Gatomon's Darkest Decent

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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Two years after the digi-destined saved the world again, things seem to quiet down and Digimon started to visit the human world more often to interact with children. Then the dark days start to happen where the human world is no longer safe as digimon all over the world begin to disappear and reports are coming in about men in black being spotted in areas where Digimon have been seen. Gatomon is caught in a dangerous world trying to find a way home....

Gatomon's darkest Descent

Story One-Chapter One

The brisk Tokyo night air seemed cool but warm considering of it being late November with several human beings strolling about going about their own business without a real care in the world. The main city life seemed to get the busiest of them all considering that many of them lived and worked in the same area which was more popular for the young adult crowds.

When you get further toward the water where fishermen and ships coming in for trade or the naval ships that protected the home islands from attack. All of this seemed to be lost by Gatomon, is what you would call a feline with snow white fur except for her ear tips and tail which was a light purple spot and seemed to be feathered out at the very tips.

On her forepaws or hand paws, yellow clawed gloves that still looked feline however looked like a human hand possibility. Again, while Gatomon truly looked like a regular household cat, she had a few things that make her different from a regular cat. One being the fact that she could talk human speech which no other cats that she has seen have been able to do. The second which wasn't part of her when she original came to Earth Gatomon found herself developing human like breasts that continued to poke up through her fur each day that she was here on Earth. Combined with the fact that she was able to stand on her hind legs and walk around again like a human being, something that she tried to avoid nowadays especially with the circumstances of her being here instead of her own home.

Normally her kind, Digimon for what they were called by the human children from all over the world, weren't native to the human world. Heck many humans thought Digimon were nothing more than a game that kids loved to play. All of that seemed to change when the world was introduced to the real think when Myotismon came into the picture and invaded the human world looking to conquer both worlds.

While they had defeated Myotismon and his minions not to mention saving the Digi world again from the new evil, all the Digi destined and their Digimon thought everything would be normal again. While not normal, a lot more Digimon were taking more opportunities to visit the human world either to explore the human world or play with children that took so much joy with the strange beings.

This seemed to go on for a while with the visiting Digimon returning after spending the time in the human world even spending several days if not weeks there. Even Gatomon and her fellow Digimon destined visited their partners that always welcomed them into their homes introducing them to their parents and friends whenever possible.

Everything seemed to go well for a while then strange things started to happen when Gatomon's friends began to not to return from their trips to the human world. When some did return, they were barely alive telling tales about running for their lives from big bulky well-dressed men or all dressed in black figures would ambush Digimon at the portal to the Digi world firing some kind of darts that knocked out several within seconds.

For those that resisted, and the men couldn't hit with the darts, the men resorted to clubbing and beating barely getting through to home again. With little evidence on what to really expect now there, many of them were debating if going back to the human world would be safe. Thinking that it was a one-time thing, many of them started to return to the human world.

At this time Gatomon decided to visit Kari and her family feeling that it was overdue, her longtime friend welcomed the Digimon into her family's home. She spent about a few days there with her friend when Kari went about approaching Gatomon about staying there permanently which she wasn't sure about but she had to admit that for once since the last encounter, the feline decided that it was nice being around humans full time something that she missed since Kari and the others had left the Digi world.

Gatomon began to live a somewhat normal life there sometimes having contact with others that might come through finding out there hadn't been anymore incidents with the mysterious humans. Nevertheless, there came a startling poster that Kari found one day when it was found that someone had posted a poster of Gatomon claiming that she had been lost/missing which raised eyebrows.

Soon enough Gatomon learned that the digit destined were all being listed as 'lost/missing' and they were being sought after with a large award were being offered for their known location. With all of this going on, Gatomon began to worry why someone would be putting up such posters and why as thoughts began going through her mind that maybe she should return home with no idea if she was putting Kari and her family at risk.

Life seemed simple there in the human world even acting like a normal alley cat running around after rats and catching the occasional fish from the unexpecting fisherman that wasn't looking. It was even nice when she got to see other Digimon in the world, again trying to live their lives like she was hiding away from anyone that was suspicious.

At first, they didn't see any posters or signs that the kidnappers or whoever they were knew anything about Digimon hiding in the human world for a while. Then other Digimon that she knew started to end up disappearing themselves even when they were in safe places and/or homes not to mention the area that they once hid in plain sight was wrecked and destroyed and the people frightened which suggested that something was up.

Digimon started hiding further away from the public eye never interacting with humans as often as before some trying to return to the Digi world especially when they couldn't move out and about like she could. Then came out the word that a group or secret organization was going around kidnapping Digimon for various unknown reasons nor the kidnapped Digimon ever heard from ever again.

With all of this in mind and when being in the human world started to rethink her strategy, as mentioned before she use to be able to walk on all fours like a normal cat could then she found her body start to change lengthening and rearranging to the point that she could no longer this forced her to wear a cloak to try and hide her appearance.

It seemed to work out fine with her hiding out at Kari's home and if she had to go out during the night time being really careful not to draw anyone's attention acting like a normal housecat at time only talking to Kari or to one of the Digi destined. Everything seemed fine until Gatomon started to experience some new changes came with her female breasts that once hid beneath the fur now began to swell and the nipples began to push outward.

Gatomon had no choice but to hide herself in a cloak with it pulled tightly around her small frame with the fabric rubbing against her new breasts it started to make hiding more difficult since the nipples began to rub against the fabric causing her considerable pain. She didn't want to worry Kari or her friends so she tried to hide all of this from them then started to consider trying to make it back to the Digi world to see if the changes could be reversed.

Sadden by the fact that she might have to leave Kari and her friends, Gatomon started to look for possible portals back to her home again taking precautions to avoid from being seen or noticed. Now as she continued out into the human world, all of that seemed forgotten right now as she tried desperately to ignore the rubbing sensations and get back to her normal hideout in an abandoned warehouse. Again, she hid away in the shadows whenever she would hear someone nearby only when she thought it was safe to continue, did Gatomon try continuing.

Everything seemed going well and the warehouse seemed in sight when there came a scream that instantly got her attention. Her ears swivel in the direction and her cloak was discarded in the same move finding her in motion at a swift run following the screams and yelling that continue to echo throughout the alleyways and abandoned buildings.

It didn't take her long come upon a scene that she had only heard of in rumors and tales, several men dressed all in black armed with some sort of guns, crowded around a Renomon. Just like Gatomon although a lot taller with bright yellow fur with gloves with a darker shade of purple with claws poking out the fingertips.

Standing a bit over 6' 0" with a slim form, while they didn't really look it, Renamon's were just as much of a warrior as Gatomon but Renamon was more of a fighter and even more deadlier than many of the Digimon known to the human world at that moment. Just the very thought of what the strange men were thinking about possibly doing to Digimon that were caught sent Gatomon into a rage, throwing to the side her cloak she made a running leap toward the men.

The sound of a something sounding very angry approaching caught sight of something small and white coming at them, gave the men less time to react. Gatomon dug her claws into the first human that she hit, already looking around trying to find the next target when the men started to respond. They had started to bring up what looked like weaponry up trying to find a target when Renamon started to get into the action also, swiping her claws at one of the nearest men cutting into his arm.

The man let out a scream of pain trying to bring up his good arm to fire a weapon into the tall feline only to find himself hit from another side sending the weapon to the side. The fight seemed to last only a few minutes before many of the men were left sprawled out on the ground groaning out in pain with only Gatomon and Renamon being the last to be standing there panting feeling their blood pressure drop and rage disappear.

"Thank you for your assistance, I was heading back to the Digi world when they came out of nowhere." The Renamon said still panting. Gatomon could only nod and as she was about to say something when a short hiss could be heard before a slight sting at her neck hit her. Rather quickly she found everything started to become blurry, her movements sluggish just seconds before she passed out, she could see Renamon get hit also seconds before a pair of feet appeared out of darkness followed by some jumbled words.

The man looked down at the two unconscious Digimon's that lay at their feet, a smile crossing his face as he came to realize what he had before him. "Well done, we have ourselves a real prize here. The bosses will be definitely happy that's for sure."

"What should we do with the wounded, sir?" one of the men asked indicating the wounded on the ground.

"Call the police, they can spend some time in jail...less shares to share with them for this wonderful find." The man said letting out a chuckle. Strolling over to where the unconscious Gatomon still lay, he went about removing the Digimon's tail rings and yellow gloves deciding to keep them as trophies although he would've loved to keep the feline as his own little pet. "Such a shame, she is such a keeper."


Time seemed lost by Gatomon and by the time she finally regained consciousness again, she instantly knew that she was in trouble. No longer was she breathing the fresh crisp night area of the human world, now she could only smell the disgusting scent of urine, sex, and someone not bathing which was what gave her a hint that something was off.

Her eyes jerked open only to close instantly when she found a blinding light shown into her eyes causing her to cringe in pain a whimper of discomfort escaping her lips before she tried to open her eyes again still feeling pain. It was about this time; she heard a sick, yet tender voice speaks out from the darkness.

"Ah awake I see. Good." The voice, belonging a man by the sounds of it, said before a chuckle joined it. Gatomon was quick to try and spring to her feet and get ready to defend herself against whatever possible attack only to notice several things. One she was in the back of a moving van and she was locked in place by chains and bindings holding her in place, the second was that someone had removed her gloves and tail rings since she found she wasn't able to break from the chains as she felt weaker.

"Struggle all you want, my pet. We have taken all necessary precautions that you nor your friend will be able to get out." The man's voice instructed her with a chuckle seconds before Gatomon felt a hand trail over her back, a finger tracing down over her spine causing her to shiver that pulled back toward her rear end giving her ass a squeeze. "Such a beautiful prize, while your tall female friend here, would've been just as fine of a find for us...but you are well worth the price."

"Just wait til I get my claws on you, you will- "Gatomon snarled out before the man's hand came down slapping her across the cheek causing her head to snap to the side in stunned silence.

"Oh, you won't be doing anything, my cute little pussy cat. While I won't bruise your little face anymore, I will take an extra bit of a prize." The man said again giving Gatomon's ass a tighter squeeze. The words struck Gatomon rather quickly coming to realize what the human could possibly have in mind for her.

That was further verified when she heard the shuffle of clothing and a presence behind her that started to cause her some fear especially when she felt something hard and pointy started to be pressed up against her rear end. Something slippery and very veined rubbed itself up between her ass cheeks rubbing up against her tail before flopping down on to her back.

Gatomon began to freak out at this moment while all of this was starting to happen that she began to try and look around trying to find out what the man might be doing to her. Her head twisted and turned from side to side only catching brief glimpses of who was standing behind her, seeing a naked human man standing there silhouetted against the light spilled in behind him showing his pale skin.

"Don't worry, my are going to enjoy this." The man stated before pulling whatever he had placed on her back but only slightly before pushing it up against her asshole. Gatomon's eyes went wide in shock and in pain when she felt whatever was pressed up against her asshole was massive and hard with this in mind she started to struggle against her bond again trying desperately to get free finding herself secured in place with no way of her to escape.

"Struggle all you want, pet! You are mine for now!" the man declared before he shoved his massive cock into the small feline. He was enjoying the feeling of how tight the Digimon's actual asshole was and the fact that it tried desperately to keep him out. The man threw back his head in delight letting out a loud moan. "Damn nothing wrong with a virgin asshole! I can't wait to see you after all of your training is done and over with."

Again, Gatomon tried desperately to get away from the massive intrusion into her small body, wanting to get free so she could turn and rip out the man's throat if she couldn't use her claws to do the job. Nevertheless, she found her body becoming weaker and more tired not to mention the man seemed to take great pleasure in what he was doing to her.

Off to the side, a different man was taking pleasure in raping the Renamon that Gatomon had tried saving, whose arms were tied about her head displaying a massive larger set of breasts that had become better seen than her own. She was gasping and surprisingly moan as the man was worked his full cock in and out of the Kitsune his hands groping and pinching the Digimon's breasts laughing out every time that his victim would scream out in pain.

While the Kitsune seemed to be moaning out in pleasure coming about from the raping that she was receiving, the Renamon was desperately shaking head from side to side obviously not taking any kind of pleasure in this at all.

"Ahh, what's wrong, slut? I thought you would be receiving a relatively 'mild' fucking for your first time...always fancied taking the virginity of such an unwilling one like yourself." The man grunted out slamming himself into her unwilling open. Again, the Renamon cried out in displeasure from the massive organ ramming itself into her body. "Heck I might even buy you for myself, since that bitch of a wife isn't giving like she should."

"You wouldn't be able to afford them even you could!" the man behind Gatomon yelled out with a laugh slamming his cock back into Gatomon even harder. Gatomon couldn't believe how her life had gone from peaceful and enjoyable to all of this for whatever reason that these men were capturing Digimon for and by the way that these men were talking, whoever was doing this had some wicked intentions for them.

The man reached down around Gatomon's body, his fingers running up and down her torso his fingers tweaking her smaller erect nipples which sent shocks coursing throughout her body. Her body began to react to the fuckings in a way that she normally wouldn't react to this type of situation causing her to shake her own head trying to fight against her own body feelings.

Her ass began to squeeze and begin opening more freely to the cock allowing the man to shove his cock more freely which didn't please the man who let out a snarl grabbing Gatomon's much larger breasts squeezing them harder. Gatomon let out a cry of pain and discomfort tears beginning to run down her cheeks starting to realize that her situation was starting to be hopeless but she knew that Kari and the others were more likely to come and save her when she didn't come home again.

All Gatomon could do was pray and hope that her friends would figure out something was wrong all she had to do was resist. Knowing soon that they would be getting to the facility and that his time was short leaving him with little time to truly enjoy his prize, the man's hands left the felines breasts instead going for the purple tip of the Digimon's ears grabbing on to the ear tips and painfully yanking on them again causing Gatomon to cry out in pain.

The same moment her asshole squeezed down on the man's cock rather tightly no longer willing to allow the massive intrusive cock to leave her body seconds before the man let out a bestial roar his thick cock erupting into the Digimon's body lacing her body with thick strands of semen. Gatomon's eyes bugged out in shock feeling the vile strands that the man was injecting into her body. She had been violated and something deep down told her that thing wasn't going to be the only time that a human was going to take her against her will.

The man behind her petted her head resting for a few minutes before yanking his cock out of her, chuckling in pleasure knowing that this was indeed pleasurable. "Welcome to your new life."

The facility that was referred to but Gatomon nor Renamon would ever see the outside of the building only inside, lay in a remote desert/forest like region of a unknown and unused region of the world that no one would've ever thought to look or search for anyone or anything that might be missing. Hidden behind a foliage of trees and brushes with the building exterior being painted a varied of colors to further hide the building from any prying eyes.

The only indication that something might be in the area was a dirt and graveled road that lead off away from a road traveled, disappearing into a massive amount of trees all indications showed that it was a hunting path so it was less likely to be stumbled upon by any on lookers. Once down the path and into the bushes away from any peeking eyes, the road would continue on through the bush coming upon a hidden guard shack where two armed guards dressed in civilian clothing stood guard hidden away from sight until a vehicle approached the area.

Once it reached the gate area, it was stopped and either turned away if it was some stupid lost soul, or they were waved on through without a second glance. Further down the road, you would find as mentioned a hidden building whose true size couldn't be determined from the outside or by the hunters but at first glimpse one could swear it looked like a massive warehouse that was about three stories tall and god knows of how deep underground it went.

The van swerved around where the rear end faced a massive door that was starting to be raised when they approached about the same time the hunters had finished with their little task and had gotten dressed once more when the van's back doors were thrown open. Several armed guards were waiting for them when the door was open along with a man dressed in a business suit who stood professionally behind the guards looking in.

The man that seemed to be the leader of the hunters, grabbed Gatomon by her bound forearms dragging her struggling form out of the van followed by the other and Renamon as they presented their finds to the businessman in front of them. The man looked shocked at the find besides a nice specimen of Renamon standing before them but the fact that the men were able to catch an even more rare if not ultra-rare Gatomon who was glaring up at him in anger.

"My lord what did you find here? Could this be one of the few ultra-rare Digimon that so many have been looking for yet haven't found?" the man declared stepping forward reaching down to fondle and examine Gatomon where she stood. "Such a perfect specimen, I hope she wasn't too much trouble on bringing her in?"

"Nothing more than normal, we were about to capture a Renamon when this little thing decided to jump into the fun. They tore apart a few of the idiots of my group before we were able to tranq them. No big loss though the four were a bunch of idiots so just means a bigger bonus for us for the prized fine." The hunter's leader answered with pride in his voice.

The businessman returned the smile nodding his head as he reached into his jacket bringing out a large thing of money tossing it to the leader. "Truly, now if you can bring in more of them you two will be rich men. Now get back out there and hunt for the rest of them."

The leader quickly took the money without another word handing over the chains that held both Digimon together to one of the security guards before returning to the van and driving off without a second look back. The business man looked over the two specimens in front of him his hand reaching up to trail across Gatomon's face loving the feeling of the creatures fur making the mistake on a finger getting too close to the feline's mouth which was quick to try and bite it off with a quick snap action.

The businessman pulled his hand away fast enough that there was no missing finger but his palm opened up and slapped Gatomon across the face sending her crashing to the ground the guard barely holding her up as she looked up at him with eyes of defiance. The man waved a finger at her with a stern look on his face. "That will not due, you are my property now and you will learn to be a proper slave before you know it."

The man turned around and started leading the group into the facility, with one of the guards pulling on each of the chains for the two Digimon following behind him. Again, the door behind them closed with a thunderous slam like a jail cell locking them inside.

Like first impression on the outside, the inside didn't look too much out of place which gave the deception that nothing out of the ordinary was there. That was until they came to a large freight elevator that took them down below the surface where the true nature of what the building not to mention what the hunters and mysterious men were doing here.

Row after row of glass rooms were set up that showed various Digimon being tortured or forced into various acts of sexual activities. From Guilimon's giving oral to guards that were off shift or scientists that were all waiting nearby, to a nearby Renamon male by the looks of it, being forcibly anal raped by a bodybuilder with a horse cock type of person.

In the first few rows Gatomon noticed that many of the Digimon in the first few cells were putting up a fight trying to stop or defy those that wanted to take advantage of them. However, as they progressed the acts were becoming more disgusting while other areas showed Digimon in what could be described as a medical examination room being experimented om in god knows what. The next set of rooms showed Digimon being taught various slave/servitude duties of servicing humans, cleaning house, servicing a human or humans in a party like environment while wearing a maid uniform and it didn't matter if the Digimon was male or female the uniform was generally always the same.

The uniform was that of one you would normally would see a maid in the old films would be wearing and the Digimon would go about bowing, calling several humans 'master' or 'mistress', whenever one may talk out of turn a human in the room would discipline the Digimon which sometimes being a slap to the face or another method.

Gatomon never got to see any of the extreme punishments and she could tell that these weren't the type of people that would just allow something little to get away without punishment. She found herself stopping at one of the rooms to see what look like an Agumon making a bedroom up dressed in a dark red teddy that almost matched his skin when a human came into the room.

The sudden appearance caused Agumon to look frighten but as he looked toward the human, he seemed to see Gatomon standing there that there came a look of recognition in his eyes before the guard that held her chain yanked her away from the room just as the human in the same room as Agumon stepped even closer to him.

Getting towards the end of the rooms, Gatomon was startled when she saw that many of the Digimon in the next set of rooms were now being brought out in front of a series of neatly dressed men and women. The expressions on the Digimon's faces show a lack of happiness and individuality any longer, their eyes were downcast, but they were being shown like animals being sold at stock auctions.

Of course, she wasn't sure of how much was being big upon first looks of the people sitting at fine dining tables facing toward the front, dressed in fine clothing and drinking what seemed to be champagne. The businessman came to a stop at the room where the strange event was taking place, a smile of pride on his face motioning toward the room in question.

"Welcome to your new homes where you will learn your new place in the human slaves/sex toys/servants for the rich and powerful around the world. No longer will your purpose be to protect and hanging out with the children." The man dictated again with pride. Gatomon glared up at him, her fangs bared, looking at him with defiance now caring for what was being said to them.

"You will never get away with this, my friends will find me!" Gatomon declared earning her another smack across her face the man's expression turning harden once more filled with authority.

"You will only speak when you spoken to, you little slut!" the man growled out a fire burning in his eyes before starting again. "As for your friend, who do you think turned you in? They were so eager to get rid of the unwanted extra mouth! While we only paid a certain amount, it was well under what you are worth way more than what we have paid."

Gatomon looked at them in shock not wanting to believe such an idea was impossible since she knew that Kari and her family always accepted her. It just couldn't be.

"Nevertheless, its time we get you all set up and then your training will begin." The man declared with glee and an even more evil look on his face.


Weeks later

The loud clang of another door slamming shut somewhere in the distance stirred Gatomon out of her hunger stupor finding herself still chained to the cement wall of her cell wall that she had been most of her days since coming to this hell hole. After the man's speech and what was expected, Gatomon and Renamon were taken to what looked like a doctor's office where they were given a complete physical.

However, the doctor did more groping and fingers of her rear end more than did a physical seemingly enjoying the opportunity to get a grope in here and there. When the man tried to examine her teeth and mouth only to have him lose a finger once more, while the man screamed out in pain getting the attention of nearby guards who rushed in backhanding Gatomon knocking her out.

When she came to, Gatomon found herself locked in a cell that had no windows in the room with a blanket and a thin pillow and a bucket for her daily bathroom times. She would find out this was a way of solitary confinement keeping her away from the others, but every day bright and early she would find herself dragged out of the cell to one of the glass rooms where several muscle bound men dressed in black leather and whips went about getting the thoughts of freedom drilled out of the new comer Digimon.

It was simple that they were given orders to either bow when their new masters would enter the room and wait for an order to be given. Whenever one of the Digimon said no or tried to attack the trainer, they would be whipped to the ground until he/she would be told again to do something. Gatomon had figured that this was a way to destroy the defiance in each of the new arrivals and only when they were at the kind of level that the director or warden figured that they were ready for the next area, would be moved on to the next level of servitude.

The Renamon was quick to be broken being only there for a few days, Gatomon thought since there was no indication of what time or day was, as she was broken after a couple of days. Maybe from the beatings during the trainings but Gatomon figured that something else was happening in her cell that broke her fight in her.

For Gatomon, she was completely different that every time she was thrown into the training classes no matter what the human trainers tried, she would never follow the instructions or orders that they had given her. Of course they tried to beat her into submission but Gatomon never bowed or submitted which always ended with her being thrown into the isolation cell where later at night a guard or the warden would come in and take great pleasure in raping Gatomon both anally, orally and vaginally not caring what the little feline tried to do or say, the man always took great pleasure in raping the feline.

Each day she would be thrown back into the training courses where orders were thrown at her, and again she refused to listen or show any signs of her body weakening. However instead of the general punishment, the trainer went about having several on duty guards who began taking her body every single way possible in what could only be described as a gang rape that seem to continue throughout the day.

So by the time the session was done, Gatomon was left feeling drained if not exhausted that she was just dragged to her normal cell where she was dropped down on to the cot which was to be her bed where she slept for god knows how long. By the time she did wake up, she found a plate of food next to her bed that looked a bit more edible that what they had been trying to force down her throat.

Not really thinking much about it since her stomach was grumbling in hunger, Gatomon went about eating it without real question. This would go on for some time with her starting to suspect was a way to try and get her to comply with the training suggesting that things would be much easier for her if she just complied. She never did stay as defiant as she could that the warden dictated that if she wasn't going to do anything that she was told then she would be kept in solitary confinement until Gatomon agreed to comply.

Now as she sat in her cell weak from hunger never once breaking in spirit as there was always hope that Kari and the others would come looking for her. After everything that they had gone through it seemed like it was possible that they were out there looking for her then came the memory about the Agumon that once was partnered with Tia and the look of recognition on his face did she start to lose hope.

She could only expect that Agumon had been there for god knows how long but it was a indication that Tia nor the others had come to find him it started to break down her hope that she and the others may be rescued before something had started to happen.

"No! I can't think like that, Kari will come and find me! She won't just leave me here!" Gatomon told her determined not to let the very thoughts to start building up in her head. She had to keep faith that Kari would come and get her and the others out of there.

She sat there in the dark keeping to repeat that over and over again as the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard and she knew that it would only be a matter of time before she started to break down....and soon.

"Please Kari! Hurry!" Gatomon cried out as tears began to run down her cheeks once more just as the door to her cell opened once more.

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