Fate of the Duel - Chapter 1

Story by Yasha14 on SoFurry

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A rather harsh story involving non-con and a bit of gore. Not for everyone, but I hope you enjoy! An omega finds himself in a pack certainly a lot more harsher from his birth pack, and has to learn to adapt to a much harsher lifestyle.

Commissioned by my Alpha Veeker@furaffinity.net Using his character Iemyr and my own Alastar. Any other characters are purely fictional and any resemblance is coincidental.

Total word count: 5780

The rising sun dawned on a luscious green valley, a picturesque landscape where mellow green oak trees stood opposed to each other, separated by a crystal-clear stream of water which flowed with frothy foam weaving like silk between the jagged rocks which laced the riverbed below, deceptively smooth in appearance. The respective near symmetrical banks of the river grew into steeps planes. And as the planes grew ever higher and steeper, they soon turned into near identical cliffs, cliffs with faces that stared at each other like lifelong foes, each competing to be the tallest, the most vibrant and the most intimidating in stature for miles on end but ultimately standing as equals. Beyond the cliffs lay meadows, clearings and trees. Vast open landscapes for prey of all species to run amuck, munching on what was left of the summer's rich fill and enjoying the last of the warmth as it seemed the seasons were changing, and slowly but surely the landscape around them was shifting into autumn.

It was on one side of the river, where a wolf slept. He was rather short for an adult, to a degree where some might consider him a half-breed, though his blood betrayed this notion, as did a row of sharp fangs and wolfish biting force to go with it, not that he often used it. As compared to other wolves in the pack, it was rather pitiful. Years of being the pack's omega, meant the often found his own jaws within the jaws of another wolf, rather than using it to devour a tasty meal or dispute another wolf's actions. But he liked it this way. He was the pack's only omega, and it filled him with a sense of purpose. Besides, it gave him an excuse to be... Well. 'Lazy'. And on this morning, the wolf felt particularly lazy, basking in the morning sun as it radiated his curiously faded purple fur. A rare coat indeed, and the result of mutation from his more normal blue and ret tinted parents, which gave yet another reason for his lacklustre position in the pack. Most omegas would have left to start their own lives by now, but 'Alastar' as he was named decided to double down and stay in his birth pack, where as far as he was concerned life was easy. Though this morning, he would not be able to bask in the morning sun for hours on end, with the up and coming 'fight' looming near.

On the other end of the valley, a very different wolf was up and awake. He had been for the past three hours. At first glance, one might mistake him for a regular wolf, if not a large one. But upon further inspection, his ears tail, and limbs were highlighted in a much darker almost blackish grey, clearly showing a wolf who often feasted upon the liver of his pray, an opportunity only appointed to an Alpha. His fur also had streaks of orange, their vibrancy commanding a certain level of authority to them. Vibrancy which flashed through the air like a lightning bolt, as the nimble wolf jumped from tree to tree, only to land with a slice of his claw, ripping through the air and making contact with a strung up animal hide, slicing it in two as he landed flawlessly on all fours, panting to regain his breath. "Congratulations, Iemyr." Spoke deep gruff voice, from a wolf equally high in stature, with jet black fur and near emotionless red eyes as he sat observing his Alpha's skill. Where this wolf to have any criticisms, it was clear he'd have no problems voicing them. "I believe you're ready. That old fart won't know what hit him." The black wolf let out a soft exhale, which some might interpret as a sort of 'chuckle' if they were being generous. Iemyr's smirk grew from one of his maw to the other as he turned to the black wolf, having caught up with his breath. "My, my black. A genuine compliment?" Iemyr replied, his voice a soft chuckle. "At this rate, I'm going to have to watch for you sticking your nose under my tail." Although black's expression didn't change, he let out a huff of air. While most would ignore such an uneventful action, Iemyr had known Black long enough to read his subtle expressions, and knew it to be a sign of disgust, which only made the Alpha smirk even more, to the point where if his lips curled even higher, it might just break his maw. "Oh don't be such a softy, it's only banter." He gestured with a slight roll of his eyes, though his jovial attitude soon changed as he got closer, moving over to Black's ear to whisper in a far sultrier tone. "Though, if we don't get us a new omega soon, you might very well have to fulfil that roll." Of course, he was joking, but Black clearly wasn't impressed with his Alpha's comedy. And so, he raised a large paw to shove the Alpha back a few feet. Where it any other wolf, Iemyr would surely rip their throat out for such actions. But he and Black were lifelong friends, brothers almost, and so the action simply made Iemyr chuckle. Catching a glimpse of the eye-stinging sun, the Alpha's expression soon turned to a far more serious one while he looked to his Beta. "It's almost time. Assemble the pack, the sooner this is over, the sooner we can arrange a hunt. I'm feeling elk today." He said with a degree of confidence which suggested he had never even failed a single hunt before. And with the order given, the duty-bound Beta Black, lifted his head to the sky, and let out a deep howl which bounced off the surrounding trees, alerting the hardened pack of warriors that it was time to watch their Alpha fight.

A large paw landed on Alastar's head, waking him up from a deep slumber with startled wince. His eyes flashed open, the rest of his body still very much asleep from his 'accidental' morning kip, though his maw gave a slight struggle under the paw, before the wolf above, a fairly large and stocky wolf with gingery fur which seemed to turn a light grey near the tips, released him with a roll of his eyes. It was common among many wolves in his pack, Alastar generally being one of the youngest while many others were starting to show the visual and physical signs of old age. "The fight's about to start, Omega. The outcome may change your fate too, you know?" He lectured somewhat sternly. "Yes Sir." Alastar responded formally to the pack's Beta, though once he had turned away, Alastar immediately rolled his eyes, knowing full well that being omega, he would get scraps no matter what the outcome of the fight was. Little changed in the life of the omega. The omega who, having adjusted to a state of reasonable wakefulness, pulled himself up onto all fours and took a moment to stretch out his limbs, still basking in the morning sunlight as he flexed each and every one of his leg and paw muscles, which creaked in tune to a soft pleasurable groan which escaped his closed maw. He shook his fur, allowing any bits of dust and dirt to fling free from his pelt, to ensure the vibrance of his unique coat was not be tarnished by any sort of debris, before padding off in good time towards the beta, stepping lightly on each pawpad.

It was agreed the fight would take place on the turf belonging to Alastar's pack, at the peak of the ridge which held suspended like a monument of stone above the river, arching over the river as if mother nature herself was trying to express herself through the artform of rocky architecture which contributed towards the valley's beauty. Though, as Alastar ascended the steep, mossy rocks he begun to grow nervous. Already, the air felt as though it was getting thin, the altitude made him wince a few times as his ears 'popped' to adjust to the new height and he was very cautious of his footing. By the time he reached the summit, he was already out of breath, trying to regain some form of composure, though when he lifted his maw again to view the gathering of wolves, his stomach dropped. While inferior in numbers, Iemyr's pack was composed of young, large fighters with not a hint of grey in their fur, with the leader himself standing strong before them, and a wolf who's fur was as Black as the night itself standing next to their leader. Even though to their rear, was a massive drop going down for miles, each one of them seemed perfectly calm. In truth, he and his pack could easily wipe out their foe here and now, though his Alpha's commitment to honour and integrity prevented it. Yet, as Alastar took his place with his pack, he noticed many of his pack members seemed on edge, veering to go, clearly not confident that their Alpha's experience and skill would be able to best the rival pack Alpha's youth and strength. Only time would tell.

Once Iemyr was satisfied with the extent of his foe's attendance, he gave a nod to his Beta, and the black wolf was the first to move forward, closing the distance halfway between both packs. Up close he was even larger, easily twice the size of the purple furred omega, and larger than any wolf his pack had ever seen. His expression blank, and red eyes emotionless as he scanned the opposing pack before speaking in a baritone voice. "We're gathered here today to observe Alpha Iemyr of the East, and Alpha Vadim of the West wage combat." His words were very formal, speaking in a tone any wolf, even from far, far distant lands would be able to understand. "This way, less blood is shed. The losing pack must leave their lands for good, and as tradition, allow one favour to be granted in a gesture of goodwill in ensuring future conflicts will not occur." It clicked then to Alastar, and perhaps a few others. The fact that the black wolf had done this speech before. Perhaps even many, many times before. "The first to submit, looses. If neither wolf submits, the fight carries on, until the loser draws his last breath. Now, Alpha's. Kindly take your positions." As he spoke, the Black wolf's claws scraped along the rock, creating 2 identical markers. Black observed his handywork like a perfectionist, and when he was satisfied, he finally took his position with his pack, allowing each Alpha to meet in the centre. Iemyr came forward, his head held high and maw forming a familiar smirk, while his opponent came forward with a blank expression, clearly focused on strategy more than chauvinism. With the sun reaching mid-day, the wolves features were clearly exposed. Despite being far younger, Iemyr had just as many scars as his opponent, though those grey furs clearly portrayed a wolf who had seen and done it all, while his calm and collected expression exhorted a state of confidence which suggested he already had won. "Do both Alpha's agree to the terms set out before this Duel?" The Black wolf called out, to receive an eager nod from both wolves. There was a second of silence, the atmosphere so tense, so silent that every gust of wind felt like a hurricane had descended upon the two packs. "Then, in the count of 3, the duel will commence." The deep voice of the Black wolf suddenly caught the keen attention of everyone around, and Alastar felt as though he could read his pack member's minds. They were looking for any unfair advantage he might be giving, any excuse to strike out as a team and send the opposing pack to the grave. But they could find no such excuse. Both Alpha's stood on all fours, their eyes locked against each other, their bodies tense. "Three. Two. One. Let the Duel, commence."

As soon as the word was given, both Alpha's strafed, one to the right and one to the left in near perfect unison, as if someone had choreographed the very move. Though, Iemyr was far quicker, and the moment his hind paws reached the ground, he jumped and used the momentum to spring towards Vadim, the Alpha of the West at a low, deadly angle, aiming straight for the neck. Though the experienced wolf suspected such an attack. While it was fast, it was also rather sloppy and predictable, and so he lifted himself up onto his hind legs, giving Iemyr's jaws nothing to lock around other then his hard, bony ribcage. Though, the orange speckled Alpha certainly tried, those large jaws opened to their full extent, chopping down on ribs and leaving a nasty gash of crimson along Vadim's chest. Vadim of course, expected the pain, and knew it was coming. He let out a mere wheeze, knowing now was his chance to strike back. And strike back he did, his jaws clasping around the young Alpha's neck fur, biting deep enough to get a strong grip. And with a sudden show of strength, his tossed Iemyr to the other end of the cliff. The Eastern Pack quickly scrambled, the body of their alpha dispersing them like a boat treads water, his body landing just a mere few inches from the cliff edge. Iemyr looked near defeated, struggling to get up onto all fours. At some point, something cut into his left paw pad, and the Alpha let out a soft whine, allowing his foe to come closer. "Submit. You're a strong Alpha, and I'd hate to end your life." Vadim spoke, his voice sounding as if he was going to go into another lecture. Though his 'pupil' didn't seem keen on listening to anything the old wolf had to say. "No." He responded firmly. "I'd sooner die then loose to an old fool leading a pack of walking corpses!" He growled in response. Alastar noticed some of his packmates clearly took offense to the uncalled insult, though secretly he had to agree, they weren't exactly in their prime. "So be it." The wolf spoke with genuine regret, as if when he looked into those deep orange eyes, he saw a reflection of a younger version of himself.

The Alpha of the West, Vadim leaned in for a killing blow, hesitating for a second, hoping that the wolf below would call out in submission. In fact, Vadim felt so sorrowful, he felt a certain burning in his throat, as if he was a pup about to burst into tears. It took a glance downwards however, to soon realize, that it was not his emotions which were having such an effect on him, but rather a row of harsh and sharp canines that had latched onto his throat in a firm grip. Iemyr's eyes lit up with a firm struggle, his intelligence and intellect seemed to have paid off yet again. Old age made wolves weak, physically and emotionally, and this wolf had fell for a faint which seemed all too obvious to the young Alpha. In that moment, he knew he could easily rip out the wolf's throat, but Iemyr wanted more. He wanted to express his dominance, and do an act so extreme, stories of his exploits would spread for miles around. And so, before the old wold could even mutter words of submission, Iemyr used the full strength of his jaws, strength which he had trained for nearly his entire life to flip his chest and neck forwards, while his rear legs scrambled for traction. Though, as soon as Vadim had been lifted over the young Alpha, his body weight did the rest of the work, and all Iemyr had to do was let go, while momentum carried the panicking, flailing body over the ridge. A series of snaps were heard, bones bashing against stone, while the echo's of whines echoed throughout the valley. A splash was heard, and then nothing. Nothing but earie silence.

Predicting the outburst, Black along with his pack members moved towards and quickly pinned down any wolves who looked particularly enraged or restless, while the ginger-furred Beta came forward, in his now deceased Alpha's stead. "Stand down, it's over." He called to his pack members. Their bitterness was omnipresent, but as snarls and snapping winded down into mere grumbles and comments of "Scumbag." And "Cheater.", the wolves were eventually released, soon joining their Beta. His scruff still bleeding, Iemyr came forward to observe the defeated wolves, a wide smirk across his maw. The Beta moved forward to meet the victorious Alpha. "We will leave by sunset." He sighed, looking back towards his pack who had already started descending from the summit. Alastar got in line, his stomach feeling a little queasy at the recent Duel and the open smell of wolf's blood in the air. Though, as far as he was concerned, life went on. The Beta was competent enough to ensure they could still hunt... Defend themselves. Either way, he would still get scraps and still be their Omega. However he was extremely eager to get off the summit, the hungry victorious eyes of the Eastern pack made his fur quiver. He was tempted to push in front of his pack members but decided now would be a bad time to evoke their ire. And so instead he waited impatiently, his anxious whines being met with a few snaps of passing muzzles. "Ah, ah ah. I've yet to decide on my favour." Iemyr chuffed, his eyes looking towards a certain purple furred wolf. A wolf who was being made to go last and snapped at for nothing more than mere stress relief by the rest of the wolves in his pack. Ah yes, an Omega if there ever was one indeed, and a unique looking one at that. With fur of purple, which ironically represented royalty, something this wolf was clearly not. Then, it appeared to fade into softer lilacs, colours of femininity, which also made the Alpha chuff at the sheer Irony, as the scent of the male clearly betrayed the fact, he was male. With an annoyed grumble, the Beta turned back. "Very well. Though we have nothing to give other then scraps." The Beta insisted. The granting of a favour was a custom of good will, very rarely played out and so understandably, he was annoyed. "I want him." Iemyr gestured, his voice and actions so nonchalant one might think he was merely asking and old friend to pass him a bone. The Beta let out a slight growl in response, his lips peeling back. And, the very moments those ivory fangs made an appearance, Black was there beside his Alpha offering a similar display of teeth. "No. The Duel's purpose is to avoid bloodshed. I won't let you have our Omega." He snarled, all while Alastar stood wide-eyed, those blue eyes large. His stomach had sunk so far down, it felt like its very weight was trying to pin him towards the floor. Though at the same time, his heart ached. The Beta, his new Alpha was there putting his life on the line for him, yet unfortunately, with an entire pack of young and deadly wolves, Alastar knew there would be nothing his Beta could do. Yet still, his ears perked up and his eyes remained hopeful, hopeful that his Beta might be able to bargain for his life. "Oh don't be silly. I'm not going to 'kill' him. Well... So long as he doesn't give me reason too." He'd cheekily comment with a flash of his teeth, as Black took a few intimidating steps forward, those red eyes looking for any excuse to cause the Beta pain. But, to Black's disappointment, the Beta gave him none, those ivory fangs vanishing under the cover of fleshly lips. "Very well... Doubt he'd be much use you though." To which, the victorious Alpha responded with. "We'll see."

Alastar froze, his body seizing up while his ears drooped. In front of him was a pack full of unfamiliar wolves, grinning from ear to ear, while envious eyes looked to his pampered and unmarked body, no doubt dreaming about what each and everyone one of them would be able to do to their new omega. Alastar glanced towards the Beta, who didn't even look him in the eye, merely walking past him, his mind set on preparing to lead what was left of his old and broken pack. "N-no! I'm not going. It's my choice and I want to be with my pack!" Alastar suddenly yelled, scrambling his paws and quickly moving to catch up with the Alpha he wanted to be with. To which Iemyr, rolled his eyes and gave a simple nod to Black. And as if by mind reading, Black knew exactly what to do. He marched over to the fleeing omega, opening his jaws to grab the wolf by his scruff. Alastar let out a soft wince as a large set of canines wrapped around his scruff from a wolf who Alastar thought must have some dire blood in him somewhere, as he was easily able to lift him up like a pup! His whining soon stopped, the teeth causing irritation but no pressing down hard enough to break through his pelt and cause any serious damage. With a signal from the Alpha, and a grunt of confirmation from the rest of his pack, the victorious wolves of the East descended from the summit, to return to their territory.

By the time they arrived to their homeland, it was sunset and the vegetation that hand spent the whole day basking in the sun's radiant glow had begun to grow cold, the heat dissipating as a watchful moon eagerly welcomed in the chill of an Autumn's night. Alastar felt his body shiver already, though not solely due to the cold. As various pack members passed, he received everything from sadistic glances, licking of lips and the occasional bite and nip to his fur, which never failed to make him whine and twitch, much to the enjoyment of the wolves. Each and every one of them was eager to try out their new chew toy. After all, it had been months since the last one had escaped, and they were determined to never allow such an escape to happen again.

Soon enough, the pack reached the den area. And by now, all were relatively tired but still full of excitement from their most recent victory. The den area itself resembled a deep crater. There ware no bushes or life within, as if even the vegetation refused to enter the hole the Eastern pack called home. Dens were clearly marked by scent and visual distinctions around the rim of the crater, some natural, some artificial though it looked as though some of them went on for miles. They sat on different levels, rank and status being displayed by height while at the bottom lay a cache with more rotting pray then Alastar had ever seen, along with a sparring area which reeked of dried wolf's blood. The pack naturally gathered around their Alpha and Beta, who unceremoniously dropped the omega onto the rocky floor, forcing a wince from the wolf which brought out laughter among the pack. Alastar had nothing to say, he kept his ears pinned to his skull and his tail tucked under his belly as his heart beat faster and faster. He knew he was fast; he knew he could run. And if not back to his own pack, then to any pack other then this! Each one of those now salivating jaws looked like they were about to rip him to pieces, like a freshly caught piece of meat! After taking a good few minutes to observe his new omega's timid actions, Iemyr soon spoke up. "Black, I'll let you handle 'welcoming' our new omega to the pack. But make sure nobody claims that pretty little tailhole, I want to be the first." He added with a devious grin, before making his way up to the tallest den in the crater, that devious grin stalking the omega the entire journey. Alastar shook his head in shock. His tailhole? What did they want with that? No, he didn't want to stick around long enough to find out. Where Iemyr had left, there was a gap in the circle. "Now, first of all. Omega. Some rules. Try to escape? We break a leg. Try to bite? We break your teeth. Try to scratch, claw and scrape? Well, you get the picture..." He smirked, and for the first time in many months, that expressionless face turned into a slight sadistic smirk. He was hoping the new Omega would fall straight into his trap, and predictably, he did.

Alastar wasn't going to listen to another word. This was a pack of psychopaths! And he needed to escape, and to escape now! Looking to the gap left in the circle, he sprinted. He had always been a good runner, at least at short distance. His lightweight body meant he was good and making quick dashes, even if he didn't have the stamina to keep it up. Though, the moment he left the circle he felt a familiar set of jaws clasp down around his scruff, though this time the sharp teeth broke through his pelt immediately, forcing a loud yelp from his throat. With minimal effort, his limp body was tossed back into the circle, as the Jet black's wolf let out a sadistic chuckle of laughter, soon joined in by the rest of the pack. Before he could get up to try again, he felt a firm paw on his tail, then another on his leg, and then yet another pinning his chest to the ground. They weren't just pinning him, they were practically forcing his body into the dirt as the Beta came forward. "You had fair warning. Time to learn the had way. Omega." The Beta spoke, in that same matter-of fact booming voice he had used earlier at the duel. With each and every step the beta's claws clicked and clacked against the stone floor, echoing all throughout the walls of the crater, getting closer, closer and closer. And then, Alastar felt the Beta's sharp claws pressing against the pelt on his rear leg, pushing down with force, testing the pressure point. Two other pack members pinned his leg down, and suddenly with a rush of energy Alastar realized what the Beta was planning to do, his eyes going wide in sudden shock and alarm. "N-no Please wa-." His voice soon turned into a wail of agony as Black pressed down with his full weight, snapping the bone like a mere twig. The sound reverberated around the pit, along with the sounds of the omega's wailing, joined by perhaps most sickeningly, the sound of hysterical laughter. Alastar's eyes soon watered up, his maw trembling and going into a whimper. The paws holding him down were released, and he was met with comments of "Weakling." "Pup." One wolf even commenting that a little broken leg was nothing! Alastar trembled, speechless, though his chest burned, and he mumbled a soft apology under his breath, his submissiveness taking over as his ears lowered and tail tucked firmly. "It seems the pup learned his lesson. Now, it's time we continued with the orientation." Black said, his voice commanding silence from the laughing wolves.

Before Alastar could even contemplate what else might be included with his orientation, he felt warm liquid landing on his shoulder. He winced in sudden shock, his head darting up to see Black with his leg hiked up, spraying his strong smelling urine all over his body, marking him like he would a tree, as if he where nothing but an object, and before he could even say anything about it, another wolf stepped up and took his place, carrying on only now covering his broken leg, which stung from the harsh stream of acrid urine hitting in. Alastar closed his eyes, letting out a soft whimper, knowing that even if he did escape, no pack would dare to accept the marked Omega of one of the most ruthless and bloodthirsty packs ever to come about.

The omega whimpered through the entire process, until every wolf had emptied their bladders into that once soft velvety fur. By now, the sun had set, and the coldness of night made Alastar shiver, the urine soon going cold and matting his fur. One by one, the wolves made their way back to their respective dens, leaving only Alastar and black in the centre of the crater. "Hmrph. Pathetic. You're going to make one hell of a chewtoy." Black said, before once again picking up Alastar by his scruff. It still hurt, a lot. And the urine only made it sting more, as he was slowly carried up to Iemyr's den. Iemyr was of course inside, his tail waving at the arrival of the broken and marked omega. He had been waiting eagerly, like a child waiting for a parcel to arrive on their doorstep. "There will be fine, Black." He gestured to his Beta, and without being gentle, Alastar was dropped, letting out a yelp as he hit the floor on that broken leg. Bit by bit, he sprawled himself out, while Iemyr nodded to his Beta, signalling that needed nothing more from him as he made his way over to the shivering, whimpering Omega.

He kept his ears low, and his tail curled tightly. His fur rippled with each and every shiver, his eyes still watering. He wanted to be good, he didn't want to get hurt anymore. He wished the pain in his leg would stop. As the Alpha came closer, he dared a glance, before shutting his eyes quickly. "Shhh... There there, pup." His Alpha spoke in a soft re-assuring voice, moving over the top of his new belonging. He was rather quick with what came next, letting out another coat of urine over the whimpering Omega, ensuring his scent would be the most recent and most prominent, waiting a few moments for it to soak in before gently lowering himself over the omega. "You're safe with me now." He'd whisper into the Omega's ear, before giving is a soft, gentle yet dominant bite, which made the omega below whimper in erratic and uncontrolled breaths. "P-please... I'll do anything..." He begged; his breaths seemingly choked as if by an invisible paw which tightened like a noose around his neck while he tried to speak. A soft, low possessive growl came from above as his Alpha muttered the words "Good pup." In a low voice, before slurping that tongue over his eyes and across to his maw. Alastar couldn't help but give a submissive flick of his tongue under his Alpha's maw in response, though he soon felt his Alpha shuffle above him, a back leg kicking his tail to one side. He felt a paw, curl itself around his haunches, forcing a wince as his broken leg was nudged so that Iemyr could angle his new toy's rear upwards just a little bit more, the tip of his cock already poking out of his sheath. "This next bit might hurt, but you'll get used to it. In time, my omega." He re-assured in that same soft comforting voice, though moments after Alastar winced as he felt a harsh bone pressing against his tailhole, making its mark and pushing in. His wince turned into a yelp, as with a single harsh thrust of his hips, the Alpha pushed his cock deep into his omega, his sheath peeling back, unsheathing inside his toy with a soft groan. That tight, unused tailhole feeling good, tight but not painful around his cock. And his shudders... His omega had never stopped shivering, and so it was just like having a vibrating toy attached to the end of his cock. He found his knot was already growing inside his sheath, and so with a "Sorry pup." He sped up his thrusts, spearing those walls apart which soon started to bleed from the rough insertion. Caring less and less about the pain the Omega was going through from the broken leg and rough insertion, he sped up his thrusts, gasping as his knot came free from his sheath and contested against the still tight walls of his Omega, who was continuing to tear up, wincing and whining with each and every stop, mumbling and whining for the Alpha to be gentler, for it to be over. Though those were two things which to the Alpha, contradicted each other. He spoke with a low growl, directly into his bitch's ear. "You're mine... Now. I'm going to mark you. Remember. Good bitches. Take. The Knot."

Lifting himself up further, he started to drill into the whining bitch below, his cock pulling out fully, then thrusting back inside him up to the knot, the thick knot that prevented him going any dee[er, but Iemyr knew that he couldn't hold on much longer. And so, he leaned down and grabbed the omega by the scruff, forcing out another loud yelp as he used it as leverage to squeeze his knot through those tight walls with a lusty, guttural growl. After all, he knew he had to tie with his pup first time. Otherwise, what kind of introduction to his new life would it be? As his knot locked inside, Iemyr let out a load groan over his pup, his cock marking him deep with seed while his knot tied him like nothing more than bitch in heat. No matter how hard he struggled, it wouldn't come out. It had grown even larger, and now the Alpha feeling relief he hadn't felt in months, grabbed his new property by the chest with his forepaws, pulling him closer like a stuffed toy. Which, he now very much was. "Mmmm that's a good Omega. Bed time puppy, I can't wait to start your training tomorrow." Iemry said in the soft, lustful tone, moments later drifting off into a deep sleep, leaving the Omega tied for a considerable amount of time, unable to go to sleep, his mind rolling over what 'training' might be in store for him the next day, the thought making his spine shudder in fear.