In the Enemy's Territory #1

Story by WolfyslaveIRL on SoFurry

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Does it seem familiar? It should. A rewrite. I haven't taken the old one down, but it's not relevant anymore and no I'm not writing anymore to that one. This one has a fantastic ending in sight. Enjoy the ride.

And I'm back... from outer space... from a planet so far away... where the werewolves roam and fuck each other a whole lot. How do I live in my own head?

The radio static squealed around her head, causing her to lay back her ears and grit her teeth. There was a threatening male drawl that crackled over the speaker.

"Nova Radkial. You forgot to bury your business. Naughty girl. I must be getting close. If you'd just let me catch you, I promise I'll fuck you gently... at first!"

Switching the radio off, Nova growled to herself. "Shut up, Anubis. I hate your voice. Asshole."

There wasn't any reason to have it on anyways. Just a foolish hope. She was well behind enemy lines. Her team was dead. She knew that. She'd seen the tattered flags, dead bodies and twisted machine suits. Mobile Armor Suits they were called. She was inside her own. And she was in danger.

Her stealth M.A.S. was not that much larger than she was in her natural form, a form that seemed stuck partway between transformations, though whether she was a human becoming a wolf or a wolf becoming human, that couldn't be told. Lupine ears twitched atop her head, which was much larger than any regular wolf, housing the enlarged, intelligent mind of a sentient being.

The fact that her luxuriously furry tail was cramped behind her certainly didn't help her situation. Her body was covered in the same thick, silver fur as her tail. And that fur itched. It itched and she couldn't scratch it. It was in tangles, mats even. The suit was hot. It was cramped. Despite the padding and the way it was designed to be as comfortable as possible, it was becoming very unpleasant.

Licking her parched, black nose with a dry tongue, her green eyes flicked back and forth between the floating, projected monitors that glowed before her, showing her several different scans of her surrounding area.

She'd been in the thing for almost a week, ever since her unit had stumbled on the enemy camp as they tried to make their retreat. They had been sent behind the battle lines to regain several high ranking prisoners from the enemy. There had been no way to save them.

On their way out, they had been discovered and scattered in hopes that one of them would find their way back to friendly land and be able to tell Command what they had seen.

A shudder ran through her. What they had seen had been awful. What the enemy did to their prisoners....

All the scans read negative for any heat sources or movement. That didn't mean much. Her scans could only be effective within a few dozen meters. Any further and someone else could pick up her signal. The radio was her furthest reaching signal, meaning he could be anywhere within a few meters to a couple kilometers. After a quick run through the heavy vegetation, she was certain she was out of range of even him.

Still, her fur itched. God, everything itched. The machine was not meant for what she had put it through, and neither was she.

Clenching her teeth, Nova reached up with her clawed hand and pulled the latch that held the front of her M.A.S. airtight. The gears groaned as they worked, the whole machine crouching low as it powered down to allow Nova to clamber out.

Dropping to the cool, leafy ground, she took a deep breath of the fresh night air before attacking her skin. After she'd scratched enough, she stretched her aching limbs. The last few days had been particularly cramped in that suit. Barely eating, drinking, or sleeping certainly was taking its toll on her. Her rations were nearly gone, but hunting was out of the question with the current circumstances.

If it weren't for him, then she wouldn't be so worried. But that black devil was still on her heels. She knew he was trying to herd her. His first strategy had been to circle her, trying to keep her in a single area within the forest. Though she did not give him that satisfaction, always keeping just ahead of him meant she was also driving herself deeper into enemy territory as he changed his tactic to keep himself between her and the border.

Turning, Nova looked over her suit. In her first battle with the brute, she had lost her communications and navigation array, left only with her emergency radio. The black dog had used her radio's signal many-a-times to call to her, insulting her with his slow, deep drawl. Otherwise, her machine was mostly undamaged. Certainly it was filthy. It needed a bath, just as she did. It could use new lubricants. Not to mention ammunition. She had used her last bullet a whole day ago.

The sounds of the night piqued her ears, making them twitch. Her nose wiggled at the smell of fresh water. Oh how wonderful a cool drink would be, not just what she had in her canteen.

Following her senses, it was only a few meters to find the stream. Bending over onto all fours, she lapped up the water. The sensitive pads of her hands felt the moist coolness of the stones under them. Scooping up a few of the pebbles, she brought it to her long nose.

Like a trigger had been pulled, the fur along her spine stood on end and a growl vibrated through her body.He had been here, and not too long ago.

Turning, ready to run back to her suit, the cold metal of a gun rest between her eyes.

Oh, shit.

Gulping, she looked up as the male wolf seemed to materialize out of the darkness, his brilliant golden eyes shining in the moon light, the only part of him that was not black as the night around them. Well, his eyes and his teeth. Those flashed, sharp and white, in a devilish grin.

"I must say, your suit just sitting in the middle of the woods nearly gave me a heart attack. But now that I've finally got you, I can return to base and get a bath myself."

Without hesitating, knowing she took a great risk, she grabbed his wrist, digging in her claws, pushing his hand up. He snarled and pulled the trigger, the bullet splashing in the water. She had been wrong, thinking he was bluffing because he had been out here chasing her as long as she'd been out here trying to get home. Perhaps it would have been better if she had not moved, but now was not time to regret.

"Little bitch!" he snarled, wrenching free of her as she bared her dangerous teeth, leaping for his throat.

Though the gun was empty, it wasn't useless. Shoving it in her mouth, she was off balanced and he slammed her to the ground. The impact left her dazed with a ringing in her ears. Tossing the damaged gun aside, his hand was around her throat, pressing her into the soft bank of the stream. Leaning over her, his pearly fangs flashed again, his nose almost touching hers.

"Too bad for you, my dear. Once I return you to my superiors, you'll be forced into your human form and oh the terrible things they'll do to you. Though, once they're done with you, I'll request to have you back... as my sex slave!" He spoke in that cruel drawl of his, adding a wicked snicker.

With the strength born of adrenaline, Nova put her clawed feet against his stomach and launched him over her into the stream. He landed in the water with a great splash.

Scrambling to her feet, she spat, "there's your bath!" before turning and racing for her suit. The pounding of her heart deafened her to everything. She knew only that she needed to get out of here. What he had said was true; she knew what terrible things he meant because she had seen it.

His much larger suit crouched ominously next to hers. Now was not the time to take advantage of that. Perched to reenter her suit, an iron grip snagged her by the plume of hair that grew through her fur, and jerked her back against his wet and solid body.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Snarling, she tried to claw at him, but he twisted her wrist brutally behind her back, slamming her against the arm of his M.A.S.. He chuckled as she continued to squirm and growl. Her entire body reacted when he pressed himself tightly against her, his hot breath against her ear with a sharp undertone of sexual tension.

"My dear, did you really think I wouldn't be smart enough to disable your suit while I had the chance? Face it, you're mine now."

Nova's eyes flicked over her suit, now noticing the cut wires. Gritting her teeth, she knew without her suit there was no way in hell she could fight him. Peering up at his suit, far different from hers, she noticed it still had its antenna.

Clearly, he was not expecting her to have such fight left in her. Her paw caught him against the knee cap so that he grunted and loosened his grip. Twisting, ignoring the pain, she managed to break free, quickly hopping around his suit. Growling and lunging after her, he missed, giving her the chance to scramble up his suit to get a hold of the antenna. With great effort, she tore it from its place, tossing it into the bushes.

Anubis snarled and his claws tore at the paint on his suit as he came after her. There was no time for her to dodge the swing that caught her across the muzzle and threw her to the ground. Winded and dazed, the panic gave her last of her strength. Staggering to all fours, she took off with all the haste she had left.

Panting heavily, Nova found herself at the head of a ravine. She knew she had to stop and fight him. He had much more stamina than she did for he wasn't as starved as she was. Maybe if she pissed him off more, he'd kill her. She would prefer that over what she knew would come.

Finding a spot that seemed hidden, she pressed herself against the wall of the ravine. She would wait for him to run by then attack. In his surprise, either she would kill him or he would kill her.

Her heart was pounding so hard that she didn't notice the shadow above her until it was too late. Dropping down, his strong hand closed around her throat, slamming her forcefully against the clay wall of the old riverbed.

"You are a naughty little bitch!" he snarled, teeth bared in her face.

"At least you know what it was like for me. Now find your way home!" she growled back.

The snarl on his face turned upward into a wry, fiendish grin, very much like the first one he had given her when he had told her he was going to spend a few days enjoying her before turning her over for interrogation. As it had then, a tremor ran through her from tip to tail.

"Oh I'll find my way, alright. It just might take a little longer. Do not think this is a blessing, bitch. You will find no solace with me!"

Reaching into a pouch attached to his belt, the only clothing either of them wore, he brought that hand up before Nova's face. The glittering of a small crystal marble made her eyes widened and her heart skip a beat, knees clenching together tightly, knowing exactly what he held. His amusement grew at her reaction.

"That's right, mutt, I can force you into your human form so you better behave. After chasing you around the wilds for a week, you've made me so hot for you. If you want to avoid the torture starting early, then you better do as you're told."

"Please, Anubis, just kill me," she pleaded softly, her hands gripping the arm of the hand that was around her throat. "Don't take me back. Don't let them do those things to me."

His hard body drew so close to her that she could feel the warmth of him through her fur. He was easily a whole head taller than she, but she felt even smaller under that dominating gaze of his. Lowering his head, they almost touched noses.

"Now why would I do that?" he drawled wickedly. "I told you I intend to get you back after they've broken you. I will have you as my slave, one way or another."

Then she felt a drop of liquid dripped onto her nose as he backed away to the length of his arm. The smell was sweet and familiar from her training, designed to make one want to breathe in more of it. Simply by smelling it she knew it was too late, her mind becoming hazy, the last of her strength leaving her limbs.

As the darkness closed on her, she saw his expression soften, his voice a low rumble. "You should have kept running."
