Your Dog

Story by wrenquire on SoFurry

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#4 of Short Fics for Hard Times

This short smut piece is brought to you by my nightmares. Er, I'm only half joking. See, I have PTSD, and 6 nights out of 7 I have nightmares. My partner can often find me moaning or groaning in my sleep. And as I woke at 5 am this morning, fresh off a new #baddream, I thought for the countless time how nice it would be to have a service dog. I'm too poor to afford a normal dog (we could afford food and stuff, but if I ever needed to take an animal to the vet I wouldn't be able to afford the trip, and well, frankly, I think having an animal companion who you can't take care of when they're sick is just inexcusably irresponsible).

Anyways, I say all this to say this morning I thought, "It would be so nice to have a dog--better yet, a boyfriend dog to comfort me when I feel like this."

At the three dollar level on my patreon you can find more short smut pieces like this that aren't available anywhere else! Check this link if you're interested:

"You alright Keaton?"

In the doorway stood a large german shepherd named Riley. His impressive physique blocked most of the door, and he wore only a set of pajama pants that left a very clear outline of his package.

Keaton lied in bed hugging legs and arms around a body pillow. Part of him wished Riley would go away, but they both knew this was not how their arrangement worked. The fennec fox folded his ears over his face and groaned into the pillow.

Riley chuckled wryly. "I guess that answers that."

Keaton felt the bigger canine's weight crawl into their bed, then two strong arms wrapped around the small fox. Riley pulled Keaton's back to his broad, warm chest. Riley always made Keaton feel tiny and insignificant, but that also could be soothing. It made Keaton feel safe.

Riley nuzzled behind one of the fox's ears and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What isn't wrong?" Keaton said, still into his pillow. "The world is on fire. You lost your job, and I'm not sure mine's going to really exist after all this."

More of that deep, teasing, gentle laugh. "Is that all?"

Keaton moved muzzle out of the pillow. "You're right, guess it won't be a big deal."

"Heh, I just mean, normally your anxiety comes up when there's nothing to get upset about. Now things are so bad you don't even need it."

"Might as well see if I can sell it on craigslist," Keaton joked. He did feel his stress easing the longer he stayed in Riley's embrace. The canine smelled good. Riley had not showered since yesterday, so his fur both carried his typical masculine scent and the smoky mixture of the campfire they had in their backyard last night.

"You got so much of it you might sell enough to pay rent this month." Riley growled affectionately and nipped the back of Keaton's neck. "It's going to be alright, dear. We've not been driving each other crazy like other couples trapped inside their homes. We'll get through to the other side of things, and once we do we can figure out what to save and what to let go."

Keaton sighed. "You're right. It's just... hard."

"We're in a slow motion car crash, of course it's hard. It's okay for you to get upset, just let me know so I can be there for you. I could smell you from across the house you know."

"Was I really that close?"

"About a minute from panic attack city."

"God," Keaton craned his head back and nuzzled into Riley's neck. The fur here grew a little thicker and was always full of softness and Riley's scent. "What would I do without you?"

"Mmm I worry what I would do without you."

Keaton giggled. "You'd starve. Or did you forget you don't have a job right now?"

Riley growled and nuzzled down into the vulpine's burrowing muzzle. Both of them now exchanging the affection cheek to cheek. This turned into Keaton whispering Riley's name. The fennec touched the larger canine's muzzle with a paw and led Riley into a kiss. Their lips met a moment before both their maws opened in an open-mouthed kiss. This, too, was part of their ritual for comfort. Keaton's mouth filled with Riley's tongue which lingered with the taste of a smoky, black tea. Scent, taste, touch, even the grey and black of his coat, everything about Riley right now was smoky, comforting warmth. Keaton whimpered, his body heating up as he kissed his boyfriend.

The fennec was naked in bed, and his round, pert little butt ground against the crotch of Riley's pajamas. One of the canine's big hands slid down the fennec's bare chest, prying that pillow away so the shep might rub Keaton's chest. Large, pawed digits teased at Keaton's nipples, finding the barbell on one then the other, giving each piercing the slightest of tweaks. Keaton's arousal began to waft up to them both and Riley growled into Keaton's mouth. The shep pulled himself away from his boyfriend and shoved the fennec on his back, pillow thrown off the bed. It left the small vulpine totally bare. Keaton's sandy, luxurious coat did not obscure at all his trim waist and wide hips or soft, full thighs. The fox's tail twitched beneath him while Riley took in the sight of Keaton's quivering sex.

Riley stared until Keaton folded his ears and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Just admiring how far you've come." Riley rested a paw on Keaton's navel, as if he needed to touch the fennec to make sure he was real. "You're beautiful, you know."

Keaton felt his blush rising at the end of his muzzle and the base of his ears. He growled, and spread his legs. "J-just hurry up and fuck me!"

"Heh, not yet, hun." Riley knelt between Keaton's thighs. The shep looked up at Keaton right over the fennec's sex and whispered, "I need a taste of this first."

Broad, wet muscle dragged across Keaton's quivering cunny. The fennec grit his teeth to keep from moaning right away. He sucked in a breath through his fangs while Riley's tail wagged behind him. The shep commented, "It's weird, but ever since you started t you taste better."

"Maybe it's just, ah, you--ah!" Riley cut Keaton off by plunging his tongue against the fennec's vent. Keaton reached backwards for something to hold onto, but his trimmed claws only raked against the sheets. He whined while Riley's tongue pushed apart his folds. That tongue lapped and coated the small vulpine's sex in doggy drool. The ripe scent of Keaton's arousal soon a little masked as all his fluids were lapped up into Riley's muzzle. The dog's tongue work left Keaton with heat bubbling in his belly, and he knew if he let Riley the shep would happily wedge the tongue inside the fennec's tight cunny and lap Keaton to bliss and back.

But that's not what Keaton wanted. He wanted Riley's heat and weight over him, the comfort of his boyfriend's scent.

Keaton reached down and grabbed Riley by the scruff. He begged, knowing he would need to, "Riley just fuck me, please. I need your cock inside me and I need it now."

"Mmm," Riley looked up from his work with a dripping smirk on his muzzle. "If you insist."

"Sh-shut up."

Riley laughed gently and backed off. Slowly, knowing each moment was an eternity for Keaton right now, he pulled off his pajamas. It took some work to get the beltline over the shep's cock. Dick sliding down and down his thigh until, finally freed, it flipped back up and slapped Riley's abdomen. The tapered tip bobbed right at Riley's belly button. The thick, throbbing red shaft traveled a length long as Keaton's forearm to a knot nearly thick as the fennec's thigh. It always seemed impossibly large for Keaton to take, but they had proven time and again that he could. And beneath that hung the dog's hefty nuts, big enough to give a bull a run for his money. They twitched and from the dick's tapered end a long string of precum fired. It landed across Keaton's thigh.

Said thighs quivering, Keaton reached down and spread the lips of his sex. It gave Riley a clear view of the dripping, peach colored pussy. Keaton flexed the muscles there to make his cunny give Riley a winking invitation. Face still blushing, Keaton said, "Breed me stud."

That did it. Riley snarled and was over Keaton in a moment. Now the fennec let himself moan as that tip pushed against his entrance. His sex welcomed Riley's return. Walls long since hollowed out in the shape of the canine cock. That firm, hot heat split Keaton open and he cursed, clenching down on Riley's invader. The meaty shaft jerked and spilled more precum into Keaton's messy tunnel. In a moment, the red bulges of canine knot probed against Keaton's entrance. His mound held firm, however, and Keaton wrapped his legs around Riley's hips to encourage his stud.

Keaton's world was Riley. The bigger shep rested on a forearm planted above the fennec's large ears, while his other hand reached down to hold Keaton's waist. The fox nuzzled into his boyfriend's strong chest, that mane of neck fur ending just between Riley's now-heaving pecs. The shep cursed and asked, "You don't have a meeting or anything you gotta do for the next hour, right?"

Keaton knew what Riley really asked. He bucked his hips into Riley's shaft and whispered, "Nothing. Knot me stud, please."

Riley started working his hips. His cock churned up Keaton's dripping cunny and made the fennec squirm underneath him. Each fuck inward slammed knot against mound, Keaton's labia caving in from the force. Keaton practically mewled into Riley's chest.

Smack smack smack. Riley was a jackhammer, dick probing, prodding, stirring up the heat boiling inside Keaton's waist and crotch. It only took a few moments for the poor fennec to be driven over the edge for the first time. Keaton howled into his boyfriend, claws scratching at Riley's back. His cunny spasmed up and down that dick, but Riley kept thrusting. It made Keaton's thighs quake. It became harder and harder to keep his legs wrapped around the shep's hips. Pleasure had made Keaton's muscles numb and wobbly. The grip yielded, legs hanging open while Riley took longer thrusts into his boyfriend.

When Riley pulled out to the cocktip, a slurry of fennec cum and shep precum spurted around the glistening red shaft. It pushed back in, plugging the wet flood of fluids before mess came at the next pull backwards. The sharp scent of their sex had started filling out the room. It was all either of them smelled. The spice of Keaton's cum and the heady musk of Riley's need to breed his mate.

The shep's dick made good progress on the fennec's cunt. Already a third of his knot forced its way inside Keaton's pussy. The fennec at this point existed on an insensate plateau. A sensory overload of pleasure. Riley's cock was a pistoning rod of heat and sensation. Each stab bright, near burning, but so good. Keaton could not get enough of it. He never came down from that first orgasm. Now his mouth hung open, drooling onto the bed. His body shook from the force of Riley's thrust. Then Riley sat up and wrapped his big paws around Keaton's thighs.

"Gonna have to get rough, sorry, hun," the dog warned. He started pumping his hips while pulling Keaton down on his cock. The dog panted, face screwed up in concentration. Sticky wet coated his crotch and balls at this point. Keaton arched his back and released a keening scream. To an outsider, it might have sounded like pain.

But Keaton found words to add: "F-fuck! Stud please! Please... please knot me! Breed me! I can't take it anymore!"

Keaton quite literally couldn't. If Riley did not finish soon, all this boiling, aching pleasure inside Keaton's body might tip to pain. Plateaus could only last so long, after all. At least, when the dick inside you stabbed so deep you could see the tip pushing up against your belly.

Keaton whined while Riley started releasing a string of curses. He fucked more frantically, while Keaton's pussy yielded, by degrees. Till--

"Fuck!" Riley snapped as his knot pushed inside the dripping cunt, all sorts of messy fluids spilling around the knot as it entered. Riley released a string of curses, tugging his knot against those abused lips, trying to stimulate his dick just a bit more...

Meanwhile, Keaton struggled for breath. Being split by his boyfriend's knot was always an achievement. The first year of their relationship, Keaton couldn't even take the monster. It still hurt, but when that bulb of flesh tugged backwards it ground and rubbed so deliciously along Keaton's g-spot. His cunt clenched down on the throbbing shaft, as if trying to make it be still. And as Keaton started cumming again, Riley fell on top him. The big shep scooped Keaton into his arms and bit the fennec on his shoulder. Riley snarled while his balls finally got their release. Keaton sighed, practically with relief, as he felt thick, virile seed start to fill him. Gushing, flooding spunk surged all across Keaton's vent and made his belly swell. The shep's tail twitched, very still while beneath it his balls lurched and churned. Each movement dumping more cum inside Keaton. The trans fennec had his ovaries removed long ago, so seed just warmed and filled his belly with a soothing heat.

Eventually, Riley released Keaton's shoulder. The shep's tail began to wag before he whispered, "You know, if we do this every time you get upset. I might start getting aroused every time I smell your anxiety."

Keaton playfully groaned. "You're such a dog."

"Mmm, your dog."

"Hehe," Keaton nuzzled into Riley's furry neck. "My dog."