Healing Love - Chapter 24

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#24 of Healing Love

Healing Love

Chapter 24: Hurt and Recovery

By: Mirron Tenshi

+Z/D Edition!+

=Every once in a while, I will shift the story to the Nulson family, thus, the Z/D Edition is born!=

I got out of my SUV and slammed the door. I don't care what becomes of my car now. Some one had keyed the word, 'FAGGOT' on both sides of my car. Not only is that infuriating, but it also will cost me a fortune. I am a mechanic, but paint jobs are sooo not up my ally.

The knob stood its ground as I jerked it hard. I snarled as I got my keys out and unlocked the damn door. I quickly opened the door and slammed it hard. I marched into the house as I kicked my shoes off. "Zack? What's going on? Honey?" I ignored Danny as he trodded up to me.

"Not now, Dan!" I wanted to be by myself.

"Zack, what is it that-"

"JUST SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I boomed out as I slammed the door on my husband's face. Right now, I don't care about anything. I seethed as I looked around for the nearest thing I could demolish. I couldn't take anything so I blasted my fist into the wall I growled and grunted as I left a crack on the wall. My paw throbbed slightly as I flopped down on the bed. I breathed hard as I gripped the sheets and bore my fangs. I then bit down on my arm. It hurt a little, but it felt more good than bad. I growled continuously as my anger went on.

Why the fuck are there homophobes?! Why is it so hard to be so fucking open minded?! I don't understand how anyone could just be such arrogant little bitches that they feel the need to grow down by 40 years and do something childish and idiotic like defacing m damn car! ARRRHHGG! Some times I just want to punch their fucking ugly heads off!!

A couple of hours go by, and I'm still in a sulky mood. I feel bad about yelling at Danny now, I just hope he can forgive me. I sighed as I got up and and went through the door. I sniffed and took in a heavenly scent. Smells like Danny was making lamb chops. My favorite. My stomach then dropped alittle. He cooked my favorite meal, and I shouted at him. I crept down stairs and saw him mixing the savory sauce to put on the meats. I knocked softly at the frame as I came into the kitchen. "Um, honey"

My fox turned around and crossed his arms and gave me a look. My ears lowered against my skull as he looked at me. "Am I forgiven, now? For the crime of caring for my loved one?" He said aggravatingly at me.

My ears lowered against my skull as he frowned at me. I can't believe I could ever be cruel to my own love. "I'm . . . I'm sorry . . . sweetie. I'm sorry I snapped at you." He uncrossed his arms and softly slapped my left cheek twice. Danny then nuzzled me lovingly as I wrapped my arms around me. My body started to feel lighter as kissed my cheek.

"Apology accepted, hun." My fox nibbled my ear as kissed his neck. He led me to the table and put a plate of well-done lamb chops infront of me with a side of mashed potatoes and a few carrot sticks. I licked my muzzle as he poured a stream of steamy brown sauce on my chops. The dish looked as though it belonged on a gourmet menu. I turned and was met with a sweet kiss before my fox got his own plate.

"I don't deserve you." I said as I took a carrot into my teeth.

"Too late, we're hitched, babe." I chuckled as he settled in his chair across from me. I cut into the well cooked lamb and put the piece into my muzzle. Ohh, the meat tastes sooo good. It'd like the meat as well as the juices are melting slowly in my mouth. "So, Zack, if you don't mind talking, why were you so upset?" swallowed and looked at him.

"Well, first of all, some jackass took my parking spot, so I had to park two blocks away and I was ten minutes late. My boss chewed me out about that. One thing led to another and everything was dead set against me today."

"Aw, I'm sorry."

"Wait, you haven't heard the best part yet. Someone had keyed 'FAGGOT' on both sides of my car." Danny's jaw dropped.

"What?!" I nodded.

"I'm so sorry I yelled at you."

"Awww, sweetie. It's ok." He reached over and stroked my furry cheek. I nuzzled his paw as I then ate a forkfull of mashed potatoes, sampling the lamb next.

"Mmmmmm. Oh huney, this meat is fantastic."

"I know, isn't it?" After a sec, I felt my crotch get gently rubbed. I blushed and giggled as my sheath tickled. As he rubbed me, my junkyard started to get heated up.

"That feels good." I said as I munched away. Throughout the rest of the meal, my fox rubbed my member until it was throbbing in my uniform. I reopened my eyes to see that my zipper was being pulled down from my chest down. I looked to my lap to see my cute foxy taking my wolfcock out of my boxers.

"Now I'll have some dessert." I grinned ear to ear as Danny started to lick my cock. I let my head back and murred as my husband tenderly frenched my dick. I petted his head as he licked inbetween my balls. Dan took a moment to take off my shoes and socks and resumed tasting my member.

"Mmmm, oh baby . . . . Oooohhh, that's nice." I closed my eyes as warm welve overtook my rod while my nuts were slowly massaged. I started to moan as Danny's tongue rubbed the underbelly of the shaft, causing me to curl my toes. His paws felt and smoothly rubbed my sides and scarred abs. I murred and whimpered in pleasure as my fox bobbed his head up and down. My paws found their way to Danny's ears and I thrusted into his maw. He grunted as he deep-throated me, but I moaned all the same. "Oh yes! Suck it nice and hard, Foxy!" My heart rate was going a mile a minute as my face felt hot. I moaned and thrusted until yipped loud and shot my cum down his throat. I murred as Danny pulled his head back and looked up at me, grinning.

Hm? Ok . . . This is odd. I just face fucked him, but I still feel horny. "What's the matter, babe? Still hot, honey?" I gave him a look.

"Oh god, what'd you put in my food?!" I actually felt excited. Whatever Danny slipped me, it's gotten me in the mood for fox plowin'.

"Oh, just a little something Allen lent me to try." He said as he trailed his finger on my hard rod. I then spotted a red and white bottle on the counter. Danny then backed up and I got up and went to the counter to look at the bottle. Agh, it's in Japanese, I can't read it. "Allen said that they're called Atsume pills. They're supposed to reload on orgasms or something." I turned around and grinned widely as I saw Danny completely naked with his member throbbing, his knot slowly forming above his red g-string.

I approached him with hungry steps, him looking up at me with desire. I held him and kissed him hotly. We breathed heavily as we tongue wrestled in our maws. Oh, every lash of a tongue got me hotter. Every throb in my rod felt like a heat wave of hormones throughout my body.

Danny gasped for air when the kiss finally parted. My icy blue eyes stared into his brown eyes. And then he took hold of my length. I murred as he pulled me by my dick like a very stiff leash. We started to walk upstairs to the master bedroom. I smacked his cute rump hard as we rushed upstairs, causing him to giggle mildly.

After what seemed like forever of getting upstairs, I collapsed my husband to the mattress, pinning my fox to the bed and licked him up and down with my tail wagging. Danny giggled and laughed as I licked his face. I then pulled off his g-string and turned him over, his fluffy tail running over my cock. I murred heavily as he went on his paws and knees, presenting his willing ass to me. I firmly placed my paws on his hips and started to drill my cock into his tight ass. Danny moaned as I penetrated him deeper and deeper. I looked down to see my knot behind his hole.

My hips pulled out of his butt, and forced back into him. Danny moaned louder as he lowered himself, resting his upper torso as I slipped my cock in and out of him. I growled lustfully as his inner walls closed in on my diamond member. I murred loud as my cock throbbed with unworldly pleasure. Those pills that Danny slipped in my food are really driving me wild. I slowly lowered myself and laid on my fox, licking his ear as my athletic body laid on his warm fur, his bushy tail fluffing on my butt, keeping us warm.

"Get ready, foxy." I whispered as I grunted and forced my knot into his ass. We moaned in unison when I humped his tight ass in short bucks, the squirming fox moaning, almost yelling his lust and love for my dick. "Yeas, take it. Take it in, my love." The bed start to bounce as my member mutilated his tunnel, knot and all, me clenching my rump tight and letting go, and flexing the cheeks tight again. I moaned uncontrollably as my very G-spot was consumed in warmness. "Hahhh, ah, OH, AHH, FUH, AHH, AAAAAHHHHHHH!!" I saw a supernova as my cock expanded inside him and shot my load into his ass. Danny moaned loud as my milk overflowed his tush.

I panted as I popped my knot out, my dick still begging for more. I got off of my fox and laid on my back. "Get on my chest. I wanna try that new position." Danny smiled as he licked his muzzle.

He grinned and giggled as he got up and pressed his butt on my upper chest. He positioned his tail hole right in front of my muzzle with his tail softly brushing my body. I looked up and growled playfully when my fox had gripped his dick in his paw, slowly stroking the already wet muscle. I spread out his legs to give me room to his anal area and then stuck my tongue out and pressed on his pucker. Danny murred alluringly as I made love to his cherry, lapping and giving it the french kiss of a lifetime. He moaned as I slipped my dog tongue into his ass and scooped out multiple amounts of cum from his stretched tunnel. I finished up by giving his balls a firm licking. Danny yipped as his nuts withdrew into their sack and I felt a sudden warmth on my nose and forehead.

"Now sit on my cock." Danny nodded as he scooted himself and reinserted my member into his widened ass. I shivered as warm pleasure overtook my cock again. I decided to add in a little flexibility.

I sat up and lowered my head and took his cock into my muzzle. My fox moaned outloud as I started suckle on his rod. He leaned back and held my head low to keep me sucking on him while wrapping his legs around my waist. "Oh Daddy! Suck fuck me more!" Heh, this is the perfect situation. While I'm savoring his juicy hunk of meat in my mouth, his squirming is providing my dick with plenty of attention. I deep throated him while wriggling my tongue like a crazy slug on his penis. My Fox yelped in pleasure as his seed flowed from my mouth, but I just kept sucking and fucking him.

I panted as my torso was sore from the sex. I moaned one more time as I stuffed Danny's prostate with my 7th load. Danny moaned as my dick slurped out of his ass and I collapsed beside him. Damn, my dick is so shot, almost hurting. We panted as if we hit the gym for 8 hours straight. I wrapped an arm around him and rested my head on his shoulder. "Za-Zack. My ass can't take anymore." He groaned-panted out. I laughed tiredly as I tossed my leg over him and held him close.

"Hahaha. . . .You're in luck . . . . . I can't go on anymore either . . ." My fox smiled as he cuddled me as I spooned him. The room smelled of nothing but sweat and the heavy scent of sex. I love that smell.

"We have to buy that pill by the barrel." I chuckled and laughed and caught my breath. I nodded as I kissed his cheek.

"Ye-Yeah, but lets use it on special occasions, hm?" Danny could only nod and murr as he turned around to face me and slowly fell asleep in my arms, feeling my marred torso.

"I . . . I wish . . . you don't have . . . to suffer . . . so much . . ." With that, he dozed off. I cuddled him and soon fell asleep with my mate.