Heart's Alchemy pt 2

Story by Nightshade776 on SoFurry

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#3 of NxK

The conclusion to my NxK series! Nightshade opens up about his origins to his mate. Katarina talks to him about something incredibly important to her before they leave for home, and when his 20th birthday arrives, she gives him a special present.

I had known that the question was going to be asked eventually. I looked away for a moment to prepare my response. Breathing in, I answered with "because I don't have any." She looked into my eyes with a worried expression and came closer. "You're...an orphan?" she asked cautiously. "That's not what I meant. It's not that my parents are gone, they never existed in the first place," I explained. Her worry turned into confusion. "Kat, I wasn't brought into this world by a caring mother and a loving father. I was brought into this world by magic. And not the pure, fantasy kind either." I walked over to the ring of water surrounding the fountain, kneeling down and stirring the glowing water gently with my paw. As soon as my paw touched the water, the color rapidly shifted from blue-green to blood red, casting wicked shadows across the hollow. When I pulled my paw out of the water, it shifted back to its original color.

"The details of my creation are not exactly a fairy tale. A man was killed, right where I'm at. His body fell into the water and it turned red and stayed that way for weeks, if not months before someone followed the red stream here. They used up all of the magic inside them to remove all of the blood from the water. But the blood had fused with the magic from the fountain and began to take shape once removed. And thus, I was made. That person took me to the territory and left me on the doorstep before disappearing. They found the body not long after, though. So, to sum it up, I'm kind of a monster."

I called upon that part of me once more, letting it flood my entire body. My skull ached as curved horns pushed out, my gums throbbed as my canines lengthened by about an inch. My claws got longer too as my back began to ache. Two black, smooth leather wings protruded from my back and connected to my shoulders. Unable to meet Kat's eyes, I stared at the ground beside me. "And?" The bluntness of her question took me off guard and I finally met her eyes, but she wasn't done yet. "So fucking what? You're like...what? A demon?" I nodded. "Yeah, so what? You've always been this, it wouldn't matter when you told me. You are still the same Nightshade that I mated with four months ago. And there is nothing that could change that." I smiled with tears in my eyes as my features returned to normal. She walked closer to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders and nuzzling my chin.

"Thanks for taking me here, but if you wanna do anything, we're going back to the pack house 'cause there's no way in Hell that I'm doing anything on this stone floor," she said both as a warning and an invitation. I chuckled and said "good, 'cause me neither. Let's go." I rose to my paws and followed her out of the hollow. Once we were out, the water and ceiling stopped glowing and the false wall slid back into place.

"Wait," I stopped her before we left the cave. "I wanna show you something before we go back. Give me your paw." She lifted her left paw and I took it in mine. "Okay, it's been a while, so I'm sorry if it hurts a little." I closed my eyes and focused on the power deep inside me. I placed my other paw on top of hers, sandwiching it between mine. I pulled on a small piece of magic energy and sent it through my arm and into hers. She jolted from the alien feeling, but it wasn't pain. The marking on her left arm began to glow and move as she stared at it wide-eyed. The design shifted until each loop had a flower blooming from its end. It settled and stopped glowing as I pulled the power back. I shook off the sudden wave of nausea that followed and looked at Kat anxiously as she inspected the altered design of her marking. "If you don't like it, I can change it back," I offered. "Oh my God," she finally spoke. "I absolutely love it! I never thought about doing that when I was designing it, but it looks amazing!" I smiled at her praise.

. . .

The night before we left for home, Kat and I were cuddled together in the bed when she rolled over to look at me. "Hey, babe?" she prompted. Her eyes were darting nervously around the room, looking at nothing. "Yeah?" I asked, inviting the surely coming discussion.

"Um...you know...you know how we talked about...starting a family?" I could hear her heart begin to race.


"Well...my...my heat cycle starts next week and I was..." She couldn't meet my eyes.

"Talk to me. What's up?"

"I was wondering if...if we could...if..." She was stumbling over her own words. I had my thoughts about what she was going to ask me, I just wanted her to say it. To be certain. "Kat, you know you can talk to me." She was never this nervous. Then again, she had seemed a little off ever since we left the cave the other night. She gave me the most vulnerable, exposing look I had ever seen in her eyes. "If we could start trying."

Yet another way we anthros were different from our furless brethren. Humans had a tendency to shy away from commitment, and starting a family was one of the most avoided, especially young, mainly for the financial aspect. For anthros, it had nothing to do with the financial requirement, as our kind's larger families actually supported their own. And a wolf pack especially had no qualms about helping out with pups. Her nerves came from the emotional commitment it entailed. Having pups was a big thing for any couple, and required a lot of commitment, mostly because anthros only have certain times every month that they can become pregnant. That, and cross-breeding had a significantly higher chance of unsuccessful fertilization, and was biologically unable to be successful for the first few attempts because of the differing genetics.

Our first time talking about it was only a couple weeks after we mated, and I had never expected her to want kids. To my surprise, she loved the idea of having pups of her own. Since then, Kat and I talked about it several times, both agreeing that we definitely would when we were ready. And now she was ready to start trying. We both knew that trying would take a while, because her body would have to adapt to accept our differing genetics before she could get pregnant.

I didn't know how to answer as my brain would not form an intelligent response. In the place of words, I smiled and closed the little space between our mostly bare bodies. "Katarina." Her full name was not something that I said lightly. "Starting a family with you would be amazing. Next week, if you wanna start trying, I'm with you." She smiled back at me, her eyes welling up with tears. She threw her arms around me, sobbing happily with her snout buried between my shoulder and neck.

. . .

She couldn't stop smiling the morning after, either. Neither did Dio, who I assumed had a wonderful weekend for all the right reasons. Sierra and Valence were very reluctant to let him go. Though still not comfortable with the flight, Kat's smile never wavered the entire trip home. As soon as we hit cruising altitude, she came over to sit in my lap and we started talking about her album deal. "I'm so excited! What should I sing?" she asked me. I thought it over for a second. I started listing songs until we agreed on ten. "What about Heart's Alchemy?" I asked. I was talking about a song that she hadn't performed yet, even though it was done and amazing. "I still don't know how I feel about the lyrics," she fussed. She liked the lyrics, she just didn't like singing them. "But what if you sang them, babe? You've sang my songs before."

"I'd have to think about that one. Heart's Alchemy is a bit more difficult than what I usually sing. And babe, I sing in the shower. Where only you can hear me."

"As I've told you before, you're really good!"

"Hun, I only started singing because I wanted to drown out the moaning coming from next door and your song happened to be stuck in my head."

"I think that your voice is just what the song needs. It's only one song, you'll get better with practice."

"I'm not gonna get outta this one, am I?"



I knew that I probably would do it despite complaining. Kat had never performed that song, aside from playing it for me a couple times. She absolutely loved the lyrics, but she told me that she didn't like the way they sounded. The other reason was that I had basically memorized the lyrics. I sighed. "Okay, I'll do it. But just for this song." She smiled at me. I ran my paw through her short-cut hair that was still lightened at the tips. "I kinda like it," she told me, talking about her hair. "I'm thinking about keeping it." I agreed with her. It suited her well.

Kat had decided to wear my oversized black and purple hoodie. It looked good on her, but she was also wearing a pair of denim booty shorts. So when she stood up, the bottom of the hoodie fully covered her shorts, making it look as though she wasn't wearing them at all. Her curves didn't help with this either. She also had my paw dangerously close to the inside of her legs, which were conveniently facing away from the aisle. Deciding to tease her a little, I lightly brushed my claws against the inside of her left thigh. Surprised, she yipped as her legs snapped closed, sandwiching my paw between her thighs. She looked at me with a deep blush in her cheeks. "Babe, please don't, not here," she whispered, hot breath on my ear. Her voice gave it away. Her hormones were rising, preparing for her heat cycle in the coming days. Meaning that it wouldn't take much to push her over the edge of whatever restraint she had left. "Well, can I have my paw back?" I asked. Her legs slowly unclenched and released my paw. I could feel my restraint dwindling as well.

When a female anthro enters heat before she's mated, it slightly affects the hormones of all unmated males around her, but it's easily disregarded. But when that female is mated, it drastically affects the hormones of just her mate.

Dio had to lock me up the first time. I was glad he did, because I didn't even realize what was going on until I had Kat pinned against the bed. I was usually rather submissive, so that was more than a bit unusual. It took me a while to get over that. Once I had realized what I was doing, I forced myself to leave her apartment. It got easier to repress over time, but it had been a little traumatic to lose control of my own body. But with the promise of being with her this time, it was harder to keep a clear head around her. I rested my paws on the armrests at my sides and sighed. It was gonna be a long week.

The plane touched down in the city. Dio drove us in the same vehicle we had come in, his cobalt blue '67 Shelby Cobra GT500, otherwise known as his inheritance on wheels. Kat and I kept a seat between us in the back as we rode home. It felt good to be back in the city after our weekend in the middle of nowhere. A buzz from my pocket told me that I had a text. Pulling out my phone, I saw that it was from Kat. I looked over at her before reading it. It read "remind me when we get home, I have something for you."

It didn't take long for us to reach the complex. We carried our bags back to our rooms. After unpacking and taking a quick shower, I went over to Kat's apartment and collapsed on her couch. Laying on my stomach, I thumped my tail lazily against the back of the couch. It eventually took to a rhythm and I started singing Heart's Alchemy, but a little differently than usual. I played with the vocals a bit until the lyrics began to feel right. The words took on a weight that filled the room. Only then did I realize the reason Kat had wanted me to sing. It wasn't about my voice sounding better, but how I could put a force behind it without disrupting the flow of the song. I reached the end and took in the weight left in the room.

I rolled over to my side and started aimlessly playing with my tail. My phone buzzed yet again, another text from Kat. She was asking me to come to her bedroom. I rose to my paws and walked to her room, closing the door behind me. She wasn't in there so I sat on the foot of her bed. The bathroom door opened and my mate stepped out, wrapped in a rose colored towel. Her eyes met mine as she let the towel fall to the floor, revealing a set of violet lace lingerie. She walked towards me slowly. When she reached me, she brushed the sapphire tip of her tail across the bottom of my snout, sending a jolt down my spine. She sat in my lap, her knees on either side of my waist and the lace of her bra rubbing against my black shirt. She brought her lips to mine and wrapped her arms around my waist. She grabbed the hem of my shirt and stopped kissing me just long enough to pull it off me. My breath caught in my throat as her hips started pushing back and forth, grinding against my lap. I put my paws behind me for support. Before I knew it, Kat was kissing me again, pushing her tongue into my snout.

All rational thought evaporated in the heat as a quick flick of her wrist had my jeans unbuttoned, unzipped, and down to my knees, along with my boxers. She used her foot to push them down to my ankles and onto the floor. Sitting back up, I moved my paws up her back until I found the straps of her bra. I pulled the straps off her shoulders and undid the hooks in the back. She moved her arms forward so I could take it off her and set it on her nightstand. She giggled at my carefulness before pushing me down onto the bed. I gently trailed my claws down her back, which stiffened at my touch as I made a path to her waist. I wedged my fingers between her fur and the lace of her underwear and pushed them down her thighs. She moved her legs until her final piece of clothing fell on the floor. Pulling myself fully onto the bed, I breathed heavily as Kat moved her bare body against mine. The heat between us was more intense than ever, amplified by the rise in hormones in both me and her.

. . .

I stroked Kat's hair as she cuddled me. Suddenly remembering her text, I asked her about what she had for me. "Oh yeah," she remembered. She reached over me to her nightstand. "Close your eyes," she told me. I obeyed, feeling cold metal wrap around my neck and clasp at the back. "Now, go see."

I climbed off the bed and pulled on my boxers then walked into her bathroom. In the reflection of her mirror, I saw her chain link collar glinting around my neck. It looked pretty good against my dark fur and fit me perfectly. I tentatively touched my paw to the shining steel and admired the gesture of affection. Though it may have seemed small to others, every piece of jewelry Kat owned had some sort of sentimental value. Another thing was that it was a collar. Collars were a lot like the human idea of rings.

I walked out of the bathroom and back to the bed where my mate lay already asleep, her still-bare body curled up underneath the black comforter. She immediately adjusted to snuggle me as soon as I was beneath the comforter. It was good to get some rest for the coming day.

. . .

"Ready?" I asked my mate. We were outside D-Kane's studio. She nodded. She had been practicing all day while waiting for me to get off work. I brushed a stray piece of fuzz off of the strap of her stone grey camisole and gave her a reassuring smile before we walked in.

The interior was quaint and comfortably cool. We walked into a small lobby area with a few padded chairs. A door to the left opened and D-Kane himself came out to greet us. "Don't be shy, come on in," he invited. We followed him into a recording room. He went through another door and appeared behind a window that peered into yet another room. "I don't mean to rush, but I'm just pumped to hear more of that awesome music!" he said over the intercom. Kat chuckled before setting up.

. . .

It was our third day in the studio and we had just finished Heart's Alchemy. I sang the lyrics like I had the other day in her apartment. D-Kane waved us into the audio room with an excited gleam in his hazel eyes. When we joined him, he pressed a button on the control panel in front of him. The recorded music began playing back. "Wow. Just wow," he praised. "I absolutely loved it! So, have you decided on the feature song?" Kat stepped up and said "Heart's Alchemy. The last one we recorded."

"Great! What about a title?"

"How about...Closure?"

"I love it! It fits perfectly! Okay, that's all I need. I'll get the album ready and send it to you so you can make sure you like it before I release it."

"Okay, thanks again!"

"I should be thanking you."

She packed up her guitar and shook his hand. I nodded appreciatively to D-Kane as we walked out of the studio. "I thought that went well," she voiced. I agreed with a hearty nod.

. . .

Two months passed by, and I reached my 20th birthday. Dio threw me a party in our apartment, and some of my pack even showed up.

Back in her apartment, Kat set her guitar in its stand and joined me on her bed. "Hey, babe?" she prompted, smiling mischievously. I tilted my head curiously. She handed me a small box wrapped in shiny blue wrapping paper. "Go ahead," she encouraged, beaming, "open it." I used my claw to cut the tape so I could unwrap the cardboard box. Once again, I cut the tape with my claw. Inside the box was a book: Night-time Nursery Rhymes. It took me a while to put it together, but once I did, I looked up at my mate with tears in my eyes and my maw hanging open. "You're..." I stammered, seeing Kat's smile widen even more and tears form in her eyes. "Happy Birthday from me and our little ones!" she declared proudly.

"Ones, as in-"

She held up two fingers and nodded.

I pulled her into a tight hug, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. "It was so hard not to tell you, but I was waiting until the results came back. Now you know why I told you that I couldn't...y'know," she explained. I had never felt happier in my life. I was going to be a father, starting a pack of my own, mis-matched as it would be. But I was ready. With my mate by my side, I was ready for anything.

The End
