The Raging Wolvine

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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a app off the dark web has a man's life turned upside down and his wife's experiencing some interesting ideas of sex.


Stumbling into his office situated in the back portion of his home, a place that he used when he decided on staying home, from work at a local retailer building where the hours were long and life was stressful that Tom found that he barely had time to spend with his family at all. Things were even more stressful for him and his family, his wife Abby that he had been for several years they had a 10-year-old daughter Chelsie who was very bright for her age.

Even for the number of years that they had been loyal to each other, there have been moments that Tom found himself distancing himself from his wife in their love life and found himself staring at his sexy blonde haired secretary who while not the brightest person she had all of the right curves in the right places and she seemed to enjoy teasing him at times. Now While he loved his wife Abby very much and would never do anything unfaithful toward her, he couldn't help himself from peeking occasionally under the girl's dress imagining the possibilities.

Tom found himself fighting his desire to cheat on his wife and have affair with the secretary and that was one of the main reasons that he had started staying at home and doing work from the home to see if he could clear up his head and spend some more time with his family. This was the second week that he had taken to spending the time at home working, and things had somewhat returned to normal however he was finding more of a headache here than he normally would when he worked at work.

One of the ongoing problems was that their daughter Chelsie was having trouble sleeping at night that brought up a lot of concern for the couple fearing that she might be sick which would put a financial stress on both of them when bills were tight. The other problem was the fact that the families and neighborhood dogs were being harassed if not attacked endlessly by a vicious wolverine. You could just hear the damn thing screeching and then came the yelps of pain when the damn creature found its target.

The next morning would bring in sights of injured dogs that was a heartbreaking sight especially if it was a family dog and at times it was terrible enough that the dog would have to be put to sleep because of the medical problems. A lot of the families were talking about capturing the animal and getting rid of it, but some of the neighbors were tree huggers and couldn't harm the miserable animal in anyway nor would they allow anyone else to harm it.

With all of that in mind Tom was determined to find a way to get rid of the damn thing that day, now as he sat at the computer bringing up the web browser going to one of the many search browsers. It would take about an hour or so before he found that there were many ways to capture a wolverine, there were no guarantee that it would be caught right away. Angrily he found himself ready to close the browser down and just call a local expect to do the job, he was stopped when he noticed that there was a site that just seemed to stand out.

In bold dark blue lettering ' UNWANTED PEST AROUND? CLICK HERE AND WE GARAUNTEE NO MORE PEST!' which instantly drew him in without a second thought. While he prided himself in not falling for scams and all, Tom had little choice but to click on the link and see what came up. What did come up was a rather dark looking website with a dark red blood color look with bone white writing that gave a simple explanation of what was being offered and what Tom had to do.

Going through the page a few times just to make sure that everything was correct coming to the bottom of the page where he found a fill in form asking for his name and phone number indications that he needed to put in the information for the problem to be handled and then a 'SUBMIT' button below. Taking a few minutes to look everything over before letting out a sigh, he began filling in the necessary information again taking a brief second before clicking on the submit button then the browser closed without another word and his computer returned to desktop acting normally as if what he had just done never happened.

Tom stared at the computer screen with a cocked eye letting out a growl of irritation ready to throw something when his cellphone, which he had placed on his desk when he came into the room, beeped indicating that he had gotten an email or text. "God I just hope it's not something from that clingy bitch secretary of mine."

Reluctantly, he picked the device up thumbing the screen to bring up the main screen, Tom was startled to find a new icon displayed on his phone. The icon showed a hazard sign with a splattered bug showing that the app which he never remembered ever accepting to download on to his phone nor allowing it access to his contact on his phone. Already the app indicated that it had been opened and had loaded the photographs and stats of everyone and everything around his house which included an icon with a wolverine on it being listed as a pest.

"Strange." Tom thought opening the app fully to see why exactly it needed the photos of whoever may be on his phone. Again, he was greeted by a strange assortment of photos of people that he did know, others that he didn't know and strange enough some rodents that again included the wolverine in question which was situated right next to his wife's picture. They all seemed to sort by first name while others like the wolverine were given a number identification like 000 which made no sense at all how that even came up.

Before he could even scroll down over the app any further, a new pop-up message appeared. 'PLEASE SELECT THE PEST THAT YOU WANT TO GET RID OF' giving him a split second to read the message before disappearing again he found himself looking at the selection of pictures. Again, not wanting to waste enough time to wait, Tom scrolled down catching the sight of the wolverine which was still right next to his wife.

Quickly without a single thought, he tried tapping on the picture of the pest, yet the app didn't respond or give any acknowledgment that something was being done. He tapped again and again at the picture, with the app never responding but as he was about to close the app and come back to it later a new message appeared. 'Do you want to delete 000' followed by another set of words that he couldn't make out but right now he didn't care as deleting 000 sounded like what he wanted done from the start.

Quick to hit 'confirm' button under the wording made the box disappear and then reappear with the new warning of 'Warning are you sure you want to proceed?' again he hit the confirm button without a second thought. Within a second the picture and 000 of the wolverines disappeared but strange enough was the fact that so was his wife without any indication of how or when the pest was going to be ridden of nor why his wife was gone.

Muttering 'weird' under his breath as he was about to close the app down, Tom saw a new contact/photo added to his phone, however there was no photo just a set of quotation marks and enter name between the two. Not wanting to deal with anything else, he closed the app and began working on projects that he needed to investigate, the strange app completely forgotten...for now.

Out in the couples flower garden, working away at her flower bed that she had been working on for some time and had accomplished a lot since starting it, Abby sat back on her legs letting out a sigh of relief wiping away the sweat on her brow. It was already starting to get hot even for a morning like such, having had little sleep since Chelsie hadn't gotten much sleep for a while they had been trying desperately to help their daughter to get sleep but it had been really stressful for the rest of them.

Abby decided to keep their daughter home from school to allow her to get some sleep in the process freed her up to work in her garden and do a few other projects in the process. She loved the fact that the families actual house was situated out in the country which allowed them some peace and quiet away from the noisy city life and a lot of neighbors also.

Sure, they had neighbors but not that close it meant that they didn't have anyone sticking their noses in their privacy, although there wasn't that much going on. Which included their sex life which was non-existent since they had moved here and the birth of their daughter, as both of them had been really busy and with this move they had figured it would be nice to get away from it all and give each other some time together.

Yet instead of them coming closer together, they seemed to draw apart and whenever they did have time to spend together something always came up or Tom was too tired to make love to her. At times Abby thought at some point that her husband might've been having an affair, but she just pushed it away figuring that Tom wouldn't do that to their family not after they had built together.

This was one thing that she liked about their life style about being out here was they could spend as much time as they could together and the fact that Tom decided to stay home that night, Abby decided that it would be the perfect chance to surprise him with one her teddies that always got him in the mood in the past.

A smile came her face just seconds before a furious growl erupted from the bushes nearby causing her to groan as the feeling of happiness was ruined. While it was nice to live out in the country the only problem that they had was the wildlife that loved to walk through the area, while nothing too dangerous other than a wolf or so. A peaceful life that's for sure that was until a wolverine that no matter of how hard they had tried to get rid of the darn thing which continued to attack the dogs and make a mess out of things for those that lived around them but the wolverine seemed to take great pleasure of targeting their family the most.

The darn thing targeted the families Great Dane on occasion never doing much but torment the poor beast, they had one left the dog outside during the night until the wolverine went about attacking the dog throughout the night so at times they wouldn't get any sleep adding to the stress. Tom went about announcing that morning that he was determined to get rid of that damn thing even if it killed him which caused Abby to laugh shaking her head thinking that her husband could be stubborn.

Standing up wanting to get inside before the wolverine tried to attack her, Abby found the medium sized creature come rushing out of the forest at a dashing pace anger blaring in its eyes as it made a leap with fangs and claws extended aimed at her. Just as the creature was about to reach her, there was a sudden flash of bright light that blinded her and after a split second she dropped into darkness never feeling an impact from the wild beast.


When Abby finally came around, she found herself laying out on the backyard, with the sun clearly high in the sky obvious several hours had gone by. Startling enough she thought that she would wake up bloody and chunks of skin missing from that wolverine attacking her. 'Wolverine!' Abby began looking around trying to find the damn creature again half expecting the creature getting ready to attack again.

However she found that she was by herself, no real sign of the terrorizing creature which allowed her a bit of relief standing up to brush herself off ready to go back to work on her garden figuring that all needed done for the garden was watering. When she reached for the hose, a thought started to push its way into her mind causing her to stop and a scowl began to form on her face. "I have been out for some time and no one got worried about me? Chelsie needed to stay in bed and get some sleep yet why Tom hadn't gotten off his fatass and come check on her. But no! The asshole never once checked up on her, he was always busy probably off googling that tramp of a secretary!"

After the rant Abby tried to calm herself down feeling her blood pressure rise from that she found herself startled because she has never had ever gotten so angry about her husband like that before. Sure, they had their fights whenever Tom would spend a ton of time at the office or that they didn't spend some 'quality' time with themselves, but she never got that mad before, but this was crazy. Why had she gotten so mad about a trifle thing?

"Is it a good thing that he likes to work for so long not to mention that he has a whore of a slut at work, is he even loyal anymore?" a dark thought suddenly popped up in her mind again which began to drift into her mind trying to push away all rational thought that she might have at that moment.. At times she found herself fighting against dark thoughts as she finally gave up on what she was doing in the garden and headed inside feeling the need for something to drink plus she thought she may have gotten a sunburn from the time she spent in the sun as she noticed that her fairly light colored skin seemed to have taken on a darker color that would've have indicated an oncoming or ongoing sun burn.

Abby thought that being out in the sun was the reason why she was feeling so irritated at that moment, never once noticing that the darker skin color was the only strange or weird thing that had happened to her. In her mouth the near perfect smile that she was proud of started to lose their white color and normal shape turning instead starting to become deadly like, some small some starting to elongate to give her the starting of fangs that soon would speak out from between her lips when perfect timing.

Her nails began to become more curved although keep their human appearance combined with a strange but hardly noticeable subtle change deal with her eyes which began taking on a golden tint. All of which was lost upon Abby as she walked into the kitchen the outburst of anger quickly gone and the subtle changes never even noticed.

After getting a glass of water, Abby drank the entire thing without a second thought as she stood at the sink with her eyes closed enjoying the fresh coolness running down her throat before opening her eyes turning toward the clock to find that it was nearly noon with surprised her since she didn't realize how long she was out for.

Knowing that she had a special yet simple dinner and plans put together to surprise for her husband to get him in the mood for the night, Abby went about getting a sandwich put together with a side of chips and a glass of water for her husband. She had a bowl of tomato soup, a grilled cheese sandwich and orange juice for Chelsie getting cooked up so it would give her enough time to see her husband.

"Cheating husband." Her mind shouted at her with what it had been screaming at her not to long ago. Again she pushed the weak thought to the back of her mind as it was nothing more and it seemed to stay hidden that was until she came to the door that lead to her husband's office that she stopped from going into the room when she heard her husband's voice on the other side. He seemed upset about something and the nagging at the back of her mind pressed her to place her ear against the door.

"I told you never to call me at I don't care what your reasons are...I don't care of how badly you miss me, my wouldn't dare..." Tom shouted into the phone, his voice starting to become more angrier by the minute the last part coming out as a startlement. "You are fired, you little tramp! Don't ever threaten me again!"

There came a sound of something being thrown against the wall before silence, Abby stood there with her back against the wall after hearing the word 'tramp' escape from his mouth. She was horrified that her conscious was right, the man had been cheating on her but why did he say not to call him again.

"That way you don't find out about their affair," the voice answered back with a dark chuckle. While she would've fought back to drive away the very idea from her head but now the ideas and thoughts seemed to stick in her head longer.

" That's right, the lazy bastard claimed that he was busy when in truth he was fucking that damn tramp!" Abby declared feeling her anger start rise again leaving her wanting to charge into the room and demand to know what's going on. However, she was able to calm her anger down enough that for now she would it go knowing that it sounded like he had broken up with the tramp.

"Or did he?" the voice inquired letting out a chuckle as Abby began reaching for the doorknob again failing to notice more changes had begun happening to her body. Her arms and legs were starting to grow hair began to grow out in a thin pelt fine enough that no one would really notice it.

Yet underneath her current clothing hidden away it was a different story, the fine hair grew out in tuff of dark grey fur almost again it wouldn't be noticed unless she undressed. The fur seemed unnoticed even being in the sun for so long even with it being hot outside, everything seemed just fine. Behind her close lips her teeth became even more deadlier and her eyes took on more of a golden hue than her normal green color.

Her nails scraped across the wooden door leaving light claw marks when her nails raked across the door opening it to reveal Tom sitting at his desk with a scowl on his face, his cellphone on the ground in pieces where he had thrown it. He didn't even look up at her as she walked over and put the plate down until she placed a hand on her should feeling a bit sad for him for the stress yet still a bit steamed.

"Are you okay, honey?" She asked with a smooth and gentle voice although her voice sounding a bit scratchy again chalking it up as a bit of an oncoming cold. The only thing Tom did was nod before looking at the time realizing what time it was.

"Geez its already lunch time." He stated shaking his head noticing the sandwich in front of him smiling in thanks picking up the sandwich coming to notice his wife's darker skin tone missing the nails that had taken on a deadly claw appearance since they were away from the man's sight. "Have you been outside this entire time? You look like you have a good sun burn there, honey."

"I must've passed out since while I was out attending my garden this morning, that damn wolverine came out of the woods and looked to be ready to attack me when everything went dark. I don't know what happened, but I woke up not too long ago. Although I think the wolverine finally left since I haven't once seen the damn thing when I woke up." Abby explained shrugging her shoulders relating to him about what had happened, leaving out all the thoughts of the man cheating on her.

Tom generally looked concern for his wife as he stood up and gently hugged her again missing the feeling of the fine hair that rubbed against his somewhat hairy arms. "Why don't you go and lay down in bed and I will take care of dinner and take care of Chelsie. I am far ahead of what I needed to do here. I have a fun home that clients want to look at, but I can reschedule them."

"I am sure that he is showing houses." The voice growled in Abby's mind again bringing up the phone conversation that she remembered hearing. Anger began to rise up again followed by a rippling feeling ripple up and down her stomach like a stomach ache yet no feeling of sickness hit her other than her stomach started to cramp a bit that felt like the skin on her stomach was becoming tight.

She kept herself propped up against the desk as her stomach cramp feeling that seemed to overwhelm the next strange thing began to happen down in her pants. At first it seemed like a sudden heat building up in her loins, her pussy lips began to flare up and leak seeping into her panties and even her clit began to pulse and start to push just slightly against the silk material causing her to shudder. It didn't stop until she was able to get her anger back down again and by that time, she offered her husband a smile.

"No, go...I am fine. I am going to stay inside for the rest of the day anyways. I just wanted to take care of my garden." Abby answered with a calming look on her face. "You always loved showing houses to potential buyers, don't worry I have simple stuff to do for the rest of the day."

Tom stood there still with a look of concern on his face but he finally nodded his head in agreement before reaching down to pick up his briefcase that he always kept all of the documents for upcoming showings and his business cellphone that he used only for work.

"And probably had all sorts of different text messages from that tramp." The voice returned however this time Abby chose to ignore the comment as she went about kissing her husband a good-bye as they walked out of the office and separating as Abby realized that the food for their daughter was ready.

Gathering everything on a serving then taking it up the stairs being careful not to spill anything as she stepped up toward their daughter's room gentle to push the door open so not to wake the girl. Inside the room was decorated in stuff that girls that age would but Abby's attention was turned to the young girl lying in bed trying desperately to fall asleep.

The poor thing was only 10 years old and she had never had any kind of trouble getting asleep in the past yet for some reason she seemed to not even be able to sleep not even when she drank warm milk, tried a sleeping pill, etc. The couple had thought about taking her to the doctor or have a sleep study done on her however now as she was looking upon Abby wasn't even sure if that was what was needed.

Walking next to the bed placing the lunch down on the Chester drawers located next to the bed, Abby went about leaning over and checking on her daughter finding her seemingly sleeping without any kind trouble so that made her mind at ease. Leaning down to kiss Chelsie's forehead before turning around to let her sleep...and ended up stepping on several Legos that her daughter had left on the ground when Abby and her husband had told her over and over again to pick the damn things up.

Suddenly her anger began to spike into a rage as she gritted her teeth dealing with the dull pain that radiated up from her foot. "Damn toys! We have told to pick up her damn toys!" Abby growled out in annoyance hating how Chelsie ignored her parents after numerous arguments. Her curses must've gotten the attention of her daughter who began to stir from the first real sleep, as Chelsie partially sat up in bed with her eyes half closed blurring her vision combined with the fact that she lacked any kind of sleep for the last several days.

All of this combined made what she saw next confused the crap out of her, she could almost say that the figure before her looked and sounded almost like her mother, yet what she could see or make sense of looked weird to her. The figures frame looks to be that of her mother yet, her bulk was becoming more massive building up with muscles and becoming less feminine while not enough to shred the clothing on her mothers' body they were no longer fitting.

"Mommy?" Chelsie asked in a hushed voice, still not sure if what she was seeing is correct, didn't want to take the chance. The unknown figure turned toward her, again she couldn't really make out any real detail about who the person was but against she could swear that the fascial feature was starting to become more masculine.

By the time she opened her eyes enough to see who it was, the figure had moved toward her gentle to lay her back down on the bed bringing the blanket back around her. "It's okay, honey. Just get some sleep, I was just bringing lunch in for you. "

Chelsie blinked her eyes again when she started to realize that her mom sounded strange almost like she had a cold yet something else seemed off about her. However before she could even say or do anything she felt exhaustion and the need to return to slumber return again and she drifted off to slumber once more seconds after the doorbell rang out seemingly drawing the attention of Abby well not Abby more like the dual conscious/mind in control of the mutated body.

Ears, that had started to change in a more sensitive nature cocked in the direction of downstairs a sneer of evil intentions running rampart in its mind as it slid of the bedroom firmly closing the door behind it.


_ "That damn son of a bitch! How dare he fire me when I have provided him several happy clients."_ Brittany cursed under her breath pounding on the front door while ringing the doorbell several times wanting to get an answer from someone in the house even if it was a stupid woman that her handsome boss married.

Brittany was a 21-year-old high school graduate that stood 5' 4" 120lbs and a set of massive D cup breasts that had millions of boys and even men older than her, drooling all over her. She found the job working as Tom's secretary was a plus figuring that she could get 'gifts' from her boss for just showing some leg maybe even some breasts for the first few days could give her a large pay increase. In the past it always worked with her teachers who would allow her to give them a hand job or blowjob only the teachers that were either married or were well off ever got the chance of getting some young pussy.

Brittany was careful never to have sex with any of them never wanting to get pregnant, would end up allowing them to thrust their sometimes-pathetic cocks in between her breasts. Never ever would she ever allow someone to take her asshole as she truly found it disgusting and less pleasing to her, the teachers and even the principle agreed to this idea enjoying of fucking her multiple times.

While she was listed as the school slut by the students by the staff of the school called her a tease while giving her gifts of teddies, sexy lingerie, possible vacations to the Bahama's or wherever they can have private time. Those gifts came later after several private sessions with the desperate need of sex, always claiming that they never get anything from their wives at home or some claim that Brittany was the best thing that they could come to for relief.

Truthfully, Brittany was gathering evidence just in case those that had sex with her got cold feet or failed to get her something that she wanted the most. It never came to that since every time one tried to back out or threaten to do something legal as she always seductively told the staff/teacher in question that she will just go to the board of education and tell them that the person in question forced themselves on her threatening to drop Brittany's grade.

She was able to get through high school with a A+ average without having to do any assignments well besides computers, where she mostly chatted with friends and 'potential' clients. After school she found getting a job was somewhat easy, especially when she found Tom and his realtors' business where Tom was the only person at work which was the easiest to target especially when they were alone.

She dressed up in the sultriest and slightly professional appearance for an interview and the man seemed to fall head over heels for her the second she walked into since his mouth dropped open in a hunger look. She swayed her hips when she came into the room taking a seat in front of him as she tried to answer the questions and lied about her experience never once fearing that the married man would once find out the truth.

She was hired right away without a second thought being told to show up every day at 7 am and to keep the 'general' appearance for work. Things from there was great after that although her boss never once made any advance toward her even with all the teases that she put on toward the man, Tom even seemed to distant himself from her advances leaving Brittany feeling sexually frustrated.

Today was going to have her show up at work dressed in a red teddy underneath a more revealing blouse and skirt if she had it her way, she wouldn't have worn anything to get some at that moment. Showing up early knowing that her target was there about an hour, Brittany went about planning on doing everything to seduce her boss and was stunned when not only Tom didn't show up but called in saying that he was going to be working at home.

When she called him trying to get him to come into office for a so-called get together with a meeting a client that wanted to buy a most expensive house available. Instead of agreeing, Tom told her never to call him again and when she tried to threaten him, she ended up getting fired without another thought. Brittany went about sitting there stunned shocked by what her former boss had said to her then it turned into a fit of rage before finally calming down enough that she realized that she could still ruin Tom's life and it would be so easy since he would likely be out showing off houses to possible homeowners leaving his home wife alone for lies.

A evil sneer spread across Brittany's face even further just thinking about the possibilities of ruining the man's life and as the sound of locks being unlocked she thought everything was perfect that was until the door unlocked that her jaw dropped and her pussy began to leak her juices when she saw what stood before her.

Standing about 5' 10", 200lbs of pure rippling muscles that pushed up against what looked to be tattered remains of a T-shirt and shorts with what looked to be African American skin color when in reality was fine dark grey fur that stretched from head to toe while on top a jet black full head of hair. The creature's fingers and teeth which gleamed in the daylight showed fangs and claws that were ready to tear her apart yet something about the attractive creature before her drew her in and seemed to excite her even more causing her pussy to throb in desire.

The creatures face held her eyes the most, a rather marvelous confident smile that she had ever seen, it was the golden eyes that held her attention the most. They appeared to look hunger for something rather than eating her alive and the way that she was getting turned on they were looking for the same thing. Taking the chance to look over the creature before her she could've swore that while the creatures appearance looked completely male with the barreled chest and bulge that was apparent in its pants, Brittany could also make out the unmistakable budding breasts that threatened to pop out of the ruined shirt that indicated that while the creature looked to be male it was also part female.

"Well hello there, young lady." The creature growled out, his voice sounding like a mix between both male and female at the same time. "Are you looking for someone or something?"

At first Brittany couldn't find her voice as she found herself getting even more aroused by the very sight of what she could describe what her biggest erotica fantasy. While she loved having endless sex with anyone that looked attractive, she found herself imagining herself being taken by such a strong and handsome furry or fursuit since there was no such thing as an anthro furry.

That's what she thought until now. She blinked her eyes a couple of times when she realized that she had been staring not to mention that how horny she was getting she had soaked on through her panties. She blushed when she noticed that the strange creature had taken to looking her over also and the bulge in its pants began to grow.

"Oh, I ummmm sorry I must have the wrong house...I was looking for Tom..." she stuttered out licking her lips as images back running through her head. The being in front of her smiled stepping closer to the toy that he sees in front of him, being so close to the creature caused Brittany to shudder and gasp as he reached out and touched her arm slightly running a clawed hand up her arm to her cheek again gentle to caress it.

"It's okay, lovely. How would you like to come in for a while and get to know each other as I can tell," the creature stated its nostrils flaring again catching her arousal knowing full well she wouldn't be able to resist? Brittany only nodded as the being stepped off to the side to allow her inside before shutting and locking it behind them with the mysterious creature directing her down the hall-way away from the living toward a den like room that the family usually used for visitors that had a pull out bed and was far away from the rest of the house that no one would notice.


Leading the young fertile woman toward a room that was located in the very back of the house while never looking back to make sure that the little minx was following behind him, the being didn't need to by the fact the way that her arousal continued to fill the air around him driving his need and control. Having taken control of the body that he now for a while shared with that damn man's wife, the human male whom had taken to ruining the creatures fun out in the wild, was the creatures target as he was going to ruin the man's whole step at a time.

The creature wasn't always like this, he once a regular animal that lived and tried to keep himself alive day by day with those infernal humans kept building their dwellings or buildings in his home. This family, whose house he currently was in right had destroyed his home and his would-be mate which was why he took great pleasure in torturing the dog here or in the neighborhood.

The man's wife that he had seen working in her garden was his first target, and as he dashed to attack her he suddenly blacked out and couldn't really remember what happened next except that when he awoke he found himself sharing the body with his original target. His anger began get the better of him, yet he found that whenever the wife seemed to get angry he was able to egg her on which was a surprise the next surprise came whenever she became angry he was able to get some control of her body not to mention that the human features began to disappear being replaced by a more anthro wolverine...a male wolverine.

When he found out about all of this, he got an evil idea to continue on continuing on with his revenge all he had to do was egg the wife's thoughts about her husband having an affair with someone and the changes continued to become more quickly. The last outburst about the wife's daughter leaving toys on the ground gave him control over the body just enough to keep the anger going enough to take away more of the human appearance and leave with a more appealing appearance, or at least to him.

When the doorbell rang combined with the knocking, he found that he continued to have control of the body again pleasing him. Moreover, the one thing that pleased when he went to the door half expecting to find some delivery man dropping off a package however when his eyes landed on the fresh young woman before him, he felt the need to breed.

It didn't take much not even a sensitive nose to tell that his sudden appearance didn't disgust but that of arousal that continued to grow every minute that she looked at him. The fertile scent of the young body began calling out to the male side of the new being feeling aroused himself a pressure building up in his pants which remained in tattered not to mention the confine feeling that his groin was straining against.

While his sheath and cock had barely started growing during the last anger outburst, the horny girl in front of him, scent continued to assault his mind forced the woman's pussy to begin shifting from the arousal. First the woman's clit began to push up out of the folds of the pussy growing thicker and longer coming to about 25% before it began to become furry with a light tint grey to it with about 2% of the cock just peeking out of the top of the sheath.

By the time that he was ready to just grab her and have his way with her, he decided to take her some more private and see if he could get her out of her clothing which by the way she was looking at him with a hunger look he knew that it wouldn't take long nor much. Leading the girl all the way back to the back room where he knew was a room where they wouldn't be interrupted, and they would have all the time in the world to have some fun.

Allowing the girl to walk in ahead of him following before closing the door behind them turning around to fine the girl mindlessly looking around the room not really saying much taking in the room before turning to look at him. She stopped in shock to find the mysterious being having started pulling off the clothing dropping them to the ground without a second thought.

To Brittany she wasn't sure of what was happening but right now she seemed not to really care as she noticed how fit and strong looking the being in front of her looked. Even when she saw the medium sized breasts that sat on the being's chest when he went about dropping the tattered remains of a bra to the ground leaving the hunk before her standing half dressed.

While she never would've admitted it to any of her friends or family outright, Brittany was a bi-sexual having found sucking another woman's pussy or tits would get her turned on so bad that she would have multiple orgasms. Now as the creature began pulling off the rest of the clothing off its form, her jaw when again she half expected to see a pussy or a cock between its leg instead she found an animal's sheath that continued to excite her even more. Her juices from her pussy began to just flow with her juices dripping down onto the floor, her own breasts began to push up against her bra as she could barely stop herself from dropping to her knees and went to town on the sheath.

Questions and thoughts began going through her mind on what she should do at that moment when the creature beat her to it. "Like what you see?" he asked, again his voice sounding rough and it continue to drive her insane with need.

A moan escape from her lips finding that she could only nod while her eyes never leaving the growing sheath which seemed to pulse and thrum emitting its own musky scent into the air. The creature laughed noticing how eager the girl was as he went about taking a seat on the couch without even thinking about putting on some new clothing allowing all the glory of its body to be seen.

Again, Brittany didn't say letting out a whimper as the cock of the creature before her began to swell and grow out of the sheath. Her eyes widen both in shock and desire as everything came to a head when she lost control charging to the couch falling to the side her hands reach forward, her hands trying to reach and grab it only to have it pulled away from her grasping hands.

She whimpered with a pout to her lips, her eyes jumping up to the strange creature who was keeping his cock away from her with a stern authoritative look on at her. He held the gave for a bit before a sly grin and his eyes turned downward again waving the erection about flinging precum all around, some hitting Brittany on the face.

She tried catching it licking it off her fingers finding that she was in heaven, causing the creature to chuckle drawing her attention back to him. "Is a certain someone wanting to have a taste of real meat?"

"Yes, sir." She stuttered out trying to reach for the cock again only to find it pulled away from her reach.

"Now why should you be privileged to suck or ride this cock?"

" are a dream of mine come true. I have always dreamed of getting fucked by someone like you." Brittany begged and pleaded before she practically tore away at her own clothing, once free her heavy scent of arousal filled the room reaching the creature rather quickly allowing the cock to fully bulge out in full erection.

The creature seemed to lose all rational thought as he let go of the cock, which flopped once then stood straight again throbbing. In an instant, Brittany was attacking the cock her hands firmly on the beast's legs as she attacked the cock with her moth sliding up and down on letting out a sultry moan of delight. God this is heaven, way better than any of those pathetic husbands or staff that I have ever had.

"Damn this girl can suck, I wonder how she is riding cocks?" the creature thought with a large happy grin on his face as he shoved his hips upward, the cock sending up another spurt of precum into her mouth again a loud moan erupted from her lips. She pulled back licking around the tip of the cock lathering it with spit and pre gasping starting to think differently wondering what exactly is going on.

Yeah, she had sucked and been fucked before, but she had never acted like this before where her mind completely went blank and the need to have sex was continuous. This creature was bringing out her deep hidden desire that she thought she would never even experience but now that the amazing creature was here and she was sucking on its cock, Brittany was in heaven.

The creature stopped her from continuing which caused her to look up at him, his face unemotional as he took her by one of her hands and lifted her up off the ground to slide up on to his lap as she straddle him with her burning pussy resting on the abs of the beast. Juices dripping on to his stomach the creature looked up at her with a knowing smile as Brittany had one of confusion asking for permission to do what both

With a predatory grin and look on the creature's face that kept Brittany in a trance before he grabbed ahold of her waist and before she could even react, the massive horny being shoved half of its length deep within the overheated pussy. Brittany's eyes shot open wide with shock, her mouth opening wide ready to scream that was until the creature used one of its free hands to force her head to the creature's breast.

Again, she was shocked by the sudden intrusion into her pussy not to mention being made to suck on the furry breasts, that while it excited her right now, she found that she was losing any kind of arousal at that moment. She started to protest when the creature growled low and almost threatening stopping her from stopping, her eyes looking up into the beast who was glaring down at her. "Suck it, whore or I will ruin your asshole!"

Brittany's eyes opened wide in shock as she never had anyone that she had fuck her always taking authority of any kind. Yet now as she looked up at him questionably however the look of seriousness still held firm leaving her with little choice but comply turning her attention back to the furry flesh her eyes locking upon the erect nipple inches from her face.

Again, she took but a brief second before launching herself at the nipple like a newborn baby would seeking their first meal, feeling that creature's chest begin to rumble with a deep growl of pleasure. He threw back his head letting out a groan of pleasure as his bitch started to push her own pussy allowing more of the developing cock to push deep into Brittany.

While he enjoyed being in control of all the females that he bred in the past, he decided to allow the slut the opportunity to ride it as its likely that she won't get to have the chance again. Brittany continued to suck on the nipple, gripping it between her teeth accidentally biting down on the nipple when she felt her ass got smacked causing the creature to growl out.

"Watch it, slut or you won't like what happens next!" the creature snarled, grabbing a hold of the sluts ass no longer allowing her to control how much and how of his cock, driving the cock fully to the hilt into her tight pussy. Brittany tried to scream that was until he forced her head down to his chest where she was forced to continue sucking on the breast.

Soon Brittany found herself with tears in her eyes as she couldn't believe the kind of pain she was experiencing but she couldn't say or do anything as the creatures kept his hands on the back of her head holding her in place so she was forced to suck. After a minute or so, the pain of the thick cock began to lessen, and the pleasure returned along with her arousal that continued to send her into overdrive as she began sucking in earnest.

The creature began stroking his new pet loving how the humans pussy wall continued to milk around his cock and tried desperately to keep him from pulling out of her. The way she was squeezing his cock, he wouldn't remove it at all. Of course, he was more than happy to thrust the growing cock back into her body savoring the milking walls petting her hair encouraging Brittany to continue sucking while his thrusts continued to come in quick and more powerful thrusts.

The beasts body begins to shake, his balls are ready to release into the young minx only wishing that he could impregnate her as she was clearly going to be a great fuck no matter how many times, he uses her. He knew that she would continue coming back for more and knowing how she was likely to bring back more of her friends that were more likely to want to experience the wonderful cock and the beast attached to it.

Feeling ready to explode his hands leave his toys head allowing her to release the nipple from her lips allowing her to sit up placing her crotch fully against his cock and her hands against the creatures 6 pac abs throwing back her head letting out the loudest moan of all night. "Oh gods, this is the greatest thing I have experienced in my life!"

"Who's your one and only mate?!" He demanded, his hands reaching up and grabbing on to the girl's breasts giving them a squeeze which brought an extra reaction as her pussy walls clenched down around his cock another orgasm racing through her body.

"You are, you magnificent beast!" She cried out as her fingers and nails began digging into the hard muscles of his abs.

"Damn straight, bitch! You are MINE!" He growled lunging upward opening his mouth wide and bit down into the girl's side of the neck officially marking her as his from then on. Brittany's eyes jerked opened in surprise as the bite sent her into one final orgasm which sent the beast over the edge of his own as he began pumping load after load of cumm deep into the slut's belly.

When Brittany felt the cumm spray her insides with his wonder cumm, she forgot about the pain in her shoulder and slumped into her new lovers' arms with her head landing on his shoulder. God, she had never experienced sex like that and when he mentioned that he was taking her as a lover, Brittany felt that she was in heaven.

"I don't even know who you are?" She whispered into the creature's ear which began to twitch. There was a pause of silence before the creature answered with.

" will call me Logan from now on, mate." He answered as his cock squirted another blast of seed into her womb as a sign that she now belonged to him. She purred once more before snuggling into his arms with a smile of happiness.


It was about 6:30 pm when Tom finally pulled up at home that night having run away town showing off several different houses to more than one customers and by the time he started on his way home it was already getting dark outside and by then he was exhausted. The lights inside were all out leaving Tom to figure that his wife had probably gone to bed and dinner was in the frig for him to warm up for later.

He hated the fact that his job had taken him away from his family as he always thought that with him working from home it would give them more time together. Now as he approached the front door looking for the house key, Tom stopped when he noticed a note posted on the front door with his name on it.

Curious he took it off the door opening it to find a simple note that read: Forget about dinner, come up to our room as I have something to spice up our love life. Several hearts and kisses followed after the note giving the impression that she had a treat special for him, what further gave him that clue was the fact that a picture of her dressed in the teddies that was pure white but the fact that it showed off her incredible sexy body and so much welcoming pussy it drove him up the walls and they usually spent the entire night and part of the day in bed.

He quickly went about unlocking the door rushing inside throwing his briefcase and jacket on to the chair next and as he went he started to remove various parts of his clothing while he went up the stairs and by the time he reached the top, Tom realized that he best be quiet not to wake his daughter so he carefully tip toed his way to the master bedroom.

He could see the bedroom light in the master bedroom turned off which was something new which dropped his lust, but he still felt aroused as he made the last few steps to the door. He gently opened the door half expecting to see the usual setup of Abby laying down on the bed dressed in her tight teddy laying in a sensual way that made him ready to jump her,

However instead he couldn't see a damn thing at all and by the time that he was in the room, someone had closed the door before a blindfold was thrown over his eyes blinding him in the process. "Whoa what the?"

Tom suddenly felt someone who he figured was Abby, wrap their arms around him kissing his neck in a gently and loving manner. He turned around and returned the kiss his hands running up and down the familiar body before him feeling the sheer teddy covered body pressing against his body. God his wife sure as hell had a wonderful body no matter of how old she was, the curves were all in the right places.

Tom felt himself being led away from the door as he felt something soft and cushiony brush up against his legs which he figures was the bed. Once more he felt who he figured as his wife stand behind him and for some strange reason, he felt something metallic get attached to his legs making sure that he couldn't go anywhere.

Again he thought it was some new idea that his wife wanted to try so he went along with it even though he started to question it when he felt someone going about pushing him down on all fours before his hands were locked in place. This was all strange and his arousal started to disappear when he felt a firm and rough hand were placed on either side of his ass holding him firmly in place.

For a few long minutes Tom was left wondering what to expect as in the past they never had any kind of encountered like this, but it was exciting as something hard and slippery began to rub in between the valley of his ass. First it began up to his back then back down going down to hit his balls rubbing and hitting his cock rubbing Tom's entire length in the process causing him to moan and start to get into what his wife was doing to him.

Then the strange item pressing up against his cock began both his balls and cock sending a thrill through him with a moan escaping his lips as he went about pushing his rear back into his wife behind him wanting the administrations to continue. He starts to feel a heavy body lean down on to his back the item that is rubbing his cock withdrawn leaving him to whimper causing a chuckle/giggle to sound above him.

A voice suddenly spoke out from above him sounding soothing yet a bit rough and strange. "Do you want more, darling?" Tom nodded his head, his arousal overriding his cautious mind that felt uneasy about how things were going but he was already enjoying what his wife had started. "Are you sure? Because things only get better after this moment..."

Again, Tom only nodded his head as he felt the hard pointy object was returned to massaging between his legs and it continued on through that he started to arch his back pushing his rear back against the person behind him. "Hmmmm, someone seems very eager. Time to take things up a notch."

Tom was about to ask what she was talking until he felt the slimy stiff object pull away from between his balls and cock moving back between his ass cheeks. To his surprise and shock, he felt something massive push up against his asshole and in the same instant the blindfold was removed, and the lights flicked on to reveal a startling, horrifying and almost erotic sight before and behind him.

Tom was indeed in the master bedroom and that he was handcuffed to the master bed itself, but in front of him wearing a black teddy that was not as revealing as the one that his wife was use to teasing him with but still encouraging, and that bitch/slut Brittany was wearing it kneeling just inches away kneeling in front of a full length mirror where Tom could see everything behind him. And what was behind him scared the shit out.

Behind him stood a creature that he could only describe as almost animalistic or anthro of what he thought was a wolf or a...wolverine! Stood behind him again dressed in the pure white teddy with the crotch area pulled away revealing a mammoth size cock resting on his back and the beast had evil looking grin on its face that spoke volumes.

Once he saw the look of satisfaction on the creature's face, Tom knew that he was in trouble causing him to start struggle at the bounds. Logan stood behind his next conquest with his mate at the man's head dressed in the man's nonexistent wife, sure he could feel there was a small piece of her but she was in the very distant part of Logan's mind and was already disappearing into nothing leaving only him.

Enjoying how the man was struggling against his bindings trying desperately to get away from Logan as soon as he saw what the anthro wolverine had planned for him. "Struggle all you want, asshole. You are our property now!"

Without a second warning. Logan shoved his entire cock into a unlubed opening that tried to stay clamped shut to keep his anal virginity. This only caused the wolverine to growl in annoyance as he went about biting down on the back of Tom's neck which caused him to gasp in shock also allowing his clamped asshole to open enough to allow the first inch or so to force its way into his asshole.

Tom screamed out in pain thrashing about trying desperately to get away from the massive cock that was being forced into him and it just seemed to be getting bigger with each thrust. To Logan, while his somewhat less feminine body was still there with the breasts and other things, he cared less as his masculinity continued to grow with each thrust of its cock and any real trace of Abby started to disappear.

While unnoticed nor cared about, under the white teddy what remained of the wife's breasts started to deflate sucking the balloon like flesh back into his chest leaving nothing but a muscular chest. About the same time Logan's muscles began growing to massive levels causing what little remained of the teddy to start to shred the last of it surging downward into his cock which while it appeared to have reached its full potential.

As Logan began to draw it out, the cock began to expand in side, spine like rigids began to appear under the flesh and by the time that he rammed it in, the cock was twice its original size causing Tom to scream out in pain. "Stop! Take it out its too big!" Tom cried out pleading with the massive creature figuring that if he allowed the damn creature and the slut to get off with what they would be doing to him they would leave him.

Nevertheless, when he heard clothing tears above him not to mention the combined growling filled with pleasure and dominance continued to grow more animal like. Again, Tom thought that everything was over with that was until the damn beast began shoving his cock back into Tom's ass did the massive pain return ten-fold causing him to try and get away.

While he couldn't see what was happening to the massive cock invading his body, Tom could definitely feel something spiny began to appear on the cock which made the pain more terrible especially when the spines entered him it was hard for them to be removed from him without causing any kind of pain. Again all of this seemed to cause him nothing more than pain, trying to push through all of the pain at that moment, yet things seemed to get worse when he started to feel a massive ball of flesh at the base of the cock began to form.

Logan could feel the man continue to try and struggle to get away not to mention the unusual growing cock with new additions to it made him laugh with pleasure of torturing the man. "Too bad, you little shit! You are nothing more than a glory hole bitch! This house belongs to me now!"

Before Tom could ask or say anything at that moment, Logan began ramming and throwing everything that he could into the man's ass unrelenting. Tom screamed out in pain again desperate to get free and away from this nightmare causing both Logan and Brittany, who had gotten up off the bed and approached her mate leaning up against the beast kissing him along the jaw murmuring in enjoyment.

"God this is so hot, lover...fuck him really good for me." She requested causing Logn to snap and glare at her with fire in his eyes causing her to flinch back.

"Don't tell me what to do, bitch! I own both of you!" he snarled before turning his attention to his unwilling fuck toy shoving forward into the man's asshole causing a loud scream of pain to ring out as the massive ball of flesh forced its way into the much smaller hole.

Logan threw back his head in laughter, his claws digging into the man's back as he erupted into the man's ass, spraying his depths with a hot sticky load in the man. Tom's eyes widen in horror finding his body drained of all energy finding himself falling into unconscious darkness, his body halfway dropping on to the bed with his ass still raised up with the knot still connecting both together.

Logan stood there panting, still full of rage and energy proud of his accomplishments of not only getting a better stronger body than that pathetic kind but now a willing bitch to do what he demanded, a new home for his harem, and god knows of what else the future could hold.

Brittany approached him once more, careful not to irritate him as she slowly slided up to him pushing herself up against his side loving the feeling of the strong arms. She leaned forward kissing his strong jaw purring in delight running a hand down his muscular chest traveling down to his sheath where the flesh disappeared into the mans ass giving the cock and Logan's balls a rub which caused her love to grunt in pleasure shooting another wad into the bitch.

"What do we do now, love?" she asked curious to see what her love had in mind. Logan only gave her an evil grin before starting to tell her what he had in mind.

Lesbian Wolf (Book four)

Still surrounded in darkness with only the illumination from the nearby street lamps from the open front door spilling into the front room, only three figures stood moving about no sign of what was being done. In the middle of the room just barely lit...

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Cyber Wolf's bitches (1-3)

I have always been the kind of girl who seeks adventure. I knew from an early age that I was not like other girls. I was different somehow. I was more adventurous and less afraid. Some would call me fearless, but we all have our weaknesses. Mine was...

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Cyber Wolf's Bitches

I have always been the kind of girl who seeks adventure. I knew from an early age that I was not like other girls. I was different somehow. I was more adventurous and less afraid. Some would call me fearless, but we all have our weaknesses. Mine was...

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