Lifting Weight (Guest story/Commission)

Story by Dargon0 on SoFurry

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Hello reader!

This is kind of an unusual upload, so let me be frank. I didn't write this story! A great friend of mine is hoping to make some money via writing, and this is the result of asking him to take on one of the commission ideas I had. I helped with feedback along the way, but all the words were put to keyboard by him in a frankly wonderful way. It's a fun bout of a shy lizard's first time at the gym and the antics he gets up to with the only other gym-goer whose there as early as him. Lovely visuals, cute characters, and unprofessional behavior abound!

Currently, said friend doesn't have any accounts among our community so there's no way to contact him directly, but if you like what he does and would like to see more, please let me know and I'll pass it along!

If you're reaching this as a watcher of mine, I apologize that this isn't my work. Progress is slow as ever due to work and 'the vidyagaems,' but I do have two stories currently in the works. One is massive, one is shorter, and I hope to have the shorter one out by the end of the year.

The dull hum of fluorescent lighting was only just audible above the cheery, motivational pop song piping in through the speakers of an empty gymnasium. The repetitive sound was eventually broken by the creak of a locker-room door opening, followed by the hesitant footsteps of someone exploring a new environment for the first time. The head of a dust-brown reptile leaned into the atrium, carefully concealing himself behind a doorway; besides the anxiety usually involved in going to a gym for the first time, there was something uniquely disquieting about a brightly-lit and somewhat-noisy environment being utterly devoid of other people. He checked his watch, and briefly mourned his sleep schedule when he found it was the precise twilight hour between being incredibly late at night and terribly early in the morning. Taking one last look to reassure himself that he was the only person currently using the gym, the nerve-wracked lizard stepped into the atrium, meandering in circles and staring apprehensively at the equipment until he remembered he was going to start with some bicep curls.

Digging his phone from his shorts and thumbing through his apps, the hesitant reptile eventually found where he'd moved the exercise helper he'd installed three months ago and settled into a basic routine; five curls one arm, five curls the other, repeat. Sitting down lengthwise on a bench and leaving his phone in view, he hovered his gaze over the hand-weights until he settled on the fourth-smallest, reconsidered after the first tug and tried the third-smallest, then grimaced in resignation and picked up the smallest weight available. It didn't feel particularly heavy in his hand, but according to the app, half the exercise was controlling its descent as well as lifting it. The reptile understood why within five minutes when exertion began sapping his strength, and his hold on the weight wobbled slightly as his arms began to burn. He persevered through the stinging sensation, focusing on an image of his future muscles as half of a smile formed on his face.

Said smile immediately turned into wide-eyed apprehension when the locker-room door opened again.

The lizardess who emerged didn't notice him at first, too wrapped up in humming along with the music in her headphones to pay much attention to her surroundings. The reptile stared boggle-eyed at her as she absent-mindedly strode close enough for a better look, silently wondering if the expensive gym shorts she was wearing were a size too small for her. His eyes traced her well-toned legs and long, diamond-patterned tail before they returned to the rest of her sand-colored body. Starting at the cream belly-scales on her abdomen, his gaze worked its way up to the slightly-stretched sports bra on her chest, before finally managing to climb all the way up to her rounded snout and cheerful face. A hint of focus appeared in her eyes for a moment as she set herself on the bench next to his and let her tail splay across the padding, before they snapped open in surprise when she finally registered his presence. Hurriedly taking her headphones off and fishing her phone from her rear pocket (which took a few tugs, as tightly stretched as her shorts were), she turned down the volume and sheepishly apologized: "Oh, I'm sorry. Is the music bothering you?"

It took the reptile several moments to realize he'd been asked a question, hypnotized by her form as he was. "What? Oh, no, uh, it's fine. Nice as- uh, break from the song on the radio." The she-reptile giggled good-naturedly, replying "I'm just not used to seeing anyone else here at this hour. Are you new here?" To his credit, fewer moments passed before the he-lizard replied: "Uh, yes, actually. First time, in fact." "Really?" Her tone was interested, which finally drew his full attention to her face, and the cheery smile she was giving him. "Well, I hope you stick around! It's kind of lonely in here this early, and I rarely get to watch other people's progress. If you don't mind me saying, I think you have a lot of potential!"

The lizard stared at her, somewhat flattered and completely stunned. The lizardess broke the silence with a good-natured giggle, before turning away from him and bending over to browse the weights on her side, stretching her shorts tight enough to reveal both the model of her phone and the brand name of her underwear in the process. Between wondering how those shorts hadn't ripped yet, speculating if she meant to let her tail curve that high, and remembering to take a breath every now and again, it was something of a miracle that he managed to look away when she sat up again. She set two 50-pound weights down on either side of her bench as the lizard surreptitiously wiped drool from his muzzle, before she nonchalantly asked "Is it all right if I put my music back on? I like to work to the beat."

She pulled out her phone again to reset her music, then gave the reptile a curious look when he didn't answer right away. Her attention shocked him into stammering profusely, eventually articulating "Y- Yes, you're so fine, I- I mean the music- the music's- it's fine." He wasn't quite sure what to make of the long, cheery giggle she had at his reaction, but she didn't seem to mind his awestruck response as she put her headphones back on and turned the volume up, her eyes closing in a meditative trance as she immersed herself in her chosen music. The reptile dimly noted that he could recognize the song from where he was sitting, his focus otherwise consumed by her bending down to pick up the weights again.

The ridges above his eyes crawled steadily higher as she held her bent-over pose for a moment, breathing deeply to steady herself. His own breath stopped for a moment as she stooped even further, stretching her shorts so tight he could see that she wasn't wearing women's boxers under them like he'd assumed. Her black panties rode up on her thighs, almost as tight on her as the shorts were, and had an all-too-noticeable crease between her legs. She exhaled, longer and more heavily than the reptile had expected; she was paying more attention to the music than her own breathing. With a grunt that sounded more pleased than exerted, she sat up again with the weights in hand, curling them up to her chest with a rhythmic, humming breath. She held them there, her hands bouncing slightly as she concentrated on her music, then lifted them over her head in time with a crescendo in her chosen song. Her sports bra, which the reptile noted was at least one size too small, rode up with her shoulders; it even caught her actual bra and bared the underside of her chest to the reptile's wide, hungry eyes.

Exhaling in a long, steady hiss, she lowered the weights back to her chest, then to her legs. Cutting herself off with a grunt, her music reached a particularly inspiring bridge and she stood up, hefting the weights to her chest again and slightly arching her back; the reptile's attention was wholly consumed by both her flexibility and how her pose managed to emphasize both the roundness of her chest and the fullness of her hips. The lizardess hefted the weights over her head as she swayed in time with her chosen music, the motion subtly wriggling herself out of her gym shorts and baring more of her lower belly for the enraptured lizard's viewing pleasure. With a hum that sounded too much like a moan for the reptile's comfort, she bent down and rested one hand on the bench, curling the other arm with a weight in her grasp. The reptile's attention found itself on the reason why her shorts were so tight: they were the right size for her, but the base of her tail was so wide that it stretched the elastic hole it poked from to its limit and then some. Said tail began to subconsciously rise as she switched hands, her breathing becoming heavier and more evocative with each successive curl as both her shorts and underwear rode up with the curling appendage. The fold between her legs became all the more apparent as her tail curled higher and the lizard's eyes grew wider, the latter's mind wondering if she was aware of anything besides her workout and her music. Another satisfied breath escaped the lizardess's mouth as she released her tension, letting her muscles unwind while she prepared for the next step in her routine.

She set the weights down on either side of the bench, then laid on her back and let her tail spill onto the floor. Spreading her legs (thus bringing even more of the lizard's attention to the furrow nestled between her thighs) and retrieving the weights, she exhaled in time with the tune from her song in as she lifted them into the air at full arm's length. The she-reptile held the dense metal there, so intensely focused on her exercise that she failed to notice her incidental exercise partner leaning around to get a better look at the base of her tail. Her arms began to tremble as she held the weights aloft, and her chest heaved with considerable and somehow evocative effort; the ogling reptile noted that she might be embarrassed about it if she wasn't so into her music. His attention grew more rapt as the lizardess's breathing turned deeper and harsher, struggling to muster enough endurance to keep the weights suspended. Quiet noises escaped her throat, drawing the lizard's mind to certain fantastic scenarios as much as his eyes were drawn to her quivering body, strained to the limits of its endurance. Her little gasps and grunts steadily grew louder and more intense until, at the final climax of her song, she let out a harsh gasp and let her arms descend back down to either side of her chosen bench.

Letting the weights drop from her hands, the lizardess concluded her workout by sitting up and taking a water bottle the lizard never noticed before having a long drink. Gasping in relief, she removed her headphones and splashed her face with the rest of the bottle. Breathing deeply in exhaustion and satisfaction, she spared a glance at the enraptured, boggle-eyed reptile and noted "You know you're supposed to hold them sideways, right?"

The lizard stared uncomprehendingly at her some more, until his gaze drifted slightly and he finally noticed that during her workout, he'd unconsciously begun holding his tiny weights at an upward angle. Furthermore, his pace had increased greatly, and it took him an embarrassed moment to right his grip and slow himself back down to the app-recommended speed. He focused intently on the weights, his breathing having gotten heavier for one reason or another, trying to smother thoughts of her perfect form with exercise. His hard-fought focus was broken yet again when the lizardess offered "Your pace seems kind of quick for those small ones. You could probably move up a size or two, if you wanted!"

The weights slipped from the lizard's grasp entirely, his nerves shocked to numbness by her earnest compliment. She chuckled good-naturedly at his reaction, continuing "Your form could use a little work, though!" He looked at her with an expression unsure if it should be flattered or even further embarrassed, as her laugh trailed off and her own face adopted a look of contemplation. Her eyes canted around the atrium, making sure they were the only two persons in it, then stood up and walked to his bench. The lizard, however stunned he was, unconsciously shifted his tail to make room for her as she sat down next to him. Folding her hands in her lap, she mused "You know, I'm actually a trainer for a college downtown." The lizard angled his head with interest as she spoke, for once fully enraptured by her pretty face rather than the rest of her. She blinked pensively before she continued "Some of my classes were canceled, though, so I have a lot of free time. If you're going to stick around..." The lizard's ridges bobbed, and he subtly pinched himself to make sure he hadn't fallen into some kind of dream. He nearly pierced his hide when she leaned in to conclude "... Maybe we could schedule a few training sessions? A personal thing, just the two of us."

Her pretty eyes pierced right through his dumbfounded silence, and his jaws managed to move enough to enunciate "Uh... to whom... would I owe the pleasure...?" Her giggle, he realized, was going to burrow into his mind forever while she tittered merrily at his question, before she answered "Lanyssius."

Arousal and shock gave way to perfectly ordinary confusion when he blinked at her, completely silent. Rolling her eyes, Lan-something clarified "Everyone just calls me Lana. Now that you know mine, can I trouble you to reveal yours?" The reptile's ridges bobbed again, unsure if the lizardess now known as Lana was being flirty or simply oblivious, and eventually replied "I... Jay. People call me Jay." "Jay..." Lana repeated, rolling the word over her tongue. She looked him over, her eyes lingering in places Jay had hoped she wouldn't observe too closely, and added "Shorter than I thought, but nice and easy on the tongue. I like it!" Definitely flirty, Jay concluded just as she stood up again. "Well, Jay," she began as she bent down to pick up the weights. She said and did a few other things too, but his focus remained entirely on her glutes until she stood up again in mid-sentence. "... Same time tomorrow, and we can work out the rest of the schedule then. Sound good?" Jay barely managed to look up from her hips before she turned around, and even then he had to drag his eyes up and away from her chest. "Y- yes, sounds perfect," he mumbled, latching onto her sparkling gaze to keep from sliding down to her belly again. His own eyes shot wide when he remembered something important, and quickly added "Wait, uh, how much for the, er, the service? You're a professional and all and, well, I'm kind of scraping-" "Aw, don't worry about it," Lana interrupted with a wave of her hand. "For a cute guy like you? No charge."

She winked knowingly at him while his jaw hung speechlessly open, then put her headphones back on and hummed along to a slow-paced song as she headed back to the locker room. Jay stared after her until she rounded the corner of the locker-room corridor and finally collected himself enough to mutter a few random syllables before whispering in disbelief: "Holy shit I have a date."

Jay spent the rest of the day in a dreamy haze, with nothing on his mind besides Lana and her promise to spend some private time with him. He barely recalled anything besides his boss noting that he seemed distracted today, and that his arms felt incredibly sore for some reason. He woke up even earlier than he had the day before, then hurriedly packed up his gym-wear before rushing over to the gym, excitedly running up to the automatic doors and smacking snout-first into the glass.

A black cat in a janitor's uniform rounded a corner inside the building, just in time to see Jay's surprised face pressed against the inactive doors. They stared at each other for a minute or so, before the feline checked his watch, shrugged indifferently, and unlocked the door for the eager reptile. Jay stumbled into the building, rubbing his snout with a quiet hiss, and had just opened his mouth to thank the custodian when his heart abruptly stopped as a familiar lizardess in sport-shorts and a hoodie walked past him. Lana innocently admired the ceiling, acting like she hadn't seen anything while humming along to a song in her head that sounded remarkably similar to suppressed giggles. The black cat's eyes canted to follow her as she rounded the corner into the atrium, then returned his attention to the stunned lizard gawking after her with an expression frozen between flabbergasted and humiliated. Without missing a beat, the feline pushed Jay's mouth shut, grabbed his shoulders to square his posture, plucked some stray detritus from his clothes, then leaned in to whisper "Go get her, tiger." With a canny nudge and a knowing wink, the black cat picked up his toolbox and ambled out the sliding glass doors as Jay mustered enough confidence to follow Lana into the atrium.

She was just heading into locker rooms when he emerged, briefly turning to give him a sly wink before rounding the corner and letting her tail briefly curl out before following her. The he-lizard stopped in his tracks, heart-struck by her coy beauty, before his baser instincts reminded him that he wasn't going to get any of that if he kept freezing up every time she looked at him. Stirred by this caddish reminder, he followed the lizardess into the locker rooms and realized at the last minute that he shouldn't follow her into _her_locker room. Diverting his steps before he walked into tragedy, he stumbled to the other side of the hallway and into the male's locker room with a sigh of relief. He switched into his workout tank, silently grateful that nobody else was there to see his skinny frame, and had just shuffled his jeans off when he noted the sound of water running.

Jay had to stop himself from gasping in alarm at the silhouette behind the shower curtain. With a renewed sense of caution, the reptile began to slowly drag his bag of clothes further from the stall until his tail brushed against a mysterious fabric. He whirled on the bench to see what he'd nudged, then his heart took a few moments to restart while he couldn't help but stare at the black fabric of a pair of uncomfortably familiar panties.

His gaze fixed on the carelessly-placed undergarment, Jay took several moments to recover enough sense to wonder if he was in the wrong room after all. A cursory glance at the male-specific facilities shortly proved otherwise, leaving him even more curious about her motives. Jay managed to drag his stare back over to the shower curtain, where he now recognized what was undoubtedly Lana's feminine silhouette; after yesterday, he'd recognize her physique anywhere. She had her chest held out and her head craned back, letting the water drip down her body in a way that ever-attentive Jay might have killed to see in more detail. She braced herself on her tail, focusing her balance with a deep breath, before taking a pose that burned itself into Jay's mind forever: she lifted her leg, hooked her arm around it, and then hefted her foot over her head with a long, satisfied breath.

She would be facing him if the curtain was open, Jay realized. His mind was flooded with improper visions, made all the more vivid by how prominent her cleft had been under her clothes. She repeated the pose with her other leg; limbering up, he realized somewhere beneath wondering whether that cream color on her belly went all the way down. The she-reptile let her leg down again while she hummed a familiar song, before crossing her arm over her chest and stretching her shoulders. At least, that's what he assumed she was doing, since it was difficult to pay attention to anything besides her chest bulging from under her arms as they pressed against her body. The song in her head trailed off along with her humming, and her silhouette adopted a tense, pensive stance. Her hands hovered indecisively about herself for a moment, before the lizardess took a deep breath, turned away from the showerhead, and lifted her tail at its base.

Jay briefly redirected his attention to his boxers, adjusting the hem to recapture his escaping member before it could peek over his waist. Lana quietly mumbled to herself as she pulled her tail up and out of the way of the flowing water, running her hands along the muscular appendage until she was tugging the tip over her shoulder. The male lizard in the room couldn't listen in on her muttering if he'd wanted to, too entranced by her sudden change in demeanor to care. Even without her words to guide his thoughts, he gained a vibrant insight into what was on her mind when she cupped herself with one hand and let the other fall from her tail, leaving its tip resting over her shoulder. Lana's free hand guided itself down to her hips, her breathing becoming audible over the running shower as it floated ever closer. Her mumbling rose to only just loud enough for Jay to hear, even over his own incredibly distracted thoughts while he stared at her thighs: "... never seen such a big student with... such powerful thrusts..." Upon much closer inspection, it seemed her hand wasn't actually moving, only hovering just in front of where that magnificent cleft would be. He watched, breath bated and eyes intent, until she cut herself off with a defeated sigh and let her questing hands drop morosely to her sides. Curiosity and disappointment fought for prominence in Jay's mind, the former winning out as Lana turned the shower off and sank to the floor.

"What is wrong_with me?" she asked herself aloud, running her hands along her face. "This is exactly why I moved out of my parent's house, so I could have the freedom to do this to myself..." Jay stealthily and silently began to put his gym shorts on while she groused, resolving to pretend he'd only just entered the room. "... Can't look guys my own size in the eyes, can't handle a crowded gym for the life of me, can't even get myself going to porn, but..." the he-lizard immediately froze again when Lana's voice gained an edge of unmistakable lust. "... Oh, god, I want it so _bad. I want a big, hunky lizard to throw this curtain open and show me off to a room full of guys who want it as bad as I do and take turns with me for the rest of the day, let them drag me off to a dungeon for weeks if they want to..." She smacked her forehead, trying to drive out the image that was making it so much worse for her. "But I can't even come here during the busy hours..." Jay slipped his shirt on and quietly scurried over to a far corner of the locker room, trying to act as nonchalant as possible. His attempt at looking innocent met some resistance from his increasingly desperate libido when she concluded "At least Jay's pretty cute. I wonder if he's-"

The sound of the shower curtain rolling to the side wasn't nearly as loud as the startled yelp she let out the moment she saw him. The curtain immediately closed again as Jay faked an equally startled noise, before putting on a baffled accent and asking "Lana?!" "Sorry, sorry!" she replied, her embarrassment palpable. "I, um, I've been trying to see how long I can get away with using the men's locker room because, well, hardly anyone else is here when I am and-" "It's fine!" Jay interrupted, hurriedly stashing his non-gym clothes under the bench. "Totally fine, I'll just step out for a bit!" Lana replied with some fretful syllables that sounded vaguely thankful as the he-lizard quickly left the room, rounding the corner into the locker hallway and adjusting his excited blood-serpent to a less-noticeable position under his shorts. He leaned up against the wall with a deep, contemplative breath, shortly before his mouth spread into a wide grin; she thought he was cute, she was in desperate need of some love, and she was about to spend some private time with him. His smile dropped when he heard Lana muttering about her own awkwardness in the locker room, and he quickly adjusted his eager little serpent's position again.

His effort immediately proved useful (if obvious) when Lana emerged from the locker room, smiling at him while wearing little more than a black bra with matching panties, of the same sort she wore under her workout clothes. He struggled mightily against his immense desire to enjoy the view, forcing his eyes to stay on her face while he asked "Where are your... workout clothes...?" Lana giggled, the motion making Jay very aware that she was wearing her bra somewhat loose, before she answered "For today? You're looking at them." There was a very deliberate-seeming sway on her hips as she sauntered around the stunned reptile, looking over her shoulder to inform him "The personal rooms are this way," before she pushed a door in the locker-hallway open and twitched her tail in a coy beckoning motion. To his credit, Jay's love-struck hesitation only lasted a moment before he followed her in, spurred on by the thought of pleasing a lonely, yet strong woman with his... _presence._Perhaps a few other things, too, but maybe that was getting ahead of himself.

Only one of the private rooms was open when Jay stepped in, and Lana's music was playing softly from the doorway. Both his heart and his tail fluttered with anticipation while he stepped through the aperture, and they abruptly stopped in-unison the moment he saw the lizardess's bent-over rear with her tail crooked off to one side. His look at that wonderful cleft of hers was cut short when she stood up again, dusting her hands and announcing "All set up! I hope you're ready for a long, strenuous morning!" She cheerily walked past him and pulled the door closed, then rested both hands on his shoulders. Jay resisted only just enough to let her chest press against him slightly; the ensuing rush of blood got his legs to cooperate as she gently guided him over to an exercise bike, which he mounted with only slight difficulty from the excitement of his completely undeterred red serpent.

He gripped the handlebars firmly, his posture off by a few degrees to better hide his arousal, and grinned innocently at his new personal trainer. "Now then," she began as she returned to the front of the room, conspicuously bending down to adjust some settings on the speaker-stand Jay hadn't noticed she'd plugged her phone into. "This is going to be a fairly standard bike routine, but I want you to..." Her voice was a cheerful and indistinct backdrop to Jay's long look at her hindquarters, which briefly became a look at her frontquarters before he realized that meant she was facing him again. Swinging his gaze up to meet hers, Lana gave him a knowing smile as her own eyes slowly drifted down. Following her gaze, he noticed that his red serpent had grown so eager that it was on the verge of escaping from his gym shorts. With a mortified gasp, he took one hand off the bars to adjust himself, pausing mid-reach as she admonished "Ah-ah. Keep your hands on the bars..." She paced over and gripped his hands in hers, squeezing gently to keep his attention on the metal rods and not his fleshy one. "Keep your pace steady..." Her tail craned over and poked her mounted phone, and the room filled with a slow, sultry tune that called longingly to Jay's own baser instincts. "... And keep your eyes on me."

Jay's legs started working on their own when Lana let go of his hands and stepped back, eyeing him up and down with a sultry sparkle in her eyes. Whatever exertion he felt as he pedaled the bike completely failed to register as the wide-eyed reptile watched his new trainer bring her hands together, slowly raising them over her head as she slid one foot up to her opposite thigh. Her tail slowly and hypnotically swayed behind her as she held her pose, leaving Jay unsure of what to ogle the most: Her chest's subtle-yet-tantalizing movement as she breathed deeply, her powerful legs demonstrating both remarkable balance and incredible allure, or the way her underwear had ridden with her raised leg just enough to bare a scant few of the fuller, softer scales underneath her hips. She adjusted her pose as the music progressed, returning her foot to the floor and arching her body as she leaned backwards, briefly distracting Jay from his ogling to note how incredibly limber she was.

Lana planted her hands on the mat while keeping her feet firmly in place, the angle of her arch leaving nothing about the size of her chest or the inadequate modesty of her panties to her trainee's imagination. The he-reptile felt a drop of drool escape his mouth as he stared at the thin strip of black fabric that kept her pose flirty rather than outright erotic. He dimly noted, and unconsciously responded to, her reminding him to keep pace while her tail curled up and around her leg. She had to remind him again when the questing appendage slipped beneath the strap of her panties and tugged it outwards, turning a coquettish presentation into an agonizing tease as the thin black fabric stopped just barely short of exposing anything more than the very edge of her cream-colored underside. The quiet snap as she pulled her tail free of her undergarments sent a ripple around her hindquarters as she returned her body to an upright position, spreading her legs out in a wide set of splits. She took a long, appreciative moment to gauge Jay's progress, although her eyes halted just above his legs with a surprised gape.

The realization that his little red serpent had finally escaped its confines only dimly registered in the male reptile's mind. His distant, unconscious reply to her stare was to slow his pace and make a confused noise in his throat. Lana's eyes darted uncertainly between his face and his groin, and her mouth hung open with indecision as to whether she should tell him about his throbbing escapee or not. Something primal entered her expression after another moment of quiet, internal debate, fixing her needful gaze on Jay's eyes as her breath grew hot and husky. She let her body roll back, bracing herself on her tail as her hidden cleft lifted to a presenting posture, and dug her thumbs under the straps on her thighs. The he-reptile's pace had stopped completely, but she didn't mention it; instead, her tongue lolled from her mouth and her eyes fixed hungrily on the thick red serpent poking from her trainee's gym shorts. Her tail curled up behind her back, under the strap of her long-suffering bra, and began tugging at the clasp as a yearning, hungry desperation became evident in Lana's eyes.

Jay hurriedly dismounted the exercise bike, oblivious to the burn in his limbs. He wasn't quite aware of his own actions, but by the time his mind regained control over his body, he was kneeling over her on all fours with her bra in his teeth, and she was eagerly urging him on with a nervous tint to her voice. Resigning himself to the new situation with fleeting and insincere reluctance, he met her eyes with a caddish smile and a bob to his ridges, then swiftly tore the garment free of her body.

Her breasts bounced alluringly when the loose strap behind her chest gave way, and Jay celebrated their release from their fabric prison by giving each of them a long, tender lick. Lana's gasp of equal shock and arousal said more about her than any half-uttered, lust-hazed words could have possibly managed, and the male lizard knew exactly how to reply. He dragged his tongue lower and lower along the muscular she-reptile's body, the smooth, toned scales of her abdomen twitching and shuddering with excitement as he brought his mouth closer to her panties. Jay noted the sudden taste of wet cloth with a small rumble in his throat, and took that obstructing garment in his teeth as well. He dragged it down her legs, Lana half-heartedly covering herself in embarrassed excitement as her sex was bared, and made it down to her knees before the elastic snapped in his teeth. The noise briefly broke his flow, pausing just long enough to figure out what just happened before he shrugged, tossed the panties away with a flourish, then crawled back up her body and put his snout to her sex.

Her first orgasm arrived almost immediately, his tongue just barely brushing her cream-colored lips when she yelped in shock and her essence came rushing. Her second blossomed almost as quickly, although now his tongue was lapping between her lips, letting him appreciate her flavor. Her third was about when Jay decided to stop counting, instead focusing only on drawing out more of them by running his tongue roughly along every crease and crevice within the folds that had been teasing him for the past two days. Lana's gasps, squeaks, and long shuddering moans were echoed in her quivering tail, twitching between his legs and entwining with his own whenever it could. Jay kept his hands on her thick, powerful thighs, partly to massage them and draw her repressed instincts out even further and partly to keep them from crushing his head if she decided to hold him where he was; the way they weakly yet eagerly trembled in his grasp alleviated the worst of his concerns.

Once Jay had tasted his fill of her eager sex, he drew his mouth back and looked up at the lizardess's breathless expression, panting with exertion and silently begging for more. "There," Jay reassured her, his voice managing to take on a deep, sultry tone. "Now you're all nice and wet..." He climbed up Lana's body again, pulling his shorts down and rearing up to rest his big, red serpent between her folds. Small, familiar noises escaped Lana's throat as Jay's throbbing length caressed her lips and he noted "That'll make the next few steps easier on you." He leaned down and gave her a kiss, and she fervently returned in kind, trading tongues with the male specimen as he slowly angled his length towards her awaiting cleft, pausing to savor her nervous anticipation. His mouth curled into a wry grin, and he gave her another round of kisses before noting "I guess that makes _me_the trainer now-"

The rest of his pillow talk became a brief utterance of surprise when Lana put her arms around his chest and pulled him down, a sudden reminder that she could lift a pair of 50-pound weights as a warmup exercise. She nuzzled her head against his, still ravenous for affection after so long without any, breathing heavily and desperately in his ear while he squirmed in her grasp. "Ack, okay," he strained, trying to push himself up again. "Hold on, I haven't quite..." The lizardess replied with a confused noise from her throat, loosening her grip just enough to let Jay pull his chest away from hers. The reptile preempted anything beyond that by pushing his tip into her sex, and whatever questions she might have asked became a small yelp of emotions she wasn't quite sure how to process yet. Jay tried to soothe her by curling his tail around hers, gently sliding himself deeper into her passage while he locked eyes with her, murmuring "I... don't think either of us were expecting this outcome when we first got here, but..." His hips met hers, and he leaned in for yet another kiss. "... With beauty like yours, I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner."

"Oh!" Lana replied, her head recoiling slightly. "How, um..." He felt her tremble around his length, a subdued shudder of embarrassment mingling with her blissful quivering. "... How can you tell?" Jay's eyes darted from side to side as he hesitantly answered "Um... I... might have heard you mumbling while you were in the shower."

The lizardess blinked at him, quietly replying "Oh." Her expression turned contemplative for a moment, then softened into a desirous stare while her eyes sparkled lustfully. "Then... You must have heard..." She hung her arms around his neck, which he noted with quiet alarm. "... How _badly_I want this?"

Her words eroded the last of Jay's inhibitions, and he pressed his mouth against hers once more. He slowly and gently pulled himself out of her, letting her get used to the sensation as he teased more sensual noises from her throat, before he began to take from her at a smooth, easy pace. Their tails wrapped tightly together, his guiding hers in a primal, instinctive dance. A quiet purr rumbled in Lana's chest, escalating to a series of quiet gasps as the sound brought more of Jay's lustful instincts to the surface despite her inexperience. His pace quickened in time with his heartbeat, and one hand reached over to entwine with Lana's as the other reached down to grip her chest. Jay came back to his senses for a moment when she moaned louder and longer than he'd expected, and slightly slowed his pace. "No," Lana whispered above her own heavy breaths. "Don't... Don't slow down." Her grip on his hand tightened, and she brought her free hand to his cheek. "Don't hold anything back. I..." She trailed off into a moan, arching her back and curling her tail involuntarily before turning a lust-frenzied stare on her partner. "Oh, god, I need_this! I've never felt anything- Had _anyone-"

The rest of her words were drowned out in a sudden, long exclamation of lust as Jay obliged her, bringing himself up to a rough and dominant pace as he nuzzled her head to the floor. He released her hand and hooked his now-free arm around her thigh, before pulling out just long enough to heave her onto her side, straddling her other leg. The motion made him aware of the burning in his limbs again, particularly as he held the hoisted leg in the air, but he decided to save his complaints until after she was satisfied. She almost complained about his absence from her body as he adjusted himself, then plunged back into her waiting flesh before she had the chance to speak. He took a moment to savor having such a powerful woman moaning and trembling beneath him, and let his dominant satisfaction show on his face; if her mutters in the shower were true, she wanted it hard and rough, and he intended to show her how rough he could be. Picking her tail up under his arm and trailing his hand along it, he wrapped his own rear appendage around hers to hold it straight, then pushed his fingers along her base. She all-but-screamed in pleasure, a desirous melding of pent-up repression and surrendered pleasure that nearly released Jay's buildup by itself.

He grit his teeth and held fast, placing a love-bite on her upraised leg while he slowed to deeper, more powerful thrusts. Lana's tail twitched and shuddered in his grasp, its tense flailings steadily turning limp as she gave into her pleasure again and again, untold years of unwanted abstinence spilling from her love. Even her music, drowned out as it was by her moans and exclamations, was reaching its climax as he built himself up even further. Nearing his limit, he pulled all the way out again to let her fall onto her back, then crawled over her prone body with a knowing, sharp-toothed smile as he plunged back in. She urged him on between her moans and exclamations, eagerly anticipating his final release, crossing her legs around his hips and holding him tight while he obliged her desires. They locked eyes, and Jay felt his expression soften; just before he finally filled her with his essence, he pressed his mouth to hers, and they indulged in one more long, passionate kiss before his torrent came unleashed and her belly filled with hot, sticky love.

They held their tongues together long after Jay's red serpent had gone limp again, only pulling themselves apart to stare into each other's eyes. Even her phone had gone silent, a low-battery warning flashing on its screen. "So," Jay eventually broke the silence with, "How was my pace?" "... Rougher than I expected, actually," Lana admitted sheepishly. "I, um, didn't think you were that... Experienced." Jay replied with a good-natured chuckle as the exhaustion in his limbs finally caught up to him, lowering himself to her chest as gently as he could. "Well... my last client-turned-girlfriend told me I'd be a better dom if I bulked up a bit. I thought she just had a thing for buff guys, but I thought I'd give it a shot..." The lizardess blinked at him, head tilted in curiosity. "You... You're a..." The reptile rolled his eyes, replying "Yeah, I know, I look too weedy for a tough-guy act. Usually the room's too dark to tell, though." "Oh my," Lana realized with a subdued gasp. "I thought guys like you didn't... Penetrate." "Not at the club, no," Jay replied with as much nonchalance as he could muster from between her breasts. "Although, like I said, I _have_been with a few clients..." He looked up, noting an equal mix of hesitance and curiosity in her eyes. "Oh, sorry. Too much information?" She didn't reply right away, although her eyes darted around the room for a moment. "... Actually," she coyly answered, "Why don't you tell me more about it back at my house? I just moved in, and it's kind of lonely with all the unused space..." The ridges above Jay's eyes bobbed, meeting her gaze with interest. "That... Would be pretty nice, actually. Although I might have to be carried, all my limbs are burning like crazy right now." Lana burst into a fit of giggles at his observation, reassuring "Don't worry, that means you're making progress," before giving him a tender kiss on the cheek.

A week later, Jay stood admiring himself in Lana's new mirror. His muscles were starting to properly develop under her intensive tutelage, and -according to him- they already looked powerfully toned. Behind him, still wrapped up in some freshly-ruffled sheets, Lana appreciated the view with a quiet purr. "I was right," she sleepily muttered. "You _do_have a lot of potential..." "I should hope so," he replied with a smirk. "I'm going to need a lot more endurance, especially if you keep wearing me out before I even get out of bed." "Better keep on training, then," she cheerfully retorted as she swung her beautiful legs over the side of the bed, tail curling merrily into the air. "You still need to catch me up on a lot of carnal knowledge, after all..." She approached him, putting her hands over his shoulders and gently massaging his back. Jay was just beginning to enjoy the sensation when she spun him around, bringing him into a sudden, intimate kiss. "If I'd known," he replied as he began to gently push her back to the bed, "Just how much both of us were missing..." He lowered her back to the sheets, crawling over her body and pressing his hips to hers. "Well for one, I'd have started hitting the gym months ago."

This is a distribution copy of a story I originally wrote for a friend (this being Dargon, or whatever it is he's calling himself on the website he posted this on), who was granted permission to post it in my stead. I figured now would be a good time to release it to the public due to all the quarantines, since a lot of you are probably stuck at home as of the time of writing; if it gets enough positive attention, maybe I'll create my own account somewhere and see about opening some commission slots.

Thank you for reading.
