The Den of Discord - Mama Bear

Story by The Wizened Raconteur on SoFurry

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#67 of Miscellany

This one is around 7300 words long.

A friend of mine called me up a few days after this and asked if I wanted a part time job. I didn't, but I asked what it was all about. He worked for one of the big grocery chains and they had started a delivery service. They had just lost a driver and since I had my own car, would I be interested in working?

It seemed easy enough, if the pay was far less than I was already making. I didn't do much during the day anyways, except play some video games and browse online. I said yes, because any extra money I was making was going straight into the bank.

This job had been going for about a week when one of the orders I had to deliver was to a name that sounded familiar. I ran the address over in my head and smiled.


I hadn't seen the missus in a few years, and I doubted she ever even knew who I was. It was going to be funny showing up with a load of food and helping her take it into her house. Funny in that she had no idea I had fucked her husband and he had loved it.

That, and I was now more than a bit curious about her. I was half expecting an old harridan, despite having seen her a many times in the past. I mean, the old man had seemed ambivalent towards her. I recalled a fairly attractive lady there at his side.

After getting to the house: a massive thing that suited the family, I was mildly surprised to see her pretty much as I remembered her. They had come to a lot of the games and other events at the school, but I had never paid much mind to them. Now that I had a vested interest, I was looking more closely.

Like the husband, the missus was in her forties, but she was obviously about five years younger than he was. She was fit, seeing as she was squeezed into a pair of yoga pants, but she still had the physique that nature had given her. A skinny bear was a dead bear.

She answered the door, gave me a look that meant I needed to explain myself.

"Good morning ma'am. I'm one of the new delivery guys for the grocery store. I'm here with your order."

"I see. Someone new."

She stood back a little, looking me up and down. I shifted to look a little more attractive, putting on the slightest of shows for her. It wasn't like I didn't know what turned people on.

"Bring them around the side if you will. I don't like having a lot of traffic over the living room carpet."

"As you wish," I said cheerfully.

I backed the car up the driveway until the rear hatch was even with the door there. She propped open the door and went back inside. I grabbed as many bags as I could, edged through the doorway, and set them down on the counter. Three trips later the car was much lighter and their kitchen was much fuller.

She looked around at all of the bags and sighed.

"You wouldn't mind helping me put this away would you?"

"Uh. Personally no. But I'm supposed to pick up a few more loads and drop them off this morning."

"I can pay you a little extra."

"Umm. I'll tell you what," I countered, giving her a look up and down. "Let's me help you and maybe I'll think of something you can do in return."

Her eyes were a little blank at first. Then it dawned on her that I was hitting on her. I don't think anyone had done that in a long time. Not because she wasn't attractive, but because of her husband. No one messed with a bear. Except, I suppose, maybe me. She didn't say anything at first, but I noticed that under her top, her nipples went hard. It was very difficult to ignore, for their presence were quite evident.

"I see. A barter then. I'm willing to listen to any proposal you might have."

"When is good for you?"

There was a pause.

"Mornings. The earlier the better to be honest."

"Got an alley behind the house?"

She gave me a weird look.

"What difference would that make?"

"Do you want me to show up in my car, and park in your driveway, and not have a load of groceries to unload?"

"Oh. I see. Yes, there's an alley and a fence. You'll need the code to the gate to get in."

I took a sticky note from their refrigerator and wrote my cell phone number on it.

"Here. If you're still interested tomorrow, text me the code and a date and time and I'll be here."

She eyed me curiously.

"Let me get this straight. You're interested in me?"

"I'm interested in everybody ma'am. You look like you've haven't had any close contact in your life for a while. I'm offering a solution to that."

"A young thing like you, wanting an old thing like me?"

"Old? You're only as old as you feel, I've heard said. Maybe I can take a few years off of that for you?"

I saw a change come over her. I had seen it before. She had settled into being miserable, and suddenly I came into her life like a ray of sunshine. But she wasn't going to toss aside her present life just for a fling. But the offer was percolating through her head now and I doubted it was going to go away quietly.

"What's your name?"

"Wilson. But everyone calls me Monty."

"Wilson? Are you the puma who was on the football team a few years back?"

I did a little bow.

"The one and only."

"You graduated with Bonnie."

"I did. And you have another daughter I believe."

"I do. She's at school right now."

"I assumed as much. That accounts for you having mornings available."

"You have a good head on your shoulders. How is it elsewhere?"

I smiled.

"That, you may just have to find out for yourself."

Her eyes lit up.

"Yes, I think you're right. Well, thank you Monty. I'll think over your offer. You seem to have discretion, and that makes you a perfect young man for what you're suggesting,"

"Why Mrs. Behrman, I'm suggesting absolutely nothing."

I was never very good at acting all innocent.

"Suuuuuure you're not... And call me Arthurine. Arty if you like."

"Arthurine? What a cool name!"

"Really? I've always hated it."

"I get it. I think Wilson is a stupid first name, but you won't find many out there who have it."

"Wilson. I like it. So, Mr. Montgomery: I think I'm looking forward to seeing you again."


I turned and left before we got it on right there in the kitchen. I was for all it, but I honestly did have more deliveries to make, and I always took my jobs seriously.

I think you know that.

I was at the end of the driveway when my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw a text from a number I didn't know. It said "6847 Friday 8AM".

I smiled. I clicked in a reply which said, "Will be there one minute early."

I waited until I got a reply. It was a smile emoji.

First the old man, and now his wife. This was just too good to be true.

Now, I'll be telling you a few pointers in what never to do in a situation like this; the main points are all the same. When going to someone else's house, never bring more with you than you need, and always leave with everything you brought. I was thinking about bringing flowers, but you see, as sweet as that might be, they would require explaining. And keys, or rings, or anything you could inadvertently lose were no-nos. Hell, I even got up early that day and showered twice to get rid of any loose hair. Since their's was dark brown and mine was golden tan, even a single one provided evidence of sexual subterfuge.

I didn't even bother with underpants, pulling on a pair of skin tight jeans that more than showed off what I carried with me. A simple t-shirt and a pair of sandals rounded out my outfit. There was a convenience store a few blocks from their neighborhood, and I parked my car there. I told the owner I was having engine trouble and would be back later to have it towed. He was cool with it. I left the keys under the seat.

I did a little jog down their street, turning the corner at the end of the block. Things seemed pretty dead, but there were always cameras and sensors and nosy neighbors in areas like this. I turned up the alley as nonchalantly as I could. I found the gate, punched in the code and heard a whir and a click. I was through it in a second.

I looked at my watch.

It was seven fifty eight.

I came up the steps to the back door and lightly knocked. It slid open as if she had been waiting there. It closed again with a click on the lock.

"You're punctual. I like that. It's never good to keep a lady waiting."

"Yes ma'am. Unless of course, it's what the lady wants."

Her pupils dilated.

"You know your stuff, don't you?"

"I don't think that is for me to determine."

"Meaning I get to find out for myself?"

"It is why I'm here."

She smiled, showing a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. It didn't scare me at all. I had my own set to flash. And I did. I was letting her know I wasn't scared one bit by her size. She was shorter and lighter than her husband, and I handled him just fine.

She wrinkled her nose at me and turned.

"Come on lover boy. I'm using the guest bedroom for our antics."

"As the lady wishes," I said saucily.

"Arty. Call me Arty. I hate the formal stuff."

As I walked through the house, I thought that was a funny thing to say. The whole place looked like it got dusted twice an hour, and everything was in its place. It felt like it had been prepped for a photoshoot for one of those fancy house magazines.

"Uh, not meaning to pry, but this place of yours is great. Seems pretty formal to me."

She opened the door to the bedroom.

"Does it look lived in?"


"So not much of a home is it? House yes, but there is no hominess to living under this roof."

"Gotcha. This is all for looks."

"You catch on quick Monty. Everything is about looks."

"Not everything Arty. Some things are meant for action."

She sighed, and as I walked through the door, she closed it.

"No point is taking any chances. I've got the house locked down now," she said, showing me her phone, "and if anything happens this goes off.

"Cool. Making technology work for you."

"Sure. I'm a little more basic than that. I like some things the old fashioned way, if you know what I mean."

I hoped I did.

"Something a little more alive than a toy that takes batteries?"

"Right. I like you. You catch on pretty quick. What do you do for a living? Not deliver groceries I assume?"

That got me. I needed a lie that wasn't a lie.

"No. A friend of mine asked if I wanted to fill in for that job. I bartend mostly."

"Really? I'll have to stay away from wherever you work."

This was getting awkward.

"I don't think that will be a problem. I work at Wilderland."

"The strip club?"


"Huh. I've never been there, for obvious reasons. My husband wouldn't be caught dead in such a place, and I would be dead for even turning around in the parking lot if I ever got lost."

"It does have a specific clientele."

"I'll just bet it does. I see why you have an eye for beauty."

"I see all kinds, like I said. Everyone has their good sides. I just usually try to see if their beauty is skin-deep or if it goes much deeper."

"How deep will you delve to find out?"

I sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled off my sandals, rolling my pants down and kicking them off to the side. My shirt followed. She looked me up and down.

"Not bad. You seemed like you might be fragile. Now I'm seeing that maybe you're tougher than you look."

"I'm tough where it's needed, and I'm hard where it counts."

She ruffled my hair.

"Cute. And so true," she replied as she stared at my cock.

She followed my lead and slipped out of her cloths, tossing them on mine in what I took to be an act of defiance. I was pretty sure she even folded dirty clothes before they went into the laundry basket.

For her age, she was holding it together pretty well. I sensed there was a gym in the house, probably in the basement, and she frequented it a lot. That was a good thing for her. You let yourself go too far down the road of slothfulness and it was a tough path to come back from.

Her breasts were sizable, but nothing more than what perfectly fit on her frame. She had that big bear butt, but she also had a nice set of hips that showing what an hourglass curvature she had. She was just a little taller than I was. Again, that was hardly daunting. I was pretty sure that at the end of the day, none of that was going to make any impact at all.

I was curious how we were going to start this. I didn't want to seem pushy or forward and at the same time, I was the one who had instigated this, so I had to play it right.

"So Arty. What have you missed the most?"

"Missed? Everything."

"Husband isn't interested in you anymore?"

"I don't think so. He has grown distant over the years. He's seemed to try every once in a while to do something nice, but it doesn't seem to come from the heart."

"Maybe you should talk with him."

"I've tried."

"That's too bad." I said that like I meant it, because I did. "As far as I'm concerned, I'll see what I can do. Who will lead this dance?"

She climbed into the bed, making the box spring groan.

"How's your tongue?"

I licked my lips.


She fluffed the pillows under her head.

"Prove it."

She drew up her knees as I assumed the position. I was a little surprised to find her slit a little dry. I doubted it had anything to do with her age and everything to do with her repressive home life. Jeez these people needed to thaw.

I spread her open and took a tentative lick. She jiggled a little but nothing more. I lapped up and down, very slowly, making each pass count. By the tenth time I did it, she was moaning.

I slipped a finger inside her and found that at least there, the moisture was exceptional. And that finger found something else. There is a saying about using it or losing it. She might have been able to take that hubby of hers a few years ago, but the lack of activity in her cunt had allowed it to shrink. I know this had to be the case because I knew how big he was, and plugging this hole was going to be one hell of a ride for both of us.

I slowly worked in a second finger, feeling the moisture inside her increase dramatically. I think her body had forgotten how to react to sexual stimuli. My tantalizingly textured tongue worked over her rather large clit just like I would over a cock. I sucked it and played with it until a short while later, her huge paws came down and clamped my face directly against her crotch.

"Oh gawd, don't stop!"

I found I didn't have a choice. Good thing this happened all the time at work.

I soon had her clit getting rammed up my nose as she ground my face into her flesh. I withdrew my fingers and stuck out my tongue all the way and soon found myself being crushed like an egg. I had thought ole papa bear had been uptight, but this big bruin bitch was far worse. After a few minutes of this unintentional abuse, she let out a roar that would have broken my eardrums had they not been protected within the confines of her thighs.

She literally gushed like a geyser. Thankfully I was able to pull away before getting completely hosed. Her paws went to her chest and she twisted those bit erect nipples until just watching her made mine hurt. She continued to cum, until the comforter was totally soaked.

She was groaning and moaning, and her body was twitching, and I had hardly even done a thing. Toys were fine, but there is always something about bodily contact that upped the ante. There was no replacement for the warmth of another body next to yours.

I decided that this was going to be a messy morning, so I went right into climbing between her thighs and getting my cock inside her. As mentioned before, I was graced with a firm chunk of meat, but papa bear definitely had more. Who knew? Maybe after this was all said and done, I was doing them a favor. That hole of her's was more something you'd find in a fourteen-year old virgin than a forty-something mother of two.

I wiggled the head of my cock between her pink puffy lips and pushed. It slid in, but only after leaving me hanging for a moment. I leaned forward and grabbed her nipples, while her arms came around and grabbed my ass. In the next moment she pushed with all of her might, digging those claws into my asscheeks and driving me all the way inside her.


"You ok Arty?"

"Shit yessssssssss."

"You need anything?"

"A good fucking."

"I got that. Anything else?"

She took a minute or two and rammed my whole body against hers, striking my cock far harder into her than I would have for starters.

"Can you call me mamma bear?"

"Sure thing, if that turns you on."

"No one's called me that in a long time."

"Ok mamma bear; are you going to do all the work, or would you like me to see what I can do?"

She relaxed.

"Sorry Wilson. It's been a while."

"We've got until you say we don't. Chill and let me show you a thing or two."

She visibly relaxed, thawing a bit before sinking into the bed. After the brief episode we'd just had, I was pretty sure I could do about anything without hurting her. As it was, I had to think that cunt of her's was smarting, but I did come to the realization that just because it was tight didn't mean it hadn't seen its way around the block a few times. This was just a wakeup call to remind it that it still had use.

After all; it had been very well lubed.

My arms got a workout as I lifted her legs and leaned into her. My ass smarted a little from where her claws had dug in, but that was a discomfort I could overlook. I was in control for now, and I intended to make every minute count.

I started by slipping out every few strokes and rubbing my cock against her clit. As I had already sensitized it with a good licking, every time I rubbed across it she jerked. I opted to stay out for a moment, rubbing exclusively across the area until she let out a low rumbling growl.

"Are you just playing with me?"

"Hell yes. I'll deliver in the end."

"You'd better."

I continued to work over her clit until I thought she might come unglued. I then slipped back down into her cunt with a rough thrust that brought her up off the bed. That hole of hers had really tensed up nicely, making it even more taut than before. That old papa beer had been missing out on some great times.

I really put myself into it, giving her the best fuck she's had in ages. That wasn't saying much for she hadn't had any, but I was doing my part to make this worthwhile for her.

After a time, those legs of hers fought to get free, so I let loose of them. In the next moment I found them around me, and I was in a more standard missionary position on top of her. Arms came around and grabbed my shoulders, and I winced in expectation of those claws.

I waited a second before restarting, just to see what was going on. When she did nothing, I went back to doing what it was I did. I fucked her like I meant it. And I did. I think she just wanted anything and everything, and she wanted it five minutes ago. I hated to break the mood, but I opened my mouth again.

"Mama bear, we can do this more than just today if you like. Why don't we just take it nice and slow. You're just a jittery mess."

"Ssssss-sorry. It's been a while."

"I get that. Pace yourself. You can hardly be enjoying yourself wrapped up in nerves like you are."

"I'm trying..."

"Stop trying. Just go with the flow."

Once more, she rather melted into the bed,

"You know what, maybe I need to get a little rougher. You can obviously handle quite a bit."


I grabbed her legs again, pushed them forward, and this time lined up for her ass. Her love juice had coated it nicely, and maybe a good dose of hurt was what she needed. I had no idea if she had ever tried it, and I wasn't about to ask. Asking permission was often tougher than getting forgiveness after the fact.

I hit that hole and ripped it open all at once. She gasped and I saw her nose flare, but she didn't say a word. I did.

"I said I'd let you have it in the end..."

"Funny boy. Not the right hole you know."

"And not the wrong one either. Ever done anal?"

"Not much. Funny thing; I like you, so I think I can tolerate it better. Maybe that makes a difference."

I gave her a few solid thrusts.


"My husband tried that years ago. Said he didn't want any more cubs. He just went in dry."

"Ouch! Sounds like he's a bit harsh."

"He worries about the wrong things..."

I fucked her some more before asking.

"Like what?"

"Work. Money. Everything but his family."

I stopped and looked at her. She seemed to have a tear forming in her eye. I brushed it away.

"Money is good to have. This house of yours is great!"

"Yeah, but it just isn't any joy to live in."

"I guess so. Let me jazz things up a little for you."

"Wilson, you're a godsend. I'll try to behave for you."

"Mama bear, you just let me take the driver's seat and I'll see where I can take you."

She gave me a squeeze with her anal muscles which said it all. She even grabbed her feet in her paws and relieved me the duty of keeping them up and out of the way. She had suddenly gone from trying to be dominant to being submissive. I was beginning to think that was the whole problem with bears. They always had to act so tough they forgot that being less so had its advantages too.

I worked over her ass, much as I had done her hubby's, but I was in a different position, and she was a separate person altogether. He had needed it rough and tough as a reminder of his former youth, whereas all she wanted was some desperately needed attention. No need to get carried away.

As I plugged away, I got an idea.

"Hey Mama bear. Where's your toys?"


"I've got me an idea."

"Under this bed you'll find a blue box."

I got off and quickly found it. Inside was a small variety of devices. The vibrator was good sized, and flicking it on, I found the batteries had a full charge. I climbed back up, pushed it into her cunt, and turned it on. She shivered a little as it sprang to life. I resumed my position and slid into her ass once more. The vibrations from her toy were fully palpable from where I was.

She shivered again.


"Yes mama bear?"

"You want a full-time job?"

I smiled.

"Part time works better."

"That's too bad."

I pumped her gently at first, moving on to bigger and deeper strokes. She had no qualms about tightening up her sphincter for me, doing so with incredible power. It wasn't the same feel as her spouse's anxiety-tightened hole, but a more natural feel that cried for more attention. She must have been using her toys at some point on her ass, because her other hole wouldn't have been so taut.


"What is it?" she asked with mild exasperation.

"You tried to get your ass ready for him, didn't you?"

"Yeah I did. Still work it over occasionally. Got to the point I liked it. But then nothing."

"You two need to work things out."

"Too late for that."

"It's never too late."

"You're a sweet kid Wilson, but you don't know everything. He's just nothing but a grumpy old bear now."

"If you say so. I'm more than glad to fill in where he left off."

I gave up talking and just had some fun. She was clamping down around me, a trick I assumed she had learned while playing with herself. A lot of times, when you do someone who is into anal, their muscles just get stretched out and the hole is not fun. That certainly wasn't me. I had to work at it all the time to keep mine usable for the next customer. She had been working on being available for the old man, and he had just finally shrugged her off. I really did feel bad.

But not that bad.

My cock was making long strokes through her puckered pink hole, and the vibrations from her toy were making her a little antsy. She was as repressed as her other half, though I thought that both needed to just get it on and move past their problems. In the meantime I was glad to mediate between them, so long as neither found out about the other.


"Yeah mama bear, what is it?"

"This feels good."

There was the slightest tremble to her voice, as though the vibrations were being carried all the way up her frame to her throat.

"I agree."

I thought maybe her arms might be getting tired from holding her legs, but she was plenty fit for the job. So was I, but it was nice to have less to concentrate on. I returned my attention to her breasts, and more importantly those sizable nipples and their very erect stance. She was quite sensitive there, and after just a little tweaking, I had her in one hell of a state. The combination of stimuli; breasts, cunt and ass sent her into a screaming orgasm. And by screaming, I mean that quite actually. Roaring might be more descriptive, but I want you to understand the difference. It was a scream, but out of her throat it sounded like a roar of anger or defiance.

It seemed like a good time for me to cum as well, for I thought it over and decided that if she were to be pushed too far, her wild side might turn feral. I didn't need her losing her head over this, nor did I wish to lose mine. I dug in and pounded away like a jackhammer, sending her into a new burst of screaming.

I could see why we were in this bedroom. It was in the middle of the house and had no windows.

She would have blown them out with the intensity of her shrieks had we been anywhere else.

You know, I would never have taken her for a screamer. I could see where ole papa bear might have been put off by that, being the neurotic old ursine that he was. I doubt he wanted the neighbors knowing what was going on in the house.

Like any of them would have thought less of him. If anything, he would have shamed the guys and turned on the ladies with this kind of commotion. But then, maybe he had realized that too. It was just hard to say.

And speaking of hard, I guess maybe I should finish my story.

I was grinding out her ass with the kind of force I rarely used on anyone. At this point there was no stopping me, and I rammed my cock in and out as hard as I could, slapping my balls against her until I knew they were going to be aching. With a howl of my own, I cut loose and pumped it into her like this was my last day on the planet. She sensed my spurting orgasm and went into a new set of paroxysms. Thankfully, she was still managing to hold onto her legs, because if not, I think she would have been wrapped around me tightly, and that would not have been good.

I finished fucking her with ever last shred of energy I had and fell on top of her.

It was a good five minutes later that she loosened her grip and fell back, happily exhausted. I felt a paw caress my back and knew that the dangerous part was over.

"Thanks Wilson," using my given name.

"Thank you, mama bear."

My cock was still inside her, and I could feel the vibrator going strong. As I my face was on her chest, I moved and gave a nipple a lick. She groaned and stopped me.

"Unless you have enough to go again, don't go getting me horny all over again!"

"Who says I don't?"

"I see," she said with a playful growl to her voice. "Well, you go wash that dick of yours before we play anymore. I know where it's been."

I smiled at her and did as I was told, knowing full well she had no real idea of all the places it had been. And that was just as well.

I came back, having used the toilet on principle, and climbed back into the bed.

She rather unceremoniously tossed me down in the middle of the bed and dropped between my legs without so much as a how-do-you-do. She had my cock in her mouth and was sucking away like a baby on a bottle. I knew she was going to keep her teeth out of this, but I still was caught off guard. She had definitely been missing the action.

I finally had her back off just a little, for I wanted to enjoy it the experience, as much as I was going to enjoy it when I fucked her again. She slowed down, and to my surprise, managed to really get into it. Some people are really lackluster about doing oral, but not her. I wondered if she had been practicing on her toys. I really did. It was like she had done this professionally.

Her paws went under my ass, but the claws didn't come into play and I was grateful for that. As for the rest of it, she knew what she was doing. She wrapped her tongue around my shaft and licked me until my balls squirmed, and when she noticed that, she included them in the game. I'll tell you this; I have never had, not before nor afterwards, found someone with the capacity to take my cock all the way to my balls.

It was so damn frightening that I got immediately hard and stayed hard for hours. She sucked me from the tip to the base, and occasionally juggled my balls on her tongue. Shit; I would have paid someone to do what she was doing!

When she was done, it was my turn to be on edge. Had I not just unleashed inside her ass, I would have done so right down her throat. That was normally my sort of territory to deal with.

She slid off and climbed on top of me, wriggling and waggling her hips as she got my cock back in the proper place again. She was much more relaxed now, and her upper body swayed a little as if in time to music.

"You're still kind of skinny," she commented with a grin.

"Nope. I'm just about perfect. And so are you."

She gave me a look as though she didn't believe me.

"I'm a lot bigger than you are."

"So sue me. I'm not complaining," I said with perfect honesty.

"You're a good kid Wilson. I think I'll keep you."

I had a sudden image of a dungeon full of manacles, whips, and toys. It was both spooky and tantalizingly awesome

"I don't think that would be the best idea..."

She smiled even larger.

"It's a great idea. The execution of it would be impossible."

"I guess that's what I meant."

She giggled.

"Did you think I was going to kidnap you?"

"I wouldn't mind, but I do have other obligations."

"That's too bad. I may have to change the way I order groceries."

I smiled.

"That might work."

She smiled back and moved her paws to where we were connected. I could feel her rubbing her clit as she rode me, pressing down fully with her weight. I could feel the tip of my cock bumping against something solid and knew that I was about as deep inside her as was physically possible. And for a big gal like her, she was remarkably fluid in her movements, now that the worse of her repression had been washed away. She was riding me, paws moving from her crotch to the back of her head as she undulated back and forth, making sure that I knew who was presently in charge.

I doubted I could get out from under her, and thus is was a good thing I was quite content to be there. My cock was so hard I think you could have used it to drive nails into a board. She was looking ever so pleased with herself, and it actually made me feel good inside. People usually think of anyone in the sex industry as being twofaced and artificial, but I genuinely liked folks.

I brought my paws up and began rubbing her breasts, careful to not over stimulate her nipples. I lightly ran the tips of my claws around her massive areolas, only occasionally making a pass over the erect hills at the center. That seemed like the right combination, for she nearly swooned at my touch.

It was a good half an hour later that she finally lost her composure and came close to busting the bedframe from her sudden ferocity. She grabbed the headboard and went to town, so to speak, and showed just how much strength she had in her. It was an incredible ride, though I was the one being ridden, and by the time she climaxed again I knew I was taking tonight off of work. And maybe tomorrow too.

Even when she had soaked my lower half and had the mattress and sheets in totally disarray, she continued to slowly pump her cunt over my cock with painstaking purpose. That hard spot, she told me, was the tip of her cervix, and she was rubbing the head of my cock over it with loving care. After some time of this, she begrudgingly lifted her body off of mine, and resumed a position with her head between my thighs.

"Sweetheart, I think you need to be finished off."

That head went down and didn't come up again until I had blown a wad so hard, it bubbled a little out her left nostril. She was a gal after my own heart. But even then, or maybe more because of it, I was still in a shape to perform.

"Look at you! You act like you're fifteen!"

Then she stopped and stared at me.

"How old are you?'

"Almost twenty three."

"Hmm. Just about half my age. That was a good time for me too."

"I see."

"No you don't. I was as randy then as you are now."

"I didn't know you then, but I don't think much as changed...

She ruffled my hair.

"Thanks kiddo. It's good to feel wanted."

I thrust my hips upwards, aiming for her face. My erection was stilling raging on.

"Apparently he's still interested."

She giggled and ruffled my hair again.

"Save it for another time."

"Uh, I don't think it works that way, but if you insist."

"I do. This was great, but now I have to get everything washed and work on abating the guilt trip that's going to hit me after you're gone."

"No time for one more for the road?"

She sighed, making a little scene before conceding to my pressure for more. Turning around on the bed, and just like papa bear had done, she exposed her ass to me.

Goddam, that was one hell of a third load I gave her, when it finally came.

She made me get cleaned up, and after I dressed, I gave her a kiss and slipped out the back door and out into the alley. I made it to my car, got in and drove back to my apartment. It had been quite the morning, and I was going to have to rest up if I intended to go to work tonight.

Hell, who was I kidding? If anyone wanted to get shagged by me, it wasn't going to happen. I picked up the phone, called my boss and gave him a stupid excuse for not showing up. He called me a few names, and I called him some back, and then we laughed and he told me to feel better soon. I flipped on the television, but fell asleep on the couch in a matter of minutes. I spent the afternoon there, dreaming of large woman and endless sex. I ate supper and tried the television again, but as before, dozed off. I think I was even more exhausted when I woke up in the morning.

It had been one hell of a day.

Now, and again, you probably think this story is done. It could be. There is more to it, but I intend to cover only one more aspect of it in any detail. It rather completes a trifecta.

Arty, or mama bear if you will, had my phone number, and we texted back and forth a bit. One day she asked to meet me somewhere of my choosing, which kind of excited me, but in the end, it was not what I was expecting. We met at the shopping mall, which was a public space, and where our meeting could be considered chance. There was a spot with two benches back to back, so I sat on the one side, and she sat on the other.

"What do you need mama bear?"

"A favor."

"Which hole?"

"Not quite what I'm asking."

"Go on."

"I have a daughter..."

"You have two."

"Yes, but only one is at home."

"Sure. Ok. How does that involve me?'

I remembered the little cub from the ball games. Cute and fuzzy. And not within the realm of me even thinking about fucking.

"She has a dance coming up."

"Go on."

"She wants to go, but is afraid no one will ask her."

"Because of daddy?"

"Mostly. There aren't a lot of ursines in the area. And as you know, we don't get out much."

"Arty... Mama bear. I can't go taking a little girl to a dance."


"I mean, like how old is she now. Ten?'

She snorted.

"You're out of the loop. She was nine the year you graduated. She's fourteen going on fifteen."

I did the math. Still a little young but not so bad. And she would be bigger than most her age. That meant there was less likelihood of there being any problems.

"You have a photo?"

She clicked away on her phone before discreetly handing it over. I looked at the pic.

"Ok. Not bad. Takes after you thankfully."

I handed the phone back.

"Oh Wilson. Are you trying to get in my bed again?"

"Are you willing to take me?"

She sighed.

"Yes, but not today. This matter is serious. She'll be devastated if no one asks with her."

"Great. And how do you propose I propose to her? And what about her father? Doesn't he have a say in this? Maybe I should meet him first."

I was playing a bluff which I hoped would work.

"Good lord no! Thankfully he'll be gone on a business trip that week."

"This sounds like a bad idea."


"Too many reasons. What if we end up having sex?" I hoped that was going to throw her off.


I paused to take that in.

"You _want_me to have sex with her?"

"Look Wilson. She's already conscientious about who she is and how she looks. She thinks she should be skinnier, but doing that would just outright kill her. Not everyone is a puma, or a deer, or a wolf. Our kind is just big. Period. And you seem to see that."

"Ok, ok. Wait. You want me to take your daughter to a dance, and then fuck her afterwards? I'm so not a prude, but that just seems really weird coming from her mom."

"Do you want to be paid for it?"

"No! I'm just trying to wrap my head around this. You actually want me to fuck your kid?"

"Only if that's what she wants."

"Look mama bear, you and me, we have a thing. We're both adults. If something happens and the kid doesn't like it, then she can cry foul. And then the old man gets involved and the whole thing gets really ugly."

"Would you like to meet her. Get to know her? See what she thinks?"

"You make it sound easy. A few people will recognize me. And they know where I work. That might not go over so well at a high school dance."

"You have a point, but I considered that. This will be a masquerade ball, and everyone will be in costume. There will be guys and gals there from other districts, and I doubt you've changed much in five years."

"Your point?"

"You probably are about the same build and height. No one will think anything of it. They'll just think you were from a different school."

"You did your homework, didn't you?"

"I'll do about anything for the poor dear."

I sighed.

"I don't like the idea. Too many faults with it. But the cause seems worthwhile, so sure. Let me meet her. I hope you have a good story about how you know me."

"But of course. You were on the football team, you did graduate with Bonnie, and you do deliver the groceries. What else do I need?"

I snorted.

"Are you going to tell her we've been fucking like rabbits?"

"Wilson! No!"

"Ok. Just checking. One never knows until they ask."

"Look. You seem to really feel for people. I think that's what she needs."

"I don't need her getting all attached to me you know. That isn't going to work at all."

"Oh, I don't think it'll come to that."

I gave a harrumph.

"Teenage girl? First time? I see trouble."


"Sure," I replied in a drawn-out breath. "For you. When can I meet her?"

"Good question. I can call her in sick. Pick a day."

She was totally serious. I, on the other paw, was thinking that maybe this matter had gone a little too far.

"Make it simple. The next time I deliver groceries will work."


She got up and left, and after a while, and after spending some time looking at my phone, I got up and wandered around the mall. They had one of those tuxedo rental places, so I stepped inside and looked around. The salesclerk asked me what I was looking for and I told her straight up about the masquerade ball.

"Oh yes. They just started that. Kind of a cute idea."

"What kind of suit do you recommend?"

She pulled out a book.

"These are the less traditional tuxedos and suits."

I saw one that made me smile. It was over the top, but then this whole masquerade idea was over the top. Frills and lace and gold trim and epaulets; it was all just gaudy extravagance. But I suppose that was the idea. I wondered what kind of dress she would choose. It would hardly do having clashing costumes.

"I'll let you know," I said to the clerk and walked out.