The Breaking Party

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Korram is having a very bad day. All that pretending that he's been doing, all the waiting in hopes of finding the chance to break out, seems to be doing a number on his mind and body. The rhino thinks that he's still faking enjoying all the stuff that the crocodile king is doing...but is he?

Commissioned by LaFontaine

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The Breaking Party

For LaFontaine

By Draconicon

Korram told himself that he needed to stay focused on the possibility of escape. No matter how distant the chances of escape were, no matter how insanely difficult it might become, he needed to believe that he could eventually make it happen.

That was what he told himself, but the rhino was finding it harder and harder to believe that it could ever happen. The gray-skinned warrior groaned under his breath as he felt the many scaly hands of the crocodile king's guests rubbing along his body. Some touched him along his hips, while others reached under him to fondle his cock, to stroke it and bounce it against his belly. Some reached around, making his balls sway back and forth, and others -


Korram bit his lips as he felt two fingers ram into his ass, forcing him open and making him show off just how much had been done to him since his captivity had begun. That, he knew, had not been forgotten.

Sixty days. Sixty days in the prisons of the crocodile king, Khej-Buya, and every other day had been a day of debauchery, of punishment and humiliation as he was put through one perverse thing after another. If he did not, then the king would have him executed. That was their arrangement; entertain, or die.

Korram bit his lips as he felt two scaly fingers become three, sliding past his rim and rubbing at his prostate. His cock jumped again, the little pleasurable nub reminding him of just how good it could make him feel, and reminding him of just how low he had fallen, allowing strangers to shove him down and use him like this. His hands clenched into fists as the thought, but he didn't say a thing.

I survive...

That was what he kept telling himself, but the chances of escape were growing fewer and fewer. Soon, there'd be no chances left for him at all, his body warped to the pleasure of the crocodile king. The thought of giving in, of losing everything, sent a shiver down his spine that he didn't want to acknowledge.

Desperate for a distraction from the three fingers sliding in and out of his rim, the rhino looked around the room. The great hall, the eastern one of the palace, was filled with the many guests of the kingdom and more than a few other prisoners that had been given the same bargain that he had. They were pilloried in different parts of the room, most of them tied up with their tails pulled over their head and tied to their necks.

Just like him, they were positioned so that their legs were chained to the floor, their heads and hands pushed through the wooden frames that held them still. Some were gagged, their mouths held open so that a noble or soldier or guard could walk up to fuck their faces. Others were allowed the freedom to speak, though they were the more broken of the bunch.

They were the only non-scaled men in the room. Everyone else, from their guards to their tormentors, wore the same black, green, and yellow scales as the man that ruled the realm. They were the crocodiles, and this was their land.

At the far end of the room, seated upon a throne of reeds and gold, was Khej-Buya himself. Korram fixed the crocodile king with as defiant a gaze as he could risk, glaring at him with all the fury that he had stored up through his long imprisonment. The idea of being punished, executed, was the only thing that kept him docile, but even that could not hold out forever...

He hoped...

The three fingers in his ass finally withdrew, rubbed against his hip before the crocodile noble in question marched away. Korram fixed him with a glare, trying to ignore the way that his ass twitched.

Sixty days, sixty days and thirty different events like this that forced him to take pleasure from humiliation, from exposure, from debauchery. No good warrior would ever enjoy this willingly, but he had faked it for a number of days. He had given a show, then collapsed in his cell, telling himself that he hadn't enjoyed it.

Then he felt some pleasure through it, started to find his cock rising through the shows. He remembered when the king had made him thrust his ass back, impaling himself on a double-ended dildo and on the king's cock at the same time. Khej-Buya had been particularly cruel, forcing the warrior to show off just how hard he got from the experience, and then slapped a cock ring on him at the end of it, forcing him to stay hard for the next three days.

His cock had changed, after that. It refused to get hard when he was alone, refused to cum when he touched it. Instead, it seemed to only get hard when -


Korram jerked, the muscular rhino thrusting his body forward against the chains and the pillory, but there was no escape from two more scaly fingers, thrusting deep inside of him and opening him up again. He hissed, his cock jumping up and slapping against his belly.

"Looks like the prisoner is finally learning his place," a voice that he didn't know said. It could have been any of the nobles that populated the crocodile king's court; they had all seen him go through this before, and worse. "It looks like it won't be long before you're just another member of the king's harem, at this rate. How long has it been since you've cum?"

"Nnngh...four...fourteen days, sir..."

Sir. The fact that he had to call a crocodile 'sir'. That was another humiliation, another strike against him. His men back home would have stared at him for even thinking of calling someone like that by a title of authority.

But he had to. If he wanted to survive, he had to.

Korram leaned his head forward, hissing from time to time as his ass was opened up, as he felt those fingers rubbing against his prostate, pushing deeper. The scaly palm clapped against his ass, forcing him to grunt as he felt them driving deeper, deeper, and deeper still inside of him. Every time they bottomed out, he swore that they were trying to tickle him, trying to get him off in a different way.

He held his breath, hissing through his nose as he felt the third finger push in, then the fourth. His ass felt sore, sore and battered and bruised, but the hole was stretching easier than it should have. He had been through so many different fucks through the last sixty days that there was no way for him to tighten back up again, even with the day of rest between the different sessions with the king.

He had to hold out. He had to. Just a few more days, and he would figure out some way to escape, surely. Just a few more days...

The fingers pulled out, but the crocodile didn't walk away. Rather, he reached down to the little chest at the side of the pillory, rooting through the different toys on display. Korram hissed under his breath, clenching up as much as he could, even though he could feel that his hole no longer obeyed that particular instruction. It gaped, open and loose, and he shivered as he felt the stir of a breeze running by him, air passing his hole and sliding in with nothing to keep it out.

"Hmmm...yes, I think this will look far better inside of you."

The crocodile pulled out a butt plug, one that had to be at least three inches across and five inches long. The whole thing was made of polished wood, but it was thick and heavy enough that he knew it was going to sting going in, and sting worse coming out. His gaping hole tried to clench, and it barely managed a twitch.

"Let's see how well you take it..."

The crocodile chuckled, and Korram hissed under his breath, clenching his hands into fists as he tried to force himself to relax. The rhino knew that this was going to be big, knew that his ass wasn't quite ready for this, no matter the fact that it had been fucked three times that day already. He needed to hold out, needed to brace himself, needed to -


The grunt of discomfort slipped from him before he could stop it, and there were more than a few pairs of eyes that turned his way at the sound. The rhino lowered his head, trying to ignore them, but he could feel their stares, their interest in what was happening to him. They were watching, and he -


"Oh, relax. It's almost in."

Almost in. That could mean anything from halfway there to right at the brink, and he could feel his hole straining, stretching, almost too wide already. That base was so thick that he felt like his hole was going to break from taking it...

And his cock throbbed hard against his belly at the thought of it.

You are a warrior. Stay down, he thought at himself. Stay down, stay down!

But his cock would have none of it. It didn't want to stay out of the way. It didn't want to stay down, or to hold itself flaccid at the feeling of the painful pleasurable penetration that was going on. All it wanted was to get more. More, and more, and more, until his ass was filled to the brim and there was no more denying how much he loved it.

Korram bit his lip as he felt the plug pushing right to the widest point, holding his hole as spread as it could get. He wanted to scream, wanted to kick, wanted to do something to show defiance. He swore that the chains were loose enough that he could show some rebellion if he really wanted to.

Yet, he didn't. He told himself that it was because it would get him killed, but...but was there more? Was there a part of him that...that might actually want something like this?

He didn't know, and it was terrifying all of a sudden. Terrifying, and -


He yelped as he was suddenly filled to the brim, his eyes going wide as the plug popped into his ass. His cock slapped against his belly, the ring around the base of his shaft suddenly feeling three sizes too small. It didn't cut into his skin, but it definitely dug into his shaft in a very different way, forcing him to feel the sheer tightness of the ring in a most confining sort of way.

He huffed, puffed, and winced as he felt the plug getting tugged right back out. The feeling of that smooth wood grinding against his prostate, then tugging on his hole, was something that he could never get used to. It was the biggest plug, but not the only plug that he had taken. A little more pulling, a little more tugging, and -


The feeling of it sliding out was just as shocking as the feeling of it sliding in, and he huffed again, his head hanging down in the hole of the pillory. He could not think. He could barely breathe.

Korram whimpered under his breath, the sound as reprehensible as the feeling of that thing in his ass moving back and forth. He wanted to stomp, to kick, to run, and yet...

Yet, he also wanted push...

No. That's not me. That's not me!

The crocodile chuckled as some oil was added to the mix. Not enough to take away the full sting of it, but enough to make it slippery, enough to make it faster, and...and something to it made it sexier. His cock rose and fell in response to the plug popping in and out of his ass, and he snorted to try and hide his moans.

He wasn't sure if it worked, but it made him feel a bit better, at least.

Korram was halfway to an orgasm that was never going to happen when the room suddenly went still. The rhino groaned, shaking his head, trying to figure out why.

The answer came as the crocodile king descended from his throne. He had his arms in the air to get the people's attention, and despite their focus on the debauchery before them, they were more than willing to give it to him. Even Korram tried to still his rapidly-beating heart to give the king attention for the moment.

King Khej-Buya smiled as he came down from the throne, and that smile sickened him. It came from a man that ripped away every freedom and dignity from his prisoners, making them perform ever more perverted acts in a desperate attempt to keep their lives, and what did he give them in return? Nothing but pleasure that they didn't want. Nothing but...but humiliation.

And yet, the rhino's cock still throbbed slightly, still twitched against his belly as if it waited for the next humiliation that the monarch could heap upon him. The king began to speak, and the rhino, and his dick, listened carefully.

"My friends. I'm so very glad that you could all attend our little gathering tonight," the king said, smiling as he walked down the center of the great hall. The various nobles bowed, not bothering to hide their wet dicks as they stood by the various bound toys all around them. "I am most pleased that my prisoners have been so well received by you. Please, do be sure to tell them what wonderful sluts they are. They work best when given praise."

The other nobles chuckled, and Korram glared straight at the king as the crocodile approached him. Lithe as many of his subjects were, Khej-Buya had always been one that he believed he could snap like a twig if he could just get close enough to do it. The idea of throwing all his plans to the winds had kept him from doing just that, but the temptation still remained.

As the king approached, though, the noble behind him seemed to lose interest, pulling away. The humiliation of being rutted by a toy had stopped, but the evening seemed to be getting ready to take a turn for the worst.

Suddenly, the king turned his way, and Khej-Buya smiled even wider. The expression sent a shiver of fear down the rhino's spine, particularly as the king walked over to him and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Take this warrior, for example. A prime example of muscle and manhood, is he not?" the crocodile king asked. "Thick of shoulder, heavy of limb, and certainly with a strength to him that defies the chains that he wears. He would snap this pillory like a toothpick, if he weren't ruled by fear."

He knows?!

"Mighty Korram, he was known. That was your name, was it not, prisoner?"


"The mighty rhino that charged through the ranks of all his enemies, who ripped through those that opposed him like a mighty river through the earth itself?"

"Yes...that was me..."

"And now, you squat here, showing off your ass to the entire court, letting them see the progress that we've made on training your body. Yes, it's quite the perverted shell, now, isn't it?"

SMACK! The king's hand on his ass only made the humiliation that much more keen, that much more damning than it had been. The rhino's cheeks burned hot, and he growled deep in his throat.

"As you can see, my nobles, there is only so much that any warrior can take. He cannot keep up the pretense of being a man forever, particularly once he becomes a prisoner. The chains of fear drags everyone down, makes them less than they once were, and Korram here, mighty Korram, is no exception."

"I swear..."


"...I swear...that you will never me," he grunted out, forcing himself to remember his place. Revenge would get him nothing at this point. He had to wait. He had to be smart about it.

"Heh, yes, I'm sure."

The crocodile king turned to some of his guards. He gestured, and a key was produced. In short order, the pillory was unlocked, and to his shock, Korram was allowed to stand. His eyes were wide as he flexed his hands, trying to determine whether this was a trick, a temptation that would lead him to death.

As the guards worked on the chains that held his shackles, Khej-Buya moved closer, his hand running down along the rhino's thigh. Before so many witnesses, it would have been almost worth it to kill the great crocodile king, to strike a blow against his empire and to show his nobles that they were not invincible. He would die doing it, but it would be worth it...

Almost. If he didn't get out, then they would never be exposed to the other nations. They would fake that their monarch was still around, and there would be no proof that he was not merely sick until they could come up with a better death for him. Killing him now would gain nothing.

So, Korram stood there, allowing the king to fondle him, allowing the crocodile to squeeze his cock and make it rise. He shivered as the king's fingers found their way down to the cock ring at the base of his shaft, trying to ignore the feeling of it being pulled, wriggled forward, dragged towards the tip of his cock. It was like feeling a mouth around his cock, if that mouth was dry but still pleasurable.

The ring was just under the head of his shaft, nearly sliding free, when the king rammed it right back down. Korram gasped, thrusting his hips forward before he could think, and the crocodile king chuckled at him.

"Yes, as you can see, he's thinking far more about his cock these days. The training that he's gone through has done a great deal to weaken him, to tell him what is really important in life these days. No more thinking about that pesky freedom. No more thinking about dignity or honor. No, all he needs to do is think about the next perverse thing that he can do for his master.

"Or rather, for me. As I am your master, am I not, mighty Korram?"


The rhino was blushing, and he didn't understand why. This was an entirely different shame, something that he didn't know how to deal with. Something about the crocodile king was different, too, almost as if he was trying to show off something different to the crowd, like he was trying to prove something.

Khej-Buya walked around him, and Korram did his best to keep facing the crowd. Instead of getting a smack to the ass, though, or something that would knock him down to his knees, he felt -


The shameful gasp of pleasure escaped him before he could stop it, and his cheeks burned as he realized that the king had just rammed a fist - not fingers, but a fist - up his ass, forcing his hole wider than it had been in days. He huffed and puffed, pushed up on his tiptoes, and his cock throbbed embarrassingly hard.


"Ah, as you can see, my prisoner has come to enjoy the, hehe, larger things in the world. He can't seem to get off anymore with anything less than something massive. I swear, there are days when I wonder if mighty Korram was more destined to take cock than he was ever to take up the spear."

The shameful thing was, the king was not entirely wrong. The pleasure that came from the increasingly huge cocks, the huge toys, was enough to make his cock feel harder than any woman ever did. The sensation of being filled had become better than the sensation of touching himself, and the idea of getting off with his hand was becoming harder and harder to accept.

As the king's fingers rubbed against his inner walls, as they touched and teased and pulled and tweaked at his prostate and his sensitive insides, he could feel his cock throbbing harder and harder for the crowd. He whimpered, biting his tongue, trying to hold back the submissive sounds as he was filled and used like a bitch.

Khej-Buya leaned around him, the crocodile smirking worse than usual.

"Now, as you can see, he's been trained to accept all this, but I think we can all see that there's more than just acceptance going on here, yes?"

The crowd laughed, knowingly and loudly. The feeling of their eyes on him, of their judgment as they stared at his cock and how hard it had become, at what he had become for the king, was all the more humiliating as a result. He screamed inside, trying to deny what he had become, how hard he was, but the evidence was right there.

Suddenly, the king's fist twisted, the ends of most of his fingers rubbing right along the rhino's prostate. It was all that Korram could do to stay upright, his eyes bugging out of their sockets at the sudden pleasure that rushed through him.


"I think that you like this more than you want to admit, don't you, mighty Korram. Let the crowd know, hmm?"

"Nnngh...hard...hard to..."

"Is it that good to have my fist inside you, hmm?"


"Then perhaps I should let you feel the emptiness again, hmm?"

And with that, with a slurping, wet sound, the king's fist was pulled free. Korram nearly collapsed at the sudden emptiness, and he did wobble back and forth to a drunken degree, panting hard as he felt his hole clenching on nothing. It couldn't close anymore. It wasn't even at a point where he could feel it clasping on a single cock, he realized. He'd need...he'd need more than that.

The rhino shuddered as the crocodile king gave him a gentle push, forcing him to take a step toward the crowd. He almost fell over, his eyes flicking from one noble to another.

"Go on. Turn around and show them the sort of pervert that you've become. Allow them to see that this isn't just your training talking."

He knew what that meant. He knew what the king was asking for. And he knew that he would have to grant that request.

He slowly turned around, leaning his head down as he did. He exposed his ass to the men of the court, and their bodyguards, and their servants. Mighty Korram reached back, grabbing his ass cheeks and pulling them apart. The gray, muscular flesh was taut and tight everywhere but in the rim, and he could feel the hole flapping slightly, exposed and shown for the slut-hole that it had become.

"This...this is what I have become...A slut...a needy...horny slut," he said, the words almost killing him to say, even as his cock bounced up against his belly in response. "I want to be a cock-hole, a slut, a cum-dump for the men of the kingdom. I want the crocodiles to look at me and know that I am conquered, a whore for them, something to be used, abused, and then cast aside when they are done."

"Heh, and what do you want most?" the king asked.

"I want cock. I want as much much cock as they can give me."

"And do you love it?"


He hoped that it was still a lie. He was no longer sure. What he did know was that his asshole burned, that his hole felt empty, begging once more for the cock that he didn't have inside of him. He knew that there had to be hard-ons aplenty behind him, the different crocodiles all eager for the chance to use him the way that the king had trained him to be used.

He looked at Khej-Buya, half-expecting to see a smirk, a knowing smile. Instead, he saw a chuckle, a laugh.

"Well, if the mighty rhino wants cock, then who are we to deny him? My warriors."

The court and the prisoners turned, looking at two warriors that were pointed out by the monarch. They were distinguished by being heads and shoulders taller than those around them, as well as being much, much thicker in the arms and legs than their fellows. They were the rare examples of stronger, thicker crocodiles, and their loincloths were already tenting with bulges that put most of the nobles to shame.

For that matter, they put some of the toys in the chests to shame, too. For the first time since he had started his training, Korram felt a twitch down below that had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with eagerness.

"His hole! It clenches!" one of the nobles shouted.

Korram stood up, but the damage was done. They were chatting to themselves about his urges, about his needs, and he doubted that they would stop before the night was done. His cheeks burned hot as he heard some of the comments rising in the air.

"Such a hole, it worships cock."

"The way that we worship the river, he worships other males, heh."

"A priest of great renown, it seems. The priest of cock."

"And a temple that is loose, open to all, it seems."

The crowd laughed at him, and he was left ashamed, his cheeks burning but his cock and his asshole twitching as the two crocodile warriors came for him.

They gave him no choice in what he was to do. They shoved him down to all fours, the rhino's horns used as grips and handles to tilt his head around. One crocodile flicked his loincloth to the side, exposing a cock that was almost ten inches long, thick and heavy, and the tip was already damp with musky pre.

Korram took the shaft like he had been trained, opening his mouth and allowing it deep into his throat. He gagged at the tip as it went past his mouth, but he swallowed obediently, his cheeks on fire as he felt the other crocodile reaching behind him.

The feeling of a thick cockhead against his hole was not what he expected. He had thought that it would feel the same as a toy, but no. It felt...smaller. Not quite bad, not quite tiny, but small enough that he knew that it could slide in dry and he would be able to take it without pain.

And it would be the only way for the crocodile to enjoy it, too, from the feel of what had been done to his hole. The king had done a number on him, wrecking him, training him to a loose, floppy sort of thing.

And the crocodile took full advantage.


Korram almost screamed around the cock in his mouth. Even though his hole was loose, the sudden, dry thrust was almost too much. The key word, of course, was almost, as he was still savoring the feeling of the sudden stretch, the gasping, pleasurable sensation of being so wide open and so...fucking...full.

The dryness made him feel like he was getting used by something bigger, like it was almost fist-sized rather than cock-sized. He moaned around the cock, unable to stop the first one, and just like that, it was like a dam had broken.

"There you have it, my court. The mighty Korram finally admits his need."

No, no, this isn't you! his mind tried to say, tried to stop him from reaching up with one hand for the crocodile's balls before him. This isn't you! This is an act. This is what you're pretending to be!

Yet, his body craved it. He didn't know how, why, or when it had changed to want it so badly, but it did. His hands sought out the base of the crocodile's cock, and his tongue was busy rolling against the underside of the one in his mouth. He couldn't stop himself, didn't want to stop himself.

His cock throbbed painfully hard against his belly, slapping against his stomach, thrusting itself forward and making a royal spectacle of itself. He couldn't stop it, and he didn't want to stop it.

Forward, back, forward, back, the two crocodiles thrust into him, bouncing him between one scaly crotch and another. There were moments when they were rougher, harder, slamming him forward with such intensity that he swore that they were going to break his nose or his tailbone as they fucked him relentlessly. In and out, in and out, faster, harder, deeper, never stopping, never slowing.

The rhino screamed in his head, the fight between the dignified, honorable warrior against the debased slut coming to a head. The slut was winning, the warrior's pride getting crushed beneath cock, musk, and raw, desperate need. So many times, the warrior had submitted, and so many times, he had been given what he needed.

He had been trained to submit, to give in and break his own pride again and again in order to survive. Now, he had to submit to being used, and he was getting something even better than life. He was getting pleasure.

The rhino moaned as his cock oozed beneath him, polishing the floor with pre-cum as silvery as anything in the king's treasury. Korram moaned under his breath, his humiliation no less keen for getting what he wanted. If anything, knowing that this was what he craved now only made it worse.

His ass cheeks jiggled, the muscle clenching constantly with the hard pounding that he was getting. He fought against it, tried to clench his hole to slow that massive cock down, but it only made it worse. It made it feel bigger, better...harder...

He moaned around the cock in his mouth, swallowing around the head as it started to ooze pre down his throat. More and more, thicker and thicker as it slid along his tongue. He tilted his head, allowing the head to grind against the ridged, richer textures along the roof of his mouth, and the crocodile soldier groaned and grunted in pleasure.

"Mighty Korram, slut at heart."

"The temple of cock is open to all, heh."

"Mind the mess, the cock-slut's all slippery."

"Wonder if he's ever going to cum..."

The rhino wondered the same thing. Each battering hit to his prostate added to the pleasure that he was going through, but his cock didn't seem to be any closer to going over the edge than it had been only moments ago. Every time that he felt that burst of pleasure from behind, every time that he felt that hunger get a bit closer to being satisfied, his cock seemed to throb that much harder and get trapped by the ring.

Chastity seemed to be his lot in life, and he was less angry than he thought he'd be. He was swallowed up in the perpetual swarm of lust that burned in his head, making it impossible to think, impossible to be angry.

Horniness, arousal, lust was all that mattered. He was a good warrior, but he was a better slut. The big rhino rocked himself back and forth, losing himself in the desperate storm of stimulation and sensation that swirled about in his head. Other hands besides the warriors reached out for him, slapping across his chest, grabbing his cock and stroking it, rolling his balls about. Others pushed him down, forcing him to suck harder, fuck faster.

He was a centerpiece, and the court was pleased to use him. At some point, he felt a load of cum going down his throat, the warrior's cock replaced by another. At another, he felt the crocodile behind him pull back, another stepping forward. Not replacing him, but joining him, two thick reptilian dicks in his ass at once.

The stretch was just what he craved, and if an orgasm had been possible, he probably would have cum all over the floor at that.

He moaned louder, louder, and louder still. When his mouth was empty, his moans filled the entire hall. When he was sucking cock, it was still loud enough for the different men all around him to make it out.

Through it all, the king watched him. Khej-Buya, on his throne of reeds and gold, watched over the mighty Korram as he fell further and further, losing his dignity, his status, and most of all, his mind.

I...I lose... he thought as he panted. I...lose...

The End