Your size matters (part three)

Story by IsaacKonos on SoFurry

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And here we go, the continuation of the story from last week "Your Size Matters." This time with a lot of urethra exploration and super tiny size adventures.Contain lots of urethra exploration.You check part one and two here.If you don't want to download it, Google Drive link for you.

Faves and comments are appreciated.

If you like my stories, I have a YCH running at the moment, which can allow you to be a character inside of one of my stories.

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Isaac was falling down into the darkness of his best friend's male urethra. The further he went, the more intense it was becoming Millo's body heat and the natural scent of pure testosterone one could expect to find at such location. Although that wasn't even the worse part at all since the puny siamese-cat noticed something very concerning.

The living, fleshy, pink walls around Isaac were getting thicker and thicker per second. That wasn't so good, and being an engineer, the poor cat knew precisely why. Isaac lifted his forearm, and the cyber-lines which were part of his fancy body architecture illuminated themselves to show the feline the system's status. It wasn't necessary to lift the forearm like Isaac did, but it's not every day you find yourself falling down into the depths of your best friend's dick anyway.

"Holy shit!!! It can't be happening! Hell, no!!!"

According to the system status, the wireless signal was gone, or it got too weak to be detected by the shrunk, insignificant device implanted into the feline's body. The reason behind it is quite simple. When you are so small, basically nano-sized, the whole world around you turns into a challenge.

In this particular situation, Isaac found himself in, Millo urethra's walls were now so thick that they were acting as river dams, concrete walls blocking the signal of anything from the outside world to reach the poor, helpless cat.

"With no signal, my doits are useless!!! Millo!!!"

Isaac yelled, helpless as he continues to fall. The cat was clearly more confident just a few moments ago. After all, he had two options at hand. He could either try to get out of his friend's foreskin by himself or wait until the massive, colossal femboy of a rabbit to put his doits back on, on his equally large ears.

But that option was gone now, and the all fancy, high status, a little bit arrogant feline was on his own now, all alone in the obscurity confines of an innocent, shy femboy bun. Isaac needed to find a way to slow down his fall. That was the moment the fact he was a feline came in handy, the domestic cat natural, good scotopic vision noticed a slope among the extension of the urethra's wall.

"Is that a... a... nerve..."

Yes, that is right. A slope that looked more like a small hill to Isaac was, in fact, nothing but an innocent nerve inside the bunny's urethra. The cat decided to aim right into the sensitive thing, he figured that could be an excellent way to prevent him from falling all the way down into the extreme far depths of his best friend's urethra.

Sky gliding like someone who was practicing parachute jump, without a parachute, the siamese feline managed to dislocate himself through the warm, heavy scent air, which filled the ample insides of the diameter of a colossus urinary tract. As soon as Isaac got close enough to one of the sticky, muscle walls, he adhered his cat's claws to it and used them to slow down his descend.

Due to the high-speed Isaac was falling, his claws and his fingertips were beginning to heat up. It was becoming painful. But he knew he couldn't let go, not yet. Chances for someone pathetic and tiny to survive such a vast and endless fall like that were close to zero. But the executive cat wouldn't give up, no. Isaac was a fighter, and he still had some tricks up his sleeve.

Isaac's cyber body architecture had within some nano, body, energy replicates. They work like any other replicator in the world, they turn energy into matter and vice verse. The only difference here it was the nano-body-replicators Isaac has implanted into his body uses the biochemical energy of his body to convert into anything else.

That said, it means the siamese-cat can generate objects and other effects, such as holograms and things alike. It's not something unusual too, everybody can do that, the only thing which changes from individual to individual is the efficiency and the quality of the cyberware architecture implanted into the body itself. To make it short, the more expensive, the more things, devices, and objects you can generate at the palm of your hand out of thin air.

As Isaac was approaching his target, the vast, innocent nerve on the wall of the rabbit's dick. He activated his nano-body-replicators to generate a kinetic shield force field in front of him to protect him from the direct impact. Despite that, the cat felt like a bullet on the nerve's surface bouncing back into the air for a brief moment before falling back on his back into the freshly surface. He diced to stay there for a moment to recover some of his energy.

In the average size world, Millo was almost finishing his shower. The fluffy, innocent, submissive bunny had literally no idea how dominant his body had become. Even with Isaac's direct impact on his most sensitive body's part ever, the entire action was so ridiculous and insignificant to the gargantuan rabbit, his body didn't even register. Bad news to the frail feline.

Back inside the rabbit's body, Isaac was beginning to recover himself and beginning to analyze his new surroundings, his new world one could say that. The first thing he wanted to know was how far away from Millo's slit he was. The siamese-cat could try to do some math to figure that out, but honestly, he didn't need it.

The kitty's cyberware system recorded for how long he was falling, for how long he was yelling to be more precisely. Given his falling speed, another data his system also knew, it was easy to come with a good approximated number.

"Oh my gosh!!!"

That was Isaac's expression when he saw the numbers on his cyber-holographic display. According to the approximated statistics, the poor feline was about 460 feet away from the entrance to the bunny's penis. Isaac didn't even know what to do! He had no idea he had become so small just to begin with.

"I'm lost inside Millo's dick... lost inside his urethra..."

The cat didn't want to do it, but he needed to. Giving some shy, tempting steps towards the edge of that vein, Isaac dared to look down into the depths of the bunny's urethra, trying to see the bottom of it, but he wasn't able to. Looking back up, he could still see some weak, blear light coming from the rabbit's slit, which he knew now was very far away above.

To make matters worse, Millo had just finished cleaning his privates, and his fingers now had just released his foreskin. Slowly the foreskin of the bunny boy was retreating itself, covering the pink, plane surface of the rabbit's dick. Further flattening any debris which could possibly still exist there into oblivion. Isaac didn't know, but somehow he was lucky not to be up there anymore.

But life isn't fair, and as soon light was gone, The bunny released his dick. The flaccid penis of the male rabbit lowered itself back to its previous position, resting on top of the rabbit's ball. Inside, however, it felt like the gravity of the world was changing again, and in fact, it was. Isaac didn't need to balance himself on top of the surface of that large nerve, the whole urethra became an endless tunnel him.

Your size matters (part four)

Millo finished his shower, he casually towel-dried himself. The rabbit boy didn't miss any single part of any single tuft of fur as he slowly dried his skinny, soft-curled body. After that, Millo walked close to what looked like a small bathroom...

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The Skate Girl

There he was, the all-important, elegant, executive cat running out of time again. But this time, it was different. Right in the middle of an empty sidewalk inside of the Central Park of the busy, agitated metro area, Isaac was panicking, and he...

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