Commission: Switching places.

Story by Ophinia on SoFurry

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Nicole's life was the opposite of Laura's; down low, panhandling, literally living in a shithole, even being avoided by the law. Laura's endless 'kindness' gave her the offer of coming over and giving her a 'chance in society'. Naturally, she went in on it, being cleaned first with a hose, before being allowed on the mansion's grounds. The border collie was led up to the front entrance of the luxurious estate. Everything around her seemed to indicate wealth; well-manicured shrubs, a fancy car in the driveway, and the house itself. It was a large three-story building, complete with ornate window designs. Nicole knew that Laura was rich, and she smiled as she thought about the time she would spend here. The kangaroo opened herself, having sent her servants away as not to disgust them over the slum she invited. "Hello..."

"Nicole, Laura..." The dog replied. "Nicole."

"Nicole... yes, come in. I hope you're potty trained..."

"I am...for the most part. I have a weak bladder." The collie sheepishly looked Laura for a bit before stammering on. "But I can hold it!"

"I'm not so sure," replied Laura. "In that case, you'll have to wear some special undergarments before sitting on my furniture." She called for one of her servants to bring a diaper. Soon afterward, the collie was sent to the bathroom to diaper herself for the duration of her stay. The collie pulled her dress up, finding a pink tee in the diaper. She put it on, together with the diaper, before wetting it, unable to contain herself. Her crotch turned wet and yellow, warm and soggy... quite comfortable, actually. She blushed, before looking at the kangaroo, who purred. "It's okay, Nicole. We'll work on that... eventually..." She whispered, before handing another diaper, which the collie put on, after removing the other. Nicole blushed a bit as Laura led her on a small tour of the house. Marble countertops, elaborate works of art, and gorgeous interior design made the collie feel a little more embarassed. Here she was, a dog off the street in the middle of luxury. She couldn't help but feel a little jealous as the kangaroo rambled on about what was where. "And that's the tour. Your room is just upstairs, second door on the right. In the meantime, you're free to look about. If you need a bathroom, there's one right down the hall...but I don't know if you'll be using it anytime soon." The 'roo chuckled to herself as she left the collie to look around some more. The collie grunted, walking into her room, seeing girly decorations and a big bed with a krib. Plushies and more, she felt like Laura didn't take her serious. Grunting, she found her closet filled with diapers and dresses, all very infantile. She wanted to hit Laura, but instead looked around until she found a door labeled 'spa', which sparked her interest. Peeking inside, she saw a large indoor hottub, as well as a few massage tables. Oddly enough, the dominant feature of the spa was a large chair. The seat looked like rich leather or some other comfortable material. Curious, nicole walked into the spa, noting the fresh scent of lavender throughout the air.

"Let's see...what is this doing here?" she wondered. The chair didn't have many features other than a large button that indicated vibration. "I guess it's a relaxing chair for a relaxing room." The collie continued to admire the chair, and she soon noticed a set of headphones near the head cushion. "Makes sense. Relaxing music in a relaxing chair in a relaxing room." She shook her head a bit at the thought of that much comfort. She whimpered as she remembered her diapered state. "Guess Laura didn't want me ruining her chair." she thought. The collie looked at the chair, before noticing a selection of tapes on the side. "Huh... 'trance'... 'house'... 'classic'... 'baby Nicole'...?" She didn't identify the music styles, but the last tape was interesting. She looked on it, seeing the note: 'destroy after use' on it. Thinking of her diaper and her room, she got a very bad idea of the situation. "She wants me as baby!" She stepped back a little, before quickly assessing an idea of her own. It was basic... but likely to work as well. She found the slot for the tapes, and decided to hide the baby tape. Just as she was about to stick the baby tape into the tape slot, she got an idea. Smiling to herself, she found the "classical" tape. Working carefully, she managed to peel off the label without leaving any marks. "She wanted me as her baby eh? Well two can play at that game." The collie laughed to herself as she switched the labels between the baby tape and the classical tape. "Someone's in for a big surprise." She placed the tapes back on the table where she found them, and walked out of the spa back into the main hallway. Before she could walk too far, she felt her diaper fill with warm wetness as she pissed herself again. "Ugh...guess I need these more than I thought in here. Can't just find a bush to pee behind anymore." Sighing, Nicole decided to go back to her room to change.

She changed herself, though not before pressing the warm wetness against her crotch. It felt nice. And thinking that, she decided that, despite her strong sphincter, she'd shit in it too. Sitting down on her bed, she let her diaper bloat, slowly filling it with warm, gooey crap, feeling great. She loved it, patting her backside as the shit crept around her butt cheeks. Warm and smelly, like her home. Finishing, Laura came back, seeing the shitty diaper. "Look at you! Thinking you can just shit yourself!" She grabbed the collie and placed her on a changing table, before opening the diaper and changing it. "Seems like you're having more problems than your bowel, Nicole." She commented. The collie blushed as the kangaroo changed her asif she was a big baby. "Don't worry, a good massage will make you feel better... here, some milk first, don't want to starve, do you?" THe kangaroo placed a bottle with teat, filled with milk, in front of the adult collie.

"Okay..." Nicole grunted, before grabbing the bottle and suckling. Laura continued to baby Nicole for a little while longer, asking her if she liked her "baba" and "didees". The collie just lay back and continued suckling the bottle, trying to tone her out. Fortunately, the milk tasted slightly sweet, and it did fill her empty belly. After she was done, Laura picked her up with surprising strength, putting her head over the 'roo's shoulder.

"C'mon, burp!" Nicole let out a small belch, and Laura put her back on the ground.

"You look so cute in your's your shirt back." The collie hastily took the offered garment and clothed herself, secretly grateful that she had switched the tapes. This was getting weird, and apparently Laura really wanted an infant in the house.

"That was...interesting..." said Nicole, slowly backing away. Laura looked, unhappy Nicole wasn't really a baby, and offered.

"How about a nice massage?" She aked, to which the collie replied with a nod.

The kangaroo grabbed the collie, putting her head on her shoulder, before walking to the spa, cooing her. "You're going to be all right." She said, kissing the collie's neck, putting her on the leather chair, in a fresh diaper and pink, girly dress, before putting in the 'baby nicole' tape and activating the machine. "Listen to the music... you'll learn from it. It'll help becoming part of society." The kangaroo said. Nicole feigned ignorance as Laura adjusted the headphones over her ears. "Just sit back and relax...let your mind at ease here." Hitting the 'play' button, the roo stepped back a bit to avoid overhearing anything and regressing herself. She smiled as she looked at the collie's face begin to sag, drool spilling out from her lips. "Oh my little Nikky is going to be so cute!" She exclaimed, bouncing up and down a bit with joy. Meanwhile, Nicole was listening to the docile tones of Claire de Lune, trying her best to make Laura believe her mind had regressed. Drooling, she stared off into space, letting her mouth hang open and tongue fall out. She forced herself to push out a small mess into the seat of the diaper, filling it with gooey warmth. To finish it off, she stuck her thumb in her mouth. "Yay, Nikky baby!" She shouted, seeing Nicole acting and looking like a baby. She pulled the headphones off, hearing the click of the end of the tape, before putting her on the ground. "You know... mothering is bad for back..." She commented, stretching her back and sitting down. "I feel like some classic, calming tunes..." The collie crawled around a bit before sitting on the floor in front of the chair. Forcing a dumb smile, she babbled and cooed, drooling down the front of her gown onto the tiled floor below.

"Won't be long now," she thought, watching as Laura put the 'classical' tape into the chair. The roo was about to sit down, when she remembered what had happened the last time she had gotten too 'relaxed'. Frowning, she went over to a nearby closet and took out a thick diaper. "Who's my good baby girl? Izzit you?" She cooed at the dumb collie. After removing her clothes, the roo diapered herself. She walked back over to the chair and sat in it, readjusting the headphones one last time. The kangaroo listened, hearing noise and static, before a strong peep filled her ears, which turning into a series of beeps and boops, slowly turning her smile into a goofy, wobbly one, her mouth slowly leaking drool on her chest. "Baba..." SHe commented, feeling the urge to flail her arms and legs around. Then, she noticed her thumb, and wanted to suck it. Nicole watched from the ground, entranced at the sight of the roo as her mind continued to regress. Laura stared blankly ahead, rasining a thumb to her mouth. She began to suck on it slowly, babbling with infantile glee at the taste of it. Wanting more, she shoved more fingers into her mouth, her tongue tasting the wonderful saltiness of her skin. Drool cascaded down her front, covering her breasts in spittle as she continued to suckle her fingers. Her infantile mind was in heaven as she continued to feel every wrinkle and mark on her hand with her tongue. The roo laughed as she continued to suck on her hand, smearing her face and chest with copious amounts of drool. Then, the kangaroo felt her bowels flee her, letting a big shit and piss fill it. SHe giggled and shouted "Maabaaa!" as the shit filled her diaper, filling her with glee, making her giggle and laugh of joy. The collie enjoyed seeing the kangaroo regress to nothing but a mindless baby, even more when it put the spit-covered hand into her own diaper, slowly masturbating amongst the shit and piss. She loved it, becoming wet as more shit and piss came out, filling her diaper with soggy joy and bliss. Her laugh became louder as her wet hand continued to rub her clit. Laura didn't understand, but she liked being a baby; a messy baby with a full diaper. She continued to paw, smiling as laughing, drool leaking into her diaper. Nicole watched as Laura's regression finally began to show signs of permanence. The room had long since been overpowered by the smell of shitty diapers, and the collie knew that she had to act fast to avoid suspicion. Walking past the now infant-minded roo, Nicole popped the finished tape out of the slot before pocketing it to destroy later. Smiling she couldn't help but laugh at the mentally deranged adult sitting before her. "I guess you got your little baby after all. Too bad it was you." The kangaroo came, laughing loud of joy, loving her shitty diaper as the collie picked her up. Laura must be more muscle than fat, judging by her weight. "Let's change you, shall we?" The collie asked, helping the kangaroo to her 'old' room, where the kangaroo would live. In there, she saw a servant, who, seeing the kangaroo's predicament, sighed a little.

"She's gone?" Nicole nodded in reply. "You know Laura left her estate to her 'children'... which means you?" The servant was well informed on Laura's plans, thus helped her along the way, seeing the kangaroo in messy diapers. Nicole sighed as she watched the servants begin to change their former master's messy diaper. "I was all for the best?" She grinned from ear to ear. She had gone from slum to super rich, and life looked good from here on out. As the collie watched the mentally regressed drool on herself, she wondered if it would be best to put her in some kind of care facility..."Nah." she said to herself. "It's the least I could do. Besides, this is kinda fun to watch..."