Evening out

Story by Dapples on SoFurry

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Cintaria never felt like she fit in at parties, she felt as though she was pushed into the corner and ignored, it wasn't something that she enjoyed having happen. It wasn't like she really liked attention or anything, but she hated the crowded feeling that made her want to hide. The very tall andalusian flicked her long thick white tail that was done up in a red ribbon that fell almost to the ground, along with her silky tail. Her mane fell into her blue shimmering eyes, and it seemed under the white fur of her cheeks there was a permanent blush. Always shy people would say, and wonder how a lingerie model like her could be so shy off the set. She wore a cashmere sweater that fitted her body tightly, around her D breasts that the cleavage that was displayed by the low cut holiday sweater. She was also wearing designer jeans that were cut low, and the rather small sweater yielded some of her snow-white midsection for people to view. She sighed again, looking at the crowded party for her work, she always felt as though she was not as pretty as those petite jaguars and foxes that were top selling models. Cintaria wasn't forgotten, she was a very popular model herself, but she found that she was outshone and not as popular. Not many horses were lingerie models, usually that sort of business was left to foxes and cats, for it seemed they were better known for being sexy.

Cintaria's boss started heading her direction, and Cin's cheeks flushed a deeper red. She would never admit it, but she had an extreme liking for the woman. In fact she wouldn't even admit that she didn't care for men and she would only sleep with women. Brushing her thick mane from her face she watched the cheetah approach her, big breasts jiggling slightly. "Hello my sexy Cin...how are you today?" Her boss said, caressing a mug full of some sort of hot liquid. Cin stammered a reply; "I'm quite fine...how about you?" Her voice was quiet and timid, like a small stream trickling through a big forest, timid yet still present. "Good" Was all her boss said, looking the horse up and down almost lustfully, inspecting her stock before walking off to talk with her mate, who was also an underwear model, cheetah and a total hit with the ladies. He showed no affection to any female other than his mate though; no matter how hard they tried he was out of their reach.

Cin sighed with relief, nothing too embarrassing had happened yet. Her mind began to wander...where was the shoot tomorrow again? She would have to take a nice long shower and maybe get her mane trimmed as the photographer requested her have shorter hair so that the bra wouldn't be concealed by her mane. Her mind suddenly snapped back when someone approached her, swaying their curvy hips as they came. Cintaria instantly recognized the new girl, whom had been rumored to be a lesbian. This had given the horse some hope; she liked the polar bear more than just a friend.

Cintaria flipped her head so that her hair fell into her eyes once again, so that she could get away with eyeing the voluptuous figure of her colleague. Kalina was a polar bear, with rather short-cropped blonde hair that was formed into a bob at her chin. Her eyes were a deep black, and very feral looking. She wasn't the usual sort of woman that was hired, but her company was trying to broaden the species they employed lately. Kalina definitely had the body for the job. Her breasts were about the same size as Cin's, and were covered with thick soft white fur that Cin longed to reach out and touch, run her fingers through her fur while pressing herself against....

Cintaria forced herself to stop with the fantasizing as the seductive bear sauntered over to her. "Hey hun" She said in a very alluring voice, making Cin blush once again. "Kinda shy to be in this business hunny" The bear had a strange accent, as if she was a cowgirl or something. Somehow the bear made her lose the ability to speak, all the equine could do was nod and keep her eyes lowered to the other woman. Kalina stepped forward, brushing one of her large paws over Cin's curvy waist. "Hun...wanna split this joint...find somewhere alone?" The polar bear whispered into Cintaria's now perked ears. The equines heart pounded so hard she could swear that Kalina could also hear it, she just nodded eagerly, lust coming before her common sense to avoid any sort of contact and stay low profile so people wouldn't expect anything.

Kalina grinned and grabbed Cin's black colored hand, pulling her through the halls of the mansion where the party was being held. It was her boss's house, and also a few of the models lived here, it was fairly nice. Cintaria had been offered to live here, but she declined...she preferred her small apartment down a few blocks to the spacious rooms they were given here. Always a modest little girl people would say, her job was quite unlike her real personality. When she came back to earth after pondering once again, she found that Kalina had lead her to one of the rooms that were rented out to models, and was now fumbling with her keys. The polar bear dropped them and mumbled, Cintaria leaned to get them and found their noses inches away. She could feel the sweet warm breath of the bear on her own muzzle. Kalina took advantage of the moment and lunged at Cin, kissing her lustfully. The two stood and Cin found herself pushed up against the door by the bear, one of her massive white paws traveling up Cin's black and white thigh, caressing it gently.

Kalina turned the key and backed away from Cin "Come on in" She murmured, winking at the now extremely red Cin who obliged and walked into the room, looking around at all the pin up pictures of models on the walls and the bed which was of a dark red, velvet draperies hanging from it. She didn't have much time to look around before Kalina pressed up against her again, kicking the door shut behind them. "Well lets have off with your clothes," The bear said, almost throwing the equal sized equine onto the bed, straddling her for a moment before gently pulling at her shirt with her teeth.

Cintaria's eyes were wide, like a horse when its afraid yet curious of something, her ears perked foreword. She tried not to make it seem like she was new to such treatment, but her cover was failing. All she could do was whinny excitedly as the bear pulled off her shirt with her teeth, then trailed her massive tongue down the soft fur of her belly to her pants, undoing the button with her sharp teeth. As usual Cin was wearing fairly expensive lingerie, for she got it free after she modeled it. Today it was purple see through lace, both her bra and her panties, showing her shaved treasure. The sight of this seemed to arouse the bear greatly, she growled and carefully nosed the undies off. Cin nickered at the feeling of her cold nose on her upper thigh.

"Well aren't you a piece of work," Kalina murmured, standing back to stare at the mostly white body of the purebred andalusian mare. Her legs and arms were black, fading into a brilliant white that showed no faults. Her muscles were toned but not too prominent, and her full breasts, now free from her bra were jiggling slightly, pink nipples perked from the sudden change of temperature and arousal. Kalina then had enough time to look at the mare, and now wanted her. She pounced as if the horse was her prey, kissing her first on the lips, kisses which were returned eagerly from the nickering mare, and then down the mare's slender body.

Without the horses consent Kalina flipped her over, much to the surprise of Cintaria. Not many could move her, but obviously the bear was much stronger than she looked. For a moment Kalina stared at the ribbon that was tied loosely around the mare's tail, her long thick hair was in the way of any sort of activity, it stuck to her now becoming wet treasure. Seeing this problem the bear seized the ribbon, wrapping it around the base of her tail so that it was tightly around the bone, so that her tail stuck out. Somehow this looked extremely inviting to Kalina and she licked her lips "Isn't that an amazing sight" Cin looked back at her and smiled, finally feeling a tad bit confident.

"Why don't you try it on for size?" Cin murmured, waving her perfectly rounded rump in the air so that her tail swayed. That seemed to be enough of a hint for Kalina, who lustfully thrust herself at the mare, taking no time to be polite. She gave the mare a few licks in her warm treasure before brushing her tail out of the way, tracing her paw along the small bud of her rump. Cintaria's ears perked forward, and her black muzzle turned to see what she was doing.

"Don't worry my love...you will absolutely love this" Kalina murmured, reaching under the bed and pulling out something. Cin guessed what it was before she even heard the buzzing sound of the vibrating dildo. She nickered, even being the 'well mannered' pony that she was, such a thing aroused her greatly. The bear hastily slid off her own pants, rubbing the dildo against her already dripping cunt, using her arousal fluids as a lubrications, before slowly teasing it at the mare's anus. Cin huffed, preparing for the slow insert that she knew was coming. The bear took her time and pushing it in, massaging Cin's rump with one hand and pushing with the other. "I'll be gentle with you sexy" Kalina murmured, pushing it in a bit further then pressing the on button.

The feeling wracked her rear tunnel; the vibrating was just the perfect amount to get the mare off. For a horse to use the dildo was small, one more made for a fox or some other small animal. Cin could imagine how powerful it would be on one of them, but the pleasure that was mounting in her rear made her forget that, and instead she neighed increasingly louder. The vibrating was an arousing thing, but she would never reach a climax with something there instead of her other tunnel. "Take me now" Cin almost demanded, looking back pleadingly at the bear, who smugly grinned back and flipped the horse once again as if she was a doll.

"Now this is something you won't have felt before" Kalina murmured into the mare's ear before slipping off her shirt and bra, massive breasts almost glowing in the soft lights of the room. Cintaria stared at them in wonder, tensing her body in arousal at seeing those perfect breasts. Kalina rubbed her thickly furred bust against Cintaria's in a teasing manner, making their nipples touch. A feeling that they both found was nearly as arousing as someone actually touching them in between the legs. Kalina then slid down more, making sure her erect nipples rubbed against much of Cin's trembling flesh. Soon Kalina reached just above Cin's shaved treasure, and the mare whinnied loudly in excitement as she figured what Kalina would do. The bear pushed Cin's slender legs apart further, and rubbed her breast into the warm wet folds of her pussy. Both of them made noise in the intense feeling they were just given, before Kalina got to work slowly rubbing her breast up and down against the other female's clit.

Cintaria laid her head back and nickered in awe at the feeling, occasionally stamping one of her back hooves on the ground. The kicking and nickering became more prominent as the heat began to build inside her. Kalina noticed this and removed the paw that was not guiding her breast to her new lover's dripping treasure. "You won't cum without something inside you my love" With that a finger was inside Cin's tunnel, once she found one fit comfortable due to how much Cin was dripping, she fit another. Another followed after that until her whole hand was in the mare. Now both holes were filled of the andalusian, and she was screaming in delight as she reached her climax, Kalina ramming her hand far up inside her as she did. Kalina moaned in pleasure as she felt the mare's tunnels rippling around her fist.

Cin fell back, her female cum was so large in amounts that it was dripping past the fist that completely filled her walls, and completely covered Kalina's hand. It dribbled onto the sheets in a steady flow, thick and sweet. Kalina took this time to lift her now drenched breast to her mouth and lick it, cleaning the juices eagerly before removing the dildo and licking clean what she could before crawling back on top of Cin, leaning foreward so the mare could lick her breast all the way clean.

Cintaria didn't need to ask to return the favor, but being the dirty-minded beast she was inside, she didn't do the exact it. Crawling out from under the bear, who was panting heavily in need of a release, she crawled on top. The mare made a point to rub her still dripping treasure against her lover's stomach, feeling the thick hair there against her clit made her nicker again before she leaned back, seeing the box that Kalina had gotten the vibrator from and whinnying in delight.

"Use what you wish, my beautiful pony" Kalina murmered, watching interestedly as the mare shuffled through the massive box of dildos. Finally she seemed to find something that pleased her for she snorted, and pulled out the one Kalina hoped that she would pull out. It was massive, a bright pink dildo with little bumps all over it. It was the size that would well fit a polar bear. Then to Kalina's surprise the timid mare pulled out another, not as great in size but still large. It was the horse's turn to pounce, and she wasn't at all as gentle as the bear had been to her. There was already built in lube in the big dildo, and it seemed to ooze from the tip like pre would, so she rammed it into the bear, who roared in surprise and pleasure. She took the second and followed Kalina's example and rubbed it against her own dripping cunt, before sliding it up the bear's tailhole.

Cin didn't take long to rest her equine muzzle against the bear's throbbing clit. Instead of turning on the dildos she simply sucked and nibbled and licked like horses do. "Oh god I love horses" Kalina moaned, tugging at the mare's mane as the horse fumbled for the on switch of the anal dildo. It buzzed to life with a small humming sound, and its effect made Kalina roar again in pleasure. "You're quite a tease my pet" The bear moaned, but was soon satisfied as the vibrator in her pussy buzzed to life. Cin continued to suck while she pushed on the massive dildo filling Kalina's wet tunnel, rocking it back and forth within the large bear. With this attention it didn't take long for Kalina to let out a roar that felt as though it should have shook the room, as her orgasm came crashing down on her. Cin's own juices dribbled on the floor still, and the bear literally erupted from her cunt, sending the dildo flying out with an ejaculation of female fluids. Skillfully Cin caught this stream in her mouth, it dribbled down her velvety chin as she giggled in lust.

Cin pulled out the anal dildo and simply straddled Kalina so that their dripping sexes met, and she wiggled a bit so that their clits rubbed together. There was a playful hint in her eyes and she leaned forward to hear what Kalina whispered to her "Will you be my mate?" The words were full of hope and love, not just the lust of the afterglow that she was experiencing.

"I would be honored" Cin said, kissing her deeply and rubbing her new mate's clit lovingly, making her drip a bit more. "We certainly did make a mess" Cin mused, looking about the room and the now ruined sheets. Kalina shrugged; obviously this wasn't much of a problem for her...