Macro Park Pt. 3

Story by CharitysSongbird on SoFurry

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#3 of Macro Park

Part three i hope you will enjoy


Even as the chase began back at Logan's cage, down over the cliff and inside a massive tree, a familiar mouse held two shivering children close to him. As the warm rays of sunlight began to flow in through the thick branches it alighted upon the trio, the little corgis blinking as the warm touch rose them from the terrible night's sleep.

It had been terrifying, the massive femboy, the flooding gush of sex and deadly teasing. All followed by Grant's rescues before they pitching over the lip of the cliff; falling managing to luck into the tree they now found themselves in. The leaves keeping the impact from breaking them as they had slipped down and down to where they now rested, in the soft mossy nest that might have once been home to some massive squirrel, but if so had long since been abandoned. That night Grant had guessed them to be about fifty feet above the ground, but the thick branches and rain was enough to hide their scent and sight at least for the night, besides, it was no good telling the kids that if he wanted a giant macro could have torn the tree up by the roots to get to them. So, for the night they had rested, trusting on luck to keep them safe; and so it had. Till, at least, the morning came.

"EEEPPPP!" cried the little corgi girl falling back, as Grant shot up, shaking sleep and dew from his face. The grey furred mouse stepping up trying to stand between the kids and whatever there was out there, only to feel the hot press of fur against his chest as a wet soft nose twitched against his cheek. Warm breath rolling up and under his shirt like a hair dryer as he looked up to see himself blinking into a pair of massive ruby red eyes.

"Ohhh my, so forwards..." cooed a deep rumbling voice, as Grant looked up past the wide eyes to the massive soft fields of greyish blue fur that formed the speakers face, a pair of giant long ears pushing up and up, one bent down a bit as the booming voice called his attention back to where he felt the warm touch. Gasping as he stepped back from what he realized were the macro's lips, noticing that as he'd stepped up to shield the children he'd effectively forced a kiss with his body against the macro's face.

"Mhmm don't be shy now stud, you can't go and kiss a girl and then run off." Teased the booming voice, as Grant looked down at what was obviously a truly titanic rabbit. Its soft greyish blue fur, a bit wet from the storm, hugging tightly to her curvy body, two plump breasts jiggling below pressed tight to the tree, as the giantess leaned forwards her head just level with their fifty-foot perch. Watching the mouse saw as she ran a paw down her chest sliding over her wide hips, as her fluffy little tail flicking eagerly as she began stroking her fingers over the pink folds between where her legs joined, heat dripping off onto the forest floor below, as she eyed them.

"I...I didn't.." managed Grant, as the children backed further away, shivering. The giant bunny smiling while her eyes turned on them softening.

"Oh don't worry cuties, I'm not going to hurt him, mmmmm your daddy's safe... we're just going to have some fun." cooed the bunny, as her mouth opened, letting her tongue tease out to press hotly to the mouse man's cheek. The warm wet wall of pink flesh sliding down over his chest, hot breath rolling out over all three as Grant looked back to the giant, forced to look down the pink tunnel before him, as her moaning ahhs, washed out over them. Her fingers busily continuing to ready her for the fun with her new toy.

"I...I'm not their father."

"I don't really're going to be a daddy soon stud," she smiled as a massive greyish blue paw moved up suddenly plucking the man out of the tree soft pink pads pressing to his tiny body. The wind rushing round him as the massive rabbit turned to sit against the tree, tipping her paw so that Grant was sent tumbling down to land with a soft thump against her bare chest.

"Ohhh, such a little deviant...going right for my breasts like that... poor little me, being picked on by a big strong man," she moaned, biting her bottom lip, as she reached down to cup one breast, giving it a soft squeeze. Giggling as she saw Grant falling back and forth as the hot flesh and fur ripples below his feet, slapping him against her naked chest, over and over, as her free paw slipped two fingers suddenly into her pink folds. Gasping, her body arching, her hips jerked in sudden wet ecstasy, as the tips of her fingers stroked inside her pink folds, pressing hotly against her moist cunt.

"Mhmmm ughh yess, mmmmmm, nothing's like you little men crawling on me," She moaned, her knees rising as the rabbit's massive paws pumped back and forth thrusting in and out of her cunt. Faster and faster as her body rocked, the wet slap echoing out as Grant felt his world tilting, the grey mouse falling forwards into the giant bunny's valley of soft heaving cleavage.

"Ahhhh!" cried Grant pitching head first off her jiggling chest, slapping against her naked tit, while her chest heaved, with a fresh moan, sending him rolling off onto her belly, feeling the shifting fur below him till with a thump he fell face first into a hot wave of heat and lust, rising from her efforts. As he fell, the giantess was spreading to show the pink folds poking out from under her greyish blue fur, the hot smell rising telling grant that this bunny was, like most, in a near constant state of heat...and if her words were anything to go by, she was a bit pent up.

"Wait you can't!" started Grant, managing to push to his feet, mousy face flushed, as he felt the soft fur pressing back against his body, looking back over his shoulders to see the lop eared bunny panting down at him, cheeks flushed with heat, as she licked her plump lips her mouth opening into an O of pleasure seeing where her toy landed. A mire few inches from her thrusting paw, the smack of her self- pleasuring like a booming drum rolling over the mouse.

"Ohhhh but I can big boy.." cooed the massive bunny, puckering her lips to blow him a hot kiss, the gust of wind enough to throw him back over her belly his hands scrambling to grab hold of anything. With a booming gasp, Grant's hands grabbed onto a wet nub, his fingers tightening, as he cried out in fear, the pink flesh hard and hot under his touch, as she let out a long slow moan, shivering as the tree behind her groaned under the arching press of her back. Grant shaking his head looking up to see himself face to face with the giant rabbits dripping wet clit, that he was now hugging for dear life.

"Ahhh, ohhhh good boy....mhmmmm that's the spirit...FUCK mhmmm suck it you beast!" she cooed reaching down to cup his little head forcing him hard against her dripping nub, as below her paw thrust in and out faster and faster, the small bulge of his now soaked pants pressing hotly into the thick pink nub, as she began to kneed him up and down, squeezing him hotly against her sex. With a wet moan her mouth opened wide, tongue lolling out, as drool dripped from her lips, the two corgi children watching with a mix of fear and arousal, as with a fresh wet moan she rolled over onto her knees, breasts bouncing, as she pressed her cheek down into the forest floor. Her mouth opening as drool dripping down into a puddle under her, shifting paws smashed the brush and trees around as the paw she had thrusting into her sex, cupped down under the dangling grant before his paws slipped from her cunt, looking down at him with a lolling grin.

"Fuck...yes now put that little cock inside me. AHHHHHHH!" she gasped, thrusting her paw up slapping him face first into her dripping folds, the heat rushing up over him, kissing over his body, the pink flesh sucking him inside. The booming moans became muffled as he was shoved head first into her naked sex, the throbbing walls lapping hotly over him as her fingers thrust him back and forth like a living dildo, a slave to her enjoyment, the tight tunnel flexing over and over as her booming moans causes the pair in the tree to cover their ears. Both children blushing a she panted a stream of hot lewd words and sounds cascading from her lips.

"Fuck ugh ugh fuck deeper, mhmmm oh god he's squirming...mmmm my little man dildo's squirming...of FUCK yeSSSS ah ah ah ah AHHHHHH fuck...I'm close...Mhmmm Keep going...mhmm AHHH oh fuck..he'd biting me...mhmm FUCK YES BITE THAT CUNT..MHMM cu...cuuMMMMMMINNNGGG!!!!" roared the rabbit, as above, the two kids slipped back shivering. Below Grant was indeed biting, kicking, and squirming for all his life, feeling the walls growing wetter, and tighter, crushing the air from his lungs, as he opened his mouth to scream, only to have a flood of her feminine cum rush down suddenly over him, as her paws dropped and the force shot him out like a cork, into a pond a few yards away, as her face sank down, hips in the air, her fluffy tail up to show her puffy pink folds, as she came again squirting a small hose across and into the pond grant was soon gasping in, struggling to stay up.

From the tree the children held each other close, hearing a series of thumping booms as the rabbit fell, yipping holding one another as they sat shivering. After what felt like hours the pair felt the tree shudder, as a familiar red eyed face popped into view.

"Mmm hey there you two are." Breathed the giant bunny, brushing her lopped ear back, flashing them a warm smile, as the two cried out her massive paw closing over them. For a moment, they feared they'd be eaten...or crush...or...placed on the forest floor safe and sound beside a dripping grey Grant, who looked both flustered and embarrassed as the massive bunny gave him a wink.

"See big boy, that wasn't so bad...maybe I'll see you around." She giggled blowing the trio a kiss and winking before turning around. Padding away, her foot falls shaking the forest, her fluffy puffball of a tail wagged happily she paused, looking up into the sky, licking her lips. "ohh lunch!" she called as with a sudden zapping bang her red eyes glowed for a moment and two massive red beams threw themselves into the air smashing into a massive flying robin, the size of a pickup, leaving it burnt and tumbling down into her waiting paw. As the trio watched she opened her mouth wide beginning to devour her meal, as Grant turned the corgi's around so they couldn't see the sight of her gulping it down.

"Um...Mr. grant....what did she just do?' asked the little boy as Grant looked down at him. For a moment Grant didn't reply, before with a nod he began marching the duo off towards the forest and hopefully safety.

"Well kid, that giant bunny just shot lasers from her eyes.... And I have no idea how." Replied the mouse as he and the children moved off into the forest.

While the madness of the park seemed to be falling down over Grant and his party, inside the command center Hamond, was sweating as he clicked from camera to camera across the park looking for any sign of his grand pups.

"Sir" came a deep hissing tone, as the canine turned, to see his Tec advisor, frowning down at him. "Sorry sir but I need you here, the systems still down, and I don't want those kids lost either, but the best chance they have is restarting the system, and getting the defenses back up." Snapped the serpent, as Hamond looked up at him as though he'd been slapped across his fluffy face. After a moment, the pup nodded, a trembling paw slipping his glasses from his face, and cleaning them with his shirt returning them with a steadier hand.

"Ri...right...thank you." Replied the pup as the black serpent nodded moving over to a closet yanking his tie of as he did.

"Good now I have to get to the generator in order to reset the system." Began the serpent opening the doors, showing the inside....which appeared to have been transported from the set of a b-movie, massive oversized guns, body armor, and enough grenades, and bullets, that they could kill a macro just by dropping them on one.

Shocked to say the least Hamond blinked as the serpent pulled off his shirt showing rippling scaled muscle below, as he pulled on a form fitting shirt, with the words "DOES HE LOOK LIKE A BITCH" stamped across the back, before it vanished behind a vest, that the anthro began shoving clips, grenades, and knives into.

"I'll have to fight my way through the compound, find that mother fucking briefcase, worry about saving some pansy ass little bitches," continued the serpent, pulling up a metallic silver tube and flicking it a bright purple beam, something like a blade shooting out with a Vrooming sound as he waved it a few times, before shoving it into his vest, and picking up two oversized guns, both strapped with a truly ludicrous amount of barrels attachments, and pulling them up. "Cause this whole thing is damb weird, and I'll tell you one thing!" finished the black serpent turning to show his armed and armored figure to the corgi whose mouth was hanging open at this point.

"I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHER FUCKING MACRO'S IN THIS MOTHER FUCKING PARK!!!" roared the man turning to kick the door open before running out into the hall, turning sharply to the left, and racing forwards, guns clicking, the sound of boots smashing the floor, and pen and blades clicking as his thick black tail now brandished with a small blade, moved push the small elevator button. Letting the action star dressed snake stand patiently waiting for the elevator.

After the walking movie reference, left Hamond sat blinking after him... before turning slowly back to the camera's watching as the man seemed to continue his rant in the elevator, before rushing out down the front steps and off into the park.

"Well.... he's getting a raise." Mumbled the corgi leaning back to get to work, as the camera's behind him flicked to show a jeep racing as fast as it could down a path, the three inside, looking as though they were screaming in fear as they zoomed down the road. "Faster, Faster, MUST GO FASTER!" cried Malcom trying to pull himself, across the stretcher he lay upon, whimpering, his ears flat to his head, his ringtail coiled up under his raccoon butt as it bounced with each bump the jeep hit. As the jeep plowed through the drying roads, tires squealing, as if to tease the giggling titan thundering after, them, his arms lifted in a girly run, palms up, wagging back and forth, as his bare yellow girlish hips rocked sensually back and forth, the long tail flicking, as his fat lips pulled up in a sensual smile, that seemed to light up his amethyst eyes. Even in chasing the fleeing anthros down, Logan seemed unable to not play up his teasing femboy nature, not that this diminished the fact his massive bare feet were cracking the road behind the jeep, with each stomp.

Behind the wheel, Muldoon looked up to see the rearview mirror had a since of humor as now magnified was Logan's bouncing cock as it slapped meatily against a pair of car sized white balls, sloshing with vats of thick release. Blushing at the sight he glanced aside to see Ellie her grey cheeks a bright pink, as she looked back to him, before bowing her head in embarrassment.

"You know if you too want to stop and fuck him, I can leave you to it!" spat Malcom with a growl, snapping the pair back to attention, as they looked back to see Logan's foot stamping down a few feet behind them, as Muldoon spun the wheel, the jeeps tires squealing as they jerked suddenly left diving out of the way, as Logan's hand swept through the street they'd been driving on seconds before, his thick black fingers effortlessly digging through the earth, like one would through sand, as an annoyed cry boomed above the.

"Hey, stay still!" pouted Logan smirking as they saw them rushing under the canopy. Turning Logan pushed off, the trees, smashing against his hips, as he moved, limbs snapping, as bits of wood and leaves tumbled down with each booming stomp, his tail flicking back like a giant broom sending gusts of wind rolling out flinging the mess he left in his wake off to one side or the other. Chasing after the jeep, Logan began smiling as he saw them heading into a mountainside, the wide tunnel a smooth hole, glowing with a few lights flickering dully.

"We're GOING TO MAKE IT HAHAHAAH!" laughed Malcom the raccoon sitting up a bit, as they drove into the tunnel, looking back to see the towering fox boy slowing as he reached the mountain tunnel, his massive heart stamped cheek turning up in a smile, as he licked his lips, giving them a small wave, giggling as he did. " Wait... why is that giant fox smiling...guys...Guys?" called the racoon looking round as the jeep began to slow, finally stopping only a bit into the cave, the jeeps headlights showing a massive blockage of stone and working equipment only a few dozen feet inside the cave.

"Shit...this is a worker tunnel..." groaned Muldoon the kangaroo mouse slapping a clenched paw onto the dash board, as he looked back towards the tunnel entrance, spying two massive padded feet stomping back and forth.

"So, wait are you telling me we're trapped?" called Malcom as Ellie felt her mousy ears drooping, as she looked between the two. And the tunnel entrance.

"That's right you little sluts, hehe," boomed a familiar voice as the three spun to see one of Logan's massive bright eyes looking down the tunnel, the edge of a smile visible. The macro on his hands and knees pressing his cheek to the ground before the tunnel entrance, his boyish rum towering into the sky, swaying with the playful flick of his tail, as he eyed the trapped trio, his member slapping to his bare thighs as the excitement grew alongside it.

"Now we can have our fun...mhmm no more playing hard to get...I know you've been wanting this since you saw me..." teased the massive love fox as he pushed his gigantic body up, shifting his knees up, pushing bits of brush and rocks aside, as one hand moved to grasp his cock, stroking the fat black girth, to life, as the smelly sweat from his run dripped puddles of musky lust upon the road. Soon he was leaning in a bit, one hand slapping to the mountain side, shaking those inside the cave, as the living femboy earthquake lined up his cockhead with the tunnel entrance.

"Oh please god noo..." mumbled Malcom, as he saw the light being overtaken by Logan's shifting hips, his ringed tail lying flat as he gulped, looking back to see the mousy pair looking just as worried, Muldoon rolling their jeep slowly around, and backing up so that the headlights flooded down, casting Logan's shaft into sudden clear view.

"I'm your god now sluts...better start worshiping.." moaned Logan as he thrust his hips forwards, sliding his shaft into the tunnel, the tight squeeze, sending shivers up the foxboy's back, his cute little ass tensing as his tail lifted, his mouth opening in a wet moan, as plump little lips grew wet, with the same moaning roar that shook the forest.

"OOHHHHH fuck...mhmmm this little mountain bitch is so tight...mhmm fuck must be his first time..." mocked the booming tone, as his cock thrust deeper inside, the hot gust of heat rolling off his shaft, and onto the trio trapped inside. Hearts racing as the tunnel shook, bits of stone tumbling from the ceiling and walls, the trio stared the moaning booms unable to draw their eyes away from the bus sized cock thrusting towards them, fat drops of pre dripping down, smearing over the head, easing each new thrust, as the wall of dick pulled back, before thrusting forwards again closer to them. The tunnel filling, more and more with the smell of Logan's man meat.

"Fuck Fuck we're going to die, we're going to die to a giant faggot fox's cock FUCK!" cried the helpless racoon losing his cool rather quickly trying to push himself up, ignoring the pain, in his leg, or the fat boner pushing against his thigh, as he tried unsuccessfully to push himself out of the jeep, and away from Logan's cock.

"Ahhh AHhh ohhh don't act like you don't want it slut, you're just begging for my giant cock." Boomed Logan's voice, the fox boy's ears flicking as he smiled at the squeaking sounds and cries from inside. While Ellie and Muldoon attempted to keep Malcom from hurting himself, or them, the tunnel grew hotter, and hotter, sweat and musk rising like clouds turning the tunnel into a sauna for them, as the macro used it like some giant flesh light, with his little toys hiding inside.

"He's going to flood us out...we have to move!" called Muldoon as Ellie nodded biting her lips as she looked back to the thrust cock, the tip only about 10 feet from them, a puddle of pre-already dripping down around the end of its length, as Logan's moaning voice echoed all round them, along with the racoon's worried whimpers.

"We have to ram it." Mumbled Muldoon looking worriedly over to his mousy copilot, the look on her face one of horror and confusion.

"What choice is there, we stay here, we overheat pass out, or have this mountain come down on us when he cums, we have to get out!" continued the security manager, revving up the engine as he began backing up slowly till the rear bumper was pressed to the collapsed stone wall.

"Are you NUTS! IT'LL CRUSH US!" came Malcom's whimpers the Racoon trying to reach for the mouse slapping at the back of his chair as if to grab and stop him. Muldoon ignoring him, as outside Logan's humping began to come faster, his mouth open now in a moaning OOOOO of pleasure, as his grey tongue lolled from his lips, drool dripping over the heart stamped flesh falling down over the mountainside, that he was fucking into a smooth surface with his thrusting lust.

" want to stimulate him?" asked Ellie after a moment blushing as she realized his plan, seeing the man nod in reply.

"Logan likes to play with his meals...he'll pull out to get us...then we drive under fast, it's our only chance." Replied the man with a nod, as Logan's moaning reached a higher pitch.

"Alright." She replied as Malcom yelled and the jeep roared forwards as Logan's cock thrust towards them once again.

Outside Logan's hips slapped loudly to the mountain, as a sudden hit against his tip, caused him to stiffen, his ass clenching, as he gasped, feeling the steel car smashing into his cock slit, forcing it open a bit, as gallons of pre rolled over the jeep and those inside, their mouths filling with the thick hot cream, spluttering as Logan moaned shifting back.

"FUCk...mhmmm you whore's..mhmm I knew you wanted my cock you little fagots...mhmm yess..yess...Come on.." moaned Logan pulling his hips back, foot after foot of his cock slipping out of the mountain tunnel, till the tip was right at the edge.

"NOW!" roared Muldoon hitting the breaks, pulling the jeep back, out of Logan's cock inches from the tunnel, just as it pulled out, his feet slamming the gas, and it shot forwards Logan looking down to see the jeep rushing down under his cock.

"Not so fast sluts...I'm so close.." panted Logan smiling as he pushed back, his giant body falling down, his ass blocking out the sun, as his cock rolled down above them. Inside the jeep, the trio watched as two walls of yellow fur pushing down in front of them, the massive femboy's bubbly ass pressed together criminally slowly, as behind and above them his massive cock pushed down dripping with sweat and pre, as in the Jeep Malcom was yelling his head off sitting up to try and grab at something, as they raced ahead.

Just as the jeep was squeezing under Logan's cock, Malcom's cries cut off, and the jeep sprung forwards, the doors getting a squeezing press form the fox boy's ass before with a roar of its engine and a pop it shot out the back of Logan's ass bouncing once, then twice upon the dirt road before shooting off, those inside cheering.

"We made it!!" cried Ellie hugging her fellow mouse smiling as she looked back. "Malcom, we.... made it." she mumbled looking horrified, at the empty back of the jeep, as they raced off, knowing that they couldn't go back.

Meanwhile, back with Logan, the Massive fox, looked back to see the jeep, about to try and push up, only to shiver as he felt something squirming between his cock and balls, teasing over his sensitive flesh. Cooing wetly Logan pushed back up just enough to thrust a hand under him, fingers pressing down over the terrified little raccoon who'd sat up and smacked chest first into the love femboy's low hanging balls in the middle of the escape.

"Ohhh so you didn't leave...mhmm good..." giggled Logan cupping the squirming man to his balls, grouping him gently against them. Shifting round Logan pressed his massive back against the smooth stone of the cliff he'd remodeled, his legs spread out as his free hand moved to continued jerking up and down his shaft, his heaving chest rising and falling faster again. "Mhmmm you almost left me blue balled again. Dirty sluts like you need to be I have the perfect place for you..." moaned Logan slipping Malcom off his balls, letting him gasp, as the giant paw pushed him forwards.

Blinking and spluttering Malcom looked up seeing a wall of white fur moving by, his arms beating uselessly against Logan's fingers as he looked round, his mouth falling open in fear, as he saw the boy's puckered grey asshole, moving closer.


"MHMM OH FUCK YESSSS mhmmm that right you little ass slut...FUCKKK!" moaned Logan as he pressed the crying Raccoon to his asshole one finger wet with his own pre thrusting the squirming cum stained man up his giant ass, gasping as the squirming pressed deeper and deeper, causing his cock to jump at the fresh stimulation. Jolts of raw pleasure flooding through the moaning giant as his cock tip erupted in a fountain of white cum into the sky, high enough for the retreating jeep, to see as Ellie slumped back into her seat looking sadly at Muldoon.

"We need to get back to base..." mumbled Muldoon, as they raced off down the path back towards the park. Perhaps a half an hour later, it might have been sooner but the pair had to avoid a few more happy macro's in their path, the two mice reached the command station. Both moving quickly to the command room to find Hammond sitting, trying to get the system running at all, as he blinked up to the pair a hopeful look in his spectacled eyed his tail and ears lifted in eager anticipation.

"The children?" he asked hopefully, pushing up from the desk, his cane clattering to the floor. In reply the two froze, looking to one another before shaking their heads, watching as the corgi sank back into his chair looking devastated, his tail and ears sagging as he fought to keep back tears.

"There wasn't a sign of them sir, we found Dr. Malcom, but he says they went over the edge, if they are alive they're out in the park...and...Malcom didn't make it." finished Muldoon as he pulled of his outback hat scratching at his hair, while Ellie moved over to give what comfort she could.

"It's ok, if grants with them, they'll be all right, we just need to make sure when they get here we can all escape." Reassured the grey furred girl, offering a small smile as Hammond steadied himself nodding.

"Right...right your correct, we need to focus, but the system is still mostly down, we need to get it back up, and I've had no word from the last man who went out." Started Hamond as the two mice looked to one another before nodding, Ellie moving to grab a map as Muldoon moved over to a cabinet pulling out a shotgun and starting to load shells, with a metallic click as they prepared to make another dangerous trip out into the park, idly wondering if they'd make it back a second time.

Meanwhile, deep within the wider park, a pair of excited pups pushed out from the foliage, barking as the warm light flooded down over them, showing the mud, and sweat that stained their torn clothes, the pair smiling, tails wagging as they turned waving for Grant to catch up. A moment later the grey mouse pushed out of the forest, panting a bit, as he wiped sweat from his furry brow, taking a second to stretch his back hearing a few warm pops in reply.

"Well, were' out.." sighed the mouse, looking round, idly tugging at the messy remains of his blue button up shirt, the cloth soaked with a mix of more than one macro's enjoyment, making him smell a bit like a cheap sex motel. The warm breeze was at least welcoming, the caress blowing through his fur, as he padded off after the pups, looking round at the wide open expanse they'd marched into. Following the strangled heat of the forest, this was at least, open, no brush hugging their hips, tugging on their tails or fur so that was something...right.

"Hey don't go too far!" called Grant, his ear's flicking towards where the children were just cresting a hill, both stopping at his call, turning to see him marching up to stand beside them, now able to see the wide valley bellow, clumps of tree's, and pools of water spotted here and there...alongside a sea of massive animals of all shapes and sizes, towering stallions and mare's laying out on the grass, beside small packs of smaller anthros. A trio of rabbits causing grant to blush a bit, remembering his last encounter, as they saw to each other's needs, their happy cries causing him to shift his gaze quickly round to see a few more giants stumbling round, apparently uninterested in the trio upon the cliff.

"They're...kind of cool." Breathed the little corgi boy, smiling up to Grant, as he turned to look down at him, nodding gently.

"Yes. but let's keep moving before they think we are too," Chuckled Grant, as the trio moved off the hilltop down along a path that seemed to have been used by those of their size, maybe staff, or the like. The path twisted and turned down the hill, a few stones here and there all to stand out against the grass and dirt, as the trio's paws padding along, kicking up small clouds as they moved steadily down the hill. Reaching the end, Grant's eyes fell on a small sign off to their left, grey worn iron standing up in attention, with a few red words scrawled across it. Moving over Grant bent moving his hand up to scrape away the dust collected on the sign, showing the words upon it.

"Special area, have I.D. ready, authorized personnel only." Read Grant, looking round at the two children with a smile.

"This might be it, if it's a lab or some kind of outpost, we're going to be ok," smiled the mouse seeing his own happiness mirrored on the children's faces, as he pushed up heading down the path the sign indicated. Soon the trio saw a small building a few yards ahead, tall stone walls at least 9ft tall, and a bit weathered, the fence surrounding it carrying a few caution signs for high voltage. Frowning the trio wondered if this would be hopeless, moving up, expecting to hear the dull hum of power pumping through the wires. However, as they moved up the fence door was hanging open, and after a poke from Grant, the trio realized the entire fence was dead.

"So, the powers out here too." Sighed the man waving the children inside, and shutting the fence, not that it would do much good without power, but at least it was something, beside the macro's might not know it was out of power, so they might be able to hold out. Turning Grant saw the pair of pups pushing open the main door, the card reader on the wall, obviously dead from the same lack of power, as he pushed after them stepping inside the shadowy hall inside, the tiled floor, relatively clean, and for all purposes it looked like the building hand been evacuated when the power died.

"Well doesn't look like any damage, you two stay close." Mumbled Grant keeping his voice down as the three set off into the building, his hand dipping to pluck up a flashlight from his pouch casting the beam round the hall as they moved along. A few feet inside, they trio found a set of snack machines and after some kind exchange of opinions between them and the machine involving a nearby chair the three were feeling a bit better with some food in their belly's, the kids snacking on a few bars of chocolate as Grant polished off a bottle of water, keeping an eye out for any movement.

This was odd, what was this place doing out here in the middle of the park, he was sure that Hamond had shown them the proper labs, so what was this place? Maybe an observations post? If that was the case maybe there was a radio. Or something. Padding down the hall, Grant steered the kids through another door, light flooding in form a wall length window, to their right, causing him to click off the flashlight. Blinking a bit the trio looked up into the lite room seeing that the window faced in a second room, whose ceiling was entirely made of glass. The translucent ceiling open in a few places, to let in the fresh air, like some enclosed habitat.

Even as he saw this, the pups bounded up to a desk and chairs just under the massive window looking out at the room beyond, pointing excitedly as they turned back to Grant.

"Hey look, look, it's like a model!" called the pair as Grant dropped his eyes from the ceiling to the plain his eyes following down their outstretched paws to look at what they were indicating. Sure enough, as he moved over to the glass, he saw the room beyond, was about the size of a gym, and covered as far as he could tell, with a model of hills, and streams, something akin to a small town, a few city centers, and other grey blobs of building, scattered about, even what looked like plowed fields off to one corner, where the model met with the high walls.

"What the?" mumbled Grant spying a clipboard and plucking it up, scanning the notes there, his eyes widening as he did. "That's impossible, he," Started Grant looking up just as a boom shook the building. Looking up Grant gasped, the clipboard tumbling from his paw, as he saw through the glass room a massive smiling face in to the enclosure. Not looking at the trio behind the one way glass...but at the model city below, Grant shivering as he thought of what he'd just read.

"Micro sight 001, first success in creation of enclosed sustainable civilization, population 450,000."