Roll and Oz's Summer of Fun: Chapter 1

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#1 of Roll and Oz's Summer of Fun

This is the first entry into a new project I've been working on during the quarantine! Roll is a character I've tried to create for a while now, and I've had the models and idea of Oz, Ace, and many of the other guys we'll meet worked out for a long time too! It's just been about bringing them together into a cohesive story.

I'm still working on the formatting for this. If the way this one is doesn't work, say so, and I'll change the spacing for the next chapter!

If this really got you going, then reach out to me on Discord! I'm happy to discuss the story, characters, and anything else with you guys. My Discord is Damien#3560, and I would love to hear from you on how this was!

As usual I'll be posting Chapter 2 here shortly, where we'll meet a few more guys who are gonna make Roll's summer on the farm a whole lot more exciting! I hope you're all looking forward to it!

Chapter 1: A New Sensation

The sun was shining on the vast fields of farmlands as the car soared down the highway. In the front seat sat a middle aged, brown bunny with horn-rimmed glasses. Next to him sat a female bunny of similar age, her fur a vibrant cream white. In the back seat, their twelve year old son, Roll, sat with his eyes glued out of the window at the beautiful scenery before him.

Roll had never been to the countryside, and he'd never met his Uncle Oz, a man his father rarely spoke of for reasons he didn't know, but now that his parents were going on a month-long cruise, he was going to be doing both

"Dad, how much further until we're there?" He asked, briefly directing his attention to the front of the car. His father sighed, an annoyed expression Roll had grown used to, and didn't answer. His mother quipped that it wouldn't be too much longer in response. The young bunny looked back out the window.

A few minutes later, he noticed a large, beautiful white farmhouse come into view, with miles of gated land behind it, a large red barn off to the side, and several tractors, trucks, and various vehicles all parked out in front. As the family drove closer, Roll could see the house was two storied, had a large porch out front, and that it was also the only one in sight for miles. He couldn't believe his eyes as they approached the driveway.

The young bunny also noticed a large, tan bull sitting on the porch when they finally parked the car. The bull stood up, standing around 6'7", and Roll could see he was dressed only in a loose fitting black vest, a cowboy hat, jeans, and black boots. Was this Uncle Oz?

"Well, we're here. Out you go, Roll." His father said, stepping out into the cool breeze. Roll followed, and upon exiting the car the smell of fresh cut grass and clean air filled his acute nostrils, and he inhaled deeply. He turned his attention to the bull, who was now leaning on the edge of their SUV.

"Oscar! It's so great to see you, little bro!" He bellowed, his voice deep and loud. Roll's eyes widened as he realized the bull was in fact his uncle.

"Mm, yeah, good to see you too Oz, now, lets go over the rules again-" Oscar began speaking, but Oz interrupted, moving his attention towards Roll. Up close, the bunny was amazed at how tall and big his uncle was. He caught a faint whiff of his natural smell, which made him perk up a bit.

"And this must be little Roll, huh! Pleasure to finally meet ya kiddo, I'm your Uncle Oz!" The bull greeted, reaching forward and ruffling the boy's brown and cream fur with a gloved hand. Roll giggled a little and nodded back.

"It's nice to meet you too, Uncle Oz, although you certainly weren't what I was expecting!"

His father shot him a glare, and from inside the car his mother shook her head. Oz however seemed unconcerned, and just laughed, a deep, throaty sound.

"I'll have to tell you the story while you're here kiddo! Now, your father and I need to talk for a bit, so why don't you go check out the farm! Run free little one!"

Roll didn't need to be told twice, bolting from the front of the house around to the side and over one of the gate's. Out back, he couldn't believe his eyes. The fields seemed to run forever, with an occasional farm hand working. Behind the house was a large deck where a few men were taking rests in the shade. He hopped up onto it to check things out.

"Heya kid, what are you doing back here?" A deep voice called to him. Roll turned to find himself across from a large, chestnut colored stallion dressed similarly to his uncle sitting down in one of the deck chairs. He was smoking a cigarette and had one leg crossed over his knee, but stood up and stomped the bud out upon seeing Roll. He was around 6'6" and muscular, but not as much as Oz.

"Oh, hiya mister! I'm Roll, Oz's nephew! I'm going to be staying with you guys for a month or so, and he told me to go check out the fields while he talks to my dad!"

The stallion nodded, then his expression changed from confusion to a smile. He stepped over and kneeled down in front of Roll so he was eye level. Up close, the bunny could see his crisp green eyes and sincere gaze.

"Well then, you're the little scamp we've been hearing about! It's a pleasure to meet ya Roll, you can call me Ace. I'm the top advisor of the farm. Why don't I give you a tour of the house instead?" Ace said, extending a gloved hand to the little bunny. Roll shook it eagerly, grinning at the kind man, and nodded.

He was led inside to the main living area, where a few more stallions roamed around, drinking water and rehydrating for the rest of the day. Roll didn't pay any attention to them really, but also didn't notice the sly looks and glances that he was receiving.

"This here is the living room, which is where we usually hang out after work days together," Ace explained, walking him through the big house and towards the main entrance. "Up here are the bedrooms, c'mon up with me and I'll show you yours okay?"

The upstairs portion of the house was as big as the downstairs, with many hallways navigating off in different directions. But Ace led Roll to a small room that looked out over the back of the farm, with a big bed and plenty of toys for him to occupy his time with. Roll couldn't believe how lucky he was. His parents never let him have this kind of freedom at home.

"This is amazing, Ace! I can't believe I get to stay with you guys. This is like a dream come true for me!" Roll swooned, looking over the legos, t.v. and video game systems that were all for him to enjoy. The brown stallion smiled from his seat on the bed, then grinned slightly.

"Of course kid, although you know, there is something serious we need to talk about, okay? Come here for a moment and sit by me." He patted the side of the bed, and the bunny scurried over quickly.

"I'm not sure what you know about this kinda stuff, but on this farm, everyone here really loves each other, okay? And as such, we like to show that love very often. You don't gotta problem with boys who love boys, do ya Roll?" Ace asked, raising an eyebrow at the kid before him.

Roll considered his answer for a moment. His father had told him that boys were supposed to be with girls, but he also hadn't told him that it was bad. He smiled back at Ace and shook his head.

"No Ace, I mean, I dunno if I'm attracted to boys! But I don't think that's bad? Right?" He asked, just to make sure he hadn't offended the older stallion.

Ace chuckled and nodded. He placed one hand on Roll's knee and rubbed comfortingly, feeling the soft cream-and-brown fur.

"Course it ain't bad, kid. It's very natural. We don't allow women to work on the farm, so many people here love men instead. I'm pretty sure that you're attracted to boys, you look like the type. Makes sense, don't it?"

Roll nodded and blushed a little as he felt the cool leather of Ace's glove running up his thigh. He wasn't sure what the sensation he had was, but he was enjoying every second of it.

"Do you know how to show your love to someone, kiddo? I just wanna make sure, so you aren't surprised or nothin when you see it happen."

"Yeah, you give them a kiss right? That's what my mom does with me when she tucks me in at night."

Ace nodded and gave the bunny a warm smile, patting his thigh gently.

"Good sport! You got it. We like kissin each other here all the time, and I'm sure a lot of folks will wanna kiss you, if I'm bein honest. How's that make ya feel?"

Roll shifted a little as the glove moved upwards, this time rubbing against his hip. He couldn't help but lean into the touch. He simply nodded in response to Ace's question.

"Well then kid, why don't you kiss me, right now, huh? Since you said you're okay with it, and it's gonna happen lots anyways. How's that sound?"

Roll moved back slightly now, becoming a little too stimulated to continue. He blushed fully, the cream spots on his face turning red, and he stuttered.

"I-I mean, we j-just met Ace! I thought you had to love me to kiss me." The big stallion merely chuckled and stood up, offering his hand to Roll, who took it and followed suit.

"Nah kid, you got it all wrong! I do love ya, a lot actually, from the moment I saw ya. Now, close your eyes, this won't be so bad, I promise." He chuckled, leaning down so he was eye level with the bunny once more. Roll could only do as was asked, closing his eyes as Ace closed the distance between him and pressed the edge of his long muzzle to his lips. One of Ace's hands moved upward, to gently rub at the bunny's ears, while the other moved down to cup at the spot between his legs gently. Roll moaned a little; everything felt so good.

When it was done, Ace pulled back and smiled again.

"See, wasn't so bad, right kiddo? Did ya like how my hands felt on ya? I hear bunnies like havin their ears petted. And that spot between your legs is a real nice place to get felt up, too." Ace explained, giving Roll a pat on the head.

The bunny only could nod, still flushed and confused as to what he was feeling, when a piercing whistle broke through the air, resonating even inside the house.

"Oh, looks like your uncle is callin ya! Better go say bye to your folks kid."

Roll scurried off down the stairs and out the front door without another word, and Ace simply chuckled as he watched the bunny's pert little ass bounce as he moved down the stairs. He'd done a good job for an introduction; Oz would certainly be pleased.

Outside, Oz had two armfuls of Roll's belongings with him. It looked like it was nothing for him to lift it, which amazed Roll since he could barely carry his suitcase. His father had a displeased look on his face, but that was nothing new, and his mom had stepped outside. He gave them each a hug and they departed without much else to say. Roll turned his attention to Oz.

"What did you and my dad have to talk about, Uncle Oz?" He asked.

Oz grinned down at his nephew and shrugged.

"Eh, nothin too crazy, just figurin out your bedtime, food you like, all that stuff. Not that I'm gonna enforce a bedtime with ya, all of us here like stayin up pretty late. You got free reign to have fun as much as you want, kiddo." He said as they walked back to the house. Roll nodded and grinned in glee.

Oz brought Roll's belongings up to his room once inside, where Ace was waiting to help him unpack.

"Oh, good to see ya Ace! I guess you gave Roll a tour of the house earlier, didn't ya?" Oz asked as he took a seat where Ace had sat earlier.

"Yep, sure did. And guess what Oz, kids really cool with how things work here. Says he's got no problem with men who love men, isn't that right Roll?" Ace smirked, looking over to Roll who was busy unpacking his clothes and fitting them into the dresser. The bunny smiled and nodded.

"Wow, isn't that something huh? You must have a good head on your shoulders then, nephew. Why don't you come here for a minute huh?" Oz asked, patting his lap gently.

Roll put aside the rest of his things, and Ace moved to finish the job while he sat on Oz's thigh. He could feel how strong and powerful the bull was just by sitting on him, and up close he got a view of his chiseled frame. His father and all his teachers were nothing like his uncle, in fact no one he'd ever met was nearly as big as Oz.

The bull gazed down at his nephew, and without word, leaned in to kiss him on the lips, just as Ace had done a few minutes earlier. Roll was caught off guard, but having experienced it before, didn't squirm or move, he simply kissed back and tried to enjoy it. When he was finished, Oz moved a hand to cup him between his legs, again just as Ace had done.

"Are these things that Ace showed ya, huh Roll? Did you like them? I guess so, considerin ya said you didn't have a problem with men who love men, right?" Oz asked in a low, serious tone.

"N-No Uncle, I don't have a problem with this. This is normal, right?" He asked a bit nervously, the sensation of his uncle's big hand on his crotch sending shivers through his body for some reason.

"Yep, perfectly normal kiddo. This is how we all do it here on the farm. Now that you're out here, you gotta do this stuff too when you see someone you love, okay?", Oz explained. "And I promise you boy, everyone here is gonna love you. Now, why don't you go explore outside some more, and Ace and I will finish setting up your room okay?"

Roll slipped off his uncle's lap and hurried out of the room, eager to explore and meet more of the farmhands. Despite how confused he was about how things worked, he liked how it felt, and certainly didn't mind showing people that he cared for them.

Back inside his room, Ace chuckled and stood up, and Oz did the same. They came together in a passionate kiss, hands roaming each other's bodies, cupping, groping, and trailing along skillfully. They pulled apart.

"I think this is gonna be the best month or so we've had yet, Oz." Ace huffed.

"Oh, just wait til you see what I got planned for him, Ace."