Starfox: Shadows of War (Chapter Three)

Story by Xidon on SoFurry

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#3 of Starfox: Shadows of War

Chapter Three: "Brief Trouble"

Warning: This does have some intense fighting action. Be warned...

Fox slowly woke up now and glanced at the time. It was nighttime aboard the ship, though he figured that this was the perfect time for him to get up with Krystal. He began to get up, groaning as he moved away from her body heat. He remembered all of the stuff he had done with her and smiled, admiring her body.

Krystal began to stir when he moved away and groped for his body heat before waking up and looking at him, her eyes heavy with drowsiness. "Fox, baby, come back to bed..." she groaned, sitting up.

"I'm not tired. And, since there's no one outside, I think it'd be a wonderful thing for us if we go out there and spend time with each other!" Fox said, getting dressed.

"But that's even more reason for us to be sleeping..." she said, but she shrugged and got up, getting her clothing on.

"You want to walk around and have everyone talking about how we're in love?" Fox asked her before smiling and saying, "This is one of our few chances to be together without too many people figuring out that we're in love."

The blue vixen smiled and came over to him, hugging him tightly. "I love you so much, Fox," she told him, and felt his arms wrap around her body.

"I love you, too," he responded, kissing the top of her head and holding her close. Both stood there for a while, hugging each other and just content knowing that they loved each other. Soon, Fox took her hand and led her to the door. Upon opening it, they found that the halls were dimly lit and there wasn't anyone around. The couple walked out, hand in hand, and began to walk to one of the space observation decks. At night was one of the few times that Fox enjoyed going to those decks. During the day, they were so crowded and noisy that a person could not hear themselves think!

However, now that it was nighttime, there was no worry about that happening to them as they walked into one. Krystal gasped at the sight, as they were above the beautiful planet of Zoness. "My...F-Fox, I didn't think that Zoness looked this beautiful from outer space," she admitted.

"You've never been to Zoness?" Fox asked, turning to her with a smile.

She turned to him, her green eyes shining at him in the darkness, it seemed. "No, not even near it. Not that I can recall, anyway," she answered, looking at him for a bit before turning back to the planet.

The two were in that room for hours, pointing out the constellations as they passed them and the various planets that they could identify and overall having a wonderful, calm, relaxing time together. They were just about ready to leave when a voice rang out, "Well, what do we have here?"

It was Falco! He had been looking for them, knowing that they had come out of their room, and finally found them. Fox turned to him and asked, "What do you want now, Falco?!" he asked, growling at him.

"Simple, to see the two lovebirds and see how they were doing. And also to ask for something from Krystal," Falco said, walking forward with something of a malicious smirk.

Krystal could sense his intentions and she was tempted again. However, Fox was right there! And besides, she wouldn't betray him. Even in secret. "I know what you want," she said, making Falco back up in surprise.

"Oh? Well then, shall we?" he asked, thinking that she would go for it. Fox got the idea into his head now, and was about to say something, but Krystal put a finger to his lips to hush him up, strengthening Falco's hopes even further. However, what she said brought them all down.

"No, I am not going to do that with you, you perverted bastard!" she proclaimed now before hugging Fox. "Fox is my mate and I am determined to stay with him!"

Falco sat there, his jaw dropping. Fox smirked and said, "Tough shit, Falco. You're better off finding your own mate." he then turned with Krystal and began to walk to the door.

But Falco wasn't going to go defeated like this. He turned and said, "Well, how about I show off a tape I took of you and Krystal having sex if she doesn't do what I want!"

That made both stop. "What?!" Fox asked, turning to him. His eyes went wide with horror when Falco held up a CD. "I burned the video onto this CD already, and I'm not afraid to use it to get my way. Now, if Krystal comes with me and gives me a private session, I won't show it off to the whole crew."

"You wouldn't even dare!" Krystal shouted, turning to him with her fists clenched, but shuddered at Falco's malicious intent.

"You didn't catch onto the hints that I gave you the first time around, Krystal," Falco said, which hurt Krystal. She had seen Falco making moves, yet she had gone for Fox. She could understand how hurt he was, but he still had no right to be doing what he was doing...

Fox stepped forward suddenly and shouted, "You win some and you lose some, you stupid ass! Now you'll get rid of that CD if you know what's good for you!"

"Hey, Fox, I was wondering...have you ever felt what its like to have almost all the bones in your body broken?" Falco asked, twirling the disc on his finger. Fox held up his fists defensively, seeing that there was a fight fixing to happen. "Krystal...leave him to me..."

"Well, how about you find out?!" Falco shouted suddenly, throwing the disc at Fox. Fox ducked under it barely and heard it shatter behind him. Then, the falcon rushed forward really fast in the darkness towards the fox and kicked him in the chin before following up with a kick to his chest that sent the vulpine staggering back against the wall. He then went to punch Fox in the face, but Fox countered with a high kick right to his beak, which broke it, making him give out a screech of pain as he fell back.

Fox now saw his chance to attack and took it. He came up and kicked Falco in the same place twice before doing a butterfly kick right to his chest that sent him flying back and against one of the opposite walls, making the strong glass shudder from the impact. Falco stood up, his vision blurred, and then felt a hard contact to the side of his head as Fox kicked him on the side of the head to send him rolling to the side.

Falco stood up and in desperation made a punch at where he thought Fox's face was. He made a lucky hit right to his nose and knocked the Fox off of his guard, after which Falco kicked him in the groin and kneed him in the face as he came down, breaking one of his cheekbones with a sickening crack.

"Ha, is that all you've got, Fox?" Falco managed through the pain that he was in.

But that cheap move that Falco had pulled just angered the vulpine. He stood up, and then let out a growl of anger as he rushed forward and began pummeling Falco's face before the bird could do anything. Blood began to drip down from the bird getting scrapes and cuts from Fox's knuckles hitting his face. The bird soon lost consciousness and fell over, out cold.

Fox stood there, standing over the defeated bird in anger. He was huffing and growling, his anger overflowing. He wanted to kill the bird at this point, and was even teasing temptation to strangle the bird in his sleep. Only the soothing waves of Krystal's thoughts penetrating his mind kept him from doing something he would have regretted.

Krystal came forward and kissed his cheek, saying, "Fox, calm down. We don't need you killing him and starting even more trouble..."

Fox nodded and then sighed, holding his cheekbone. "I'm going to have to get this fixed, thanks to him," Fox said, sighing in disbelief. He turned to the shattered remains of the disc and said, "I'm also going to trash Falco's computer."

"I'm sure he's going to get thrown in the brig anyways for attempted blackmail of his own captain," she told him, hugging him now. "We'll sort this out, Fox. I'm not happy about it, either, but anger will only lead to bitterness, and the last thing I need is a bitter husband."

The orange vulpine sighed and then said, "Let's go and get some word out about this incident."

Three hours later, Falco was on a bed in the medical bay, being worked on. Fox had done far more damage to his skull than was thought to be possible, and Fox felt deeply guilty for it. Three fractures had occurred on across his skull, his beak was completely smashed, he had a nasty concussion, had very slight hemorrhage, and of course was bleeding rather badly from the cuts on his face that he had gotten from the fight.

"I understand that you fought out of self defense," The doctor, an arctic fox, stated before asking, "But why did you fight him in the first place?"

Fox sighed and responded, "He was threatening to blackmail me and Krystal. And after Krystal didn't give in to him, he took his frustration out on me..."

The doctor nodded and said, "A good cause for fighting, both for your defense and hers. I doubt any charges will be pressed against you for this."

"They'd better not, though I still feel bad for what I did to the guy," Fox admitted, looking past him at the limp form of his friend.

"That's understandable, seeing as he is one of your friends. However, you shouldn't feel so bad for him. He deserved what he got from you," the white furred vulpine told Fox. He then turned back to Falco and began directing the staff once again.

"Come on, Fox, let's go," Krystal said. She hated seeing or even feeling Fox like this. The sadness and guilt in his heart was hurting her worse than any physical wound that she could feel.

Fox nodded and took her hand, walking out into the now brightly lit hallways. The accident that had occurred had people up and about, wondering what was going on. There was a crime scene going on, both in Falco's room and on that obsrevation deck that Fox and Krystal had been on, and where Fox had defeated Falco.

Fox looked inside of the observatory before sighing as he moved on. "This is just so wrong..." he muttered quietly.

Krystal nodded and hugged him again, staying close to him. "I'm sorry that things had to happen this way, Fox. But there's no going back now..."

"Fox! What happened?" Peppy's voice rang out from behind them. Both turned to see the old hare running up to them.

"Me and Falco had a fight because he was jealous that I had Krystal and he didn't," Fox replied, sighing while his ears pinned back from the lecture he knew he was going to get from Peppy about this.

But much to his surprise, Peppy just frowned and said, "That rascal...he just can't stand not being better than you, can he?"

Krystal shrugged and said, "They did share a rivalry for the longest time."

"They still share a rivalry, and it's only grown stronger ever since Fox defeated the Aparoid Queen. Something's not quite right about the way he's acting, as I've never seen him go this far," Peppy said, thinking heavily. It was obvious when he was thinking hard on something, as he had his eyes squeezed shut when he was thinking hard on something.

Fox then spoke up, "Whatever the case is, he won't be around to pester me for quite a while. I just hope that he learns a lesson while he's down in the brig."

"Same here. By the way, Slippy's girlfriend is onboard the ship, so when you see him, congratulate him for being lucky like that," Peppy said, beaming at the two.

Krystal's eyes widened before she grinned and asked, "Has she? Good for him! I wonder how they're doing right now?"

Fox's mood was lifted by hearing that Slippy had something to get his mind off of the bullshit he'd been having to go through of late. "Where is he now?" the vulpine asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"He's in his workshop. She's helping him this time around, despite the protests from his new boss," Peppy explained, and before he could say anything else, the two foxes had left to go and see Slippy. Peppy shook his head and said, "Young people..."

Fox and Krystal arrived at the workshop to see Slippy working with Amelia on his newest project, a new energy sword. Amelia looked up and gasped before saying, "Slippy, hon, we've got visitors!"

Slippy spun around before seeing that it was his teammates and grinning. "Hey there, Fox! And Krystal! Did Peppy tell you about Amelia?"

"Yes, he did!" Krystal said, coming inside. "Congratulations on having her come here, Slippy!"

The toad's face went dark green, almost a little red from his huge blush right then. "T-T-Thanks..." Slippy responded, rubbing the back of his head rather shyly.

"Aw, don't be so shy, Slip," Amelia said, coming over and kissing his cheek in front of Fox and Krystal, which of course, only made the toad's blush darker. "It's an honor to meet the leader of the Starfox team and, his girlfriend too?"

Fox walked inside and replied, "That's right. You keeping Slip company while he works?"

The female toad nodded and walked back over to her boyfriend. "Yeah, he's been treated pretty bad by the crew in here, something that I'm not very happy about. This crew of soldiers isn't the nicest bunch on the vine."

"You've got that right," Fox muttered quietly before he then spoke up and said, "Who you making that for, Slip?"

"I'm actually making it for you! Don't ask me what led me to do it, but I think it'd be cool to see you wielding a sword this time around," Slippy said, gaining a surprised look from his vulpine friend.

"Wait, you what?" Fox asked, giving the toad a quizzical look.

"I'm making you the sword! You can use it in your close up battles instead of having to rely on your fists next time!" Slippy replied, working on the hilt some more.

The orange vulpine shook his head in disbelief. "I don't use swords, Slippy..."

"You were trained in them, though, weren't you?" the toad asked.

Krystal giggled and looked at Fox, who replied, "Once, I think? Not enough to really learn how to use them, though."

The toad now gave him a quizzical look. "Really? No, I remember you taking a lot of classes on how to use all sorts of weaponry, including blades. And blades was your favorite."

"Where did you get that idea?" Fox asked, looking at him in surprise. "No, you've gotten me mistaken for someone else?"

"Still being obstinate on hiding that secret, are we?" Slippy asked, and Krystal looked at him as if wondering if he was trying hard to hide it or not, and if so, for what reason.

But before any of them could say anything further, the PA announcement came on, saying: "Attention, all crew! Attention, all crew! We are nearing Corneria City after weeks of travel! Repeat, we are nearing Corneria City. All crew prepare to disembark."

Fox turned to Krystal and smirked. "Yeah! But...then what about Falco? Is he going to go to prison?"

Krystal shook her head and said, "I guess we can only wait and see.

Next chapter's going to be rather interesting, I hope. Well, for plot, anyways. For much else? No, not really. There's not going to be any fighting or sex or anything. But you'll get plenty of that stuff and then some in the stuff to come.