The Meeting, the Greating, and the Heating (ch.3)

Story by qaswed on SoFurry

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Don't own digimon or/and pokemon.



After breakfast the two set down to watch TV, not bothering to put their clothes on, Armor, in Flamedramon's case. Lucario was sitting on Flamedramon's lap; his eyes were shut, giving him a peaceful look. Something kept Flamedramon's mind preoccupied, 'What was that black figure that got me here. Was it a leomon, no. A weregarurumon, no. A renamon, an angwomon, no no NO!' Flamedramon felt Lucario shift in his lap. Flamedramon smiled and thought 'Who ever it was, I must thank them for bringing me here.' With that, Flamedramon fell asleep. When Flamedramon woke up, he felt something across his chest and knees. He felt that his tale was arched, the tip touching his back. He felt a pare of paws rubbing his body, teasing his nipples, squeezing his butt, and groping him. "Mmmm, Luc yo-*gasp*" Was all Flamedramon could say before Lucario started rimming him. Shivers and moans of pleasure were elicited from Flamedramon. Flamedramon's eyes shot wide open when Lucario's tongue was forced into his ass hole. Flamedramon saw that he was bent over the arm of the couch and was on his knees. The licking stopped and Flamedramon looked down to see if Lucario was moving to take him, then Flamedramon noticed that the fur color was wrong the cock length was wrong, the cock coloring was wrong, it wasn't Lucario. With one swift move, he flipped off the couch and turned to see the person. The person was basically like Lucario, only he had gray fur all over except on the top of his head were their was hair that reached hi knees, he had no tail, he only wore a bigger than normal bead that was located a foot before the end of his hair, the bead was blue green, his hair was red that was black tipped, however; it reversed after the bead, he had three red claws that protruded from his hind paws, his front paws had the same thing only there were five claws on each paw and were very short, there more like nails, he was very slender, His eyes were green blue as well, his cock was red, not red or blood red, but crimson red, his cock was about 8 7/10 in. long. "Were Lucario?" Flamedramon asked very sternly. "Relax, he is fine. He is outside meditating." The figure said in a very southing voice. " Okay." Flamedramon relaxed a little, but did not drop it. "My name is Zoroark, you are Flamedramon I presume?" Zoroark asked. "Yes, I'm Flamedramon." "Please come back here and sit beside me." Zoroark said. "Okay." Flamedramon said. Flamedramon set beside Zoroark, both still as hard as a rock. "Listen, I'm sorry I did that to you, but I couldn't resist. I-*gasp*" Flamedramon grabbed Zoroark's cock and started stroking, massaging the knot and stimulating the pretty much invisible spines. Flamedramon leaned in and whispered in to Zoroark's ear. "No need to apologize, just give me something and we'll call it even, Z-ark." "G-god sooo g-g-good, O-*gasp, moan* okay, w-what is it?" Zoroark stuttered. "Your ass." Flamdramon said in an almost inaudible voice, still stroking and stimulating Zoroark's cock. Zoroark's eyes shot wide open. "But I- ohhh-I'm still a v-*moans*-virgin." Zoroark retorted. "I'll take it slow then. Now, can you lube me up Z-ark?" Flamedramon whispered. Zoroark brought his head down and took Flamedramon into his muzzle (While at the same time, Flamedramon wetted three digits and started to finger Zoroark. First 1, then 2, then 3.) and started sucking, bobbing, and licking on the cock in his muzzle and on every bob he took more and more of Flamedramon until he deep throated and then hilted him. "OH, GODDES!!! That's enough; I don't want to blow in your mouth." Flamdramon said in a reluctant voice. Flamedramon got up and set down cross-legged on the floor and asked Zoroark, "Come here Z-ark and sit on my lap." Zoroark got up and walked over to Flamedramon and proceeded to sit as normal, and slowed down when he go close to Flamedramon's cock and slowly started to take the head in while Flamedramon supported him so he wouldn't take it all in at the same time and cause harm to himself. When the head popped in Zoroark gasped out of pain and pleasure, he staid like that till he got use to it. Every time it started to hurt they would stop till Zoroark got use to it. This continued till he was hilted. Flamedramon laid back and grabbed Zoroark's hips and pushed and pulled Zoroark up and down on his cock. Zoroark started to go up and down on his own and started to jack off at the same tempo. After several minutes of moaning and the speed heightening. " F-Flamed-dramon I-I'm Goanna C-cum." Zoroark said out of pure bliss. "Me t-to." Flamedramon said as well out of pure bliss. With one last thrust, Flamedramon came, filling Zoroark's bowls, which sent Zoroark over the edge causing his orgasm, making his ass muscles to clench tight around Flamedramon's cock, making Flamedramon's orgasm more intense. After their orgasms died down Flamedramon started to pull out, when he heard Zoroark whimper and say, "Please, don't pull out." Flamdramon decided to stay in. They both were exhausted and fell asleep with in seconds.

To be continued...

So, tell me how I did. ^_^