Droning Occasion

Story by Jaden_Drackus on SoFurry

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When Will shows Dave some porn of a kink he's sort of interested in, the wolf offers to let the fox experience it for himself. But while the fox trusts his friend for things like pup play, is he really ready to try something more?

Maybe I'll need to turn you into a foxdrone at some point, at least for a little while. ;)

Will read the text for the fifth time since it had popped up on his phone, licking his muzzle as he contemplated it. If anyone else had sent it, he would have laughed it off as just a little bit of roleplay between friends. But Dave was the one to send it, and that was something very different. The fox's tail swished behind him, betraying his excitement. The wolf was the one person he knew who could make it happen. Which made Will nervous. He'd been friends with Dave for a long time before they'd added sex to their friendship, and it had taken longer for the fox to allow the wolf to hypnotize him. Will was very take charge, and a big believer in free will. The thought of giving that up had scared him. And yet, he'd been curious too. That mix of emotions built in him again. For a long moment, Will hesitated his nerves and his desires balanced inside him. Desire finally won.

I'd like that, Sir, he typed. Instantly, the fear came to him, the same nervousness as when they'd started pup play.

He waited as the message gained first one, then two check marks. No going back now. The fox set his phone down and went back folding his laundry. About the time he fished the last pair of socks out of the basket, it binged at him. He picked it up and looked at the message.

Good Fox. Now you have something to look forward to.

Will smiled and set the phone back down. Yes. That would be something to look forward to, very much so. At least, he hoped it would.


It turned out that the fox had three weeks to look forward to it, as Dave went out of town for a conference. When the wolf returned, he set up another weekend get together with Will. By the time he arrived at Dave's apartment with the overnight bag of regular clothes, and the extra bag of "special" gear, the fox had almost forgotten about the text exchange.

Not that he'd have been surprised--Dave was a very good hypnotist, and it had become a fixture of their play together. The wolf hypno'ing the fox into a pup was the most common but hardly the only scenes they did together. Will had had misgivings the first few times they tried it, but he'd come to enjoy his time in trance. It was a nice break from his day job as a supervisor to just have someone else be in charge for a while. It was one of the reasons that the fox so looked forward to their weekends together. That, and that nice big wolf cock Dave had. Will's tongue ran over his muzzle as he bounced up the stairs to Dave's floor.

Twenty minutes later, they were seated on the wolf's couch sharing a pot of tea. Will, as they had established, was stripped down to just a pair of green briefs that stood out nicely against his reddish-orange and white fur. His only other article of clothing was a thin green leather collar around his neck. Pups didn't wear clothes after all, so this was the most the fox was allowed to wear around Dave's apartment. The black furred wolf was still wearing a white t-shirt and lounge shorts, befitting his status as Sir. It had taken a little while, and a lot of hypnotic suggestions, for Will to get used to the arrangement--he'd dealt with weight issues all his life; but now the fox was almost more comfortable this way than he was being fully dressed around the wolf.

They continued chatting about how things had gone since they had last gotten together. Will talked about the dates he'd had and Dave talked about the cute rat who'd given a talk at the convention. Eventually, they ran out of topics and the wolf collected the cups and took them to the kitchen area. The fox pulled his legs under him and began reading a few articles on his tablet while he waited for whatever his friend wanted to do next. Maybe a movie, or some video games. Will didn't worry himself too much about it--he'd find out what Dave wanted to do in time. When he found out, Will was surprised. Or he would have been if it had been anything else.

A snap brought the fox's head up to find the TV had been turned on. For a moment it was blank, and Will noticed the blur of inputs being switched. A familiar sight greeted the fox as he watched--Sir's new favorite way to put him under. A spiral appeared on the screen, the stereotypical hypnosis inducing kind spinning slowly out from the center of the screen. The spiral itself was black, against a blue background--or at least it started that way before shifting to green and then red.

The fox stared at the screen, watching the spiral with rapt attention. Already he felt his mind begin to go fuzzy. When Dave--Sir had first used this visual, it had taken Will a while to go under. Now though, it felt right. The fox's thoughts began to slow, and all he cared about was watching the screen. He slid off the couch and to his paws and knees in rough approximation of the stance of his feral ancestors, and the proper position for a Fox Pup. His tail and whiskers went still as the spiral became his world. His body became relaxed and loose, with a warmth spreading through him.

"Good Fox."

Will couldn't tell if the words were spoken or were hidden in the background of the spiral. The fox knew they were there, could read them, even if his conscious mind couldn't process them. Good Fox. Relaxed. No thoughts. The fox's muzzle dropped open a bit and his tongue lolled out a bit. Between his legs, his briefs tented as his cock slid from his sheath in an erection Will didn't notice. He was a good fox, and only had to pay attention to the spiral. His tail swished behind him in excitement.

"That's it Fox. Relax."

Will nodded in agreement, keeping his eyes on the TV even though his body felt heavier and heavier. He slumped a little and his tail went still. A small sigh of contentment escaped his muzzle. He had no idea how long he sat there on his paws and knees, but eventually went away and he raised himself to a kneeling position with his paws next to his collar. Because that was what Good Foxes did, even though part of his mind still analyzed to make sure it was what he wanted to do.

A warm presence appeared at his side, bringing with it a woody, spicy scent. He knew it well--Sir's scent, when he was beginning to get aroused. Will must have been doing a good job. He kept his eyes on the blank TV as Sir leaned in closer and began to scratch his ears. The fox cooed in pleasure as little tingles went through him.

"Good Fox," Sir whispered as he continued scratching. "Now. You mentioned you wanted to try something new today. Do still want to do what we talked about? Nod if so."

In his slightly tranced state, it took Will a few moments to process that. It took him even longer to decide how to respond. Despite the almost euphoric haze of being in a trance, at least a little, the fear and nervousness came through clearly. Did he really want to take the full plunge? Being a pup was one thing, but being a drone was something else entirely. Yeah the porn he'd shown Dave had been hot, and it was all well and good to say he wouldn't mind being one--but now that it was being offered he wasn't so sure. Did he really want it? Or had he just been joking and playing along? And could he really trust Dave that much? They were just friends with benefits after all.

But then he remembered all the things that he had been able to try with Dave as Sir. The wolf had introduced him to so many things that the fox found out he'd enjoyed. Hypnosis itself, pup play, impact play, and other things. Dave had always been careful not to push too hard with any of those and constantly checked to make sure Will was okay with everything they were doing. Even though it completely shattered his trance, the fox took a deep breath and mentally recited his rule.

Give yourself permission to say yes. That wasn't a hypnotic suggestion, it was something Will had come up with for himself. It had been what informed all play sessions with Dave-Sir. He had to give that permission again. And he knew he wanted it. He nodded.

"Are you sure?" Dave knelt down and met his eyes, a concerned look on his muzzle. "You can use words, since you popped yourself out of trance. Very rude of you, by the way."

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"It's okay, I'm teasing you Fox. But you must have been having big thoughts to come out completely on your own like that."

"How could you tell?" Will asked, his ears drooping despite Dave's reassurances.

"Your breathing changed. But seriously, answer the question. If you don't want to, we don't have to."

Will hesitated one more moment, then made his decision. His ears went back up and his tail went still. "I want to."

"Okay," Dave replied as he scratched behind the fox's ears. The wolf's black tail wagged behind him. "Anything before we get started?"

"Uh. What are you going to do with your foxdrone?"

"Nothing Fox would object to."

Will looked into Dave's brown eyes and saw the honesty there. The fox's own tail started to swish. "I'm ready, Sir."

"Alright." Dave stood, a motion that just happened to put his crotch at face level for the kneeling fox. "Deep breath in."

Will couldn't help but chuckle before he complied. It was the standard beginning to going into trance, but with Sir standing right in front of him it guaranteed that Will would get a nose full of wolf musk. Not that the fox minded at all. He breathed in the spiced wood scent of his Sir and let himself relax.

Then the spiral returned to the TV. Will breathed in and out with a steady rhythm, this time fully embracing the desire to fall into trance. The screen swirled a mix of colors, shifting from green to blue to red as the fox gazed at it. He felt himself falling deep into its spin as his body felt heavier and heavier, slowly dropping him back to all fours.

"Good Fox. No thoughts now. Relax."

Relax. No thoughts. Obey.

Will's tail, which had been swishing steadily, slowed to a crawl. His whiskers drooped, and his eyelids half closed. A warm fuzziness spread through him as he watched the spiral and processed the words hidden behind it. He was a good fox. He needed to relax. He had no thoughts. He only had to obey.

"That's it, relax and go deeper. Floating on a cloud. No thoughts. No worries. Sir will do that for you. Relax. Obey. Good Fox."

Fox sighed, feeling himself drift deeper. The warm presence of Sir returned to his side, as well as the scent of aroused wolf. Somehow, that helped him go under faster and more completely--he didn't feel the split of being both open to the suggestions being offered and fully aware at the same time. Joy filled his mind even as it slowed to a stop. There was only the spiral, the voice, and the words. That was all a good fox needed.

"Very good, Fox. Go even deeper. No need to think. No need to feel anything but pleasure."

If he could have nodded, he would have. Instead he slumped a little as his tongue lolled out of his mouth. The words continued through the wonderful scent. Fox barely noticed that they had shifted, telling him to obey. He served Sir. He was a drone. A good fox. Fox was a drone. Relaxed. Obedient.

He lost all sense of time. He could feel the straining, throbbing, and leaking between his legs but it was of no concern. All that mattered was being a good fox drone. An obedient fox drone. It whined in pleasure as his ears were scratched.

"Good Fox Drone. Stand."

Fox Drone leaped upright, thrilled to be given an order. Its paws fell to its sided as he kept watching the spiral. Obedient, relaxed, aroused. Fox Drone lived to serve. Paws touched his side, and whatever had been confining its groin was pulled down. Its, or rather Sir's fox cock sprang to full attention, slightly cold now that it was free. It didn't matter. It was a good drone, and Sir would take care of his fox cock.

"Good Fox. Now. To the couch, and put your legs in the air. You're an obedient drone now. You don't need the spiral any more. No thoughts. No worries. Just serve Sir. You are just a drone. You belong to Sir now. Like you wanted."

"Fox Drone belongs to Sir," the drone repeated with a swish of its tail. It turned away from the spiral and walked over to the couch. He took a seat and scooted to edge so its rump and legs were off the green fabric before ti put them in the air.

"That's right," Sir's voice told it. "And Sir will take care of you. Let's make you the best Fox drone you can be."

The wolf stepped over to the couch and took hold of the fox's leg, holding it tight enough that the leg was supported. Then, Sir slipped something over Fox Drone's paws and pulled it tight up to Fox Drone's groin. Then the warmth of Sir's presence faded as the wolf stepped away.

"Sit up."

Fox Drone complied. Sir returned holding something in his paws. He ordered Fox Drone to look up, and slipped a hood--not Fox's typical one--over the fox's head. Drone held still as Sir snapped the buttons of the hood behind Fox Drone's ears. Sir ordered Fox Drone to stand and rub its crotch, and the drone did so. Paws found a thick bulge over his bits, enough to dull the sensation, but still be arousing. He kept rubbing, drawing out little squeaks from the rubber even as Sir chuckled. It looked down with unfocused eyes, barely registering the bulky rubber jockstrap that was part of what made it a proper drone. Only Sir allowed drones to cum. There was no need for a drone to have a cock or balls otherwise. It kept running its paws over the bulge, moaning at the thought of serving with no need to worry about its own desires.

"Good Fox Drone. No needs but to serve, yes?"

"Fox Drone serves," the drone replied, feeling a rush of warmth and pleasure as it did so. It was so wonderful to serve, to obey, and to know that Drone existed to serve Sir. Drone felt a straining in its bulge, as it should.

"That's right. Now, kneel and open your muzzle. It's time to serve Sir."

Fox Drone stopped rubbing its locked up bulge and dropped to its knees. The warm presence of the wolf stepped in front of him, adding the scent of arousal to the blissful nothing that clouded the drone's mind. Drone whined happily as something warm and musky throbbed against its nose. It continued to breathe in the scent, letting its muzzle hang open a bit. Fox Drone lived to serve, lived for Sir to use as he saw fit. All drone had to do was relax and obey.

"Good Fox Drone," Sir cooed as he put a paw behind the drone's ears. He scratched the bases of the ears, and even through the thickness of the hood it sent tingles through the drone. "No thoughts. No words. Let Sir do all that, just like you wanted. All you have to do is serve."

Fox Drone yapped to let Sir know that it was ready to serve. It stared into the black fur of Sir's stomach, waiting to be told what to do next, it's tail thumping the floor in a steady rhythm. It didn't have long to wait.

"Very good," Sir said before his voice turned serious. "But remember, Sir needs Fox Drone. So Fox Drone must alert Sir if drone feels in danger. Fox Drone knows the ways to tell Sir to stop. Nod if drone remembers."

The information came to Fox Drone's mind, even as Sir spoke. It nodded as soon as Sir told it to. As quickly as it came, it settled under the comforting haze of nothing that filled Drone's being. It would be there if needed, Fox Drone was sure.

"Good Fox Drone."

It barely registered the words before the warm, musky thickness of Sir's cock was placed in its muzzle. It whined in happiness and began to suck as Sir pushed its head forward, allowing Drone to adjust to the thickness in its mouth. Sir's hips rocked, sliding the cock back and forth in a quick rhythm. Fox Drone felt the shaft growing firmer as he suckled, causing its bulge to throb in response. Above it, Sir let out a growl that became a whine as his tail wagged hard enough to thump against Drone's shoulder. It barely noticed, lost in the pleasure that came from serving Sir. This was why it existed. Sir seemed to think so as well, as his cock rewarded Fox Drone by spurting occasional dribbles of pre. It sucked down the wonderful salty treat, grateful that Sir allowed it to have it to have such a reward.

Lost in the blank euphoria of service, Fox Drone lost track of time. It sucked while Sir thrust, the wolf's paw on the back of its head providing a reassuring pressure to keep it from sliding off of the shaft. Drone became aware that Sir's knot was rapidly swelling, forcing its muzzle wider each time its nose touched the fur of the wolf's groin. Without warning, the paw vanished, and the cock left its muzzle with a final dribble of pre. Drone felt a pang of loss and whimpered.

"None of that," Sir panted. "Fox Drone is doing a good job." He snapped his fingers. "Up. On the couch. Head down, tail up."

Fox Drone was on its paws and moving before Sir finished speaking. It took the four steps to the couch and assumed the position: forearms on the cushion with its rump in the air. Drone raised its tail and spread its legs to give Sir access to its rear. The wolf was quick to take advantage, giving Drone a playful spank before sliding his fingers between its cheeks. Then the paw vanished to return a moment later with a cool liquid coating the digits. They spread wetness over Fox Drone's tail hole, before first one then another slipped inside. It gasped as its ring was spread, then the fingers rotated around to make sure its insides were slick. Fox Drone groaned and squirmed, shocks of pleasure running down its spine.

The fingers pulled out, leaving the drone feeling comfortably loose and ready to serve Sir. A snap brought him instantly to attention.


Fox Drone scrambled off the couch and dropped to its elbows and knees on a towel that appeared on the hardwood. It raised its rear and lifted its tail out of the way as best it could. Sir's weight settled against the drone a moment later, complete with a familiar warmth spreading its cheeks. The throbbing weight moved back and forth before settling against its tail hole. Fox Drone braced itself, ready and eager to serve. It didn't have long to wait.

The pressure against its ring slipped inside, causing Drone to grasp as it was entered. It moaned in pleasure as Sir pushed forward smoothly, filling his Fox Drone all the way to the wolf's knot. Drone felt the wall of knot against its ring, and whined as it refused to yield. It couldn't serve Sir fully if it couldn't take the knot. Its bulge throbbed, and moistened with Drone's own arousal, but that didn't matter--only pleasuring Sir mattered.

The wolf wasn't going to make his drone wait to perform its task, it seemed. He woofed reassuringly at Fox Drone, sending a calming warmth up its spine and causing its ear to twitch in its hood. Then Sir used his drone. He set a rapid pace right from the start, pressing his weight down on Fox Drone and hammering its rear with his hips. Drone was left moaning and groaning in ecstasy. This was what he was for--to be used by Sir, not to worry or think--just be and serve.

Fox Drone gasped as Sir's knot forced past its ring within a few thrusts and lodged there. Its own bulge throbbed a spurted, reminding it of the pleasure of serving Sir. The wolf's pace increased to a frantic level, as he panted with the effort. A sense of pride filled Fox Drone, somehow it knew that it was doing a good job and Sir was about to reward it.

The reward came a few moments later as Sir growled and thrust one final time. Fox Drone felt the shaft inside it throb and release, and it could feel a swelling as Sir rewarded it for being a good drone. Another spurt followed the first, and a final one before Sir's weight settled against it. Fox Drone sighed in contentment as the wolf panted in its ear, glad to have been of service.


"And wide awake."

Will blinked and found himself looking up at a smart phone. Looking back at him was a red fox wearing an all-black pup hood that covered everything but his eyes--including his ears. His normal pup hood was black with green and open ears, so this had to be new. The next thing that he noticed was that he was curled up on the couch with his head in Dave's lap. The wolf was still nude, and there was no hiding the smells of sex and lube. Especially not with Will's nose next to his fat sheath. The fox looked down to realize he was wearing a jockstrap that had a padded pouch that reminded him of the thick mitts pups sometimes wore to protect their paws when they were down on all fours. From the feeling of his shaft pressing against the padding, a paws-free orgasm still eluded him.

Dave set the phone down and helped Will take the hood off, then he scratched behind the fox's ears. "Did you have a good time?"

The memories played back in Will's mind, vivid but tinged with the euphoric haze of the trance. Finally, the fox looked up at his wolf friend and smiled. "Yeah. I did. That was actually nice."

"I'm glad," Dave replied, a sense of relief evident in his voice. "I was worried we'd pushed a little too hard into you loosing identity and becoming an object, but you really seemed to enjoy that."

Will felt the heat of embarrassment rush to his face, and his folded back. "I was real nervous about it. You get used to being in charge and taking care of things yourself, and the thought of losing that is scary. But I guess that's why it worked for me. Seemed to work for you, too."

"Mhmm. That and not getting off for two weeks."

"I'd do it again some time," Will said after a pause, his tail swishing against the cushions.

"Alright," Dave agreed. "But first we have one last thing for Sir to take care of."

The fox giggled and leaned back as the wolf's paw worked its way down his belly and pulled the jockstrap back to free the fox's cock.