You Know You Want To

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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It had been a long time since this world has been visited by a being like me thought a visitor to the planet Earth. He could have sworn that the last time he visited the place it had been swarming with overgrown reptiles of some sort. Things had changed drastically since then. It was like it was an entirely different planet. Even an entire civilization seemed to sprouted up, which pleased this being immensely. Civilizations were especially fun to mess with, especially when those civilizations were made up of nothing but weak little mortals that were absolutely defenseless against him.

There was one problem though. He was all alone on this world. All the other beings like him were off on other worlds throughout the universe having their own fun. For this being it was no fun playing on his own. He thought about trying to find another one of his kind on another world, but then he remembered that he had already traveled to as many worlds as he was allowed to in this cycle. It was an annoying rule for this being, but he knew some of his kind could get a little out of hand with their fun and leave entire worlds devastated as a result. Making it a rule to restrict the number of worlds one of his kind could travel to encouraged his kind to at least try to leave worlds intact so that they would not get bored until they could travel again. This being had to admit it was a good rule overall, but it was really inconvenient at the moment.

If this being wanted a companion he was going to have to find one on this world himself. The natives on this world, a group of almost completely furless apes that the being believed called themselves humans, were the only intelligent creatures around. They just did not appeal much to him as companions though even if they did have the same basic structure as he did. There was another type of four legged creature that resembled his kind on this world, but he was not interested in having a playmate that looked that much like his own kind and yet not be his kind.

As the being was thinking about what type of playmate he would like a human happened to stumble upon him. That human happened to be the owner of a small farm a few miles outside of a moderate sized town. He thought he had spotted something out in his fields and had gone to investigate. He thought he had seen something with fur, but he could not tell what the creature was from inside his house. All he could tell was that the creature was large enough to warrant bringing a weapon along with him. But, what he found in his field was like nothing he had seen outside of a children's fairy tale. The creature actually looked like an anthropomorphic rabbit, except it was not the type of rabbit with adorably rounded features that made him seem as friendly as possible. This rabbit had the body of an athlete. He was sleek and extremely well toned. The farmer also noticed that the rabbit's black spotted white fur did nothing to hide the fact that he was built and anatomically correct as the rabbit stood around lost in thought wearing nothing but his birthday suit.

It was then that the man probably made the biggest mistake of his life and interrupted the rabbit's thoughts by addressing him. "I don't know who you are or where you got that lewd fur suit, but you need to get off my property dressed like that," the farmer said. The man had convinced himself that what he was seeing could not possibly be a real anthropomorphic rabbit. He had seen some pretty good creature effects in movies before and an outfit as convincing as the one he was seeing could be possible in his mind. The farmer just thought he was dealing with some punk kid out to make some crazy internet video or something like that. It helped that the rabbit could not have been much more than four and a half feet tall while he was a little over six feet tall himself.

"Aw, isn't that cute. It looks like one of the natives wants to play," the rabbit said as he started to confidently move toward the farmer. There was something about the way the rabbit said that that the farmer found disturbing. He was starting to wonder what type of prank this kid had planned. While a lot of the pranks he had heard about these kids playing for the internet were ultimately harmless, some of them did take things too far. He wondered if he was having an encounter with one of those.

"Now you just stay right there kid, don't you come any closer," the farmer said. He was not sure what the kid in the rabbit suit was up to, but he was not about to let himself be intimidated by someone that was not even five feet tall. Besides, he was armed, and unless that suit had more room in it than it appeared to he doubted that the kid was actually carrying any weapon.

"Kid? I can assure you that I am no child. I've been around for longer than there has been life on this world and I will be around long after some idiot probably wipes you out after a day of overindulgent fun," the rabbit explained calmly. The man had no idea what the rabbit was talking about and assumed it was a part of whatever set up the kid was a part of. Still, even though the rabbit had not used an aggressive tone with him, there was something about what he said that disturbed him. The fact that the kid was still coming at him without hesitating in the slightest even though he was clearly carrying a rifle was also a little unsettling.

"I said don't come any closer kid," the farmer said sternly. He did not know what was going on, but there was something a little threatening about the kid. Without really thinking about it he was leveling his weapon at what he thought was nothing more than a kid in a lewd rabbit suit.

"Why must you insist on calling me a kid? Is it because of my height? I can do something about that you know," the rabbit said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" the farmer asked, or at least he tried to ask. He was seeing something that he did not think was possible right in front of his eyes.

"Please be quiet. I don't like the distraction while I enjoy doing this," the rabbit said in a voice that was practically a purr. The rabbit had his eyes closed and looked like he was hugging himself in pleasure as, to the farmers utter amazement, he started to grow. Even though the rabbit's basic proportions remained the same, it became painfully obvious to the farmer that the rabbit really was not a child. The rabbit really was enjoying himself, taking his time to growing slowly, inch by inch. When the rabbit was only about chest height compared to the farmer the farmer was feeling considerably more threatened by the rabbit. The rabbit definitely had the body of someone that could be threatening in a fight even with a height advantage. Of course, the rabbit growing was threatening enough. A part of the farmer's brain was telling him that he needed to run, but most of him could not tear his eyes away due to the shear sense of awe he was experiencing at watching the rabbit grow.

As the seconds passed by and the rabbit continued to grow the farmer's sense of dread grew with the rabbit. When the rabbit's height matched his own it was clear that the sleek bodied creature would be able to throttle him in a hand to hand fight. The rifle that the farmer was carrying was the only thing that gave him any confidence at all. That confidence kept shrinking as the rabbit just kept growing, however. Soon the rabbit was tall enough that the farmer only came about halfway up his chest. Even though the rabbit was built more like a swimmer than a body builder in the eyes of the farmer there was something about the rabbit that just exuded power. It was like the rabbit could crush rocks with his bare hands. And then there were those huge broad paws of his connected to his very well built legs. Those were definitely things that he would not want to take a kick from. The rabbit just kept on growing too. After the rabbit reached a size where if the farmer looked straight ahead he would only be looking at the lower set of the rabbit's abs, the farmer knew the rabbit would be able to toss him around like a ragdoll in fight and yet he still could not tear his eyes away from the rabbit in order to run. The farmer knew he was frozen like a deer in the headlights of a car as he watched the rabbit continue to grow.

Gun or not, the farmer knew he was in trouble when the rabbit was so tall that he was only staring at its crotch. Getting a full view of the rabbit's rather large member plus the whinny of a work horse that was out grazing in the field was enough to shock the farmer out of his frozen state. The farmer thought about taking a shot at the rabbit, but he was fairly certain he was facing a monster now, a monster that was distracted by his own pleasure at the moment. A gunshot would definitely get his attention, but if a gun did not hurt the monster that could be a very bad thing indeed. The farmer took the moment to start running while he could.

It was unfortunate for the farmer that the rabbit had very good ears. The rabbit had actually been enjoying his captive audience and know he was more than a little disappointed with the human. "Where are you going little guy? I was just starting to have fun," the rabbit said teasingly, "If you keep running I'm going to have to punish you." The farmer cursed his luck, but did not listen to the rabbit. Even though he knew the rabbit could probably outrun him he still planed on giving his all to his escape attempt. And if worse came to worse he could still see if his gun would work on the monster or just make it angry. But, as the farmer ran he was in for yet another surprise.

The farmer was able to hear the rabbit coming after him. Those large paws of his were thudding softly on the ground, as to the farmer's amazement, the rabbit only walked after him. At first the farmer was happy and a little confused that the rabbit did not seem to be in any rush to come after him. Then the farmer noticed that something was wrong, something besides the fact that a 12-foot tall rabbit monster was after him. The environment around the farmer seemed to be getting larger, and it was happening fast. A quick look around told the farmer that everything wasn't getting larger, he was the one getting smaller. As he got smaller the thudding of the rabbit's steps grew louder and more intimidating. The world became a scarier place as he dwindled down in size. For a moment the farmer shut his eyes in a vain attempt to shut out the world and deny the reality of what was happening to him. He tried to convince him that those now thunderous footsteps behind him were all in his imagination. Then the footsteps were so close that he could actually feel the ground shaking beneath him and little gusts of wind on his back with each step.

The farmer could not help but open his eyes when death was so close behind him. That turned out to be a bit of a mistake. By the time he had decided to open his eyes he had shrunken so much that viewing the world again was disorienting for him. He had shrunken even more than the rabbit had grown. The farmer knew he could not have been much more than ankle height to a normal sized person. To the oversized rabbit he was even smaller. The farmer did not have much time to recover from his disorientation before a large white paw appeared in his path and he ran right into it. The farmer bounced off the paw like a sack of potatoes and fell flat on his back, dazed from the impact.

As the farmer looked up his vision was pretty blurry, but he could still make out the padded underside of rabbit's paw directly above him. The rabbit was about to crush him like a bug and he was being slow about it. It was easy to tell the rabbit was toying with him and that the rabbit's idea of fun was about to turn deadly for him. The farmer remembered that he still had his rifle with him and took aim at the paw above him. He doubted the weapon could do much damage to the monstrous rabbit, but he at least hoped it would make the rabbit flinch and give him a moment to escape. The farmer fired the rifle, and as he expected nothing happened. Bullets bounced harmlessly off the rabbit's padded paw and the farmer lost all hope. There was only one thing the farmer could think about as he saw his life coming to an end. It was a stupid thought, but he could not help but give voice to it. "For someone that looks so much like a rabbit I expected his paws to be furry and not padded," said the farmer to himself.

The rabbit's paw paused in its descent. Once more the farmer was surprised as the rabbit sat down looking at the underside of the paw he had been about to step on the farmer with. "Actually, I was around first, so its rabbits that look like me, not the other way around," the rabbit said to the farmer while looking at his own paw. "Besides, I think I look cuter with padded paws than with all fur. Don't you think so?" The rabbit presented his paw in order to get his opinion, but the farmer was already up and running away again.

"Now here I go letting you live and you just up and run away while I'm talking to you. If you had been an interesting source of conversation I might have let you live too. This time if you can't run faster than that I really am going to squish you," the rabbit said as he stood up to begin his pursuit once again. The farmer made the mistake of looking over his shoulder to watch the rabbit as he stood up. Under normal circumstances a person might have just tripped and fallen for looking back while being pursued, but these were not normal circumstances. For not paying attention to what was ahead of him the farmer suffered a much more severe misfortune. The same horse whose whiny had helped to break the farmer's trance earlier was still in the area. What the farmer had not noticed in his haste to get away from the rabbit was that same horse's approach. The horse had not noticed the tiny farmer either as he was much more concerned with a tasty looking patch of grass he had spotted. It was the shadow of the horse's hoof that eventually alerted the farmer to his presence and by that time it was far too late for the farmer. One careless step by the massive work horse brought a huge hoof crashing down onto the farmer's fragile body. The farmer barely had enough time to bring his hands up in an instinctual attempt to protect himself before the hard heavy hoof collided with his body, giving him a brief moment to experience an extreme amount of pressure before his body was crushed like a grape.

"Oh my, I did not see that one coming," said the rabbit with a slight smile. "Hmm, brown fur, black man, powerful build. I think I like you." The rabbit was talking to the horse, but the horse was not paying much attention to the rabbit. There was a tasty clump of grass that demanded the horses attention.

"I'll have to do something about your intelligence I see. And you'll probably need hands too for us to have much fun together," the rabbit said as much to himself as to the horse. If anyone else had been present they would have witnessed something amazing. Of course, many people would have combined what they were seeing with the fact that there was also an anthropomorphic bunny twice the size of a good sized person present as proof that they were either dreaming, high, or totally insane. But, the only one present at the moment besides the rabbit was the horse and the horse was not smart enough to be amazed by what was happening, at the moment at least.

What was happening was that the horse was changing in the ways that the rabbit had previously mentioned. Forelegs rearranged themselves into arms, the horse's rounded body shaped itself into a torso more fitted to a being that walked on two legs, rear leg's thickened a bit to compensate for the loss of the forelegs, and other various body parts shifted around to suite the horse's new anthropomorphic form. What had looked like an average horse grazing on some grass now looked like a cross between a human and a horse that was hunched over nibbling on that same grass. The rabbit did take some care in molding the horse's body type. He made sure to make insure the horse's body type reflected that the horse had been a creature that had to do a lot of physical labor for a living. That meant the horse was a bit more thickly muscled than the rabbit was, but not so much so that he looked like a body builder. The rabbit also took the time to make sure everything looked just right on the horse before he moved on to increasing the creature's intelligence. There was also one more change that the rabbit made for the fun of it. If they were really going to enjoy each other's company he was going to have to change the horse's taste in food a bit.

With those changes aside there were only a few more things that needed attending to. For one thing, the rabbit had to make sure that the horse was adequately protected from the people on this world. They may not have been all that powerful to the rabbit, but they would definitely have some nasty surprises in store for the horse. It really would have been annoying for the rabbit to create a partner and then have him get killed. But, like the other changes, it did not take much for the rabbit to make the horse immune to any form of weapon known, or even theorized about, to the people of this world. The rabbit also had to work on the horse's intelligence as well. No matter how many changes he made, without that added intelligence all he would have was a unique pet instead of a partner.

That change was the first one that the horse truly took notice of. In seconds the horse went from having little more intelligence than was needed to bend down and eat a clump of grass as well as following simple instructions to actually being slightly above the average intelligence of the species that used to keep him as a beast of burden. A much better understanding of the world around him blossomed in his mind. Words that had never made much sense to him finally started to have meaning and he finally understood that a rabbit standing on two legs at twice the size of a good sized human was an unusual thing.

The first thing that the horse decided to do with his new intelligence was ask a question that needed to be asked. "Who, or what are you and what have you done with Paul?"

"Good, you really are smart enough that introductions are called for now," the rabbit said with a smile. "I'm Zeekaramalvateam, Zeek for short, and I'm what you might call an extremely powerful intergalactic multidimensional entity. I guess some people might call me a god, but I think that might be exaggerating my abilities just a little bit. Oh, and as for Paul, if that's the human that was out here with you then all I did was shrink him. You're the one that stepped on him."

"I stepped on him?" the horse asked, confused.

"Yeah, I made him about a couple inches tall and then you crushed him like a bug. It was pretty funny actually. That made me decide to make you a bit more like me," Zeek said.

"I-I crushed Paul, and you think that's funny? And what do you mean made me more like you?" the horse said while looking down at himself for the first time. Since he had only had the intelligence of a normal horse when the physical changes were first made to him he had not really cared all that much about them. Now he was smart enough to be sufficiently frightened by what had happened to him and he took a few seconds panicking about what had happened to him while the rabbit looked on amusedly the whole time. Once the horse had settled down enough to think rationally again he took the time to note that the changes made to him did not look bad at all. He also noticed that Zeek probably was not as intimidating to him as he would be to a human. The horse was still the same basic size he had been before the change, which made him well over twice the height of a human and a little bit taller than the already oversized rabbit. "What have you done to me?" asked a very startled horse.

The rabbit just seemed to be amused by the entire situation and said, "I just reshaped you so that we could have more fun together on this world. And yes, what you did to that Paul human was pretty funny. You will think so too once you get used to this kind of stuff Mr. I want people to introduce themselves without introducing himself first."

The horse took the cue from the rabbit and said, "Uh, the name's Quinton. I guess you can call me Quint for short." Quint was having trouble sorting out his feelings about the rabbit. On one hand the fact that the rabbit was able to talk about him crushing Paul as if it were a joke was a little disturbing. But, on the other hand the rabbit did not seem to be the least bit hostile toward him and seemed to want him as a friend. That was definitely a comforting piece of information since the rabbit had some seemingly powerful abilities. Still, Quint thought that it might not be a good thing to hang around the rabbit for long and tried to think of a way to politely excuse himself. "I think I need to get going now. Now that Paul's gone that pretty much leaves just me to take care of the farm."

"Nonsense," said Zeek, "You don't need to take care of any old farm anymore now that you're with me. Come on, let's have some fun instead. The humans on this world should be able to provide an endless source of entertainment."

"Based on what you told me you think is fun I'm not exactly sure if I'm the type of horse you would like to have fun with," said the horse.

"How would you know until you've tried?" Zeek chided. "Come on, just give me a little while to convince you how fun it can really be."

Zeek took Quint by the arm and started gently pulling him toward the road that lead away from the farm. "Well, uh, I don't know. I guess if you insist," Quint said awkwardly. Quint would have preferred to get away from the rabbit, but he just could not think of a way of doing it without being rude to the rabbit and the last thing he wanted was a god-like rabbit angry at him. It looked like he was just going to have to play along with the rabbit for now.

"I do insist," Zeek said playfully. "Now come on. There's an entire town full of humans not all that far from here just waiting for us to have fun with them."

Quint thought about that for a moment before saying, "Are you sure that's a good idea? With the way we look we might get mistaken for monsters or something like that. If that happens and they start shooting, well, things might not be so fun for us."

Zeek actually laughed at that statement, saying, "To the humans we might as well be monsters. And how many monsters do you know that can be killed by simply getting shot. Monsters are the ones that are in command of the situation. They get to do what they want just like we are going to be able to do. I think you would like that. A big horse like you seems like he would be a pretty dominant guy. It should feel nice to finally dominate creatures that have dominated you when they aren't even half your size."

The horse did hate to admit that the rabbit had hit something instinctual within him with that last remark. It would be nice to be the one in charge for once, but humans had never really been all that mean to him. They made sure he was fed, petted him, and never really made him work all that much. Still, something about having a few humans do things like feeding him and grooming him because he was the one in charge and not because they were taking care of a pet was an appealing idea. But, the rabbit seemed like he wanted to do more with the humans than just that and the horse was not sure he wanted the same things Zeek did.

In the end Quint still decided to travel to the town with Zeek. The rabbit seemed to like him for one reason or the other and the horse did not want that to change. On foot, it was going to take about an hour or so for them to make it to town, which was actually considerably faster than a human could have made the trip considering that both Zeek and Quint were still around double the size of a normal human. As Quint thought about that little fact he could not help but feel a tiny bit superior to humans.

Zeek also proved to be a pleasant conversationalist on the way to the town. The rabbit was full of tales about his many travels across the universe and the horse was in awe of just how old the seemingly immortal rabbit must be. Quint was also amazed at how well Zeek could remember all the countless worlds that he had been to and he actually found that the thought of traveling to some of these places with the rabbit was an appealing thought, even if some of the things the rabbit liked to do with the inhabitants of those worlds did seem a little, odd at best. The horse found that the rabbit had a pretty lighthearted carefree personality that seemed to mix strangely with his darker ideas of what fun was. It made the horse wonder if the rabbit would actually go through with the things he considered fun with smaller creatures if they offered to be his friend instead of trying to run away from him or pleading for their lives like Zeek said they always did.

They were in sight of the town when they finally ran into a car driving down the road, or rather a car nearly ran into them. The driver had been traveling a little faster than was probably safe, but the only thing the driver usually had to worry about on the infrequently traveled road was a deer running out into it. Never in his life had he expected to see a giant rabbit and an upright horse walking down the middle of the road. The driver did have plenty of time to stop once he spotted the unusual pair and stared in disbelief at what he was seeing a few moments before deciding that he was not hallucinating. He came to the same conclusion that Quint had thought a human would upon seeing them and tried to turn his car around to get away from the monsters before something bad could happen to him.

Unfortunately for the driver, he had already caught Zeek's attention and the rabbit was not about to let a new toy escape. Quint had not been paying attention to Zeek shrinking his former owner when he was still just a regular horse, so that made seeing Zeek shrink the car and the driver seem all the more amazing for the horse. What had seemed like a vehicle large enough that Quint would not have wanted to get hit by it quickly dwindled in size right before his eyes. The car had been fast enough that Quint doubted he would have been able to keep up with it at its normal size, but as Zeek reduced it to the size of a child's toy its attempts at escape started to seem kind of cute to Quint. Zeek and Quint were able to keep up with the car after only slightly picking up their pace.

The horse walked up right next to the car, a car he could have crushed with one hoof if he wanted to and marveled at what he had just seen. Quint could see the now tiny frightened face of the driver as he looked up at him and Quint found the whole situation more amusing then he thought he would. "Don't you want to step on it?" Zeek said, interrupting Quint's thoughts.

"What? No," Quint responded quickly.

"Oh come on," Zeek said as he bent down to pick up the car, "I'm telling you that sort of stuff is fun." The car had been unable to avoid the rabbit's casual attempt to capture it. What had been a multi-ton vehicle was now small enough to fit in the palm of his hand.

"Just look at this," Zeek said, giving the car a little squeeze. That little squeeze was enough to cause the windows in the car to shatter and leave light indentations where the rabbit squeezed it. The person in the car was hysterical. It was apparent to everyone there that the driver's life was literally in the hands of the giant rabbit. "This cute little guy is all mine. I can do whatever I want with him, get whatever pleasure I want out of him, like this for example."

The rabbit lowered the car down to his midsection and then around to his rear. The horse was stunned as, with a smile, the rabbit slowly inserted the car into his rear. Quint wondered if he should do something to try and stop Zeek, but he could not do anything but stand there and watch. He wanted to believe that it was because he was afraid of what Zeek would do to him if he tried, but he did not think that was the real reason he just stood there.

The occupant of the car tried to get out as it was inserted into the rabbit's rear, but when the rabbit had squeezed it he had crumpled the car up just enough that the driver could not easily escape. "See, watch as my body dominates this little human and his toy contraption with ease," Zeek said as he gently swayed his hips back and forth. Quint had a good view of the car as it was absorbed into the rabbit's rear, terrified driver trying to get out all the time. The horse would have liked to feel a little sympathy for the shrunken human, but he was feeling something else. At the sight of seeing the human so thoroughly dominated by the rabbit's body he felt a slight tingling in his own nether regions. He could be doing the same thing if he wanted, but he tried to shove that thought aside. Still, the show that Zeek was putting on was more alluring than the horse would have liked for it to be. The way the flimsy car sounded as it crinkled in the rabbit's rear, the way the human pleaded for the rabbit to stop, the way Quint knew the human was completely helpless to save himself from the rabbit's desires, everything about the situation was so much more attractive than Quint had thought it would be.

Each little gyration of the rabbit's hips sucked the car further into him, but the horse could tell that was not the only reason the rabbit was moving like that. Zeek was teasing him with the show that he was putting on. Quint did not like to admit how well the teasing was working as the car and driver disappeared completely within the rabbit's rear. If Quint strained his hearing he could still hear the driver's muffled cries from within the rabbit, but that soon stopped as Quint heard a more noticeable crunching noise from within Zeek. "And one little flex is all it takes to finish him off," said Zeek. "Now, I know you found that appealing. I can smell it in the air. You should try it out yourself once we get in town." And with that, the two continued on their trip to the town.

Despite being with Zeek, Quint still felt a little intimidated when they started to get close to town. It was not exactly a large town, but it was not a small one either. That meant there were a lot of people in that town, a lot of people with weapons that could do him harm. Quint had remembered that Zeek said monsters could not be harmed all that easily with weapons, but he was not feeling all that monster-like yet. He was not looking forward to seeing just how bulletproof he really was if Zeek could not shrink the people in town fast enough to keep him from getting shot with a full sized gun.

"You look a little worried Quint," Zeek said with a broad smile on his face. "I'm telling you that you really don't need to be. Even if the weapons on this world proved to be many times more effective than I think they are I doubt you would have to worry about them once I make this town fun sized."

Quint wondered just how long it would take to shrink an entire town. Then Zeek made a hand gesture at the town and the entire thing started to shrink right before his eyes. It was such a quick and smooth process that the horse doubted many of the people within the town would have noticed they were shrinking. Quint was stunned at the demonstration of the rabbit's abilities once more. "You can shrink an entire town with a hand gesture?" asked an astounded Quint.

"Actually, I don't really need to do the hand gesture. It just looks better when I do it that way," said Zeek. "I mean, it gets boring if I just stand here and make things like this happen without making any motions whatsoever."

"I guess you're right," Quint agreed as he surveyed Zeek's work. It was utterly astounding that the rabbit had managed to shrink an entire town made up of hundreds of buildings and thousands of people in a matter of moments. The tallest buildings in town were barely knee height to Quint and Zeek. Barely anyone had even noticed that they had been shrunken until they spotted the two seemingly giant creatures standing on the outskirts of town. The people that did notice them had reactions that ranged from blind terror to stunned awe.

Quint was enjoying the fact that the mere sight of him could cause such a reaction in the humans. He was so busy taking it in that he did not notice Zeek staring at him, smiling at his own reaction. "Come on, don't just stand there," Zeek prompted while gently tugging on one of Quint's arms, "Let's go have some fun. You know you want to."

Quint sighed and said, "Well, maybe I'll find something entertaining to do while I tag along with you."

Zeek just smiled, "I'm sure you will." As Quint let himself be led into the shrunken town by Zeek he was careful to try and avoid stepping on anyone. That was a little difficult since a lot of the people in town were running around at random in a blind panic while some people were just too scared to move at all. Zeek was not having any problems at all, though. If someone happened to get in his way they did not last for long in most cases. Not only did stepping on people not seem to bother him in the least, the rabbit seemed to enjoy the crunchy squelching noises people would make when those broad paws of his came crashing down on them. Those broad paws of his tended to make quick work of people, but there was one little fellow that somehow managed to get stuck between Zeek's toes that was still screaming for his life while the rabbit paid him no mind.

After a while Quint asked Zeek, "Where are you taking me in this town anyways?"

"Nowhere in particular really. I just like taking a stroll through towns like this. Watching all the little people go running around is kind of funny and I love the way these people feel as they go squish beneath my paws," Zeek responded. Once again the horse was struck by the rabbit's odd sense of humor and he just stared at Zeek as the rabbit smiled while stepping on a couple more people. Quint let himself get distracted by the rabbit long enough that he stopped paying attention to where he was walking. At his size compared to the people on the ground that really was not much of a danger for him, but accidents could and did happen.

What Quint did not notice on the ground happened to be a fuel tank truck that was there to supply one of the local gas stations. The truck driver had abandoned the vehicle the moment he spotted the giants and left the truck right in Quint's path. Quint stepped right on the center of the tanker and it burst open before his hoof could even touch the ground again. As a result, when his hoof did touch the ground Quint found it was much slicker than he thought it would be. The horse's leg flew out from under him, causing him to stumble backwards and eventually completely loose his balance.

There were still people behind Quint in the street since he was the one trying not to step on anyone. A small group of people had been breathing a sigh of relief that they had been stepped over instead of on. But, they were finding that they should have taken the time to get off the streets while they could as a large shadow appeared over them. As they looked up they screamed as they found a large brown furry rear descending onto them. They barely had any time to move before it was on top of them. Most were fortunate enough to be between the large cheeks of Quint's rear and only ended up getting stuck in his rear. There were a couple of unfortunate people that were not so lucky. At their shrunken size, having the horse fall on them like that was enough to cause their puny bodies to pop like grapes, leaving only little red stains on the horse's rear.

Quint was not hurt in the least bit by the fall. The only thing his little tumble made him feel was embarrassment. Then, as he was about to stand back up, he noticed that there were still a few surviving humans stuck in his rear. His first thoughts were to help those poor people out, but before he could do so he noticed something else. There was something about the way they moved within his rear, something that he liked very much. Quint's member started stiffening in response to the movement and he decided to hold back on helping them for just a few seconds. The horse thought it really would not do the humans any harm to stay where they were for a little while, plus they really should have been making a better effort to get off the streets if they did not want these things happening to them.

Quint just let them squirm as much as they wanted to. He closed his eyes and practically purred with pleasure as the people within him struggled to find an escape route. The horse reminded himself that he would help those people out shortly, but as the seconds passed by, and the horse lost himself to the pleasure being caused by the wiggling bodies within his rear, he did not notice them getting sucked further within him. Seconds passed by and the horse became completely lost in his own pleasure. It was not until he noticed that the movement had stopped that he came back down to reality. At first Quint was surprised to find that he was annoyed that the people had stopped squirming for him before he realized that he could no longer feel them within his rear. They had been completely sucked up by his rear and Quint wanted to feel horrified at what he had just done. But, what he did feel was something more akin to a vast sense of superiority. He had been able to overcome the human's best efforts to escape him without even trying to do it. Quint quickly tried to subdue that emotion and replace it with a sense of guilt.

He had not managed to succeed all that well in his efforts when Zeek walked up to him, still sitting on the ground, saying, "Well, looks like you did manage to have some fun after all." That statement would have been very hard for Quint to deny. The rabbit was staring at Quint's very erect member. Zeek then looked down at the human still stuck between his toes, giving him some attention as if he had just noticed him. Quint watched as the rabbit pinched the human between finger and thumb, plucking him out from between his toes. The rabbit then moved the human to the top of Quint's member and stuffed him waste deep into the horse's cock slit. "Intoxicating isn't it? You have all the power over them and they have absolutely none over you. Their existence now centers around your pleasure, whatever that may be. Whether you just want them to provide some interesting conversation or to be a toy to your pleasures is all up to you."

Quint could not tear his eyes away from the sight of the little human in his cock. It would not have taken much effort to save the tiny person, but the horse could not bring himself to do it. As his rear had done with the other humans, his cock was slowly sucking up the person as if he were some sort of tasty snack. The horse was mesmerized by the way the human felt as it was sucked into his body. Quint noticed that the struggles of the human were not enough to make him climax, but those struggles were enough to keep him erect. That probably worked against the human since the horse did not think the human would have been sucked in so fast if his member were not erect. Quint also felt, or at least hoped, that he might have helped the human out if he was not doing such a good job of keeping him stimulated. As it was, Quint could only look on with a pleased expression on his face as the puny human disappeared from view. But, just because the human was not in sight did not mean Quint could not tell where he was. The horse enjoyed the human as it traveled down every last inch of his lengthy member, squirming and struggling all the way. It was almost disappointing when the sensation finally stopped. Quint did feel a little guilty that he desired more humans to please him, but he had to admit to himself that he did desire to sate his pleasures much more than he felt guilty.

"It is a little intoxicating," Quint admitted sheepishly to Zeek.

"See, now come on. This is your first time doing this, so let's go a little wild in this town. See just how fun all of this really is," said Zeek.

As Quint was about to say something his stomach gave a little rumble. The rabbit had interrupted him while he was grazing earlier and his belly was letting him know that just because his body had changed did not mean he was finished eating. One part of his mind was happy for that. It finally gave him an excuse to stop messing around with the people in town before he could find out what other misdeeds he enjoyed performing with humans. "Yeah, I would do that, but you heard my stomach. It's telling me to feed it. I need to go find some field to graze in for a while," Quint said to Zeek.

"I doubt you'd like that anymore," Zeek said. "When I was changing you I also messed with your taste in food a bit."

Quint was shocked by that statement and quickly found the closest patch of grass on the ground that he could. He plucked up a clump of the stuff that had shrunken with the town as best he could, threw it in his mouth, and then proceeded to spit it out. "Disgusting. What am I supposed to eat now Zeek?" the horse asked.

"If you're hungry just try out a human. You'll find that they're delicious now. It's more convenient this way," Zeek said nonchalantly.

"Eat a human," Quint stated a bit disgustedly, "Meat doesn't really set well with me. Even if they taste good and I was willing to eat them they would give me the worst stomach ache of my life."

Zeek giggled and said, "Don't worry, I've dealt with that too." The rabbit looked around and, after not spotting anyone on the street immediately around him, squatted down and tore the roof off a nearby building as easily as if it were made of nothing but cardboard. Inside that building there were plenty of people that had been trying to hide. Zeek reached inside the building and casually scooped up a handful of those people. He plucked one of those people out of his hand and tossed it into his mouth, taking a moment to chew before swallowing it as if it had been nothing more than a piece of popcorn. "Fantastic, and those little creatures you call rabbits that look like me are supposed to be herbivores too right? Just try one, I promise you'll be just fine."

Promises or not, Quint had a lifetime of experience that proved a little bit of meat in his diet could really mess up his digestive system. It was hard to just go against all that experience for the horse. "Well, I don't know. It just seems wro-" Quint tried to say, but was interrupted by Zeek tossing one of the humans into his mouth as he spoke. The rabbit gave a little shout of triumph over accomplishing that feat. Quint was not quite so happy about that and wanted to spit the human out right away, but he had a chance to actually taste it before he could do that. Even the brief taste that he had was enough to make him start salivating. The human really was delicious.

Quint rolled the tiny creature around on his tongue for a little while, getting a better taste of it. He could feel the little human desperately trying to get out of his mouth, but his tongue thwarted its every attempts at doing so. Once again, having so much power over the human proved to be an intoxicating thing, intoxicating enough that Quint could not bring himself to spit the human out. Still, Quint could not bring himself to actually swallow the human, even after what he had done to the other humans. The horse just contented himself to toy with the human on his tongue and enjoy its taste. It did not take long for Quint to discover that his play could be considerably more dangerous than he thought it would be. All it took was one small misstep on the human's part and it ended up further back in Quint's throat than he had intended for it to get. Once that happened the horse gulped reflexively, sending the tiny human on a one way trip through his digestive system.

Quint had to stifle a smile as the human squirmed all the way down his throat. It felt good to swallow the human alive. This time Quint was not surprised to find that he did not feel guilty about what he had just done to the human. He was starting to see why Zeek had chosen him as a playmate. The two of them had more in common than Quint still wanted to admit. But, he was also getting comfortable with the way he was treating the humans, comfortable enough that he was able to ask Zeek, "Do you think that I could have another one of your humans? I'm still kind of hungry."

"Nope," said Zeek with a smile, "That one human was a gift, but the rest of these are mine. If you want some just catch some. There should be plenty in all these buildings." The rabbit was enjoying eating the humans in his grasp one by one, sometimes chewing them and sometimes not. To the horse it looked like someone eating a living handful of peanuts. Quint was a little surprised that Zeek would not just give him a human, but after thinking about it he was fairly certain this was the rabbit's way of getting him to cause a bit more destruction on his own. A small part of Quint was still telling him that doing stuff like that was wrong, but that part of him kept getting smaller and smaller.

With a small sigh, Quint was able to shrug off that part of him as he decided to follow Zeek's instructions and find himself a meal. Quint looked around for a building that the humans might have thought was safe and decided to hide in. There were a lot of buildings around, but most of them were kind of flimsy looking. Quint would not have wanted to hide in those if he had to try and hide from a giant monster. Then he spotted a nice sturdy looking brick building not that far away. Quint thought that definitely looked like a nice place to hide and walked right over to it. He was sure the humans would have hoped beyond all hope that the building was safe, but to Quint the building barely came a quarter the way up his legs. It should have been pretty easy to stomp the building into dust if he wanted to, but that would have pulverized his meal.

Quint knelt down to get a grip on the roof of the building and then tried to tear the roof of the building off. He had expected to need to put a little effort into doing that, but it turned out it had required a lot less effort than he thought it would. The ease with which the roof tore off caught Quint off guard and he ended up tossing the roof like a Frisbee into another building a couple blocks down the road. Needless to say, that building was totaled by the impact and Quint was just happy he did not really feel guilty about doing stuff like that anymore. It was just a little embarrassing that others had seen him do that, but the only people that had seen him do that were the ones staring up at him from inside the building he had just opened up. Quint licked his lips at the sight of all the tasty little humans and said, "Guess I'll just have to get rid of all the witnesses to that little incident."

It was a little strange for Quint to be taunting the humans like that now, but it did seem kind of fun. The humans tried to escape the building, but Quint found that he was chuckling as he scooped them all up in his hands, easily thwarting their pitiful efforts. Quint found that he was not able to restrain himself as well as Zeek, who was still slowly eating his handful of humans one at a time. The horse just lifted one handful of humans above his head and let them fall into his waiting maw. One of them had tasted good, but a whole group of them in his mouth all at once was like heaven for the horse. The people were stumbling all over each other trying to escape from the horses maw, some even making it so far as his leathery lips only to find that they did not have the strength to make them part. Quint contented himself with letting them struggle. They were helpless to escape him and the sense of dominance that gave him made the humans seem all the sweeter. The horse rolled his tiny prey around on his tongue, licked them against the roof of his mouth, bettering their frail bodies much more than the thought he was. It did not take long before the struggles of the humans began to grow weak. Without those struggles Quint started to lose interest in them and eventually swallowed the entire group. That caused their struggles to resume in force as they descended his throat in a big clump of limbs that Quint could feel even within his stomach.

The way the humans struggled within his stomach was like getting an internal massage. They were probably unaware of the fact that all they were doing was making Quint even happier that he had decided to make a meal out of them. Giving his belly a satisfied pat with the hand he had just used to send them to their doom, the horse then said, "Don't worry, I'm going to make sure you have plenty of company." Then the horse repeated the process with the other handful of humans, plus the inhabitants of a few other buildings as well, all while Zeek looked on amusedly as he slowly finished off his original handful of human snacks.

"I see someone is really getting into this," Zeek said to Quint once he had finally had his fill.

The horse was a little embarrassed to admit just how into it he really was, but after eating what had to be dozens of humans it would be a hard fact to deny. Scratching the back of his head, Quint said, "Yeah, I guess you were right. Messing around with these humans is kind of fun."

"Kind of," Zeek quoted Quint. "I see I still need to find other things for you to do. Come on." Quint let Zeek lead him on through town again, but this time the horse did not bother trying to avoid stepping on anyone. Now that Quint was not worrying about Zeek stepping on people he was free to enjoy it himself. The humans really did make a nice crunching noise when he crushed them beneath his hooves. Even if it was not a particularly large town there were still plenty of people around to be stepped on, especially since word had gotten around that Quint had just been tearing the roofs off of buildings and feeding off the people inside. When hiding places turned into lunchboxes the only option people had left was to try and get out of town. The problem with getting out of town was that if they happened to run into Quint or Zeek they tended to panic almost immediately. Quint lost count of the number of people that practically ran right under his hooves in a blind panic. The horse was not complaining, though, he really liked that crunching noise they made.

Quint could see that Zeek was looking for something especially fun to do. It was easy enough to see when he had found it too. The rabbit's face lit up when he saw what looked like a tour bus on its way out of town. When the driver of the bus noticed Zeek chasing it down the driver tried his best to avoid the giant rabbit, but it was painfully obvious that Zeek was well practiced in overcoming such efforts. It only took a few moments before the bus was in the hands of the rabbit and being carefully inspected. "Good, packed to capacity. This will do perfectly," said Zeek.

"And what do you plan to do with that?" Quint asked.

"Bend over and I'll show you," the rabbit said playfully.

Quint had a pretty good idea of what he thought Zeek had planned. It seemed like a pretty good plan too, so Quint found a good place to bend over and wait for what the rabbit had planned. The horse braced himself by holding onto a couple of buildings while he waited. He did not want to get embarrassed by falling over if Zeek somehow surprised him with something while he was bent over and off balance. When Quint felt Zeek inserting the bus into his rear he was not the least bit surprised, but the rabbit only partially inserted the bus. The horse was about to turn around and ask the rabbit why he had not inserted the bus all the way when he did receive a bit of a surprise.

Without any warning at all Quint felt the rabbit inserting his member into him. Zeek was using his member to push the bus the rest of the way into Quint. The rabbit was able to force the bus further up Quint than he thought the rabbit would have been able to. Having the bus forced so far into his body was an exhilarating experience, one that was immediately able to spark a reaction from his own cock. Zeek pulled out before he could finish stuffing the bus the rest of the way up Quint, but the next time he inserted his member into the horse he pushed it a little further into the horse. The rabbit continued to do that every time he went in and out of the horse, pushing the bus a little further within the horse each time.

Quint and Zeek were enjoying themselves a great deal, but the people on the bus were having a significantly less enjoyable experience. The lights on the bus were casting eerie shadows all over the fleshy walls that surrounded them, letting them see just enough to understand how frightened they should be. It was easy to tell that those walls of flesh were fairly solid too as the bus was creaking and groaning under all the pressure around it. Then there was the pounding that the rabbit was giving the bus. The bus could not take much more damage from the massive cock assaulting it, and it was getting even larger as the rabbit's arousal grew. To the frightened people on the bus it was a miracle that the bus had been able to take all the hits that it had so far, especially since the cock's girth was already greater than that of the bus. Little by little, the back of the bus was battered into pieces by the rabbit's member, and the moment finally came when the member finally broke through the flimsy shell of the bus and into the bus itself. After that the bus started quickly coming apart, robbing the people on it of what little protection they had within the horse's anus. Between the walls of the horse's rear and the massive cock filling it, the people within Quint did not stand much of a chance as the rabbit forced everything ever deeper into the horse.

The people on the bus were not the only ones in danger either. What Quint did not notice as his own member continued to grow with his level of arousal was that it had managed to break through the roof of a building he was bent over. It did not penetrate far into the building, but that was probably not a good thing for those inside. Quint and Zeek were both moaning in pleasure and that noise had drowned out Quint's cock tearing into the building. No one in that building had any clue that they might have been in any danger since the top floor was abandoned at the moment. Everyone had wanted to stay as far away from the giants hovering over their building as possible. When Quint climaxed the people in that building had little warning about what was coming. One moment they had been cowering on the ground floor, and the next there was a wave of creamy white liquid bursting through the ceiling above them. Those directly under the powerful musky wave were nearly battered to death by the stuff. As repeated waves of what the people in the building soon realized was horse seed shot into the building the people had to deal with a rapidly flooding building. It was not something any of those people dealt with well as the building soon filled to capacity.

While Quint had been filling a building with his seed, Zeek had been filling Quint with his own seed. If anyone had been left alive within the horse they were not now. "That was a bit of a surprise," Quint said to Zeek as he stood back up without ever noticing that he had drowned an entire building's worth of people in his cum.

"Good, I like to be able to surprise people sometimes," the rabbit said. Quint just thought sometimes was a not the word to use. A rabbit that shrinks town, turns regular horses into intelligent anthropomorphic friends, and goes on little rampages seems to like to surprise people a lot more often than sometimes.

"Is there much else left to do in a town of this size?" Quint asked.

"You would be surprised at what you can find in these towns," said Zeek. "There was a reason I picked this town after all, and that isn't because there's nothing to do here." The rabbit gestured for the horse to follow him. What Zeek eventually led him too was a set of train tracks running through town. And much to the pleasure of both Zeek and Quint, the train was still on it. Of course, it really could not get anywhere at the moment. When the rabbit had shrunk the town had only shrunken the tracks up to a certain point. Now the train could not hope to use the normal sized tracks to get out of town.

"Could you do me a favor and chase that train to the other side of town while I handle something else?" Zeek asked while looking up into the air. When Quint followed the rabbit's gaze he spotted a plane flying high in the air.

The rabbit looked a little distracted by the human's flying device, but Quint still responded, "Sure, take care of whatever you need to." Zeek only let Quint know that he had heard him with a small flick of the ear. The horse did not know what the rabbit planned to do about the plane, but he decided to start chasing the train like Zeek wanted. That was actually a little more difficult than he thought it would be since the train had to move in reverse. It was not that the train was moving very fast, it was actually moving so slow that Quint had to try his best not to step on it as it slowly moved along. Zeek also made a distraction of himself as he went about handling his own task.

What made Zeek so distracting was that he had decided to start growing again. He was growing and growing fast. Within seconds the rabbit was already towering over Quint and still growing fast. His paws were already too large to fit in the streets of the tiny town. Despite that, Quint could tell that Zeek was trying to limit the amount of damage that he was doing to the town. The rabbit did go through a phase when it was impossible not to do damage to the town just by growing, but he eventually got so large that it was not much of a problem for the rabbit to stand with the town cradled in between his paws. Quint wondered what the rabbit was getting so large for until he saw the rabbit reaching out for the plane in midflight and catching the seemingly insignificant object in hands large enough to make the plane look like a fly.

Once the rabbit had what he wanted he started shrinking back down to size just as rapidly as he had grown to that size. By that time Quint had managed to chase the train halfway across town. That did not mean much to the rabbit though since all he had to do was position himself wherever he wanted to be in the town as he shrank. The rabbit actually placed himself on the other side of the train and laid down on his belly on the other side of the tracks. Quint could see what the rabbit had planned for the train, but he still wondered what the rabbit planed to do with that plane he captured.

Unable to see just what was behind him, the conductor of the train had no idea that Zeek was there until the train impacted the rabbit's rear. Quint just looked on in amusement as the conductor tried to figure out what was going on. Still, the conductor was more concerned about Quint at the moment since he could see the giant horse, but not the giant rabbit. That little human did not realize that he was making things worse for himself as he wedged the train deeper into Zeek. The horse did get a good laugh out of it when the conductor finally realized what was going on and tried to reverse direction. By that time the train was good and stuck, actually it was worse than stuck. As Quint watched, the rabbit's rear was pulling the train in despite the conductor's efforts to reverse directions once more. The horse thought the people on the train should have tried to get off, but then he noticed that they were trying to do just that. Since none of the doors seemed to be opening Quint assumed Zeek's powers were at work. That was too bad for those humans.

All the people on the train could do was try in vain to open doors that seemed to be jammed for an unknown reason. Little by little the train was pulled into the rabbit. People would watch in fear as their view of the outside world was blocked out. The last thing they would ever get to see where the furry white cheeks of the rabbit's rear as they were pulled to their doom. They had just been on a cross country tour by train before Zeek decided to come and visit this town. Now they were probably wishing they had all just stayed home as they were reduced to playthings for the desires of the giant rabbit.

The rabbit was purring in pleasure as he absorbed the train, but he still managed to say, "What are you doing just standing there for Quint? Go stand over there so you can join in on the fun." Zeek had pointed in front of him, but there was not much there for the horse to have fun with. But, Zeek had not steered him wrong so far, so he complied with the rabbit's order.

Quint was looking away from Zeek when he asked, "So just what am I supposed to be doing over here?" What Quint had not noticed Zeek doing was finally letting go of the plane that he had captured earlier. The entire plan was only about the length of Zeek's fingers at that point. It was a good size for what Zeek had in store for it as he gave it a little toss toward Quint. Inside the plane the pilots tried to take control of the plane and change its direction as best they could, but the rabbit's toss had too much power behind it for them to do much. The plane went flying right into Quint's rear as he looked around for what Zeek thought he was supposed to have fun with. The plane impacted right in between Quint's butt cheeks.

To Quint the impact came as a pleasant surprise, but to the people on the plane it was anything but pleasant. "So, that's what you got that plane for," Quint said as he turned around to face the rabbit, still laying on the ground. The rabbit just smiled at the horse as he continued to absorb the train into his own rear. That turn had not been much fun for the people on the plane. In fact, it had been a pretty gut wrenching experience. Still, they would have preferred to go through with that turn a thousand times if it meant that they did not have to get sucked up the horse's rear. It was unfortunate for them that Quint nor his rear cared much for what they wanted. All the horse wanted was to have the tiny people inside of him. The people in the plane could do absolutely nothing to avoid their fate. Some had held out hope that the wings on the plane might halt their trip, but one wing was bent back while the other was torn right off as the horse continued to take in the plane.

Quint and Zeek took their time absorbing their toys, savoring every last moment that it took to take them in. When both were completely absorbed, the rabbit let his toy know that he was done with it by flexing his anus. That was more than enough to crush the fragile train within him while making room for more toys if he so chose. Quint did not even bother doing that. One plane did not take up much room within him. He did end up crushing it inadvertently though. All it took was a single step that caused the muscles in his rear to shift in an unexpected fashion and that plane was no more. Once again, Quint marveled at the amount of power that his body held over the tiny humans.

The horse decided to take a seat next to the rabbit, who was still laying on the train tracks enjoying the lingering effects of absorbing the train. By this time the horse did not feel the need to pay attention to where he was sitting. People that had the bad fortune to be hiding where the horse decided to sit did not get to reflect on how bad their luck was for the most part. Most buildings were easily crushed under the horse's weight, but one building was spared the crushing. That was only because it had found itself lodged into Quint's rear. The horse did not pay much attention to the building since he did not think it would get sucked up his rear. People within that building were also happy that the building was not getting sucked into the horse and they hoped that the building would be safe.

It came as a big surprise to everyone when the building was torn right out of its foundation by Quint's rear. Apparently it was still hungry for more and it was not to be denied. Zeek was smiling pleasantly at the horse as if he were fully aware of what was happening and Quint was not prepared to dismiss that the rabbit did know what was going on. But, thoughts of Zeek left the horse's mind as the building started making its way up his rear. For the people inside the building there was nothing to smile about. They had thought they were safe, but that sense of safety had proven false. The building was already surrounded by Quint's rear. Walls of flesh pressed in on it, preventing escape from the building. All the people could do was sit back and be terrified by the final ride of their lives. It was kind of like being on an elevator for the people in the building, an elevator that those people knew would never come back down. Up and up the building went, all the way into Quint's hungry anus. With the building there, the horse shifted his rear around a little bit, enjoying the feel of the building within him. Then, in one final act of his overwhelming dominance of the humans, Quint flexed his anus. The people in the building gave one final yell as the walls of flesh surrounding their building pressed in with more force than they would have thought possible. Within the blink of an eye the building had been crushed and everyone in it turned to paste.

"Any more surprises left in you?" Quint asked.

"Just a little one for you, but probably a lot more surprising for the people in this town," Zeek responded.

"And what would that be?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" Zeek said in a jokingly chiding tone. Quint tried to get a better answer out of Zeek as the rabbit stood up and started to walk out of town, once more paying absolutely no attention to what those large broad paws of his happened to tread upon. Whether it was a building or a person that he stepped on the end results tended to be the same. Once again, there was one exception in the form of a tiny person that happened to get stuck in between the rabbit's furry toes, but Quint did not say anything about that. He just followed the rabbit out of the town to see what he had planned.

On the outskirts of town Quint asked, "What are we supposed to do now that we're out of the town? Just about all of the humans are still in there."

"Just look and see," Zeek said as he gestured at the town one more time. Quint had thought that the rabbit had already shrunken the town as much as he could, but as he watched on the town started to shrink once more. It shrunk so much that its previous shrunken size looked gigantic compared to the new shrunken size. The entire town could literally fit in the palm of Quint's hand. He looked down at the human that had been stuck in between the rabbit's toes and saw that he had been lucky enough not to be caught in the fresh round of shrinking. Quint thought the rabbit would handle that human later, but for now the horse was more curious about the town than that one human.

The horse walked right up to the little town, staring down at the now truly insignificant town. He picked it up and brought it close to his eye to see if he would still be able to make out anyone in the town. All he could make out were little dots that seemed to be moving around in random directions. The horse felt almost god-like holding an entire town in the palm of his hand. He turned around to tell Zeek that and found the rabbit lying on the ground with his backside presented to him. "Well, what are you waiting for Quint?" Zeek asked alluringly.

Quint did not need any more prompting. He knew what the rabbit expected him to do with the town. The horse positioned himself above the rabbit and gently inserted the town into the rabbit's rear, being careful to do as little damage to the town as he could before their fun could really commence. What soon followed was more or less a repeat of what had happened to the bus earlier, except on a much grander scale. That fact was not lost on Quint as he pounded away into Zeek and on the town. An entire town had been reduced to nothing more than a sex toy to Quint. It was beyond exhilarating having that type of power over people. Thoughts like that only encouraged Quint's efforts, hastening the town's imminent demise.

The people in the town knew they had nowhere to run, but some people still felt the need to. They did not want to meet their ends just cowering in some building. Quint's member was able to destroy entire sections of the town with each pounding while other sections were torn right off the town as it was pushed further into the rabbit. More than half of the town had been completely destroyed by the time Quint finally climaxed. At the town's tiny size it was not able to survive the seemingly apocalyptic amounts of cum that pounded into it, and that was just Quint's first spurt. All the other spurts were simply overkill that seemed to wash away any traces of the town's existence. The only person left from the town was the one currently stuck in between Zeek's toes. That person was seriously hopping the rabbit and the horse would not notice him and was desperately thinking of how he would survive if they did.

When Quint was finished filling Zeek with his seed the rabbit stood up and said, "I definitely made the right choice with you. It will be fun traveling around the universe with you."

"I'm kind of looking forward to that too," Quint said with a smile.

"Good, I'm glad you realized how much fun being with me can be," Zeek said, returning the smile before looking down at the human stuck between his toes. "And it looks like I have one more little snack."

The rabbit reached down and plucked up the human like he had done with so many others and brought it up to his mouth. Quint thought it was unusual that this human was not pleading for his life, but when he looked closely at the humans face he could see that it was thinking furiously about something. "Wait," the human said in a comically high pitched voice, "please don't eat me."

Zeek actually stopped moving the human towards his mouth and said, "Now why shouldn't I do that? I am hungry after all." The rabbit was not taunting or teasing the human. It had been an honest question and Quint was sure that if the human could come up with an answer that the rabbit liked he just might survive this.

"Well, uh, because, um, I'll be your friend if you don't," the human ended weakly. It was obvious he did not expect that answer to work.

Quint really was not all that surprised to see Zeek's eyes light up as he said, "Wow, not even on this world for a day and I already have two new friends. I really like this place. It's a good thing no one else destroyed the place before I got here." Zeek was already cuddling the human against his cheek and nuzzling him affectionately, but Quint noticed he was not returning the human to his normal size. The horse thought that the rabbit might like the idea of having a little friend to have fun with. Quint was glad he was not that little friend too. With the type of fun that the rabbit liked to have he was sure things were going to get a bit rough for that tiny person, but at least it was better than dying. Besides, Quint was sure the human would come to like his new lot in life or Zeek would not have left him that way. Zeek seemed to have a way of knowing what people wanted.