The WildPark

Story by HAFFSUMBEENZ on SoFurry

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A psuedo-sequel to my last story, Desperate Measures, taking place in the same universe with different characters and a different setup. When Eva convinces her best friend Troy to visit the WildPark with her, he's in for a bigger surprise than he ever imagined.

The WildPark

Troy swallowed hard as he looked up at the huge domelike building. Big enough to take up seven city blocks, it was made of reflective black glass. Apparently on the inside it was so crystal clear that the human eye literally couldn't detect it, but from out here all Troy could see was his own reflection standing on the curb, looking far more intimidated than he felt was necessary.

"Come onnn," Eva whined, playfully taking his hand and leaning away so that her weight pulled him forward. "We don't have all day!"

Reluctantly following her lead, Troy glanced down at the brightly colored ticket he was holding. "Uh, we kinda do. Free entry for one full day, it says."

Eva rolled her eyes. "It's an expression, Dumdum! And every second we stand out here is a minute less we'll get to spend in there!"

_And is that really be so bad?_Troy wondered as they neared the entrance.

Sculptech Presents: the WildPark! the bright green neon letters declared as Eva dragged Troy towards the entrance. They weren't the only ones there. People of all ages, even families with children, were making their way through those doors with an eagerness that Troy just couldn't bring himself to feel. Instead, it felt like slugs were crawling in his stomach.

Cut it out, he chided himself. You're not in danger here.

His brain knew that was true, but somehow that message didn't make it to the rest of him. Like looking at an extreme roller coaster, knowing that there was nothing to be afraid of didn't make his fear go away. More of him than he wanted to admit was tempted to dig in his heels, yank his hand out of Eva's, and make a run for it. Eva had been his best friend since third grade. She would forgive him.



Seeing the look in his eyes, Eva stopped just outside the doors and turned to face him. "You're going to love it. Trust me!"

Troy swallowed again. This was important to her. Ridiculously important. He'd known for years that she enjoyed going to the WildPark now and then, but until yesterday had her hobby had been just that--her hobby. Troy had never gone, and had never felt any desire to. Not that he had anything against it, it was just...not his thing.

Until yesterday, two days into his college spring break, when Troy's phone had rang.

"Guess what?" Eva had said, excitement filling every syllable.

"Uh...chicken butt?"

"No, Dumdum!" Troy had long since stopped hoping that her elementary school nickname for him would go away. "I just won two free tickets to the WildPark! We can use them tomorrow."

"Oh, nice," he'd said, trying not to sound disappointed. He'd been hoping that the two of them could hang out at the mall that day, but if Eva was going to the WildPark then she'd be gone for... "Wait, who can use them?"

"Us!" she practically chirped. "I'm taking you with me this time!"

Troy's mouth had frozen, the words no thank you seemingly lodged in his throat. Eva, being Eva, had of course taken his silence as one hundred percent agreement, and told him to meet her outside campus at 8 am sharp the next day.

Now, forty five minutes and one bus ride later, they were here.

"I- I don't know," Troy said softly.

"Oh, come on." Eva gave him a half-mocking, half-comforting smirk. "You need this. What else were you going to do all week? Sit in your dorm and play video games?"

"No!" Troy snapped. He'd been planning to do that, but also go to the mall. "I just--"

"It's one day, Dumdum." She tugged on his hand again. "You'll have plenty of time to melt those braincells later. So come on. Please? For me?"

She opened her eyes wide and tilted her head slightly to the side, like a poor little puppy begging to sit on its master's lap. Troy's heart began to beat a little faster when he found himself looking into those big, brown, almond-shaped eyes. Did she know what she could do to him? Some days he thought she must have, seeing how she did it every freaking chance she got. Other days, that seemed impossible. If she knew what he thought...and how he could she act so normal around him?

Finally, he sighed. "Okay, fine."

"Yay!" Eva turned and scurried through the door, dragging Troy behind her.

It was warm for this time of year, so Eva had decided to wear a pair of shorts that didn't even reach halfway down her thighs and a tight fitting pink t-shirt with an anime character Troy didn't recognize sticking their tongue out. Her light-coppery skin glistened in the midmorning sunlight, contrasting beautifully with her raven black hair--cut short, but just long enough that her bangs hung enticingly in front of her eyes, just the way Troy secretly liked. The tips of those bangs were died bright blue.

So beautiful, he couldn't help but think as he followed her in. If only...

But that, of course, was just foolishness. Eva liked him as a friend, and for that he was incredibly lucky. Testing his luck...trying to push their relationship further than that...would only ruin everything. He could already see her look of disgust. You? Me? DATING?! Get out of my sight before I throw up! God, I can't even make myself think about it! So, while rampaging feelings gnawed painfully at his heart, he put on a smile and forced himself to be happy with what he had.

The doors led into a vast, marble floored lobby. Above them, just like Eva had promised, the dark panes of glass suddenly seemed to vanish. If he hadn't known better, Troy would have thought that the room had no ceiling at all.

TV screens lined the walls, displaying a variety of views of a dense, green jungle. People were crowded around those, pointing and chattering excitedly whenever a breeze so much as made a bush shiver. Eva dragged him through the lobby, ignoring the screens and making for a long series of desks at the far end. Behind them, Troy heard the crowd break out into even louder chatter than usual, and craned his neck around to see. He had just enough time to see a blurry, black and yellow shape appear in front of the camera. It stopped there, standing on all fours with a long tail lashing back and forth behind it. But before Troy could get a good look, somebody stepped in front of him, and the view was lost.

"Welcome to Sculptech's WildPark!" Troy spun around to realize Eva had pulled him all the way to the registration desks. A round faced middle aged woman sat there, smiling cheerfully at them. "How can I help you today?"

Eva snatched Troy's ticket out of his hand and set it down on the desk along with her own. "I won these in the drawing yesterday, and I'd like to use them."

"Well, congratulations!" The woman beamed even brighter at them. Tapping a few buttons on her computer, she made both tickets vanish beneath her desk. "Is this your first time?"

"Not mine," Eva said, giving Troy a sly smile, "but it is his."

The smile grew even bigger. "Well then, welcome again! We have several experiences to choose from, depending on what you want to get out of this, so if you need suggestions..."

"We'll both take option 7-A," Eva said quickly.

The look in her eyes made the slugs in Troy's stomach crawl even faster.

"W- What's option 7-A?" he asked timidly.

"It's the first one I ever did," she said, practically bouncing up and down in excitement. "It's great, trust me. You'll love it!"

"You keep saying that..."

"7-A is a good choice for first timers," said the worker. "Different enough for a memorable experience, but not so different that it takes too long to figure out."

"Perfect!" Eva chirped.

"The young man will need to go through a quick orientation before we let him loose in the park, but that should only take a few minutes." She motioned toward a door with _Introduction_written on it. "Miss, you can go on ahead."

"Yay!" Eva finally let go of Troy's hand and made as if to dash away, but Troy quickly grabbed her by the arm again.

"Wait, wait, hold on!" he exclaimed. "You're leaving me on my own?"

"You're a big boy, aren't you?" Eva teased him. "I don't have to hold your hand every second we're here."

Troy's cheeks burned, but somehow he found that he still couldn't let go of Eva's hand.

"Look," she said more gently, "it'll only be for a few minutes, okay? I know where the orientation room lets out, so I'll be there to meet you."

"I...But I..."

She pulled her hand out of his. "Once we get started, you'll wonder what you were ever scared of."

"I'm not scared!" he snapped.

"Prove it!" She flashed him a grin and backed away. "Five minutes. I'll see you inside!"

With that, she turned and sprinted down the hallway, further into the building. Troy watched until she vanished around a corner, then looked at the worker.

"Right that way, sir," she said, pointing again toward the Introduction door.

Feeling like his feet were made of lead, Troy trudged that way. He stole a glance at the entrance, fifty feet away and with nothing between him and freedom except a lazy crowd of tourists. He could leave if he wanted. Nothing could stop him.

But then he thought about how Eva would feel when she found out, gritted his teeth, and pushed open the door.

Troy found himself in a dimly lit cylindrical room with a globe shaped metal seat in the exact center. As soon as the door closed behind him, he heard it lock shut. He swallowed. Well, there went his only means of escape.

_"Please remove your clothing,"_a feminine, but clearly mechanical, voice said over the intercom.

Troy froze. "You want me to do what now?"

"Nonbiological materials will interfere with the Sculptech machinery," the robotic voice answered. "This room is locked and completely private. Please remove your clothing."

Feeling like a complete idiot, Troy did as the voice in the ceiling told him. Stripping off his shirt first, he exposed his not-thin-but-not-quite-fat top half to the empty room. A small table sat at the edge of the room, where he guessed he was supposed to leave his clothes. After depositing his shirt there, he slipped out of his shoes, then his socks. Then, hesitantly, he unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his legs. Now dressed only in his boxers, he looked around, cheeks burning, and took a step toward the--

"Please remove all_articles of clothing,"_ said the voice.

"Oh, come on!" Troy complained. Still, given no other option, he stripped off his boxers, leaving him naked in the empty room, and angrily threw them onto the pile of the rest of his clothes.

"Thank you. Please take a seat."

Grumbling to himself, Troy made his way to the chair and sat down. The seat was shaped like a globe, with a huge chunk missing for him to sit inside. It was so deep that, when he scooted so that his butt pressed against the back, only his feet protruded from the opening. That position wasn't very comfortable, so he pulled them inside and sat cross-legged inside the metal globe.

"Thank you," said the voice. "Comencing WildPark orientation."

Is Eva doing this too, wherever she's at? he wondered. The thought of her stripping naked, plus him being naked himself, made a surge of anticipation run through his cock. No, no, stop it! You do not want to get a boner in a place like this!

Luckily, he was distracted from his own thoughts when a projector above him snapped to life, shining an image of the spinning Sculptech logo onto the wall in front of him. With his heart beating harder now than ever, Troy leaned forward to watch, and--

With a hiss, a pane of glass rose to cover the hole, sealing Troy inside the chair.

"Hey!" he yelled, instinctively rising to his feet, only to hit his head on the top of the chair. "What do you think you're--"

"Thirty seven years ago, Sculptech changed our world forever," said a new voice, deeper and more masculine. The logo on the wall vanished, replaced by a panning shot of the Sculptech skyscraper. Rubbing his aching head, Troy sat back to listen. Nobody had mentioned this part to him. When he saw Eva, he was going to give her a piece of his mind!

"By inventing a way to physically transform the human body in any way they pleased, a revolution swept over the planet. Finally, everybody was able to not only look however they wanted, but to actually be whoever they wanted."

Troy rolled his eyes. He knew this. Everybody knew this.

"And since then, the wonders of Sculptech have only grown more amazing."

"Humble," he muttered as he was shone a flabby middle aged man's body being morphed into that of an athletic hunk.

"What you are about to experience is what our founder, Isaac MacLeary, considers to be one of his greatest achievements." The image changed again to a face that Troy was more familiar with than his country's own president, Isaac MacLeary.

"Humanity is the pinnacle of evolution, that much is undeniable," said MacLeary. "But there is still a certain allure of the primal way of life."

Troy jumped when, slowly, the walls around him began to rotate. The room was spinning around him!

"A question I often asked myself," Isaac went on, "was how much good could it do if people were able to shed their human inhibitions for a few precious hours? How therapeutic would it be to submit to a more basic instinct, where the worries and troubles of the human world didn't exist?"

Beams of light began to shine out of the walls, like an interconnecting web of lasers. Starting at the top of the room, they lowered themselves--right toward Troy's pod!

On the video, Isaac disappeared, replaced by a computer generated copy of the room he was in.

"You are seconds away from experiencing Isaac MacLeary's dream made reality," said the other voice.

The lasers alighted on the metal sphere, and Troy jumped when he felt a surge of energy run through his globelike prison. It didn't hurt, but it tingled as if he were sitting inside one of those plasma balls that old people decorated their houses with. He couldn't see it, but he could feel all that energy being absorbed by the sphere's outer shell, and then focused directly into him. It made him feel...he wasn't sure how to describe it. Almost like he should have been glowing.

"Right now, you are likely feeling your DNA beginning to react to Sculptech's patented alteration rays. These rays are not hazardous to your health, but under programmed guidance they are able to rewrite your genetic code into anything you wish. You have chosen option..._7-A...Your transformation will take roughly...THREE...minutes. Feel free to observe."_

As soon as it said that, a new sensation began to spread through Troy's body, starting at his chest and expanding outwards. He looked down, and his breath caught in his throat when he saw light brown fur--the same color as his hair--sprouting from his chest. It began slowly, following the strange sensation that continued to spread through his body, and soon his entire chest and stomach were covered with it. Raising a tentative hand, Troy felt it. It was...surprisingly soft.

The fur continued growing, wrapping around his back and over his shoulders. He watched as it crawled down his arms, hiding his pale skin from view. The sight was strangely mesmerizing. But he was jolted out of his trance when the hair reached his wrists, and another, even stranger, feeling ignited in his hands. His fingers began to stretch, elongating until they were nearly twice as long as they had been before. He clenched his fist experimentally. It hadn't lost its basic shape--and he was relieved to find that his thumb wasn't going anywhere--but he could feel a new strength in his fingers that he'd never known before. Like he could grip a rock hard enough to break it. His fingernails grew longer, thicker, harder, until he had little claws capping each finger. The fur grew over the back of his new hands and fingers, but left his palms bare.

His legs came next. Stretching out as best he could in his confining cell, he watched the fur creep down his calves, while at the same time approaching his crotch. Troy held his breath. He wasn't sure what he expected to--

He gasped as the changes washed over him all at once. His balls rose to press themselves tighter against his skin, and what looked like a tube of flesh emerged from them, fastening itself to his lower stomach and drawing his cock inside it until it was completely hidden from view. He gaped at it, not sure what to think. Troy slowly raised a long-fingered hand to touch it...

But before he could, the transformation hit his feet. He grimaced as a wave of sensations stronger than all the others washed over them. He looked down at his feet as the most obvious changes yet began to mold them into a completely new, unrecognizable shape. No, he realized, he did recognize them. Those weren't feet, they were _hands!_Nearly identical to the ones on his arms, they took form at the end of his legs, his big toes even contorting itself to become a thumb. Troy blinked, and wiggled his foot-fingers. They responded as easily as his normal hands did, and with just as much flexibility.

Am I turning into some kind of monkey? he wondered in amazement. He didn't even realize it, but he had long stopped being scared.

The process wasn't finished yet, though, he realized when he felt something poking him from behind. Or, rather, _he_was poking something...back there...Troy sat up and craned his neck around, watching with mouth hanging open as a tail..._a freaking tail..._began to grow out of his spine. New phenomena flooded his brain, which was struggling to keep up with all of this. His hands and feet were different, but he'd at least been born with those. But a tail was completely new. His brain didn't know how to handle it, and...

Wait. Troy paused. Yes, he _did_know how to handle it. It came to him slowly but surely, the knowledge of how to operate this new body as naturally as if he'd been born with it. His tail was already more than two feet long, and still growing. Staring wide eyed at it, he made it rise into the air and wag back and forth. It was surprisingly flexible, and only becoming more so the longer it became. Longer and longer, until Troy had to wrap it around his legs so it would fit in the tiny sphere.

"In less than a minute,"_said the presentation, _"you will be released into the WildPark. You might find it difficult your first time, but you are encouraged to let go of your humanity as much as you can and let the instincts Sculptech is programming into your brain drive you, so to speak."

The fur crept up his neck, and Troy stiffened, a spark of his old fear coming back to him. This was it. The last piece of his humanity, going away.

Only for a few hours, he told himself firmly. And you'll be with Eva the whole time!

Rich brown fur sprouted from his cheeks, rising up towards his ears. To his surprise, it didn't touch his face, leaving it as bare as if he were still human. His ears, though, were a different story. As soon as the changes reached them, they began to stretch. He reached up to feel them as they became more than six inches long, and grew to sharp points at the very tip. They stuck out straight from both sides of his head, the fur quickly claiming them as well.

Then his ears popped. Troy jumped as the noises around him suddenly became much louder, and far clearer. His new ears twitched involuntarily, reacting to the sounds around him.

Another tingle appeared in his nose, and for a second Troy thought he was going to sneeze. But instead, his nose shrank down into his face until only a small bump remained. He touched it as it hardened and turned black, becoming what immediately reminded him of a dog's nose. Almost instantly, he became far more aware of the scents and smells around him than he had been before.

A strange pressure spread through his jaw. Not painful, but definitely noticeable. He cupped his hands around his face as it began to push forward into...well, not quite a snout. It was only a couple of inches longer than before. But when he ran his palms over it, it was still completely alien to him. He opened his mouth, and even found that his canines had grown longer and sharper.

"Alteration complete,"_said the intercom voice. The room stopped spinning, the lasers went out, and the pane of glass closing Troy in lowered itself. _"You are now free to exit the transformation sphere."

Slowly, Troy did as the voice said. Extending first one leg, then another he lifted himself out of his seat. His legs felt powerful, like he could jump fifty feet, and his tail swung from side to side, adjusting his balance without him even needing to think about it. He stood up, but found that he couldn't quite stand to his full height. His back was hunched in a way that made his arms dangle in front of his chest.

A new video appeared on the wall, and Troy spun to look. It was...him, he realized. A camera somewhere in the wall showed a live feed of him, and his new body. He took a hesitant step forward, mind reeling as he took himself in. The brown fur covered his body as much as any set of human clothes. He could still recognize his face as his own--or was that just in his head? In either case, his face was the only part of him that looked even remotely human. He wasn't a monkey after all. He wasn't anything, really. He stood as tall as a human, and had the hands and feet of a monkey, plus the long tail, but everything else...he couldn't think of a word to describe himself in this form.

"HHH- Hizzzzzz..." Troy jumped, barely recognizing his own voice. It was difficult to form words, his new semi-snout obviously not built for human speech. "Hizzz...thaaa...meeee?"

"We hope you enjoy your time in Sculptech's WildPark!"

With that, the entire wall rose up like a garage door, and light spilled into the room. Troy covered his eyes, blinked, and then looked for the first time out into the WildPark. A forest--no, more like a jungle--stretched before him as far as his eye could see. Which admittedly wasn't that far, since the dense foliage kept him from seeing more than a couple dozen feet in any direction. Exotic birdcalls filled the air, and scents Troy could never have imagined were carried into his nose with every breath. Scents of life, and...


He snapped his head down to see another...thing...that was just like him standing at the entrance to his room. This one had black fur and, he realized, a distinctly more feminine shape to its body. It walked on all fours, long fingered hands serving as quadrupedal paws.

She was staring at him. Troy didn't know what to make of that. His heart started to beat powerfully in his chest.

Predator? Run! his thoughts seemed to think on their own. Climb! Hide!

He took a step forward before he'd realized what he was doing, intending to do exactly that. He stopped himself, though, pushing those strange thoughts to the back of his mind. The other creature tilted her head curiously, her wide, almond shaped eyes blinking at him.

"Doodoo?" she asked.

What did she want, Troy wondered? And why wouldn't she go away?

She tried again. "Doo...Duh...Dumdum?"

Troy froze.

"Eeee...vaaaah?" he asked.

The creature's face lit up with a smile, and she scampered into the room to tackle him with a flying hug. It _was_Eva! Troy gaped at her. The longer he stared at her face...yes, the more he came to recognize her. She was different, just like he was, but there that face, those eyes, were still hers. Plus, the blue tips from her died hair had carried over into the fur on her head, dangling enticingly in front of her eyes.

"Dumdum! Dumdum!" she cheered, springing back to her feet and spinning in a circle. Troy slowly picked himself up. She grinned and motioned for him to follow. "Dumdum, come!"

With that, she dashed toward the door. Troy took a tentative step after her, hesitating at the edge of the room and the beginning of the WildPark. The sights and sounds were so overwhelming...

"Come come!" Eva said when he didn't follow. "Come plaaaayyyy!"

"Eeee...vah," Troy said, taking a step back. "Woo...whaaa..."

Before he could figure out how to properly form those words, Eva stood up on her hind legs and put a hand over his mouth.

"Shhhh, no talllk" she said, looking into his eyes. "Weee...aaaah-neee-muhhlll nnnow. Dumdum no talk!"

She took his hand in her own, going back down on all fours, and pulled him out of the room. As soon as his feet touched the dirt floor, the wall behind him lowered itself with a loud hiss. Troy watched as his only exit disappeared. Then, at Eva's persistent tugging, turned to really take in the WildPark for the first time. The trees were massive, towering to the heavens with canopies that cast thick shadows across the forest floor. As soon as he saw them, Troy felt the inexplicable need to climb one. The thought of being up that high, with nothing but branches to support him, both thrilled and terrified him at the same time, and he took a step back.

His walk, he discovered, was functional but not very fast or comfortable. He toddled behind Eva as she led him further into the park, seemingly with no clear direction in mind. They wound between the trees at random, shadows occasionally darting past in the distance or above them.

Suddenly, though, Eva stopped.

What is it? Troy thought.

Letting go of his hand, she turned to look at him quizzically. What was going on between those pointy ears, Troy had no idea. Then, however, she stood up on her hind legs again and took both of Troy's hands in her own.

"Down!" she ordered. "Down down!"

Troy stared at her, uncomprehending. "Wooo-utttt?"

"Aaah-neee-muhlll!" she insisted, pulling down on his arms. "Down! Dumdum down!"

He still had no idea what she wanted. Growling in animalistic frustration, Eva stepped up close to him and put both her hands around his head.

"Not hoo-munnn," she said sternly. "In heeyuh, aaah-neee-muhlll! Stop hoo-munn-ing. Dumdum lehhh...lehhht GOOOO!"

Let go? Let go of...Suddenly, Troy understood. It was the same thing that the presentation had been trying to tell him. To let go of his humanity. To let the animal instincts rule him, just for the short time that he'd be in here. He could feel those instincts in him now, held back as he stubbornly clung to his human side. But if he let his guard down just for a few seconds, listened to the words in his head...

Slowly, he let Eva pull him to all fours. As soon as his front paws touched the ground, something inside of him clicked. Yes. This was better. This was right. He and Eva--whatever they were--could walk on two legs, but four legs was their natural state. And Troy...

Troy liked it.

Delighted by his progress, Eva chirped happily and dashed away. Troy hesitated for only a second before chasing after her. The forest sped past him in a blur that would have surprised him if something inside of him hadn't told him this was normal. Holy crap, he could run so much faster like this than as a human! His new body obeyed every command, moving as naturally as if he'd had it since the day he was born.

Eva had gotten away from him, but his sensitive nose could still pick out her scent. He wasn't sure what it was that made that scent Eva's, but he could tell it was hers as easily as if he'd seen her face or heard her voice. Within seconds, he caught sight of her again. She scampered through the woods, her tail streaking behind her like a black meteor. Excitement noises came from her mouth as she looked over her shoulder at him, giving him a teasing wave of her tail.

POUNCE CATCH GET GRAB TACKLE PLAY, his instincts told him. Grinning, he put on an extra boost of speed, closing the distance between him and her, and leaped forward as hard as he could. He collided with Eva hard enough that his human side said it should have hurt, but his animal mind didn't feel any pain at all as they went rolling and tumbling through across the ground together.

When they stopped, Troy found himself lying on top of Eva. The female creature grinned and made noises that Troy's brain interpreted as laughter before wrapping her arms around him and rolling over so she was on top.

Oh no you don't! Troy thought, struggling to pin her down again.

As they wrestled, furry bodies pressed together in the dirt, Troy slowly became aware of something. Eva was...well, she definitely wasn't human, but at the same time her body was definitely still feminine. He could feel a pair of breasts pressing against his chest when he was on top, rounded hips when he scrambled for something to grab onto. It occurred to him that they were both naked. Again, his mind immediately went in two directions with that. His animal side--the part that he was beginning to grow more comfortable listening to--didn't see anything wrong with that. They were covered in fur thicker than most clothing they would normally wear as humans. Besides, it was just right for them to be naked. Clothes were for humans, and they were not human.

But Troy the human was still there too, filling his head with screams about indecency and rape. How would Eva react when they changed back and accused him of groping her--or worse? The two sides of him battled with each other even as his body fought against Eva's. Slowly, the human voice began to sink away, leaving nothing but the playful, happy creature that Sculptech had turned him into.

Then his penis brushed against her leg.

Troy froze, his humanity rushing back into his head and bringing shame with it. Untangling himself from Eva's limbs, he backed away with a whimper. Looking down, he saw that his inhuman cock had begun emerging from its sheath, unconsciously hardening from the physical contact with the female.

"Hoo?" Eva asked in confusion. She seemed to have abandoned human speech altogether. She stepped forward, tail in the air, with a puzzled look in her eyes. "Ahhh ah?"

Troy bowed his head, unable to meet her gaze, and covered his rebellious member. "Suhhh...ryyy. Duh-dunt meaaaan--"

He was silenced when Eva darted forward and licked him on the cheek. He blinked, then looked up at her in surprise--just as she mashed a big, wet handful of mud into his face!

"Hoooo!" she crowed in victory, retreating and thumping the ground with both hands. "Hoo, ah! Hooooo, ah ah!"

Troy whipped his head from side to side, shaking some of the mud off, and then wiped the rest off with his hands. When he looked at Eva again, she was spinning around and around, chasing her tail. He swallowed. He stared at her, perplexed. Had she...Had she _not_seen his partial erection? The most heinous violation of decency imaginable?

Eva laughed at his stunned expression, probably thinking it was because of her little mud pie trick, and stuck her tongue out at him. Then, before he could respond, she turned and ran away against--this time straight up the nearest tree!

Troy watched her with wide eyes. She scampered up the sheer bark of the wooden monster as easily as she had run across the ground. The thought of being up that high was enough to kill his boner immediately, and it slunk back into his sheath. Higher and higher she went, until she reached the lowest of the branches, which were easily over a hundred feet in the air. Though he could hardly see her way up there, he got the feeling that she was looking back down at him, waiting.

Heights. Troy hated_heights. Or, rather, Troy the _human hated heights. As he stared at the tree, contemplating what Eva wanted him to do, his human side began to slip away again. His heart fluttered with excitement. Troy the whatever-he-was didn't hate heights. He loved them!

Shoving the rest of humanity where it couldn't bother him, Troy charged at the tree and leaped as high as he could. His powerful legs carried him, to his own surprise, nearly thirty feet upwards! He grabbed hold of the trunk at the peak of his arc, and the claws on his fingers sank easily into the wood. He hung there for almost a minute, marveling at the feeling. He could barely feel gravity's pull on him! Looking up at Eva again, still waiting up above, he hurried after her. Once again, his instincts took over, telling him exactly how to scale the tree. In less than a minute, he was perched on the branch across from his friend, who chittered happily at him. The branch was only a little bigger than both his arms pressed together, but he didn't feel the least bit off balance. His tail swayed side to side, keeping him balanced on the narrow limp as easily as if it were solid ground.

"Ah, ah, eeek!" Eva declared, pointing to something above them. Troy followed her gaze, and spotted a big, ripe fruit dangling from an even higher branch. He didn't know what kind it was, but as soon as he saw it, his stomach rumbled. He wanted it!

He and Eva shared a look--and then both of them took off after it!

Troy leaped upwards, his powerful legs easily carrying him up to the next branch. He grabbed it with his front paws, pulled himself up onto it, and them scampered down its length on all fours. Down below him, Eva had gone back to the trunk, and was making a beeline for the branch the fruit was on.

"Reeeyaaah!" Troy called out in challenge before he knew what he was doing--or saying. It wasn't in any language known to man, but it made perfect sense to his own ears.

Eva howled back, but he didn't pay it any attention. His eyes were glued to his big, juicy prize. Still a good fifty feet above him, he scanned the branches around him without slowing his pace, chose the easiest jump, and took it! He soared out across the open air, nothing between him and the ground over a hundred feet below, and yet he didn't feel the least bit scared. His claws sank into the branch, but instead of climbing onto it, he swung himself forward, let go, and grabbed hold of the next branch, and then the next. This one angled upwards, and would take him almost within arm's reach of the fruit. He charged up the wooden incline, the fires of competition burning in his veins. It was right there. Right! There! His long furry arms weren't quite long enough to reach it, though. So, bending his knees, he made one last jump--

And Eva snatched it away from him.

Troy let out an angry snarl as he landed on the branch. Eva grinned, blew a raspberry at him, and retreated with her prize. Eyeing him slyly, she opened her mouth and took a big bite. The juice dribbled out from between her lips as she chewed and swallowed. Troy's stomach growled again. Forgetting his anger, he stepped forward with a soft whimper, holding out his hand. Eva looked at it, then at him, and backed away again before taking another bite.

"Akka ah ah?" Troy asked pleadingly. "Ooh ooh hoo!"

He took another step forward, and this time Eva stayed put. When he reached for the fruit, though, she held it away from him. Troy grumbled, but then noticed the lines of juice that still ran down her face. He leaned forward, sniffing. It smelled sooo good!

"Ook?" Eva chirped.

Without thinking, Troy stuck out his tongue and ran it across her face. Eva froze, eyes widening, but didn't move. The juice was sweet and tart, and Troy licked her again and again, until it was all cleaned off of her. Slowly, Eva relaxed. They were sitting very close together now. Eva's her hand-like feet gripping the branch beneath her, but her legs were parted for balance. Troy sat in between them, nearly touching her as he licked her face clean. He didn't even notice. Why would he? Only humans were embarrassed by things like that.

A new scent reached his nose, and Troy leaned back to breathe it in, his black little nose twitching. It was Eva, he realized. Only...not Eva. In a way his human side would never have been able to explain, he could immediately tell that the smell was hers, but it wasn't the same scent that he had smelled before. The one that had let him follow her through the forest. This was just as much hers as the first, but different somehow.

Eva looked at him with those big brown eyes, and Troy found himself staring back into them. He'd always thought she was beautiful. That hadn't changed a bit. She wasn't human anymore, but she was still the Eva he'd been in love with for over ten years. It was a different kind of beauty, a more exotic kind, but no less alluring.

"Dooo...Dumdum!" she whispered.

Troy cocked his head in confusion at the strange sound, but instantly forgot when she finally held up the fruit in offering to him. He grabbed it from her and took a big bite, letting the juices wash down his face and stain his light brown fur the same way it had for her. While he ate, Eva crawled forward, sniffing at him with piqued interest. Just like he had done to her, she leaned forward and ran her tongue across his cheek, licking up the juices. Troy surprised her by turning away from his fruit and giving her a quick, playful lick on the nose. She blinked, then bounced up and down, laughing.

Troy took another bite, then held it out to Eva. She took a bite as well, chewed it, and swallowed. Troy reached out to take it back, but she held it away from him. Giving her an annoyed look, he pressed himself up against her, her breasts rubbing against him, and reached for it, but her arms kept it just a couple inches out of reach.

"Rah, ahhh!" he complained.

When she didn't relent, he put his hands on her shoulders and made to climb over her. Still keeping the fruit away from him, she pushed him away with her other arm, chattering in irritation. It was her fruit, his mind translated the sounds for him. _She_had won it and been nice enough to give him a bite. If she didn't want to share the rest, that was her choice!

Hooting angrily, Troy tried a different tactic. Gripping the branch with all four hands, he to the side until he was hanging upside down. Then, before Eva could react, he scurried along the length of the branch, came up behind her, and grabbed for the fruit again.

"EEEEEE!" she shrieked as his hands closed around it. She swatted him with her other arm, screaming her displeasure, but he refused to let go. He was just as hungry as she was, and that meant--

The fruit flew out of Eva's hand, and went plummeting down, down, down to the forest floor below. The two of them glared at each other, and then a second race began. As quickly as he could, Troy hurtled from branch to branch, descending with speed that would have been reckless for a human but was second nature to him. When there were no more branches, he sank his claws back into the trunk and scuttled the rest of the way upside down, tail pointed to the sky.

Eva beat him again, to his annoyance. But while the fruit--or what was left of it--lay just a few feet away, she no longer seemed interested in it. She stood up on two legs, nose in the air, sniffing. Fine by him. Scowling, Troy began to sift through the mushy pulp and scattered seeds, trying to find anything that was still edible.

"Hoo?" Eva said tentatively. "Hoo...ah ah?"

Troy ignored her, holding up a chunk that was still somewhat intact--until Eva grabbed him by the ear.

"Graaah!" he cried out, slapping her hand away. He gave her an affronted look, which only served to agitate her further. She motioned for him to follow, looking this way and that. When Troy turned back to the fruit, she gave him another tug on the ear. This time, he sprang to his feet, hissing at her--until he saw the look in her eyes.

"Dumdum!" she insisted. "Dumdum, eek oooh!"

That was when he heard the undergrowth rustling. His head snapped to look in that direction, just before a massive shape leaped out of a nearby bush! Troy's new reflexes served him well, letting him jump out of the predator's way just before it pinned him to the ground. It whirled, teeth bared and growling. It looked like some kind of mix between a tiger and a bear, and all its attention was on Troy.

Troy didn't have to be told what to do. Turning tail--literally--he sprinted away on all fours as fast as he could. Once again, the forest turned into a blur of greens and browns. Eva raced alongside him, never leaving his side despite the predator being after Troy and not her. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Troy knew that he wasn't in danger. The WildPark wouldn't have been a very successful business if its customers went around eating each other. No, guests that turned themselves into meat eaters and hunters came programmed with instincts just like Troy, only theirs commanded them to catch and release. This thing, whatever and whoever it was, would chase Troy down, capture him, but then immediately lose interest and wander off.

Whatever the case may be, animal Troy didn't care one bit. His instincts were practically screaming in his head:PREDATOR RUN HIDE RUN RUN HIDE RUN HIDE HIDE!

"Dumdum!" Eva suddenly cried, pointing upwards.

Troy immediately understood, and tensed his legs. They were coming up on a tree with lower hanging branches ahead. They had to hurry, though. Troy could feel the tiger-bear's hot breath on his tail, mere feet behind them. Closer...a little!

Troy and Eva leaped at the same time, their powerful simian legs propelling them high up into the air. They landed squarely on the branch, and looked down just as the tiger-bear jumped after them. Troy recoiled when its long, sharp fangs snapped at them--but then plummeted back down to earth.

The tiger-bear roared in frustration, glaring up at them. It paced back and forth, its claws digging deep grooves into the soil with every step, almost as if it expected them to come down and let it catch them. When it became obvious that they weren't going to do that, it went to the tree trunk and pawed at it, scraping away the bark. It soon gave up on that, too. Giving Troy and Eva one last hateful look, it roared again and stalked away into the jungle.

"Ooook," Eva whispered in relief.

They stayed up there for a while longer. The tiger-bear might be trying to fool them, waiting somewhere out in the foliage for them to assume the coast was clear and come down. Troy's heart was racing from the unexpected chase, the ghosts of terror still clinging to his bones. But at the same time, he was...happy? That had been the most exhilarating thing he'd done in years, if not his entire life! For the first time in recent memory, Troy actually felt alive!

He turned to Eva, who was watching her tail do a little dance as she perched on the low hanging limb. Tapping her on the shoulder, he pointed towards where the tiger-bear had gone, and blew a raspberry. Eva grinned and laughed, blowing one of her own. Then they both laughed, hurling unintelligible insults after the long-gone predator.

Troy glanced down at his hand, and was surprised to see that a little bit of juice was still stuck to his palm. He held it up to his face, tongue snaking out to lap it up...but then he paused. After a moment's thought, he began to rub it on his cheek, smearing the brightly colored juice all over it.

"Ooh?" Eva asked questioningly.

Troy scooted closer to her, pointing at his face. "Ooh, ook!"

Eva got the message, and sidled up next him so that their bodies were touching again. Troy put his hand on her back, pulling her even closer, as Eva proceeded to lick the last of the juice from his face.

Once again, Troy felt the telltale feelings in his sheath. Glancing down, he could see the tip of his cock begin to emerge. Their closeness, the intimacy of Eva's gesture, it was too much for him to handle. His human mind recoiled in horror yet again, but somehow he found that that side of him was getting easier and easier to ignore. He reached out and cupped Eva's face, licking her even though she had no juice on her. His cock slid a little farther out, and a tingle of pleasure ran through it when it brushed against Eva's silky soft fur.

"Mmm, Dumdum," Eva murred in an almost human way.

Yes, she definitely noticed it this time. _Ook-ook_ing softly, she reached down to poke it, making it bounce up and down like a diving board. Excitement made Troy's heart race. With hands that no longer knew the meaning of human discretion, he reached out to touch--

Suddenly, Eva stood up. Troy froze, wondering if the tiger-bear had come back. Or something even worse. But there was no fear in Eva's eyes this time. Only a strange keen interest. Finally, chattering at him to follow, she leaped down from the tree and set off through the jungle again.

Troy looked down at his hardening cock in disappointment, but then went after her.

It wasn't a chase this time, more likely a leisurely stroll. Troy walked behind Eva, occasionally batting playfully at her tail. She responded by smacking him across the face with it. When he grew bored of that, he started walking beside her. The way she flicked her long, pointed ears caught his attention. Leaning in, he sniffed one of them, and then gave it a light nip.

"Nah!" she snapped, whacking him upside the head.

Before he could do anything else, a new sound reached his ears: running water. Eva paused, then dashed to their right, with him close behind. A minute later, they emerged from the underbrush to find a small stream gurgling gently through the jungle. Eva stopped to sniff the air for predators, and when she was satisfied that they were alone, she pattered out of the bank.

Troy followed, looking around. Up above, he could see the sun almost directly above them. Noontime. Halfway through the day. Troy couldn't remember exactly why that was important, but it did send a small pang of sadness through his heart.

Eva came to the water's edge and leaned forward, using one hand to scoop water out of the stream and bring it to her mouth. Troy considered joining her, but decided he wasn't thirsty. Instead, he started pacing back and forth behind her. What would they do next? Climb more, he hoped. Even though he'd only done it once, he already couldn't wait to get back up into the trees, where the thrill of swinging from branch to branch made his heart sore like a bird. Maybe he and Eva could race to the top. What was taking her so long, anyway?

Turning to look at her, Troy froze. Eva was still sipping water from the stream, but until now he hadn't noticed her pose. Leaning down toward the stream like she was had raised her butt into the air. Her tail was raised as well, hovering lazily above her back. And because of that, Troy was granted the perfect view of Eva's glistening pink womanhood. It was the perfect contrast to her black fur, and the way she crouched even opened it up just the slightest amount for his hungry gaze to see inside. He couldn't pull his eyes away from it. It...It...

It brought out knew urges inside of him. Instincts that he couldn't bring himself to ignore. The desire to touch her, to claim mate with her. Creeping up behind her, he sniffed the air. There was that scent again. The one that was Eva, but also not Eva. It was coming, he realized, from between her legs.

Troy sat down right behind her. If Eva knew he was there, she didn't give any sign of it. Her tail just swung lazily to and fro while she continued to drink. Troy cocked his head, admiring the view. Then, simultaneously having no idea what he was doing and _every_idea what he was doing, he leaned forward, stuck out his tongue...

And licked her feminine slit.

"Ack!" Eva froze, and Troy pulled away, waiting to see how she reacted. The human part of him...he shoved that irritating little voice down where he couldn't hear it. All that mattered was what Eva thought of his advances.

She remained kneeling there, neither inviting him nor forbidding him. Finally, Troy tentatively leaned forward again. When she didn't object, he licked her a second time. Eva's entire body shook, and her scent grew even stronger. She backed up until her rear end was pressing against his face. He was only too happy to reach up, cupping her feminine cheeks in his simian hands, and proceeded to lick her even more. This time, his tongue parted the moistening folds, dipping inside of her for a split second. Flavor exploded on his tongue--the taste of Eva. Eva shuddered even harder.

"Dumdum!" she cried out.

"Eee-vuhhh," he responded.

He dove in a third time, pressing his mouth into her sex as hard as he could. His tongue wormed its way inside of her, much farther than a human could have gone. Not that he would have known that, even if he were a human right then. This was the first time he had ever done something like this.

Eva's juices quickly coated his tongue as he lapped at her from the inside, tasting even sweeter to him than the fruit. The walls of her sex quivered at his touch, and Eva moaned in pleasure. Soon, it wasn't just her slit that was quivering. Her entire body shook nonstop, her hips thrusting herself closer to his face with every wet stroke of his tongue, until...

"DUMDUMMMMM!" she cried out.

Her pussy tightened almost painfully around his tongue as the orgasm washed over her. She gasped and panted, pulling herself out of his grasp to turn around and face him. Her face, eyes half lidded and cheeks flushed with color, stunned him with its beauty. That_was Eva. The woman he had loved in secret for so long. _He had done that to her.

Putting a hand on his chest, Eva pushed Troy onto his back. By now, his cock had come fully out of its sheath, and was pointing straight up at the sky. He shivered in anticipation as Eva studied it. She poked it with one finger, laughing softly at the way it wobbled back and forth, and then leaned down closer to it. Her tongue came out of her mouth, and the first touch sent a bolt of lightning through him, making him jerk. Smiling, Eva ran her tongue all the way up from the base to the tip. Troy gasped as pleasure like he had never experienced coursed through his entire body. That tongue swirled around the tip a few times--a surprisingly human maneuver--before she took the entire thing into her mouth. Warmth and wetness enveloped him as she lapped at his cock with animalistic passion. It was so intense...more than he...could...handle!

With a cry of desire, he thrust his hips directly up into Eva's mouth. His cock twitched as it jettisoned his cum into her, filling her mouth with white sticky goo. The orgasm lasted for longer than he thought possible, sending surges of energy up and down his body with every passing second. And through it all, Eva continued to suckle on him, drawing out every last drop that she could.

When it finally passed, more than a minute later, Eva raised her head, looking at him with those gorgeous brown eyes, and swallowed it all.

"Ook, ahh," she said softly, moving to straddle him. His cock was softening and retreating back into its sheath, but she didn't seem to notice as laid down on top of him, her wet sex coating his belly fur with her juices. Her tongue--now smelling strongly of him--ran across his face intimately. First his right side, then his left. Troy responded by licking her nose. He reached up with one hand, stroking it down her furry spine. Eva sighed happily.

"Eee-vuhhh," he whispered.

She smiled. "No talk, Dumdum! We aaah-nee-muhhhls."

He ignored her. "Eeeee-vuhhhhh!"

She cocked her head, and he rolled them both over so that he was lying on top of her. Propping himself up on his long arms, he admired the way her breasts--more like a human's than an animal's--pointed up at him. Lowering his head, he licked one, feeling the nipple beneath her silky fur, and then the other. Eva arched her back in pleasure, cooing. Back and forth he went, suckling first on the left, then the right, feeling her nipples harden under his ministrations. Somehow he knew that this wasn't how animals had sex, but he found that he didn't care. Letting his instincts take over was all well and good, but when it came to pleasuring a woman--human or not--it took a man's mind to do the job.

As he continued to pleasure her, making her beastlike moans and growls echo through the jungle, he felt her hand rise and trace its way down the fur of his chest, then his stomach, before stopping at his sheath. She began to rub it, gently but insistently, and Troy felt it respond to her touch. Once again, it poked its head out, followed by the rest of it, hardening in the cool jungle air.

"Hoooooo," she cooed into his ear as he began to reach full mast. "Dumdum..."

He raised his head from her breasts to look into her eyes. There was as much desire in them as he felt inside his own heart. He gave her one last lick before picking himself up and getting to all fours again. Eva did the same, walking past him so that their sides brushed together. He followed her with his eyes, watching as she stopped just a little ways away from him and raised her tail invitingly.

Troy didn't have to be asked twice. Scampering up to her, he gave her slit one last lick for good measure, and then rose up on his back legs. His instincts guided his movements as he took a few steps forward until the tip of his cock brushed against her nether regions, and then he sort of fell onto her. His arms wrapped around her waist to hold himself to her, and with skill he didn't know he had, he lined his cock up with her opening.

He paused, and Eva turned and gave him a nod.

Troy thrust his hips forward, sliding his member all the way inside her. He gasped in pleasure, a sound that was mimicked perfectly by Eva, as he was engulfed by her warm, wet depths. For a few seconds, he just sat there, reveling the feeling of being joined with Eva at long last, even if this wasn't the way he had ever envisioned it happening. But his instincts were pounding on him like battering rams, breaking down his willpower, and within seconds he was thrusting in and out of her with zealous abandon.

"Hoo, ah, ah, ack!" Eva shouted to the heavens, tilting her head back as pleasure rolled over her.

They had touched and licked each other like humans. Now they rutted like animals. And both felt equally right. Eva snarled and snorted, her paws digging into the earthen floor as Troy brought her closer and closer to climax. Troy dug his fingers into her sides, claws making tiny pinpricks of pleasure-pain through her fur. He was in heaven. No, even better. He was in the WildPark! His cock throbbed inside Eva's pussy, begging for release. The familiar pressure began to build up in the base once again.

"EEEE-VUHHHH!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"DUMDUMMMMMM!" she howled in answer.

As if she'd just given him permission, Troy's cock erupted deep inside of her. He buried himself in her sex up to the hilt, lights flashing in front of his eyes as rope after sticky rope of cum was shot into her. Eva moaned, legs shaking, as she tried to push herself even closer to him. Time stopped, the orgasm seeming to last for eternity.

Finally, gasping for breath, Troy collapsed on top of Eva, and Eva fell to the ground. For over ten minutes, the two of them just laid there, Troy's cock softening and pulling out of Eva's pussy on its own. His cum leaked out of her, making a sticky white puddle on the ground. Troy's head buzzed, and not just from the sex. With his animal instincts satisfied for the moment, he couldn't stop his more human side from taking over again. He had just had sex with Eva. What did that mean for the two of them?

She's going to hate you,_he thought as shame washed over him yet again. _She wasn't in control of herself, and you knew it. You took advantage of her. That was practically rape! You'll be lucky if she doesn't have you thrown in--


Troy's eyes snapped open to look at her. Eva turned her head and gave him a contented smile.

"Goooo-duh," she said in her slurred human speech. "Yooo...diddet!"

Troy cocked his head. "Uh?"

"Knooyoo wud...nevuhhh...doowit on yurrr...owwwn," she said. She was screwing her face up with concentration, fighting to form the words her mouth didn't want to make "Brotchoo heeyuh...cuzzzz I knooo...yoo neededuh...pushhhh."

He looked at her, completely nonplussed.

"Juzz neededtuh...letcherself...goooo," she whispered with a smile.

"Eee-vuhhh?" he asked.

"Luvyoo," she said, leaning over to lick his cheek. "Awwaeez...hafff."

Troy blinked in surprise, emotions filling his heart that he didn't know how to deal with. He stood up on all fours, looking down at Eva in bewilderment. She...loved him? _Him?_He had to be misunderstanding her.

Eva got up as well, putting a hand on the side of his face. "Wanna...bewidd...yoo. Pleaaaase?"

What could Troy say to that? Not knowing what else to do, he gave her a lick in return.

"Luvvvyooo," he said softly, "toooo."

Eva beamed at him, an expression he could have read as either man or beast, and she charged forward to give him a running tackle-hug again. With fires of emotion burning in both of their chests, they rolled together on the jungle floor, wrestling playfully half the time, groping, licking, and pleasuring each other the rest.

Finally, Eva leaped to her feet. "Come, Dumdum! No talk! We aaah-neee-muhllls tuddae! Less plaaaeee!"

And, letting go of their humanity once more, the two lovers scampered up a tree to explore the WildPark. Troy didn't have any problem with that this time.

Because sometimes letting go of your humanity is the best thing you can do.