From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 9

Story by coreguardian0 on SoFurry

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(Reworked and reposting from old account; more soon to follow)Dead end job? Check. Lack of love? Check.Social outcast? Check. Hot college furs? Definite Check!

Such is the world of Charlie Fair, an out of luck loner, who is just looking to find his place in the world.

That is, until one day, he is visited by a local German Shepard, who is looking to share more than just ice cream with him...

From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 9

"So how are those restraints feeling Charlie? Tight!? Well don't worry; I'll make you feel nice and loose all over soon enough..." Ty snickered darkly as he dragged my body through the dirt of the cave towards his jeep; every rock burning and scratching against my skin along the whole path.

Without a warning, he pulled some more rope from out of his trunk and then wrapped it additionally around me, completely restricting my movements now. The tape he had slapped across my mouth just a moment ago stung as I tried to open my muzzle and howl out in panic and protest, but was left incapable of even such distress. This was strongly in part also due to the fact that he had shoved a pair of his Speedos into my maw to start with.

I felt the heat of terror burning in my chest as my heart beat faster and faster, a few extra pulsations away from what felt like a heart attack. I felt completely vulnerable as he removed all of my clothing, using only a combination of both his knife and teeth, the jaggedness of both which stabbed against my body the entire time. He held me down with one paw on my chest which I struggled against; his touch almost like a bare fire pushing against my skin.

It seemed unreal to be trapped where I was, knowing what was about to befall me, but ultimately unable to return to a safe state of mind. What was already a very fragile psyche was being further tore down, as I felt Ty bound both my hands and feet together with more twine from his vehicle. I struggled what I could, but was overpowered by his sheer power and skill with cord; all hidden underneath a smirk that gleaned with an evil sense of purpose.

"Ty! Let -e -o!" I screamed at top capacity what I could at my attacker, but was instead just a mumble through the tape that kept my mouth shut. I wanted to reason with the snow leopard, but my pleas went unheard as he simply brushed out the sound of my voice with some hums of his own, repeating a tune unfamiliar to my ears, but one my heart knew carried bad connotations with it; like a haunting melody that just reminds you of past mistakes...

"Hehe... what was that little wolf?" The leopard laughed as he looked down at me with his piercing eyes.

"F-ck you!!!" I screamed in full earnest, with a squeak of which managed to get his full attention...

"Scream louder bitch... I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" Ty yelled as he slammed his fist down onto my chest, and then picked me up with his other hand and brought me face to face with him.

I wanted... no tried... to avoid direct eye contact to give myself some sense of control, but wasn't even allowed that, as he grabbed at my head fur with his claws, and held it straight for me. "Nothing else to say smart guy? Then shut your damn mouth, unless you want me to block your airway with something even bigger..." He motioned downwards with a nod before he threw me hard back down on to the ground, the sound of my crash echoing throughout the cave.

Ty turned his back to me then, and made his way towards the front of his vehicle to grab something, which I took as an opportunity I certainly couldn't pass up. So I desperately tried to wriggle away from my captor and location, and look for anything in the cave that would help me cut through these ropes, which kept draining me of my energy.

I leaped and crawled around what I could, akin to a worms movements, when I peered sideways and noticed a shiny rock glinting on the ground, like a razor of light off in this darkness. I stared at it hard, wondering what it might be, when I remembered it was Ty's knife he had dropped on the ground when he originally started to tie me up.

I looked back to see if Ty was watching, which thankfully something was still keeping him preoccupied. So with all the strength my legs had left to muster, I pounced forward, sending me sliding through the dirt, and towards the knife. A few inches off I was in distance, but with what strength I had left, I maneuvered my way through the sand frantically towards it.

I got so close I could see the crooked cut edges of the steel which would be my freedom, but if only I were a little quicker getting there. I had almost reached the blade when I felt the weight of Ty's foot kicking me in my ribs away from it, a good five feet or so. My heart sunk as I flew through the air, knowing how close I was to escape.

I landed hard against the ground upon impact, knocking all the air out of me as I crashed against the waterside. I turned my head to try and see where Ty had went, when I saw my origami heart again, almost totally devoid of color and familiar shape, as the small ripples of the lake ate away further at it. I could feel tears welling up inside me at the sight and in my pain, but refused to let them escape. Ty had already gotten this far; I wouldn't let him break my spirit too.

I could hear his footsteps getting closer in the dark then, like the impending doom from the blast of a bomb. I knew he was ready to do what he had brought me here to do, and I was too weak to stop him now.

"You're going to enjoy this kid. I mean hell; you're such a fag, I'm sure you won't even feel any pain anyway... seeing as how loose and used that ass of yours looks right now anyway." He claimed as he rolled me onto my back with his foot, exposing my bottom to the air as he lowered his body closer to mine and spread my butt apart with his paws, and instantly fingered at my opening.

"Arrg--hh!" I screamed in discomfort. It was like he was pressing ice up against my tail hole.

I tried my best to roll away from him as he leaned forward and sniffed at me for a second, but that was before his face turned quickly to one of disgust. In retort, the snow leopard got up quickly, and then took to spitting on my hole. "Ugh, you can almost smell him on you... fucking slut, just putting out for that dog like that... He must have really been something in bed!"

"Mo-- th-n you--l ev-r be!!" I screamed at him harsher what I could through the tape impeding my speech. I burned hot with rage at his statements, to think that he would have seemed to try and insult me or Daniel. But that fed me rather, with an even greater resolve to escape... and beat him down.

Even if he couldn't understand what I was saying, or rather even if he cared, I had to let Ty know that no matter what he did, he could never compare to the love that not only stole my heart, but repaired damage I knew not how to even fix myself.

"Ruined by a dog's knot, and now a cat's barbs... Shit kid, this hole won't be fit to fuck for a long time I suspect. Good thing I'm getting in my fun now!" He licked at his lips as he unzipped his pants and positioned himself in front of me. "So bitch, you ready!?"

Ty snickered as he let his knees fall to the ground and got on his haunches; his cock already hard and throbbing in his eager paws. As I glared at him, I saw a hungry stare in his eyes, that confirmed for me truly that he was about to rape me, with little to no hesitation on his part.

"He---ll--ppp!" A muffled cry escaped from me now. I looked around for any assistance at all, but was met with none as Ty's cock poked at the lower entrance to my body.

"Daniel... aren't you supposed to be my hero..." I thought as I imagined Daniel flying in and saving me. Maybe if I just thought of that alone, I could get through this.

It was in this moment though, when all my hope had seemed abandoned, that I felt something jump over me, and straight into Ty, taking him flying backwards and away from me. I could see the shadowed figure punching at Ty, keeping blow for blow with the cats own as grunts from both now filled the air.

I tried to look at what exactly was going on, but was immediately taken up in another animal's arms, which immediately began to carry me away from the excitement. I could see from his paws that he was of an older sort, his skin that of an aged Dalmatian. After a moment of letting my adrenaline slide, I looked up at my rescuer and was met by Guiles, who was smiling.

"Master Charles, you really have been hanging out in the wrong clubs haven't you?" He laughed as we reached the outskirts of the cave. "Don't worry; Master Daniel has this taken care of. He has you taken care of. Don't forget that..." Guiles said as he ran back into the cave, presumably to back up Daniel, but not before setting me down gently and cutting through the ropes that had kept me restrained.

I tried to reach a paw forward softly, to thank him, before he disappeared off into the distance, but realized all my strength was gone as I dropped forward, crashing face first into the dirt.

I moaned as I started to cry, letting all my feelings go finally. I had been saved, maybe only seconds short of being raped, or worse. In response, I could only close my eyes then in peace, as I let my fatigue finally take over. Knowing that when I woke up, I'd be safe at home...

"...ey. Hey! Come on now, this isn't cool Charlie!" I heard someone saying as I woke, feeling them nudging at my body, which was totally free of any pain at all.

"Ugh. Where am I?" I asked with a bit of drymouth as I leaned forward from my slumber, feeling the cold of a leather seat against my back and a seat belt firmly keeping me locked in place.

"Well hell, I was starting to get worried there for a second. You were in a pretty deep sleep it seemed like. But you're awake now, and that's good, because we finally made it to that swimming hole I was telling you about!"

My heart dropped as I opened my eyes fully in shock, realizing that I was still in the passenger seat of Ty's car... that everything that had just happened was all some sort of a bad dream.

I sat up quickly and looked at my hands to confirm I was really where I was. I felt from my chest, all the way down to my pockets to find my phone, hoping Daniel had finally sent something. To my great surprise this time, in the several hours since I had actually looked at a clock, I had received several calls from Daniel and a text saying "I can't wait until you get back home. Hope everything's okay<3"

I thought hard about what I had just experienced, wondering why it happened the way it did. It was so painful and humiliating. Why would my mind play such a trick on me? I puzzled for what seemed like forever on the subject... until I reached into my pocket and pulled out my origami heart, fully restored and brilliant as ever.

It was in this moment I realized the meaning behind it all; that perhaps everything I imagined occurred because of my guilt and ignominy regarding my involvement with Ty. Had I just been brave... no... honest, and spoke up before, none of that would ever have happened.

My heart, my real one anyway, understood. It knew the truth. It went to war against me in my dreams, since it understood from the beginning that I always chose Daniel over Ty -even if my mind hadn't accepted it yet- and had to test out the conclusion for itself.

I started to sob then as I realized that my dream, no matter how horrible it was, was ultimately okay thanks to Daniel. I went through so many feelings in this moment of clarity, all so varied and full of differing points of view.

I knew the harsh reality of foolishness as I thought about how I was acting before my dream, and during, in regards to the Shepherd. I felt stupidity, thinking back on how I thought Daniel didn't care for me, or that he wasn't there, when in reality it was my fault I was where I was not only in the dream, but where I am now. Lastly, I understood shame now, reflecting on the truth that Daniel had just lost his mom, and here I was dream whining that he wasn't paying enough attention to me, when in fact he's the one that needs it now.

At the end of it all those thoughts though, I embraced a new happiness, knowing that I have someone now who can save me--- in whatever reality I find myself in. "Ty, take me back home. My boyfriend is waiting for me."

The word escaped my mouth I never dared I would ever get to say, or rather ever hoped I would get to say, as Ty glanced back at me confused. I smiled with pride then, knowing I finally got over the last mental barrier I had put up in regards to my feelings for Daniel. He was mine it seemed, and I was willing to accept it finally.

"Boyfriend! You have a boyfriend? Dammit..." I could feel the cat's frustration as he turned back on the engine of the car and rested his head against the steering wheel, defeated by my actions yet again.

As I stared at him, I wanted to hate Ty, for so many reasons, but couldn't anymore because it was just all a nightmare in the end. I actually felt bad for him instead, knowing that his life was just an empty pursuit of nothing but cheap thrills.

"Ty, I'm sorry if I lead you on. I meant to tell you, but I guess I had to accept it first before I could say it aloud. But it's true. That German Shepherd you saw me with at the hospital, that's my boyfriend; his name is Daniel." I said it again, and wow how good it felt escaping from my mouth. Immediately following however, Ty just looked at me and started to laugh, like I had just told some amazing joke. "What's so funny?"

"Sorry about laughing, just didn't figure that hunk of a shepherd was your man. You lucky bastard! I'm not going to say I blame you for not telling me though. Hell, my boyfriend would be pretty pissed if he knew I was out here with you too." Ty snickered before he smiled and looked at his phone. "Damn though, is my man gullible. Maybe you told yours the same lie about going out late to study huh? Best part is: I'm not even in school."

Afterwards, I couldn't keep my mouth from dropping then in a horrific response, a honest reaction I felt I was owed due to his proclamation. Not only did I just hear that Ty was involved with someone else, but that he was willing to lie and cheat on them, for what just seemed to amount to fun for him. I had always built up this image in my mind of that when you were with someone, you were theirs and no one else's. Yet here sat Ty, contradicting that very belief, with his aloof attitude towards his own relationship.

"Ty! How the hell could you say that!? Like its perfectly normal to go behind your mate's back like that? Like it means nothing at all!? What the hell is wrong with you!?" I couldn't contain my anger towards him, not any further. "How the hell could you go after me when you're already with someone else?"

"Shit wolf, calm down; you would think I just told you I won the lottery, and refused it or something. My relationship is mine to define, and you don't see any handcuffs on me do you? If I want to see someone else, even if I am dating another, who the hell are you to judge me?" Ty actually seemed to get a little worked up as his eyes glinted a familiar yellow for a second. "Just give it some time... you'll get sick of your dog someday... or maybe he'll even get tired of you."

I felt the cold weight of Ty's words like a slap across the face. Here he was, openly confessing that he was tired of his relationship, when I believed that they lasted forever; just like in the movies, with happy ever after written in stone before the credits began. It dawned on me then that perhaps one day, Daniel might feel the same way. Or that I might as well.

Another nervous thought to add to my list of neuroticisms to be sure...

"Ty, just take me home. I don't want to sit here and listen to this anymore." I growled as I started to text Daniel back, letting him know I was on my way home finally. That I was coming back to him, and didn't plan on leaving him again.

"Wow look at that; texting him back so quickly like a loyal puppy aren't you? I remember those days of innocence." He shrugged before he shook his head in disappointment, and whether it was towards me or himself, I couldn't be certain.

"You really think he'll be yours forever huh? Good luck with that. I'm actually happy to take you back. You're way too... naïve... for me right now it seems." Ty sighed as he started driving down the road, back in the direction of my home, where Daniel was waiting for me.

Where I hoped he'd remain...

Was I willing to face him? Would I tell him the truth of what just happened, or keep it a little white lie contained within me? Let's see what happens...

From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 2, Chapter 12

From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 2, Chapter 12 The sounds of Daniel's breathing machine hummed in synchronicity with my labored own as I stood in disbelief, wondering if fate was working against me yet again, as I watched my Shepherd's soft...

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From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 2, Chapter 11 (2020)

From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 2, Chapter 11 _The taste of Daniel's lips that following morning, as they pressed softly against my muzzle, caused me to moan loudly, and in an equally greater fervor, as my body happily wriggled under the...

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From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 2, Chapter 9 (2020)

From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 2, Chapter 9 _Heya Charlie! I bet you'll never find this page pup! Nah, not with how you've stopped using this thing since we met. However, if you ever do again, I just wanted to hide a cute little message in here for...

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