To Those Who Are Dearly Beloved

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#26 of Story Commissions

A white husky cub-lover shows his affections for children in need.

Edgar Lawson was a good person; he paid his bills on time, his was nice to his neighbors, he helped out at the local homeless shelter on weekends, heck, he even brought food for the older anthromorphs down the hall from his apartment, since many of they didn't have anyone else to rely on in their golden years. The fact that he was a cub-lover didn't detract from any of that, at least in his mind. This could be seen by how, almost two years prior, he had helped a sweet little tiger boy who had been going through some troublesome times with his parents, who always argued in front of him about the most trivial things imaginable, grow closer with his father.

The white husky shook his head as he dressed himself for work today, as he thought back to how scared little Ryan had been when he had come over to his house in the middle of the night, crying his big beautiful green eyes out, because his mother and father were literally roaring up a storm at one another. Being the good cub-lover that he was, Edgar had happily taken the small, black striped feline into his home, gotten him something to eat - because of course the two tigers across the way hadn't bothered to feed him - helped the little one wash up, and then placed him into his bed. Once the other was settled in Edgar removed his clothes and then snuggled up next to the smaller boy, hugging him tightly when the other heard his parents yelling from next door.

Edgar hadn't bothered thinking about the consequences after that, he had simply smiled down at the teary eyed tiger and then leaned down to kiss him. Gently rubbing his tongue and lips across the other's slim muzzle, Edgar worked to dry the tears streaming down the black striped feline's big green eyes with his long tongue, all the while he reached out to tickle the other's chest and tummy. The sounds of the feline's purring laughter echoed across the walls for what seemed like hours on end, but which was really only a few minutes, before the white husky moved himself down the length of the other's body. Slathering his wet tongue across Ryan's adorable chest on further south towards his plump tummy, until he got in between the other's chubby little legs Edgar worked the younger cub's groin and thighs over for several long minutes - cupping the other's immature testicles and cute little sheath as he did so - before finally dipping his tongue down underneath the other's long tail.

Breathing in the scent of his little lover, Edgar lifted Ryan's legs up and then prodded the black striped feline's backside and rump - teasing it with a few playful nibbles which made the other giggle in that beautifully juvenile manner - before ghosting his nose across the little one's tailhole. Blowing out hot breaths all over the other's fleshy pink pucker, Edgar watched as the untried ring of muscle danced in front of his eyes for several minutes before kissing at the clean little hole. The sound of Ryan's breathless gasps was musical to the canine, so much so that the white husky promised himself that he would never forget hearing the symphonic noise, no matter how long he lived, though what truly glued itself into his memory was the delightfully precious growls for which the little tiger boy released as he began to flick the tip of his tongue over and across the other's taint, and then deep inside of his heated insides. That his cub spread his legs wide for him told Edgar that that his petite lover was going to be a great lover for some older man later on in life.

Edgar spent the next hour working the tiger over with both his hands and tongue and finally he engorged cock after it slipped out of his plump sheath, until finally the other was left a babbling, moaning mass of sticky fur. After he made sure that his cub drifted off to sleep, Ryan spent the rest of the evening recording the two tigers next door arguing. By the time morning came and the eventuality of the previous night's affair had settled into the minds of the two older tigers, Edgar was unsurprised to hear someone banging on his door right as he was doing his morning pushups on the living room floor. Casually picking himself up from off of the ground, the white husky opened the door and found the father tiger looking at him with a reproachful scowl covering his handsome features. Egdar didn't waste any time in telling the other where the precious little cub was, pointing up the stairs to his room with a thumb, though he did give the other man a stern ultimatum of either getting his proverbial shit together or Edgar would be calling social services this afternoon.

To say the least the white husky was not prepared to have the bigger male break down in tears on him, he was usually only used to seeing cubs have such an emotional response that he found himself reacting on instinct as he guided the slightly graying tiger into home. Sitting the other down and then putting on some tea, Edgar allowed the man, whose name just so happened to be Johnny, to let out all of the emotions within his heart, some of which were rather heartbreaking for the canine to bear witness to. Edgar spent an hour playing psychiatrist to the other anthro, before he realized that there was a lot more going on with the other than he was letting on to. Pulling the information out of him proved to be rather useless, as the musclebound feline had spent years building up mental walls around himself; seeing them crack now was mostly just proof of the fact of how much the other truly loved his kitten of a son, and so Edgar got up from where he had been resting on his living room sofa to go and get a tried and true stimulant to loosen up his neighbor's mind.

No, not beer, Edgar reviled the stuff, but instead a jar of powder that a friend of a friend had specially made for him a year ago.

Scooping some of the fine, dry particles up with a spoon and then going to fix the tiger a drink of lemonade and honey, Edgar returned to the other and then handed him his drink. Ten minutes later the white husky found out several interesting things about Johnny that he had suspected, but had never been too sure on. Talking with the open minded feline about his repressed instincts for another hour, Edgar finally guided the tiger up the stairs of his little two story home to where Ryan was still resting. Easing the muscular, black striped feline out of his weekend wear, the canine introduced the other into the lifestyle of a cub-lover, as he woke Ryan up and then asked him if he wouldn't mind playing with both himself and his daddy. The sleepy, yet happy cub had readily agreed to this with a restless bob of his head.

The rest of the morning - and half of the afternoon - found Edgar and Johnny enjoying the little tiger's immature body with their tongues and cocks, as they licked and kissed him relentlessly.

It wasn't more than a week after this that the older feline decided to divorce his wife and move himself and his son far away from the town they currently resided at. This story would have had a happy ending, except for the fact that the female tiger had gone out of her way to make life for the white husky into a living hell, as she loudly roared at him about how she knew that he had ruined her marriage, and how he should be ashamed of himself for what he had done, all the while being completely ignorant over the fact that now the two males who had once been in her life were now much happier without her. When she continued to do this after Edgar had calmly dismantled her flimsy argument, the canine decided that he had had enough of the white furred feline's nonsense.

If there was one thing that the white husky didn't tolerate it was women screaming at him; Edgar hated this so much so that he decided that it would be better just to move, rather than deal with her and her clear mental instability. That was how he found himself here within New Arch City, an up and coming metropolis filled with more than enough people for Edgar to help forget the craziness of the tigress he had just escaped from. Of course, what really made his new home all the more pleasant was the fact that he moved into an apartment complex right next to a local preschool.

Edgar's heart had fluttered wildly upon scoping out the area and seeing so many beautiful cubs running around the gated schoolyard, their youthful figures literally made his tail wag whenever he saw them. Jogging down the street in order to catch their innocent scents on the wind was something that the white husky loved to do whenever he wasn't working at the software company that he had recently been hired at. Because the twenty-six year old canine didn't look like some of those stereotypical predators that liked to hunt cubs no one thought anything about him going past the schoolyard and waving at the cubs, who in turn would bark and cheerfully scream back at him. After all, why would anyone think that there was anything strange about the hairless, white faced dog with dark fur around the edges of his fur and tail. With his big, soulful brown eyes and normal looking body, Edgar seemed like a fairly typical adult male canine, if just that he was a bit on the skinny side.

Settling himself into the new neighborhood had been rather easy, as the people who lived in big cities rarely allowed themselves the time to familiarize themself with those people who eased into any given area, not unless they were really off putting. With this advantage under his belt, Edgar wormed his way into the hearts of several different people within his building, going so far as to drive a number of them to work when the local public transit was having issues, thanks to the city updating the computer system. It was because of this that Edgar had ended up meeting Julie and her two little fawns, Madison and Aaron Williams.

He and the fine looking deer had gotten together for tea at the local bakery down the street from their apartment complex to talk about life and various other subjects one Saturday morning, during which, the two of them subtly attempted to learn anything and everything salacious they could about one another. Because he was a master at reading people the white husky was able to probe his neighbor and then break down her mental shields in order to get her to admit several truths about herself that he had been suspecting. One of which was the fact that her husband was working overseas in the military, and because she wasn't the type to enjoy army life, she had chosen to remain behind and work at her company in the Anthromorph Resource Department. This often left Julia having to juggle work, her social life, and her two children, which meant that finding a good babysitter was something that she would often shell out quite a bit of cash to do.

Edgar, of course, didn't take the obvious bait as he sipped on his chamomile tea. His dark brown eyes merely blinked at the deer, all the while inside of himself he had to physically fight against his tail restlessly wagging all about the place in excitement for such an obvious opportunity.

Seeing that her opponent wasn't going to rise to either chastise or exclaim eagerness to look after her children, Julia had gone on with her conversation. The pair conversed well into the afternoon, though by the time three o' clock came around Edgar decided to politely detach himself from the conversation, as he was actually bored of the deer by this point. It was one of the weaknesses that the white husky had never been able to overcome, he simply found adults to be rather drab and dreary, what with their unimportant problems which they attempted to make the be-all end-all of reality. That was one of the reasons why the canine had become a cub-lover, as cubs were at least interesting because of what they could become later on in life, and how they could easily be shaped by gentle words and a firm hand, when such things were needed. Adults on the other paw, they fought like wildfire to retain their destructive attitudes, so much so that Edgar could almost count the weeks before their lives tumbled off of the cliff of self-destruction.

So, of course, Edgar found himself not as surprised as he socially should have been to see Julia at his front door one Thursday morning, her hair in a slight mess from where she had just barely been able to wrap it into a bun. It seemed that the doe had tried to call her usual babysitter to come down and look after her darling duo, but the other had been unable to do so because of midterms, and so, in complete desperation, Julia begged Edgar to look after the pair for the day.

On the inside Edgar was overjoyed at hearing this news, his heart literally hammered so loudly inside of his ears as he looked down at the two little fawns that he swore that he could hear the blood rushing within his veins, however, he chose to play the scene rather coolly, so as not to arise suspicion within the woman.

Agreeing to watch over Madison and Aaron for her, the white husky watched as Julie nearly pranced in place upon hearing this news. Kneeling down to her pair and then telling them to behave for the neighbor, Julia turned to head on about her way before the canine could even usher the pair into his apartment, much to Edgar's annoyance. Shaking his head as he watched the woman retreat back to her apartment across the hall, the husky guided the little ones into his den, gently shutting the door behind him as he did so. Once he was secured in his power over the situation at hand, Edgar took a moment to look over the pair that were timidly nosing about the inside of his home in typical deer fashion.

His dark brown eyes looked over little Madison Williams, and noticed all of the highlights which made up the brown deer. From how her brown fur danced all over her little body, with the exception of her nose and mouth, down to her inner thighs which were tan, at least as far as Egard could see, thanks to the dress she had on. Noticing her bright blue eyes looking up at him, Edgar smiled in return as the slender little girl bobbed her hairless head back at him before returning to looking around with her brother.

Said brother, Aaron Williams, was a similar brown deer, although his fur was lighter than Madison's. Brown all over, except for where his tan started at his chin, the little one was just as cute as his sister, though, unlike her, he had a dark brown eyes, and a bit of baby fat around his middle, but in a cute way. His hairless head from right to left in a rapidfire motion as he scoped out the new setting for which he was going to be stuck in all day, and, as expected from being a young male, he was eager to get into several things, so much so that Edgar had to cough openly when he noticed two grubby little hands trying to reach for certain items on the white husky's coffee table. The sight of the other turning to look at him rather abashedly told Edgar that Julia had at least trained the other well enough to be reproachful when he was caught in a mess, as seen by the why look on his face as he looked up at the husky. Edgar merely smiles back at the other before shaking his head.

Once the two were somewhat more settled within his little apartment, Edgar inquired if the pair were hungry, as, in looking up at his wall mounted clock, he could see that it was still early enough that the pair may have missed breakfast. The pair, at first, don't say much, but soon it became apparent that Julia hadn't been able to feed them during her mad rush, as Aaron restlessly nodded his head up at him. Smiling back at the two fawns, the white husky has them sit down at his dining room table, which was situated into the open space between the kitchen and living room, and then looked around inside of his cabinets for something he could feed the brother and sister. A scowl covered his muzzle when he noticed that he didn't have anything that was particularly appetizing to two little deers, however, instead of chiding himself too badly over this, Edgar decided to go with the tried and true breakfast of making pancakes for the pair; the white husky knew better than to make them any bacon, as their stomachs would not have been able to handle the influx of meat into their systems.

Whipping everything together took less time than he would have thought, but that was probably due to the fact that while he was cooking Edgar made small talk with the children. From their conversation he learned that Madison was going to kindergarten soon, something for which she was very excited about. Aaron seemed a little less enthused, but that was probably to be expected, given that he and his sister seemed to be attached at the hip. Edgar finished making pancakes and then set the steaming hot food down in front of the pair, he then went over to Aaron and massaged him across the back of the head, all the while telling him that everything would be alright, and that he would get a chance to go to school with his sister soon enough. This made the little boy laugh, as expected.

The three of them ate their meals and then the white husky excused himself to go and call his office and tell them of the situation at hand. Unsurprisingly, his manager was not pleased over this scenario, but in hearing the two fawns laughing aloud in his living room as they busied themselves watching cartoons on his big screen, plasma tv the older giraffe relented his hold over his frustration at the situation, though he did tell Edgar that he expected him to have those reports he needed in his e-mail by the end of the day, or else. The white husky chuckled before hanging up the phone. After that, he went to check on the giggling duo, who just so happened to be watching some silly cartoon where a young goat was about to fall into a trap set by a smug looking lion, and then turned around to go into his room to boot up his computer.

For the next several hours Edgar worked on filling out a spreadsheet documenting several calculations for his company, all the while he kept his ears perked in order to listen out for the pair within the room. When he heard the sound of someone yelping in pain the white husky immediately got up from where he was seated to run into the living room. The sight of Aaron upside down on the floor made the canine's heart jump within his chest, however, it was the sight of him laughing through tear filled eyes that told the white husky that the other was alright. Asking Madison what had gone on here revealed that the silly little fawn had attempted to perform a maneuver that one of the characters on another cartoon program had done, with much greater success, given that the laws of physicality didn't apply to them. Helping the little boy up onto his feet, Edgar sniffed the other over from head to toe to make sure that he was alright - and sans the rising lump on his hornless head - the other was fine. Licking over the other's injury, Edgar gathered Aaron up and then carried him into his room, all the while telling Madison that she could continue watching her cartoons.

Settling the little one into his lap, the white husky told the other that he was in time out for the moment, as he didn't trust the other to be alone while he still had work to do. Aaron, as expected, whined about this, but a subtle nip on his ear made the other yelp and then go silent. Once the cub was settled into place, Edgar opened a second window on his computer and then narrowed the digital box so that the fawn could watch what was happening on it, all the while he went back to work. Though as he worked, Edgar found himself rolling his hips slightly into the little one's plush rear, the feeling of those warm cheeks settled over his throbbing sheath and growing cock was like an endurance test for the white husky, as his more primitive canine instincts begged him to make love to the innocent little cub within his embrace, however he resisted. Not because he didn't want to give into his base desires, but instead, because he wanted to enjoy the polite teasing sensation which was coming about thanks to the unknowing deerling rubbing himself all over Edgar's crotch.

However, raw need surged through the white husky's mind as the minutes ticked by into hours, his inner desires slowly demanding that he caress and cuddle the little one giggling and squirming against his chest. His tail swished wildly against the open air behind his back when Aaron jumped up slightly, the feeling of the line of the fawn's tight rump grinding down onto his now half hard erection, the tip poking back into the other in a way that the other had to be questioning about at this point, was enough to making Edgar's sight go blurry for a moment. Brown eyes gazed down to narrow on the small form which innocently ignored him. Fangs bared, the canine leaned his head down to sniff over the nape of the little boy's neck, the heady scent of innocent flesh and soap washed fur made Edgar's stomach growl just a bit, thankfully Aaron ignored this sound in favor of chirping at a rubber puma punching a dastardly villainous hyena in the nose. It took all of the white husky's willpower to return his focus back onto his suddenly quite uninteresting work.

A hint of drool escaped from out of the white husky's lips sometime later, making Aaron turn his head up to look at the older anthromorph. Edgar only noticed something was wrong when the cub in his lap made a noise which caused his ears to perk slightly. Looking down at the other, the canine watched as a single droplet of saliva dropped down onto the brown deer's nose. Aaron immediately froze when he noticed Aaron blink up after him after shaking the sticky substance off from his face. When the cub laughed up at him Aaron couldn't help smiling down at the other.

Looking at the clock on the bottom of his computer screen, and seeing that it was almost two hours past lunchtime, Edgar pulled himself back from his desk and then stretched. Aaron looked up at his babysitter rather curiously, however, he didn't have time to say anything, as the canine used his mouse to minimize the screens and then picked him up off of his lap. The fawn let out a juvenile laugh as he was carried through the air towards the living room where his sister was sleepy resting on the sofa. Waking the other up, Edgar asked the pair if they were once again hungry, to which Aaron says yes, and Madison says no. When the little girl's tummy grumbled she blushed while looking down at the floor.

Knowing that he didn't have anything in his kitchen that the pair would be able to eat, Edgar decided to call to the local asian restaurant to have some vegetarian rolls delivered for the two cubs, and some seasoned meat and rice, since the canine was more than likely not going to bother making dinner tonight. Thirty minutes later the food came, delivered by Ten-Ten, a black furred leopard, who shared the same tastes that Edgar did. The golden eyed feline looked over the delectable morsels that were sitting at the dining room table and then openly licked his lips at the canine, before turning his head to stare knowingly at the white husky. Edgar said nothing to the other, however, he did gently shake his head at the feline. Taking the bags of food and then paying the other, the canine forced the feline back with an elbow and then gently shut the door, though not before rolling his eyes when the Ten-Ten told him to share details of his 'adventures' with him later on.

Once the other was gone the white husky went to the kitchen and then moved to the drawer that contained a certain jar. Taking out some of the white powder within and then spreading it over spring rolls and some ice cream that he had left within his freezer, Edgar then glazed the food with some butter and extra seasoning before returning to his two little houseguests. Setting the food out and then thanking the lord for the yummy meal he was about to partake in, the white husky watched the two cubs eat their meal with relish, while he himself slowly enjoyed the seasoned meat and steamed rice which was in front of his muzzle. As expected, both Aaron and Madison soon became unbearably tired and wanted to settle down for a nap. A smile graced the canine's lips as he finished his meal and then helped the two into his bedroom.

Once inside of the room Edgar worked to undress both cubs, much to their slightly sleepy surprise. As the white husky prepared to tuck the cubs in, a sleepy Aaron asks Edgar to help him take his pants off, since he normally slept in a shirt and his undies now that he was a big deer. The canine can only chuckle as he hears these words be said to him. With gentle ease he helps the young fawn out of his pants and shirt, much to the other's slight confusion. Once the little cub was in his underwear, of which were covered in the face of the rubber puma from the earlier cartoon program, the white husky moved his gaze over to Madison. Looking over the girl, Edgar found the other trying to pull off her dress, but the drug he had given her had left her without all that much strength, and so, being the good cub-lover that he was, the husky moved over to help her. Stripping the doe down to her panties, Edgar found himself helping her to lay down on his bed, all the white the bulge in his pants, of which had not gone down since early on, throbbed and leaked within the dress pants he had on.

As Madison fell asleep Edgar went over to stand away from his bed, he then pulled out his cellphone a few minutes later and pointed it at the now sleeping pair.

Edgar let out several soft barks to see if the others would wake up, when they didn't the white husky hurriedly snatched himself out of his clothing, his eagerness for what was about to come making him somewhat careless with the buttons of his shirt. Not that the canine cared at the moment. Tossing his dress shirt over to the side and then taking a few seconds to enjoy the feeling of the cool air within his room brushing over his naked fur, Edgar reached down and then gave his partially erect cock a few good squeezes. The pointed head throbbed slightly as small dribbles of pre-come slipped out from the tip of his manhood, the thick musk of a canine in need filled both the room and Edgar's nose as his dark brown eyes lustfully looked down at the two innocent creatures slumbering unknowingly on his bed. After stroking himself for a few seconds to 'prime the pump' as some would say, Edgar reached up to lick his sopping wet paw clean.

Moving his phone into position, the white husky brought the lens into focus and then began snapping picture after picture of the two nearly naked deer cubs. Moving around his room, Edgar worked to get at every angle he could in order to truly capture Madison and Aaron's slumbering forms, their gentle breathing was something that caused the predatory anthromorph to wag his tail restlessly as he stared adoring over the unconscious duo. As the seconds ticked by Edgar worked to move the fawns over and around, maneuvering them in several different positions, as though he were some world renowned photographer capturing a moment for posterity. Of course, he would be the only one to ever see the picture in question, as not even Ten-Ten would get to share in the moment that he was stealing from time.

After giving himself another few strokes, Edgar removed Madison and Aaron's underwear, allowing him to partake in the precious sight of two naked fawns lying on his bed.

Edgar set his phone down a few minutes later so that he could go over to stroke the two deer cubs, the feeling of their soft fur sliding in between his fingers caused the canine to shiver, he truly did love the feeling of the younger generation. Lowering his nose down to both of their necks, Edgar sniffed over the slumbering pair, his nostrils filling up with their sweet, innocent scents, to the point where he almost felt drunk on their masculine and feminine odors, respectfully. Moving his paws around so that he could gently fondle both children's ass cheeks, the white husky noticed that Aaron was already gaining some definition back behind himself. The boy would most definitely be a boykiller when he grew up if he already had that amount of junk filling up his trunk, so to speak, however, Edgar didn't want to give Aaron all of his attention, as could be seen by how he gently moved his head over to look at sweet, little Madison.

The sight of the sleeping doe was one that actually stole Edgar's breath away, as he honestly did not truly realize how beautiful the other was. With her slim little butt covered with white spots all across her right ass cheek, similar to that of a birthmark, the little girl was truly a sight to behold. The fact that she had some small tits growing on her chest was something else to see, as Edgar couldn't help but find the small nubs rather endearing. She would definitely be a looker like her brother when she was older, though, there would be a question of who she would prefer when she came of age, however, in all honesty, Edgar wouldn't have that much interest in her by this time. After all, by that time she would no longer be the cute and innocent creature that she was now, but instead someone who life would work to mold into another adult, the likes of which would probably be reminiscent of her stressed and overworked mother.

Shaking these thoughts out of his head, Edgar moved his head down to the front of both cubs' bodies and then began licking the pair's pert nipples. The taste of the two deer was truly something to salivate over, as seen by how the white husky's tongue lolled out from his mouth, spilling out cups worth of drool onto both of their youthful bodies. Moving his head up to the sides of their faces, Egdar kissed both of the cubs on the lips, invading their mouths to the point that both squirmed against him. They didn't wake up though, the drug he had given them was just that strong. After pulling back from slathering both cub's faces in drool, Edgar moved his gaze and hands down to begin fondling the pair.

The weighty feeling of Aaron little penis and balls told the white husky that the boy was most definitely going to have some serious junk once he came of age, though his sister was no slouch in the sexual equipment department, either. From the depths for which the little girl possessed, Madison seemed to already be able to take two of his fingers inside of herself. This made Edgar growl and then nod appreciatively. The scent of the sister and brother's sex grew hotter as their bodies instinctively began to ooze their respective musk out into the bedroom. The canine drank it all in with relish, his tail whipped at the air behind him with the force of a helicopter's blades spinning within the sky as every sense within his mind told him to enjoy the pleasure he was taking from the unconscious duo.

Because of his excitement, and the several long months it had been since he had enjoyed the pleasure of a cub's body, Edgar's own cock was throbbing and spitting out gobs of pre-come onto the bedding. Not that he cared. Instead, the narrowed eyed canine found himself fighting against himself as his lower half danced within the air, as if wanting him to pounce on the two slumbering deer in front of him. He held himself back of course, if only because now was not the time to fully consummate the union between the three of them, however, his willpower was reaching dangerous levels as his desire beat along the edge of his mind. In an attempt to ease off some of the pressure, Edgar took one of Aaron's limp paws and then used it to quickly stroke himself off, of course, given that the little boy was dead to the world, Edgar was doing most of the work, rather than Aaron.

That didn't matter to the white husky's body as he grit his fangs together and then moved the other's hand down to the bulb of his swollen knot. The hard protrusion along the end of his body pulsed and throbbed with a great need, as it ached to bury itself within the body of one of the two cubs in front of him. The thought of having Arron's body, naked and squirming, on his lap once again caused Edgar to let out a sharp bark. A few seconds later the thick vein on the bottom of his cock rumbled and then surged forward sending his frothy white semen out from the tip of his drooling manhood down over onto Aaron's hand, arm, and upper body.

Taking in a few deep breaths, Edgar turned his attention to the still sleeping Madison, his dark brown eyes watch as the other continues to sleep, despite his bouncing cock raining cum down onto her brother, as though it were trying to baste the other. Taking a few moments to recover, the white husky moves his head down to once again begin licking her nipples and pinching her budding tits. After a few minutes of enjoying himself, Edgar moves himself up onto the bed above the little girl. Putting himself into position, the white canine doesn't think as he angled his still hard cock down and then works to penetrate Madison's tiny folds. The sounds of his excited moaning is the only thing that can be heard within the small room, as the little girl was still oblivious to the world around her, a good thing indeed, because the husky was relentless as he begins to rapidly thrust himself deep inside of her almost painfully small body.

Back and forth, Edgar works to make the little girl into a woman with restless pumps of his hips. The bed beneath the three of them squeaks and groans as the white husky digs his cock as deeply into the other as he could, though only so deep as to not cause her to bleed, the last thing he wants was certain questions to be asked once she wakes up, after all. With that in mind Edgar gripped the sides of the bed and then fucked the sweet little doe over and over and over again for what felt like hours with growing force. Sweat and drool ran down the length of his lanky body as sexual shivers race throughout his entire being, this is what being a cub-lover was all about, after all. The sensual pleasure of sharing his love with a cub who had no choice but to openly accept everything he had to give, as could be seen by how his ruby red cock drilled Madison so deep and fully that her body unconsciously rocked against him.

Because he had just spilled his load on Aaron Edgar was able to take his time with Madison, however, there was only so much his body was willing to take, and so after nearly an hour of pumping the fawn open, Edgar found his climax sneaking out of his body as a great howl tore through his lips. His semen quickly bubbled up out of the young girl as he filled the expanse of her cunt and then seeped outwards onto the bed. The deluge lasted for several minutes before Edgar relunctantly pulled his cock from her tawt, of course there was no way that he could knot her, as her vagina didn't yet have the elasticity that Aaron's butt probably possessed. He'd have to share that pleasure with her brother later when next he got a chance to babysit the pair. Once he was finished Edgar fully pulled his twitching manhood out from the deerling's body, his white semen spilling everywhere as he did so.

Exhausted Edgar wanted to stay straddled over the pair for eternity, however, he knew that this would not be possible, mostly because their mother would soon be getting off work. Sighing in regret, the canine realized that he would have to contend himself with his pictures and fantasies until the time once again came for him to relish in the bliss that was loving the two little cubs before him. Wagging his tail, Edgar hopped up off of the bed and then began to go to work cleaning up the cubs and then getting them dressed as they were before, though he took more time with Madison, as getting her dress on was rather difficult, as there were still puddles of cum on his bed.

After finishing up, Edgar redressed himself. Noting that the cubs were still out of it, the white husky went to wash himself up. The sound of the running water coming from the open door of the bathroom rouses Aaron from his slumber. Edgar returns to check on the fawns a few minutes later. Madison woke up not more than a few minutes later, the white husky found himself chuckling as he watched the little girl look around in slight confusion. Both cubs thank Edgar for helping them get to bed, completely unaware of what happened afterwards.

The canine gave each cub a big hug after hearing this.

Julie returns to find her fully dressed children sitting on the white husky's couch as though nothing odd had happened. She thanked Edgar for the favor he did for her today and promised to pay him back in full when she could. The canine waved the woman off, as he had gotten what he wanted today, not that she would ever find out.