Meeting Strangers at the Club

Story by WithFurvor on SoFurry

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#3 of Mikael and Mari and More

Mari spends a night out, away from her boyfriend...

All characters are over the age of 18. Commissioned by Elriclite.

Meeting Strangers at the Club

By, WithFurvor

"Just go ahead and relax, babe. I'm just going to be having fun with the girls, nothing major." Mari looked up at the neon lights of of the night club. She sat in her car dressed in a low cut skirt and a top that revealed her stomach, barely covering her huge augmented breasts. She still needed to do her makeup.

"I know Mari, I'm not worried about it." Came her boyfriends voice from the phone's speaker. "I'm just going to have a quiet night at home."

They said goodbye and the squirrel hung up. Then, after a moment of digging through her purse, she pulled out her makeup and and began to apply her eye shadow. Then came the eyeliner and the mascara. Finally she pulled out her ruby red lipstick, painting it on to her lips and then giving them a 'smack' to even it out. She adjusted her top in her rear view mirror and then finally she placed her paw on the handle of her car door and opened it.

Her heels met the concrete with a confident "click!" She left her purse in the car, knowing she wouldn't need it. She noticed a long line leading up to the door, but she wasn't troubled. Her tail bobbed happily behind her as she walked toward the entrance of the night club. She walked right up to the large bull dog bouncer, ignoring the line.

"Hi Randy." She said, blowing him a kiss and walking past.

"Hello Mari." said Randy, letting her by as those waiting in line gave Mari envious looks. The bouncer opened the door for her, and pounding dance music met her ears as strobe lights hit her eyes. It took a moment for her senses to adjust, but once they had adjusted she was in her element. With a steely but relaxed gaze she peered around for a moment. There was lots of talent tonight. Specifically a group of boys over at the bar. Mari straightened her back to perk her chest up and walked confidently over to the bar.

She stood there, looking off in to the distance, waiting for one of the boys to notice here. The group at the bar consisted of three: a bull, a doberman, and a bunny. They seemed to be celebrating something.

"I can't believe we did it!" Said the bunny.

"Well it's thanks to you mostly, if you hadn't snapped that pass to me I couldn't have made it." Said the Doberman excitedly.

"And let's not forget that I was blocking people on you left and right." Reminded the bull, pointing a meaty finger at the doberman. The doberman rolled his eyes and then threw a joyful arm around his friend. With his free arm he raised his glass.

"We did it together!" Said the Doberman, his friends raising their glasses in unison. "Here's to a game well won!"

They swallowed their drinks and the Doberman turned back to the bar to order more. The bunny met eyes with Mari who smiled, but looked away. Her seeming disinterest would undoubtedly bring him to her. She overheard the bull encouraging him.

"Dude just go talk to her." Said the bull, attempting but failing to be quiet.

"N-no man you know I'm no good at-" But before the bunny could finish his sentence the bull turned him forcefully by his shoulders and pushed him towards Mari. The bunny barely stopped himself short of running in to her. She looked at him with an eyebrow raised in amusement. The bunny stood there making frightened eye contact.

"I can tell you're not good at this." Said Mari, smiling at the bunny. "So I'll make the first move. My name's Mari and you need to buy me a drink."

"R-right." Said the bunny turning back towards the bar. He ordered them both drinks and waited anxiously for the bartender to serve them. With the drinks in paw he turned back to Mari.

"My name is-" The bunny started, but Mari cut him off.

"I don't need to know your name, sweetie." Said Mari taking the drink from the bunny. She took a sip of her drink before speaking again. "Now, tell your two friends to come over here."

"Oh word?" Said the bunny, confused. "D-do I... come back with them?" "Yes sweetie." Said Mari patiently. He stepped back to his friends and after a moments discussion they all came back up to the squirrel with questioning looks. Mari felt glee at being able to seemingly control these men with her beauty.

"Our friend here says you want to talk to us," Said the bull, "But that you don't want to know our names."

"Yeah." Interjected the doberman. "What's up with that?"

Mari looked at the three boys, grinning for a moment at their perplexed faces.

"I don't want to know your names because I don't need to." Said Mari simply, finishing her drink and slamming it back down on the counter. "I'm offering you three a night of no-strings-attached sex. But first, I am a lady, and I require a certain amount of romancing and drinking."

"Wait all three of us?" Said the bunny, surprised. The doberman also looked shocked beyond belief, but the bull grinned as though he knew what to do in this situation. Before Mari could answer the bunny, his bull friend spoke up.

"No names it is!" He said quickly. "Let me get you another drink, gorgeous."

"There we go." Said Mari, then she turned to the other two who still stood shocked. "How big are your dicks?"

"R-really?" Said the bunny.

"Eight inches." Said the doberman.

"Nine inches." Said the bunny.

The doberman went backed to looking shocked. Mari smiled. Tonight would be a good night.

"Dude no way." Said the doberman, almost looking hurt. "You have a bigger dick than me?"

"And no doubt your bull friend has a bigger dick than both of you." Said Mari.

"Here we go." Said the bull, returning with a small tray with shots on it. "I decided to splurge, it looks like it's gonna be a good night."

They all took their shots in paw and drank them down in celebration. With four simultaneous clanks the glasses landed back on the tray, and then the tray was placed back on the bar.

"Bunny boy." Said Mari, pointing at the shy white furred male. "You're shy. We're gonna fix that. Get over here and kiss me."

The bunny swallowed nervously and then walked up cautiously. His friends, watching from either side, grinned watching what he might do. But Mari didn't have time for the bunny to get his nerve up. She grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him close, pressing her mouth to his. At first the bunny was stiff but as Mari's tongue found the inside of his mouth, his hands found her waist. He shivered there, a bit shorter than her. Mari pulled him even closer and felt his hard on pressing through his pants against her thigh. The bunny hadn't been lying, he was quite well endowed. Mari broke the kiss with a coy smile.

"Go get me a drink." She commanded.

The bunny boy blinked and then, seemingly dazed, walked over to the bar.

"I think that was his first kiss." Said the doberman.

"Good for him." Said the bull.

"Boys." Said Mari. "Do you know a place where we can go?"

"Well the club rents out private rooms but like. That's five hundred dollars." Said the doberman.

"That's only like a hundred and sixty five bucks a person!" Said the bull. "I'm down."

"I'm going to have to hit the ATM." Said the doberman, walking away excitedly.

"Here you go." Said the bunny, blushing as he returned with Mari's latest drink.

Mari took a sip of the drink and smiled. It was fruity and pleasant. The bunny had obviously taken care to get her something he thought she'd enjoy. It was that attention to detail that made her curious how he'd be in bed.

"Thank you sweetie." Said Mari.

"Give me a hundred and sixty bucks." Said the bull.

"Why?" Said the bunny.

"So we can fuck this gorgeous woman."

"Oh." Said the bunny. "I'm going to lose my virginity?"

"Oh that's right, you're a virgin." Said the bull. "I tell you what, bud. It's on me. I've got to hit the ATM."

The bull walked away, leaving the bunny characteristically shocked.

"Are you excited?" Said Mari.

"Yeah, I just..." The bunny trailed off.

"What sweetie?" Said Mari.

"Can I go, like, first?" Said the bunny. "I just don't want my first time to be... sloppy."

"With any luck it'll definitely be sloppy." Mari giggled. "But yes, you can use my pussy first."

"Awesome!" Said the bunny, pumping his fist. His two friends returned, amused by the bunny's excitement.

"We talked to the manager." Said the bull, looking from the bunny to Mari. "We're good to go."

"Fantastic." Said Mari. "Lead the way."

The friends bumped fists and muttered in excitement at each other as they led the way to the back room. It was beyond the dance floor, down in a hallway past a bouncer. The bull opened the door and let the other three in. There were red furnishings and something that wasn't quite a bed, but more of a soft table. It looked better than Mari thought it might.

"Alright boys." Said Mari as she walked in to the room. "Get your pants off and let's see what you're packing."

The bull closed the door behind himself and soon all three boys were pantless in front of the squirrel. The bunny was already rock hard. The doberman looked down at his length.

"Damn bro you are bigger than me!" Said the doberman.

"I doubt either of you can top me." Said the bull, already stroking himself to his full length. Within a moment he was fully erect, a staggering twelve inch cock was rock solid in his hand. The bunny and the doberman looked surprised.

"Boys, boys." Said Mari, getting down on to her knees between the three. "There's no need to fight. I have enough pleasure for all of you."

She wrapped her paws around the bunny's shaft first, just long enough to make sure the head of his cock was in her mouth. Then she took her paws from his length and wrapped them gently around the shaft of the bull and the doberman. She felt a shiver run down the bunny's spine as he grew accustomed to the warmth of her mouth. She began bobbing her head, tightening her silky lips around the bunny's cock as she built a rhythm with her paws on his friends.

"This is so awesome." Said the doberman.

"How's your first blowjob feel?" asked the bull to the bunny.

"P-pretty good." Said the bunny.

Mari didn't think the bunny sounded pleased enough, so with a quick thrust of her head she engulfed his length effortlessly in to her throat. It was almost difficult for her to get all nine inches down, but within a moment her lips met his very hilt. She held her mouth there for as long as she could, pawing his friends off rapidly. She could feel precum coming out of the bulls massive flared tip. She rubbed it against the side of her face gently, letting his precum stick there. Finally with a loud gasp she pulled her head away from the bunny's shaft.

"Okay sweetie." Said Mari, looking up at the bunny. "Are you ready to lose your virginity?"

"Y-yeah!" blurted the bunny.

Mari let go of the cocks in her paws and stood up. She stepped backwards and laid back on the soft table, hiking up her skirt and revealing her bare crotch to the boy. She put a paw between her legs and spread her netherlips for him.

"Come to momma." Said Mari.

And with his friends watching on, the bunny positioned himself on top of her. Mari kept her legs splayed wide for him, and watched his cock as he pressed the head of his length up against her. Then she watched it slowly slide inside. She let out a soft sigh as she felt him stretch and penetrate her. The bull, grinning, walked over and laid his length across Mari's face. At its middle it started at her forehead, and extended well past her chin.

"Don't forget about us now." He said playfully.

"Mm. How could I?" Said Mari. The bull's cock found her mouth as the bunny began making a rhythm inside of her. She could feel the inexperienced male stretching her insides with short fast thrusts. The doberman guided one of Mari's hands to his shaft, and she continued stroking it as the bull began making shallow thrusts in to her maw with the flared head of his dick. Mari's jaw hurt, but she didn't want to disappoint the boy.

She felt the bunny grip at her waist as he plowed in to her, his eyes were squinted and his body tight. He began letting out cute, soft little moans. Mari could tell he was already close to an orgasm. She wrapped her legs tightly around the boy, making it very clear that she wanted him to cum inside of her. Within moments he slammed his hips in to her, letting out a high moan. He fell on top of her as his seed poured in to her, leaking out around his shaft. Mari sucked harder on the cock in her mouth as she felt the bunny fill up her insides.

"Did you just cum inside of her?" Said the doberman, lust glazing over his eyes. Mari began stroking him faster and suddenly he too came on her paw. A thick white rope shot out from her paw all the way to her tits, smattering her with the warm white substance. He let out a whine as his orgasm peaked. Meanwhile the bunny laid with his head at her chest panting. The bull watched all of this with a pleased look.

"Aw guys surely you can last longer than that?" He said, his cock still in Mari's maw. He looked at his bunny friend. "How was your first time?"

"Amazing." He said without hesitation.

"Good." Said the bull. "Now move aside, it's time for a real man to turn her inside out."

"Mmn." Mari murred. "That's what I like to hear."

"Lay on your side." The bull said to Mari as the bunny pulled out of her. Cum gushed out of her gaping pussy. Mari rolled onto her side as she was told, and the bull pushed up her leg. Mari held it back for him with her paw. Then he placed his flared cock tip at her push and pressed in. The cum inside of her lubed up his entrance. It stretched her to almost twice the size that the bunny had. Mari bit her bottom lip, her eyes rolling in to the back of her head as she felt her body grow accustomed to such a virile male.

"I want the ass!" Said the doberman, excitedly.

He took his place next to the bull, pressing the tip of his cock against her tail hole and pushing in. Mari hadn't even gotten used to the size of the bull yet, and though the doberman was the smallest of the three males his cock still felt huge inside Mari's tight ass. The bull got half of his length inside of her and began pulling back and pushing slightly farther in with each forward thrust. The bunny took his place at Mari's mouth as his friends began to work her body over.

Mari could barely see as the doberman and pull began to fuck her holes, but when she felt the bunny's cock at her mouth she knew what to do. She wrapped her mouth around his shaft, moaning around it as she lapped up the taste of his cum off of his shaft. She felt her body begin to shake with her first orgasm of the evening as the head of the bulls cock began banging up against her cervix. Her back arched as the doberman eagerly fucked her ass. She felt herself squirt out around the bull's cock, moaning loudly with the bunny's shaft in her mouth.

She could feel the bull trying hard to fit every inch of himself inside of her, but it just wouldn't fit. He kept violently bottoming out against her cervix and it drove Mari to a seemingly endless orgasm. Her body wouldn't stop shaking, and she could barely focus on sucking off the bunny in her mouth. Seemingly unbothered, the bunny seemed close to orgasm again.

"I'm c-cumming again!" He announced, moaning out and filling Mari's maw with his warm seed. She swallowed as much as she could, but some of it ran out across her cheeks. Watching Mari swallow his friends cum sent the bull over the edge, he bore in to her with everything he had and with a mighty thrust and a bellow he unleashed his seed inside of her.

Mari could feel her stomach bulge with it, as the doberman continued his quick thrusting inside of her tail hole. The bull pulled out, stroking his length and cumming all over Mari's body. Meanwhile the doberman took his opportunity and laid Mari face down, getting on top of her and thrusting in to her ass with everything he could. As the bull laid his last rope of seed on Mari's back, the doberman began cumming inside of her ass.

Covered with and full of cum, Mari pleasured the boys deep in to the night. Orgasm after orgasm rocked her body as they continued to unleash their seed on and inside of her. By the end of the night Mari was a mess, but her body tingled with the countless orgasms she'd enjoyed. Once it was all over the boys left the room, fist bumping each other and leaving with memories that would last a lifetime.

Mari cleaned herself up and made her way back out to the car where her cell phone was waiting for her. Twenty missed calls from Mikael, and one text.

'You need to come to your mother's house asap' read the text.


An hour later Mari was in the living room of her mother's house, staring angrily at her boyfriend as he broke the news to her.

"What do you mean she's going to have your child?" Mari yelled. "How could you cheat on me with my own mother?"

"She wanted to have sex and I didn't want to turn it down." Said Mikael simply.

"Mom, how could you?" Said Mari, looking to her mother. Maria simply looked away, embarassed.

"I want to raise it with you." Said Mikael. "I was thinking-,"

"You were thinking what?" Scoffed Mari. "That you could just impregnate my mom and get me to raise the kid?"

"Well...," Mikael looked down. "Yeah."

"Well think again asshole." Said Mari, turning towards the door.

"Mari!" Shouted Maria. "Be reasonable!"

"Great advice mom." Said Mari coldly. "But you should have been reasonable with my boyfriend. By the way Mikael, I've been cheating on you the entire time."

And with that Mari left, slamming the door behind her. Mikael stood there in silence. Then with a newfound resolve he turned to Maria.

"I want this child to have a family." Said Mikael slowly. "You know what it means to be a mother. Would you... want to?"

"Mikael." Said Maria. "Are you asking me to marry you?"
