Admitting drug use

Story by dieselmutt on SoFurry

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#7 of Intersexed incest

I should have thrown the bottle away as Tim had told me to do, but I kept it and set it on my night stand. Darcy was out for two more days on a trip and I was alone at home and one night I decided to drug myself to see what really happened. I took less than half the recommended dose and shortly was overcome with the need to fuck.

Thankfully I did have a plug and a vibrator to help get me off, though they clearly lacked what the drug had made me want, it was a frustrating couple hours. Considering how often we got the each other drinks and shared cooking duties, I had no way to know how often Darcy had given me the drug. Obviously any day where we did it more than twice she had given me the drug and the day I had begged Tim.

I was sitting in my room, on my bed in the corner up against the walls, with my knees pulled up to my chest. The bottle of drugs clenched in my hand tightly as I looked at my painted toe nails. I was in my pajamas sitting in the dark waiting for Darcy to come home. My head was a freaking mess of emotions and thoughts, I was pissed off, I was disappointed and I also wanted to bawl my eyes out.

She called out a couple times when she got home, I didn't answer her. Darcy was not a quiet person and I heard her check down stairs and the kitchen before coming over to the bedrooms. Her travel bag thumped loudly in the quiet house as she simply dropped in on the floor. Only when she noticed that there was no light on in my room did she try and not make noise.

I was only looking at my toes, as she crept to the door and peeked in. "Are you alright? You didn't answer me."

There were so many things I wanted to say, or yell and only one word came out. "Why?"

Darcy came closer. "Why what? I don't understand."

I held out the bottle of Artxe and shakily asked "Why?"

Her expression was one of resignation, with no immediate attempt to explain it away or make excuses. I tossed the bottle in the trash and hugged my knees tightly as it was the only thing I could think of.

Darcy plopped down on the bed and rubbed her temples. "I was stupid and got carried away like I usually do."

I flinched slightly at her touch and I could see that hurt her. I couldn't pull away any further and resisted the urge to slap her hand away. Though it was nice to see her try and comfort me. I was so used to her touch that I could not stop myself from letting her continue.

"I wanted... I wanted to make sure you were mine." Darcy looked at the floor but continued to rub my foot. "I get so fucking jealous when you are with someone else. I wanted a way to make you not want to be with anyone else. And that stuff was the answer."

"You know how crazy that sounds?"

Darcy flopped back and looked up at the ceiling. "Yeah, I do. It was a mistake and I know that."

I listened to her for more than an hour as she explained what she had been thinking and why she had done everything in the first place. I tried really hard to be hard on her, she had not done it out of malice or with the intent to cause me any harm. It was fairly common knowledge that Darcy had problems with obsessive behavior. The more she talked the more I was convinced for some reason her obsessive nature latched onto me.

I had relaxed slightly as she had talked, and she had shifted to sitting on the bed looking at me with one of my feet in her hands. Darcy was just absent mindedly rubbing my foot as she told me everything, sometimes laughing and sometimes crying. She was really adamant that all the complements she had given me were one hundred percent true, she really thought I looked cute in skirts or the dresses; loved holding me or just being near me.

Darcy sighed and still rubbed my foot. "I don't blame you for being mad or if you hate me now... And saying it all out loud I realize just how bad it was."

"I am mad, but I'm really angry that you thought you needed drugs to help you. You had me after the second time."

"Can you forgive me?" Darcy looked at me, pleading with tear filled eyes.

My heart ached for things to be the way they were, but my head was still on level ground. And thankfully my head kept things going in a serious manor. "I want you to ask mom and dad for help."

She looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"I want you to talk to a therapist about your obsessive behavior." I smiled and shifted positions so I could take her hands in mine. "I still love you, and I want you to get better."

"Does that mean we can still be together?" Darcy broke down sobbing when I smiled and said that we could still be together.

I pulled her close and we just held each other as she cried. Eventually she calmed down and went to get ready for bed; I had invited her back to my room so we could share a bed and cuddle more. With the firm stipulation on no sex of any kind, and we ended up sleeping in late as we had gone to bed really late.

Once up and dressed we ate breakfast and ceremoniously took the bottle out to the trash along with an unopened bottle she had as well. Darcy also deleted most of the sexy photos I had sent her and most of the normal photos; I thought she could keep a couple of each. After a few days when both our parents where home Darcy did talk to them about seeing a therapist for her OCD tendencies.

Darcy had just gotten home from her second appointment and I was taking care of a few chores and had a couple of surprises for her. She had come up behind me and hugged me. "Hey cutie." Her hand brushed across what she had thought was a choker. "What's this?"

"It's a collar." I turned and gave her a quick kiss.

"Oh." Darcy smiled and we shared a deeper kiss and she squeezed me tightly. "May I ask why?"

"It's for the leash sitting on your desk."

Darcy looked at me inquisitively. "I thought you didn't like bondage?"

I laughed. "This is a little different. I'm proud that you are getting help, so I thought you deserved a reward."

It took a moment for the gears in her head to figure out what I was implying, and as a smile slowly spread across her face I felt she had finally figured it out. "You're my pet for the day?"

"I'm yours all the time, this was a little symbolic of that."

"Any other surprises?" Darcy asked before she turned to head up to her room.

"Maybe, guess you'll have to find out." I smiled as she darted off to her room. It was a little while before she came back, I guess looking for more surprises in her room. When the other surprises were my lack of panties and the butt plug, she would figure that out when she came back.

I think she was a little nervous when she clipped the leash to the collar I was wearing, unsure of what she was supposed to do. It was really quite cute, enough so I was lightly wagging my tail. She gave me a few commands like sit and roll over and heal, we only did a lap around the couch.

Darcy sat down on the couch and gently tugged on the leash. "Okay enough of that come up here."

"Woof" We laughed and I got up and sat on her lap. "I was hoping for a little heavy petting."

Instead of coming back with something smart, Darcy gave the leash another little tug pulling me against her and we kissed. Her hands on my hips, then slowly going up my sides she pushed us over so I was lying on the couch and she was above me. Still kissing me deeply as her hands roamed down and she found my bare ass under the skirt. I smiled up at her as she broke off the kiss. "Surprise."

"You are in trouble now." Darcy grinned devilishly, put both hands on my thighs near my knees and with a grunt pushed my legs up forcing my ass up and off the couch. Then she hungrily went down on me and I was in no position to resist, not that I wanted to as she quickly brought me to orgasm while I managed to fumble open her jeans.

Darcy sat back and worked out of her jeans, then gave the leash another light tug. Her cock standing straight up, she gave me a little smile. I crawled over to her and just took all of her length at once. I lightly fondled her balls as my head bobbed up and down on her shaft. I gave her an equally sloppy blow job as she had given me cunnilingus. She had managed to get her shirt and bra off and I greedily sucked on one of her nipples as I rubbed my pussy against her dick.

It had been more than a week since our last time and the two of us just wanted to fuck the other. Switching to doggy, Darcy plowed me hard on the sofa, I moaned loudly into the cushions as I rubbed my clit while she rode me. She collapsed on my back after forcing her knot in me, the two of us panting like animals as we lay the afterglow. We rolled onto our sides, Darcy bit my ear and reached between my legs to rub my clit. She didn't bite my ear hard and held it lightly in her teeth as she forced another me to another orgasm.

I had to grab her hands and hold them up near my chest in my hands to keep her from rubbing any more. "Enough, I'm already going to be walking funny."

Darcy held me tightly as she nuzzled my neck. "That was a hell of a reward for two visits."

"Well it was for more than the two visits, it was for other good behavior too." I moaned as she rolled her hips.

"So what do I get after two months of this?" She kissed my neck.

I was glad she couldn't see my embarrassment. "I'll willingly let you tie me up and do whatever you want to me."

She didn't say anything for a little while. "I thought you didn't want that ever again?"

I sighed. "I've kind of opened up to the idea and some others."

"Oh wow." Darcy gave me another kiss. "What else do you want to try?"

"Ice cubes."

Darcy hummed. "I think I saw that in one of those hentai I read."

I reached up and pat her head. "Where do you think I got the idea?"

"Anything else, since you can't go anywhere at the moment?" Darcy growled playfully at me patting her head.

"Tim wants me to give him a foot job, like in all of those hentai as well. But you have to paint my toe nails pink, and apparently I need a school girl costume."

Darcy chuckled. "You would look so damn cute in that."

I was slightly ashamed to admit I might look really damn cute dressed up like that. Just because Darcy and I haven't been as sexually active doesn't mean I had stopped cross dressing, I even did when our parents were home as mom and dad had a talk about it. I won't lie; I really lucked out in the understanding parents category.

Darcy did take care of ordering the skirt and shirt needed for the school girl look she and Tim had agreed upon, as well as thigh high socks, because they are giant perverts. I kind of hated how right they were about how cute I looked dressed this way. If I was fully a guy or tentacle monster, I would totally fuck myself. Darcy was fully hard within seconds of me putting my sock covered foot on her sheath. Her eyes about rolled back into her head as she blew her load over her belly and my bare feet.

Not going to lie, having her lick and suck my toes clean after the fact about got me to cum where I sat. She then stuck her head under my skirt and licked me thru my panties to climax, that was pretty hot and made me join her in the shower later that evening to have her pound me.

Dressed up to be let down

I had hid the dress, and left the skirts in a more obvious hiding place, if Darcy had ever thought to snoop around my room. I usually wore two different ones around the house, and after much over thinking brought one to Tim's house one time to wear...

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Skirting the issue

Darcy got excited on the rare occasion I wore a dress for her, and made sure to give me a small dose of the drug when I was cross dressing. Enough to reinforce the idea that wearing dresses got me aroused, but not so much to actually beg for sex. She...

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Falling deeper

Summer was nice, Darcy and I continued to have regular secret dates. Pretty sure everyone thought it was just a pair of twins hanging out with each other. I had really developed strong feelings for her, and thought of her less as a sister and more of...

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