Swimwear: Understanding Ulric
#8 of The Perfect Pair
Part 1 of the Swimwear Arc for The Perfect Pair
Ulric Webber was born and raised in Sohomo (pronounced Soh-oh-mo), Florida. He's accepted his lot in life as someone who mostly does nothing most of the year and then participates in the rush of Spring Break when college students invade his town to party. It's his lot in life, he's accepted it and he's never wanted anything else.
Until the Department of Socio-Political Economic Reform and Maintenance moved into town.
P.S. I tried to make sure that this Arc is pretty self-sufficient so you don't need to read the first Arc to get into this one but for your convenience, here is a link to the first chapter of the first arc in the Perfect Pair Series (Jockstraps): https://www.sofurry.com/view/1440888
The Perfect Pair
Understanding Ulric
Of all the times in the year, Spring Break was perhaps the single period when Sohomo, Florida was active and awake. One could say that the sleepy coastal town was a lot like a bear in hibernation. Except instead of being asleep for the winter, the town was slumbering for most of the year. It wasn't even one of the more popular stops for college kids eager to feel the warmth of the sun and the cooling sea after an eternity of studying. Still, in the weeks leading up to the coveted period, every resident of the town was up and about, roused from their slumber, eager to make enough money to last them until next year and hopefully get a little excitement out of their otherwise dull lives.
The same could be said for Ulric Webber.
For the past few years, the 5'6'' otter had manned the one cafe on Sohomo's Boardwalk. It was one of the few occupations that saw business all year around even though it did slow down to maybe one or two people per day during the 'slow periods'. One could say that he was only of the lucky few in town that had a semi-stable job that didn't involve hard labor or alcohol. That didn't stop him from being inherently curious though, and when the so-called 'Department of Socio-Political Economic Reform and Maintenance' moved into town, he was one of the first to jump at the opportunity to tour their recently opened facility.
He never thought that any government agency would ever set up shop in a town like Sohomo but a few months ago, the Department had come in and began construction in the abandoned warehouse district down by the docks. Several years back, a hurricane had destroyed the warehouses, although in their state the storm had only really saved the town the trouble of tearing them down. Back when Sohomo was a thriving port town, they had seen regular use, but with more efficient trade routes and improved technology the old warehouses fell more and more into disrepair. The only things left were just a few bare frames of old shipbuilding depots and the shattered remnants of old storage buildings. It had been abandoned for years with only scavengers, urban explorers and delinquents looking for a 'dangerous' hangout ever lingered. When the Department arrived, they took over the warehouses and over the past few months, Ulric had watched men in suits move in and out of the district, turning it into something else entirely.
The atrium alone was simply enormous. Gone were the brown and green wooden rooftops with holes for light to poke through, creaking boards and constant salty smell of the ocean. Everything was crisp, modern and clean. The floors were tiled with a white, marble-like pattern. The walls were a light, sky-blue that complimented the clear skies visible through a ribbed, glass dome ceiling. There were plants breaking up the monotony of the facility and what appeared to be stalls and shop spaces.
If anything, it looked like the Department was turning this place into a huge mall of sorts.
Ulric jumped in surprise, nearly leaping out of his ill-fitting baggy jeans that he constantly had to keep held up with one paw. The loose-fitting lime-green tank top that hung from his bony shoulders fell almost halfway down his thighs to hide the fact that he had to keep one webbed paw in his pants at all times.
He was greeted by a towering figure of pure, unfettered masculinity. The lion towered over him was at least seven feet tall with a figure that was perfectly framed by a black suit. This Adonis amongst felines seemed so out of place in the highly illuminated atrium. With fur like woven gold and jet-black hair that was styled into dreadlocks, the male simply oozed authority even with the lax stance he took. Bright brown eyes shone with a welcoming warmth that Ulric found disarming.
Confidence, he mused. That's what this guy is all about. Confidence.
"Which group are you with?" the feline asked, his voice light, jovial and not at all what one would expect from that thick, muscled neck.
It took a second for Ulric to register exactly what that meant. "Oh! Right. I'm with tour group A." He glanced at the strap of his tank top. The badge that he had been given in the mail was currently twisted around to hide the markings on the bright red plastic. A quick flick and it showed the words 'Tour Group A' on it emblazoned in embossed black letters.
"Huh," said the lion with a tilt of his head to the side. "So where's the rest of your group?" He swung his head from side to side and Ulric could swear he could hear the thick bands of his neck twisting like rubber as he did so. "Come with me. Let's get this sorted out."
Ulric bashfully followed the towering lion, practically shaded by the sheer height of the feline as they wandered over to the receptionist. This afforded him an unobstructed view of the lion's back. Now he had a few spring flings with girls who came in during Spring Break and considered himself undoubtedly straight but even he had to be impressed by the sexuality that this lion simply radiated. There was a cocky strut in his step. His tail swished back and forth with a sultry swing that was like a pendulum hypnotizing the casual observer to be drawn to that tight, bubble butt. The guy had the fit, lean, proportional physique of a man who knew how to take care of himself without being too obsessed with size and mass. While much bigger than the average man, he was a walking anatomical reference. Not as wide or overly muscular like a bodybuilder or big and chunky like a powerlifter; kind of between a swimmer's build and supermodel.
Broad wide shoulders tapered towards a slim waist supported by juicy glutes. Arms that were big enough to strain the sleeves of his suit jacket supported by the faintest sliver of veins on the back of his big paws. There wasn't a whisper of facial hair on his broad, easy-going features. Strong, meaty legs carried his impressive weight easily and he was comfortable enough with his stride that his thighs weren't brushing up against one another.
They approached the receptionist who was a rather busty Fennic Fox with a pleasant smile.
"Hello Agent Braid," she greeted with an airy, sultry voice. "And who is this?"
Ulric raised a paw. "Ulric Webber, ma'am. I'm here for the tour?"
The woman's bright green eyes narrowed slightly at his badge. She lifted a finger and picked up a pair of cute, pink glasses and put them on before she leaned forward at the letters. "Hmmm... You're certainly in Group A but you're at least half an hour late. That tour left already."
Ulric frowned and checked his phone for the time. "Weird. The mail I got said to be here at nine-thirty..." It was currently nine-twenty-five.
"Oh..." the Fennic said. "One moment." She began tapping at her shockingly wide keyboard with a ridiculously wide, curved screen to accompany it. "You said your name was Ulric Webber, right? Age 24. Born right here in Sohomo?"
She pronounced the town's name as any other out-of-towner - as 'So-Ho-Mo'.
"Actually," he began, "It's pronounced 'Sow-Oh-Mo'. Don't put an emphasis on the 'H'."
The blonde-haired fox giggled in a very 'ditzy blonde' sort of way. "Oh. Sorry. I've heard that so many times already, but I just automatically pronounce it the wrong way because I've only ever read it before I came here." After a few more keystrokes, she said, "Ah. Here's the problem. You're actually meant to be in tomorrow's tour. Not today's."
Ulric glanced at his phone again and pulled up the reminder email he had gotten from the Department. "Aw damn..." he muttered, eyes darting across the document with the blue Department seal on the top right-hand corner. "I must've read the email wrong." In a small town like this, time had the awful tendency to just blend one day with another. The monotony and repetition were often very dulling. "I guess I was just a little overeager."
A huge paw clapped his back and he almost stumbled forward into the marble-top counter. The hearty laugh of Agent Braid shook him, like the mountainous lion was laughing with his whole body and sending reverberations through his arm right into the young otter.
"Don't worry about it, kiddo. I'll give you a personal tour."
Ulric's little rounded ears flicked back and forth in excitement, his long, rudder-like tail thumping the tiled floors in appreciation. "Really? Thank you! I really appreciate it!"
The lion waved the thanks away with one massive paw. "Naw. It's really nothing. I was going to go for a swim anyway so I might as well. Come on, we'll start outside."
Go for a swim? It's the middle of the morning. Do the Department people usually swim during work?
Not that Ulric could really blame the guy. Sohomo wouldn't really get very active and busy until Spring Break and right now, weeks away from it, the town was still very dead. It wasn't unusual for locals to take the occasional swimming break not only to brush up on their surfing skills but also to make sure they got enough exercise to get that 'beach bod'.
"So a little bit of background," Braid said as they stepped out through the large, glass, sliding doors back to the front of the Department building. "My name is Darryl Braid. I'm part of the Department of Socio-Political Economic Reform and Maintenance. We're a branch of the US Government specially commissioned by the President and Congress to look into small towns just like Sohomo and uplift them."
"Uplift?" Ulric asked with a soft chuckle. "What? Like some sort of alien that forcibly evolves us or something?" The moment those words left his lips, he instantly regretted it and ducked his head in embarrassment. "Sorry. I've been getting into science fiction a lot recently. There isn't a lot to do around here."
Braid gave him a faint, sidelong smile with a knowing edge to it. "I get it and you're right, sort of." They stepped out onto the plaza right in front of the Department building. Once, it had been an old, creaky, wooden boardwalk with broken wharfs and piers that had never been repaired ever since that fateful hurricane. Now, the supports looked to be made of highly reinforced concrete, dipping into the sea, the ground was made of fresh wood that appeared to be lacquered to prevent rot and erosion and there were even a few gardens to bring a sense of life and greenery that wasn't made of moss or discarded pieces of seaweed. It all looked very modern and sleek.
"The lack of 'things to do' is exactly why the Department decided to come to Sohomo," Braid said. "The United States is a very big country and it's got lots of tiny towns just like this one which honestly doesn't see much activity. The Department recognizes there is a lot of potential in places like this. All it needs is the investment of time and effort."
"So that's why you guys took over the old warehouse district?"
Braid nodded as he led Ulric down to the right heading away from the town and towards the far end of the warehouse district. To the left was the town itself. The tallest building was visible from where he stood and that was the Church steeple. Everything else was a vaguely, square blob barely visible beyond the sands. "From what I've been told, Sohomo is basically a Spring Break town. Only about three thousand people live locally, and you only get an influx of income and activity about one or two months a year."
"It's mostly one," Ulric said with a shrug. "Sohomo is kind of the 'Poor Man's Spring Break Beach.' We're not mainstream and we only get those people who either know about us or don't want to spend a lot of money. That's really not a lot because either you go to Spring Break because you're loaded or you're a poor college student that doesn't go at all."
He hiked a thumb over his shoulder. "On the western side we've got a few ritzy beach houses that some rich guys use once a year. They usually throw parties that trash the town because they know they contribute to half the income we earn every year and can basically get away with anything."
Braid patted his shoulder consolingly. "That's exactly the kind of thing the Department wants to change. What's your job now?"
"Barista," Ulric said with a faint smile. "I mean it's okay. Can't really expect much for a guy that never went to college. Couldn't rightly afford it. Not when you only get a good chunk of money once a year."
"Do you ever feel like you could have more?"
The young otter shrugged. "Well, sure. But where am I going to get the money for it?"
Braid grinned at him. There was a weird predatory edge in that toothy smile and he could have_sworn_ that the lion's eyes had turned black.
Must be my imagination, Ulric thought dismissively.
"That's exactly what the Department is here for." He winked at Ulric slyly. "But I can't tell you more unless you're actually part of the Department. We're not ready to go public just yet. You saw inside. We have a lot of empty space we still need to build up."
The shopping-mall-like space was mostly empty and there did appear to be some construction going on. Ulric's natural curiosity was gnawing at the back of his mind but he decided he wouldn't go poking around in government business. He was offered this tour and that would sate his curiosity. Whatever the Department had planned, he'd go along with it. Couldn't be worse than just sitting around waiting for Spring Break year in, year out.
"Why don't you tell me about yourself while we go to the one place that's actually finished?" Braid asked.
With a shrug, the brown-haired otter said, "Okay. My name is Ulric Webber. I'm 24-years-old. Born right here in Sohomo. High school educated. Never went to college. Just couldn't afford it. I live with my dad. Nothing much else really."
Pretty uninteresting but that's okay. Not everyone can be superstars.
"There's got to be more to that," Braid said with a bright, charming smile.
He scratched his chin absently. "Well... I guess you could say that I'm a Break Baby."
The lion lifted an eyebrow. "A what?"
"That's what we call the babies that are conceived during Spring Break. Most of the people that live here have birthdays around the same couple of months because one parent or the other had unprotected sex during Spring Break. That's what happened with my dad. He hooked up with my mom during college, mom refused to stick around so she dumped me on him since he's stuck in this town."
"One of the other things the Department hopes to fix," Braid said pensively. "The rampant pregnancies that emerge from towns like this."
The towering agent shook his head, his dreadlocks swaying from the gesture. "Nothing. Can't tell much more."
Wow, these guys are pretty damn secretive.
"Any other family? Friends?" Braid asked, changing the subject. "Small town like this, you must be pretty closely knit."
"You'd think so but not really. Most of the time, everyone either fits into one of three cliques." Ulric held up three fingers. "There's the workers who run the few businesses we have around the place. We mostly like to go surfing after work because that's really all we can do. Internet here is shit. Pardon the language."
Braid laughed heartily. "Really? I would've thought a Spring Break town would have excellent service."
"We're not that kind of Spring Break town. We're the town where you get drunk and mess around with people." After an acknowledging hum from the dark-haired agent, Ulric continued. "Anyway, the other group is the rich and retired. They're the people who are rich enough to have the beach houses that they use every now and then or those that are in their golden years and just lounge around in their homes. They're usually on the far western shore away from where the parties are normally held."
"What about the last group?"
"That'd be the Springers. The ones that come in for the holiday. You kind of know them for about four or five years and then they disappear from your life. There are a few people that I really know." He glanced over his shoulder back at the grey, drab beach. "I got a friend, Trenton. He's probably out practicing surfing right now. Wants to impress people before the Springers come in a couple of weeks. The only kind of real entertainment we get is from hanging around them when they come in and we sort of have to make sure we impress to get invited to all the cool parties."
The funny thing is, he's an orca. Who ever heard of an orca that couldn't surf?
Ulric decided to keep that little joke to himself because he knew that Trenton was in another group slated for a tour. The last thing he wanted was for the tour guides to use his hated nickname of 'Beached Orca' even before he got through the front door.
"Sounds like you wish more exciting things would happen all year around," Braid observed.
"Everyone does," Ulric sighed. "But we can't really do anything about it. If you grew up in this town, chances are you're going to get stuck in this town for the rest of your life. The nearest college is several hours away and it's not like we're pulling in millions from Spring Break. Our mayor barely has enough left in the budget to do some minor work around town because we have to spend so much fixing the place after the Springers leave."
Braid grinned at him. "Then it's a good thing we're here to help."
He timed his words well as they approached one of the larger buildings on the far end of the boardwalk. There was an unobstructed view of the ocean and some seats positioned along the boardwalk in front of the structure. The wide, glass doorway revealed what appeared to be a laboratory of some sort with lots of bubbling fluids of different colours streaming through pipes mounted on the walls. Upon closer inspection, however, Ulric realized this wasn't some sort of mad scientist lab.
"This is our R&D Lab," explained Braid, pushing open the glass door. There was a fresh, cool air that wafted in from the clean, white interior. "Don't mind all the coloured pipes. That's just to make the place look cool. Inside, we're developing all sorts of products that are not only cheap but sustainable."
"Sustainable, huh?" Ulric said. All buzz words. There had been a craze a while back to make sure they offered sustainable coffee beans. College students sometimes got up in arms about that stuff. Little wonder the Department was going to such lengths especially since they were setting up shop in a Spring Break town.
Braid led him towards the reception area which was currently unoccupied. Behind the large, white, curved front desk was a wall of currently unlabeled bottles in miniature refrigeration units. "We've only got one product in stock right now. Just out of testing, actually." He pulled one of the units open, a loud hiss emerging with a light mist spilling out as colder air met its warmer counterpart. The bottle inside was designed to appear like a sports bottle of sorts and was filled with a creamy, semi-transparent liquid. Ulric wasn't sure if the bluish colour was because of the bottle or that was really what the brew was coloured. "Here. Why don't you give it a try?"
Ulric reached for the bottle but Braid immediately pulled away before his fingers could ever graze the plastic.
"Got to warn you, though. You've got to want this. By taking this free sample, you basically swear yourself to secrecy and are basically getting involved with us. There's binding paperwork you'll have to sign later on. We'll try to help you, of course, and there are ways out of it but it's a process, let me tell you."
The young otter laughed at the light-hearted way to say that he was effectively signing a non-disclosure agreement and wasn't going to sue if the brew made him sick. Given this was a government facility, the cameras and recording devices would likely be powerful enough to catch his words and arm the Department in the court of law. With a shrug, he took the bottle from Braid.
"I'm old enough to make my own decisions," he said, popping the cap off the bottle. "So what is this stuff?"
Braid flashed him a grin and waited until he had taken a gulp of the strangely salty-sweet drink. "It's an energy drink without the ungainly caffeine. You should feel its effects soon. We designed it so that it gives a pleasurable taste that reminds you of the sea but still pack a bit of sweetness to be palatable. It's safe to consume in large doses while both hydrating and energizing you."
Maybe it was a sort of placebo effect but even after one gulp of the surprisingly smooth drink, he really was starting to feel like he had been struck by lightning and filled with energy. "Is there some sort of jelly in this?" he asked, smacking his lips. "It tasted like there were these little salty pearls or something in there."
Braid's grin grew broader. "Exactly. Based on our surveys most people find that energy drinks get sort of... stale after you've drank a fair amount of them. You get tired of the taste. We separated the components and flavours by predominantly making it sweet but packing saltiness in those pearls which explode in your mouth and deliver the much-needed energizing nutrients while also adding texture and variety in flavour! You can literally get a mouthful of just sweet and then pop some of those balls to mix it up a bit."
That's actually really clever. I can say I'm already getting addicted.
Ulric took another gulp and found himself enjoying drinking down the sweet juices before popping a few of the gelatinous orbs to get a bit of saltiness to balance it out. "It's really good! I'm liking it." He bounced on the balls of his feet for emphasis. "I'm actually feeling pretty energized!"
"That's good!" exclaimed the lion brightly. "How about I show you our fitness center? We've got to have a full facility to accommodate our agents living here, after all."
"You guys are living here?"
Stupid question. Where else would they be staying?
"Yep," said Braid, gesturing that they leave the lab. "We've got about two hundred agents currently living on the grounds. We've got full amenities here. Gym. Food. Entertainment. Medical. Everything we'd need to make sure we are comfortable while we build up our presence here in Sohomo."
Sounds like a dream job.
If Ulric were looking for some new employment he'd be tempted to sign-up. As it stood, however, he was content to take increasingly large gulps of the energy drink that was like shooting him with addictive lightning. Every mouthful gave him a sort of electrical buzz that made him _very_aware. It was almost like he could _feel_every fabric of his tank top and pants or every groove in the sandals that he wore.
On the very edge of the boardwalk, there was an entire outdoor gymnasium setup. There was an indoor setup as well with huge floor-to-ceiling glass walls but it was the outdoor facilities that attracted Ulric's attention. With all the energy buzzing through him, he was itching to put the bars to good use. His eyes glimmered at the massive outdoor swimming pool and beside that, the beautiful infinity pool that would be able to catch the sun's glorious rays as it set. Imagining that vision of beauty tickled his curiosity all the more.
"Is this stuff open to the public?"
Braid chuckled softly. "Eventually it will be open to everyone here in Sohomo but not yet. We're still setting things up."
"It looks pretty complete to me."
"We've still got plans to reinforce the pools against hurricanes and build out more equipment for the outdoor gym. Right now though..."
Ulric took a step back in surprise when Braid began unbuttoning his jacket and tossing the seemingly expensive garment on the sandy, stone floors. "I meant to take a swim. Feel like joining me?"
The young otter felt his temperature rise and not just because he was blushing beneath his tawny fur. Whatever was in the juice caused him to seemingly vibrate in place. He was starting to feel a little hot under the collar. Even with the scant clothing he was wearing, he was starting to feel that awful prickling sensation on his fur and skin like he was being baked out in the sun.
"I... Uh... I didn't bring any swimming gear," he mumbled.
"That's okay," Braid said with an encouraging smile as he unbuttoned his white, collared shirt and tossed it aside. "Contrary to popular belief, the government isn't stingy about that. It's only us out here so if you feel like going commando while in the pool, feel free. As for me..."
The towering lion kicked off his shoes - curiously revealing that he wasn't wearing any socks - and pulled down his pants in one smooth, practiced movement. Ulric got a good view of the feline's strong, muscled legs that were thick from swimming but still lean and muscled. The brown-eyed agent's immense package was barely held in check by a bright red speedo with the name 'Chief' emblazoned on the rim in white. There was nothing left to the imagination as every curve of that bulge was left for all to see. Ulric caught himself staring and immediately glanced away only for Braid to turn around, revealing that shapely ass. That brush-ended tail swaying back and forth hypnotically was almost too inviting. He sighed in relief when Braid slowly sank into the infinity pool. Ulric could swear there was steam emitting from the lion; that was just how - literally and figuratively - hot he was.
Even with those long dreadlocks, Agent Darryl Braid had no qualms with dipping his head completely underwater, staying there for a few seconds and emerging again. Those dreadlocks were surprisingly resilient as they remained tightly bound even after being submerged.
Ulric felt his entire body start to rise in temperature again and he was trying to keep himself from panting too much. To occupy himself, he grabbed that drink and took another gulp. It was to his surprise that he was only able to get about half a mouthful. Somehow, he had already drained it. Sweat rolled off his brow, matting his fur.
"Are you okay there, Mr. Webber?" Braid asked, gently swimming over to him. He barely disturbed the calm, mirror like surface of the pool.
"Just... Just feeling a little hot," Ulric admitted, wiping his brow with the back of his paw.
"You sure you don't want to join me? The water's fine."
Damnit... Maybe I should?
"Maybe just my feet," he allowed. He kicked off the bright green sandals off his large, webbed feet which many had always commented were disproportionately big to the rest of his body. Often times, he'd just laugh it off and mention that it just made him a good swimmer. Dipping his toe into the water, he instantly felt a wave of relief that rippled up his foot and about halfway up his leg. That left the rest of his body miserably warm and craving relief. It was only natural that he dip his foot deeper into the pool, eventually sliding his calves into the crystal clear water and perched on the edge. He didn't even mind the fabric of his pants had dipped into the water and was starting to get soaked.
A sigh of relief left his muzzle. "That's much better..."
Braid swam towards him, those lean muscles flexing and moving with such ease that it was almost mesmerising.
"You guys really aren't like any other government agency I've heard about," Ulric began with a lopsided smile. "Apart from all the secrecy and stuff, you're all pretty chill."
The large lion leaned his broad back against the edge of the pool right next to Ulric, his arms just about an inch away from Ulric's leg. "That's because we know what we're doing is for the betterment of not only the US but the world."
"Heard that before," uttered the otter sarcastically.
"It's true!" Braid lifted a finger at him. "What do you think is the number one problem that faces our future right now?"
Never really thought about that stuff. That's for the college kids who go through the town to worry about.
He shrugged absently. "Pollution? Global warming?"
"Climate change," corrected the agent.
"Yeah. That."
"Nope," answered Braid with a loud pop from his lips. "Overpopulation."
"Really? Never thought we'd have a problem with overpopulation. China maybe but not us."
"That's what everyone thinks," chuckled the lion. That simple movement seemed to cause Ulric's leg to inch closer to the lion's shoulder. As he absently kicked his legs in the water, letting the waves lap up his calves and spread that cooling sensation through his body, he absently brushed a toe against Braid's broad, lean chest. The lion didn't flinch. "But overpopulation is a problem that could be avoided with enough foresight. It's also the root of a lot of other problems. Pollution, climate change, unemployment, education, resources. It all could all be solved if we solve overpopulation."
This was all getting a little high-brow for Ulric but given that the agent was kind enough to show him around despite turning up a day earlier, he decided that he owed the towering man at least a couple of minutes to go through the sales pitch. It would give him time cool down a little more.
"Yeah? How?"
With a faint smile, Braid said, "The more people there are, the more resources we use. The more resources we use, the more pollution we create. More people means a greater need to be educated despite our schools and teachers being stretched thin. Every year, there are people graduating and looking for jobs we can't find enough jobs for each person. With less people, we can make the most of what we have and make sure we maximize the potential of each and every person without letting anyone slip through the cracks. That's exactly what the Department is doing with Sohomo."
A bit of worry crept into Ulric's mind but he quickly became distracted by the heat that was starting to well up again. "What do you mean?" he asked, taking a deep breath of cool, sea air.
"The problem with Sohomo is that there's poor guys like you that get stuck in this town where you just spend the rest of your life waiting for the next Spring Break. Your quality of life is nowhere near what it should be and while you may say that you're content right now, you know deep down that you're just settling."
Ulric shuffled a little uncomfortably on the edge of the pool predominantly because of what Braid was saying but also because he was starting to overheat again. The sun bearing down on him gave him that awful cooking sensation that left his fur and flesh prickling. "I suppose..."
"I don't mean to insult you," Braid continued, gently resting a paw on his knee. The cool touch of the leather pad and wet fingers eased Ulric somewhat. "It's just fact. There are people out there who have it _way_better and you shouldn't have to live a life where you are content to stay where you are because 'someone has to man the coffee shop.'" He looked directly into Ulric's eyes. "Tell me honestly. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?"
The cooling touch of Braid gave him a second of clarity before the heat started to addle his mind again. "Uhm... I guess I always wanted to be a professional surfer. Just never really had the opportunity, I guess."
"And that's what I'm saying! You should have the opportunity. The Department will make sure you do." Braid patted his knee. "And to get to that, we've got to uplift Sohomo. Uplift guys like you."
"I think it's a little late for me," he panted. He waved a paw absently at his neck. "Wow... Is it me or is it getting really hot here?"
There was a knowing smirk from Braid. "It's never too late. In fact, that energy drink you just had began the process."
He was starting to sweat again and a bit of it was starting to obscure his vision. "H - huh?"
"It's a special formula we Breakers developed. It's begun your integration as one of us. The heat you're feeling is something everyone in our branch of the Department has to cope with. We constantly overheat and we're hotter than the average fur." He winked and flexed his other arm - the one that wasn't resting on Ulric's leg. "In more ways than one."
"W - W - What did you do to me...?" Ulric wheezed. His body was starting to feel weak from the heat, his head was swimming and his vision was starting to really blur.
"Like we said, it's the start of your uplift. You've got to find creative ways to stay cool. It's why we're in the pool right now. You could always strip off your clothes and jump in."
This was starting to sound like the beginning of horrible rape scene. Having hung around Spring Break for most of his life, he knew all the stories and he knew the effects of a roofie. But this was different. He wasn't feeling drunk or drowsy. He was overheating.
"Of course, there are other ways to get you to cool off."
Before he knew what was happening, he felt something cool and slick press up against his exposed calf. It was like someone had injected him with electricity and he immediately went rigid, becoming all the more aware of his surroundings. Every one of his senses had been turned to overdrive. His eyes flicked down towards his leg where Braid was pressing his lips against his calf. One part of him was immediately horrified at the intimate contact but the other was suddenly overwhelmed by how cooling it felt. It was like Braid's touch somehow caused all the heat that was welling up his body to pool towards one location; his dick. Ulric's cheeks began to burn as his cock began to swell in excitement.
"What... what are you doing...?" he whimpered.
Braid's paws slowly caressed his leg, their touch spreading that cooling effect and leaving him to breathe a sigh of relief. "We're helping you cool down, kiddo. You want us to help you, don't you?"
It felt good. Very good. The dual sensations of all the heat in his body being directed towards his dick and the sensation of his cock swelling and straining against his pants was like being assaulted from two flanks; he was utterly helpless against it. "Y - Yeah..." he moaned. "Why...? What did...?" He could barely form coherent words. "... to me...?"
He felt Braid's lips twist into a smile as the lion drew his tongue across the back of the otter's calf. "The Department is uniquely infused with an artificial species known as the Perfect Pair Program Symbiont or the P3 Symbiont. It's a symbiotic creature that's fused with each of us. It optimizes our builds, maximizes our physiques in a certain way, makes us extra virile and also enhances our mental capacities. We become smarter, stronger and sexier. In exchange, we give the Symbiont a home and protect it. That drink you consumed? It's your introduction to the Symbiont. The heat you're experiencing is the Symbiont growing in you."
"You... infected... me...?" Ulric was unable to keep himself from moaning. He instinctively lifted his leg out of the water, fur dripping. Braid happily followed the lines of his calf down towards his toes, his paws moving in the opposite direction to slide underneath his pants and massage his thighs.
"We don't say 'infected'. We call it 'integration'."
Braid's long, rough tongue slipped towards his heel, gently lapping at it. Ulric stretched out his toes, letting out a soft moan as the lion's supple lips danced up the arch of his foot sending waves upon waves of cool sensations all throughout his body. Unlike the touch of the water, these waves reached well past his thighs, shot all the way up his chest and collided with his brain, sending him into a drowsy stupor. It was all he could do to keep himself upright by placing his paws securely beside him. Braid's cool nose pressed up against the balls of his feet, taking along deep breath that sent shivers all over Ulric's body.
"The Symbiont is the key to the Department's efforts," Braid continued. Every word he uttered caused his lips to dance against the base of Ulric's foot. Each movement, each touch of that tongue, each brush against those fangs, was a new barrage of hypersensitive sensations that was shaking Ulric. He was a twig in a raging storm, being battered over and over again by howling winds.
"Wh - what do you want...?" Ulric moaned, barely able to look down at Braid. The lion glanced back up at him from between his toes. His heart froze for a moment as the whites of the feline's eyes turned an inky black.
"We want you to cum."
Then Braid wrapped his lips around Ulric's big toe, suckling on it with such force that the poor otter shuddered and collapsed onto his back, his arms and torso spasming. The contrasting sensations of Braid's vacuum-like muzzle versus the gentle lapping of that rough tongue turned that raging typhoon into a hurricane. He was being spun this way and that, his body convulsing in pleasure and a goofy grin crossing his lips. No longer in full control of his own limbs, Ulric's paws wiggled towards his loose pants, hooking the rim easily between his thumbs and pushing them down far enough so that his cock could fully tent up against his equally loose boxers.
He felt Braid smile but he no longer cared. He was in bliss.
The lion's surprisingly agile tongue snaked between each of his toes, lips closing around each of them one at a time and tenderly suckling on them. Each little kiss and lick sent fiery impulses towards his cock. Increasingly thickening precum shot out of his member. Even more so when Braid's large, square jaw easily took three of his toes and suckled on them all at once. He couldn't resist the temptation to wiggle them in the lion's muzzle.
A soft rumbling chuckle left Braid's throat. It was so deep that it reverberated through Ulric's whole body making the otter feel like he had just survived an earthquake. His tail thrashed out beneath him but stopped abruptly when Braid pulled his muzzle away and began nuzzling his foot. The contrasting feeling of that soft, wet muzzle against the rough, furry cheeks caused his back to arch. In his hypersensitive state, he could _feel_every strand of fur as it brushed up against the leathery pads of his feet.
Not to be left alone, Braid gently took Ulric's right foot, turning his muzzle towards it. His tongue snaked out between his lips, drawing one, slow line from heel to toe while he continued to rub Ulric's left foot against his cheeks. There was that contrasting sensations again; the wet, smooth touch of a tongue against the roughness of fur.
What's happening...?
No matter what was happening, he couldn't and didn't want it to stop. His paws formed into claws, digging into the tiled floor of the outdoor pool area while Braid continued to ravish his feet. The lion grasped his big toe between his lips, making Ulric moan. At the same time, the lion slowly guided his left foot and allowed the toes to trace a line across his firm collarbone, heel pressed firmly up against the firm mounds of the lion's pectorals. He might as well have been pressing his foot up against steel slats because those muscles were diamond hard. The natural curve of those pectoral caused his foot to slowly slide across the mountains until they settled in the valley between the two chest muscles. Ulric never considered himself gay but he could appreciate a man's physique and that motion alone was incredibly arousing.
I'm not gay... Am I...?
Braid's expert paws slid up his calves, fingers sliding through the fur there and sending ripples of pleasure up and down his body. The lion slowly began to spin his tongue in a clockwise direction. Ulric instinctively began twisting his foot in the same direction, following the mesmerizing circles. After two rotations, he began turning his foot in the opposite direction and Braid allowed the heel of the foot to press against his cheek before giving chase with his tongue. He realized that he was fully in control.
I want this...
The presence of the tongue on his toes faded, the eye of the storm. Ulric bit his lower lip in anticipation. The big, powerful shadow of Darryl Braid blocked out the sun above him and he peeled his eyes open long enough to stare into those deep, dark eyes. Braid lowered himself, their bodies pressing against one another. He could feel the hard muscles beneath the lion's fur and couldn't help but seize the feline's flanks, feeling the striations of muscle that framed those sexy abs. Never mind that he had been in bed only with women every Spring Break since he had reached sexual maturity. This man was sexy and he wanted him.
"We'll tell you one more thing before we ask you again if you want this," cooed Braid into his ear, their cheeks pressed against one another. "The P3 Symbiont? It'll make you gay. It's how we're solving the overpopulation problem. You can't get anyone pregnant if you fuck guys, right?"
Ulric could only let out a soft moan in agreement.
"So we'll ask you again," said the agent. "Do you want this? Do you want to take the first step to not only becoming a big, sexy beast but also a highly successful, well-paid gay man working for the US Government under the Department of SPERM?"
For a second, the realization that the Department blatantly called themselves 'SPERM' knocked Ulric out of his stupor for the sheer ridiculousness of it. His lips curled upwards for a brief moment. In that moment of clarity, he understood he was now at a crossroads. On the one paw, he could reject Braid's offer and go back to just being another cashier at a coffee shop in a dead-end town that really only saw action once a year for a few weeks but he would be himself. On the other, he could become big and sexy just like Braid, have a well-paying job that could help reform Sohomo into something more than the poor-man's Spring Break Town but he'd be fused with an alien Symbiont.
Fuck me...
"I want this," he panted. "Do me. Please!"
Braid chuckled softly and licked his cheek affectionately. "That's not how it works, kiddo. But we will blow you."
Before he could fully register Braid's movement, the big lion was suddenly shuffling backwards, seamlessly sliding back into the pool until the broad muzzle was hovering over his cock. Ulric lifted his head enough so he could see - and feel - Braid's lips brush up against his erect, five-and-a-half-inch dick. Slowly, Braid peeled away his bright green underwear to reveal the sizzling hot, bright red manhood that was oozing precum like a volcano about to erupt. The lion's lips wrapped around his cock and -
Ulric immediately exploded.
With a cry, the otter arched his back and began to violently spray his cum right into the lion's muzzle. Stars flashed before his eyes and every muscle in his body immediately went rigid. All the heat that had built up inside of him flooded immediately towards his dick and came bursting out like molten lava. Every sense that had been on fire was suddenly wreathed in numbing coolness and for a second, all that Ulric could feel was that euphoric blast after blast of his balls pumping his seed up his member and straight into the agent's muzzle.
For his part, Brain just smiled as he sucked up every drop, swallowing like many times before and never once letting a single drop go to waste. His own Symbiont immediately went to work, metabolizing the cum, analyzing it and preparing the way for the eventual transformation of Ulric Webber. The otter would make a find addition to the Department.
Ulric let out a long, sustained 'ah' before he collapsed against the cool tiles around the pool. Braid made sure he got every last drop of the new inductee before sliding his muzzle away from the still-erect cock. He watched Ulric moan and squirm in place for a few moments, making sure the otter wouldn't slip into the pool. Satisfied that Ulric was safe, the lion swam backwards and dipped himself into the pool. As he mentioned to the otter; Breakers like him constantly generated heat above the average fur and he needed to cool down; especially since he was very erect.
Ulric was dazed, feeling satisfied but at the same time missing the cooling touch of the lion. That uncomfortable heat wasn't present anymore but he found himself missing it at the same time.
What have I gotten myself into...?
There was a soft splashing and he managed to muster enough strength to prop himself up on his elbows. Braid was just emerging from the pool, hoisting himself up without help from the poolside ladder. The sun glistened off that mountainous back, each trap and deltoid perfectly sculpted and symmetrical; sheer perfection. If that was the kind of body the Symbiont would give him, he wanted that.
Braid plucked a towel from a nearby rack and began to dry himself off. Spotting Ulric watching him, the lion made a show of rubbing his lean, muscled form in such a way to draw the otter's eyes up from those long, thick legs, up the narrow waist decorated by the red speedo and up the sculpted abdominals that looked like they could cut diamond. Ulric's vision was suddenly interrupted when Braid threw a towel at his face with a jovial laugh.
Ulric shared the laugh but it quickly died in his throat. His pants were now fully soaked.
"Don't worry about them," Braid said, padding over. "You'll find that we're all happily gay here. Hell, when we aren't showing new inductees around, we're probably in the showers fucking or something. Pants are optional."
"What about underwear?" Ulric asked, gesturing at his green boxers.
The lion gestured at his speedo which were suspiciously untented. "Something we should explain. This is our Symbiont."
Ulric tilted his head to the side in confusion. "What? Your swimwear?"
"Yep. Let me show you."
The already silky, red speedos suddenly obtained an oily, gooey texture. Ulric watched, fascinated as the garment seemed to liquefy, peeling away from Braid's crotch and sliding behind him into what he would only assume was the lion's ass. He was left with a glorious eyeful, however. Contrary to the silhouette that was given to him by those speedos, Braid was _ridiculously_well-endowed. Each testicle had to at _least_be as big as a basketball, hanging halfway down towards the lion's thighs and forcing the feline to adopt a wide stance. Nestled in a tawny sheath was a dick as thick as Ulric's head and looked like it could swallow him whole. His throat went dry and he surprised himself when the first thing he could think of was...
... I want to taste that.
"We Breakers have huge genitals," Braid said, swinging his enormous junk hypnotically in front of Ulric. "It's our unique build and separates us from other hosts like, say, the Jocks, who look like huge mountains of muscles. We may not be as big or brawny as them but our dicks are _way_bigger. Our Symbionts help us hide them because clearly, we can't go around with these hanging around." For emphasis, the red goo slipped out once more from Braid's ass, curling around the huge cock and balls. The profile of those genitals shrank back into a comparatively modest size but still one that would make anyone blush upon seeing them.
"Breakers," Ulric repeated. "You keep referring to yourself as that. Why?"
Braid offered him a paw which he happily took. The big lion easily hefted him up onto his feet as he explained.
"Guess you could call it our 'species'. Different kinds of symbionts take different shapes and alter your shape and physiques different. Breakers are the guys that get the heating feature and big dicks. Their symbionts take the shape of swimwear."
His eyes drifted to the bright red speedo snuggly wrapped around Braid's waist, perfectly shaped and comfortable with the teasing outline of those extremely subdued genitals still so tantalizing. "Can we switch 'species'? Like if I wanted a jockstrap or briefs?"
Braid bobbed his head from side to side. "Yeah, it's possible. You'd have to undergo some rigorous training though. And by that, we mean you basically get fucked over and over by a guy from another branch. We mean that metaphorically." He gestured at his crotch. "You can imagine that even some of the biggest guys would find it hard to take something like us. There's procedures for transfers like that."
"Nice," Ulric replied, licking his lips. "Anything else I should know?"
"Lots." Braid offered his arm to the otter. "Come with us."
Grinning, he pushed away the offered arm and followed Braid back into the Department facility. In the time it had taken him to get sucked off by Braid, the gym and indoor pool had become a little more populated. He blushed a little upon realizing that he probably had a blowjob in full view of about three dozen other agents and about half a dozen locals of Sohomo. There were a few guys that he knew who visited his shop every now and then. Something told him they were already infected. A big hint was their distinct lack of pants. He waved at a ferret who grinned back at him and gave him a thumbs up.
Damn, I wanna suck his dick.
He frowned a little at that thought and glanced up at Braid. "So, I'm really gay now, huh?"
"Correct," Braid replied with a grin. "The symbiont makes you gay. Like we said before, by making people gay, you curb overpopulation."
Ulric mulled that for a moment as they passed through the gym. It was with some curiosity that he noted just how many of the agents were in the pool, all of them likely going for their cooling period. More than one of them had internalized their Symbiont and were now floating with their enormous genitals hanging out for all to see.
"Not that I'm complaining but if you make everyone gay, doesn't that mean we'll eventually die as a species? Unless the symbiont makes us immortal or something?"
Braid laughed softly and ruffled his hair affectionately. "See? You've got a sharp brain in there. Bet you could've gone to college had you wanted."
"I did get pretty good grades on my SATs," Ulric mumbled, blushing lightly. That blush started the heat cascading back down his body, but he shook it off for the moment. "I just never thought it'd amount to anything and I'd be in a hell of a lot of debt because of it. Why drive into another town, live there for three or four years and pay over thirty thousand in money I don't have when I have a job right here in town?" He scratched the side of his cheek absently. "Though now that I think about it... that's pretty dumb. I took the test. Why not do something with it, right?"
"Trust me. There are a lot of people who have the same thing happen to them and think exactly along the same lines. Our education system doesn't make it any easier either."
Braid led him from the indoor pool into the gym. It came as a surprise that the padded floors of the gym were almost ice-cold to the touch. The beefy lion explained that it was a unique technology that his fellow Breakers developed to help regulate their heat. For the partially initiated like him, it was freezing especially since he was padding around barepaw. But for a Breaker, it was pleasantly comfortable. Thankfully, the earlier blushing episode actually helped balance out his temperature.
"Back to your original question," Braid began, "we're not making everyone gay. All the guys stay here in Sohomo while the women are relocated to Les Bien."
Pronounced 'Lay Bee-Eh-n', it was a New Orleans-style town located about a two hour drive away. Unlike Sohomo, it wasn't a Spring Break down and was more one of those elderly retirement villages that was super-sized into its own township. Les Bien was known for only two things: old people and gators.
"Those that don't want to participate in the program are also relocated to Aldermark," finished Braid.
Much like its two sister cities, Aldermark was another dead-end town. It actually served as a sort of gateway to Sohomo and Les Bien. Apart from a few minor dirt roads, the only way to Sohomo was through Aldermark as that was the only place the highway went through. The same highway would eventually loop back to Aldermark for those who were leaving the two towns.
"So you're just making sure people don't..." Ulric trailed off as he watched two huge guys, a moose and a shark, doing bicep curls facing one another. Both had their Symbionts hidden but both were very much erect. His eyes boggled at the sheer size of their members which rose up well past their abdomens and past their collarbones, nestling quite comfortably between their meaty pectorals. They were flexing and grunting as they swung the dumbbells, leaking precum everywhere. Interestingly, the bodily fluids they did produce seemed to get absorbed into the rubbery floors without leaving a trace. "... uhm... fuck?"
"Oh hell no," laughed Braid. "We fuck. We fuck a lot. We just fuck the right people. That's the thing about Sohomo. It's a Spring Break town so people come here, get drunk, get knocked up and that contributes to the overpopulation problem. By making sure guys fuck guys and girls fuck girls, we let everyone have their fun _and_keep accidental pregnancies from happening."
"Oh. So that's what you're planning for Sohomo and Les Bien?"
Braid winked at him and held up a finger against his muzzle. "Sorry kiddo. Can't tell you more until you agree to go in deeper."
Ulric frowned as they stopped in front of the door leading out of the gym. "But I already agreed. I want this."
The agent placed his paws on his hips. "We know but it's procedure, kiddo. We need to ask you four times if you want this. We've officially asked you once. The first time when we got you that drink didn't really count because we didn't disclose enough info. When we were at the pool, that counted."
"You don't have to wait," Ulric insisted impatiently. "I want this. Turn me."
The lion waggled that finger at him. "Hold your horses, kiddo. You need to make sure you know everything we're going to do because it isn't all fucking and bodybuilding. Come on. Let me show you my place."
Braid's room. That was exciting. Ulric was genuinely curious what an agent of the Department of SPERM's room would look like. His imagination went wild - something that hadn't happened in a long time - and he wondered if it would be some freezing igloo that was designed to keep Braid cold at all times or maybe more like some insane sex dungeon. With the gym being a converted warehouse with plenty of space, natural light and ventilation and the clear exhibitionism of the agents, he had to wonder if there was such a thing as privacy in this place.
Braid led him out of the gym and into a walled off section of the warehouse district. It came as a genuine surprise when there appeared to be a lot of construction being done in the area with the old walls of the warehouses that once stood here still standing and being steadily stripped away. The key feature of the section, however, were the beach-side bungalows that faced the sea. With the skeletons of the warehouse still there, however, the view of the water was obstructed but there was already white, cool sand leading up to the small homes that felt good between Ulric's toes.
"Every agent will eventually have a bungalow like this assigned to them," explained Braid. "Once we're done renovating our public areas, we'll start building up the rest of Sohomo. It's going to take a while, though. We're not as strong or energetic as the Jocks." He leaned towards Ulric like he was whispering a secret. "Those guys are cursed with the need to _constantly_be active. They build shit really fast because of it."
"And the Breakers are constantly hot?"
"Correct! Saves us on power bills since we don't necessarily need to keep warm and most of the time, our bodies can heat up any body of water we're in after a while." The towering lion still dressed in nothing but his red speedo that hugged his shapely ass led him towards one of the bungalows, a quaint little home with a sea-blue coat of paint. The door was surprisingly unlocked as they stepped inside.
The first thing that stuck out to Ulric was that constant presence of running water. The wall to his right was a sort of 'feature wall' made of black rippling stone with water constantly running down its surface. That same water fed into a small pond that was protected by a glass plane which eventually fed into a small 'river' that acted as a sort of guide through the house. This arterial of water traversed the entirety of the house. Then there was there were many pictures of Utah and some desert town on the walls.
The contrast warranted questioning.
"What's all the stuff from Utah?" he asked.
Braid led him to what could only be the lounge room. There were multiple seats arrayed in a semicircle around a small pool. The pool was designed to face the same direction as the seats which would eventually point towards the large television screen mounted on the wall. The lion made a beeline for the pool and sank into the water without hesitation like this was his default position.
"We actually came from a town called Gauymore in Utah. It was a prime candidate for the Department. The guys there got turned into Jocks. We were actually the sheriff of the town. Tried to organize a resistance to fight the Department." Braid shook his head and let out a soft chuckle. "So naive back then." He stretched his arms out and patted the pool's edges, inviting the otter into the waters. "The Department isn't hostile. It and the politicians in the know have just recognized that the best way to push America forward and back to the top of the world is if we stop pretending that everything is fine and recognize that there's a problem."
"Overpopulation," concluded Ulric. Even without thinking, he was stripping off his boxers and peeling off his tank top, setting them on the side before sinking his lean, slim body into the cold waters. He was momentarily hit by a shock of cold like the waters hare come right out from a glacier. However, his body quickly grew accustomed to it. The heat that was slowly developing all over his body was soothed for the moment.
Maybe that's what Braid is trying to do. He's making sure I'm cool so that I can think straight.
"Yeah," Braid said. "The Department is going to spread all over the USA and maybe even the world depending on how things go. We're not just curbing overpopulation but also transforming towns like Sohomo and Gauymore into towns with a purpose. We're keeping local cultures and traditions, of course." He waved absently around himself, gesturing at the memorabilia from his hometown. "You can think of this as some sort of mind control, but the official term is 'social engineering'. We're still us. We made this decision to join the Department. Yeah, it made us gay and transformed us into a sexy beast with a dick that's over half our size and in constant need to remain cool but it's a good life. We're taken care of and we have purpose again."
"What's the purpose for Sohomo?"
"Still in development. Depending on how fast we can get things done and how things go at Spring Break." He lifted a finger. "See, the problem with us Breakers is that we constantly have to take cooling breaks. That sort of interrupts productivity. It's fun, mind you, but we have to rely a little more on automation than the very physically-inclined Jocks."
Ulric inclined his head to the side in curiosity. "You keep mentioning the Jocks. Are there other species and branches?"
"There are but we're generally discouraged from discussing them and there's sort of an unspoken bond that brothers don't gossip about one another. We're only aware of the Jocks because that's how our town was original turned. There are others, we're sure, but we don't know of them."
He tilted his head in the other direction. "'We'. You mean everyone in the Department came from Gauymore?"
Braid chuckled softly. "No. Only me. There were already other Breakers on their way here but I got assigned here because I wanted to. I lived in a desert all my life. Being next to water all the time was a dream come true." He waved a paw absently in his direction. "Sorry about the whole 'we' thing. It's a little freaky but when you're bonded with your symbiont, you stop being just one person. You're talking for two people. Symbionts aren't intelligent and they can never be, but they know you. They're part of you. Kind of like another limb but sort of not. It becomes instinct to refer to yourself as a collective because you still identify yourself as two people. Consciously making sure you avoid that is part of our training but seeing as you've already set one foot in the door, I thought I'd drop it."
Ulric smiled broadly. "Naw. It's actually pretty cool. Must be awesome constantly having someone there and never being alone." He stretched, spreading his arms against the rim of the pool. Braid curled an arm around his shoulders, bringing him closer. "Anything else I should know about being a Breaker?"
"Yes," said the lion. "We begin the integration process through the transmission of bodily fluids."
Braid smiled at him, leaning close. "Like this."
Their lips suddenly met and it was like he had been shot by a bolt of lightning against. Every strand of fur, every cell in his body and every ounce of his soul was instantly on fire. Red hot passion exploded from the young otter and he immediately leaned into the kiss, hungrily diving for Braid's tongue, huffing and puffing as if he was trying to inhale the larger lion. The temperature of his body instantly skyrocketed. Every drop of saliva from Braid was like fuel to the fire and he wanted more.
More... More!
Some modicum of self-control remained thanks to the cooling waters and he pulled away a moment. "That energy drink... it was your spit?"
Their lips mashed together one more time before Braid broke the kiss to answer. "Not exactly. Want me to show you how we made it?"
"Not really..." Ulric huffed. "I sort of want to keep kissing you." He leaned up towards the lion but strangely, Braid pulled away and lifted himself out of the pool. While he was disappointed, he got a close-up view of those perfectly shaped glutes cupped by that red speedo, perfectly and seamlessly leading to those broad, muscled thighs. Every muscle group across the lion's hamstrings was perfectly visible, glistening in the water like each cut and crevasse was catching liquid crystal between them.
The speedo quickly liquefied. Confirming his suspicions, the red goo slipped in between Braid's tight butt cheeks, disappearing into the crack and leaving Braid's enormous genitals swinging between his legs. The lion surprisingly didn't break his stride despite the sudden increase in weight. Ulric bit his lip as he was teased by the sight of those huge balls. His own cock hand sprung up erect and he was shamelessly massaging his balls to churn his own seed into his length.
There was a small bar to the far end of the lounge room including an ice machine. Braid picked up a shaker and dropped some ice into it. Next, he threw in what appeared to be some sort of power, and some water along with some other liquids that Ulric didn't really care to ask about. What he was curious about, however, was the rising rod that was sitting between Braid's legs. His eyes widened when Braid's bright pink, barbed member began rising out from the monster sheath. He was shamelessly watching the lion who he was sure was giving him a show with that swishing tail. The biggest surprise, however, came when Braid held the shaker up towards his half-erect cock that was already about at nipple height and caught some of his clear precum into the shaker. He must have dropped at least two cups of the clear, sticky syrup into it before he screwed on the cap and began shaking it.
"Whoa..." he whispered.
"Bodily fluids, remember?" Braid chuckled softly, padding over once more. He held up the shaker some distance from Ulric. "Now I'm going to ask you again. You know pretty much all there is to know about the Department except for one thing. If you want to bail, there's a procedure you have to undergo that will make you cum so gloriously and magnificently that you'll forget everything that happened. We'll probably organize some way for you to move to Aldermark or somewhere else but the Department is claiming Sohomo. You can't stay or even remember us if you don't want to be part of the program." Only then did he hold out the shaker to Ulric. "So what do you say? Want to become a Breaker?"
Ulric didn't even hesitate. "Hell yeah!"
He took the silver container, unscrewed the lid and immediately began downing the concoction. It was the same salty-sweet brew that felt like he was drinking liquid lighting. Every mouthful he hungrily gulped sent electricity running throughout his body. His limbs were shaking excitedly as he tilted his head back and drained the concoction. The ice and general cool temperature of the drink didn't keep his body from immediately metabolizing the drink into raw fire; a raging inferno that filled every vein including the ones feeding his cock and balls. An overwhelming urge to cum raged within his dick. Pressure was building in his balls and he couldn't stop the urge to thrust wildly, his gyrations causing waves in the otherwise still pool.
With a relieved gasp, Ulric slammed the shaker into the floor. He leaned back, closing his eyes and riding the waves of heat radiating from his stomach. The fire intensified with each pulse of his rapidly beating heart. His toes curled in anticipation as he drew closer and closer to being fully integrated into the Department. Two burning suns jostled in his sack, pushing up against the walls of his scrotum, begging for release.
He couldn't help but let out a low, sustained moan as his balls seemed to gain a life of their own. With his fingers just hovering over his sack, he could feel his testicles jostling underwater like a beast caught in a net struggling to get out. They thrashed against his sack, pushing against the limits of his scrotum and with each moment of struggle, they swelled. A pleasured grin crossed his muzzle as his fingers were forced apart by his gurgling balls. Eyes firmly shut, he could only guess at how big they were getting but if they would become as large and virile as Braid's, he wasn't going to stop them.
Yeah. Make me bigger. Give me that monster dick!
For the first time in what seemed forever, Ulric had ambition; a purpose. He wanted something even if that something was just incredibly oversized genitalia. It filled him with the thrill of anticipation and heart-pounding lust that grew alongside his cock. The more he imagined himself with a cock and balls that could dwarf any man's, the more his own five-and-a-half-inch cock swelled. Thick veins pushed up and down his length, the sensitive flesh twitching and throbbing. Like a water snake thrashing with its prey, he dick jerked and twitched left and right, growing inch by inch up towards the surface of the pool.
His thrusts grew more violent, disturbing the calmness of the pool. The fire from his groin intensified, no semblance of calm or cool on the horizon even as his dick reached an impressive seven inches. Ulric's other hand grabbed the edges of the pool, his blunt claws digging into the tiles as much as possible for something to grab onto. Every limb of his body was out of his control and he was just riding the burning waves of this firestorm as best as he could. Every moment was ecstasy and he could barely contain it.
I don't want to contain it!
Ulric grit his fangs together, turning his moans into gasps. His cock slapped against his flat abdomen, rising past his belly button at nine inches. Each thrust had become like a full body convulsion, pushing his mushroom-shaped glands slightly above the water where drips of precum joined the sloshing liquid. His paw became filled with his balls. As much as he wanted to avoid crushing them, his grip around them was forcibly tightened as the swelled to baseball-sizes and continued to thrash. It was almost like there was something inside them begging to be let out... begging to be with him.
"Oh... Oh god!" he pleaded between ragged gasps.
A cool paw pressed against his cheek and the strength behind it turned his head to his right. He found Braid's soft lips press against his own, that long tongue sliding into his muzzle. Strange as it was, waves of cooling energy radiated from Braid, soothing the storm that was raging all throughout Ulric's body. His thrust became less desperate even though his cock ached for that release. His moans eased as he sucked at Braid's tongue, sustained and kept stable by the more experienced host.
Then, Braid broke the kiss and Ulric was left letting out soft whimpers. Never before had he wanted to kiss a man so desperately.
The lion, eyes once more shrouded in darkness winked at him before sliding slowly into the water. The raging storm of fiery passion and electric desire started to rise against within Ulric and the young otter was starting to convulse once more. Fear gripped his heart.
Am I ready for this?
Can I really do this?
Is my Symbiont rejecting me!?
With calm, expert paws, Braid slowly cupped Ulric's ass, lifting him up in the waters enough so that his cock breached the surface like a beautiful, red spire rising out from the ocean's depths. The dark-eyed lion grinned at him, licking his lips at the ten-inch monster that was now throbbing in front of him. Braid leaned forward, wrapping his lips around the tip of Ulric's dick. The otter thought he'd explode almost immediately just like what had happened at the outdoor pool. There was certainly that pressure, that desire to cum but for some reason, he just wasn't getting that burst of relief, that volcanic eruption that signaled the onslaught of afterglow.
He moaned, whimpered and bucked his hips, desperate for that sensation but it wasn't coming. Instead, he got the incredibly pleasure of his cock sliding easily in and out of Braid's wet muzzle. Just like what the lion had done with his toes, there was a powerful suction from the feline's muzzle and throat while that tongue was surprisingly gentle as it danced up, down and around his dick like a stripper would to pole.
Just like at the pool, all the raging heat from his extremities began pooling towards his balls. The fire in his fingers faded like rapidly cooling lava. It left his claws frozen in place. The heat sapped away from his forearms, muscles there freezing in place. His shoulders locked up and he threw his head back, muzzle half-open in a quiet gasp while his eyes rolled into the back of his head. His chest heaved rapidly once, twice, three times before he took in one last gasp. His abdomen froze, his legs locking in place and feet wrapping around Braid's broad shoulders firmly.
All the heat flooded into his balls, the twin fiery orbs suddenly seizing up, ceasing their thrashing before...
... the suddenly pushed all that fire and passion up through his cock, funneling it up from the base, through the ten inches...
... before his dick let out one last surge of growth, pushing up to fourteen inches of meat...
"Fuck!" he cried.
Molten seed immediately blasted out of his cock, hitting the roof of Braid's muzzle with enough force that any normal man would have jerked his head back in surprise. But Braid was no ordinary man. Instead, the lion clamped down around the member in his muzzle, pushing forward and heroically swallowing all fourteen inches of cock while suppressing his gag reflex. Every drop of cum went down his throat, entering his body and funneling deep into his body where his symbiont immediately began processing it.
The second blast of seed was more powerful than the first and so was the third but Braid had become a cock-sucking machine. He never gave up on the suction, constantly slurping and drinking from the tube, eyes closed and totally focused on the task. Ulric's entire body was locked into position. His balls fulfilled the dual purpose of pumping more and more cum up his monstrous shaft while simultaneously making more. By the fourth shot, the stores were running dry but his balls continued to power through by trying to rapidly create more cum in the process.
Some part of Ulric realized that this was a little like the first moments a cub suckled on their mother's teat. The first few moments were a little dry but after that, the mother's body would adapt and continuously produce the milk.
That's hot...
The seventh shot was dry, his supplies spent but that didn't stop him from trying and it was only on the eighth did Braid finally release him and slowly slide the cock out of his muzzle. A long sigh of relief erupted from both of their muzzles and Ulric relaxed and collapsed back into the pool, right into Braid's paws. The big lion swam up to him, their lips gravitating towards one another. The cooling effect of the kiss washed away the remaining embers that were burning within Ulric and the young otter's eyelids fluttered.
As tempting as it was to fall asleep in the lion's big, strong arms, he fought it off. Dropping unconscious into a pool was _not_a good idea even with Braid right there, holding him in those big, strong arms with a single vein running down each of his biceps. He sighed softly, lips turning upwards in a contented smile.
"Fuck... that was amazing..."
Braid's eyes slowly switched back to their original colour as the lion cradled him affectionately. "You never forget your first time. Though you'll get plenty of dicks in your muzzle that could easily compare."
Ulric giggled a little. "I've never had a cock in me... In both senses of the word."
The lion winked at him slyly. "You'll want to wait until you're fully integrated before you even think about getting a Breaker's cock in your ass."
"Your dick would probably go through my ass and out my muzzle."
"No doubt. That's why we preach self-control. Not to mention the fact that the symbiont will make sure you adapt and recover." He slowly straightened in the shallow pool and helped Ulric back up onto the edge. "You once made a joke about the symbionts making us immortal."
The otter's eyes widened. "You're kidding..."
Braid laughed, holding up one paw to allay his imagination while grabbing a nearby towel. "Don't go putting words in my muzzle. We're not immortal. We can still die. Aging is ultimately caused by the damage due to cells as they constantly regenerate and recover. For us, the symbiont helps regulate that and can keep us happy and healthy for a long while. Longer than the average fur. Given that our lifestyle is also generally healthy, we add an extra decade or two to our lifespan. We regenerate and heal much faster than the average fur as well but if you get into a fatal car crash, get shot in the head, bleed out or drown, that's just something your symbiont can't heal. So, don't go getting reckless."
Sensing the seriousness of the topic, he took the offered towel and dried his sleek, brown fur. The waters in the pool were going still again. This gave him the opportunity to take not of his reflection which was still miserably the same, scrawny little guy that he had been previously. While he still had a cock that any pornstar would be jealous of, his body was still a twig.
"I guess good diet and exercise would make you pretty ripped and healthy."
Braid laughed softly, grabbed his underarm and pulled him to his feet. "Don't worry, kiddo. Your symbiont is going to make you grow. Trust me. Everyone changes at different paces. You can think of your changes like waves." He made a wave-like gesture with his paw. "Out in the middle of the ocean, we're barely visible. Then closer to the shore, we're rising up. Finally, as we're about to hit the beach, we start to froth, show off just how huge we are and come crashing down with a bang!"
Ulric giggled. "So that's why they call you 'Breakers', huh?"
"No. It's because we break anyone we fuck." Braid leaned down, sticking his tongue out between his grin.
Ulric paled... until he realized Braid was joking. He gave the lion an affectionate shove. "Just ask me if I want to join one more time so you can stick that dick in me."
"You are so gay." Braid patted his shoulder and led him towards the rear of the home. "But before we do that, there's some other things you gotta learn about being a Breaker. Particularly about hydration."
Near the back of the house was the single bedroom and kitchen. Despite the lack of rooms, the bungalow was still surprisingly large. The lounge could easily fit ten people and the kitchen was certainly large enough to fit about fifteen. Given the size of the men in the Department, that wasn't surprising. It only made him wonder how big the bedroom was but he given how both the lounge and the kitchen occupied the north-side of the house, the bedroom had to take up the entire south.
Sleek, modern and designed to maximize the cold air wafting from the vents, the kitchen had a horseshoe-shaped kitchen island with clean, marble tops, wooden stone frames and cool tiled floorboards that were made to look like wood but were really ceramic. That same river cut through most of the kitchen, protected by glass. It was even colder within the bright, sky-blue walls than out in the lounge since the only natural light came in from the sliding glass door that led out into the 'backyard' which was really just the rear of the house and to the 'street' that could lead to the other bungalows. All the appliances were silvery grey, new and quite modern. The refrigerator was even one of those smart fridges.
Braid opened up that very same refrigerator and plucked two bottles, tossing one towards Ulric.
"Is this another one of your 'energy drinks'?" Ulric asked with a coy smirk. Even before the lion answered, he was already unscrewing the top and downing the fluid.
"You wish," Braid chuckled, similarly opening the cap to his drink. "It's just water. Like I said, you've got to stay hydrated. Your body is prone to overheating especially in the early stages when your symbiont isn't fully matured and doesn't know how to regulate your body heat well. You've got to keep drinking water or you'll pass out."
Ulric set down the bottle of water, surprising himself in that he had drunk the entire contents in one sitting. Another bottle was pushed into his paws; the one Braid was holding. The lion was already fetching another bottle for himself. He didn't even hesitate and began drinking.
"I didn't realize I was so thirsty," commented the suddenly ridiculously endowed otter.
"Bigger balls means you've got to get more water to make all that cum," Braid said with a sly wink as he tilted his head back to take a drink from that bottle. With his body still glistening from his multiple baths and the rays of sunshine streaming in from the glass door behind him, the lion looked like he was enveloped in a golden aura from the heavens, like God was trying to tell Ulric to pay attention to those beautiful muscles. "That and all the overheating."
Ulric swallowed as he began to drink the contents of the next bottle. "Is that why you moved away from the desert?"
"Partially. This is our assignment. This is where we have to be."
"Do you think you'll stay here?"
Braid gave him a coy little smile and padded over, wrapping one paw around the slimmer otter's waist while the other still held onto that cool bottle. Their crotches pushed against one another. Ulric shivered. His exposed dick, still semi-hard from his earlier orgasm began to fill with blood again. Drops of precum oozed out and soaked into Braid's speedo - no - Braid's symbiont.
"When we've got a cutie like yourself?" cooed the lion. "Why wouldn't we?" He leaned down, the size difference between the two becoming more apparent. Braid's fangs gently nibbled at Ulric's left ear, making the otter moan softly. "I'm not just saying that to charm you into joining the Department either, kiddo. You're cute. I can't wait until you're all grown up and I get to fuck that tight ass." Braid's huge paw seized Ulric's ass and gave it a tight squeeze, making the otter yelp in surprise. "Or when you stick that monster of a dick up mine."
Ulric moaned, mumbling something akin to 'take me' into the big lion's chest. Braid leaned down towards his ear, hot breath wafting into the otter's rounded ears. The fur on the back of Ulric's neck rose and his ass instinctively clenched, eager for the spectacular load that would eventually turn him into a beach hunk, a god amongst men, an Adonis of the seas just like Darryl Braid.
But the words that came out of the lion's muzzle was not what he was expecting.
"Come back tomorrow for your _actual_appointment."
Ulric's jaw dropped open in shock as Braid coyly pushed away from him, swiftly retrieving a towel from somewhere and tossing it towards him.
"W - W - What?" he stammered.
"You heard us," responded the golden-furred lion. "Come back tomorrow. You weren't scheduled until then."
"But - but... I want to be like you! I want to join the Department!"
A large, black finger pressed up against his nose and pushed him back slightly, playfully. "Then do as we say and be patient. Good things come to those who wait. Come on. We'll even drive you back to your place."
Confused, hurt and still somewhat horny, Ulric could only wander back to the lounge room where he slipped on his clothes again. He kept looking over to Braid wondering if this was all some damn joke but the lion had similarly gotten dressed in a more casual attire and waited for him to finish. Stuffing his enormous genitals into his still-soaked-pants was somewhat difficult but he managed it even if it did leave him with a very sizable bulge.
Braid took him to garage of the bungalow which was barely big enough to fit the bright red convertible there. When Braid asked him for his address, he was tempted to lie just so that he could have more time to convince the feline to change him, to complete him, but he decided that trying to bribe or coerce a government official was not a very wise idea. Within fifteen minutes, he was rolling back up to the driveway of his house.
"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Ulric asked hopefully.
"You bet," replied Braid with an encouraging smile. He leaned down and gave Ulric a light peck on the cheek. The slight touch of that saliva, the warmth of the lion's lips, caused his balls to audibly gurgle. It took all of his restraint not to grab he agent's cheeks and pull them into a passionate kiss.
It was almost physically painful to get out of that convertible and half-waddle, half-walk up his driveway and back to his house. Braid was already driving away by the time he reached the door. That left him wondering if he was really that special or if he was just another statistic for the Department of Socio-Political Economic Reform and Maintenance. All that Braid had said was starting to sound a lot like a sales pitch for governmental mind control.
No. I want this. I want to be like him. I want to have a purpose.
Lifting his head high, he solidified his resolution to hold off until the following day and entered his house. It came as a surprise that it was already well into the afternoon. The tour didn't seem to take that long but the clock already read that it was already three in the afternoon. His dad was back from work.
Gustav Webber worked at the sole bank of the town as a teller. Had been working that job since he started when he was just eighteen years of age as a part-time job while he was studying. His grey-haired father was perched at the dining table reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee in his paws. Looking up at him from behind those thick, round glasses, Gustav gave his son a smile.
"How was the tour, son?"
"It was amazing," Ulric sighed longing. Those words came out far more maudlin than he intended so he straightened and gave a bright smile. "I'm going back tomorrow for a follow-up tour. I didn't get to see everything because I was actually scheduled to go on the tour tomorrow, not today."
His dad chuckled softly and turned his attention back to his newspaper. "I guess that's the thing about this time. You lose track of the days. Even more so during Spring Break."
Those words were like a dagger into Ulric's chest. When he had first arrived at the Department, he had gone in thinking it was the following day. That was something he had just laughed off but it was a symptom of a far greater disease that he had been ignoring up until this point. With no ambition, no purpose, there was no way to track progress and - yes - even the passing of time. Every day just blurred into one another. All he could do was look forward to when something would happen.
"I'm... Uh... I'm going to go to bed," he mumbled.
"What?" Gustav asked, puzzled. "It's so early."
"Yeah but the tour wore me out. I'm really not hungry."
"Alright," replied his concerned father, worriedly. "I'll make some dinner and put it in the fridge for you in case you get hungry."
Ulric thanked his dad and padded off to his room at the rear of the house. He lurched into his bed and collapsed into the mattress, hoping that sleep would take him until the following day. Perhaps it was a little hypocritical to sleep until tomorrow when he was just pining about having purpose and progress but he swore, he vowed, that tomorrow he would definitely change.
Sadly, his body temperature wasn't letting him get any rest.
The moment he hit the blanket, he started to feel just how hot he was. His sweat was quickly soaking the sheets and with a grunt, he spun onto his back, fanning himself to keep himself cool. Within a few minutes, he was peeling off his tank top and pants, letting his sizable junk just hang loose on the bed. Panting quickly followed afterwards. Tossing and turning in the bed didn't help. He was just getting so hot that it became impossible to get comfortable.
A shower. I need a shower.
He barely had enough brain power to remember to get dressed before he padded over to the bathroom. Without waiting for the water to warm up, he jumped into tub/shower combination, letting the little pellets of ice-cold water pepper his smooth, brown fur. A sigh of relief escaped his muzzle. Steam rose from the contact and his eyes fluttered close in relief. This was certainly going to be difficult to manage but the Department would have the equipment and facilities to help.
After what felt like an eternity of bliss, Ulric's body temperature fell low enough that he was starting to feel uncomfortable bathing in the cold water. He plugged the drain, let the water collect and sank beneath the surface until only his head was above the water. A dull throbbing rippled from his oversized balls, twin reactors seething with energy that was currently being absorbed by the water. The raging inferno contained within were soothed... for now. That allowed him to think a little clearer.
The Department...
Never before was he so sure that he wanted to join the enigmatic group. Massaging his balls, feeling their full, virile mass between his fingers and the gentle heat they emitted only cemented this realization.
The next few hours are going to be hell.
With a groan, he pulled himself from the tub, fur dripping wet and his cock semi-erect. He resisted the urge to play with himself though he did have to endure fondling his genitals as he dried himself off. Sensitive he may be but the raging inferno within him had been doused for the moment so he didn't proceed to overheat just yet.
Ulric, once more dressed and with a clear mind, returned to his bed and slumped back into his sweat-soaked sheets. He draped an arm over his head and closed his eyes. Sleep was starting to encroach on his consciousness.
Rest didn't come, however, as his phone rang a moment later. It was Trent Russo, his best friend and the orca who couldn't surf.
"Hey Trent," he greeted cheerfully. "What's up, man?"
"Dude, how was the tour?"
A lewd smile touched his features as he remembered the multiple encounters he had with the very sexy Agent Darryl Braid. "It was a lot of fun. Pretty educational too. They've got a lot of hi-tech stuff there and everything is pretty clean and new. Hard to believe that they built up the old waterfront into that place."
"Seriously? Damn. I can't wait to see it myself in a couple of days."
Ulric's grin turned into a small bite of his lower lip as images of Darryl over him, the touch of those lips, the taste of that cum and the feel of that body returned. Memories of those strong paws all over his body, the firm, lean muscles pressed against his chest and that long, flexible tongue dancing in his muzzle stirred the monster in his pants. There was an audible gurgle from his balls, loud enough that Trent heard it.
"Whoa. What was that?"
"I'm just..." Ulric swallowed hard. His paw had snuck into shorts, fondling his needy dick. "... hungry."
"They didn't feed you over there?"
"They fed me alright. Just haven't had dinner." He mentally chuckled at himself for that joke as he fondling his sack. If he didn't know any better, he could swear his Symbiont was in there and loved the attention he was giving it. In response, his cock began rising, sliding out from just underneath the rim of his shorts and leaking a river of precum all over the creamy fur of his belly.
"Seriously? Now I'm more excited. But before that, we still up for a surf tomorrow after work?"
He had forgotten about that. Today's lesson was cancelled because he wasn't sure what time the tour would finish but Trent had been dragging him out to the beach to practice swimming every day for the past few weeks not only to improve his swimming but to learn how to surf. With Spring Break just a few weeks away, Trent had that much time to learn how to get on a board with enough skill that he can actually impress someone. Of course, Ulric had told him many times before that it took more than three weeks to learn how to surf but once Trent got an idea in his head, it was nearly impossible to get him to change his mind. He mildly wondered exactly how well he'd swim with a massive cock and balls weighing him down but then he remembered Braid's lean, muscled figure lifting himself easily out of the swimming pool, body glistening like liquid gold and that tight, crimson speedo wrapped perfectly against the shapely bubble butt.
Biting back a moan, he shamelessly pushed down his pants, letting all ten inches of his erect cock slap against his stomach and leak all over his sheets. Fondling his own balls only heightened his arousal, his temperature rising rapidly and defeating the purpose of his earlier shower.
"Ulric, dude? You still there?"
"Y - Yeah," he mumbled, eyes squeezed shut. "And yeah. Let's go to the beach tomorrow. I... I..." He glanced at his dick, the slit angled towards him like his Symbiont was reaching for him. "Listen. I gotta go. Catch you tomorrow."
"Sure thing, dude. Laters."
He hung up, dropping his phone casually to the side. Without wasting a second, he grasped his cock in both paws, stroking his shaft with such fervour that his entire body was thrusting and convulsing with each motion. The movements completely involuntary. His eyes were shut, his mind swimming in the waves of pleasure brought on by the unbridled ecstasy. Images of Braid danced through the ocean of bliss coupled with the hazy phantom of a tall, lean, muscular otter with genitals that might as well have been another leg. The two masculine figures had their muzzles meshed together, tongues dancing in one another's cheeks and bodies intertwined in every possible position.
Yes... I want that. I want to be that.
I want us to be that.
Fantasies swirled within his head. An image of him and Braid sitting across from one another, their monster cocks stretching forward and placed in one another's muzzles, paws stroking the enormous rods. Both were gulping down colossal amounts of up, their muzzles wrapped around one another's cocks and feeding one another their essence. His right paw was stroking Braid's long, vascular dick, coaxing more and more of that delicious seed down his throat while the other was rolling over Braid's pectorals, following their smooth curves with enough pressure to feel just how plump they were. They were perfectly shaped; strong and firm but not so big that he could see every striation against the lion's tawny fur. Perfectly sculpted was the word. His fingers glided down Braid's flanks, following those gorgeous curves towards the lion's firm abdominals. His fingers sank between the firm mounds, making him squirt more of his seed into the imaginary lion's muzzle.
In reality, his own cock let out a loud gurgle and spurted a thick wad of precum onto his belly in tandem with the vivid imagery in his mind. A noise like stretching rubber emanated from his pulsating member. The bright pink flesh stretched, expanded and oozed more and more precum onto his belly. All the while, his balls churned, thrashing against his thighs and forcing his scrotum to expand more and more. He was forced to spread his legs slightly to accommodate. There was no pain. Just endless pleasure and heat; heat that pulsed in fiery waves all over his body and caused his toes to curl, claws digging into the footrest of his bed. Sweat poured out of him, soaking his bed sheets and giving off a strong musk in his room.
Panting hard, tongue hanging out from between his lips, Ulric's body convulsed. Hot cum came pouring out of his dick, shooting up with enough force that it struck his muzzle. He got a taste of his own seed. Just the first drop was enough to send a bolt of lightning through his body and causing him to spasm again. The heat radiating through his body pulsed with each rapid heartbeat, rippling throughout his entire body like a mysterious, alien signal beckoning him, calling to him. This was his Symbiont, his partner. It was growing, maturing, synchronizing its pulsations with his heart.
They were growing closer and closer to one another.
That realization brought a smile to his lips as he willingly submitting his body to the call of his Symbiont. Each convulsion brought them closer and closer together. The cum that spewed from his massive cock and balls were secondary; it was just the catalyst that helped close the gap between them. Each burst of pleasure they felt differently but with each orgasm, the sensations became more and more similar.
Ulric wasn't sure how long he was laying that like that; paws gripping his throbbing cock, cum pouring out of his dick like a river and body riding the ebb and flow of orgasm and afterglow over and over again. Something just told him that it was time. The heat of his body shrouded him like an aura, like he was wearing a thick, warm jacket. Rising from his cum-soaked sheets, he swung his feet over the edge of the bed. His toes sank into about half an inch pool of cum. Smirking to himself, Ulric wiggled his toes into the pool, enjoying the feel of liquid against his flesh.
It was just two in the morning. Technically 'tomorrow'.
Somehow, he knew that Braid wouldn't mind.
He didn't even bother putting on any underwear or any clothes for that matter. Nothing he had would be able to support his enormous genitals. In fact, he swelled with pride at the huge forearm-long member dangling between his legs and his low-hanging orange-sized balls. With his dad long asleep, Ulric left his house, walking back towards the warehouse district in a trance. The cool night air helped keep him from overheating as did the fact that he was soaking in his own cum.
The pulsing of heat within him grew more and more excited with each step he took back towards the Department, back towards Braid. He barely even noticed the others that were leaving their homes and making their way towards the warehouse. A few smiles were exchanged but some unspoken law kept them from exchanging pleasantries. This was a big moment for all of them and it was deeply personal. This was the moment when they would join the Department. When they would become one with their Symbiont. No one else need be involved save, perhaps, for their progenitors.
It still took a whole hour before he reached the warehouses by foot but by the time he had reached it, he was one among about a hundred who were slowly making their way towards the their individual progenitors, called by the ineffable bond between the man who had begun their transformation and the Symbiont that they were now so close with. Ulric watched with mild interest as one of his fellow initiates met with their agent right there on the docks. There were no formalities, no exchange of words, just the two colliding with one another, cocks rising and two writing bodies quickly being consumed by their lust, precum pouring out between their compressed bodies. Others had a modicum of restraint and they were taken back into the facility, likely to complete their ascension somewhere more private and intimate.
I wonder where Braid will turn me... turn us...?
Though he already knew the answer to that.
Taking a sharp left turn, he followed a few others into the residential district of the Department facility, to the bungalows. Even if all the houses looked exactly the same, he still found Braid's one without issue. There was no need to knock. All he did was just stand in front of the big, blue door for about half a minute before it sprung open. There stood the beautiful, golden-furred lion in all his lean, muscular glory. Those ripped abdominals glistening as if he had just emerged from a pool, broad shoulders like two half-moons peaking out from behind the mountains that were his pectorals.
The lion gave him a knowing smirk. "I know it's probably moot at this point but I've got to ask." He leaned down, that big paw of his gently cupping Ulric's chin. "Do you want to join the Department?"
Ulric grabbed the back of Braid's head and pulled them together, his lips mashing together with their tongues dancing upon one another. He broke the kiss long enough to give verbal confirmation.
"Yes. Absolutely."
His cock was already rising, his excitement bringing it to brush up against Braid's red speedo; that glistening speedo. The mere touch sent a shiver down Ulric's spine like Chief was reaching out to him, telling him that soon, he would be complete. The lion's powerful arms gently scooped him up and carried him into the bungalow, never once breaking the kiss between them. No doubt Braid wanted to carry him all the way back to the bedroom but neither of them had the patience or mental fortitude to resist their primal urges for much longer.
Instead, Braid just brought them back to the lounge room, back to that floor-level pool. Ulric was slowly lowered into the calm, crystal-clear waters. The cool touch of the liquid brought a sigh of relief but did not douse the raging inferno that was driving blood into his cock and balls. He was fully hard by the time he was mostly submerged into the water. It was with some degree of pride that even with his rump sitting at the bottom of the pool, his cock could still rise up to a good two or three inches out of the water's surface.
Braid licked his lips and sat down opposite to him, their legs intertwined. He could feel the strong, powerful muscles along the lion's thighs, powerful machines that were developed from having to move his weight through water almost constantly. His feet gently brushed up against those rock-hard abs and his toes were treated to the faint touch of spandex as Chief liquefied and slipped into Braid.
Oh god... here it comes.
Like a majestic whale breaching the surface, Braid's enormous cock rose from beneath the still waters, far outstripping Ulric's already gargantuan dick by over a foot. The young otter was left to gawk at the pillar of masculine flesh, the epitome of manliness and male power that throbbed over him, dripping a mixture of clean water and precum over his forehead like it was baptizing him into the Department. The heat radiating off it drew him in, calling to him like a majestic lighthouse beckoning him to safe harbor. His lips wrapped around the head, that salty precum pouring straight down his throat.
Eyes half-closed Ulric's whole body was suddenly afire like every cell in his body was having an orgasm at that very moment, each one raising its voice to a symphony with his cock as the conductor, dictating the pace of the tune. His dick pulsed, rising another inch out of the waters and he instinctively gasped. That drew in more precum into his body, the succulent, salty fluids making his toes curl, claws gently raking through Braid's fur.
His dick rose another inch, his balls growing to match. There was another source of heat that he detected beneath the waters. It didn't take him long to realize that the twin orbs were Braid's balls. Just like how the cock in his muzzle called to his tongue, the lion's testicles sang their siren song towards his balls. A muffled groan rose from his throat, quickly turning into a gurgle as more precum funneled down his throat. That heralded the bulging of his sac, inching closer and closer towards Braid's own testicles.
Naturally, his cock rose even more, rising half a foot out of the water. That was Braid's cue. The lion's large, vascular paw gripped the exposed flesh. Ulric instinctively thrust into the offered paw. One touch was all it took for his over-excited cock to surge upward, pushing past Braid's fingers and squirting a big wad of thick precum right onto the lion's muzzle. Even though he had his cock sucked multiple times before by the sexy lion, this was on an entirely new level. Every fibre of his being from the tips of his toes to the ends of the hair on his head was devoted to pumping his seed right into Braid's eager lips.
Every cell in his body was thrown into overdrive. Heat radiated from his body like a reactor, pumping through his veins like molten lava. Even with his body submerged in the water, it wasn't enough to fully cool him. Every drop of precum that funneled down his throat was like more fuel for the raging fire within him. Part of him wanted to pull away, to give himself time to recover but the other part couldn't get enough of that delicious, salty seed. The fires of passion were seeping into every part of his body, pumping every part of him with raw energy; energy that it used to grow.
Cells rapidly divided and multiplied, bones expanded and lengthened, muscles ballooned out burned away any excess fat. The young otter's entire body became encased in a full-body orgasm. There had been an inferno burning deep inside him but now, it_erupted_ into a titanic explosion that slammed against every part of his body, pushing his frame to its limits and beyond. Ulric's fingers grabbed the edges of the pool, holding on for dear life even though that was where the growth first began.
Powerful pulses slammed against his fingertips. Long, thin, webbed fingers ballooned off in all directions, his palms expanding to better accommodate his future size and to weave through water. Thick veins crawled up and down the back of his paws, leading seamlessly down towards his forearms. Meat packed on his flexor muscles. A sound like a crackling fire erupted from his expanding muscles, burning away what he had been and replacing it with raw masculinity and mass. Where once there had been a single, smooth, straight line of flesh that connected elbow to wrist, a clear divide quickly appeared right down the middle. Two meaty growths pressed against one another, fighting for space against the lengthening bone, pressing up against his elbows while hungrily consuming the blood pumped into them by the crisscrossing veins.
Ulric instinctively threw his head back. Braid's dick followed the movement, ensuring that he was constantly getting that flood of succulent cum pouring into him non-stop. The mass and growth was just starting to seep up his upper arms when the dam broke. There was no way he could hold on any longer. His eyes sprang open, boggling in his sockets. He couldn't help himself from thrusting his engorged, titanic member into the offered leonine muzzle. One thrust was all it took. All the fire, the raging inferno, was suddenly all drained into his testicles. There was so much power, so much _energy,_contained within that his balls gurgled and expanded, pressing up against the insides of his thighs. They were still too small to contain the reaction that had caused such great changes. The overflowing energy rocketed up his dick and the moment even the first drop of cum started shooting out, the rest followed. There was now some way the energy could escape the writhing otter.
There was no way to stop it.
I don't want to stop it!
Ulric let out a loud moan, muffled by Braid's dick still in his muzzle. The flood of cum seemed to take an eternity to charge up his massive member; heightening the duration of his orgasm. But when the first drops reached the tip of his dick, the blast of euphoria was nearly enough to knock him unconscious. It was like a volcano had erupted where his genitals were, leaving him with a sensation of being tossed back and forth by the shockwave of the explosion. The otter could only hold on as best as he could with his newly grown paws while his cock writhed and shook like a wild firehose, one firmly planted in Braid's jaws.
Despite the force of the blast, Braid was well prepared and trained for this eventuality. He drank every drop, his own symbiont helping him funnel all the seed into him and process it expertly. They were not so much interested in the cum as what it_carried_. Not just Ulric's genetic data. No. The flood was a gateway to his _true_goal: the juvenile symbiont that had been growing in young Ulric's testicles.
Sure enough, the explosion of cum was so powerful that the barely aware symbiont was dragged out of its home, up the three-foot-long dick and rick into Braid's muzzle. Confused and suddenly without its host, the symbiont was immediately met with Braid's own. Chief - the name of Braid's symbiont - quickly began to exchange information, informing its progeny about its role, about how to live side-by-side with its host and how to fully manifest. There was too much information to pass on in one sitting, however and Ulric was already starting to feel the absence of his life-long partner.
The otter, still with a cock in his mouth, became miserably aware of the coldness that was left after all the fires of his symbiont had been drained. What afterglow he could glean was immediately met with panic. Then Braid gently grasped the back of his head, holding it firmly against his dick; a dick that immediately began to convulse.
There was no time to fight against Braid's superior strength. Ulric could see the first blast of cum rising out from beneath the water's surface, rushing towards his muzzle. The torrent of seed came out with enough force that it slammed into the back of his throat, leaving him gagging and gasping, with cum dripping out from the corners of his muzzle. It was a good thing Braid and Chief were smart enough not to send their guest back with the first shot. Not even the second. It was only when Ulric could comfortably gulp down the offered cum did Chief push the newly formed symbiont into its host's balls, letting it follow the current of cum up the massive dick and back into its own host.
The moment Ulric felt his own Symbiont touch his tongue and enter him, it was like a veil had been lifted from the world. So much information came flooding into him and that inferno reignited. He let out another muffled moan. Understanding came flooding into his mind.
I get it now.
As he came to that realization, his upper arms shuddered. The veins that had stopped at his elbows coalesced into a single stream, one vein, that crawled up his biceps. Each muscle it touched blossomed into thick, lean orbs that left little to no body fat between them. That very same vein crossed the boundary onto his shoulders, turning his deltoids into what could only be seen as a fleshy shoulder pad based on its shape and size.
Then it was time.
With his new arms, Ulric yanked his paws off the sides of the pool and gripped his huge dick. He wanted to feel his symbiont as it passed from his balls and back into Braid for its next session. Again, all the heat that had fuelled his body was drained immediately to his sack and again, his balls were still too small to contain the roiling energy within. That sound of crackling flames could be heard even within the pool. He had to spread his legs out a little more just to accommodate the growing orbs between them.
Here I come!
Another blast of seed came rocketing out, just as pleasurable as the first. Gripping onto his own cock for support, Ulric shook and shuddered and he shot his symbiont back into Braid. The lion, eyes now black with concentration as he was one with Chief, was deeply focused as he gulped down every drop. Ulric knew he had to achieve that as well and he braced himself for the storm that he knew was coming.
It only took a few seconds before Braid's dick was churning and gurgling in front of him. He couldn't take the first blast and still spluttered and coughed as it came spluttering out of his muzzle. He barely caught the tail end of the second before he began suckling on the warm, throbbing cock. Again, his symbiont was sent down with the third shot.
Oh fuuuck... Yes... Yes!
With every gulp of that offered cum, his throat expanded. Thick, corded muscles wrapped around his throat even as his Adam's Apple grew bigger and more pronounced. What baby fat remained around his cheeks was eaten away, leaving clean, crisp cheekbones and a highly defined jawline. The cords around his neck wound down to a broad, pronounced collarbone. This set the stage for the rising heat to lift his pectorals out from under the surface of the water. That crackling noise rolled up his spine, added several inches to his height and bringing his bright, pink nipples that capped off his ballooning chest muscles above the water. There was just the slightest hint of his abdominal muscles which quickly hardened into an armor-like eight-pack that led towards his slim waist.
Oh god! I'm cumming again!
It was impossible to stop. Not that he wanted it to.
Again, his balls gurgled, pushing outward and just barely_touching Braid's own gargantuan testicles. He could _swear his symbiont was pushing up against the walls of his sack, eager to get back into the same body as its mentor. It didn't have to wait that long as every muscle in Ulric's body seized up and his cock blasted cum another mammoth load right into Braid. Ulric was still amazed how the lion could take it all without blinking.
Ulric had a brief moment to realize that when viewed from a distance, they would look like a sort of lean, muscled infinity symbol. Their enormous cocks were locked within one another's muzzle and they were constantly passing cum and the young symbiont from one to the other.
He didn't get another second for musing as Braid's cum came blasting out of that massive, red rocket. Caught off guard, he gasped. Braid's grip at the back of his head tightened slightly, a gentle reminder to keep his focus at this crucial moment. Eager to prove himself, Ulric gulped down the second load without spilling a drop. Pride and the monstrous heat that came with the transformation and imbibing his own Symbiont followed.
But the heat this time around wasn't so bad. He could sense that his Symbiont was learning how to regulate his body heat better. As he continued to suckle and drink from Braid's dick, the heat inn his upper body was less like internalizing a sun and more like radiating a soft warmth from within. The most intense of flames was focused in his thighs as his symbiont pushed out the lanky legs in all directions. Strong, muscles built for swimming flared out. His toes curled in pleasure, brushing up against Braid's own thighs as.
We're cumming!
His balls expanded one last time, now pressing comfortably against Braid's own enormous testicles. For the third time, his body convulsed and for the last time, his symbiont left him and rocketed into Braid. The last lessons were exchanged, one last blessing and one last piece of advice. Ulric was ready this time. His body was perfected and now, he was ready to enter the Department as one of the Breakers.
He now had a purpose.
As if to seal the deal, when the last drop of cum erupted from Ulric, Braid pulled his muzzle again, giving the young otter a bright, proud grin. Even the experienced agent couldn't hold back anymore. The lion threw his head back, claws digging into the tiles around the pool and even shattering a few. His roar shook the windows of the bungalow. The cum that came flying out of his dick could have downed a fighter jet.
Ulric was ready for it and even with the powerful first blast, he took it all in while his eyes were closed. Not a single drop was wasted into the murky waters of the cum-infused pool. He drank it all and was at last united with his fully matured Symbiont. He quivered, shuddered and writhed in place.
He stopped being a singular and became fused with his symbiont... fused with Watch.
But there is still something we must do.
When the last drop from Braid was offered, the exhausted lion gave him a lopsided grin, pushing his dick aside so that they could look into one another's eyes. Ulric opened his eyes, still 'normal' from all appearances compared to Braid's dark ones.
"You know what you got to do to finish the process," rumbled the lion. "What you need to do to answer this question." The lion's smile grew broader as he already knew Ulric's response. "Do you want to join the Department?"
Ulric grinned and angled his own erect cock towards his own muzzle.
It was only a formality but he still nodded and said, "Yes. Yes we do."
Then he clamped his muzzle down on the head of his own cock...
... and they came.
There had to be some degree of irony that Trent Russo was born an orca on a coastal town and_could not_ surf. Like his best friend, Ulric Webber, he was one of the working class kids born and raised in Sohomo, Florida. Just like his brother-from-another-mother, Trent had never gone beyond the town and hadn't gone to college. Little money for that and even fewer opportunities for someone of his intellect.
One couldn't call Trent lazy. He had ambitions but he was also a realist. As much as he wanted to leave the town, he just didn't have the smarts for it. No matter how much he tried to study there were just concepts and ideas that he just could not wrap his head around. While he remained active and fit - he was on the soccer team back in high school - he had one crippling failing that often saw him ridiculed: his inability to surf.
As a realist, he knew that the only way he was ever going to get out of Sohomo was if he came up with some world-changing idea that didn't take too much brain power to concoct or he found himself someone who was rich or smart enough to carry him away from the town. Considering how the first option wasn't exactly his strong suit, he had resigned himself to hopefully attracting some smart college student during Spring Break and making enough of an impression that they'd want to get married.
And what better way to attract a college student than with amazing surfing skills?
At least that was this year's plan.
Last year was getting ripped but since Sohomo didn't exactly get the healthiest of foods, that was nearly impossible. The year before that_it was growing a cool soul patch but he could grow facial hair about as well as he could swim. The year before _that, it was getting a tattoo but he couldn't decide on a design.
So this year, it was surfing.
And this time, he would make it work thanks to his best friend Ulric who was an ace surfer.
And whose training sessions didn't cost him a cent.
Trent was always secretly jealous of Ulric. The otter and his dad had stable jobs whereas Trent worked as a pool cleaning boy for the rich socialites that had beach houses here. While that did pay decently enough, it wasn't really that steady especially during the winter months. It was only around Spring Break and summer when his business really boomed. Still, he was extremely grateful that Ulric was always so willingly to tolerate his schemes.
It was with this in mind that he padded up to Ulric's doorstep. With a key in hand, he entered the house which was predictably empty at this time of day. He parked himself in front of the TV, switched on some arbitrary channel and waited. He didn't have to wait long, however, which was a surprise.
As he recalled, Ulric wasn't meant to actually be back until later in the afternoon but by the roar of the old engine, he guessed that this was probably Gustav Webber. Being on good terms with both Webbers was a good thing as they were both more than happy to share their good fortune with Trent. In fact, when he was younger, he had secretly hoped Gustav would marry his divorced mom so that they could be on big family.
Though, if Trent had his way, his thoughts towards Ulric wouldn't exactly be... brotherly.
He shook away the thought radiating from his crotch and turned towards the door, eager to greet Ulric's dad.
The otter that stepped inside, however, was one he barely recognized.
The guy wore a far more refined, chiseled version of Ulric's face but he was at least seven feet tall, ripped as hell and he wore nothing but a single, black speedo with the name 'Watch' on the waistband. Trent was about to leap up to his feet in panic when this titan of an otter stepped aside and let a flustered Gustav Webber step inside.
Stunned, unable to speak, Trent could only stare.
"Hey Trent," greeted the giant. "You ready to go surfing?"
It took him a second to realize that this really _was_his best friend. "U - Ulric...!? I - I - Is that you!?"
Ulric placed his huge, vascular paws on his hips and grinned brightly. "Who else would we be?"
Trent struggled for words. He glanced towards Gustav who was unashamedly starting at his son's package. The orca's own eyes were drawn towards the enormous beast that was barely contained within Ulric's speedo. The outline of that flaccid cock had to at least be eleven inches long and those low hanging, heavy balls were so big that they looked to be stretching the fabric obscenely. It took all his strength to tear his gaze from the envy-inducing package.
"W - What happened to you?"
Ulric grinned at him, a dazzling, disarming smile.
"We joined the Department!"