A Family Affair

Story by RVasil on SoFurry

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#11 of Commissions

"Cyrus and Violet uphold a family tradition as their children come home to visit the family estate."

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**Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking.

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Disclaimer: This story should only be viewed by people of the ages of 18 and above due to its strong and heavy scenes that are M/F in nature. All characters portrayed in the story are of the age of consent. If you do meet the requirements and enjoy this sort of content, then by all means please, take off your pants, relax, and fap to your heart's content. A Family Affair _by RVasil Commissioned by: Anonymous Client


Dragons went about their day to day business: merchants were hawking their wares whilst curious travelers and customers browsed what they offered. Kids played at the side; some playing tag, whilst others rested underneath the shade of a building, trying to cool themselves and hide from the scorching heat of the bright yellow sun.

Up at the upper districts, inside one of the larger houses in the area, Cyrus himself was partaking in a daily common activity.

"Fuck, I love how tight your pussy is."

The black dragon's scales shimmered as the light that poured in from the windows and into the dining room hit him. He was happily pounding away, his hips slapping against Violet's backside. The violet dragoness herself was bent over over the wooden dining table, groaning with each thrust. She grabbed the sides of the table to steady herself, but it proved little against her husband's powerful thrusts.

Cyrus paused to let himself breathe. He then leaned forward, planting kisses on Violet's back. He took a whiff of her scent: the smell of fruity oranges mixed in with sweet smelling herbs filled his nostrils. "Hmm, you smell good." He stuck out his tongue to taste her. A perfect mix of bitter and sweet, as they both were drenched in their sweat from their early morning lovemaking.

Violet chuckled. She could feel Cyrus's thick cock throb inside her ass. "Do you love it?" she asked, looking back at her husband.

The black dragon met her lips with a tender kiss. After a few moments, the two parted, and Cyrus began his thrusts again. This time more gentle and slow, compared to his quick and deep thrusts earlier. "I love it," he answered.

The dragoness laid on the table, basking in the sensations that were wracking her body. "I bought it yesterday when I was out shopping. I was told it had aphrodisiac properties." She grinned. "At first I thought that was just sales talk..." Cyrus then pulled out of her, his cock throbbing painfully. It was engorged, swollen, and the desire to breed was coursing through him. "But now I'm beginning to think it was worth buying."

"You know I don't need these things, right?" Cyrus asked. He then motioned for Violet to move to the dining chair. The dragoness nodded, standing up right. She then took hold of Cyrus's cock, playfully leading him towards the chair. The black dragon parked his bareass on the seat, glancing tantalizingly at Violet's bubbly rump in front of him. A bit of his precum was leaking from her pussy, dripping down the sides of her legs. He leaned forward, extending his tongue outwards to lick the trail: starting from the back of her knee, going up to her inner thigh. Violet shivered in response, the sensation electrifying. Cyrus stopped at her vagina momentarily, and then proceeded to plant a quick kiss on the spread folds.

Violet eventually answered his question. "I know. But I have a feeling you and I are going to need it."

Cyrus paused. "What makes you say that?"

The dragoness chuckled. "I think all the blood in your head has gone to your cock, Cyrus." As if to emphasize her point, she took hold of it as she slowly lowered herself onto him. The dragon's thick cock parted her cunny, and she let out a deep breath as she allowed herself to get accustomed to his size. Years of taking his cock and yet it was still challenging to this very day.

Cyrus wrapped his arms around her, pulling him closer to him. Violet rested on her husband's chest, the two enjoying each other's company. "I love you so much, Violet," he whispered into her ear. He idly began to fondle her breasts with his free hand. "But am I forgetting something?"

The dragoness relented, breathing heavily in response to her nipples being tweaked. "It's that time of the year, my love."

Before Cyrus could ask, another dragon entered the fray. The door swung open, and one of the household guards appeared, a piece of parchment clutched in his hands. "Cyrus," he called out. He then paused as his eyes happened upon the scene before him. He cleared his throat before saying, "we have received a letter from the Dragon Air Force."

Cyrus and Violet glanced at one another. "Go on," Cyrus responded. He continued to lewdly fondle Violet, wondering what the guard was going to say.

The guard unrolled the piece of parchment, breaking the seal. "Salutations," he began, "it is with great honor for us to inform you that your son, Zephyr, has been promoted to Major. As is customary, we are giving him leave to allow him to spend some quality time with his family to reflect on this momentous occasion." The guard then glanced at the bottom of the page. "It's been signed by the general of the army." He then noted the smaller message next to it. "P.S. I hope you're doing well, Cyrus. Your children clearly learned from the best."

A look of elation and happiness crossed the two proud parents faces as they processed the piece of information. "That's great news, Cyrus," Violet cried out. A renewed sense of vigor seemingly washed over the black dragon and he responded by having Violet bounce on his cock even further.The perverted display wasn't lost on the guard before them, and his own erection throbbed prominently. The guard however remained disciplined. He could take care of himself later.

"Was there anything else?" Violet asked, biting her lip as Cyrus continued to nonchalantly fuck her.

"Ah, yes, Violet," the guard responded. "The housekeepers have informed me that preparations for the arrival of your children have already been taken care off. Also, the vials you requested from the apothecary have been delivered as well."

Violet bit her lip, feeling a shiver ran up her spine. "Yes...excellent." She breathed hotly, patting Cyrus to ease up a little. "That'll...be...all...thank you."

The guard nodded respectfully, before leaving the two to themselves. Violet leaned back onto Cyrus, her lower hips grinding slowly in circles as she felt her cock throb deep inside her. Cyrus was the first to speak. "Why didn't you remind me that our kids were coming home?"

"I tried," Violet responded. She then stood up, releasing a low moan as he felt Cyrus's cock exit her folds. She then turned around, smirking at her husband. "But you kept distracting me with your cock." Cyrus pouted, and Violet rolled her eyes. She then grinned, sitting back down. She ended up straddling Cyrus, her legs spread wide open, and her cunny leaking precum all over her husband's thighs. The chair strained a little under their combined weight.

"But it all worked out, didn't it?" she asked, resting her head on his shoulders. Her hot breath tickled Cyrus's ears. "We get to have Opal, Veronica, and now Zephyr as well. We even get to celebrate Zephyr's promotion! Isn't it great?"

"Great indeed," Cyrus remarked, leaning down. He cupped one of Violet's breasts and began to suckle on them like a hungry child. His cock throbbed painfully inside of her, begging to be stimulated. It would seem hearing the news of his children doing well gave Cyrus a second wind and an intense desire to breed.

"I remember when he was just a kid," Violet said looking at her husband. Cyrus looked up, his mouth still connected to her nipple. She smiled, the memory playing in her head. "He gives me the same look too when he sucks on my breasts."

Cyrus released himself from her breasts, and let out a light chuckle. "I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." He himself joined in on the reminiscing, lightly grinding his hips as he thought of Zephyr fondly. "Though, he was more of a momma's boy, wasn't he?" He began to increase the rhythm of his thrusts.

"Oh yeah...definitely," Violet responded. "When that boy became a teen, he couldn't wait to stick his cock in me." She chuckled, before her voice trailed into a low groan. Cyrus was hitting her where it really mattered. "Not that I minded; he knew how to use his cock properly." She gave Cyrus a tender kiss on the lips. "You taught him well."

"Of course!" Cyrus proudly stated. Violet was bouncing on his lap, his hips rhythmically going up and down. The chair below them strained under their weight, creaking helplessly below the two dragons. "Any son of mine needs to know how to fuck!" He wrapped his arms around his wife, holding her tightly. "Are you looking forward to feeling his cock again?" he asked, licking Violet's neck.

She cursed under her breath. The sensations that were wracking her body was making it hard to think. "What kind of mother...fuck...would I be...if I wasn't?" Violet clung onto Cyrus tightly, her entire body electrified by the feelings of pleasure. She panted, trying to control herself but eventually relented. She cried out loudly, almost shouting into Cyrus's ears as her orgasm came to a head. Cyrus felt her cunny tighten around his cock, and he bit his lip in response. He loved it when Violet became tight like this.

"Fuck..." he whispered into her ear.

Violet was super sensitive, and she clung onto Cyrus's body for support. Each thrust sent a jolt through her spine. "Pace yourself, Cyrus..." She traced circles on the back of his neck. "Your two daughters are coming home too. I'm sure you're just as excited to fuck them as well."

The black dragon responded with a heavy grunt. It would seem the prospect of fucking his two daughters brought Cyrus over the edge. With a loud groan, Violet was rewarded with a splash of cum jetting up her pussy, filling her up to the brim. The sheer volume of it was too much for her, and some leaked out at the sides. It dripped onto the chair they sat on, making a mess of things. Cyrus's thrusts were erratic, before stopping completely. The two stayed there for a moment, breathing heavily against each other. They could hear each other's heartbeats as their naked bodies pressed against one another.

"Fucking hell..." Cyrus was the first to break the silence. He was exhausted and completely out of breath. Violet could feel his cock deflating inside of her. "Yeah..." he said, giving Violet a kiss on the cheek. "Good call on getting that aphrodisiac...we have to give the kids a warm welcome after all."

Violet smiled, looking forward to having the kids over again. It was that time of the year after all. While her pussy was still wet, sore, and overly sensitive from the recent fucking she just went through, she was already looking forward to seeing Zephyr again. Cyrus was just the same with her daughters.

The two parents, after all, loved their children quite dearly.

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

Cyrus and Violet took the following days to rest; Cyrus to rest his virile loins, and Violet to rest his sore cunny. While the two had insatiable sex drives that seemingly knew no end, they also both knew that their children were the same, and had to prepare accordingly. It was painful, admittedly, for Cyrus to not stroke his cock for the days that followed, but he figured the sacrifice was well worth it. After all, their annual family gatherings were nothing compared to the daily debauchery he and his wife got into. The pain of the blue balls he felt as the days went on were nothing compared to the soreness he would feel from his balls after the event.

Violet was doing the same. She made it a point to wear a butt plug, as well as shove a large dildo up her vagina. Both toys were thick as tree trunks, a gift her husband gave her from way back when. It was a taxing affair, but it was an effort to make sure her body would be well acquainted to the sizes that would be ramming into her throughout the entire weekend.

Said weekend eventually came, and the two excited parents waited anxiously for the arrival of their children in the living room. The sun was setting, and the orange rays painted the room a vibrant glow. Violet entered the room, carrying two small vials in both of her hands. A trail of wetness dripped down her legs, coming from her excited vagina. The stimulation of having the large toys shoved in both of her ends was also testing her discipline.

"How are you holding up?" she asked her husband.

The black dragon was doing deep breaths, his hands calmly tapping the sides of the sofa. His cock was at half mast, and the tell tale signs of precum stained the sides of his inner thighs as well. "I've been better," he answered. His hands twitched a little. "I actually had a wet dream last night--for the first time in a long time."

Violet grinned. "I know." She then continued, answering the quizzical look from Cyrus. "You came onto my back. Quite a lot of it too. It sounded like a good dream with the way you were moaning."

"It was," Cyrus responded. "It was just a dream of me, you, and the kids."

Just then, a guard knocked on the open doorway, announcing his presence. "Cyrus, Zephyr has arrived."

Violet turned to Cyrus. "Why don't we make that dream of yours a reality then?"

Cyrus chuckled, and followed after his wife. The two made a beeline towards the front door, and they were both elated upon seeing Zephyr standing before them. The blue scaled dragon was taking off his helmet, and was hanging it onto the wall hooks. "Zephyr!" Violet cried out.

Their son turned to face them, a bright smile lighting up his face. "Mom!" he responded. "Dad!" He then walked over pulling his mother into a tight embrace. "I missed you guys so much!" he said through muffled words. Violet was squishing his face into her bosoms.

Cyrus chuckled, watching Zephyr comically struggle from the loving embrace of his mother. "Let him breathe, Violet," he said.

Violet eventually let go, smiling warmly at her son. "Welcome home, Zephyr. Your father and I missed you very dearly."

"I missed you guys too," he responded.

The dragoness then wordlessly pulled her son close to him, before planting a kiss on his lips. Cyrus watched happily as Violet gave Zephyr the family greeting--a sweet loving kiss on the lips. The two kissed each other deeply, and it took about a clear minute of making out before they even broke apart. Violet was the first to speak, wiping traces of spit that dribbled from the side of her lips. She was breathing heavily. This was her first sexual act over the days of celibacy and it was driving her body wild. "I'm so proud of you, son," she added.

Zephyr blushed, both from the compliment and from being kissed so lustfully. He then turned to Cyrus who welcomed him with open arms. "Oh," he added, feeling something poke his lower half. "You really missed me a lot, huh, Dad?" he asked, reaching downwards to give his father's big cock a gentle stroke.

Cyrus shuddered at the physical contact. He would have keeled over right then and there if he was any other weaker man. "I did, son." He then pulled his son close, giving him the same family greeting Violet did. Zephyr could feel his father's cock throb in his grip as their tongues danced with one another. He knew his father was big, but was he always this big? Did he get bigger?

The two eventually broke apart, and Zephyr took a step back fanning himself slightly. "Oh boy," he remarked, feeling hot from all the love he was getting.

Cyrus chuckled. "You should get comfortable," he said. "You have no need for your armor in this house." He then waved his hand, and servants entered the fray, helping the blue dragon out of his heavy armor set. With quick hands, armor pieces were removed, along with his sword and under armor. A few moments later, Zephyr stretched, feeling free and comfortable. Now standing naked in front of them, Cyrus was able to take note of how much his son had changed. Years of training in the army left the once lanky boy filling out his entire frame with pure, toned muscle. Standing shoulder to shoulder with his father, Zephyr was a fine example of man; his body with little to no fat in sight. His pecs bulged out with each breath he took, and his biceps flexed as he stretched his arms. Cyrus's eyes trailed downwards. The 'V' that framed Zephyr's abdomen guided his eyes lower, landing on the dragon's impressive set of balls. If there was one thing Cyrus knew, is that the size of his cock was an ever constant gene that would be inherited by all his sons.

Violet walked over, giving another peck to his son's cheeks. Her hand gently stroked Zephyr's now erect cock. "Why don't I show you where you'll be staying?"

The blue dragon smiled. "Thanks, mom."

Cyrus watched as the two dragons left, her eyes hungrily lusting after their behinds. Two perfectly shaped asses that bounced with each step. His cock throbbed at the sight of it. He was about to go after them when he heard the sound of excitement talking behind him. The two guards were now closing the door behind two dragons that just arrived. Their excited squeal filled Cyrus's ears.


Cyrus turned around to find himself getting hugged tightly by one of his children. "Veronica!" he cried out, recognizing the familiar black scales. He then saw another dragoness approaching the two of them. "Opal!"

While Veronica inherited the black side of his color scheme, Opal inherited Cyrus's gold colors. The dragoness rolled her eyes at how her younger sister was acting. "Vera, let dad breathe."

Veronica giggled lightly, smiling up at Cyrus who towered over her. She only reached up to his shoulders. "I missed you so much, daddy," she answered, her bubbly tone seemingly infectious.

"I missed you too, my little seductress," Cyrus replied back. He then leaned down, giving Veronica the family welcome. The two shared a deep kiss, their tongues dancing with each other. Already, Cyrus could feel Veronica respond accordingly. He could feel her nipples hardening against him beneath the dress she wore. It rubbed against his bare chest, seemingly teasing him with each brush. The two eventually broke free, Veronica's cheeks flushed a deep crimson red. She then giggled, looking down to see Cyrus's cock poking her at her chest.

"I swear, your cock gets bigger every passing year, daddy," she remarked.

"It just shows how much I love you all," Cyrus responded accordingly.

"She's not wrong, dad," Opal said, looking at Cyrus's crotch. "You are definitely much bigger than I remember."

"Right?" Veronica responded. By now she was on the floor, and was tenderly licking Cyrus's balls. "But you still taste great daddy."

Cyrus chuckled, patting Veronica on the head and encouraging her to keep doing what she was doing. He then turned his attention to Opal and was visibly surprised. He was so caught up in the excitement of seeing his daughters, it didn't register for him at first. "Opal! You're pregnant!"

True enough, the gold colored dragoness's belly was swollen. While a normally voluptuous woman, Opal was gravid and had a visible belly bump. That didn't detract from her overall sexual appeal however. If anything, Cyrus found it more alluring. "Dad, didn't I tell you that already?" she said crossing her arms across her chest, and then pouting.

"You did," Cyrus responded. He remembered her writing to him about it, and he and Violet being ecstatic for it. But all the hubbub and the excitement of them coming home made him put it at the back of his mind. He then reached forward, gently running a hand on her bump. "I know you'll do great, sweetie."

Opal smiled warmly. "Thanks dad." She then approached him, the two sharing the family greeting. Compared to Veronica, Opal was more reserved, if a bit more refined. Her tongue danced with his with a finesse only experience would bring. Cyrus found himself overwhelmed at some points. The two evidently broke apart, feeling hot and flustered. Cyrus was more on edge however, as Veronica was busy suckling on his balls all this time.

Through heated breaths, Opal spoke. "Though, I think being gravid is making me hornier than normal," she said. True enough, Cyrus could see her nipples were poking through her dress. They looked heavy and full, the dragon assuming they were filled with milk. "I'm going to need you to fuck me later dad," she said taking a deep breath. "Now I know why you fuck mom so much when she's pregnant."

Veronica at this point stood up, satiated her oral fixation for the time being. "Speaking of which, where is mom?"

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

Zephyr was led down the hall, following right behind Violet. Zephyr found it hard to ignore his mother's beautiful body. Her ass jiggled with each step, and her scales shimmered each time they passed by a torchlight. He felt his cock throb at the sight of it all. A bead of pre escaped his tip. His mother stopped in front of a door and swung it open, leading him inside.

"This is where you'll be staying."

The blue dragon managed to tear his eyes away from his mother long enough to glance at his surroundings. He found himself standing in his childhood room. Like a surge of rushing water, the nostalgia flooded back into him. Zephyr felt a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he walked around the room, touching the items he owned.

"I've had the servants make sure to clean this room in preparation for your arrival," Violet said, watching her son walk over to his closet. "I figured you'd prefer to sleep here."

In a basket placed near the closet, all of Zephyr's childhood clothing was there. The small loincloth he used to wear as a kid, the yellow dyed shirt he wore as a teen; it brought a smile to his face rummaging through his previous stuff. "Thank you, mom," he said as he turned around to face her. He walked over to his mother, giving her a warm hug. Violet returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around her son. She had to stifle a moan as she felt her nipples rub up against Zephyr's toned chest.

"It's the least we could do," she added, planting a loving kiss on his cheeks. The two broke apart, and Violet took a seat at the edge of the bed in the middle of the room. "How are you finding the bed?"

Zephyr's brow rose. "What do you mean?" he asked.

The dragoness chuckled. "Why don't you lie down?"

The blue dragon wondered what his mother was talking about but decided to go with it. He crawled onto bed, before turning over to lay on his back. His erect cock rested on his chest, rising and lowering with each breath he took. "I don't notice anything different...?" he asked, wondering what his mother was talking about.

Violet moved towards the end of the bed, and jokingly held his son's toes. Zephyr let out a light laugh, feeling tickled by his mother's hands. "I suppose you wouldn't have noticed it, given how long it has been. We had to actually get your bed extended to accommodate your current height."

Zephyr momentarily sat up, and then let out a laugh. "Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that," he answered. He sat upright, propping himself up on the headboard and resting on the pillow on his back. "I remember my legs used to dangle off the edge," he continued. Violet then climbed onto the bed, crawling onto the space between his legs. "You used to be so small back then," she cooed. She then lowered her head so she could plant a tender kiss on Zephyr's cock. The thick member stirred, releasing a small stream of pre onto the dragon's chest. "But now you're so big."

"Aww shucks," Zephyr said, spreading his legs further to give his mother the extra space. "I'm sure dad has the bigger cock though."

"While that is true," Violet responded. The dragoness then reached forward to hold his cock's son in his hand. It throbbed in her grasp, feeling as thick as a wooden tube and just as hard. "You shouldn't put yourself down for it. You're a man now, Zephyr." She then leaned forward, sticking her tongue out to playfully swath the bead of pre that had formed on the cock head. "And you taste just like one too."

The blue dragon smiled. "Thanks mom." He let out a low groan, feeling his mother begin to suck on his cock right then and there. He closed his eyes, resting his back fully on the headboard, and enjoying what the dragoness was doing to her. Violet's head bobbed up and down the length, taking it in her mouth easily. Zephyr's knuckles turned white as he gripped the bed sheets tightly. He badly wanted to thrust but restrained himself, not wanting to ruin the pace Violet had set for the two of them. The sound of sucking rang across the room as Violet helped herself to his adult son. She wanted to show him how much she loved him.

"You have no idea," she said, taking a momentary breather, "how much I've missed this." She rubbed her cheeks against the dragon's cock, taking deep breaths. Zephyr's manly scent filled her nostrils. She glanced up and could see the restrained, yet lust filled expression Zephyr had. It became clear to her that he was holding back for her sake. Knowing this, she sat upright, making the blue dragon wonder why she stopped. She crawled over to him, grinding her body teasingly against the dragon's stiff cock as she passed.

"M-mom...?" Zephyr voiced out, breathing heavily.

Violet answered by tenderly kissing him on the lips. Zephyr returned the gesture, and the two shared a moment with one another. Tongues danced with one another unabashedly, one more experienced than the other. Violet was more than happy to accomodate. They eventually broke, and Violet looked at her son lustfully. "Do you want mommy to ride you, sweetie?"

Was that even a question at this point? Violet didn't even need to wait for Zephyr's answer to know what he was going to say. His cock squirting a healthy dollop of pre onto her back was all the answer she needed. "There, there," she cooed, stroking his cheeks. "I'll make sure to help you drain these aching balls." She then kissed him again. "But which hole do you want, Zephyr?"

Zephyr blinked, taken aback at the option. His eyes were immediately drawn to Violet's lower half, and through the haze of lust, he noticed something was sticking out. "Y-you're wearing a dildo?" he asked, glancing at her.

"Dildo and butt plug actually," she responded, feeling the two toys rub up against her inside. It made her shiver in excitement. "I wanted to be prepared for the weekend."

The dragon gulped in response. The two holes were tantalizing. It was a hard decision to make! To help him make a decision, Violet then added, "don't worry. You get to fuck both of them either way." She pinched the sides of his cheeks. "As much as you want."

Well if she put it like that, then Zephyr had nothing to worry about. "I want to fuck your ass, mom."

The dragoness was caught off guard by his answer. "And here I thought you wanted my pussy." She then reached downwards, removing the butt plug. Her backside clung onto it desperately, before a lewd pop eventually signaled it from being free from her. She cooed, dropping the slick object on the side of the bed.

"I've always wanted to fuck your ass, mom," Zephyr said, extending his hands outward to lasciviously grope Violet's ass. The two globes of flesh were perfectly circular, both firm yet soft in his hands. It was like holding an ass molded by the gods above. "I rarely get to do it."

Violet let out a light laugh and tapped her son's nose. "True." She then rose up, moving downwards, and carefully lining herself up on Zephyr's waiting cock. Slowly, she lowered herself. A sharp intake of breath escaped her lips as she felt the dragon's cock begin to insert into her ass. Even with the preparations she made, and even going so far as to use the biggest butt plug she had, it seemed it wasn't enough. Violet's mouth opened to the shape of an 'O' as more and more of Zephyr's length spread her open. "Fuck..." she said, gritting her teeth. She extended her hands and grip the headboard for support. Her legs quivered and threatened to buckle under her. His son reached out and caressed her sides, trying to give her support. She exhaled. "Were you always this big?"

Zephyr grinned sheepishly. "I may have gotten a bit bigger since we last fucked, mom."

"When was that again?"

He adjusted his seating, helping Violet go lower and lower onto his cock. Inches of his member disappearing in his mother's tight backside. "The last time we had fun was when I was about to leave for service."

Violet smiled wryly. "It's been way too long then, sweetie." Another inch went inside her, and already, the sensation of being full was radiating across her entire body. "Fuck, you're big. Your father will be very proud to hear about this." She then grinded her hips, trying to squeeze more of his length inside her. "I'm sorry if I'm tight back here. You know how Cyrus is, he prefers my pussy."

His son laughed, craning his neck upward to plant a kiss on her forehead. "It's fine, mom. I get to spread you all by myself."

Eventually, Violet successfully took all of Zephyr's length inside of her. She took a moment to collect herself, taking deep breaths as her legs quivered while she squatted on her son's crotch. "There we go..." she said, the pain changing to a dull throb. "Now how about mommy give you a welcome home ride?"

Without missing a beat, she then began to raise up again. Her ass was like a vortex, threatening to raise Zephyr's entire lower half with her as she rose up. Zephyr grunted, clutching the bedsheets. Each bump, each curve, each corner, and each section of Violet's ass, he could feel all of it. Using her superior thigh muscles, Violet was able to fully raise herself back up, her ass hovering above Zephyr's excited tip. She then lowered herself back down, now following a rhythm as she impaled herself once more on her son's throbbing cock.

Their sex was slow, the two enjoying the peaceful moment they had with one another. A bonding moment between mother and son, an activity they both enjoyed partaking in. Zephyr reached outwards, cupping Violet's large breasts that bounced with each of her rise and fall. They felt like bags of sand that were soft and supple to the touch. He squeezed them, earning him an illicit groan from Violet. "You're beautiful, mom," he commented, admiring her figure as he fucked her.

"I could say...the same...to you...stud." Violet's answer came through breaths. It was hard to talk with such a big cock impaling her. She then stopped, making Zephyr wonder what was wrong. "My legs are sleeping on me," she responded. "Do you mind if we change to a better position?"

Zephyr nodded, fully understanding how physically taxing it was to continuously squat over and over. The two then switched to a more comfortable position, bodies moving about the bed. The position they ultimately landed on was a classic one: Violet was laying on the bed, her head on the pillows comfortably. Her backside was propped up however, up in the air and steadied by Zephyr's large hands. His son was behind her, aligning himself at the same time admiring the view. The sex then continued, with Zephyr burying himself once more into her mother's backside. "I love you, mom," he cooed, feeling her insides caress his throbbing cock. He opted to even slap her backside, earning him a giggle from Violet.

"I love you too, Zephyr," Violet responded, letting out a content sigh from the pillow. Her eyes then went wide open, feeling a jolt of pleasure come from her nether regions. She was unable to hold back her cry, her body convulsing slightly. "W-what are you doing back there?" She craned her back to see Zephyr was synchronously inserting in and out the dildo she had in her pussy whilst his cock thrust in and out of her ass.

"I can't leave your other hole feeling left out after all," he responded. "Though, that'll be a teaser to what I'll do with you later," he answered.

"Oh you fucker," she added, before giggling excitedly. "You better not disappoint me then."

A smile tugged at the corner of Zephyr's lips as he continued to plow her. Given their position he now had a better angle to fuck her deep, and that he did. He aimed each thrust to go as far as he could, trying to go balls deep and spread his mother's backside as far as he could. He gripped the two plump buttcheeks and smacked them, cursing under his breath. Zephyr never had ass this good, and that was counting all the ass he had back while he was in service. Their truly was no better experience in the world than fucking his own mother. His rhythm soon began to pick up pace. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed across the room. Violet gripped the bed sheets tightly, the whites on her knuckles showing. The bed rocked with each thrust, the posts grinding against the floor. The sound of their heavy breathing, along with the beat of their hearts drowned every other sound in the house. To the two family members, their love making was all that matters.

Zephyr reached his end, his pace becoming erratic. Before long, he ejaculated. His cock stiffened, and Violet could feel Zephyr become rigid behind him. What soon followed after was a torrent of fluid. Ropes upon ropes of white hot cum escaped Zephyr's cock, filling the enclosed space that was Violet's backside. It lasted for what seemed like an eternity. Excess cum leaked towards the sides of her thigh, the warm sensation radiating throughout her entire body. Zephyr was breathing heavily, his entire body convulsing throughout it all. His balls quaked, and for a brief moment, his eyes blacked out and he could see stars. When he back down, he was privy to see the mess he had made. Violet's ass was soaked in his cum, and bits of it were leaking down to her wet and clearly aroused pussy.

"There we go," she cooed. "Did that feel good sweetie?"

"Fuck, mom...that was...holy fuck," he responded. He eased off her, jolts of pleasure coursing through his entire body as he tried to exit out of her ass. His cock came loose, dripping more cum onto the now soaked bed sheets. He continued to curse under his breath, trying to catch his breath.

Violet's hand reached behind her and used a finger to get a smudge of cum. "You taste just as how I remember you," she remarked, tossing and turning the cum in her mouth. She then smiled, noticing Zephyr's flushed cheeks. "You looked like you needed that," she added.

Zephyr chuckled. "I kind of did."

The two then shared a brief, but tender kiss. "Now come on," Violet added. She stood up, not bothering to clean up the cum that was leaking out of her ass. "I'm sure your father wants us to be all together." Zephyr let out another sigh, before nodding. Much like his mother, he too didn't bother to clean up. They knew that they'll be making more messes later anyways. The pair exited the room together. Violet, leaking cum from her ass, and Zephyr, dripping cum from his cock.

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

The two were so busy fucking that the sun had now set and the moon was beginning to rise up. The cool evening breeze wafted into the house, the torches flickered, and the shadows began dancing on the walls. While everyone was winding down to end the day, Violet and Zephyr were well aware that the night was just getting started. They made their way to the dining room, being told by servants that dinner was about to be served. Upon entering the room, they were greeted to the sight of a feast so graciously prepared for them by the cook. Plates of fruits and vegetables, and roasted meat that only the best money can buy. It was a bit excessive, given that their usual dinners were nothing more than the typical bread, and a healthy serving of soup. But today was a special occasion. Having the kids over was a cause for celebration.

Speaking of which, said kids were busy attending to their father. "Violet!" Cyrus cried out. He was resting his back on a pair of cushions. His hands were casually wrapped around Opal, and were busy fondling her breasts. "I was about to call you so we can all have dinner."

Resting between Cyrus's legs were Veronica, who now stopped suckling on her father's balls. She licked her lips as she savored their taste. "Yeah, I was getting kind of hungry too," she added. "I would have been fine with just daddy's cum though."

"You can have all of it and more later, sweetie," Cyrus added. "For now, let's have a family dinner."

The group then gathered around the table, helping themselves to the feast on hand. As drinks were downed, and meat was chewed, the family conversed with one another and took the chance to catch up. Cyrus and Zephyr chatted about the military and possible training techniques. On the other side, Violet asked Opal how she was feeling, being pregnant and all.

"I guess I'm okay," Opal answered. She took her glass of water and drank it. "It's a bit hard to move around, having a swollen belly and all, but I've gotten used to it." She then let out an exasperated sigh. "If there's one thing I dislike about it, is that I just feel super horny all the time." She looked at her mother for guidance. "Is that normal?"

"It is," Violet responded. "Being pregnant will make you more hungry for cum than normal, which seems counterintuitive but that's how we dragons are. We have an intense desire to breed." She then gave her daughter advice. "As long as your husband keeps fucking you, you'll be okay."

"That's the problem though." Opal looked a bit irritated. "He's been having trouble keeping up. I tell him it's alright, but I can see that he's taking it personally."

"Oh dear."

"Yeah, which is kind of why I'm a bit glad that we did this reunion thing. Give him a chance to rest up, you know? At least then, I have dad and Zephyr here; I'll be fucked regularly."

The mother nodded, knowing full well that her husband and son were virile enough to keep a gravid dragon satisfied. She then turned to look at Veronica who was listening in on the conversation. "How about you, Veronica? Expecting any time soon?"

"I think I am actually," she answered, dropping the bubbly air headed tone earlier to something more serious for once. "I have been feeling hornier than normal, though I can't tell if that's just because of who I am, or if it's because of the coming hatchling." She shrugged. "Either way, it is what it is. I get to have more cock, and I for one don't see that as a problem."

The three dragonesses smiled and rose their glasses to the notion. "Agreed."

At the other side of the table were Cyrus and Zephyr, the two still caught up in their conversation about the military. "So, how are you finding your new position?" Cyrus asked, taking a bite out of the large piece of meat he held in his hands.

"It's been interesting to say the least," Zephyr answered. "I thought I'd actually be doing more, but I now realize I'm doing less. It's more about meetings and whatnot." He chuckled. "I actually kind of miss being out and about, doing patrols and stuff."

"That's how it normally is." Cyrus reached out and took a glass of water. "As you move up higher in ranks, you'll find yourself less out in the field and more inside an office. You'll be dealing with bureaucracy more than anything else."

"I have noticed that the paperwork is more intensive than fighting a real person." The two shared a laugh with each other. "On the bright side, it's nice to kick back and take it easy for a change. At the very least I get to fuck around in the office whenever I want. We never got to do that while we were on patrol."

"And that right there, is the perks of getting a desk job," Cyrus added. "Do you miss it?"

Zephyr's brow rose.

"Do you miss the fighting?"

The dragon thought for a moment. "I do. I mean, I've been training my entire life and then all of a sudden I get promoted and I don't have to do it anymore. It's...taking me a moment to adjust. I'm wondering if I could be assigned a different position of the same stature that lets me get out in the field again."

"That's one way to go about it." Cyrus took a drink from his glass of water. "That's what I did when I was in the military. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my time being behind a desk. I don't think there was ever a moment that there was no one underneath it! But like you, I liked the exercise I get when I'm outside. It keeps the blood pumping."

"Yeah, and it helps me get perspective," Zephyr commented.

"What do you mean?"

"Being outside, seeing the city, and the people...it reminds me what we're doing this for." Zephyr smiled and glanced at his mother and sisters. "It reminds me what we're protecting, and I'm glad to be reminded of that."

Cyrus felt his chest swell with pride. He patted Zephyr on the shoulder, giving it a confident squeeze. "Good to hear that."

The evening continued on with the family catching up. It was nice to be with family, and both Violet and Cyrus enjoyed catching up with their children. Hearing stories from work, and hearing about their day to day lives outside of it. At some point, the family moved to the living room, allowing the servants to clean up the dining room and fix up the now empty plates of food. Cyrus took a seat on one of the empty cushions. All five of them had glasses of wines in their hands.

Violet walked over to one of the drawers and took out a small brown bag. She reached into it and took a vial of clear liquid. "Here," she said, handing one of the vials to Cyrus. She then handed three more to her three children, who all took it appreciatively.

"What is it?" Zephyr asked, taking the vial from her hand.

"It's the mixture I requested from the apothecary," she answered. Violet uncorked the vial, and a faint sweet smell wafted from it. It reminded Zephyr of the smell of sweet cherries. "It's a special mixture that should help us get through the weekend."

It took a moment for the blue dragon to recognize the scent. "An aphrodisiac concoction?" Zephyr asked, taking another whiff of it to make sure. The smell alone made his cock stir, and begin to stiffen. "I wasn't aware you guys were planning this far ahead."

"Yes, and then some," Violet added. "It is a special occasion after all. Your father and I wanted to make sure your stay here is thoroughly enjoyed."

Veronica downed the vial in one go. "It tastes kind of fruity," she remarked, wiping her mouth. "And whoa..." The dragoness immediately felt her body react. Her cheeks flushed, and she felt a sudden warm sensation race throughout her entire body, down to the tips of her toes. Veronica felt her nethers sting, a tiny itch beginning to make itself known to her mind. Her breathing quickened, and she rested on the pillow to collect herself. "It hits fast!"

Cyrus mixed his vial with his drink. He then sat down next to Veronica, taking sips from his glass. "Ahh," he remarked, feeling the sensations go through his entire body. "Yep, that hits really fast," he added. His cock stiffened and before long, he was rock hard and dripping beads of pre. Veronica marvelled at the sight and crawled over to his father. Without waiting to ask, she dove right in, engulfing the erect member into her mouth. Cyrus leaned back, enjoying the service he was getting. He was joined by his son, Zephyr.

Zephyr groaned, his cock spurting a healthy amount of pre outwards out of sheer arousal. It hit Opal's legs as she walked over to the two of them. "I want me some of that," she responded, resting next to Zephyr. Much like her sister, Opal was hungry for cock. But given that she was pregnant, it was a bit difficult to get into position. Thankfully, Violet was there to help her. "Here," she said, arranging a pair of cushions for her to lay on. "Zephyr, lay back a little to give your sister some room...prop your legs on this...there we go." The blue dragon found himself leaning back on the pillows, with Opal now happily suckling on his cock like it was a lollipop. Violet managed to squeeze herself in between her husband and son, and the setup was now complete. Violet alternated between Cyrus and Zephyr, herself helping her daughters with servicing the males. She opened her mouth and tugged on one of Cyrus's balls, whilst Veronica tugged on the other. Cyrus let out a low growl, the sensation being heightened by the mixture they took.

"Fuck..." he said lowly. "I'm so happy we do this sort of thing..." He scooted a little, spreading his legs further to give his daughter and wife extra room. "It's a great way to relax."

Violet paused and moved over to Zephyr. She took one side of Zephyr's cock, whilst Opal took the other. The two tag teamed, using their tongues to paint the blue dragon's stiff cock slick with their tongues. Zephyr strained, taking deep breaths as his arousal took him for a ride. "I couldn't...agree..." He closed his eyes, feeling a bead of pre escape his tip. It was quickly lapped up by the two dragonesses that were becoming hungrier for cock.

Cyrus growled, extending a hand to squeeze Veronica's ass. "Sweetie, can you scoot over?" Veronica stopped sucking, wondering why she was being stopped. Cyrus then continued, saying, "I want you to lay on your back. Daddy's wants to fuck your pussy."

The dragoness could barely contain herself. Veronica quickly got up, and did as she was told. She moved over and laid on the cushion. Zephyr watched as Cyrus hovered over his sister, and aligned his throbbing cock into her pussy. "Fuck me, daddy," Veronica demanded. "My pussy desperately needs cock."

Cyrus chuckled. He tapped his cock teasingly at her cunny. "Of course, anything for my baby girl. Daddy's going to fill you up."

The sound of someone scoffing caught Zephyr's attention. He turned his head to see Opal wiping the spittle that was dripping from her mouth. "I swear, I can't tell if she's doing this ironically, or she really likes dirty talk like that."

The blue dragon laughed. "Do you want me to shut her up?'

"As long as you do me afterwards."


Zephyr then moved over, joining his father who was now fucking Veronica happily. The dragoness was almost vibrating as Cyrus continued to thrust back and forth. Cyrus had a good grip on her hips and clearly wasn't letting go. Zephyr loomed over her head, and Veronica's view was blocked by the dragon's throbbing cock. "Open," Zephyr said commandingly. The dragoness was more than happy to do so, opening her mouth as much as she could to accommodate the thick piece of meat that was about to go in.

Opal and Violet took this moment to rest, leaning side by side and idly groping each other as they watched Cyrus and Zephyr fuck Veronica at both ends. "It's a shame," Opal said, tugging at Violet's nipples and making her mother groan slightly. "Zane couldn't come?"

Her mother shook her head. "Unfortunately he was deployed somewhere." She reached over and traced circles around Opal's pussy. Fluid began to leak out of her and on to the cushions, and Opal shivered in response to the contact. "Last I heard he was doing well however. He told me they were doing team building exercises."


"Yes. They were tasked in having to suck the cocks of their commanding officer, as a way to show respect." Violet took a deep breath, finding it quite arousing to watch the scene before her. Cyrus and Zephyr's thrusts were now erratic. Like a well oiled machine, when Cyrus went in, Zephyr went out. The two were going balls deep, Cyrus's groin smacking against Veronica's now well spread pussy. At the other end, Veronica's face was periodically smacked by Zephyr's two cum filled balls, the dragoness's jaw beginning to numb from having been kept open. The sound of skin slapping against skin, mixed in with the gurgling noises coming from her throat filled the room as the two male dragons had their way with her.

"Dad trained him well, I hope?" Opal asked, turning back to look at her mother.

Violet nodded, remembering all the training sessions the father and son had with each other. "Zane is a good cocksucker."

"I think he learned from the best there is."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the two males grunting. It seemed that Cyrus and Zephyr reached their limit, and both came at the same time. Cyrus filled Veronica's pussy full of his cum. The sheer volume made the excess leak out the sides. Zephyr did the same, but ejaculating his full load down his sister's throat. The dragoness was drowning at both ends, and she took it like a champ. Throughout all of this, both were still excessively moving their hips forward, wanting to get their cocks as deep as they could. At the end of it, Veronica was a sweaty, cum soaked mess. She let out a weak cough as Zephyr finally removed his cock from her mouth. "Fucking hell..." The dragoness took a moment to compose herself. "Fuck, that was good." She then looked up to see both her brother and her father looking pleased with themselves. "I'm going to take a break for a bit." Cum still leaked out of her pussy, and she could feel the warmth radiating throughout her entire body. "But once I'm done, we're doing that again."

"My turn," Opal remarked. She crawled over to the two men who were still visibly rock hard.

As Cyrus, Zephyr, and Opal wondered what was the best position to fuck, Violet used this chance to crawl over to her now cum soaked daughter, Veronica. The dragoness was breathing heavily, cum still leaking copiously from her pussy. Violet smiled at the notion. "How are you feeling?" she asked, sitting next to her.

"Sore," she answered. Veronica took a moment to massage her jaw. "I swear, I think Zephyr got bigger. I know I had an easier time taking his cock back when I visited last time." By now, Zephyr and Cyrus had decided the best course of action. They basically had Zephyr at the bottom, with Opal resting atop him. Cyrus loomed above the both of them, his cock pointed straight at Opal's waiting pussy. He was going to get the top hole, and Zephyr was going to get the bottom. It was a win-win for the dragoness, as she wanted to be plugged at both ends.

"I love your cocks...fuck!" Opal cried out as she was impaled by the two big members. Both Cyrus and Zephyr had to adjust, it was a tight squeeze as they could literally feel each other as they went deeper.

"Damn..." Veronica said, now finally sitting up and leaning next to her mother. Her hand was freely roaming, and was cupping Violet's breasts. "I'm jealous. I wish they did that to me."

"Well you can ask the both of them to fuck you again later," Violet responded. She leaned down, making Veronica lean back slightly and spread her legs. Then, she leaned in, giving a tender lick to her daughter's sensitive pussy. The taste of Cyrus's cum was sweet, yet bitter at the same time. It was virile, like he knew his husband to always be. Violet smiled. "You're definitely going to be pregnant after this."

"You sure, mom?" Veronica asked, half joking, half serious. "I'm not sure if dad's cum is really deep in there. Can you make sure?"

Violet then reached forward, inserting a slender digit into her daughter's folds. It was slick, wet, and sticky. Gently twisting her finger around, Violet then did repeated circling motions to stimulate Veronica's pussy. Her daughter groaned, legs quivering in response to the stimulation on her overly sensitized pussy. Violet then pulled her finger out, taking a lick to savor the taste of Veronica's juices mixed in with her father's cum. "I'm sure of it. But we'll just have your brother and father fuck you again, as a precaution."

"Hell yeah," Veronica remarked, tracing circles around the entrance of her cunny to keep the stimulation going. The mother and daughter then turned their attention to the scene before them. Notably, Cyrus and Zephyr were gentler in fucking Opal given that she was pregnant. It was sensual, romantic even. Cyrus was gently fucking his daughter, his hands on Opal's swollen breats that were filled with milk in preparation for her hatchlings. He gently twisted them with his fingers, a bit of milk escaping from the tips. "You're going to be a great mother, Opal," Cyrus said, his cock going in and out of her pussy.

Opal would have answered, but her response was drowned out by her moan as Zephyr went another inch deeper into her ass. "You're fucking tight, Opal." Zephyr remarked out of frustration. "Your husband needs to fuck you more in the ass."

"Heh," she responded. "That's what I've been...trying...ohh that felt good...tell him," she answered.

"He's not an ass man then?" Cyrus asked. He cupped her breasts, gently tugging them left and right. They felt like bags of sand in his hands.

"No. He is. It's just...fucking fuck me..." She took a moment to collect herself as a wave of pleasure coursed through her entire body. She shivered, and Cyrus felt her pussy clamp down on his cock. It was trying to milk him for all he was worth. "It's just..." she began in heated breaths. "He doesn't have the stamina! Yes! Like that!" Zephyr was increasing his pace, his hips colliding with his sister's ass cheeks.

"That's a bummer," Veronica remarked from the side. "Though, when I visited her back then, she was having her brother-in-law fuck him instead."

"He's a much better fucker!" Opal commented. By now, Zephyr and Cyrus were increasing their pace, and she was hanging on for dear life. Her breasts bounced erratically, swaying side to side like a pendulum. The two males were striking a balance between rough and gentle and they were pulling it off. It was Zephyr who came first, his balls aching. The dragon's legs quivered, and he ejaculated deep into his sister's ass. Ropes upon ropes of cum escaped from his tip, and filled every space there was inside of her. Cyrus soon followed after, his balls rising up before emptying completely. The dragon groaned, giving it his all. Opal was filled at both holes, a warm sensation radiating from her lower half. The heat that she was feeling subsided for now. "Fucking hell..." she muttered, feeling the two males' cock still throbbing deep inside of her. "I really needed that."

Taking a moment to collect herself, she then gently rolled towards the side, getting off Zephyr. Cum leaked from both of her ends, and she opted to stay and rest for a while. "I'm going to need a breather."

"Fuck, that was good son." Cyrus said, gently stroking his cock to keep stimulation going. He glanced down to see Zephyr get up, doing the same. Cum was dripping from both of their stiff rods. "Get over here, I want to see you."

Zephyr nodded, crawling over to his dad. Cyrus then reached forward, and the two momentarily frotted. "Fuck, you're actually bigger than me now," Cyrus commented.

The blue dragon blushed. "Oh, thanks dad. I got it from you." Cyrus wrapped his arms around his son's cock and squeezed. A healthy amount of cum squirted into his hands. He put it up to his mouth to taste. "You taste great too."

"If you two boys are done admiring each other." The two men turned their heads to see Violet had now crawled over. "You still have one dragoness who desperately wants to fuck."

Cyrus and Zephyr smiled sheepishly before then attending to Violet. Opal crawled out of the fray, joining Veronica who was fingering herself. "You okay?" Veronica asked, glancing at her sister.

"I'm good, I'm good," she replied. She then propped herself up into a better seated position to enjoy the show. "Fuck, my pussy feels numb," she blurted out, making Veronica laugh in surprise. "What? It's true though."

"I mean, I know how you feel. Dad is no joke. But have you tried Zephyr in your mouth?" she asked.

Opal thought for a moment, remembering how it felt to have Zephyr fuck her. It was like shoving a tree trunk inside her, and it was entering through her ass! She licked her lips at the prospect. "You know what, remind me to test that out later. I want to know if I can wrap my mouth around his cock."

"You're probably going to have to wait on that," Veronica responded. "It looks like mom is going to have them busy with her."

The dragoness turned her head to see what she was referring to. By now, Cyrus, Violet, and Zephyr had decided what they were going to do. Violet was laying on top of Cyrus, much like how Opal was earlier. However, she had her legs propped up, bent towards her breasts and were held there by Cyrus's powerful arms. Her lower half was fully exposed and in full view. Her pussy was leaking large amounts of pre, clearly excited to be fucked. Zephyr then moved in front of her, positioning himself to be at the base.

"So I'll fuck your pussy, and dad will fuck your ass," Zephyr said.

Violet then shook her head. "No."


A look of pure lust etched itself on her face. "I want you two to fuck me both in the pussy."

Zephyr paused for a moment, taken aback by the request. He then glanced down at his throbbing cock, next to his father's throbbing cock. Both were impressive lengths, and stiff as a board. "W-would it even..."

"It will," Violet replied. "Now fuck me," she demanded.

Sensing his hesitation, Cyrus then added. "Your mother knows what she wants, son. Best you do what she tells you to."

The blue dragon shrugged. "Well alright then." With a little bit of coordination, he and Cyrus then penetrated Violet. The dragoness cried out in sheer pleasure, feeling her pussy be stretched beyond normal in an effort to accomodate the two large cocks. Being overly sensitive from the previous two ejaculations, Zephyr felt his entire body shiver in response to the super close contact. His entire penis was being sandwiched between his mother's walls, and his father's stiff member. "Holy fuck, this is amazing," he remarked. He then began to lead the pace, inserting himself in and out. Cyrus was underneath, gyrating his hips in an effort to follow the rhythm.

By now, Opal and Veronica crawled over, both curious and jealous of what was being done to their mother. "Fuck, mom, you're amazing," Veronica said, fingering herself at the scene before her. "You're going to have to teach me how to do this."

"This...fuck...isn't something I can teach..." Violet bit her lips, stifling a moan.

"Just let it out, dear," Cyrus cooed. Violet followed her husband's advice and moaned loudly. "This..." Violet continued her train of thought. "This is something...that comes--holy shit--with experience."

Opal and Veronica watched as the two males fucked their mom, their cocks going in and out of Violet's pussy. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, the two decided to join in. Opal began to grope Violet's breasts, twisting, tugging and pulling on the nipples. Veronica on the other hand began to lap up the juices that were leaking from the spaces that weren't filled in with dragon cock. The entire family was having a blast and enjoying the depraved sex they were having.

"Your mother is an experienced woman," Cyrus said, going in deeper. "She's handled more cocks than anyone I've ever known."

"Yet she feels tighter than when I first fucked her," Zephyr added, grunting as his mother's pussy clamped down on his cock.

"It's my secret," Violet said. Then her entire body shook, and she let out a cry of pleasure. "Fuck, that's good!" she remarked, riding out her orgasm. Her entire pussy was fully sensitive, and she could feel all of it. She could Zephyr's cock, she could feel the throb of Cyrus's, and she could even feel Veronica hungrily tracing circles on her pussy with her tongue. It was sensory overload.

Inevitably, Cyrus and Zephyr met their end. Zephyr was the first to blow, unceremoniously cumming into Violet's pussy. Ropes and ropes of white hot cum escaped his tip, his balls becoming emptying themselves for the third time. By now, it actually started to hurt. Cyrus followed suit, filling Violet more with dragon spunk. The sheer volume of it, plus the cramped space, meant that the excess leaked out by the dozen. Veronica was there to help lap it up, like a dog to a water bowl. Opal joined in after her, wanting more of the fresh male seed.

It truly was a family affair.

A few moments later, Cyrus and Zephyr were able to lie down, tired, exhausted, and completely out of breath. Their cocks were spent, at this point, being cleaned by Opal and Veronica. The two were teasing their tips, trailing their tongues on it in an effort to milk them for all they were worth.

"I love our reunions," Zephyr remarked.

Cyrus was at the other side breathing heavily. Even for someone who was virile and studly as he was, he knew himself that this was quite exhausting. His legs twitched as Opal tried to jerk him off, wanting to squeeze more out of him. Veronica was at the side, tugging at Zephyr's balls.

Violet was between the two males, she herself just as equally sweaty and exhausted. She rested a hand on each of their chest. "Pace yourselves boys; we have a whole weekend ahead of us."

**Author's Notes:

So this is a commission I've had going for a quite a while now. Anon, amazing as he is keeps commissioning me, and thus here I am delivering. He enjoyed it alot, and I hope you guys too!**

Besides, a nice, hot, smutty story would be a great way to help pass the time while we're all under quarantine.