Roommates Ch. 10

Story by DiaperedDwagon on SoFurry

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#10 of Roommates

Chapter 10

Neither of the dragons continued the conversation. Despite Fraser's comments, Ansel had started to lean on Fraser again. Fraser didn't seem to mind. He was still occupied with groping his newly soaked diaper. The front was still warm to the touch, and he was quite enjoying the feeling of it. On one hand, Fraser thought it was gross to be sitting in his own urine. On the other, it felt so good. He definitely would have felt worse about it if Ansel wasn't around. He also would have never known he enjoyed this if Ansel wasn't around. Fraser glanced over at Ansel. Ansel seemed to be pretty content as well. He had a happy look on his face as he was watching whatever was on the tv.

Ansel wasn't really paying attention to what was on the tv. He thought it was pretty boring. He was smiling because of other things. Anyone who had found out he enjoyed diapers in the past usually started treating him badly. In the past he had to cut anyone off who found out. Not only did Fraser not start treating him worse, but he also decided to try it! Not only did he try it, but he also enjoyed it! Ansel was getting excited again thinking about it, and his tail started to lightly thump the couch cushions.

Fraser noticed fairly quickly. He had no idea what Ansel was so happy about. He glanced over at the tv. There wasn't anything particularly exciting on, it seemed to be just the news. Fraser decided to break the silence and ask.

"What's got you so happy? I highly doubt it's whats on tv." Fraser decided it would be best to remove his paws from his diaper for the time being.

"A lot of things! Mostly you! I never thought I'd be doing something like this with someone else! Also, yea the news is pretty boring..." Ansel had started to pretty much hug Fraser's arm.

"I don't mind if you change it! Remote is right there!" Fraser pointed at an end table that was closer to Ansel's side of the couch.

Ansel grabbed it, and started to flip through channels. He seemed to pause for a little bit longer than usual on a cartoon channel, but eventually he flipped forward some more. After realizing Fraser probably wouldn't be bothered by it, he flipped back to the cartoon channel. He set the remote back down before leaning into Fraser again.

"Cartoons huh? I guess they are sorta fitting right now." Fraser smiled and pushed Ansel off for a second. He then quickly wrapped his arm around Ansel's shoulder, and pulled him back towards him.

Ansel smiled as he began to watch the cartoons. Having nothing better to do, Fraser started to watch them as well. It was no secret that both dragons were enjoying the show. Ansel was smiling the whole time, and all around seemed ecstatic. His tail also continued to lightly thump the couch. Fraser was a bit more subtle about it. He would lightly chuckle at some of the sillier parts of the show. He wasn't particularly trying to be subtle about it. He knew there was almost no point. Ansel certainly wasn't going to judge him.

Fraser's thinking was interrupted by Ansel climbing into his lap. The smaller dragon looked up at him and smiled, before returning his gaze to the tv. Fraser wrapped his arms around him, and then rested his chin on the top of his head. Ansel felt like he was in heaven. He felt so safe in Fraser's arms, and he could also still feel some of the heat from Fraser's wet diaper through his own padding. It was still fairly warm. Ansel could feel himself completely relaxing. If Fraser let go, he probably would fall over. Ansel trusted Fraser enough to know that he wouldn't let go.

They continued to watch cartoons for around an hour. Ansel seemed to be getting bored, and Fraser could tell. His tail had stopped thumping his leg every so often. Fraser didn't really know what else they could do.

"Hey Ansel, are you getting bored? I know I am..."

"Yeah, we've been watching cartoons for a while now! I think both of us could use a change by now too! C'mon, lets go!"

Ansel stood up, and started walking towards their rooms. Fraser stood up, and tried to walk again. He quickly remembered that wasn't an option, as he almost fell over again. He got on all fours, and started crawling behind Ansel. Ansel must have wet his diaper again, as it was sagging quite a bit. The two went into Fraser's room, and Ansel motioned for Fraser to climb up into his bed. Fraser obeyed, and laid flat on his back.

"Need help getting changed? I understand if you do--"

"Please help me!" Fraser blushed as he blurted it out. He moved his head to avoid making eye contact with Ansel.

Ansel just smiled, and got to work. He untaped both of Fraser's diapers, and threw them away in a trash can near the corner of the room. Once he walked back over to the bed, he kneeled down to grab some of the changing supplies on the floor. Luckily he had brought some wipes in with him earlier. He pulled a few out, and started to wipe down Fraser. He made sure to thoroughly wipe everywhere, as he didn't want his friend to get a rash.

Fraser shivered a bit as Ansel wiped him down. The wipes were cold. He tried his best to not squirm around. He was also a blushy mess again. He felt so helpless as Ansel changed him. What bothered him the most is that he actually enjoyed it. He couldn't help but smile as Ansel gently rubbed his stomach after wiping him off.

Ansel bent back down to grab the baby powder. He couldn't stop thinking about how adorable Fraser was like this. It was practically driving him insane. He stood back up, and opened the bottle up. A puff of powder was sent into the air, causing Ansel to cough a little bit. He turned the bottle upside down, and started to shake it over Fraser. He shook out a more than generous amount, causing Fraser to sneeze. Both of the dragons giggled afterwards.

Fraser was finally finished blushing. He was actually having fun getting changed. He watched as Ansel bent down again to grab a diaper. He came back up with a space themed one. It was black instead of white. It had little stars and planets all over it. He complied with Ansel as his legs were lifted, and the diaper was slid under him. Ansel taped up the diaper, and began to lightly rub his stomach again. This quickly transitioned into tickling. Fraser began to giggle as he squirmed around. He knew full well he could just push Ansel away if he wanted to.

Ansel also knew that. He could tell that Fraser was starting to enjoy this more. He wasn't blushing as much. He also enjoyed treating Fraser like a hatchling. It was just so cute. He had known Fraser for a long time, and generally he was the one always taking care of Ansel. It did feel weird having Fraser be the helpless one for once.

"Alright Fraser, I'm gonna go get myself changed quickly! I'll be back in a few minutes!" Ansel turned around and walked out of the room.

Fraser decided to just continue lying on his bed. He sprawled himself out, and stared up at the ceiling. He felt amazing. It's almost like he didn't have a worry in the world! Except for the fact that he did. He tried to push the bad thoughts out of his head, and he mostly succeeded. He just ended up with a pretty troubled look on his face. A few moments later Ansel came back into the room again. He was carrying a box, and a lot of things were clanking around inside it.

Ansel noticed the look on Fraser's face, and quickly set the box down near the door. He walked over towards Fraser's bed, and sat down on the edge of it. He laid one of his paws on Fraser's stomach, and started to gently rub it.

"Is something wrong Fraser?" Ansel's voice was soft.

"It's not really anything... I feel better than ever right now! I was just thinking about some stuff that might happen later, but it doesn't really matter..." Fraser sounded a bit sad.

"It's something Fraser! Just don't push your problems away. C'mon, tell me all about it." Ansel kept rubbing Fraser's belly. Fraser wouldn't ever admit it, but it was actually making him feel better. Ansel could tell that Fraser had tensed up a bit.

"Well, it's just problems at work... A lot of people have been getting laid off lately, and I'm afraid I might get laid off soon too..."

"Don't worry, I'm gonna be making more than enough to support both of us. Plus I could probably easily get you another job if you need it." This seemed to calm Fraser down. He had relaxed again.

"Thanks Ansel, but I don't really want to rely on you too much..."

"Fraser, I literally changed your soaking wet diaper a few minutes ago. Trust me, I won't and don't mind it!" Ansel stopped rubbing Fraser, and laid down next to him. "I had something planned, but it seems like it might be better if we just went to bed for the night..."

"No! I'm not tired yet! We can do what you want to do!" Fraser sat up. He looked around the room, before staring at the box. "Is it whatever is in the box?"

"Yep! Why don't you sit down somewhere on the floor!" Ansel stood up, and went over to the box.

Fraser obeyed Ansel's instructions, and got off the bed. He decided to sit down right in front of it. He had seemed to perk up upon hearing that Ansel had a plan. What could be in the box? He had no idea! He watched as Ansel carried it over, and sat down in front of him. Ansel opened up the box, and started to pull out various types of toy vehicles. There were cars, trucks, trains, planes, helicopters, and even a few boats. All of them were made out of a cheap feeling plastic, and were various bright colors. They were all big, and sort of blocky. Clearly they were made for toddlers. Fraser was quite excited.

"Woah! You have a ton of toys!" Ansel couldn't help but start to chuckle.

"I didn't think you would get this excited!"

Both of the dragons grabbed a car. Fraser grabbed a blue one, and Ansel grabbed a red one. They started to just drive them around on the carpet. But eventually, boys will be boys, and they started to get a bit rowdy. They started to crash their cars into each other. Eventually the two of them got a car in their other paw as well. They added the second cars to the mix, and they ended up just crashing them into each other over and over again. The two hatchlings were giddy with laughter, and couldn't stop giggling. Occasionally one of the dragons would swap vehicles out, and it always led to more creative crashing.

Fraser suddenly stopped playing. A rumbling started coming from his stomach. He started to blush again, as he stood up, and started to squat. Ansel almost asked if he was hungry again, but he quickly realized what was happening. Fraser started to blush even harder as he took his thumb, and placed it in his mouth. He began to suck on it as there was a soft crinkling from the seat of his diaper. He began to suck on his thumb faster as the rear of his diaper began to expand more and more. Fraser had let out a massive load into the seat of his diaper. He lied down on his stomach, still blushing, and still sucking his thumb; but not as fast as before. He had a look of pure bliss on his face.

"This is gonna be quite a mess to clean up... Looks like someone is going to need a shower..." Fraser just blushed, and continued to suck his thumb. "And maybe I should find you a pacifier too..."