon:https://www.patreon.com/Kikikalani or my ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lapsaheartlocke every little bit will really help me out and let me continue making content for you all to enjoy!