Khanivore's Claim

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a gift that I wrote for my mate, Femzy! She's got a huge crush on Khanivore from Love, Death, and Robots so I decided to surprise her :) She's got a visitor late at night, and once Khanivore makes a claim, she's not shy about pressing it...

Stories are available two weeks earlier on my Patreon, and rough drafts even earlier!

Go there to see stories sooner, as well as some other perks!

Find me on my Discord server!

The fighting pits had never been one of Femzy's favourite places. She didn't really want to watch the 'gore galore' fests that they put on regularly through the fighting season but she was told of all the events all the same. The dragoness was one of the few that had transferred her consciousness into a genetically-engineered body, what neuro-splicers called a 'rev' since most reversed the link to control a human body from the engineered brain. Femzy didn't do that, preferring to stay in her furred, dragoness form. At first, one or two of the organisers had pushed her to get into the ring for a fight, but they backed off when they knew she was a rev. A fight to a proper death was too much, even for them; the rule was that only human pilots could participate.

There was a secret though, one that Femzy knew. She'd been at one of the fights, interested in seeing at least one before refusing any other invites. By chance, one of the fighters in the ring had been the Khanivore team. Femzy, seated on the bottom-most level, had gotten an up close look at the engineered creature, as well as the pilot, a scarred woman with short hair. When the woman had started the transfer, falling still, something had seemed off to Femzy but she couldn't quite place what it was. But the truth had struck her as Khanivore had done a lap of the ring, meeting her gaze as Femzy watched her.

Something about a piloted body always rang false. It depended on the pilot's skill, of course, but they could never get the eyes quite right. They were always dead and mechanical, piloted by remote software and lacking that essential thing. Perhaps it was a soul. But when Femzy's gaze had locked onto Khanivore's, there hadn't been any sign of that robotic nature. Khanivore's eyes were bright and alive, scanning everything intelligently. That was when Femzy had sucked in a short breath, a kind of wordless communication passing between them.

Khanivore had moved on in a moment, but Femzy knew. Sonnie, the pilot, was a rev. She was using the human body as a remote, and she was alive inside the ring. Femzy's heart had hammered the entire match, the dragoness acutely aware, unlike everyone else, that Khanivore was fighting for her life. The organisers couldn't have known, they wouldn't have allowed it, but Femzy wasn't going to be the one to tell them.

The days and weeks after had been filled with thoughts of the lithe, sleek body that she'd seen at the fight, the way that she'd moved and even fought. Some of the restless energy had built and built until she'd gone to see another match of Khanivore's. Again, she and Khanivore seemed to connect, recognise each other a little right before the match, moving on before anyone else could notice.

Femzy had gone for a third and final time before the fighting season was over, and it had happened once again. The fight had been a close one, Femzy turning away at the end as it seemed that Khanivore would lose, a sneaky trick by the opposition almost trumping her. But she'd succeeded at the last moment to raucous cheers from the crowd. As Femzy had been leaving the venue though, someone had come up to her, saying that the Khanivore team had requested her contact details. This in itself wasn't unusual; people in the arena did it all the time, scanning the crowd for engineered bodies and then asking for professional details, hoping to augment their own fighters. Femzy had always declined, but this time she paused, partly out of shock and partly because she was torn. In the end, she'd given out a way to contact her.

The reason for why she'd been asked occupied Femzy all the way home. The 'off-season' was when teams grew new bodies, healed old ones, and made improvements to their gene model. It wasn't out of the question that they wanted a bit of Femzy's gene model, but she wasn't open with sharing bits of herself like that. The feeling of looking into Khanivore's eyes still made her shiver though, and she found herself hoping that they would reach out.

It was a couple of months before it happened, and Femzy had almost forgotten the attempt at connecting. It had slipped to the back of her mind, at least until one night when she was watching TV. Her phone was beside her, the dragoness sprawled out on the cushioned part of floor that functioned as a feral couch. Tearing her eyes away from the larger television screen, she glanced at her phone, not really paying attention to the message displayed there. As such, it took her a couple of tries before the dragoness really took in the words.

*A message from a fighting team?* Femzy wondered to herself. For a second, she felt indignant that someone had gotten her number without asking, but in a flash, she remembered that she'd given it to one team...the one with Khanivore on it. The TV forgotten and with her paw shaking slightly, Femzy tapped on the phone, bringing the message up on the screen. "She wants to meet?" the dragoness murmured to herself, as if to convince herself of what she was seeing by speaking aloud.

Indecision wracked Femzy for a few moments before she responded, carefully asking who would be coming, and where. The response was lightning-fast, the messages coming up so quickly that Femzy was sure that she was using a neural interface to type. Which, in fact, made sense; built for combat, Khanivore's body probably didn't have the carefully designed paws that Femzy possessed, to let her manipulate objects as delicately as any human.

Khanivore replied that it would just be her, and that Femzy's own apartment would be best! That sent a shiver down the dragoness's back, but she found that it was a shiver of anticipation rather than something negative. Her digits almost moved on their own, responding with her address and some tips on getting there in a revved body. Femzy's fur was a little frizzy with nerves as another ding from the phone told her that Khanivore was on her way, and would be there in less than half an hour.

A big part of her was wondering why exactly Khanivore wanted to meet with her, and in her apartment no less. Another part of Femzy was thinking back to the moments of contact in the rings where they'd locked eyes for a second, each one sending a shiver down her spine again. The dragoness's tail lashed and coiled behind her as she paced, glancing frequently at the clock every minute or two to see how much longer it would be before her visitor arrived. The minutes seemed to tick by agonisingly slowly. She knew that she'd get a notification when a visitor requested entry into the building, but it didn't stop her compulsive checking of the clock.

When the alarm sent a bell-like tone through her apartment, Femzy jumped, expected though the sound was. She hurried over to the little screen that displayed the image of the person at the door... Sure enough, it was Khanivore, sitting calmly back on her haunches as she waited for the door to open. The sight of her on the grainy little screen made it much more real for Femzy. She could have told herself that it was a joke or a prank or a lie, but seeing the familiar shape in the camera made it all so much more...visceral.

She gulped and pressed the button that unlocked the door, watching as Khanivore looked up and then left the view of the camera. There was only a few tense seconds before there was a knock on the front of the door. Femzy had told her apartment number and there was only one person that it could be... The orange dragoness gulped and then pressed her paw down on the handle.

The door swung inwards and Femzy was face to face with Khanivore, who blinked back warmly. This was the closest that they'd ever been but Femzy felt the same sense of connection as their eyes met briefly. Khanivore was wearing a little necklace of sorts with a speaker hanging down in front of her throat. This wasn't too unusual; designing a muzzle, tongue, and throat that could make human speech, like Femzy could, was a difficult and fiddly thing and most fighting teams didn't bother with it. This presented a workaround.

The voice that issues from the speaker was definitely female, and didn't sound at all distorted from the little source. "Hi," Khanivore said, waiting patiently on the threshold.

"H-Hi," Femzy said, a little overwhelmed with meeting her outside the context of the fighting pits. She stumbled over the words a little but then her manners reasserted themselves. "Come in, please," she said, stepping back to allow Khanivore to walk past her.

She looked around, the little speaker swinging on its cord a little as she did so. "This is a nice place," she said, sitting back on her haunches and looking at Femzy, a little smile on her muzzle. Or so Femzy thought anyway; an expressive face was another thing that many teams didn't put much effort into, doubly so with the bony ridges that Khanivore possessed. Still, Femzy was good at reading feral faces.

"Thank you," the dragoness said, feeling her face flush at the compliment. She felt a little flustered which showed in her tail as she sat herself down in front of her guest. Femzy's tail kept twitching and curling itself around her for a moment before straightening out again, then repeating the same. "Um... It was a surprise to hear from you. I'd forgotten that I'd even given my number out..."

Khanivore gave a quick, jerking nod, rather like a bird. Her smile seemed to widen a little as she said, "Sorry for taking so long to get back to you... Some time was needed after the last round in the matches. As well as some other things..." Khanivore's own tail moved slowly, calmly, but the movement attracted Femzy's eye and she noticed something rather startling: the blade on the end of her tail that had been present in the matches was gone.

*Wonder why she removed it,* Femzy wondered to herself. *That wouldn't help her in the matches...would it?* The time made sense though; healing up would have taken a while. "I understand," Femzy said quickly. "I wasn't even sure that you'd even do anything with it. Or that it'd just be one of those genome requests again..."

"Well, I wouldn't say no, if you wanted to share a bit of yourself," Khanivore said. A slight husky growl from her real throat accompanied the words, a sound that could have be mistaken for her breathing, but Femzy wasn't so sure... "I think a lovely dragoness like you would have a lot of lovely secrets locked away beneath that fur, after all."

The words sent a shiver down Femzy's back, her fur frizzing a little as she considered what her guest has said. "Well, I wouldn't say that," she muttered, tail still moving restlessly behind her. The dragoness avoided looking right at Khanivore as she blushed, feeling thoroughly flustered now. Khanivore's demeanour was relaxed, playful even. She seemed entirely at home here, in Femzy's home, and with the dragoness herself.

Glancing off to the side in an effort to hide the flush on her face, even though her vibrant fur probably concealed most of it, Femzy didn't notice as Khanivore stood lightly, sitting back down closer to Femzy so that they were practically haunch-to-haunch. Indeed, Femzy only noticed when her leg touched her guests, the dragoness blushing more as she looked to see Khanivore smiling again, an odd gleam in her eye. They seemed positively bright and alive in a way that only a proper rev truly possessed. It was drawing Femzy in again, that look that she very rarely saw in others, and though she blushed harder, she didn't break the eye contact.

It was Khanivore that broke it, moving her head down to give a soft inhalation, taking in Femzy's scent. A deep, throaty purr began in Khanivore's throat as her nose got closer, lightly touching the dragoness's fur at the closest. Khanivore just took breath after breath, while Femzy's seemed almost frozen in her throat. She was waiting and watching Khanivore with a kind of tense anticipation, a feeling that was almost...longing making her heart beat faster and faster in her chest.

She didn't say anything, and nor did her guest. Instead, Khanivore moved her tail subtly, laying the very end of it over Femzy's own, then letting the dragoness make the next move. Femzy flushed harder than she had yet, but after a moment's hesitation, she curled her tail around Khanivore's, entwining them gently. It wasn't a lot but Khanivore took it as a sign, giving Femzy's tail a small squeeze in return and then pressing her nose fully into the dragoness's fur.

No other words were necessary, small shivers and squirms making their way through Femzy's body as Khanivore's nose trailed up slowly, exploring up from Femzy's shoulder and then up her neck and throat. The bony blade on the end of her guest's muzzle was a little of a worry but Khanivore seemed to be very well aware of it, and so Femzy's concern drifted away.

As Khanivore's muzzle moved up closer to her chin, Femzy slowly tilted her head back, baring more of her throat to the pale rev's advances. The furred dragoness's breathing had grown faster but she hardly noticed. She *did* notice when Khanivore's jaws parted, hot breath passing through the fine fur of her throat, before Femzy was given a small nip!

She jumped at the feeling and her paws curled up. The dragoness kept her head tilted back though, so Khanivore followed it up with another nip...and then another. She continued to explore around the dragoness's head and neck, even going so far as to nip at the ear closest to her. With each little touch of Khanivore's teeth, Femzy felt another little tremor go through her, along with a curious electric feeling that seemed to go right down beneath her tail. Before long, she was squirming in place, not pulling away but having a very hard time sitting still all the same.

Still, with all the little nibbles and nips here and there, Femzy wasn't expecting it when Khanivore gave her a proper *bite.* Her jaws closed tightly around Femzy's neck from the side, with just enough calculated pressure to make her teeth prick Femzy below her fur, but not actually pierce. As soon as the bite happened, Femzy's body seemed to almost lose feeling, muscles relaxing all down her body as a mostly-involuntary, whining moan left her muzzle, barely audible even in the quiet apartment.

Khanivore maintained the bite for a few more seconds, hot, heavy breaths flowing around Femzy's neck, before she drew back, licking at the spot her teeth had been and then following it up with another nip. It took a moment for Femzy's to regain feeling in her limbs again, but the first place she got it back was right under her tail. She was sure that Khanivore could smell her arousal; it seemed obvious to Femzy's own nose. As she panted through it though... *Is she aroused too?* Femzy wondered, blushing harder at the prospect. Khanivore's scent had certainly grown hotter and spicier since she'd come into the apartment but it was hard to be sure...

Another bite came and all of that was washed out of Femzy's mind. Her tail thumped lightly on the ground as Khanivore let out a little, pleased growl, the sound vibrating inside of Femzy's own throat. The dragoness quivered, and beneath her tail her sex felt slicker than ever. The feeling of the powerful jaws around her throat pushed everything else away...

This time when Khanivore pulled away, Femzy let out a small whine, quivering again in place and panting in deep, heavy breaths. She glanced to the side and blushed hard again, but Khanivore was still smiling gently. "Show me what you want, hen," Femzy's guest purred, uncoiling their tails so that the furred dragoness could move...if she wanted it.

Femzy stood shakily, not really trusting her own legs to support her, but she didn't have to move very far. Blushing harder than she had yet, she twisted and lay down on her side, looking down herself towards Khanivore and then, whining softly, she raised her hind leg a little, exposing her slit. The dragoness's sex was puffy and glistening with her arousal, and the fine, soft fur around her folds was matted and dark with the same. It was instantly apparent where the source of that aroused scent was coming from, and Khanivore didn't mistake it for anything else.

She looked keenly right between Femzy's hinds, making the furred dragoness flush hard, but she kept her leg raised. Her only movement was a little quiver as Khanivore started forwards, padding gently right up to Femzy. Behind her, Khanivore's tail suddenly split, four smooth, thinner tails emerging from the base. They coiled nimbly through the air, and Femzy noticed with another aroused shiver that, with the bony hooks gone, the ends of the rev's tails were smooth and tapered...

Femzy didn't have long to muse on it though as two of the tails moved forwards, gently coiling around each of Femzy's hinds and then pulling gently, but firmly. The furred dragoness shivered but moved how Khanivore was directing her, rolling fully onto her back. Once she had done so, Khanivore tightened her grip on Femzy's legs, keeping them spread wide as she lowered her muzzle down to inhale Femzy's heated scent straight from the source. Femzy gave a soft whine, her thighs clenching lightly as she instinctively tried to move them a little closer together.

Khanivore's tails firmed up their hold, keeping them spread, and Khanivore gave a little nip to Femzy's inner thigh in response. The dragoness gave a strangled whine again, blushing hard and lifting her head to look down herself, just as Khanivore took her first taste of her vent. Her other two tails were playing around Femzy's, keeping it flat and out of the way, but Femzy wasn't really concerned with that. She was more occupied with the long, slender, and oh-so-nimble tongue that pressed from her entrance, up along her sex, to her clit, though Khanivore deliberately avoided the apex of her sex.

The touch was accompanied by a long moan from Femzy, whose body tensed, the dragoness arching a little so that her sex moved a little closer to that wonderful muzzle. Khanivore's tails kept hold of the dragoness's hinds as well, keeping them gently but firmly spread. Khanivore gave an approving purr and went in for another lick, this time following it up with another nuzzle alongside the furred dragoness's folds. This time Femzy didn't have to do anything to get more nips and nibbles to her thighs, and down where her legs met her body.

Warm air puffed through the fine fur in all of those places as Khanivore explored, but she returned to Femzy's vent every few seconds, gradually spending longer and longer there. Her tongue moved over every inch of the dragoness's folds, sometimes moving ever-so-slightly between them but never giving more than a teasing bit of pressure. Even though she'd been aroused before, Femzy's sex grew more heated, her arousal glistening on her lips even after Khanivore's tongue had passed over them.

Femzy let loose a small whine that was almost too quiet to hear, wiggling and squirming but careful never to move enough to disrupt Khanivore; the hold on her legs certainly helped with that. Her clit ached in time with her heart, the furred dragoness tensing and holding her breath every time Khanivore neared her nub with that lovely tongue, but there was never more than a glancing, teasing touch, if her clit received any attention at all.

Khanivore smiled to herself as she worked Femzy up higher and higher, teasing the furred dragoness expertly until she was whining and squirming more avidly. Tails tightening their grip, Khanivore pulled Femzy's hinds a little further apart, giving a final nip to the dragoness's inner thigh before opening her muzzle and letting her tongue plunge straight into Femzy's vent.

The furred dragoness arched and let out a loud moan as she felt the tongue push deep into her, pressing against her walls as Khanivore tasted the depths of her sex. Khanivore kept flexing and pressing her tongue all around, seeking out every sensitive place inside the dragoness's vent, finding what made her tremble and quiver and moan.

When Khanivore did pull back, it was with a growling chuckle, Femzy giving a breathless whine as she squirmed her hips about, wanting that tongue back between her hinds! As she looked down herself, she suddenly saw Khanivore stepping forwards, putting them belly-to-belly as Femzy's guest stepped over the furred dragoness until her jaws were once about level with Femzy's throat.

"What a lovely hen I've found," Khanivore purred, her tails pulling Femzy's legs a little further apart. Femzy blushed lightly at the words but anything she might have said in return was lost as Khanivore placed her jaws around Femzy's throat once more, biting down firmly until the orange dragoness could feel the pressure and the prick of Khanivore's sharp teeth through her fur. Then, once she was sure that she had a good hold of her dragoness, Khanivore brought her other two tails around. One was pressed down against Femzy's vent, and the other went to Khanivore's own sex.

Khanivore let the anticipation build for a moment, hearing and feeling Femzy's breathing hitch and stop as she felt the tail move against her entrance, before thrusting both of her tails forwards into each of them. This time Femzy's moan made its way out of her throat as she felt the smooth, thick end of the tail slip deep inside her with ease, thanks to her arousal and Khanivore's teasing. Some of the dragoness's arousal was pushed out around the table as it thrust deep inside her, the slender tip just managing to touch the dragoness's cervix before Khanivore stopped the motion, pausing to let Femzy adjust to the tail inside her.

The rev's own ragged breaths were hot and heavy against Femzy's throat, every exhalation a reminder of where Khanivore's jaws were at the moment. Femzy's own breaths were half moan, half whine, feeling the thickness of the tail in her sex, how it seemed to fill her so well. Her sex gave a couple of rapid squeezes, the dragoness's tail curling weakly along the ground as she gave a little shudder beneath Khanivore. The jaws around her throat tightened their hold a little, Khanivore giving a pleased little growl of her own. The tails that were holding Femzy's legs tightened their grip as well in preparation, making sure that their hold was firm and secure.

The first thrust that Khanivore made was a slow, rolling thing as she pressed her belly down against the furred dragoness beneath her, their vents only a few scant inches apart. The two tails that entered them were practically touching and moved in perfect tandem, meaning that each thrust that Khanivore felt, Femzy also felt at the same time. Her pace at the beginning was slow, but hard, rocking them both forwards a little on the ground. Femzy's eyes were closed, a low moan going almost continuously in the back of her throat as she felt all the sensations strum through her body.

The dragoness's vent clenched needily on Khanivore's tail, as if wordlessly begging for more, and her guest quickly obliged. The force behind each thrust remained the same, a feeling of muscular power accompanying the movements, but the speed of each movement was gradually ramped up. Khanivore didn't keep her tail immobile and straight either, no; she flexed and wriggled it every time that it disappeared into Femzy's sex, making sure to rub and press against all of the extra-sensitive places inside the dragoness. Each time that she managed to find one, Femzy gave a little cry, stiffening below the rev as her sex squeezed down needily.

The breaths against Femzy's throat seemed to get harsher and more ragged as the tails thrust into both of them at a quick, almost frantic pace. Femzy was tensing, feeling the pressure in her lower body build and tighten as a climax threatened to roll through her at any moment. Khanivore seemed to sense it, or perhaps her own orgasm was close, because she gave a domineering growl, pulling Femzy's legs just a little further apart as her jaws tightened still further around the furred dragoness's throat.

That was too much for Femzy, pushing her over the edge. She gave a howl, arching against Khanivore as all of the pressure in her sex seemed to release explosively, pleasure strumming through her body in waves as her vent clenched and milked Khanivore's tail in time with the pulses of sensation.

As if waiting for Femzy to reach the peak first, Khanivore began to cum right after her. She was almost silent as she climaxed, only a husky growl vibrating against Femzy's throat. The signs were clear though as she pressed down against the furred dragoness, tremors and quivers running through her body in cycles as the mad thrusting of her tails slowed, and then stopped altogether.

For a few moments, the only sound was both female's laboured breathing, coming in ragged pants for the both of them. But, eventually, Khanivore moved, releasing the hold her jaws had on Femzy's throat and then pulling her tails out of them both. Femzy gave a shiver as she was left suddenly empty, blushing again as she looked up at Khanivore, who seemed to be smiling once again.

"Mmm," Khanivore said, a bit of that husky growl still present in her voice. "You have a lot of lovely secrets."